What are the genres of literary works. Literary genres and genera: features and classification


Study the epic genre of literature. It includes the following: - story: a relatively small prose work (from 1 to 20 pages), describing a case, a small incident or an acute dramatic situation in which the hero finds himself. The action of the story usually takes no more than one or two days in duration. The scene may not change throughout the story;
- a story: a work is enough (an average of 100 pages), where from 1 to 10 characters are considered. The location may change. The duration of action can cover a significant period, from one month to a year or more. The story in the story unfolds vividly in time and space. Significant changes can occur in the lives of heroes - moving, and meetings;
- novel: large epic form from 200 pages. The novel can trace the life of the characters from birth to death. Includes an extensive system of storylines. Time can affect past epochs and be carried far into the future;
- an epic novel can consider the life of several generations.

Familiarize yourself with the lyrical genre of literature. It includes the following genres:
- ode: a poetic form, the theme of which is the glorification of a person or event;
- satire: a poetic form that aims to ridicule some vice, situation or person worthy of ridicule
- sonnet: a poetic form with a strict compositional structure. For example, the English model of a sonnet, which ends with two obligatory stanzas containing some kind of aphorism;
- the following poetic genres are also known - elegy, epigram, free verse, haiku, etc.

The following genres belong to the dramatic genre of literature: - tragedy: a dramatic work, in the final of which there is the death of the hero. Such an ending for the tragedy is the only possible solution to the dramatic situation;
- comedy: a dramatic work in which the main meaning and essence is laughter. It may be satirical or kinder in nature, but every incident in a comedy makes the viewer/reader laugh;
- drama: a dramatic work, in the center of which is the inner world of a person, the problem of choice, the search for truth. Drama is the most widespread genre in our time.

As you know, all literary works, depending on the nature of the depicted, belong to one of the three genera: epic, lyric or drama .

1 ) Joke2) Apocrypha3) Ballad a4) Fable5) Bylina

6) Drama7) Life 8) Riddle9) Historical songs

10) Comedy11) Legend12) Lyric13) Novella

14) Ode 15) Essay16) Pamphlet17) Tale

18) Proverbs and sayings 19) Poems 20) Story21) Romance

22) Fairy tale23) Word 24) Tragedy25) Chastushka26) Elegy

27) Epigram 28) Epic29) Epic

Video lesson "Literary types and genres"

A literary genre is a generalized name for a group of works, depending on the nature of the reflection of reality.

EPOS(from the Greek "narrative") is a generalized name for works depicting events external to the author.

LYRICS(from the Greek. "performed to the lyre") - this is a generalized name for works in which there is no plot, but the feelings, thoughts, experiences of the author or his lyrical hero are depicted.

DRAMA(from the Greek. "action") - a generalized name of works intended for staging on stage; the drama is dominated by the dialogue of the characters, the author's beginning is minimized.

Varieties of epic, lyrical and dramatic works are called types of literary works.

Type and genre - concepts in literary criticism very close.

Genres are variations in the type of literary work. For example, a genre version of a story can be a fantasy or historical story, and a genre version of a comedy can be a vaudeville, etc. Strictly speaking, a literary genre is a historically established type of work of art containing certain structural features and aesthetic quality characteristic of this group of works.


epic, novel, story, short story, fairy tale, fable, legend.

EPIC is a major work of art that tells about significant historical events. In ancient times - a narrative poem of heroic content. In the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, the epic novel genre appears - this is a work in which the formation of the characters of the main characters occurs in the course of their participation in historical events.

ROMAN is a large narrative work of art with a complex plot, in the center of which is the fate of the individual.

A STORY is a work of art that occupies a middle position between a novel and a short story in terms of the volume and complexity of the plot. In ancient times, any narrative work was called a story.

STORY - a work of art of a small size, based on an episode, an incident from the life of a hero.

FAIRY TALE - a work about fictional events and heroes, usually with the participation of magical, fantastic forces.

FABLE (from “bayat” - to tell) is a narrative work in poetic form, small in size, moralizing or satirical in nature.


ode, hymn, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, message.

ODA (from the Greek “song”) is a choral, solemn song.

HYMN (from Greek “praise”) is a solemn song based on programmatic verses.

EPIGRAM (from Greek “inscription”) is a short satirical poem of a mocking nature that arose in the 3rd century BC. e.

ELEGY - a genre of lyrics dedicated to sad thoughts or a lyrical poem imbued with sadness. Belinsky called an elegy "a song of sad content." The word "elegy" is translated as "reed flute" or "mournful song". The elegy originated in ancient Greece in the 7th century BC. e.

MESSAGE - a poetic letter, an appeal to a specific person, a request, a wish, a confession.

SONNET (from the Provencal sonette - "song") - a poem of 14 lines, which has a certain rhyming system and strict stylistic laws. The sonnet originated in Italy in the 13th century (the creator is the poet Jacopo da Lentini), appeared in England in the first half of the 16th century (G. Sarri), and in Russia in the 18th century. The main types of the sonnet are Italian (from 2 quatrains and 2 tercetes) and English (from 3 quatrains and the final couplet).


Literary genera and literary genres are the most powerful means to ensure the unity and continuity of the literary process. They relate to the characteristic features of the narration, the plot, the author's position and the relationship of the narrator with the reader.

V. G. Belinsky is considered the founder of Russian literary criticism, but even in antiquity, Aristotle made a serious contribution to the concept of literary gender, which Belinsky later scientifically substantiated.

So, the types of literature are called numerous sets of works of art (texts), which differ in the type of relation of the speaker to the artistic whole. There are 3 genera:

  • epic;
  • Lyrics;
  • Drama.

The epic as a kind of literature aims to tell in as much detail as possible about an object, phenomenon or event, about the circumstances associated with them, the conditions of existence. The author, as it were, is removed from what is happening and acts as a narrator-narrator. The main thing in the text is the story itself.

The lyrics aim to tell not so much about the events, but about the impressions and feelings that the author has experienced and is experiencing. The main image will be the image of the inner world and the human soul. Impression and experience are the main events of the lyrics. This kind of literature is dominated by poetry..

Drama tries to depict the object in action and show it on the stage, to present what is described in the environment of other phenomena. The author's text is visible here only in remarks - brief explanations of the actions and remarks of the characters. Sometimes the author's position is reflected by a special reasoning hero.

Epos (from Greek - "narration") Lyrics (derived from "lyre", a musical instrument, the sound of which accompanied the reading of poetry) Drama (from Greek - "action")
A story about events, phenomena, the fate of heroes, adventures, deeds. The external side of what is happening is depicted. Feelings are also shown from the side of their external manifestation. The author can be either a detached narrator or directly express his position (in lyrical digressions). Experience of phenomena and events, reflection of inner emotions and feelings, detailed image of the inner world. The main event is the feeling and how it affected the hero. Shows the event and the relationship of the characters on the stage. It implies a special type of writing text. The author's point of view is contained in the remarks or remarks of the reasoning hero.

Each type of literature includes several genres.

Literary genres

A genre is a group of works united by historically characteristic common features of form and content. Genres include novel, poem, short story, epigram and many others.

However, between the concept of "genre" and "genus" there is an intermediate - type. This is a less broad concept than a genus, but wider than a genre. Although sometimes the term "kind" is identified with the term "genre". If these concepts are distinguished, then the novel will be considered a type of fiction, and its varieties (dystopian novel, adventure novel, fantasy novel) - genres.

Example: genus - epic, type - story, genre - Christmas story.

Types of literature and their genres, table.

epic Lyrics Drama
Folk Author's Folk Author's Folk Author's
Epic poem:
  • Heroic;
  • Military;
  • Fairy-tale legendary;
  • Historical.

Fairy tale, epic, thought, tradition, legend, song. Small genres:

  • proverbs;
  • sayings;
  • riddles and fun.
Epic Romance:
  • historical;
  • fantastic;
  • adventurous;
  • novel-parable;
  • Utopian;
  • social, etc.

Small genres:

  • story;
  • story;
  • short story;
  • fable;
  • parable;
  • ballad;
  • literary tale.
Song. Ode, hymn, elegy, sonnet, madrigal, epistle, romance, epigram. Game, rite, nativity scene, rayek. Tragedy and comedy:
  • provisions;
  • characters;
  • masks;
  • philosophical;
  • social;
  • historical.

Vaudeville Farce

Modern literary critics single out 4 kinds of literature - lyroepic (lyroepos). A poem is attributed to him. On the one hand, the poem tells about the feelings and experiences of the main character, and on the other hand, it describes the history, events, circumstances in which the hero lives.

The poem has a plot-narrative organization, it describes many experiences of the protagonist. The main feature is the presence, along with a clearly structured storyline, of multiple lyrical digressions or paying attention to the character's inner world.

The lyric-epic genres include the ballad. It has an unusual, dynamic and extremely tense plot. It is characterized by a poetic form, it is a story in verse. May be historical, heroic, or mythical. The plot is often borrowed from folklore.

The text of an epic work is strictly plot-driven, focused on events, characters and circumstances. It is based on storytelling, not on experience. The events described by the author are separated from him, as a rule, by a long period of time, which allows him to be impartial and objective. The author's position can manifest itself in lyrical digressions. However, they are absent in purely epic works.

Events are described in the past tense. The story is unhurried, unhurried, measured. The world appears complete and fully known. Many detailed details, great thoroughness.

Major epic genres

An epic novel can be called a work covering a long period in history, describing many heroes, with intertwining storylines. Has a large volume. The novel is the most popular genre these days. Most of the books on the shelves in bookstores are of the novel genre.

The story is either classified as a small or medium genre, it concentrates on one storyline, on the fate of a particular hero.

Small genres of epic

The story embodies small literary genres. This is the so-called intensive prose, in which, due to the small volume, there are no detailed descriptions, enumerations and an abundance of details. The author is trying to convey a specific idea to the reader, and the entire text is aimed at revealing this idea.

The stories are characterized by the following features:

  • Small volume.
  • In the center of the plot is a specific event.
  • A small number of heroes - 1, a maximum of 2-3 central characters.
  • It has a specific theme, which is devoted to the entire text.
  • It aims to answer a specific question, the rest are secondary and, as a rule, are not disclosed.

Nowadays, it is practically impossible to determine where the story is and where the short story is, even though these genres have completely different origins. At the dawn of its appearance, the short story was a short dynamic work with an entertaining plot, accompanied by anecdotal situations. It lacked psychology.

Essay is a genre of non-fiction based on real facts. However, very often an essay can be called a story and vice versa. There won't be a big mistake here.

In a literary fairy tale, a fairy tale narrative is stylized, it often reflects the mood of the whole society, some political ideas sound.

Lyrics are subjective. Addressed to the inner world of the hero or the author himself. This kind of literature is characterized by emotional interest, psychologism. The plot fades into the background. It is not the events and phenomena that are happening themselves that are important, but the attitude of the hero towards them, how they affect him. Events often reflect the state of the character's inner world. The lyrics have a completely different attitude to time, it seems as if it does not exist, and all events take place exclusively in the present.

Lyric genres

The main genres of poems, the list of which can be continued:

  • Ode is a solemn poem intended to praise and exalt
  • hero (historical figure).
  • Elegy is a poetic work with sadness as the dominant mood, which is a reflection on the meaning of life against the backdrop of a landscape.
  • Satire is a caustic and accusatory work; epigrams are classified as poetic satirical genres.
  • An epitaph is a piece of poetry written on the occasion of the death of someone. Often becomes an inscription on a tombstone.
  • Madrigal - a small message to a friend, usually containing a hymn.
  • Epithalama is a wedding hymn.
  • The message is a verse written in the form of a letter, implying openness.
  • A sonnet is a strict poetic genre that requires strict observance of the form. Consists of 14 lines: 2 quatrains, and 2 tertiary.

To understand the drama, it is important to understand the source and nature of its conflict. Drama is always aimed at a direct portrayal; dramatic works are written to be staged. The only means of revealing the character of the hero in the drama is his speech. The hero, as it were, lives in the spoken word, which reflects his entire inner world.

The action in a drama (play) develops from the present to the future. Although events take place in the present, they are not completed, they are directed to the future. Since dramatic works are aimed at staging them on the stage, each of them implies spectacle.

Dramatic works

Tragedy, comedy and farce are genres of drama.

At the center of the classical tragedy is an irreconcilable eternal conflict, which is inevitable. Often the tragedy ends with the death of the heroes who failed to resolve this conflict, but death is not a genre-defining factor, since it can be present in both comedy and drama.

Comedy is characterized by a humorous or satirical depiction of reality. The conflict is specific and usually resolvable. There is a comedy of characters and a sitcom. They differ in the source of comedy: in the first case, the situations in which the characters find themselves are funny, and in the second, the characters themselves. Often these 2 types of comedy overlap with each other.

Modern dramaturgy gravitates toward genre modifications. A farce is a deliberately comical work in which attention is focused on comic elements. Vaudeville is a light comedy with a simple plot and a clear writing style.

It is not worth the path of drama as a kind of literature and drama as a literary genre. In the second case, the drama is characterized by an acute conflict, which is less global, irreconcilable and insoluble than a tragic conflict. In the center of the work - the relationship between man and society. The drama is realistic and close to life.

Each literary genre is divided into genres, which are characterized by features common to a group of works. There are epic, lyrical, lyrical epic genres, genres of dramaturgy.

epic genres

Story(literary) - a work in prose or poetic form, based on the folklore traditions of a folk tale (one storyline, fiction, depiction of the struggle between good and evil, antithesis and repetition as the leading principles of composition). For example, satirical tales by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.
Parable(from the Greek parabole - "located (placed) behind") - a small epic genre, a small narrative work of an instructive nature, containing moral or religious teaching, based on a broad generalization and use of allegories. Russian writers often used the parable as an interstitial episode in their works in order to fill the narrative with deep meaning. Let us recall the Kalmyk fairy tale told by Pugachev to Pyotr Grinev (A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter") - in fact, this is the culmination in the disclosure of the image of Emelyan Pugachev: "Than eating carrion for three hundred years, it is better to drink living blood once, and then what God will give!". The plot of the parable about the resurrection of Lazarus, which Sonechka Marmeladova read to Rodion Raskolnikov, suggests to the reader the idea of ​​​​a possible spiritual revival of the protagonist of the novel, F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". In M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom", the wanderer Luka tells a parable "about the righteous land" to show how dangerous the truth can be for weak and desperate people.
Fable- a small genre of epic; plot-complete, having an allegorical meaning, the fable is an illustration of a well-known worldly or moral rule. The fable differs from the parable in the completeness of the plot; the fable is characterized by the unity of action, brevity of presentation, the absence of detailed characteristics and other elements of a non-narrative nature that hinder the development of the plot. Usually a fable consists of 2 parts: 1) a story about an event, specific, but easily generalizable, 2) moralizing following or preceding the story.
Feature article- a genre, the hallmark of which is "writing from nature." In the essay, the role of the plot is weakened, because fiction is irrelevant here. The author of the essay, as a rule, narrates in the first person, which allows him to include his thoughts in the text, draw comparisons and analogies - i.e. use the means of journalism and science. An example of the use of the essay genre in literature is “Notes of a Hunter” by I.S. Turgenev.
Novella(Italian novella - news) is a kind of story, an epic action-packed work with an unexpected denouement, characterized by brevity, a neutral style of presentation, and a lack of psychologism. An important role in the development of the action of the novel is played by chance, the intervention of fate. A typical example of a Russian short story is the cycle of stories by I.A. Bunin "Dark Alleys": the author does not psychologically draw the characters of his heroes; a whim of fate, blind chance brings them together for a while and separates them forever.
Story- an epic genre of a small volume with a small number of heroes and the short duration of the events depicted. In the center of the narrative is an image of an event or life phenomenon. In Russian classical literature, the recognized masters of the story were A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, M. Gorky, A.I. Kuprin and others.
Tale- a prose genre that does not have a stable volume and occupies an intermediate position between a novel, on the one hand, and a short story and a short story, on the other, gravitating towards a chronicle plot that reproduces the natural course of life. The story differs from the story and the novel in the volume of text, the number of characters and issues raised, the complexity of the conflict, etc. In the story, it is not so much the movement of the plot that is important, but the descriptions: the characters, the place of action, the psychological state of a person. For example: “The Enchanted Wanderer” by N.S. Leskov, "Steppe" by A.P. Chekhov, "Village" by I.A. Bunin. In the story, episodes often follow one after another according to the principle of a chronicle, there is no internal connection between them, or it is weakened, therefore the story is often built as a biography or autobiography: "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth" L.N. Tolstoy, "The Life of Arseniev" by I.A. Bunin, etc. (Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / edited by Prof. A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosmen, 2006.)
Novel(French roman - a work written in one of the "living" Romance languages, and not in "dead" Latin) - an epic genre, the subject of the image in which is a certain period or a person's whole life; Roman what is it? - the novel is characterized by the duration of the events described, the presence of several storylines and a system of actors, which includes groups of equivalent characters (for example: main characters, secondary, episodic); a work of this genre covers a wide range of life phenomena and a wide range of socially significant problems. There are different approaches to the classification of novels: 1) according to structural features (novel-parable, novel-myth, novel-dystopia, novel-journey, novel in verse, etc.); 2) on issues (family, social, social, psychological, psychological, philosophical, historical, adventurous, fantastic, sentimental, satirical, etc.); 3) according to the era in which this or that type of novel dominated (knightly, enlightenment, Victorian, Gothic, modernist, etc.). It should be noted that the exact classification of genre varieties of the novel has not yet been established. There are works whose ideological and artistic originality does not fit into the framework of any one method of classification. For example, the work of M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" contains both acute social and philosophical issues, it simultaneously develops the events of biblical history (in the author's interpretation) and contemporary Moscow life of the 20-30s of the XX century, scenes full of drama are interspersed with satirical. Based on these features of the work, it can be classified as a socio-philosophical satirical novel-myth.
epic novel- this is a work in which the subject of the image is not the history of private life, but the fate of the whole people or an entire social group; the plot is built on the basis of nodes - key, turning point historical events. At the same time, the fate of the people is reflected in the fate of the heroes, as in a drop of water, and, on the other hand, the picture of people's life is made up of individual destinies, private life stories. An integral part of the epic are mass scenes, thanks to which the author creates a generalized picture of the flow of people's life, the movement of history. When creating an epic, the artist requires the highest skill in linking episodes (scenes of private life and mass scenes), psychological authenticity in drawing characters, historicism of artistic thinking - all this makes the epic the pinnacle of literary creativity, which not every writer can climb. That is why in Russian literature only two works created in the epic genre are known: “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, "Quiet Flows the Don" by M.A. Sholokhov.

Lyric genres

Song- a small poetic lyrical genre, characterized by the simplicity of musical and verbal construction.
Elegy(Greek elegeia, elegos - a mournful song) - a poem of meditative or emotional content, dedicated to philosophical reflections caused by the contemplation of nature or deeply personal feelings about life and death, about unrequited (usually) love; the prevailing moods of the elegy are sadness, light sadness. Elegy is a favorite genre of V.A. Zhukovsky ("Sea", "Evening", "Singer", etc.).
Sonnet(Italian sonetto, from Italian sonare - to sound) - a lyrical poem of 14 lines in the form of a complex stanza. The lines of a sonnet can be arranged in two ways: two quatrains and two tercetes, or three quatrains and distich. In quatrains there can be only two rhymes, and in terzets - two or three.
The Italian (Petrarchian) sonnet consists of two quatrains with the rhyme abba abba or abab abab and two tercetes with the rhyme cdc dcd or cde cde, less often cde edc. French sonnet form: abba abba ccd eed. English (Shakespearean) - with rhyming scheme abab cdcd efef gg.
The classical sonnet presupposes a certain sequence of thought development: thesis - antithesis - synthesis - denouement. Judging by the name of this genre, particular importance is attached to the sonnet's musicality, which is achieved by alternating male and female rhymes.
European poets developed many original types of sonnets, as well as the wreath of sonnets, one of the most difficult literary forms.
Russian poets turned to the sonnet genre: A.S. Pushkin (“Sonnet”, “To the Poet”, “Madonna”, etc.), A.A. Fet (“Sonnet”, “Date in the Forest”), poets of the Silver Age (V.Ya. Bryusov, K.D. Balmont, A.A. Blok, I.A. Bunin).
Message(Greek epistole - epistole) - a poetic letter, in the time of Horace - philosophical and didactic content, later - of any nature: narrative, satirical, love, friendship, etc. A mandatory feature of the message is the presence of an appeal to a specific addressee, motives for wishes, requests. For example: “My Penates” by K.N. Batyushkov, "Pushchin", "Message to the Censor" by A.S. Pushkin and others.
Epigram(Greek epgramma - inscription) - a short satirical poem, which is a lesson, as well as a direct response to topical events, often political. For example: epigrams of A.S. Pushkin on A.A. Arakcheeva, F.V. Bulgarin, Sasha Cherny's epigram "To Bryusov's album", etc.
Oh yeah(from Greek ōdḗ, Latin ode, oda - song) - a solemn, pathetic, glorifying lyrical work dedicated to depicting major historical events or persons, talking about significant topics of religious and philosophical content. The ode genre was widespread in Russian literature of the 18th - early 19th centuries. in the work of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavin, in the early works of V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev, but in the late 20s of the XIX century. other genres have come to replace the ode. Separate attempts by some authors to create an ode do not correspond to the canons of this genre (“Ode to the Revolution” by V.V. Mayakovsky and others).
lyric poem- a small poetic work in which there is no plot; the author focuses on the inner world, intimate experiences, reflections, moods of the lyrical hero (the author of a lyric poem and the lyrical hero are not the same person).

Lyric epic genres

Ballad(Provencal ballada, from ballar - to dance; Italian - ballata) - a plot poem, that is, a story of a historical, mythical or heroic nature, set out in poetic form. Usually a ballad is built on the basis of the dialogue of characters, while the plot does not have independent meaning - it is a means of creating a certain mood, subtext. So, “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg” by A.S. Pushkin has philosophical overtones, "Borodino" by M.Yu. Lermontov - socio-psychological.
Poem(Greek poiein - "to create", "creation") - a large or medium-sized poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot (for example, "The Bronze Horseman" by A.S. Pushkin, "Mtsyri" by M.Yu. Lermontov, "The Twelve" A .A. Blok, etc.), the system of images of the poem may include a lyrical hero (for example, "Requiem" by A.A. Akhmatova).
Poem in prose- a small lyrical work in prose form, characterized by increased emotionality, expressing subjective experiences, impressions. For example: "Russian language" I.S. Turgenev.

Drama genres

Tragedy- a dramatic work, the main conflict of which is caused by exceptional circumstances and insoluble contradictions that lead the hero to death.
Drama- a play, the content of which is connected with the image of everyday life; despite the depth and seriousness, the conflict, as a rule, concerns private life and can be resolved without a tragic outcome.
Comedy- a dramatic work in which the action and characters are presented in funny forms; comedy is distinguished by the rapid development of action, the presence of complex, intricate plot moves, a happy ending and simplicity of style. There are sitcoms based on cunning intrigue, a special set of circumstances, and comedies of manners (characters), based on the ridicule of human vices and shortcomings, high comedy, everyday, satirical, etc. For example, "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboyedov - high comedy, "Undergrowth" by D.I. Fonvizina is satirical.

A genre in literature is a selection of texts that have a similar structure and are similar in content. There are quite a lot of them, but there is a division by gender, by form and content.

Classification of genres in literature.

Division by birth

With such a classification, one should consider the attitude of the author himself to the text of interest to the reader. He was the first to try to divide literary works into four genres, each with its own internal divisions:

  • epic (novels, stories, epics, short stories, stories, fairy tales, epics),
  • lyrical (odes, elegies, messages, epigrams),
  • dramatic (dramas, comedies, tragedies),
  • lyrical-epic (ballads, poems).

Division by content

According to this principle of separation, three groups emerged:

  • Comedy
  • tragedy
  • Drama.

The last two groups speak of a tragic fate, a conflict in the work. And comedies should be divided into smaller subgroups: parody, farce, vaudeville, sitcom, interlude.

Separation by shape

The group is diverse and numerous. There are thirteen genres in this group:

  • epic,
  • epic,
  • novel,
  • story,
  • short story
  • story,
  • sketch,
  • play,
  • feature article,
  • essay,
  • opus,
  • visions.

There is no such clear division in prose.

It is not easy to immediately determine what genre this or that work is. How does the read work affect the reader? What feelings does it evoke? Whether the author is present, whether he introduces his personal experiences, whether a simple narrative is being conducted without adding an analysis of the events described. All these questions require specific answers in order to make a final verdict on whether the text belongs to a certain type of literary genre.

Genres speak for themselves

To begin to understand the genre diversity of literature, you should know the characteristics of each of them.

  1. Form groups are perhaps the most interesting. A play is a work written specifically for the stage. The story is a prosaic narrative work of small volume. The novel is distinguished by its scale. The story is an intermediate genre, standing between the story and the novel, which tells about the fate of one hero.
  2. Content groups are small, so it is very easy to remember them. Comedy is humorous and satirical. Tragedy always ends as expected. The drama is based on the conflict between human life and society.
  3. The genus typology contains only three structures:
    1. The epic tells about the past without expressing one's personal opinion about what is happening.
    2. The lyrics always contain the feelings and experiences of the lyrical hero, that is, the author himself.
    3. The drama reveals its plot through the communication of the characters among themselves.
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