How angry are the different signs of the zodiac. The accuracy is amazing! How do zodiac signs express anger?

Whatever it is, we all get angry sometimes. The reasons are different - both small and large, but nevertheless, even the most calm people experience a feeling of anger.

After all, it happens that under the mask of ostentatious calm, a whole ocean of emotions seethes. Astrologers believe that how people behave when they are angry depends on their zodiac sign.

You may not believe in astrology, but nevertheless, everything is so true. Read this article and check if you and your friends match?


These people are dangerous in anger. When they are angry, they scream loudly, stomp their feet, and may throw their fists at you. This is an incredibly fascinating sight, if you stand about five kilometers from the epicenter of events. But Aries, by the way, also quickly cool down.


Taurus is not violent, but if you seriously get them, then they will be angry for a long time. In the process, they hand out slaps to anyone who comes to hand. It's almost impossible to stop them. Just watch and wind on your mustache.


This Zodiac Sign in anger can only say something very offensive or kick something, but will not yell for an hour and wave its arms. Shout something caustic a couple of times and shut up. Also, Geminis are very easygoing.

Cancers are angry at themselves. If the cause of the anger was not a person, then you will not understand at all that Cancer is angry. He will blush and pout, and then return to normal. But if a person angered him, then Cancer will simply take revenge. No swearing or fighting.

Sometimes Leos just get angry. They roar and remind everyone that they are kings. They get angry when something does not go the way they wanted, that is, quite often. The best way to calm a Leo is to admit you're wrong and ask for forgiveness.


The maidens grumble in a fit of anger. If you piss them off a lot, then your body may be found nailed at the entrance of your own home, so that others in the future think what it takes to piss off the Virgin. They can not do anything - they are completely immersed in anger, swearing at everything and everyone around, except for themselves.



Scorpios are angry inside themselves, experiencing an incredible storm of emotions. The culprit is usually waiting for a terrible future and endless revenge. To remove this curse from yourself, you just need to sincerely ask for forgiveness from Scorpio.


Sagittarians in the moment of anger say what they think. In a quarrel, they will not fight - they will simply say everything in the face of their opponent. It is also worth noting that Sagittarians generally do not have much control over their emotions.


When these people get angry, they start hysterical and showdown. It's quite exciting, but don't try to show it to them, otherwise you will immediately get in the face or on the back. There is another kind of Capricorn, angry phlegmatic and with dignity.


Aquarians get angry in a very… smart way. Their anger is useful because it provokes them to introspection and deep reflection. They go into themselves and return only after a long period of time.


Pisces produce a huge flurry of emotions when they are angry. First they are heated, then they boil, and then there is a real explosion. This can be expressed in very different ways, because the true emotional nature of Pisces defies logic.

Some Signs of the Zodiac are used to holding grudges in themselves, while others, on the contrary, splash out all their emotions at the same moment. Someone is used to holding back and behaving calmly until they finally bring him to the end, but for someone one phrase is enough to get started. Who is angry and how do the Signs of the Zodiac behave in a quarrel? The whole truth about each sign of the zodiac.

♈ Aries

Aries is the most impulsive and impetuous sign of the Zodiac, which lights up like a match. He easily succumbs to the influence of anger and rage and immediately begins to scream and prove his case. This person is not used to being silent about what he does not like. Fortunately, representatives of this Zodiac Sign quickly depart and forget about the quarrel.

♉ Taurus

Taurus is a very calm and restrained sign of the Zodiac, but if the cup of his patience is full, then he is able to surprise with his rage and anger. This is the most stubborn sign of the zodiac, which cannot be over-stubborn. Usually Taurus tries to calmly, in the form of a dialogue, prove his point of view.

♊ Gemini

Gemini are such spontaneous and unpredictable people that it is quite difficult to predict their reaction to a particular situation. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign can make an elephant out of a fly and make a scandal out of the blue, and, conversely, they are able to turn a blind eye to what they don’t like if they are in too good a mood.

♋ Cancer

Cancer is a very touchy sign of the Zodiac, which is used to closing in on itself and being silent about the problem for a long time. Most often, representatives of this Zodiac Sign expect the other person to guess that they don’t like something. And when this does not happen, Cancer becomes very upset and shows his anger in the form of tantrums and tears.

♌ Leo

Leo is a non-conflict person and tries not to provoke quarrels. But since this is a very proud Sign of the Zodiac, he always proves his case to the last and tries to show his superiority. Leo can be very angry at the dismissive attitude towards his point of view, and then he will show all his anger.

♍ Virgo

Usually Virgo tries to maintain good relations with people and behaves quite benevolently in communication. But if you make Virgo really angry, then she will close in on herself and become very angry. In this case, you should not sort things out with her, but rather give her time to cool down and digest her emotions.

♎ Libra

Libras are quite patient and calm people who by all means avoid conflicts and quarrels. At the same time, Libra loves to argue, but they perceive this habit as part of communication and an opportunity to get to the bottom of the truth. This is a rather sensitive sign of the Zodiac, which most often experiences pain, not anger.

♏ Scorpio

Scorpio is a very vindictive and vindictive zodiac sign that knows how to put pressure on the most painful place. It is enough to see his angry look to understand that he began to hatch an insidious plan for revenge. And even if you make peace with Scorpio, you still need to be on the alert, because this Zodiac Sign does not forget anything.

♐ Sagittarius

Sagittarius in anger begins to scream, offend, insult and behave very unfairly. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign usually maintain peaceful relations with people, but if a quarrel nevertheless took place, then Sagittarius may not show his best side. When Sagittarius calms down, he will be embarrassed for his behavior.

♑ Capricorn

Capricorn loves when peace and harmony are preserved in his life, but at the same time he carefully accumulates all his grievances and can seriously speak out if the cup of patience is overflowing. In a quarrel, Capricorn is able to crush the opponent with a lot of remarks and logical arguments. If Capricorn gets angry in earnest, he will close and will be stubbornly silent.

♒ Aquarius

Aquarians most often try to avoid conflicts and ignore annoying people. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign behave coldly and indifferently with people they do not like. But if Aquarius is seriously angered, then he will scream furiously, not even giving anyone the right to justify. And after a quarrel, he will simply try to avoid this person.

♓ Pisces

Pisces are by nature very sensitive and do not like conflicts. But when anger overtakes representatives of this Zodiac Sign, they immediately become completely different people. Pisces can be very unfair, ruthless and cruel in a quarrel. And then they carry a grudge for a long time and do not consider that they were wrong in some way.

It’s not always that you—or the people around you—are kind and sweet. In life, there are different situations that make us angry and upset.

Astrologers know that all zodiac signs get angry and offended in different ways. And if you know this and you can easily understand how angry a person of one sign or another is and how the easiest way is to help him calm down.

Aries: The anger of an Aries is like a thunderstorm or an explosion - it starts just as quickly and brightly, but it also fades very quickly. If an Aries is angry with you, give him time to get angry, let him let off steam. Don't say anything or argue: Aries will rage and be ready to deal with the situation without malice.

Taurus. But the anger of the Taurus is like an asphalt skating rink - until it rolls out the asphalt (and figuratively, you along with the asphalt) - then you won’t calm down. Moreover, calves can only be pacified in dialogue - therefore, it is better to talk with an evil calf calmly and confidently.

Twins. That they are angry, you will not immediately understand. It will seem to you that the twins are just in a bad mood, but this is not so. If there is a lot of sarcasm in your direction, resentment and claims in the conversation, then you have angered the twin with something. But with twins it is best to sort things out in private. Just take the twin aside and ask what's wrong.

Crayfish. The anger of crayfish is also not immediately understood. It's like that joke about husband and wife.

Husband: Are you offended? Wife: no. Husband: Strong? Wife: yes! This joke is about crayfish. You yourself must understand that cancer is angry and, most importantly, why angry. And, of course, quickly ask for forgiveness if it was your fault.

A lion. Lions, even when angry, try to keep calm and composure. But those. who at this moment is next to the lions, it is difficult to maintain calm. Because lions will not scream or make a fuss - but they will literally incinerate with their eyes and make everyone around them feel very guilty for their problems (even if others are not to blame)

Virgo. An evil maiden is a strongly offended maiden. Virgos generally tend to be offended, and if they are strongly offended, then you will see an evil micro-hurricane sweeping away everything in its path. Moreover, even when the virgins seem to calm down and cool down, they still remember who caused their anger.

Scales. Libra tries their best to pretend that everything is normal and they are not angry. But the more they try, the worse it gets. As a result, this can lead to the fact that at one fine moment the scales simply “boil” - and then it will be difficult to calm them down.

Scorpion. We do not advise you to face an evil scorpion - you are at great risk of learning an unpleasant truth about yourself. Scorpios very quickly know how to touch a nerve, they easily see weak points in a person. Also, do not argue with an evil scorpion - he will definitely out-argue you.

Sagittarius. But the archers in anger are ready to smash everything that comes to hand. Phones and dishes fly against the wall, things are scattered in different directions, and so on. There is only one conclusion - do not get caught by the archers under a hot hand, it is better (if possible) do not communicate until the archer calms down.

Capricorn. It is very easy to understand that a Capricorn is angry. If a friendly and benevolent Capricorn suddenly suddenly stopped noticing you, communicates only when necessary, or even does not communicate with you at all, then 99% that you have angered or offended Capricorn with something.

Aquarius. But Aquarians are better off coping with anger alone - this way they calm down much faster, a sober look at the situation and adequate thinking return.

Fish. Evil fish will scream, defend their rightness - and in general are ready to arrange a local revolution because of their anger. But when the fish cool down and calm down, they realize that they were wrong and often apologize or ask for forgiveness.

At all people have those specific “buttons”, by pressing which you can piss them off and make them literally explode with anger. For everyone, this is very individual and can easily depend on your zodiac sign, which determines what we cannot tolerate and what we avoid in life. This can range from dislike of someone chewing loudly to someone's habits or actions. What is especially intolerant of each sign of the zodiac?

1. Aries

If you want to annoy an Aries, it's pretty easy as they can't wait to fight you. You can just walk away from this competition. That's right - when you want to piss off an Aries, then ignore him. Nothing unnerves him more than an opponent who not only doesn't want to fight him, but also ignores him and walks away.

2. Taurus

Don't take him seriously. Yes that's right. If you want to see a Taurus in a rage, then touch on what he takes to heart. So, look at his interests, aspirations, achievements and let Taurus know that this is not enough and only half done.

3. Gemini

Set a goal and make the Gemini go for it. Nothing irritates this sign more than external pressure. If you want to bring him to white heat, give him a responsible task and strictly monitor its implementation. When it comes to such a hidden ultimatum, Geminis just go crazy with anger.

4. Cancer

Catch him in a lie and blame him for it. Cancer is not always ready for the fact that he must take responsibility for his actions, because this takes him by surprise and makes him very angry. This sign does not like and does not know how to admit that he has made a mistake or a mistake at least somewhere or at least somehow. Want to hit a Cancer? Tell him that you know what he did.

5. Leo

If you are trying to piss off Leo, show him the reality. Leo tends to live in the world of his illusions, so much so that they quite often blur the line between fantasy and the real state of affairs. Tell this sign that he is not a king, and his fans are false. The facts infuriate Leo, and he begins to zealously deny them and even rush into a fight.

6. Virgo

In principle, it is difficult to infuriate a Virgo, but if there is something that will bring this sign out of itself, then this is when they contradict it. If you do something differently or have a different opinion from Virgo and firmly insist on it, continuing to bend your line, then it will explode.

7. Libra

This sign greatly offends meanness and baseness. If you really want to watch Libra lose their temper, then do something insidious and vile. It's not that Libras are ideal people, they just have an overdeveloped sense of justice, and they can be ruthless when they consider something wrong and dishonorable.

8. Scorpio

Annoying a Scorpio is not as easy as you think. These people live in a world of hostility and aggression, so they are already accustomed to seeing the world as a playing field filled with anger and suppression of others. However, if you really want to annoy this sign, then be silly. He can't stand idiots and stupid people.

9. Sagittarius

Demand maximum attention from Sagittarius and take away his time from him. This sign is a typical loner and does not like encroachments on its territory. If you want to annoy a Sagittarius, then ask and even demand that he give you more, much more than what he is giving you now. And you will instantly see how this angry centaur gallops briskly away from you.

10. Capricorn

Give Capricorn instructions on how to do the job - this will infuriate him to death. This sign likes to manage their own space and takes pride in what they do. Tell him that he can't handle something and sound a bunch of tips and tricks on how to be more efficient - and Capricorn will be furious.

11. Aquarius

Give him no choice and deprive Aquarius of all options to make him go berserk. This sign likes freedom, he likes the idea that he can retreat at any time, depending on his desire and mood. But getting into the trap of a situation for Aquarius is almost fatal, and therefore it causes his anger.

12. Pisces

Forget to thank them. Forget to compliment them. This sign is very fond of signs of attention and recognition, and therefore their absence Pisces is annoying. If you do not show Pisces your emotions and the reactions that they are waiting for, then this will make them very angry. Just don't give them what they want and they will even throw thunder and lightning.

How do representatives of different zodiac signs express their anger?

We all lose our temper and get angry from time to time. You can lose your temper when, for example, someone touches on a topic that is painful for you or starts teasing you. Anger can take over if you don't know how to manage it.

Below we will describe in detail how representatives of different signs of the zodiac express their anger. We hope this information will help you better manage your anger and stay calm in any situation. Also, we will tell you exactly what aspects a representative of each sign needs to work on in order to become the best version of himself.

How zodiac signs express their anger


As one of the three fire signs, Aries can easily incinerate you if you don't know how to deal with it. Representatives of this sign are quite quick-tempered and can quickly get angry, depending on the situation. They get very upset when someone or something gets in their way. Although Aries have a number of wonderful qualities, their dark side can come out if things don't work out the way they want.

Despite the fact that Aries usually do not provoke others first, it is quite easy to piss them off. They are very stubborn and do not take defeat well. Others have to tiptoe around Aries so as not to provoke a volcanic eruption, which can easily happen if he is offended or angry.

However, Aries are quick to lose their temper, but are also quick to forget what made them angry in the first place. They quickly forget and forgive everything, so don't worry too much if you suddenly piss off an Aries.


Taurus is very difficult to piss off, so be careful if you do succeed. Representatives of this sign may begin to show passive aggression and close themselves from you if you offend them greatly. Tauruses don't like to admit that they've been hurt, so you may not even realize at first that you've hurt them. However, if a Taurus stops talking to you, you will know for sure that something upset him. They are especially angry if they are lied to, cheated on, or betrayed. But still, in most cases, Taurus remains calm and does not allow anything to disturb them.

If a representative of this zodiac sign is angry, leave him alone, because he will need free space to figure everything out. Taurus are incredibly stubborn and independent, so when they have any difficulties, they prefer to be left alone.

They will discuss the problem with you when they are ready. The main thing is to make sure that Taurus has already figured out everything himself, since the representatives of this sign are not very talkative. If you make them angry, they will want to say a lot to you and they will need your full attention.

Still, don't expect everything to end without consequences, as Taurus are quite vindictive and cannot immediately get close again with the person who betrayed their trust.


Gemini can make you dizzy if you don't know how to communicate with them or what to expect. They will say one thing and then do something completely different. Geminis tend to change their minds about anything in the blink of an eye. You can even say that Gemini is sometimes simply impossible to understand.

However, Geminis aren't usually short tempered. If something makes them angry, they will express their feelings, but will not hold a grudge for long. Representatives of this sign love life and do not want to spend too much time on things that annoy them.

Geminis can buzz your ears, so if something really pisses them off, be sure to hear it from them soon.

Gemini doesn't like it when others tell them what to do or try to control them, so if you don't, you'll end up on good terms with them.


Cancers are very sweet, kind and sympathetic. However, some people love to use it, which makes Cancers feel unappreciated and taken for granted. If you offend Cancer, then do not expect him to answer you something. You will have to approach him first if you want to save your relationship.

Cancers are incredibly passive aggressive, so if you make them angry, don't even expect them to tell you. If your intuition is poorly developed and you cannot read body language, then communication with Cancer will not be easy for you.

Cancers are very easy to offend, but they are not used to getting upset over any little thing. If you make them really angry, they will hide their feelings until they eventually explode. If you know a representative of this zodiac sign, ask him from time to time and let him speak out if necessary. This will help you avoid quarrels and misunderstandings in the future.

If you really care about him, take the first step. Cancerians will not want to make any effort if you offended them first. If you want to keep your relationship going, show Cancer how much you care about him.

This sign has high standards. They give their loved ones all their love and loyalty, and therefore expect the same in return. If you hurt Cancer, he will forgive you, but this will not happen overnight.

a lion

Lions are very quick-tempered. This is a fire sign of the zodiac, after all, what else can you expect from them? However, Leo will not play with you - if you make him angry, he will definitely let you know about it.

Leos sometimes behave like children, so don't expect to be able to maturely discuss the situation with them. Representatives of this sign can throw everything that comes their way, scream, roll on the floor, or arrange any other scene that will attract your attention. They may even call you names and say things they don't really mean. Do not take their words to heart, Leos just need to throw out their feelings.

As representatives of a fire sign, Leos burn out and calm down as quickly as they lose their temper. Don’t worry too much if you made Leo angry, because he won’t hold a grudge for a long time.


Virgos definitely earn the title of the most patient sign of the zodiac. They have the least anger, compared to other signs, and it can take a long time before the Virgo shows her true feelings. This sign doesn't like to show emotions, so don't expect Virgos to tell you if you make them angry. They will keep the resentment inside until it is forgotten. However, if you offend a Virgo a lot, then be prepared to lose a good friend, because it can be difficult for representatives of this sign to forgive.

Virgos, just like Cancers, become passive-aggressive when angry. They will pout and ignore you. They dislike direct confrontation and try to avoid it like the plague. They would rather leave to deal with their anger alone than take it out on you, because they know what a burden it can be for you.

Because of their calm nature, people come to Virgos to let off steam. Representatives of this sign do not want others to cope with their difficult experiences.

Virgos may forgive you if you offend them, but they will never forget it. Having betrayed their trust, do not expect that you will be able to win it back with ease.


Libra, as supporters of peace, try to restrain anger at any cost. They like to keep balance in relationships and in life in general, but anger does not fit into these plans at all. Even if something upsets them a lot, Libra will keep everything in themselves in order to avoid conflict. They believe in justice, so if you make a mistake, Libra will most likely give you a second chance.

They do not want to show it to others, but the representatives of this sign, by nature, are very sensitive. They are often offended by something, but they prefer to keep everything to themselves.

Libras are more likely to run away from conflict, so if you make them angry, don't expect them to make the first move. You may not know yourself that Libra is offended by you, but if you have not heard anything from them for several days, then most likely it is so.

They hold a grudge for a long time and in your disputes in the future they can use your mistakes against you.


When angering a Scorpio, the first thing to do is pay attention to their body language. Of course, Scorpio himself will never admit that he is upset. Representatives of this sign will never admit to something that will make them vulnerable. However, their eyes, facial expressions, and other hidden signs will give Scorpios away.

You do not want to spoil relations with representatives of this sign, as they are very vengeful. If you offend a Scorpio, he will never let you get away with it and will begin to plan his revenge. You should be worried if Scorpio is quiet, because, most likely, at this moment he is hatching a grand plan that will allow him to settle scores with you.

However, if Scorpio is still angry, give him some personal space, because he does not want someone to stand over his soul at the moment when he is trying to calm down. When he is ready, he will be the first to try to talk to you. However, in some situations, Scorpios can become passive aggressive and wait for you to make the first move.

Scorpio will talk to you when he is ready. Don't try to push him, as this can make him even more angry.


As a fiery zodiac sign, Sagittarius will give you a hard time if you make them angry. Representatives of this sign do not take betrayal well, so they will not leave you alone if you offend them. Moreover, you will most likely have to quickly retreat, because Sagittarius will resemble a bomb, ready to explode at any moment.

When Sagittarians get angry, they become sarcastic. This behavior is a clear sign that you have pissed them off. However, most representatives of this sign are embarrassed by their temper and therefore try to restrain it with all their might.

Also, it can take a long time before Sagittarians calm down, so they prefer to avoid such situations and not get angry. On the other hand, Sagittarius themselves sometimes do not notice what they are doing out of molehills, because they like to analyze situations and find solutions. Be careful, because in some cases, representatives of this sign can come up with problems from scratch.


Capricorn, as an earth sign, gets angry very rarely. They would rather try to remain calm instead of wasting their energy on anger. However, if you still pissed off Capricorn, run faster.

You will know this for sure, because Capricorns rarely get angry and can keep all the stress and pressure inside themselves for months. When Capricorn breaks down and still explodes - rather seek shelter. You don't want to make Capricorn angry, because Capricorns don't forgive easily. They may scream and make a scene when they want to express their emotions, but still it won't last long.

They have high expectations and if others cannot live up to them, Capricorns get frustrated and angry. As long as you manage to live up to their rigid moral code, you will remain on good terms with Capricorns.


Aquarians love discussions and conversations that make them think about something, but they hate arguments. If you pissed off an Aquarius, then don't expect him to stay by your side. Aquarius would rather go to nature or take a long trip than sit and wind themselves up.

However, if he has to deal with the situation right away, Aquarius will do it gracefully and elegantly. Representatives of this sign do not like to show their emotions to others, therefore, in any situation, they remain calm and restrained. Perhaps Aquarius will tell you everything later, but only after he deals with his real emotions in private.

Aquarius may even write you off without any explanation. They will try to fix the relationship, but if it doesn't mean anything to them anymore, then Aquarians most likely won't waste their time on it.


As a water sign of the zodiac, Pisces' emotions are quite deep. Sometimes, they can get angry over little things, but most likely they won't show it to anyone. They dislike conflict and will avoid it at all costs. Just like some other zodiac signs, Pisces prefer to keep their emotions in check for the sake of themselves and those around them.

Representatives of this sign will want to be alone in order to understand themselves and calm their emotions. They can throw things, cry, scream, turn up the “heavy metal” louder to throw out their emotions.

Pisces can hold a grudge for a long time, but it all depends on the situation. If you mean a lot to them, Pisces will most likely come to you to talk and sort things out.

Translation of the article - How Do You Show Anger According To Your Zodiac Sign? via Kluber

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