How did the deceased actor from the "interns" live. How did the deceased actor from the "interns" live? The son of which actor from the interns

The Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court convicted Korney Makarov, who beat a young man to death in the Gorky Park, and released him in the courtroom in connection with serving his sentence in a pre-trial detention center, the defendant's lawyer Artem Minyaychev told TASS.

According to him, the court found Makarov guilty under Part 1 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence”), reclassifying the charge and imposing a sentence of restriction of freedom for a period of 1 year and 11 months. The court also recovered two million rubles from Makarov in favor of the victims.

In August 2017, in Gorky Park, blogger Stanislav Dumkin was approached by unknown people who did not like his glasses and hat. They provoked a conflict and beat Dumkin, who was hospitalized. A week later, Dumkin died in the hospital without regaining consciousness.

The attack took place in front of a dozen and a half people who identified the attacker as Korney Makarov, the son of actor Sergei Makarov, who played, in particular, the role of a traumatologist in the TV series Interns. Korney himself served in the Airborne Forces and also acted in films a little - from 2004 to 2009 he had small roles in the films "Grandson of Cosmonauts", "No Extradition From the Don", TV series "The Brothers Karamazov", "Fortune", in several seasons of the series "Two Fates", the film "Lawyer-6".

A criminal case was initiated against Makarov under Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Intentional infliction of bodily harm resulting in death”), which provides for imprisonment for up to 15 years. Makarov's lawyers insisted on reclassifying the charge to a less serious article, citing the data of the commission forensic medical examination as an argument, according to which Dumkin's death was the result of a closed craniocerebral injury received when he fell on asphalt. According to the defendant's defense, Makarov hit Dumkin in the jaw and left the park with his friends, unaware of the consequences.

Makarov himself in the program "Let them talk", aired on Channel One on the evening of August 30, 2017, said that he had witnessed a skirmish and separated the parties. He claimed that his acquaintances went for Dumkin's companions to fight, and Makarov himself stopped Dumkin, saying: "You don't have to go there, they will solve the problems themselves."

According to the defendant, at that moment Dumkin grabbed him by the throat and began to threaten him. “I was confused and did not understand what happened at all,” he explains. Makarov pushed his opponent away, and he moved towards him. "Everything was very fast, a split second. It was difficult to focus on something. I realized that now he would attack me. One hit, and ... And then I didn't aim anywhere. It's like an instinct, you know?" - said the former paratrooper. The person involved in the sensational case was hiding from the investigation in Thailand, but after a conversation with relatives, he decided to voluntarily surrender to law enforcement agencies.

Makarov was found guilty of causing death by negligence. Due to the fact that he was under arrest before the verdict, the court decided to release him from custody. The period spent by him in the pre-trial detention center “at the rate of a day in custody for two restrictions on freedom” was credited to the sentence and was released in the courtroom.

In favor of the two victims, the parents of the deceased, the court recovered one million rubles each from Makarov as compensation for non-pecuniary damage. In favor of one victim, 109 thousand 703 rubles were recovered for material damage.

What happened:

23-year-old Makarov, as reported by the media, is the son of an actor known from the TV series Interns, Sergei Makarov. Korney Makarov is also an actor, starred in several TV series: "The Brothers Karamazov", "Fortune", in the second and third seasons of the series "Two Fates".

On the night of August 13, 2017, in Gorky Park, he beat 29-year-old blogger Stanislav Dumkin because he did not like his clothes, including his glasses and hat. During the fight, Dumkin fell and received a severe head injury, was taken to the hospital, where he died without regaining consciousness.

Prior to that, he was hiding from the investigation: he went to Thailand, after which he was charged in absentia and put on the wanted list.

He did not admit his guilt. In an interview with the “Let them talk” program, Makarov said that from his side.

Casimir, familiar to viewers from the role of patient Edward in the TV series "Interns", on the fifth floor early in the morning on April 24. He later died in the hospital during surgery.


Investigators have launched an investigation into the death of a 35-year-old man. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated. In the meantime, there are rumors that Liske could have committed suicide, because creative people have a very thin mental organization, and the world of show business is cruel.

To avoid gossip and outrageous speculation about drugs and other things, Kazimir's wife Polina Grishina and playwright Ivan Vyrypaev published a joint statement on the director's Facebook and announced the alleged cause of the artist's death.

"This is a tragic accident. Kaz was experiencing a serious mental instability. It can be called a disease. What happened to him is not suicide or drugs," Polina and Ivan assured the public.

Examination partially confirms their words. "Medical tests did not find any traces of something serious in Case's blood," Grishina and Vyrypaev emphasize. However, according to media reports, before his death, Liske still used something - according to the analyzes, he was shortly before his death. However, many consider this herb a light drug and do not take it seriously.

According to Ivan and Polina, Kazimir came home at one in the morning and talked to his wife. “No one saw in him any signs of panic or mental instability. And yet at about four in the morning he fell out of the window. There was no reason for him to do this. And we are all sure that he did not want to do this at all, just illness and mental state, which he suppressed and hid even from his loved ones, pushed his body into the sky," Liske's relatives voiced their version.

At the end of the message, the director thanked the actor for the years of fruitful and very successful collaboration. He published lines from the play, which Kazimir translated from Russian into English: "You appeared in our country as an alien from another planet. You taught us patience, you taught us how to perceive the world from a different perspective, you sang to us, you brought up our students, you played for us on stage, you made our Russian woman happy, you gave birth to a son."

Liske is puzzled by his other friends as well. No one can believe in a possible suicide, because the actor was positive and cheerful. And he didn't leave a suicide note.

Recall that the actor's relatives called the emergency services of the city at about 5.00 and reported that he had fallen from the window of the children's room of his apartment on Vostochnaya Street, where he lived with his wife and child. Liske remained lying on the pavement near the first entrance and was still alive for some time, although he fell into a coma. He received severe injuries - a fracture of the lower leg, arm, spine, craniocerebral injury.

An ambulance delivered Kazimir to the 13th City Clinical Hospital. Specialists sent the actor to the operating room, tried to save his life, but to no avail. The police plan to interrogate the relatives of the actor to clarify the reasons for the incident. Immediately after the tragedy, the actor's wife was unable to testify.

As the site wrote, Casimir was born on February 8, 1982 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 2009. The actor's teacher was Konstantin Raikin. It is noteworthy that Liske studied on the same course with the star of "Interns" Odin Byron and later played in an episode of this series. In the theater, they also sometimes worked together.

According to domestic media, Kazimir fell out of the window in the morning and received injuries incompatible with life. Actor. According to close friends, he is survived by his wife and young son.


Liske was a US citizen, so in the near future information about his death will be transferred to the American embassy in Moscow. More than ten years ago, the artist came to Russia for three months to perfect his knowledge of the language, and ended up staying for life.

Casimir was born on February 8, 1982 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 2009. The actor's teacher was Konstantin Raikin. It is noteworthy that Liske studied on the same course with the star of "Interns" Odin Byron and later played in an episode of this series.

Casimir was fluent in Russian, English and Italian. Many noted that due to his excellent musical ear, Liske did not have an accent. For some time, the artist worked as an assistant at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio in acting classes under the program of Harvard University.

For his 35 years, Casimir managed to play in such famous performances as "Lafcadio", "Future Pilots", "Woe from Wit" (Petrusha), "Valencian Madmen", "Silence is Gold", "White Guard", "Romeo and Juliet", "Is this a man?", "Madagascar", "Spring Awakening", "Comedy of Errors", "Egil's Saga", "Weapon and Man", "Much Ado About Nothing", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", " Apple Tree", "American Wash".

In the cinema, Liske has fewer works. He played Neil Spencer in the series "Particle of the Universe" (2016), starred in Ivan Vyrypaev's drama "Salvation" (2015). In the series "The Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" (2012), he got the role of Ed, in the melodrama "Wedding by Exchange" (2010), he reincarnated as the character Mel. In "Interns" the actor appeared as Edward's patient.

From 2011 to the present, Liske has successfully worked in the Praktika Theater. The audience adored the gifted artist for his heartfelt play and devoted him to laudatory reviews in social networks. Now people mourn the untimely departed talent.

"Casimir Liske, an amazing American guy who became his own here in Russia. I first saw him in the workshop at Lafcadio, where they played with Odin (Phil from Interns), even then he was remembered for his lack of accent. And then we celebrated the new year in the same workshop, Kaz sang, and I danced until I dropped. And then I periodically rejoiced when I saw a familiar face in some commercial and non-commercial videos. And today Casimir died. He left behind a wife and a little son. And I have the brightest memories of what this American guy did here in Russia," one of Liske's friends wrote on Instagram.

"Well, how is it? For what? A wonderful person, an actor, a musician, a director, died... Kazimir Liske... Just recently we listened to your wonderful compositions at a concert, and just like that... fate took the Light Man away so early.. .you said that you really want to fly into space, but the flight was, alas, different .... forever in memory ... grief and eternal memory ... condolences to relatives and friends ... the best are leaving😢😢😢, "a fan laments actor.

Publication from Sokolov m.ART (@m.art_poetry) Mar 9 2017 at 1:55 PST

Some four days ago, nothing foreshadowed trouble, and Liske brilliantly worked in the production. "About yesterday's performance" Illusions "in the theater Praktika 🎭. I liked it! The famous playwright Ivan Vyrypaev staged a play about the relativity of everything. Illusions consist of small stories of monologues, each of which overturns and casts doubt on the content of the previous one. It's like a magician's box: in it time after time, the second, third, fourth and fifth bottom is revealed.The actors, and there are 4 of them in the play, one of the actors, by the way, the American Kazimir Liske, and the Polish Karolina Grushka tell about the life of two elderly married couples who have known each other almost all their lives. .. The actors are great! They just talk about the complex, fun about the scary, bewitching about the simple. It is impossible to retell the whole plot, it constantly turns over its head, proving that all our relationships ... are solid Illusions. Bravo to everyone! 👏 We will definitely come again! # theater practice,” reads one of the rave reviews on the Web.

Liske's colleagues do not allow the version of suicide, because they consider him a bright, positive person. “We can’t believe that he could do it himself ... Just a week ago he was here, grimacing, smiling at the camera,” website quotes the press secretary of the theater Irina Svetlitsa. “He was a very bright person, literally exuded positive energy.

The interlocutor of the publication said that in the theater Kazimir Liske played in the performances "Illusions", "Grace and Fortitude", "Sugar", and also staged the play Black and Simpson.

Other netizens noted that Kazimir shone not only on the stage, but also on stage. He was an excellent musician and vocalist with a pleasant timbre.

"A glass of white wine and an introduction to a jazz performer. Jam session was amazing. Thank you for the performance and the atmosphere... Kazimir Liske is an American who came to Russia to study acting and stayed here for a long time. Konstantin Raikin's student, actor, director, musician. He directs performances at the Praktika Theatre, making films with director Ivan Vyrypaev, and Mikhail Baryshnikov producing his play Illusions at his contemporary art center in New York. his jazz band, a duet with musician Pavel Artemiev and a musical project with Ivan Vyrypaev," one of Kazimir's admirers listed the successes of his work.

It was his musical talents that he was noted by another user of the Network. "A wonderful American actor, composer and director, and also a wonderful person, thanks for the wonderful evening to Kazimir and the Jazz Band," dozens of similar messages of thanks were left by people under the video fragments of Liske's performances in different clubs.

The son of the actor of the popular television series Interns has been put on the wanted list as part of the case of the beating to death of blogger Stas Dumkin in Gorky Park in Moscow. This was reported to RIA Novosti on Sunday by a law enforcement source.

"The suspect Korney Makarov does not appear at the place of residence, the investigation has not yet been able to establish his whereabouts," the source said.

Earlier, the Investigative Committee of Russia said that investigators had identified the person involved in the crime. Witnesses identified him.

23-year-old Korney Makarov is the son of actor Sergei Makarov. Korney himself is reportedly also an actor. The young man starred in several TV series. Such as "The Brothers Karamazov", "Fortune", in the second and third seasons of the series "Two Fates" and in the sixth season of the series "Lawyer", as well as in two films - "The Cosmonaut's Grandson" and "There is No Extradition from the Don", where he played with his father.

Actor Sergei Makarov. Frame of the film "Interns"

Recall that on the night of August 13, in the center of Moscow, unknown persons beat 29-year-old blogger from St. Petersburg Stas Dumkin. The hooligans did not like the appearance of the young man. The hat was especially irritating. The gopniks took away the headdress from the guy, and then tore off his glasses and trampled them. As a result of the brawl, which lasted only 11 seconds, the victim fell on his back and received a severe head injury. A week later, the young man died without regaining consciousness. The crime received a wide public response.

Stas Dumkin was from St. Petersburg. In Moscow, he was successfully engaged in business for several years.

On Sunday, Mash published footage from surveillance cameras in Gorky Park. The same fight in which Stanislav Dumkin died was caught on video. As can be seen in the footage, two men sort things out, standing opposite each other. One of them is trying to calm his opponent, who is gesticulating with his hands. After a few, the man sharply pushes the blogger in the chest, and then delivers several strong blows to the head.

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