How to cut a blank page in word. How to delete a page in Word empty or with text

Since ancient times, the folk truth has been saying: “what is written with a pen, everything is bye-bye, you can’t cut it down with an ax.” No, cunning and resourceful comrades can, of course, object here. So to speak, to counterbalance the argument. And why, for example, not tear out a sheet with spellings that are no longer needed, but throw it out - in a basket, or burn it altogether. It is possible, and what is not! But you will have to work hard, sweat, sweat ... Especially if the pages need to be quietly destroyed in some report, diary, journal or (God forbid!) Art book.

Is it another matter to delete a page in Word. That's where the freedom of action and the fullness of sensations from editing a virtual canvas for writing. No transaction costs, no signs of "execution" over the sheet, whether it is empty or with words. In short, a custom grace.

However, you need to know where these very buttons for this very thing are located and how to manage them correctly. Don't know yet? Then check out the instructions below. And your work in Word will become much more comfortable.

The sheet is removed from the project in various ways and functions, depending on the specific situation, the user task.

How to delete an empty sheet?

1. Position the cursor on a blank page to be deleted.

2. Press the Ctrl + Shift + 8 keys at the same time. Or click the ¶ (show all characters) icon in the Word interface panel.

3. After activating this function, special control characters will be displayed on a blank page. They are responsible for text formatting and remain invisible in normal text display mode. Delete them with the "backspace" button ("left arrow" above "Enter") or "Delete" (Del). After cleaning, the blank sheet will automatically disappear.

How to remove a page with text?

Method number 1

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text on the page you want to get rid of.

2. Left-click on the "Find" option (leftmost block in the top panel of Word).

3. In the drop-down menu, select "Go to ...".

4. In the additional Find and Replace window, on the Go To tab, select the Page transition object.

5. In the "Enter a number ..." field, type the directive - \page.

6. Click on the "Go" button. The text on the selected page will be highlighted.

7. Click "Close" and then press the "DELETE" key.

Method number 2

1. Select all the text on the page to be deleted: holding the left mouse button, move the cursor from the beginning to the end of the sheet.

2. Click "Delete".

How to recover a deleted page?

Left-click on the “left arrow” icon (cancel the operation) or press Ctrl + Z, and the disappeared page will reappear in the project.

Enjoy using Word!

As a result of text editing, unnecessary blank pages appeared in your document, or you cannot delete an extra sheet at the end of the document? Let's see what needs to be done to delete a page in MS Word.

Let's start off with, how to remove a blank page in the middle of a word document. Most often, such pages in a document appear due to the large number of non-printable characters on them - you deleted all the text, but the hidden characters remained. This is a page break, and spaces, and a new line.

You can enable non-printable characters by clicking on the corresponding button on the Home tab.

To delete them, move the mouse to the left margin of the document and select all the characters. If you have several blank pages in the middle of the document, you can put the cursor at the beginning of the page you want to delete, hold down "Shift" and place the cursor at the end of another page. Now press "Delete" or "Backspace".

Blank pages in Word in the middle of a document can also appear due to page breaks. They usually separate the beginning of a new chapter from the previous text. Or maybe you just accidentally pressed the key combination "Ctrl + Enter".

To delete such a page, place the cursor on the last line (or at the end of the text) on the previous page, then click "Delete".

The blank page will be removed and the text will rise.

Now consider, How to delete a page in Word that is at the end of a document. By enabling non-printing characters, you will see that they are present on the page. It can even be several newline characters. Select them with the mouse and press the "Delete" or "Backspace" key. You can also place the cursor at the end of the text and hold down the "Delete" key until the blank sheet disappears.

That's all. Now you know how to delete a page in Word. Moreover, these recommendations are applicable in any MS Word: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013.

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Hello, friends! How to remove an unnecessary page in Word - this is the topic of my today's "Cheat Sheet". For those who have not encountered a similar problem, this question may seem ridiculous. However, such a need may arise in the following cases:

  • you need to remove the title page (I wanted to take a different template or even abandon the title);
  • it was necessary to remove any chapter from the document (one or more sheets);
  • blank pages appeared out of nowhere in the document, and we also do not need them for 100 years.

The first two tasks are solved so simply that I, friends, even doubted whether it was worth talking about it in this article at all. But then I decided that since all the previous "Cribs" considered each of their questions meticulously and thoroughly, then let this one be the most complete guide to the problem of how to remove an unnecessary page in the Word. So let's remove the title page.

How to remove cover page in Word 2016

If you do not want to remove the title at all, but only replace it with one of the templates offered by Word, then you just need to click on the selected option. The old title page will immediately be replaced with a new one. In the case of a complete rejection of the title page, click on the line " remove cover page". All these operations are carried out in the tab " Insert”, section “ Pages". By pressing the button " Title page» In the drop-down window, you can select either a suitable template, or remove the title altogether (Fig. 1).

How to remove the second page in Word (or several of any)

The second, third, any other or several pages at once can be easily and simply deleted by clearing them of text. To do this, select the top line on the page to be deleted, then, with the Shift key pressed, select the bottom line. The entire text of the extra page is selected, after which we remove it using the key Delete. This operation can be carried out immediately on all pages to be culled. When text, graphics, or formatting disappear, the page also disappears.

Please note, friends, if the pages were numbered, then there will be no breaks in it. The numbering will automatically be restored in order.

How to remove an extra blank page in Word

Blank pages…. This flaw is usually detected when the document is printed. If it was numbered, then such "dummies" violate the logical order of numbers. Yes, and we don’t need extra paper waste. Is not it?

But why do extra pages appear in Word documents? Where do they come from? Is this an error of the program or, maybe, the printer? No, friends. Neither the WORD text editor, nor even the printer has anything to do with it. All such “jambs” are only our merit.

The fact is that such pages only seem empty. In fact, they always have some hidden formatting characters on them. We do not see them, but the program takes them into account as complete and necessary. To prevent such incidents from happening, my advice to you: when typing and formatting it, always turn on the “ Show formatting marks". After activating it, you will see signs of paragraphs, spaces, headers or breaks on a supposedly “clean” page.

Now, I think it's clear that to delete a "blank" page, you just need to display formatting marks on it and remove them using the key backspace. Just? Undoubtedly! But there is another, more complicated case. Let's consider it.

How to remove the last blank page in Word after the table

If the last sheet of a document, chapter, section ends with a table, then it is more difficult to get rid of a blank page at the end. The fact is that you cannot delete the last paragraph mark in the Word text editor. And it will automatically be transferred after the table to a new sheet. How to be in this case?

There is, of course, a way out. Yes, the program will not allow us to remove the paragraph mark. So let's make it invisible not only to us, but also to the Word itself. To do this, select our ill-fated icon and on the tab " home"go to the section" Font". By clicking on the arrow in the lower right corner we will open the font adjustment window and put a tick in the line " hidden". Press " OK" - mission accomplished. We got rid of the last blank page after the table (Fig. 2).

PC users, when working with, are faced with the fact that an empty sheet accidentally appears in the document itself. And here, if it is planned to print it on duplex, the user is faced with a problem, since it is a blank sheet that can ruin everything. The question arises how to delete a sheet in a Word.

To work, you will need the software used by Word.

How to remove an empty sheet in Word?

To understand the reason for the appearance of empty space and answer the question of how to delete a page in word, you need to look at those characters that are not printed. This is done as follows: on the toolbar, click the button located near the buttons of the drawing panel and the document outline. It happens that this panel is not displayed in the editor window, in which case you need to click the "View" menu and check the "Standard" item in the toolbar.

After the button has been pressed, a lot of different symbols that were not visible before, dots and other signs should appear. Thus, you can remove unnecessary spaces. You want to view the entire document, which will reduce it by a few lines. If it is large enough, then the volume can be reduced even by a whole paragraph.

It is necessary to carefully look through all the pages in the Word until many points are found. It is required to remove such an element, since there is a high probability that it was he who caused the empty characters to be transferred to another page.

If it is not possible to remove this element, to answer the question of how to delete an empty page in a Word, you can try another option: try all the deletions of this value. In addition, deletion can be done not only using the Delete button, but also Ctrl + X or Ctrl + Backspace. The latter is usually used to remove a word from the text.

It also happens that the method with non-printable characters does not help, then you should try using editing. How to edit in Word? To do this, use the "Web Document" mode, which can be selected in the "View" menu by clicking the appropriate tab. After editing is completed, you need to remember to change the view mode back.

If the question arises, how to delete not one page, but several at once, then you need to put the cursor in front of the sheet that you plan to delete initially, and scroll to the document that you want to get rid of last. As a result of such manipulations, everything unnecessary should be highlighted. It remains only to press the Delete or Backspace button.

Working with documents implies not only typing text, but also its formatting, bringing it into line with certain requirements. Therefore, it is so important to know how to delete a page in Word and get rid of extra numbers. This allows you to improve the appearance of the document, which positively affects its readability and overall perception.

Removing blank and extra pages

To delete a page in Word 2010, just remove all the characters that are on it. Even if you see a blank sheet in front of you, there may be hidden formatting marks on it.

If at the end of the Word document you see an extra blank page, then do the same with it - display the hidden characters and delete them all.

If there is text on the sheet you want to delete, it's best to select it before deleting it. Otherwise, you will have to erase each letter separately, which is inconvenient. You can select text with the cursor by holding down the left mouse button.

Another way to quickly select:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of a piece of text.
  2. Hold down the "Shift" key.
  3. Put courses at the end of the fragment.

The procedure for deleting blank sheets in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010 is absolutely identical. No new ways appear over the years.

How to remove page numbers in Word

Adding and removing numbering in Word 2010 is as simple as possible - all these procedures are performed by pressing one button. The procedure will be as follows:

There is an easier way:

  1. Double left click on the page number. The footer window will open.
  2. Select a number.
  3. Click "Delete".


Deleting sheets is sometimes accompanied by a change in document formatting. The user just accidentally removes the signs that are responsible for how the text is placed on the sheet. This rarely happens, but if it happens, then fixing the flaw becomes quite problematic. The easiest way out is to copy the desired fragment and paste it into a new document.

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