How to calculate 75 percent of a number. Find a specified percentage of a given number

In this article, we will describe how find the percentage of a number, the fraction of one number from another. Somewhere in the fifth grade, in entertaining math lessons, children begin to study such a topic as "interest". Then, for those who like to count, the fascinating world of percentages and fractional numbers opens up. Teachers give a respectable number of interesting, fascinating tasks for determining percentages to solve. But in school years, children think that they will not necessarily need this knowledge, but in vain! After all, this topic is always relevant, closely related to everyday life and may well come in handy in various life situations.

Why is it important to be able to find percentages of numbers

Everyone needs to know how to calculate percentages. You will ask why? It's just that any person almost daily encounters prices for goods and services in various enterprises and institutions. Almost every second person has a loan, an installment plan, many have savings deposits in banks, and perhaps not even in one. Taxes, insurance, purchases - in our world, interest is involved almost everywhere. This topic concerns both financial, economic and other spheres of our life. But when solving children's problems from textbooks in grades 5-6, there are not as many pitfalls as when calculating an adult loan.

The school curriculum has 3 patterns to solve problems in percent:

    finding percent from the number;

    finding percentage numbers

    finding the number itself based on its own percentage.

Do not forget that the calculation of percentages is very often used in everyday life. An example of this is applying them to your family's budget calculations. Many families take out loans such as: "Car loan", "Consumer loan", "Credit for education" and of course "Housing loan", which also has a different name, more familiar to us - "Mortgage".

What is the percentage of a number

It is known that the percentage is indicated by the icon «%» . Various definitions of the term are used.

  • The first, known to everyone: a percentage is one hundredth of a number.
  • The second is the fee charged by the bank or other persons issuing financial resources on credit for their use. This concept is extremely common in people's daily lives.

Percentage of a number - the history of the origin of the concept

Few have thought about where the term came from. But the word "percentage" comes from the Roman Empire. Word "procentum" little to tell you. But its literal designation means “from a hundred” or “for a hundred”. The very idea of ​​expressing parts of a whole in a multitude of equal parts was born a long time ago in ancient Babylon. Then people used sexagesimal fractions in their calculations. People who lived in Babylon left us "as a keepsake" registers, according to which interest was calculated to calculate the amount of debt that "accounted" for interest from the borrower.

Percentage had great fame even in other states of Antiquity. People who knew the exact science of mathematics in India calculated percentages according to the triple rule, used proportions in their calculations. The Romans, for example, were professionals in this area, because they called the percentage of the money that the defaulter is forced to return to the one who issued them, and for every hundred. Even then, the Parliament of Rome adopted the maximum allowable interest that was taken from the debtor, because there were cases when lenders tried too hard to get their interest money. And it was from the Romans that the concept of interest passed to all other peoples.

Who needs to know how to calculate percentages?

  • Accountant. He just needs to know how to calculate percentages. In any company, in any job, there is a person involved in payroll. Calculating, subtracting, multiplying your hard-earned, honestly earned money. Who is it? Certainly an accountant. For example, he is engaged in the deduction of a percentage of wages. This percentage is tax, which is currently 13% of income.
  • A bank employee. He also just needs to know the percentage. For what? Yes, because it is this employee who deals with loans, mortgages, financial investments. He calculates where people's money goes. Provides information about how much a person will overpay or receive in the course of a transaction with a bank.
  • Oculist. A doctor who examines the fundus of the eye, studying how well a person sees. It defines vision. He writes glasses. But with vision, as with glasses, not everything is so simple - we are all individual, respectively, and our vision is different. Someone has + (-) 1, and someone has + (-) 0.75. And the optometrist, like no one else, knows a lot about this. And to understand this gives him not only education, but also knowledge of the percentage.

Application of finding percentages in different areas

Financial. Everything is elementary here - this is the same amount that the borrower pays the lender for the fact that the second has provided the first with funds for temporary use. At the same time, both persons stipulate the terms of extradition in advance and individually, having documented financial relations.

Business vocabulary. In business, there is such a thing - "work for interest." This means that a person is ready to work and receive remuneration, which is calculated from the profit and turnover of the enterprise.

Significance in economics. A certain sum of the profit which the "lender" pays to the "creditor" for the money-capital borrowed. The source of interest is the surplus value, which is formed when using his loan capital.

Loan interest. This is a kind of deduction for the temporary use of finances. A category that functions in credit relations. In short, this is the relationship between the lender and the borrower, where everyone is interested in their own way in finding and receiving interest. This is not a loan, because the interest on the loan is only the cost of profit from the product. It turns out that the interest itself is simply a deduction of profit from the amount that is at the disposal of the borrower.

Deposit interest. The deduction of interest for the preservation of funds in vaults, which the bank or other borrower takes. There are two participants in this relationship. The first person (lender) is the client of the bank, the second (borrower) is the bank itself.

How to find percentages - the formula for finding the percentage of a number (2 formulas with examples)

There are two simple formulas for finding percentages of a number:

1. The first formula, how you can calculate the percentage of a number - divide the desired number by one hundred and multiply by the number of percent that is needed.

Where X is the total number from which to extract the percentage, Y- desired percentage of it.

Real life example: You need to transfer 300 rubles to a relative in Kamchatka. You used the Zhmotfinance payment system, in which the percentage for the transfer is 16% of the payment amount. Thus, we need to find out how much 16 percent of the number 300 will be. Divide 300 by 100 and multiply by 16. (300/100 * 16) = 48. This will be the amount that the greedy payment system will take.

2. And the second, simpler formula is to multiply the number from which you want to extract (X) by 0,Y - where Y - this is the number of required percentages, get the desired amount of interest.

X* 0, Y... =
Where also: X - total number, Y - desired percentage of it.

Real life example: let's say you again turned to Zhmotfinance, which for the same 16% is ready to transfer your funds to anywhere in Russia. But now you need to send another amount to another relative living in Vladivostok - 500 rubles. This means that we need to get a percentage of the number 500. To do this, simply multiply 500 by 0.16 (500 * 0.16) \u003d 80. The extortionate 80 rubles as interest on the transfer go to the income of this greedy company.

Finally, remember - algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry and many other sciences will always be useful to you. And the ability to find a percentage of a number can even serve as a benefit for you in the future. Numbers and figures play a crucial role in the future of man. And the ability to find percentages of any number in your mind can make your life much easier and help you avoid ridiculous and awkward situations in everyday life.

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Good day, dear guests! Did you do well at school? I'm doing great, but I also have situations when I need to brush up on school knowledge.

Unfortunately, among the entire amount of information it is very difficult to single out the one that may actually be needed.
Let's remember today how to find out the percentage of a number.

Mathematics is necessary in everyday life, because it teaches you to think outside the box and develops logic. Knowledge of computational manipulations simplifies life financially.

Here are examples of using %:

  1. This ratio allows you to improve the perception of information in order to compare certain parameters. For example, the human body consists of 70% water, and jellyfish - 98%.
  2. Such calculations are also applied in economics. This is necessary, for example, for calculating profits.
  3. Knowledge is also necessary for the analysis of specific quantities. For example, the difference between salaries in different months.

The concept of interest

Interestingly, the Hindus as early as the 5th century used percentages in their calculations. In Europe, decimal fractions were learned only after a millennium.

This concept was introduced by the Belgian scientist Simon Stevin. In the 16th century a table of values ​​was published.
The word itself is of Latin origin. The word is translated as "from a hundred." This means one hundredth of a value.

% provide the ability to compare parts of the same whole without difficulty. The emergence of shares made it possible to simplify calculations, and they became a standard phenomenon.

Calculation methods

In the mathematics textbook for the 5th grade, you can find out that% is a hundredth of a number. To find out how much% of a certain value, you can use the proportion and draw up the rule of the cross.

For example, you need to find 500 from 1000. In this case, the data that are located opposite each other must be multiplied and then divided by the third number.

In this case, the numbers are written under the numbers, and the percentages under the same indicators.
It turns out:

1000 – 100%;
500 - x%.
We get: X=(500*100)/1000.

You can also use Excel.

For example, you need to find the amount that is 15% of the integer 8500.

First, create an Excel sheet on your desktop.

Then open the document and in the highlighted line type:

  • = (equal to);
  • then 8500;
  • then press * (multiply);
  • then 15;
  • then press the % key and Enter.

How to calculate the percentage on the calculator

Then you need to enter the requested data in the fields and get the result. In this case, you can find out how% of the total number, and how many percent is the value of one number from another.
Summing up, we can say that the calculator allows you to decide on the following questions:

  1. Calculate a specific % from a specific value. Or, if % is known, then add it to some number.
  2. What% is from a given indicator.
  3. How much % contains one value from another.

On a regular calculator, there is also a function for determining%. If there is an option, then there should be a key where %.

To do this, find on his keyboard a button with the image of a percentage (%).

For example, let's find out how much 12 is from 125.

To do this, we will carry out the following manipulations:

Enter 125 on the calculator.
Click multiply (*).
Press 12.
Then click the percentage button.
In this case, the result will be displayed on the screen - 9.6%.

Thus, any other values ​​with two numbers can be found. You can also use the calculator on your mobile phone.

In a laptop or computer, a useful program can be found through the start menu.

Calculation using formulas

So, let's look at some formulas for calculating.
The formula for calculating the percentage of a certain value.

If the number A is known and the component of the percentage B, then the percentage of A is found as follows:


There is a special formula for calculating the percentage. In this case, you need to find out from what value%.

If B is known, which is P percent of the number A, then the amount of A is found as follows.
You can also calculate the percentage of one number from another. If two values ​​\u200b\u200bof A and B are known, then you can find out what% contains B from A. In this case, such a formula is used. P=B/A*100%.
To find out how much the number has increased compared to the original, there is also a certain formula.

If the number A is known and it is necessary to find B, which is a certain percentage greater than the number A, then the following formula is applied: B=A(1+P/100%).
There is also a formula for calculations, which is less than the original one by some given percentage.

If we know the number A and it is necessary to find B, which is P% less than A, then the following calculation is applied: B=A(1-P/100%).

I hope you find the information in my article helpful. If you want to add it, then write in the comments.

Remember school knowledge and use them in everyday life. Mathematical calculations greatly simplify life.

For today I have everything. Goodbye, dear fans of my blog!

One percent is a hundredth of a number. This concept is used when it is necessary to designate the ratio of a share to a whole. In addition, several values ​​can be compared as percentages, while necessarily indicating which integer the percentages are calculated relative to. For example, expenses are 10% higher than income or the price of train tickets has increased by 15% compared to the fares of the previous year. A percentage above 100 means that the proportion is greater than the whole, as is often the case in statistical calculations.

Interest as a financial concept - payment, the borrower to the lender for the provision of money for temporary use. In business, there is an expression "to work for interest." In this case, it is understood that the amount of remuneration depends on profit or turnover (commission). It is impossible to do without calculating interest in accounting, business, banking. To simplify the calculations, an online percentage calculator has been developed.

The calculator allows you to calculate:

  • Percentage of the set value.
  • Percentage of the amount (tax on actual salary).
  • Percentage of the difference (VAT from ).
  • And much more...

When solving problems on a percentage calculator, you need to operate with three values, one of which is unknown (a variable is calculated according to the given parameters). The calculation scenario should be selected based on the given conditions.

Calculation examples

1. Calculate the percentage of a number

To find a number that is 25% of 1,000 rubles, you need:

  • 1,000 × 25 / 100 = 250 rubles
  • Or 1,000 × 0.25 = 250 rubles.

To calculate on a regular calculator, you need to multiply 1,000 by 25 and press the% button.

2. Definition of an integer (100%)

We know that 250 rubles. is 25% of some number. How to calculate it?

Let's make a simple proportion:

  • 250 rub. - 25%
  • Y rub. - 100 %
  • Y \u003d 250 × 100 / 25 \u003d 1,000 rubles.

3. Percentage between two numbers

Suppose a profit of 800 rubles was supposed, but they received 1,040 rubles. What is the overage percentage?

The proportion will be:

  • 800 rub. - 100 %
  • RUB 1,040 – Y%
  • Y = 1040 × 100 / 800 = 130%

Overfulfillment of the plan for profit - 30%, that is, implementation - 130%.

4. Calculation not from 100%

For example, a store with three departments is visited by 100% of customers. In the grocery department - 800 people (67%), in the department of household chemicals - 55. What percentage of buyers come to the department of household chemicals?


  • 800 visitors - 67%
  • 55 visitors - Y %
  • Y = 55 × 67 / 800 = 4.6%

5. What percentage is one number less than another

The price of the goods fell from 2,000 to 1,200 rubles. By what percent did the commodity become cheaper, or by what percentage is 1,200 less than 2,000?

  • 2 000 - 100 %
  • 1 200 – Y %
  • Y = 1200 × 100 / 2000 = 60% (60% to 1200 of 2000)
  • 100% − 60% = 40% (number 1200 is 40% less than 2000)

6. By what percentage is one number greater than another

Salary increased from 5,000 to 7,500 rubles. By what percent did the salary increase? How many percent is 7,500 more than 5,000?

  • 5 000 rub. - 100 %
  • 7 500 rub. - Y%
  • Y = 7,500 × 100 / 5,000 = 150% (in the figure 7,500 is 150% of 5,000)
  • 150% - 100% = 50% (the number 7,500 is 50% greater than 5,000)

7. Increase the number by a certain percentage

The price of goods S is higher than 1,000 rubles. by 27%. What is the price of the item?

  • 1 000 rub. - 100 %
  • S - 100% + 27%
  • S \u003d 1,000 × (100 + 27) / 100 \u003d 1,270 rubles.

The online calculator makes calculations much easier: you need to select the type of calculation, enter a number and a percentage (in the case of calculating a percentage, the second number), indicate the accuracy of the calculation, and give a command to start actions.

A percentage is one hundredth of a number taken as a whole. Percentages are used to indicate the ratio of a part to a whole, as well as to compare quantities.

1% = 1 100 = 0,01

The interest calculator allows you to perform the following operations:

Find percentage of a number

To find a percentage p from a number, you need to multiply this number by a fraction p 100

Let's find 12% of the number 300:
300 12 100 = 300 0.12 = 36
12% of 300 equals 36.

For example, a product costs 500 rubles and a 7% discount applies to it. Find the absolute value of the discount:
500 · 7 100 = 500 0.07 = 35
Thus, the discount is 35 rubles.

What percentage is one number of another

To calculate the percentage of numbers, you need to divide one number by another and multiply by 100%.

Let's calculate how many percent is the number 12 of the number 30:
12 30 100 = 0.4 100 = 40%
The number 12 is 40% of the number 30.

For example, a book contains 340 pages. Vasya read 200 pages. Let's calculate how many percent of the whole book Vasya has read.
200 340 100% = 0.59 100 = 59%
Thus, Vasya read 59% of the entire book.

Add a percentage to a number

To add to the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 + p 100)

Let's add 30% to the number 200:
200 (1+ 30 100 ) = 200 1.3 = 260
200 + 30% equals 260.

For example, a subscription to the pool costs 1000 rubles. From next month they promised to raise the price by 20%. Let's calculate how much the subscription will cost.
1000 (1+ 20 100 ) = 1000 1.2 = 1200
Thus, the subscription will cost 1200 rubles.

Subtract a percentage from a number

To subtract from the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 - p 100)

Subtract 30% from the number 200:
200 (1 - 30 100 ) = 200 0.7 = 140
200 - 30% equals 140.

For example, a bicycle costs 30,000 rubles. The store gave him a 5% discount. Let's calculate how much the bike will cost, taking into account the discount.
30000 (1 - 5 100 ) = 30000 0.95 = 28500
Thus, the bike will cost 28,500 rubles.

By what percentage is one number greater than the other?

To calculate how many percent one number is greater than another, you need to divide the first number by the second, multiply the result by 100 and subtract 100.

Let's calculate how many percent the number 20 is greater than the number 5:
20 5 100 - 100 = 4 100 - 100 = 400 - 100 = 300%
The number 20 is greater than the number 5 by 300%.

For example, the salary of a boss is 50,000 rubles, and an employee is 30,000 rubles. Find by how many percent the boss's salary is higher:
50000 35000 100 - 100 = 1.43 * 100 - 100 = 143 - 100 = 43%
Thus, the boss's salary is 43% higher than the employee's salary.

By what percentage is one number less than the other?

To calculate how many percent one number is less than another, you need to subtract from 100 the ratio of the first number to the second, multiplied by 100.

Let's calculate how many percent the number 5 is less than the number 20:
100 - 5 20 100 = 100 - 0.25 100 = 100 - 25 = 75%
The number 5 is less than the number 20 by 75%.

For example, freelancer Oleg in January completed orders for 40,000 rubles, and in February for 30,000 rubles. Let's find by what percentage Oleg earned less in February than in January:
100 - 30000 40000 100 = 100 - 0.75 * 100 = 100 - 75 = 25%
Thus, in February Oleg earned 25% less than in January.

Find 100 percent

If number x this is p percent, then you can find 100 percent by multiplying the number x on the 100p

Finding 100% if 25% is 7:
7 · 100 25 = 7 4 = 28
If 25% equals 7, then 100% equals 28.

For example, Katya copies photos from her camera to her computer. 20% of photos were copied in 5 minutes. Let's find how much time the copying process takes:
5 · 100 20 = 5 5 = 25
We get that the process of copying all photos takes 30 minutes.

The word "percent" in Greek means a hundredth of a number. In mathematics, and throughout the world, it is customary to consider the absolute as 100%. Based on this principle, all computational rules are built.

There are several options for tasks related to the purpose of calculating. Each such task has its own individual principle of solution.

In the condition of the problem, a certain numerical value is given and it is required to find its percentage. For example, we have the number 47 and we need to calculate 25% of it.

Solution: For the solution, we take the original number as 100%. After that, we translate this percentage into and we get that 25% \u003d 0.25. We multiply 47 by the percentage expressed as a fraction, and we get the desired number 47 * 0.25 \u003d 11.75.

Answer: 11.75 is 25% of 47.

Find a number by percentage

The next type of problem related to the question of how to find the percentage of a number is the calculation of the value given the percentage. Given that 57 is 45% of some number. You need to find this number.

Solution: To solve such a problem, it is necessary to divide the existing number by the percentage that it is of the whole. So, we get that 57 / 0.45 = 126.67. To better understand this action, it will be useful to analyze the entire process in detail. 57 is 45%, i.e. To find the value of one percent, you need to divide the number by the number of percent. It turns out that 1% of the whole number is equal to 1.2667. Further, to find an integer, we multiply the resulting value by 100.

Answer: The number 45% of which is 57 is 126.67.

Find what percentage one number is of another

A little more difficult are tasks in which you need to find the percentage value that one number is from another. How to find the percentage of a number in this case? The answer is very simple. Let's take a look at a small example. We have two numbers: let's say it's 45 and 58. To find out how many percent is 45 from 58, you need to multiply it by 100 and divide by 58. We get that 45 is 77.6% of 58.

Often you can see situations where people do not understand how the price of a product will change if it increases by 15%. People forget elementary school mathematics and for this reason they are wondering how to find the percentage of a number.

Knowledge of percentage reporting in the field of exchange communications and operations is especially important. By making deposits in we also deal with interest. The principle of floating interest or capitalization often operates there, which slightly complicates the principle of calculating the final total.

As we can see, with a little repetition, you can easily remember, or re-learn how to find a percentage of a number, and in general, how to work with a similar mathematical and financial unit. This knowledge will not only broaden the general human outlook, but will also help you more confidently navigate situations with changes in prices, exchange rates, profit margins, and other very important processes. Of course, at first glance it seems that the ability to calculate in the mind can save only a few seconds, but the minute gained from making one decision can result in several freed days in a year.

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