How the fight against global warming harms the environment. Fight against global warming

At the moment, official ways to combat global warming have several directions. The main method involves a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide and thereby the elimination of the greenhouse effect. First of all, according to many climatologists, the temperature should be reduced as much as possible. This can be achieved by limiting the flow of solar energy that is directed to the earth's surface. In the 90s, the idea was put forward to launch many mirrors into space that could reflect solar radiation back. The same result can be achieved by increasing the albedo, that is, the reflection coefficient of the Earth itself. It is worth noting that theorists in the fight against global warming have recently developed a technology for brightening clouds, which can be possible by spraying sea water in a turbulent layer of air masses. It has been proven that when sulfur compounds are sprayed into the stratosphere, a similar effect can also be achieved.

The next direction, which, according to scientists, should be taken as a basis in the fight against global warming, is the storage of carbon dioxide. In the early 90s, a proposal was put forward to condense carbon dioxide and pump it into underground tanks. So, under significant pressure and required temperatures, the gas can be stored for a long time.

A little later, experts developed this idea to bury gas at the bottom of the ocean, because all the necessary conditions created by nature itself are provided here - pressure and cold.
Other scientists have put forward proposals for the absorption of carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere with the help of cleaning towers that are filled with an adsorbent.

US scientists have come to different conclusions. They discovered that biochar, which the Amazon Indians often increased the fertility of their soil, could help in the fight against global warming. In mass production, biochar can help with carbon sequestration and storage. In the production of biochar, which is obtained by heating organic, there is no oxygen. In addition, the high temperature during production leads to the release of gas, which can be collected and used to generate energy.

Other US scientists have proposed a method for absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They proposed the use of 300 meter underwater pipes that would pump nutrients from the depths of the ocean to the surface. This would lead to the growth of algae, which actively absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Of course, when choosing a particular strategy, its effectiveness should be re-evaluated already in our time. Most of the methods that have been proposed for the entire period of the warming period are mostly concepts that do not carry a historical precedent, therefore, when implementing them, the possible risk to humanity should be minimized.

If it is not possible to deal with changes in climatic conditions, then a proposal has been received / you need to put up with and take off as much clothes as possible and stay practically in “what the mother gave birth to” / as they say, “in one shorts, because it’s hot in two.”

Thus, the decision was made to develop a pret-a-porter de lux collection for resorts. The developed collection is intended for those parts of the Earth where there is an increase in the average temperature of the air and the World Ocean.

About such a problem as global warming, they began to talk in the middle of the last century. Until now, this issue has been the subject of numerous discussions, the topic of international symposia and documentary films. Even a person far from environmental disciplines knows what global warming is. It is expressed as an increase in the average climate temperature over the past 100 years.

But is global warming as dangerous as it is portrayed by scientists and the media? When will it start? What changes will happen to the planet due to climate warming? What awaits humanity in the worst case? Is the world community capable of solving the problem of global warming?

What is evidence of climate warming?

Temperature has been documented for 150 years. Over the past century, it has increased by an average of 0.5°C. A sharp warming of the climate occurred in the 1970s, when industrial activity intensified. Not only did the air temperature rise, but so did the water.

Global warming has led to an intense decrease in snow cover, melting and retreat of glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland and high mountain peaks. The consequence of this was the rise of the ocean level by about 10 cm. These and other phenomena prove that global warming is a real environmental problem.

What caused the warming?

  • Forest fires (during them a huge amount of carbon dioxide is released, moreover, a large number of trees are destroyed, converting it into oxygen in the process of photosynthesis).
  • Permafrost (methane is released from the soil located in the permafrost area).
  • World Ocean (water bodies are the main source of steam).
  • Volcanoes (when it erupts, an enormous amount of carbon dioxide is released).
  • Fauna (organisms that exhale carbon dioxide significantly increase its concentration in the atmosphere).

However, the greenhouse effect itself does not pose a threat - without it, the average temperature of the Earth would be -18°C. The point is that human activity over the past few decades has led to a significant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases, and, consequently, to an increase in climate temperature.

There are a number of other hypotheses that explain the occurrence of global warming on Earth. Satellite data suggest that the increase in climate temperature is caused by an increase in solar activity, which is not typical for past years. However, scientists do not have a complete picture of the change in the activity of the luminary for the publication of specific conclusions. The main facts indicate that the causes of global warming lie precisely in anthropogenic activities.

Factors that significantly increase the concentration of greenhouse gases:

  • Heavy industry (the main source of carbon dioxide emissions is the extraction and combustion of oil, gas and other minerals).
  • Agriculture (when the soil is intensively fertilized and treated with insecticides, nitrogen dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, is released from it).
  • (the destruction of the "lungs of the planet" leads to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide).
  • Overpopulation (a huge amount of natural resources is required to meet the needs of the Earth's population).
  • Landfills (most of the waste is not recycled, but is burned or buried, which leads to a fundamental change in the biological system).

Despite the fact that humans have significantly contributed to climate warming, some scientists still prefer to divide the causes of global warming into natural and anthropogenic.

What awaits the planet in the future?

Global warming will lead not only to a further increase in the temperature of the earth's surface, but also to other changes. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions will increase. The level of the World Ocean will rise by half a meter in 100 years, in addition, the salinity of the water will change. The air will become more humid. Precipitation will begin to fall more intensively, their distribution will change, and the temperature maximum threshold will also increase. The melting of glaciers will accelerate.

Global warming will affect the course of weather events: winds and cyclones will intensify and become more frequent. Natural disasters, such as floods and hurricanes, will occur more regularly, and their scale will increase significantly.

Ecologists identify several regions of the earth, which will be particularly affected by the effects of global warming:

  • Sahara Desert;
  • Antarctic;
  • Deltas of major rivers in Asia;
  • Little islands.

Less rain will fall in the tropics and subtropics. As a result of global warming, arid regions of the Earth and deserts will increase in area, and permafrost will move further north.

Due to climate warming, the habitats of biological species will shift, which in turn will jeopardize the safety of living beings, there will be a serious danger of extinction of organisms.

One of the controversial consequences of global warming is. The change in the density of the ocean waters caused by climate warming will lead to the fact that the pattern of sea currents will become similar to that which was during the Ice Age.

An increase in the number of industrial enterprises, landfills and waste disposal, the development of oil and gas fields will lead to an irreversible change in the composition of the Earth's air envelope.

According to the optimistic scenario, according to which greenhouse gas emissions will remain at the same level, a critical situation will come on the planet in 300 years. Otherwise, irreversible consequences will be observed in 100 years.

Global warming will lead to changes not only in the biosphere, but also in economic activity and in society. The expansion of drought areas will lead to a reduction in sown areas, and agriculture will fall into decay. Developed countries will face the problem of hunger and lack of drinking water.

Is it possible for man to solve the problem of warming?

No matter how pessimistic the scenarios for the development of global warming are, humanity is still able to take measures so that the Earth does not become like Venus. The most promising today are two main areas of combating global warming:

  • enhanced reduction of emissions;
  • use of environmental technologies.

However, it is not completely clear which method implementation will make it more likely to avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate warming. Moreover, the effectiveness of both measures has been repeatedly called into question.

Radical reduction of emissions will become increasingly difficult as the economic activity of developing countries intensifies. To ensure the rapid growth of GDP, colossal energy resources are needed, the source of which are oil, gas and coal. The burning of natural resources is the main cause of the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide. Due to the scale and financial costs, it is not possible to re-equip old industrial enterprises according to modern environmental standards. International agreements, in particular the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on the control of greenhouse gases, are failing.

The second direction in the fight against global warming is associated with the use of bioengineering technologies. Currently, installations are being created for pumping carbon dioxide into special mines. Scientists are working on extraordinary solutions, such as using aerosols to increase the reflectivity of the upper atmosphere. Whether this will be effective is still unknown.

Combining the two methods in the future will achieve better results. Improving catalytic converters and fuel combustion systems in cars will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also reduce heavy metals. The use of alternative energy sources will help to reduce emissions by several times, but at the moment these technologies require large financial investments. The important fact remains that the production of solar panels and windmills is also accompanied by a colossal emission.

Smaller, but no less significant measures to address global warming include:

  • increase in green spaces;
  • the use of energy-saving devices and devices;
  • waste recycling;
  • drawing public attention to the problem.

If international control and large-scale environmental projects seem far from everyday life, then the above methods apply to all the inhabitants of the planet. Cycling and a vegetarian diet will not harm you (rather it will be useful!), but the involvement and caring of those who call the Earth their home will help prevent the effects of global warming. Just as once people “by joint efforts” violated the natural balance, so now, with the interest of everyone, it will be possible to avoid catastrophic changes.

Global warming caused by natural and anthropogenic causes is a truly large-scale problem of our time. A person should not remain indifferent to it and miss ways to prevent climate change!

Burning fossil fuels to generate energy increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which inevitably leads to climate change. We use gasoline engines and power plants running on natural gas and coal. Of course, global warming and the problems associated with climate change are acute today at all international environmental forums. How to use energy more intelligently and slow down carbon dioxide emissions? Here are some simple tips.

Reuse, recycling

Already now you can contribute to the protection of the environment. Make your choice in favor of reusable products instead of disposable ones. For example, replace plastic water bottles with one glass one. Buying groceries in small packages will save space in your dumpster, and reducing waste will benefit the economy.

If there is a recycling program in your area, participate in it. Thus, paper, glass containers, aluminum cans, and plastic can be recycled instead of being thrown away. Well, food waste can be recycled in the garden.

Save heat and adjust your air conditioning system

Insulating walls, insulating the attic, as well as eliminating gaps in windows and doors will help solve the issue of saving heating in the house. Reducing the amount of energy for space heating will reduce your costs by 25 percent. Keep the air temperature moderate or lower it at night. It is estimated that if each person lowers the temperature of the thermostat in the house by 2 degrees, this will reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by more than 900 liters annually.

Change light bulbs

Replace conventional light bulbs in your home with LEDs. They are more economical than compact fluorescents and have a longer lifespan.

Less car use

If people use cars less, there will be less gasoline emissions in the atmosphere. Don't forget that alternative walking or cycling brings huge bonuses to your physical health.

Shop smart

When it's time to buy a new car, look for fuel-efficient models with energy-efficient components.

Use less hot water

Set the water heater to a mark not exceeding 50 degrees. If there is no need to disinfect linen and towels, use the 30 degree mode when washing. This will reduce the amount of energy required to produce hot water. Thus, each household will prevent more than 200 liters of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. You can also use energy-saving settings in your dishwasher and dry the dishes outdoors.

plant a tree

The more green spaces around, the better for the atmosphere. During photosynthesis, trees and other plants take in carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen. Know that one of your trees will absorb a whole ton of carbon dioxide in its life.

Many experts offer various options for dealing with. The conference on climate in Paris, which was organized by the UN, is devoted to this problem. It was attended by leaders of many countries, including the President of the Russian Federation. This conference was a major historical event, during which agreements and commitments were made to improve the climate in every country.


The main global problem is warming. Every year the temperature rises by +2 degrees Celsius, which in the future will lead to a worldwide catastrophe:

  • - melting glaciers;
  • - drought of vast territories;
  • — desertification of soils;
  • - flooding of the coasts of continents and islands;
  • - the development of mass epidemics.

In this regard, actions are being developed to eliminate these +2 degrees. For this, humanity has no more than 20 years left, therefore, coordinated joint work of all states is required. First of all, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ideally by 50% by the middle of the 21st century. However, this is difficult to achieve, because the cleanliness of the climate is worth huge financial investments, which will amount to trillions of dollars.

Russia's participation in reducing emissions

On the territory of the Russian Federation, climatic changes in some places occur more intensively than in some other countries. The most dangerous regions are the Arctic and the Far East, where these processes are actively progressing. Russia currently ranks fifth in terms of gas emissions. A strategy has been developed, according to which the Russian Federation undertakes to reduce emissions by 25% of the 1990 figures. For this, legislation will be changed, effective technologies will be developed. By 2030, the amount of harmful emissions should be reduced by 2 times, the ecology of cities will improve.

Experts say that Russia has reduced the energy intensity of GDP by about 42% in the first ten years of the 21st century. This was influenced by the use of natural gas instead of coal. The Russian government plans to achieve the following indicators by 2025:

  • a 12% reduction in the electricity intensity of GDP;
  • reduction of energy intensity of GDP by 25%;
  • fuel economy - 200 million tons.

An interesting fact was recorded by Russian scientists that the planet is expecting a cooling cycle, as the temperature will drop by a couple of degrees. This opinion is shared by a group of American scientists. For example, in Russia, weather forecasters predict severe winters in Siberia and the Urals for the second year.

Global warming is the concept of rising global temperatures. For those of you who are not aware of the concept of global warming, we would like to explain its phenomenon. The bottom line is the capture of sunlight by the Earth's surface due to the presence of a thick layer of carbon dioxide in it. Carbon dioxide allows sunlight to enter the environment, but does not allow it to leave. There are many factors that contribute to global warming, and if we turn to the pages of history, we will find out that global warming began as early as the 18th century - the century of the industrial revolution. People began to leave the villages and the construction of megacities began. More and more people began to move to cities because of a better and more comfortable life. Some other factors responsible for global warming are deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. If left unchecked, this state of affairs will lead to many catastrophic consequences and impoverish future generations. We must do everything that depends on us. We are responsible for providing our future generations with a peaceful and secure life.
Let's look at some of the ways we can slow down global warming and make this world a better place to live.

10. Save the ozone layer
Have you ever thought about whether the products you buy can be recycled? Most likely the answer will be "no". If everyone took care to recycle the products that we throw in the trash, we could reduce global warming. You will be surprised to learn that recycling half of household waste can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.

9. Use Alternative Heating

Try alternative ways to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter. Currently, you can use not only heaters and air conditioners. There are many other methods by which we can heat or cool a house. Add insulation to your home's walls and install weather stripping around doors and windows. By doing so, you can save up to 25% on heating costs and, as a result, 2,000 pounds less carbon dioxide per year.

8. Go to network adapters

Buy compact fluorescent lamps and replace all conventional light bulbs with them. If you manage to do this, then you can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. Such lamps use two-thirds less energy and emit 70% less heat energy.

7. Ride a bike

It is known that cycling and walking help us to keep ourselves in good physical shape. Try to drive as little as possible and use your bike to get around. Each gallon of gas releases about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the environment.

6. Take advantage of the latest technology to reduce global warming

Whenever you are about to buy any piece of home appliance, like a new car, remember to choose the item that is the most energy efficient. Refrain from buying such products that are sold in large packages. This way you can prevent manufacturers from using too much packaging material and, as a result, you can prevent a lot of carbon dioxide from escaping into the atmosphere.

5. Hot water management

Try not to use excessively hot water in your homes when taking a bath, washing dishes, etc. As a result, you will save a lot of energy and therefore prevent carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.

4. Electricity and water

Water and electricity are the main resources of mankind. Their accumulation plays an extremely important role. The world's population is growing every second, and water supplies are significantly reduced. When we talk about water, we mean clean drinking water, the availability of which has become a serious problem in many countries of the world. Thus, we are talking about all the inhabitants of the Earth. In order to save as many of these valuable resources as possible, we must conserve them.

3. Planting trees

Plant trees without any calculation, and you can save the earth from increasing the amount of carbon dioxide. Trees, in the process of photosynthesis, absorb harmful gases, including carbon dioxide, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. To some extent, we can say that trees are natural cleaners and one tree is able to absorb almost a ton of carbon dioxide during its life cycle.

2. Ask for help from utilities

To make sure your home has energy efficient systems, contact your local utility company to have your home inspected and identify areas that are not energy efficient.

1. Other ways to fight global warming

You must use the media, telecommunications to tell other people about saving the environment. Use social media to convey your thoughts and ideas about this. For one day, you can set the status "Plant more trees to save the environment." Believe we can save our earth!

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