How to remove page number on multiple sheets. How to remove page numbering in Word? Removing numbering in Word

Word has long been a leader in the ranking of the most popular and popular text editors for various operating systems. The popularity is due to the combination of an intuitive interface and advanced functionality, the daily work with which can cause some questions and difficulties. After analyzing the most popular calls to the support service, “How to remove the page number from the title page in Word?” is the most difficult problem for ordinary users.

Not surprisingly, a student completing a test paper, an office worker, or an ordinary PC user may encounter a problem. We will consider ways to resolve the issue on different versions of the software.

"How do I remove the page number from the title page?" is a common question among users who urgently need to submit a document with strictly regulated formatting rules. Consider the procedure using Word 2016 as an example:

The above method is not suitable for all cases and is applied immediately after automatic installation. If the numbering has already been automatically set, you will need to slightly change the algorithm of actions:

  • After activating the "Special Header" function, proceed to setting up a specific area;
  • Click 2 times on the area of ​​the displayed page, after which the header will automatically be highlighted;
  • In manual mode, delete the desired number and exit edit mode.

Modern versions of the text editor allow you to open this settings menu by double-clicking in the numbering zone. The next steps are the same as above.

Delete in Word 2007-2016

The word processor began to be developed in 1983, and the first version was released in 1989. Since then, the program began to receive active updates that significantly affect the functionality. Today, on some office computers, you can still see actively used versions of 2003. Considering how to remove pagination in Word from the title page and content, you should pay attention to each specific version of the software.

The Word generation up to 2007 version works with this action through the "File" tab, where it is necessary:

  1. Find the "Page Setup" section and go to the "Paper Source" setting;
  2. Open the menu "Distinguish headers and footers";
  3. Put a marker near the item "First page".

Now the first sheet will be automatically deleted and the numbering will start from 2. Manual editing will also become available.

Considering how to remove the page number from the title page in Word 2010, you can stumble upon the following solution - the 2010, 2011 and 2013 software also received a change in the page editing order. Here you should follow the following procedure:

  • Go to the "View" menu;
  • Find "Page Layout";
  • Go to the "Document Elements" tab, "Headers and Footers", activate the "Page" button;
  • Set individual settings and save changes.

How to remove page number in Word

Having received an answer to the question “How to remove the numbering from the title page?”, You can proceed to study the process of editing the header and footer on any other page. As mentioned earlier, working with modern versions of the software, it will be enough to click on the automatically set page number several times, after which you will be able to edit or delete it.

In other cases, it will be enough to activate the display of the header and manually delete the required page. The process for different versions of MS Word is described in the sections above. Inventive users have come up with another way to get rid of the annoying number. Although it cannot be considered correct and if it is necessary to send the source file for verification, it will not be counted, the method is quite interesting and can be used in some cases:

  1. Find the "Insert" item in the ribbon, click on it;
  2. In the drop-down menu, find the "Shapes" section;
  3. Here it will be enough for you to select a white rectangle and delete the outline;
  4. Move the figure to the number you want to delete;
  5. Save the file and send it to print.

Such a tricky way allows you to remove an extra element without unnecessary intervention in the structure of the document.

Working with Word Online

The online version of the popular text editor not only receives all the latest updates, but also allows you to quickly edit a document from a variety of devices.

Cross-platform simplifies work and allows you to work on one document collectively. The number deletion process is performed here in a similar way to MS Word 2016. The action may differ in the mobile application, which creates the need for additional study on this issue. The browser version is available for everyday use for free, and the basic amount of cloud file storage is enough to create many text documents. Such files can be synchronized between different types of devices, which allows you to not be distracted from the workflow.

For any competent person, the ability to draw up a document is one of the most necessary. Whether you are a student, a doctor or a businessman, the realities oblige you to know the rules according to which the text must be processed. It must comply with the desired font sizes, indents, headers and footers and page numbering.


The first of the options, which is usually implied in the design of documents, is the absence of any page marking. All sheets must be clean. They contain only the necessary information without frills. How to remove page numbering in Word if you got such a document? There is a universal and simple method. It will help you quickly deal with the problem:

  1. Open the desired text document and scroll any sheet to the very bottom.
  2. Then double click on the page number with the left mouse button.
  3. The number will be highlighted. And you can delete it with the Backspace key.
  4. Click the Close button on the header and footer panel that appears.

Now the calculus of sheets will disappear in all text. Having figured out how to remove page numbering in Word throughout the entire document, you can proceed to special cases.

Word 2003

The fundamental principle of drawing up any document, report or project is the presence of a title page without numbering. On it, a person indicates only the title and the author. Let's say you often use the Word program, but you don't know how to remove the numbering from the first page. Do not worry. This shouldn't be a big problem for you. The first thing to do is to get rid of all the pagination in the document, as described just above. Then select the "Insert" menu. Click on "Page Numbers". Select the position of the numbers on the sheet. And uncheck the box next to "Number on the first page." Now nothing will be displayed on the title page.

If you need to know how to remove the numbering of some pages in Word, and not all at once, then you will have to try very hard and work carefully on it. You have to do the following:

  • Review your document carefully. Identify places where page numbers are not needed.
  • On previous sheets, use the "Insert" - "Break" - "New section from next page" function.

Each section has its own numbering. And you will have to insert numbers on them separately each time. But now you can choose which of the pages should not be numbered.

Word 2007

With the release of this version of the software, there have been many dramatic changes in the interface. Therefore, the last considered tasks differ in how they are performed. So, how to remove pagination in Word 2007 and later? We do it like this:

  1. To create a cover page, select "Page Layout" from the top menu. Click on the little arrow next to "Page Setup". After that add a tick "Distinguish headers and footers for the first page".
  2. To change only some numbers, insert breaks. Do it exactly the same as in the old version. This menu is also located in the "Page Layout" menu.

Also, there is a little trick. She will tell you how to remove page numbering in Word. Sometimes it works too. If no one is going to seriously check the document, then some numbers can simply be painted over in white.

When working with text documents, it is very often necessary to number the pages. Numbering allows you to make the correct table of contents and simplifies navigation through the document.

In the Word text editor, page numbering is enabled using the Page Number button on the Insert tab. Most users know about this and usually there are no problems with this. However, sometimes pagination needs to be adjusted to the specifics of a particular document, for example, removing the numbering from the first page, and not everyone can cope with this task.

Now we will consider just such a problem. The material will be relevant for users of modern versions of Word. Such as Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

To remove pagination from the cover page, first make a simple pagination that will appear on all pages of the document, including the first. After that, go to the "Page Layout" tab. Here you need to click on a small button, which is located in the lower right corner of the "Page Setup" button block.

Clicking this button will open the Page Setup window. Here we go to the "Paper Source" tab and enable the "Distinguish first page headers and footers" option.

Then close the Page Setup window by clicking the OK button. With the help of such a simple manipulation, we removed the numbering from the first page of the Word document.

But, there is one important point, now there is no number on the first page of the document, but the number “2” is on the second page. If this numbering option suits you, then you can finish it. If you want the numbering on the second page to start with the number "1", then you need to go to the "Insert" tab, click on the "Page Number" button and open the "Page Number Format".

As a result, a small window with numbering options will appear. In order for the number "1" to be on the second page of the document, here you need to enable the "Start with" option and set the value to "0".

Thus, after saving this setting, Word will start numbering pages not from one, but from zero. This means that on the second page we will get not “2”, but “1”, as it should be.

It should be noted that this method of removing numbering works fine only for the first page of a Word document, but if you need to leave the first two pages or more without numbering, then it will not work. In this case, the document must be separated by section breaks. You can read about how this is done.

How to remove pagination? You have created a document in Word. If the number of pages in a text document does not exceed one, then numbering is not needed. But when creating a book or term paper, pagination is indispensable. Requirements are requirements. And in working on documents, pagination is often simply necessary. But there are times when the numbering is already affixed, but you do not need it. Then it must be removed. This is where some users have difficulty. Of course, if you wish, you can deal with this issue yourself, but this desire is not always there, and most importantly, time. Page numbering is in . If you have a new version of Word, then read about it in the article -. And now let's talk about how to remove pagination in Word.

Here is a quick guide on how to remove pagination.

Move the cursor to the numbering of any page of your document and double-click on this number with the mouse. You will have a footer like this:

Now click on the number (I have a unit). This figure will now be in such a shaded frame.

Press the key on the keyboard " backspace” (left arrow key, under the F12 key) and double-click on an empty spot on the sheet (for Word 2003) or click the red cross button at the top right “ Close Header Window ” (for Word 2007).

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Now you can easily remove pagination at any moment. Although in my practice it is the other way around - more often I have to insert pagination.

In general, the more you know the Word text editor, the more you begin to love it. I can’t even imagine how we used to do without this useful program?

Video clip, How to remove pagination in Word:

You can read all articles on the Word text editor in this section -.

This instruction is suitable for all modern versions of Microsoft Word (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016).

one . Open the "Insert" tab at the top of the program and click on the "Page Number" button (it is located in the "Headers and Footers" section).

2. In the menu that opens, select the "Delete page numbers" item.

That's it - pagination has been removed from the entire document!

Another way to remove page numbers

You can also remove page numbers by editing headers and footers. After all, it is there that page numbers are usually applied.

A header or footer is an empty document field at the top and bottom of every page. It is not intended for printing the main text, but contains additional information (title of the work, author's name, chapter/paragraph number, date, etc.).

To clear it, open the "Insert" tab and in the "Headers and Footers" section, click on the "Footer" or "Header" button (depending on where the page numbers are placed). And in the menu, select the item "Delete footer".

And it could have been done differently: just double-click on the header on any page with the left mouse button, delete the number, and then click on the red button at the top “Close the header and footer window”.

How to remove the page number from the title page

Often numbering is needed not from the first, but from subsequent pages. For example, you are doing a diploma, term paper or other scientific work, the first page of which will be the title page.

Go to the "Insert" tab and click on the footer or header button. Then select "Change Header/Footer" from the menu that opens.

After that, editing the headers and footers themselves and the “Designer” tab at the top of the program will open. In it, in the "Parameters" section, you must check the box "Special header and footer for the first page".

The number will be removed from the first sheet, and remain on the rest. To apply these changes, you need to click on the red "Close Header Window" button at the top.

There is another way to start numbering from the second page:

one . Open the "Page Layout" tab and to the right of the name of the "Page Setup" section, click on the button with the arrow.

2. Go to the "Paper Source" tab and in the "Distinguish headers and footers" section, check the box next to the "first page" item.

Setting page numbers

Sometimes you need to make sure that the numbering does not start from the first, but from some other page. For example, so that instead of the number 1, the calculation starts with the number 2.

To do this, go to the "Insert" tab, click the "Page Number" button and select the "Format Page Numbers" item in the menu that opens.

In the window, click on the “start with” item, type the number 2 or another number with which the numbering should begin, and click OK.

Numbering from 3 pages

There are situations when you need to mark the sheets somehow in a special way. For example, make sure that the first two pages are unnumbered, and the rest are numbered.

There is a solution, but it is somewhat unusual:

one . First you need to delete all page numbers in the document: Insert - Page Number - Delete Page Numbers.

2. Then we put the cursor at the very beginning of the page from which the numbered sheets should begin.

If I want the sheets to be numbered starting from the third, then I click with the mouse at the very beginning of it - before the first letter of the first word or heading.

3. Open the "Page Layout" tab, click on the "Breaks" button and select "Next Page".

Most likely, nothing will change after that. This is usually the case - as it should be.

four . We open editing of that footer on this sheet (top or bottom), where the number will be. To do this, simply double-click on it with the left mouse button.

If you did everything right, then something like Footer -Section 2- will be written at the top.

5 . At the top of the program, in the Constructor, the button "As in the previous section" will be highlighted. Here you need to “press” it, that is, click on it once with the left mouse button so that it becomes a normal (not orange) color.

We also remove the bird from the “Special header for the first page” item, if it is installed.

6. And in the same place, in the Constructor, we put down the page numbers - there will be a corresponding button on the left.

If you need to customize the numbers (for example, so that the first is one), click on "Page number" again and select "Format page numbers ...". Then in the window we click on "start with" and put the desired number.

7. Close the Constructor by clicking on the "Close Header and Footer Window" button.

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