How to draw a spruce. How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages? Video: Learning to draw a Christmas tree

Not all people are born with the talent of an artist, but sometimes situations arise when you urgently need to draw something. For example, on New Year's Eve, many people ask themselves: how to draw a Christmas tree. After all, this evergreen tree becomes the center of the holiday, and often it is the drawings of Christmas trees that decorate interiors, children's albums, and postcards.

In the proposed article, we will consider various options for images of this coniferous tree. We will learn how to draw a winter beauty not only for an adult, but also for a child.

The easiest way

The option of drawing a Christmas tree described below is more suitable for adults than for children. Although it is quite simple. It consists of five stages:

  1. The first thing to do is draw the axis of the tree. To do this, draw a vertical line with a pencil. It will be the basis on which the entire drawing will be formed.
  2. The next step is to designate the triangular shape of the Christmas tree. You don't need to draw a triangle to do this. You can mentally imagine it and further focus on it.
  3. Then, from the upper part of the axis, we begin to draw with light strokes, taking into account the triangular shape of the tree, branches. They should point slightly downward. The left side should mirror the right side.
  4. Next, we denote the branches in more detail. The upper part of the Christmas tree, as in nature, should always be sharp. On the contrary, we make the lower branches more lush and wide. At the very bottom, you should definitely provide a gap for the trunk. It is better to depict it wider.
  5. So, the tree is almost drawn. Now it remains to refine it. Using your imagination, you can decorate the Christmas tree by drawing balls, garlands, toys. The upper part is traditionally decorated with a red star or dome.

Drawing with a child under 3 years old

In young children under the age of 3 years, the perception of the surrounding reality, as a rule, is sensual. They see the world in holistic pictures, not distinguishing any nuances. Therefore, when drawing a Christmas tree with a small child, it is worth focusing on its shape. During this age period, children are just beginning to comprehend different geometric shapes. The kid with pleasure, together with his mother, will draw a green triangle with paints, and small circles on it. Paints are better to use gouache. They are bright, saturated, perfectly fit in several layers.

So, at the beginning we draw a green triangle depicting a crown and needles. Then, when the paint dries, we begin to draw balls or beads. It is easier to paint them with cotton swabs, rather than brushes. Plus, it's very exciting. Having dipped a cotton swab in gouache, we put multi-colored round prints on top of the green. To make the tree look even brighter, you can circle it along the contour with some kind of contrasting felt-tip pen or pencil. In the end, with the help of an old toothbrush, by spraying white paint, you can create the effect of a snow coating. The kid will be delighted with such actions.

It will be no less exciting to draw the entire Christmas tree with colored pencils or felt-tip pens with the baby. To do this, first draw the axis. And multi-colored strokes around the dark trunk and branches will create the effect of needles.

Drawing with children over 3 years old

On the one hand, it is easier to draw a fir tree with children who already go to kindergarten, since they already understand a lot and can come up with some ideas themselves. On the other hand, it is more difficult, since a too simple version of the execution is unlikely to suit them.

At this age, the Christmas tree is already more interesting to draw with a more detailed drawing of its parts and using a wider color palette. Paints for such creativity are better to choose watercolor, their texture allows you to get more shades and halftones.

To create a composition you will need:

  • a sheet of A4 paper (preferably for watercolor);
  • watercolor paints;
  • brushes (preferably columns);
  • container with water;
  • napkins.

The process of drawing a spruce is as follows:

  1. With the help of wide strokes, we begin to form a tree from top to bottom. We draw the branches around the proposed trunk in semicircular rows. The trunk itself should not be portrayed. Especially black or brown. In this case, the spruce will look too pretentious. For branches, we use mainly colors from emerald green to light green. To create the effect of volume, it is worth adding blue and ocher colors to indicate needles. The main thing is that the Christmas tree does not look monotonous.
  2. After the tree dries up, you can start decorating: draw a five-pointed red star, draw beads with gouache or felt-tip pens, “put” boxes with gifts under the tree.
  3. At the end, if desired, the work can be cut out and pasted onto a piece of colored cardboard or paper.

Draw with a pencil

It is a bit problematic for an adult who lacks artistic skills to draw a Christmas tree, so you should not immediately grab onto paints. To begin with, it is better to do everything with a pencil, while working with an eraser and removing unnecessary or failed moments.

We present a small master class on how to do it in stages:

  1. The first thing to do is draw a triangle on a piece of paper. Instead of the base of this triangle, draw a semicircle. Got a cone.
  2. Then, along the entire contour of this figure, which still only resembles a Christmas tree, we draw branches. Inside the triangle, we also depict elements of branches, lines of future hanging beads.
  3. After that, we begin to draw in more detail the rest of the remaining elements: balls, beads, toys, an asterisk on top.
  4. Using an eraser, remove unnecessary pencil lines.
  5. You can paint the spruce with paints, for example, watercolor, colored pencils, pastels. But even if you just give it volume by applying hatching with a simple pencil, then it will look quite beautiful. Hatching is best done according to the shape, observing the rules of light and shadow: somewhere, press the pencil harder, in some cases, loosen the pressure.

We draw with paints

There are a huge number of options for depicting a Christmas tree with paints. Let's get acquainted with a few of them. They cannot be called complex, and they all have one thing in common: the triangular shape of the Christmas tree is taken as the basis for the image. For example, a drawing is very original if you paint a tree in the form of a cone, inside which there are balls of different colors and sizes. Draw an asterisk at the top of the composition. You can draw such simple drawings even without preliminary sketches with a pencil, immediately applying a brush to a sheet of paint.

If you replace the balls with multi-colored strokes, the effect will be no less interesting. Also, if you draw multi-colored lines diagonally inside the cone, the New Year's beauty will look beautiful and festive.

If the artist chose watercolor for drawing, then the spruce should turn out tender and airy. This is due to the effect of such paints, since it is always desirable to dilute watercolors with plenty of water and create a feeling of airiness. Don't forget about it.

We draw with gouache

Gouache has a number of irreplaceable advantages. For example, it is so dense that it can be applied in several layers. This quality of it allows you to create very juicy and colorful New Year's drawings.

Using gouache, you can depict a fabulous spruce in a night landscape. To do this, create a suitable background with dark colors. We draw the stars and the month. Then, in light colors, we depict a festive beauty, on which we draw various toys with contrasting colors.

There are an infinite number of such compositions. A cone-shaped image of a Christmas tree, created by repeatedly pressing a stencil that has been dipped in gouache, will look very creative. As a stencil, you can use cotton swabs, a rectangular piece of potato, a small piece of sponge, even small children's hands.

Currently, there are various variations on the theme of "how to draw a Christmas tree." On the Internet, you can find many different examples of such works. The mirror reflection technique allows you to create different Christmas trees. It is enough just to draw an axis, from which various curly images will depart in different directions: lines, ovals, curls, circles, triangles.

In the process of creating a drawing, it is always worth considering the age and initial skills of the artist. You can not learn to draw a highly artistic work of art the first time. Secondly, using certain materials, you always need to know about their qualities and assume what effect they can produce. It is better to take those paints with which you have already worked. If this was not possible, then it is better to first learn about their properties.

Approaching the process with desire and interest, doing everything with pleasure, you can come up with your own distinctive idea even in the absence of experience. This is especially true for children. They really like to try and invent something new. Don't limit them to this.

Whatever method those who wish to draw a New Year's tree choose, the main thing is to show maximum imagination and skill during the process itself. Any materials and paints are suitable for this purpose. However, do not forget that the effect of different colors will also be different. The tips proposed in the article will help to significantly reduce the time of the image of the Christmas tree.

The long-awaited New Year can be imagined without sparklers, serpentine, and even without sweets. But it is impossible to imagine a magical celebration without a magnificently decorated Christmas tree. Alas, in recent years, thousands of people refuse to buy a living tree, following humane motives, and they cannot afford an artificial beauty due to its high cost. We invite everyone to learn how to draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands on a larger canvas with pencils, watercolors and gouache. To beautifully dress up the whole house, school class or group in kindergarten for the New Year 2018 with bright illustrations. We have collected the best step-by-step master classes for beginners on how to draw a Christmas tree easily and quickly in our own selection. Choose the one that suits you best and start making fun.

How to draw a beautiful Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 for a child in stages with a pencil and paints

Kids, no less than adults, are in a hurry to decorate the room for the onset of the holiday and the arrival of an important guest - Santa Claus. The guys stick tinsel everywhere, arrange curly candles and figurines, hang their own crafts. Thousands of kids are trying to find out how a child can draw a beautiful Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 in stages with a pencil and paints. To surprise a good grandfather with a homemade gift after a short creative lesson. Let's help the kids learn a new useful lesson. It is easier to teach preschoolers such drawings using checkered paper, but even on a landscape sheet, the process will be easy and fun.

Necessary materials for drawing "Herringbone" with a pencil and paints for the New Year 2018

  • sheet of landscape paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • watercolor or gouache paints

Step-by-step instructions for creating a bright Christmas tree pattern for a child with paints and a pencil

  1. Start your bright drawing with the image of Santa Claus. On the left half of the horizontal sheet, draw the character's oval nose. Then add the mustache, eyes and outlines of the face.
  2. Place a cap with fur trim on your head. Don't forget the long grandfather beard.
  3. Proceed to the torso: draw a fur coat with long sleeves for the hero. Try not to make sharp and too straight lines. Let Santa Claus with his constant companion - the Christmas tree be frivolous and somewhat cartoonish.
  4. On a fur coat, draw a line of smell, draw a strip of the lower fur trim. Draw similar details on the sleeves. Do not forget about boots and mittens.
  5. Slightly to the right of the head of Santa Claus, put the top point of the Christmas tree. From it, take left and right along one curved line depicting tree branches.
  6. Then draw the second tier of branches in the same way, exceeding the first one in width. Finish the image of the Christmas tree with the last, widest tier of spruce branches.
  7. Just below the tree, draw the outline of a bag of gifts. Give it a slightly loose shape.
  8. Erase all unnecessary lines. Draw slanted wavy garlands with round lights on the Christmas tree. Between the garlands, place several Christmas balls.
  9. Draw all the folds on the gift bag, draw shadows on the face and outfit of Santa Claus. With small parallel lines, shade the floor at the feet of the character and the foot of the Christmas tree.
  10. Color the illustration with traditional Christmas colors: red, green, white, gold, etc. Using this wonderful master class, any child will draw a beautiful Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 in stages with a pencil and paints.

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands for kindergarten and school

With the advent of December, children in kindergarten and at school are given interesting New Year's tasks. And extracurricular drawing of thematic pictures is one of the most popular. After all, ready-made children's illustrations can replenish a thematic exhibition in an educational institution, decorate boring corridors and create a festive mood in bright classes and groups. In addition, drawings of a Christmas tree with toys and garlands in kindergarten and school are not just an element of decor created by the children, but also part of the compulsory educational program.

Necessary materials for drawing a Christmas tree with toys and garlands for school and kindergarten

  • thick sheet of white paper
  • sharpened pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a Christmas tree with a garland and toys for school and kindergarten

How to easily and beautifully draw a Christmas tree with bullfinches with a pencil: a master class in stages for beginners

It's never too late to learn how to beautifully draw a Christmas tree with bullfinches with a pencil according to our master class in stages for beginners. For both children and adults, such an activity will bring a lot of pleasure, and the finished result will be the best reward for their efforts. In addition, drawing perfectly calms the nerves, agitated and disturbed by the pre-holiday fuss.

Necessary materials for drawing a fir branch with bullfinches with colored pencils

  • sheet of heavy landscape paper
  • regular soft pencil
  • colour pencils
  • eraser

A step-by-step master class on creating a drawing "Christmas tree with bullfinches" with a pencil for beginners

  1. Lay the landscape sheet horizontally on your work surface. With thin soft lines, draw the location of future spruce branches.
  2. Connecting the imagination, draw the contours of the snow caps covering the branches. With small ovals, schematically determine the places for bullfinches, cones and other small objects.
  3. Start drawing the top bird: detail the head with eyes and beak, wings, tail and abdomen. Then do the same with the rest of the bullfinches.
  4. Draw large bumps and shade them with a grid of cross lines.
  5. Get out the red and black pencils and paint over the bullfinches. Leave white highlights on the wings and tail, darken the barrel of the abdomen. Draw the needles on the branches with a green pencil.
  6. Using a brown pencil, paint over the spruce cones. With darker browns, give each bump the desired structure.
  7. Darken the edges of the snow caps using blue-blue shades. Blend the transitions to make the overlay look more realistic. Supplement the needles with other tones of green so that the branches come out bright and lush.
  8. Shade the background with any color you like and place a bright congratulatory inscription "Happy New Year!". This is how easy and beautiful you can draw a Christmas tree with bullfinches with a pencil in a master class in stages for beginners.

How to draw a Christmas tree with paints in stages for beginners and experienced artists

As in any other fine art technique, in drawing a Christmas tree with paints, it is important for beginners and experienced artists to draw up a graphic frame correctly in stages. The contours and auxiliary details should be thin so that they can be easily removed at the end. The sketch may be sloppy and not entirely clear. But the final coloring with gouache or watercolor should be started only after the completion of all the previous stages.

How to draw a fir tree step by step.

Actually, we already have it - we, it seems, have already “passed through”. To this I will tell you - today we are drawing a spruce. What's the type of difference? Well, although these words mean the same tree, spruce is what grows, and the Christmas tree is often cut down and invited to join the fun on New Year's Eve.

Today we are drawing a whole, living spruce - it grows near our house and every year it gets prettier. Thank God, those times have passed when on New Year's Eve people ravenously cut down all the pine trees in the city right in the parks and on the streets. Well, now this is no longer the case, my friend the Christmas tree did not find these times.

True, we will draw from a photograph - a crowded winter street is not the right place for inspired creativity and natural sketches.

Here I note that there are no less myths about the appearance of firs than any variants of little men. As a little man is drawn starting from an oval, then from a rectangle, so a spruce tree, without looking, rhymes now at arcs, then at triangles. And if you look, then the branches are like branches. An ordinary tree: a trunk, branches on it, more branches on them. When I repeat this for the hundredth time, my students smile, but familiar images, hardened from the cradle, shine in their eyes:

"Classic" looks

Well, don't give up.

Let's start with a pencil drawing. Let's outline the general shape of this particular spruce. Let's determine the height of the trunk and the most general outline - the spruce tree looks like a pyramid because the lower branches are long, and the higher they grow on the trunk, the shorter they are. Let's draw the middle line (trunk) and the border lines of the branches:

Now let's outline the branches - exactly where they grow, and observing the angles of their inclination. In general, just like the chosen spruce-nature.

Comrades, I beg you very much: do not immediately grab the needles. Everything has its time. Let's distribute the branches first, and let's start with the branches of the first order - that is, those that grow from the trunk.

I will depict needles with a felt-tip pen. I'll start at the top of the tree.

Few branches, easy to draw. Below the branches are already merged into arrays. Here I will use a thicker green marker.

The most difficult thing for children is to keep their attention on nature. That is, draw sequentially branch by branch as they look on a tree. We gain patience and proceed to drawing small branches. Well, here is a drawing of a spruce in winter - it looks like its real prototype.

However, we will not be limited to this one lesson - this is just a training session. Summer is coming - and all the surrounding spruces will be happy to pose.

Take a sheet of paper or an album, a pencil and an eraser. Ask the child how he will decorate the hedgehog and prepare pencils, felt-tip pens or paints with a brush.

Tell your child the rules for working with paints.

  1. Prepare and moisten paints with clean water;
  2. mix paints on a palette (white paper) without forgetting to wash the brushes;
  3. evenly cover the surface of the background and characters in the composition;
  4. at the end of the work, wash the brush, do not leave it in a jar of water, but wipe it with a cloth;
  5. at the end of the paint, put the pencil in boxes or in a pencil case.

How to draw a Christmas tree

Step-by-step instruction "Step by step" how to draw a Christmas tree.

1. Draw a triangle. Now draw a star at the top of the triangle. Leave enough space to add the rest of the tree.

2. Draw the top part of the Christmas tree, which consists of three branches, as shown in the picture. Don't try to draw too precisely, lines that aren't quite straight will look better. The ends of the branch lines must join the star.

3. Now add two more rows of spruce branches. Moreover, in each subsequent row of branches, one more is added. Thus, row 1 - three branches, row 2 - four branches, row 3 - five branches.

4. Then just draw a bucket under the tree and attach to the tree with two lines, which will be the trunk of the spruce. Add two lines in the center of the bucket in the form of a ribbon, as shown in the picture. Erase all auxiliary lines.

5. Draw a bow on the ribbon and draw a ball on each branch. Give the star at the top of the tree a sparkling effect. Our Christmas tree is ready! You are great!

6. Now you can start decorating.

Whatever your child draws, be sure to praise him and hang the resulting masterpiece on the wall so that the kid feels like a real artist.

How to draw a Christmas tree

We offer a version of the Christmas tree, which you can decorate as you wish.

Send us the resulting drawing by e-mail. Specify I.F. child, age, city, country where you live and your baby will become a little famous! We wish you success!

The New Year 2018 is coming soon, which means that each of us will receive gifts, albeit small, but made with love. Of course, surprises from parents will be much more "weighty" in every sense than funny children's drawings, but the latter will be able to warm you with the warmth of their sincerity and childish efforts. Well, what can boys and girls portray in winter? Of course, everything related to the New Year holidays - Santa Claus, ate, Snow Maiden, a snowman, a forest covered with snow. If your children are still small and do not know how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully, watch with them the video and photo of the workshops presented here. They show how even a beginner, using pencils and paints, can gradually depict a Christmas tree decorated with garlands and toys. A carefully executed, neat, bright drawing will receive a prize at a creative craft competition in elementary school or kindergarten.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step easily and beautifully - Master class for beginners

If you want to learn more about how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step easily and beautifully, use the tips of the master classes for beginners presented here. Similar work can be done with felt-tip pens, but a simple pencil should always be used to create a sketch of a drawing.

Ways to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil: examples in the photo

A Christmas tree is one of the simplest drawings, but you can create it in many ways. A selection of these photos will help you understand how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step easily and beautifully, and you will find a master class for beginners on the video.

The first way is a Christmas tree made of cones

Take a close look at the step-by-step drawing of a spruce. Start depicting her by drawing a cone-skirt. At the end of the work, when all auxiliary lines are erased, the Christmas tree can be decorated with garlands and toys.

The second way - Christmas tree-stick

Here you need to start your artistic creativity with the image of a single vertical stick. The branches of the tree and its foliage - needles - are already "attached" to it.

Method three - a Christmas tree on a stand

In this case, the basis of the pattern is a triangle on a "stand" - a horizontally located rectangle. Small wavy triangles are attached to the large triangle on the sides - spruce paws.

How to draw a Christmas tree step by step with paints - Photo and video tutorials for beginners

The brightest, most realistic-looking Christmas trees are obtained from artists who use paint in their work. Undoubtedly, novice creators first use a pencil - such sketches are easy to correct by erasing them with an eraser. And yet, a drawing made in watercolor or gouache always attracts more attention. These photo and video tutorials for beginners will tell you how to draw a Christmas tree step by step with paints.

We draw a Christmas tree with paints - Photos with explanations

Even the most inexperienced artists can learn how to draw a Christmas tree in one stroke without using pencils. Learn how to draw a Christmas tree step by step with paints: photo and video tutorials for beginners will tell you how to work with a brush.

Herringbone zigzag paint

Here the artist, using brushes of different widths, drew a zigzag line, gradually expanding downwards. After that, with paints of a different color, he “hung” balls on the Christmas tree.

Herringbone-panicle painted

First, the artist drew a straight line from top to bottom - this is how he depicted a tree trunk. To the left and right of him, he applied strokes of paint in different shades of green, yellow, and then white. Strokes were applied in layers of different colors - from the bottom to the top, so that the Christmas tree at the bottom turned out to be wide, and at the top - pointed.

After that, the master painted snow on the Christmas tree with white paints.

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands for elementary school and kindergarten

Before the onset of 2018, many children will want to learn how to draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands for school and kindergarten. Of course, most of them already know how to draw Christmas trees in the form of a stick and branches, but this master class will teach them a slightly more complex drawing technique.

We draw a Christmas tree 2018 with decorations in stages

The drawing diagram located here will help you figure out how to draw a Christmas tree, decorate it with toys and garlands, and submit your work for a drawing competition in elementary school and kindergarten.

  1. Start working with the image at the bottom of the sheet of a small square and a triangle, "planted" on its upper face.
  2. Add “paws” to the Christmas tree by drawing small zigzags on the sides of the large triangle and processing the “skirt” of the tree.
  3. Start decorating the Christmas tree by placing a garland diagonally across it and hanging the balls on the branches.

How a child can draw a Christmas tree in stages with watercolor or gouache

If you want to know how a child can draw a Christmas tree in stages with watercolor or gouache, check out the master class presented on this page, watch a video tutorial explaining the features of working with paints, and in the end, invite your daughter or son to draw a Christmas tree together.

We draw a Christmas tree with gouache or watercolor - Master class with a photo

After you read everything about how you can draw a Christmas tree with your child in stages using watercolor or gouache, get to work. Prepare everything you need for this:

  • Paints;
  • Whatman;
  • A jar for water;
  • Brushes of different sizes;
  • palette;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser.
  1. Schematically depict the base of the Christmas tree, the stick on which you will attach the branches.

  2. Finish drawing the "skeleton" of the Christmas tree.

  3. Mix blue, white and green paints on the palette. Start “stringing” the needles on the Christmas tree with strokes.

  4. Draw the spines carefully, not forgetting about a single branch of our future Christmas tree.

  5. If you want to make the spruce more fluffy, add more branches, covering them with needles as described in the previous paragraph.

  6. Draw a tree trunk with brown watercolor or gouache, fill in the entire space of the sheet that is not occupied by the drawing with blue.

We hope that now, after you have learned how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil or paints in stages, you and your child will draw a 2018 Christmas tree with toys and garlands. Workshops with videos and photos posted on this page are also designed for beginner artists of all ages.

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