How the mantra works. What is the heavenly power of mantras

What is a mantra? This is a prayer in the ancient language spoken by the Hindus. This language is called Sanskrit. The mantra is mainly used for meditation, for deeper relaxation, better concentration and better self-absorption. The mantra itself is usually recited in a circle. This promotes concentration.

Meditative practice

What is a mantra? First of all, it is necessary to say about its connection with meditative practice. The practice of meditation itself is mystical, religious and esoteric in nature. It is an excellent tool for self-improvement and self-knowledge. This is a wonderful technique for strengthening the will, calming the mind, establishing a connection between the brain and the body, and relieving stress. Some practitioners view meditation from a scientific point of view, without going beyond the so-called ordinary experience. However, in any case, one cannot ask the question of what a mantra is, in isolation from meditative practice.

Everything is vibration

We will not talk about the illusory nature of the world as such. What is a mantra? This is a tool that helps you advance in the art of relaxation and concentration during meditation. And that's exactly what you should be looking out for. Since mantras are the inventions of the Eastern Brahmins and Yogis, it is necessary to get acquainted briefly with their opinion on this. They believe that mantras are a set of sacred divine sounds that resonate best with the subtle energies of the universe. That is why the so-called healing mantras appeared, because vibrations have a very beneficial effect on a person who reads or says these very words.

Mantra action

First of all, it should be understood that there are analogues to Indian verbal practices in virtually every religion. What is a mantra from this point of view? This is actually a prayer that allows you to feel calm and peaceful. Prayers of all religions are addressed to their gods. However, the overall effect is. Both the Buddhist and the Christian, in the very process of prayer, will experience a sense of peace and relief from this immersion in themselves. This means that the process of reading sacred words affects the internal state of a person. Prayer is a kind of meditation. In fact, one cannot say that meditation practice is an exclusively Eastern phenomenon. In one form or another, analogues can be found in Western culture. What is a mantra, and what is its connection with prayer? Everything is simple. A Christian is not obligated to use mantras for Krishna or Buddha. The main thing is to focus on the cyclical repetition of the text for ten to twenty minutes.

The first thing to understand is that you can't rush. The process should be fairly measured. What is the best pace to chant mantras? The text must be pronounced with the same intonations and emotions - this will allow you to quickly enter the so-called semi-trance or meditative state. To do this, you need to thoroughly learn a prayer or mantra. Keep your focus on the words, sounds. Don't forget about proper breathing. The mind should (ideally) be completely focused on the mantra.

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion about the miraculous power of words. A word can cure a disease, bring joy to a person, offend or harm him. Folk healers around the world at all times have used miraculous phrases that help from various troubles. One example of such magical combinations of words are magic mantras.

Mantras are a kind of magical combination of words, symbols and sounds. They act on a person from the inside. Their magical sound vibrations are able to tune a person to the “right wave”.

How Mantras Work

  • Magical Buddhist prayers are able to heal a person with the help of sound vibrations arising from their pronunciation. They are aimed at healing the whole organism, and not a specific organ. With regular practice, the harmony of the soul and the whole body is achieved.
  • Buddhist monks believe that all diseases that exist today are far-fetched. They occur due to an imbalance in the body. Constant stressful situations, the negative impacts of the world around us can disrupt the harmony that exists in us. This is where our illnesses come from. We need mantras to tune the body, they harmonize it.
  • The constant use of magical prayers allows us to clear our energy field, as well as the energy of the room. The correct pronunciation of a prayer has a beneficial effect on a person. His worldview changes over time, and diseases recede.
  • Regardless of the way the magical prayer is reproduced, it has a beneficial effect on the practicing person in any way. Mantras can be read, listen online, watch videos, hum, say to yourself. According to practitioners, the use of several types of reproduction has a stronger effect on the body. Mantras with musical accompaniment have the most effective effect. They allow you to feel more relaxed and ready for further life changes.
  • To achieve positive results from practice, you need the right attitude. A practicing person must be ready for further changes, believe in the power of the mantra. Without faith in yourself, in the miraculous effect of prayer, it is very difficult to achieve positive results. The monks believe that if you hum a mantra over food, medicine or plain water, then it acquires new valuable properties.

Buddhist prayers are capable of carrying a powerful charge of positive energy. Sound vibrations spread throughout the body, thereby affecting all aspects of human life. The practitioner becomes not only a spiritually developed person. It attracts prosperity, luck, success and material wealth.

How do they work

Each prayer is addressed to a specific deity. By reading mantras, we thereby turn to God. We ask him for help, for indulgence, for blessing. We merge with it together, become one whole organism.

Mantras are masculine, feminine and neutral. They differ from each other in endings. Male and female prayers carry a very strong energy and are intended mainly for strong-willed people. Neutral ones are perfect for people who have lost their vital energy, passive or seriously ill.

Depending on its intended purpose, Buddhist prayer helps to relieve tension, stress, and depression. It can improve performance, thereby improving vital energy. With its help, your heart is filled with joy, memory improves, the body is saturated with energy and cheerfulness.

Spiritually, visible positive changes are also noticeable. A practicing person achieves harmony with the Cosmos, as well as mental and moral enlightenment. He becomes more charming and attractive in the eyes of the people around him.

How to practice the mantra

At the initial stage, beginners are advised to practice the simplest and most uncomplicated prayers to use. They listen to them online, watch videos on the Internet, go to classes. This is how you can remember the correct sound of a Buddhist prayer.

How mantras affect a person

Regularity is very important. Buddhist monks do not recommend skipping classes. Thus, you break the chain of accumulation of energy. If you are unable to attend the class, you must practice in whatever way is convenient for you. It can be humming a prayer both aloud and silently. You can read it or just listen.

In any case, you should be completely relaxed and have no extraneous thoughts in your head. If you are tense and constantly think about some of your affairs, the magical power of the mantra will not work on you.

If, when you say a prayer, you feel unity with it, you have noticed positive changes - the magical effect of prayer has affected you. Now you can move on to the next level.

At the next stage, you will be able to use several magic spells at once. Thus, you can influence several areas of your life at once. For example, you can apply mantras of wealth, good luck, prosperity, healing and protective at the same time.

Prayer must be sung in a special way. To do this, special sound vibrations should occur in your voice when pronouncing the mantra. These same vibrations in the voice and have the necessary therapeutic effect. Your body relaxes, saturated with calmness and spiritual balance.

Thus, the lingering sounds "i", "a", "z" have a positive effect on your head. Sounds "o" and "m" - affects the chest. The "su" sounds affect the lower part of the lungs. The lingering sound "y" has a positive effect on your throat, pharynx and larynx. To normalize blood pressure, it is recommended to pronounce the lingering sounds "om". A runny nose can be cured with the sound “and”, and “pa” and “ai” can relieve the pain in the heart. If you have a headache, say "u".

The number of repetitions for any mantra should be divisible by three. It can be said three times, six, nine, twelve, fifteen, eighteen, and so on. The best effect is the repetition of the mantra one hundred and eight times in a row. It is considered a symbol of sacred energy and is perfection itself, the most sacred number, symbolizing eternity and infinity.

How not to make a mistake in the number of repetitions?

What do monks use the rosary for? They are used in order not to go astray when reading the mantra. Such rosary must be made of natural natural material. It can be precious or semi-precious stone, mineral, wood and any other natural material.

In no case is it recommended to use plastic products and materials of chemical origin in your practice. Such a product is unlikely to benefit you in your practice. Natural materials are able to accumulate the energy of their owner. Depending on the material, they can carry healing and protective functions.

Such a rosary must have one large bead, which stands out from all with its size. The total number of small beads should be the sacred number one hundred and eight. A large bead is needed to count the desired "measure". They start counting from a large “measured” bead, they are touched with fingers according to the number of repetitions. In no case can you count in a circle. Having reached the "measured" bead, you need to go back.

With the “right rosary” in your arsenal, you will never be mistaken in the required number of repetitions of the mantra.

How to find your mantra

Every practicing person should have a clear idea of ​​what exactly he wants from his life. Therefore, you need to have in your arsenal that one and only magical prayer that you need to practice constantly. To do this, a practicing person must determine his main goal in life. He must repeat such a prayer regularly and without fail every day.

Such a mantra does not have to be the only one in your practice. You can apply other prayers that you need. For example, you have poor health and are often exposed to various infectious diseases. In such a case, you should regularly apply a mantra that will improve your health.



But you still have a great desire to improve your material well-being. Then your additional (second) magical prayer should be directed to improving your well-being.


And you also want to establish relationships with your loved ones and relatives, find happiness and love. Then apply this magical prayer:


There can be many such examples. It all depends on you, your desire and your capabilities.

Mantras that protect against damage

There are such magical mantras that can save you from damage and the evil eye. They will be able to protect you from these misfortunes. With their special sound vibrations, they have both a healing and protective effect on you.

Examples of such mantras are the following magic spells:

"AUM KSHRAUM AUM". "Hrim Kshraum Hrim".

The initial stage of applying one of these powerful mantras is the ability to focus. The practicing person falls under the positive influence of prayer. His inner world is getting better, peace and tranquility sets in.

Regular use of a magic spell has a beneficial effect on the protective functions of the body. He acquires the ability to protect himself from external negative influences.

Such mantras give additional strength to fight various fears and obstacles. Nightmare is considered one of the manifestations of damage brought on you. Therefore, immediately after waking up, read one of the above mantras. She will definitely save you not only from a nightmare, but also from damage.

So what is the true power of the mantra? It lies in its special magical effect on the human body. The versatility of the use of the mantra makes it quite popular in different segments of the population, among different peoples of the world. She is able to give a person health. It makes practicing people happier, more loved, more successful. With its help, they become richer and more successful. The mantra protects us from various kinds of negativity. Its sphere of influence is quite wide. That is why mantras are so widespread at the present time.

Increasingly, on the Internet or in conversations with people, we come across this word, but it’s not always possible to find out what a mantra is and how it works. For a better understanding of this issue, we suggest starting from the beginning.

So, mantra is a Sanskrit word that is made up of two conjugated words - manas which means mind or consciousness, and traya- liberate or clear. Thus the word mantra translates as liberation of the mind.

The main thing to understand is that mantras are not ordinary sounds, but the sounds that purify our consciousness. In recent years, science, with the help of various experiments, has repeatedly proved the power of sound and the high degree of its influence on matter and consciousness. For example, an experiment in which sugar crystals scattered on a plane formed different shapes, depending on what kind of sound they were affected by. This shows that any, even meaningless, sound has a subtle form and influences on different levels of being.

This is how mantras affect us and our environment. After all, they were created in a special way, taking into account all the main laws of the Universe and aimed at solving certain problems. Therefore, a mantra can consist of words, syllables, and even individual sounds that have a deep meaning each separately (for example, sacred ohm sound, the most famous and frequently encountered). This is another reason why the exact and meaningful pronunciation of all mantras is required. Now some people translate or even invent their own mantras, but you should not rely on them, as they may not take into account certain laws and are not time-tested, like the ancient Vedic ones. The importance and power of mantras can hardly be overestimated, and their necessity in our lives is simply obvious. After all, they are able to free our mind from worries, irritations, anger and other negative character traits and shortcomings, bringing peace and tranquility. For this, there is a special mantra of harmony and joy, a mantra of prosperity, etc.

Also, with the help of mantras, we can influence not only consciousness, but also the environment, fate itself. Gradually clearing the mind, we better begin to understand what is happening around and get the power to change what does not suit us.

There are mantras for attracting money and for healing, for example. However, in order to achieve a tangible result in achieving your goals, you need to understand that simply mumbling some incomprehensible sounds under your breath once a month is not enough!

For a real and full development of consciousness, you need to know the following:

1. The repetition of a mantra is, first of all, meditation. This means we repeat with maximum concentration, focusing our attention on the sound, and not on extraneous problems and other unnecessary thoughts.

2. Although it is necessary to repeat in Sanskrit, and without distorting the sounds, it is still desirable to find out mantra meaning(even if not word by word, but a literary translation) and to whom it is addressed. After all, the majority have a connection with one or another incarnation of the Almighty.

3. Need to repeat 108 times per cycle. The number 108 is sacred and has a deep meaning - the number 1 symbolizes the deity, the highest energy; 0 - perfection of divine creation; 8 - eternity.

In order not to be distracted by counting, a rosary is used. In addition, there are bonuses in their use - busting the rosary calms in itself and helps to concentrate, and also during repetition we charge the rosary with powerful positive energy, and they can be used as a talisman.

4. Consistency . If you repeat with intermittent frequency (for example, today there are 2 circles, and after 3 days of skipping 1 circle), then there will be almost no result. You need to choose for yourself the best practice that does not take too much time, but at the same time gives the desired result. Let it be 1 circle per day, but every day.

Practice, carry love in your heart, do good and you will be rewarded!

© 2015 Alexey Meredov. All rights reserved.

If you are on the path of spiritual development, or are simply interested in Eastern, Vedic culture, or are in love with India, I think you often thought about what a mantra is and how it works.

The word "mantra" consists of parts of two words "manas" - the mind and "trayati" - to purify, elevate.

In the era of the Kali Yuga, we were left with a universal tool to bring our soul closer to the Supreme, and these are mantras. In ancient times, and more specifically, in the age of righteousness, the Satya Yuga, the power of a mantra could revive, cure a person, gain tremendous power or kill ... In our time, due to many circumstances, such a huge power of mantras has been lost. And we can use them as a tool for harmonizing our soul, concentration of the mind and spiritual practices.

In order to use mantras in meditation, you do not need to learn Sanskrit or change your faith.

A mantra is a sound, a universal sound given by the Almighty, it acts on our consciousness regardless of anything. Only your intentions, open heart, constancy and concentration are important.

There are several types of mantras: monosyllabic (bija) mantras, for example, for each chakra, mantras praising certain Gods, which help to strengthen certain areas of life, qualities of character, praising the deities of the planets.

It is not necessary to sing mantras, it is enough to pronounce them concentratedly. Now there are many popular recordings of mantras performed by various musicians and many people listen to them.

I want to note that the effect of listening to mantras will be the same as if you were listening to any other music. The essence of the mantra is not in listening, but in repeating it, in the sound that you pronounce. This is your fellowship with God!

For mantra meditation (yoga japa), a rosary must be used. There are several types of rosary: ​​large, 108 beads, small, 54 beads. The minimum for meditation is 108 times, that is, one circle of large rosaries or 2 on small ones. If you decide to meditate regularly, you can increase the number of circles over time, but it is important not to decrease it later. Therefore, evaluate realistically your capabilities and the availability of free time.

The best time for mantra meditation is morning during sunrise or sunset.

A few mantras and their meanings:

The Gayatri Mantra is the main mantra, which is taken from the hymn of the Rig Veda. This mantra clears the mind of anxiety, delusions and illusions:


One of the translations of the gayatri mantra:

“Oh, the Most High, the Creator of the Universe, the Giver of life, the Eliminator of pain and suffering, and the Bestower of happiness! You are the supreme Light that destroys sins. We meditate on You to inspire, enlighten and lead our minds in the right direction!”

Maha Mantra. The most important mantra in praise of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. According to the scriptures, the sage Narada received this mantra from the great Brahma:

hare krishna hare krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

From a religious point of view, this mantra is translated as follows:

“O All-Attractive, O All-Rejoicing Lord, O spiritual energy of the Lord! Please allow me to serve You faithfully."

Tibetan health mantra, praising the deity of Green Tara (Skt. Savior). She protects from fears, dangers, relieves pain, there is also a belief that the veneration of Tara contributes to the fulfillment of desires:


Mantra translation:

"Om. I prostrate before the beautiful transcendent Deliverer!

Ganesha's mantra for attracting money, overcoming obstacles, grants prosperity and success in business and in all endeavors, glorifies Ganesha:


This mantra literally translates as: Oh Ganesha, Ganesha! I bow to you!"

Mantra for all kinds of prosperity. This mantra praises the great Goddess Lakshmi, she is also the mother of Ganesha and the patroness of women, beauty, prosperity.


Translation of this mantra:

“Om! Hail to the Great Lakshmi who gives all kinds of prosperity.".

Good luck in your practice!

These 12 basic mantras can change the main directions in a person's life. Their regular repetition gives the practitioner healing, finding happiness and harmony, promotes spiritual growth and self-development, gives protection from negative influences and the removal of obstacles.

What is a mantra?

Mantra¹ is a word of power, it is a powerful driving energy. Properly applied mantras make it possible to fulfill all desires, eliminate any misunderstandings, enable a person to live a fundamentally new, better life.

Mantras for meditation reflect the main types of energy movement. They connect a person with the Cosmos through the Sahasrara² (head chakra), free from diseases and evil. Mantras are the magic of the word.

Mantras are words or phrases spoken aloud or silently that are the objects of meditation. Often these mantras are associated with certain Buddhist characters, whose properties can be developed in oneself by repeating the corresponding mantra.

12 main mantras and their spheres of influence

1. OM BHAIKANDZE BHAIKANDZE MAHA BHAIKANDZE RATNA SAMU GATE - SVAHA. The mantra promotes rapid recovery and strengthens the immune system.

2. OM MANI PADME HUM - this mantra is the fulfillment of desires and compassion for all living things. It is believed that if a person sings it a million times, he will receive clairvoyance as a gift. And this mantra perfectly cleanses the room if you sing it 108 times.

3. JAYA JAYA SRI NRISIMHA - This mantra relieves fear. If you read it every morning, it gives peace of mind.

4. AUM KASSIYAN KHARA SHANATAR. If this mantra is pronounced 72 times a day, it will open the "third eye" and give.

5. AUM SURYA KALA CHANDRA DRA KAYYAM - facilitates the exit to the astral³

6. SAN SIA CHII NAH PAI TUN DOU - This mantra promotes weight loss and makes the body attractive.

7. OM KURKULLE HUM HRIH SVAHA - This mantra increases sexual attractiveness.

8. OM NAMO DHANADAYE SVAHA - this is the mantra for the fulfillment of desires. She brings good luck and luck in all matters.

9. OM CREAM CREAM CREAM - develops mental abilities.

10. AUM SHRIM HRM KLIM MAHA LAKSHMAYE NAMAH is a mantra for the fulfillment of desires. It harmonizes the energies in the human body and in the surrounding space, gives strength and attracts abundance and prosperity.

11. KAR PAR LAM - This mantra gently awakens the Kundalini energy. Read 7 times.

12. KVOCH KOHIN TO - this mantra and.

Attention! If there are no special instructions, the number of repetitions of the mantra should be a multiple of three (from 3 to 108), 108 times is the maximum.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Mantra is a sacred text in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring the exact reproduction of the sounds that make it up (

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