How to cook zucchini pancakes. Fritters from zucchini Fritters from zucchini so as not to fall apart

  • Zucchini: autumn "king"
  • Zucchini pancake recipes
  • Plain squash fritters
  • Zucchini pancakes with minced meat
  • Spicy zucchini fritters
  • Spinach squash fritters
  • Sweet fritters from zucchini

With the onset of autumn, most summer residents are faced with the appearance of a large crop of zucchini. It should be noted that these vegetables grow very well. But many do not know how to deal with them. Often, zucchini simply disappears. But this is a very valuable and useful product.

An excellent solution in this case will be pancakes from zucchini.

It is not only insanely delicious, but also useful. How to cook pancakes from zucchini? This will be discussed today. A variety of recipes will be offered, from which everyone will find something according to their taste and possibilities.
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Zucchini: autumn "king"

To begin with, it is worth saying a few words in defense of the zucchini, which is undeservedly not perceived by housewives as an independent, tasty and very valuable product. Most of them do not know that they can not only be fried. Moreover, you can even make dessert from zucchini.

As for the beneficial properties, there are an incredible amount of them in the zucchini. So, this product is useful for anemia, various types of allergies, heart disease and more. Also, zucchini is a great helper in losing weight, because it has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body. And this vegetable strengthens the bones no worse than dairy products. In a word, it is good from all sides.
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Zucchini pancake recipes

It may immediately seem that there is only one recipe for zucchini pancakes. And this is not true. There are many recipes for this unique dish. It is recommended to choose young zucchini, not too large, with thin skin. Young zucchini can even be consumed with the skin on.

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Plain squash fritters

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • zucchini (2 pcs.),
  • chicken eggs (1 pc.),
  • flour (3 tablespoons),
  • salt pepper.

First you need to grate the zucchini. Do not rub too finely (to a mushy state). It is better to grate the zucchini on a medium grater. After that, it is necessary to drain the excess liquid formed during the rubbing process. This will prevent the pancakes from falling apart during the frying process.

Now flour and a raw egg are added to the container with zucchini. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned.

At this time, a frying pan with a moderate amount of vegetable oil on it is heated. A small mass of squash mixture is collected with a spoon and laid out in the form of pancakes. Zucchini pancakes are prepared very quickly. And therefore, after 10 minutes, you can enjoy the first portion of this magnificent and very tasty dish.

By the way, squash pancakes can be eaten both hot and cold. It is customary to use them with sour cream or yogurt without filler.
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Zucchini pancakes with minced meat

This recipe is not only very tasty, but also incredibly satisfying. To prepare this type of squash pancakes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • zucchini (1 pc.),
  • any minced meat (300 g),
  • onion (1 pc.),
  • chicken eggs (2 pcs.),
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • flour (3 tablespoons),
  • salt pepper.

On a fine grater, onion is rubbed, and then zucchini. Excess liquid is drained. The grated onion is sent to minced meat. By the way, you can take absolutely any meat. For example, for a more dietary option, chicken, turkey, and even fish are suitable. If you want a more satisfying option, then ground pork or ground beef is what you need.

One raw chicken egg is added to the zucchini, and the other to the minced meat. It is also important not to forget to add flour to the zucchini.

Further, everything happens according to this scheme. The first and moderately thin zucchini layer is laid out with a spoon on a preheated pan with vegetable oil. You have to let it fry. Then a thin cake of minced meat is placed on it. After a few minutes, a “cap” of zucchini mixture is laid out on a layer of minced meat, and then everything is turned over and fried until cooked. The important point is to close up all the cracks well so that the meat is not visible. The pancakes themselves should not be too thin. The result is an excellent dish that includes both a side dish and meat. It is better to eat them immediately after preparation.

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Spicy zucchini fritters

It seems that zucchini pancakes are too bland? This recipe will surely appeal to all lovers of spicy and spicy food. To prepare spicy pancakes, you will need the following:

  • zucchini (2 pcs.),
  • garlic (3 cloves)
  • chili pepper or jalapeno pepper (0.5 pcs.),
  • onion (1 pc.),
  • chicken eggs (1 piece),
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • flour (3 tablespoons),
  • salt pepper.

This time, it is preferable to cut the zucchini into cubes and chop in a blender along with pepper, onion and garlic. This is due to the fact that the recipe involves a large number of ingredients that can be knocked out in consistency from the total mass. This is especially true for onions.

The mixture obtained in the blender is poured into a bowl, where flour and an egg are added. Flour can be added a little more than in previous times, since in this case it was not possible to drain the excess water. If you do not want to overdo it with flour, then you can leave the mixture for a while so that the water settles, and then carefully drain it. It will take patience

Further, everything is as before. Pancakes are laid out on a heated pan with a tablespoon. You can serve spicy squash pancakes with sour cream, but it is better to make a sauce from a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise. It will be very tasty!
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Spinach squash fritters

And this recipe will be appreciated by lovers of unusual flavor combinations. Pancakes from zucchini and spinach are an exquisite and delicate dish for real gourmets. In order to prepare them, you will need the following ingredients:

  • zucchini (2 pcs.),
  • spinach (150-200 g),
  • chicken eggs (1 pc.),
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • flour (2 tablespoons),
  • salt pepper.

Zucchini is peeled and rubbed on a medium grater. Spinach leaves are washed and ground in a blender. If you want a coarser texture, then you can simply cut the spinach with a knife. Spinach and zucchini are mixed, a raw egg, flour and spices are added there. Pancakes are fried according to the same principle as before.

However, for this recipe, sour cream will be too commonplace sauce, and therefore you need to make a special sauce. It consists of unfilled yogurt mixed with herbs and garlic.

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Sweet fritters from zucchini

It would be unfair not to take into account the interests of the sweet tooth, and therefore the following recipe is for them. It's hard to believe that you can make a dessert out of zucchini? It turns out that it is possible, and very tasty and unusual. To prepare sweet pancakes you will need:

  • zucchini (2 pcs.),
  • chicken eggs (1 pc.),
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • flour (3 tablespoons),
  • sugar, salt, soda.

Zucchini are cut into cubes, ground in a blender. Flour, a raw egg, sugar, salt and soda on the tip of a knife are added to the finished mixture. Then everything is fried according to the already mentioned scheme.

Serve sweet zucchini pancakes with jam or honey.

This is what the best zucchini pancake recipes look like. Everyone can find something to their liking. Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

2016-05-20T10:20:05+00:00 admin baking baking

Contents: Zucchini: autumn “king” Recipes for zucchini pancakes Simple zucchini fritters Zucchini fritters with minced meat Spicy zucchini fritters Spinach zucchini fritters Sweet zucchini fritters With the onset of autumn, most summer residents are faced with the appearance of a large crop of zucchini. It should be noted that these vegetables grow very well. But many do not know how to deal with them. Often zucchini...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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It's always fun to read the comments on some pancake recipe on the blog. Usually 50 x 50: " did everything exactly, it turned out great! " and " did everything exactly - it turned out watery and terrible, threw it in the trash". Well, dear friends, you look carefully at your zucchini! They are different.

Here, let's say, those with a delicate, barely green skin and dense white crispy flesh. They are very tasty to gnaw just like that, fry in slices or make muffins from them. Because they have 3/4 juice. Of such young zucchini if the liquid is not squeezed out, pancakes " will float» after three seconds, you will have to add more and more flour, and as a result, towards the end pancakes yours will no longer be squash. There will be one zucchini juice, eggs and flour. And if you squeeze it out, then " exit» of the product will be somehow very sad. Like six pancakes from a kilogram of zucchini.

Muffins and fried baby zucchini

But from later zucchini with yellowish pulp and seeds, pancakes are much tastier - and you don’t need to squeeze anything. However, first things first.

How to grate zucchini

In the same blogs, you can find two fundamentally different approaches to rubbing zucchini ( just like dranikov): on a fine grater or on a coarse grater. I am a supporter of the second. Because a lot of juice will inevitably turn out from finely grated zucchini - and then see above.

Moreover, if you have some German mandolin grater equipped with a variety of graters, choose the one that cuts vegetables into large strips. Well, food processors usually also have such a disk.

Zucchini, grated on a coarse grater

How to squeeze extra juice from zucchini

So, if your zucchini is watery, it’s really better to squeeze them first: that is, salt with fine salt, mix and put in a sieve set over a bowl for 20-30 minutes. However, the word " wring out' is not entirely correct. That's how much it will drain itself - that's enough, don't crush them with your hands, you don't need pancakes made of sand.

And don’t salt a lot - it’s better to serve a spicy-salty sauce ( see below).

Sprinkle grated zucchini with salt

How to add eggs to zucchini pancakes

Adding eggs to squash fritters is also a multi-faceted issue. Some, for example, put only whites, before that they are well beaten. Such pancakes turn out to be quite lush at first - but they can quickly fall off.

There are comrades who prefer yolk pancakes - they have a tougher texture, but they are very rich.

Pancakes from zucchini, cooked only with proteins and only with yolks

If you are not a supporter of either one or the other, I suggest doing this. Take a couple of eggs for 800-900 g of zucchini, you can even per kilogram. Beat them beforehand. Prepare the right amount of flour and all other additives in advance: other vegetables, herbs, onions. Preparing a thick-bottomed frying pan two is better), putting on a small fire - let it gradually heat up to the desired temperature. Put oil next to the pan - ghee or vegetable oil.

Mix the prepared zucchini with beaten eggs until smooth.

Over time, a liquid still forms in the bowl of dough, which was not there at first - the zucchini continues to secrete juice. If you don't want to add more flour, don't. While scooping up the dough, simply tilt the bowl - and don't scoop up the liquid. There, of course, there are eggs and all that, but they are not your last ones, are they?

How to fry zucchini pancakes

The pan, as mentioned, must be heated - so that a crust immediately forms on the dough. But it cannot be overheated, because the top layer will burn, and inside the pancakes will be unbaked. You will only know the exact temperature with your pans and your stove from personal experience. My recommendations are simple:

  • do not make too strong a fire, it is better to heat up longer;
  • the pan must have a thick bottom;
  • if you fry on gas, use a divider;
  • if you have a conventional electric stove that is not controlled by one turn of the switch for 1 division, make a tight bundle of foil, roll it into a ring and put it under the pan right on the burner if you feel that all your pancakes are about to burn.

The most lush and delicious are obtained pancakes, which were first quickly fried on both sides until golden brown, and then fried for a long time on minimal heat, reaching from the inside. The first stage - without a lid, the second - under a lid.

Cover the frying pan with zucchini pancakes

How to cook zucchini pancakes with herbs

In zucchini pancakes, God himself simply ordered to add greenery. If you've never done this before, go ahead and cut the dill ( parsley, cilantro, tarragon, green onion or basil - or all of these together). There is one requirement for greens in pancakes - it must be literally crushed into dust, so that in no way interferes with the main taste, and gives only aroma. You can chop garlic along with greens, but I personally am not a supporter at all. If you want garlic - it is better to add it to the sauce.

Pancakes are very tasty, in which they added a lot of green onions, cut into quite ordinary thin rings - and fried in oil until soft. Butter must be ghee or butter. By the way, the usual onion is also very tasty to add.

For zucchini pancakes, cut dill and fry green onions

What sauce to cook for zucchini pancakes

Main sauce for squash fritters It's sour cream, of course. But there are options. Our people, of course, and here manages to use mayonnaise - well, God be his judge. A very tasty and very light sauce is obtained from natural yogurt or even better yogurt with the addition of chopped herbs, garlic and ground cumin. Only zira, please, dare yourself - after lightly frying the seeds in a dry heated frying pan, shaking for 1-2 minutes, and then in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Spicy lovers can add chili flakes from the grinder or just fresh chili, red or green, finely chopped.

Cooking sauce from curdled milk, herbs and zira and chili peppers

How to cook zucchini pancakes for fans of a healthy diet

In terms of a healthy diet, the combination of vegetables and carbohydrates ( flour) - the most healthy thing. That's just the eggs here do not fit. Therefore, the task is to prevent the pancakes from disintegrating due to another link.

The first assistant in this matter is starchy potatoes. You can just rub it on a fine grater - or at least on a smaller one than zucchini - the potatoes are fried much longer.

Zucchini pancakes with potatoes

You can turn to the experience of lean cuisine - there, for example, pancakes and pancakes are often made on the basis of boiled porridge, say, oatmeal. It is not necessary to cook directly on porridge ( although why not?), but the easiest way is to grind oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder, mix oatmeal with wheat or with starch and spices. Grate the zucchini, sprinkle with flour mixture, salt, pour with oil and mix thoroughly.

Knead the vegetable base of zucchini pancakes and add vegetable oil

Or you can use the miracle flour - from chickpeas. It holds any grated vegetables together like cement, but it has a specific taste.

And finally, you can just take starch - potato or corn. And some yogurt, for example.

roll over like that pancakes will not be too good, so make them smaller and fry them first on both sides in a very hot frying pan with extra virgin olive oil or melted butter, in small quantities, just to grease the frying pan and get a browner crust. And then ( Are we eating healthy or what?) bake in the oven.

Pancakes from the oven in the style of healthy lifestyle

Some of my favorite squash fritters are made in a Moscow gastropub " Simple things". Their zucchini are cut rather large and not squeezed at all - the pieces remain crispy, and the pancakes themselves are very lush. I know a secret, but I won't tell you.

More fluffy and tender squash fritters a couple of tablespoons of thick yogurt or fatty sour cream added to the dough will help to become.

Zucchini may not be the only vegetable in pancakes. They are very good in a mixture of pumpkin, carrots, sweet peppers, celery root.

Add pumpkin to zucchini pancakes for color and sweet taste

In addition to the mentioned zira, zucchini pancakes can be added together or separately: ground coriander ( a little bit), freshly grated nutmeg, paprika, sweet or spicy, asafoetida, turmeric.

An excellent addition to squash pancakes is cheese, and the most diverse one.

  • for spice, you can add a little crushed dor blue or gorgonzola;
  • instead of eggs for a bunch and satiety - a well-melting hard cheese
    (Swiss, Lithuanian pamesan);
  • for a divine subtle aroma - real Parmigiano Reggiano or Grana Padano;
  • for tenderness and milky taste - mozzarella or suluguni;
  • for a looser texture and volume - cottage cheese or Adyghe cheese.

Add cottage cheese to zucchini pancakes for a loose structure

How to make delicious pancakes from zucchini and so that they do not fall apart? and got the best answer

Answer from Elena[guru]
Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, then squeeze the juice very well. Add 2 eggs, flour, salt to taste to the squeezed zucchini. There should not be much flour so as not to clog the taste of zucchini in the finished pancakes. Mix everything thoroughly and fry in oil. Then eat with sour cream. Fast and very tasty! Also, for a change, you can add grated cheese to the dough. It turns out sooo delicious! Ingredients needed for this recipe:

Answer from @[email protected] [guru]
I add an egg.

Answer from Anya[guru]
Add an egg and some flour.

Answer from Lady with a dog[guru]
mashed zucchini. squeeze it out this juice is not needed .. enough eggs and flour

Answer from Irina Gurlova[guru]
grate zucchini on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice. (about 300 gr), add 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of flour, salt. , mozho chopped dill. Fry like pancakes in sunflower oil.

Answer from Anna stepashina[guru]
Of the above, I also add yeast.

Answer from Oliver James Trevor[guru]
Fritters Zucchini-hook
1 kg zucchini
3 st. l. butter
3 eggs
pepper to taste
2 cups of flour
1/4 tsp soda
1/4 cup sugar
For the mushroom sauce:
mushrooms - 300 g
sour cream - 200 g
cream or milk
Chop the zucchini and sauté until softened in butter. Then wipe hot and put oil in them, stir and cool. Beat the eggs into the chilled puree, salt and pepper to taste, add sugar. Then pour flour and soda into the mass: stir everything properly until bubbles appear. After that, you need to pour the dough with a spoon into a very hot frying pan, well oiled. Serve pancakes with mushroom sauce.
For mushroom sauce: in a pan, heat 1-2 tbsp. l. butter, add flour to it and fry, stirring constantly, until golden brown. Then transfer to a bowl, dilute with liquid, let it boil a little, stirring constantly, and remove from heat. Cut the mushrooms and fry until golden brown. Rub white sauce through a sieve, add sour cream, spices to taste and combine with mushrooms. To mix everything.

Answer from Marysia[guru]
Salt the grated zucchini and put on a sieve to drain excess juice. There will be a lot of juice, sometimes a liter.
Add egg, flour, fried onion, garlic, seasonings. Maybe greens.

Answer from Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)[guru]
Zucchini fritters.
800 g zucchini (or zucchini)
2 eggs
10 st. l. flour (with a slide)
greens to taste
vegetable oil
Finely chop the greens.
Grate zucchini on a fine grater.
If the zucchini is large, peel and remove the seeds.
Add eggs, mix.
Add greens.
Add flour, salt, pepper, mix well. The mass should not be thick and not liquid.
Warm up the oil. Put the pancakes, fry for 3-4 minutes.
Turn over, fry for another 3-4 minutes.
Serve with sour cream.

Answer from Kalinka[guru]
egg and flour.

Answer from Natalia Zhizneva[newbie]
just like potato pancakes, squeeze the juice.

Answer from GIRLS GIVE[newbie]
more you need to give flour a spoonful of starch and mix everything do not forget to give two eggs salt and pepper with stir and sunflower oil in a frying pan to warm up and fry until cooked

Answer from Marina marinka[master]
for 2 servings
young zucchini (zucchini or squash) - 1 pc (~ 250 g),
garlic - 1 clove,
dill or parsley,
eggs - 3 pcs,
flour - 2 tablespoons (without a slide),
vegetable oil for frying,
freshly ground black pepper,
sour cream (for serving)
Wash greens, dry and finely chop.
Peel the garlic and finely chop.
Break the eggs into a deep bowl, pepper a little and shake lightly with a fork or whisk.
Add dill, chopped garlic and lightly beat the egg mass again.
Wash the zucchini, dry and grate on a coarse grater.
* If the zucchini is not young, be sure to cut off the rough outer skin and remove the seeds.
Add the grated zucchini to the egg mixture and mix
Add flour and mix well again.
* It is better to salt the zucchini mass immediately before frying, otherwise the zucchini will release a lot of juice, and the dough will turn out to be liquid.
* You can cook zucchini pancakes in a slightly different way:
Grate the zucchini, salt and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the resulting liquid and squeeze the zucchini. Add dill, garlic, eggs, salt, pepper, flour to the zucchini - mix the mass and bake pancakes.
On a preheated pan with vegetable oil, spread the zucchini mass with a spoon in small slides.
Press the pancakes lightly with a spatula or spoon, making them flat and giving the desired shape.
Fry the pancakes over medium heat ~ 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
Turn over, reduce heat, cover and cook for ~3-4 minutes more until the underside is browned.
Place cooked pancakes on paper towel to remove excess oil.
Serve hot pancakes with sour cream.

Need something quick to make for tea? Want to make a light breakfast or a little snack? Then you should definitely know how to cook zucchini pancakes. In addition, it will be useful for those who are on a diet to learn how to make zucchini pancakes. After all, zucchini is a fairly low-calorie product. And you can also learn how to make diet zucchini pancakes.

There are several ways to cook zucchini pancakes: most often they are simply fried in oil, but they can also be baked in the oven. Can be made plain or sweet zucchini fritters. The zucchini fritters recipe may also include other ingredients that make the zucchini fritters more flavorful. These are zucchini fritters with garlic, zucchini fritters with cottage cheese, zucchini fritters with cheese. If you watch your weight, follow a diet, you can cook diet zucchini pancakes. In a nutshell, how to cook diet zucchini pancakes. First of all, such zucchini pancakes should not be fried, but baked in the oven. Preparing diet pancakes from zucchini without flour. The rest of the recipe is the same, the composition includes eggs, salt, sometimes carrots and onions. Grease parchment paper with oil and bake pancakes from zucchini. A video recipe is usually not required to learn how to make zucchini pancakes. If you do not use eggs, then you can cook lean zucchini fritters. But in this case, you can not do without flour. Although no, flour can be replaced with semolina and zucchini pancakes with semolina can be prepared. It should be mentioned how to make squash pancakes more healthy. To do this, add other vegetables or fruits to zucchini. This is how pancakes from zucchini and apples, pancakes from zucchini and carrots are prepared. Fluffy zucchini pancakes are obtained by adding a little slaked soda to them, and also beat the resulting batter a little. There is another way to make squash pancakes lush: for this, zucchini pancakes are prepared on kefir or yogurt.

An important note on the question of how to bake zucchini fritters. If you want to make beautiful and neat pancakes from zucchini, cooking recipes do not always remind you that you need to spread the dough on a hot frying pan, and it is advisable to do this with a tablespoon, so zucchini pancakes will not stick and break apart. The recipe with a photo will show how best to do it. Choose recipes for zucchini pancakes (recipe photo), zucchini pancakes (photo) and cook for yourself and your loved ones for health. You can choose a recipe to your taste, delicious zucchini pancakes are guaranteed to turn out delicious if you cook them with soul. And remember that the most delicious zucchini pancakes are hot, piping hot.

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