How to teach a child to read or What method of teaching reading to choose? Teaching reading according to the method of Leo Tolstoy Nikolay Zaitsev is an innovator of teaching.

The so-called reforms in the educational system have been going on for more than 20 years. It is painful to watch how in the course of these reforms the necessary and good are removed, and the useless and harmful are introduced. One gets the impression that the reforms are carried out by people who are far from school. The sad consequences of such innovations include the fact that the school method of teaching reading is ineffective for a large number of children, giving rise, in turn, to total illiteracy of students.

Parents of future first-graders very quickly realized that they do not teach reading at school now. Therefore, they decide to take care of it in advance. It is sad, but the fact remains: endemic preschool tutoring has become the norm of our life, and tutors are often people who are far from pedagogy. At the same time, the methods and teaching aids that they use are not controlled by anyone.

In fact, the problem of forming one of the most difficult and basic reading skills for all further learning fell entirely on the shoulders of parents, became a paid service!!!

As a result of illiterate attempts at preschool education, children come to school who need to be retrained. And to do this is very, very difficult, sometimes impossible. And then, as a result of the wrong way of reading, the child has difficulties: first they are associated with the formation of writing skills, and then with the assimilation of the entire school curriculum.

Therefore, it should be emphasized that teaching the ability to read and its qualitative formation should be considered not only in the narrow pragmatic sense as the child's mastery of this educational skill, but also in a broader sense - as a basis for the personal development of children in the future.

Where do we see the solution to the problem?

First, let's answer the question that haunts parents of preschoolers: "Is it worth teaching a child to read before school?". The answer is unequivocal: "YES". Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to master the wisdom of the modern school curriculum.
Question two: "How to teach a child to read?". Alas, parents must answer this question on their own, choosing the teaching method that, in their opinion, is trustworthy. In our opinion, teaching reading in the preschool period should be carried out only on the basis of taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children, excluding the mass approach that copies the technology of school education. Therefore, every parent must answer the question: how to teach?

There are different ways to teach reading to preschool children.

Phonetic method or learning to read in the footsteps of sound-letter analysis(The most common today).

It is this method that came to preschool pedagogy from school. The child will learn to read if he follows the following algorithm: “I see a letter, but I don’t read it right away, I look - if it is a consonant and there is no vowel after it, then I read it as a solid sound; I see a vowel at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, I read it as its corresponding vowel or confluence (iotized); I see a consonant, and after it I, E, Yu, I, E, then I read a soft consonant merged with A, E, U, Y, O.

Such a reading algorithm for many children (and adults too) is incomprehensible.

In addition, training by this method involves a long preparatory period, when the child accumulates sufficient knowledge in the field of phonetics. Young children divide words into syllables, syllables into sounds, they disassemble sounds according to sonority-deafness, hardness-softness, etc. And only after that they move on to reading syllables, and then to whole words. The preparatory stage turns into a simple coaching for preschoolers, which is also carried out without positive emotions. Such theoretical knowledge is intended for children with well-formed conceptual thinking. For the majority of preschoolers, intuitive, sensual, imaginative thinking is characteristic. Analytical and synthetic work with intangible sound matter is extremely difficult for children of this age. From our point of view, teaching a preschooler to read by the phonetic method means suppressing cognitive activity and, as a result, creating a barrier to the development of his general abilities.

Whole word method.

This technique was developed by neurosurgeon G. Doman. It is based on the principle of visual recognition of whole words. The connection between letters and sounds is established through the process of reading, in an implicit way. The child learns to read immediately from the whole word: he remembers the whole written words and identifies them with the corresponding objects.

With such training, there will be no need to explain the features of soft and hard consonants. The child comprehends them intuitively in practical activities. However, as practice shows, children who have learned to read using this method cannot avoid writing errors. Missing vowels are especially common.

Warehouse teaching method.

The idea to teach a child in this way was born in the early 19th century. An ardent supporter of the warehouse method was L.N. Tolstoy, who taught children to read in his schools in this way.

At present, the warehouse principle has been embodied in Zaitsev's Cubes. Practice has shown the huge advantages of the warehouse principle over the sound one.

In the primer "Igrobukvoteka" it is the storage method that is at the heart of teaching preschool children to read. What else is worth paying attention to parents who want to teach their child to read using the primer "Igrobukvoteka"?
What are the benefits of this tutorial? 1. The author of the book is a speech therapist of the highest category, a specialist in the correction of writing and reading disorders in children of primary school age, including children with developmental disabilities.
2. A teacher with 30 years of experience, the author knows firsthand what difficulties may arise in the process of teaching children to read and write and how they can be avoided.
3. "Igrobukvoteka" compares favorably with similar publications in that it offers a method of teaching reading that is unique in its simplicity and effectiveness. Long-term practice confirms: for the entire time of using this technique, there was not a single child who would subsequently have to be retrained.
4. The author thought not only about children, but also about adults, publishing the “Methodological recommendations for the Game Library”. They provide detailed explanations and comments on all stages of training in a simple and accessible language. Therefore, any adult can teach a child. At the same time, he can contact the author and get advice (e-mail address: [email protected])
5. In parallel with teaching the initial reading skill, all conditions are created for the formation of literate writing in children in the future, because. primer offers a number of exercises for the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, phonemic perception.
6. The advantage of this publication is that the content of the alphabetical material does not duplicate the school curriculum. Let your child take the first steps into the world of literacy easily and freely!

Gone are the days when children who could not read were sent to school. Now children are beginning to be introduced to literacy much earlier, and this responsibility falls, as a rule, on the parents. Someone teaches children “the old fashioned way” - in the alphabet and syllables, while someone, on the contrary, takes up modern methods of teaching reading, which are now quite a lot (the most popular of them are the methods of Doman and Zaitsev). What approach to choose so that learning is a pleasure, and so that the baby really loves books? After all, you can praise a new modern technique as much as you like, but if classes on it are under duress and only spoil your relationship with your child, then it is worthless.

Today I will try to highlight the main methods of teaching reading, their advantages and disadvantages, and also talk about how to get a child interested in reading. I really hope that the article will help you decide on the direction in which you need to move. Well, read about specific games and activities in the new section "".

Taisia ​​began to read her first words of 3-4 letters on her own at the age of 3 years 3 months. Now she is 3 years 9 months old, she already reads long words and short sentences more confidently. No, she doesn’t read fairy tales yet, but most importantly, she really likes the process of reading! She writes letters to me with pleasure, and can, at her own request, get a baby book to read a little. There were both mistakes and interesting discoveries on our literacy journey, and as a result, a clear idea was formed on how to make learning fun. Well, first things first.

Learning letters by alphabet

Almost obligatory purchases for a baby are alphabets, cubes and other toys, where each letter is accompanied by a picture. With their help, many parents begin to acquaint the baby with letters quite early, and already at the age of two they can boast to their friends that their child knows the entire alphabet. Only after that, the matter does not move further, having learned all the letters, the child for some reason does not begin to read. “He knows the letters, but does not read” - you must have heard about such a problem, or maybe you yourself have already encountered it.

The fact is that when you and your baby repeatedly look through the beautiful pictures placed in the alphabet next to the letters, and repeat “A - watermelon”, “H - scissors”, persistent associations appear in the mind of the child between the letter and the picture. A very specific image is assigned to the letter, which then prevents the letters from being combined into words. . So, the simple word "YAMA" turns into "Apple, Ball, Watermelon."

Even worse, if showing the baby the letters in the alphabet, the parents do not pronounce the sound that corresponds to this letter, but title letters. That is, not "L", but "El", not "T", but "Te". Needless to say, the child does not understand at all why “Es-u-em-ka-a” should suddenly turn into “Bag”. It is sad, but it is precisely this pronunciation of letters that is found in all kinds of " living alphabets" and sound posters. If you still teach your baby individual letters, then pronounce only the sound that corresponds to this letter. . But before memorizing individual letters, check out other methods of learning to read.

Reading individual syllables and primers

Another assistant in the classroom is primers. Their main task is to teach the child to merge letters into syllables, and to form words from syllables. There is only one problem - they are often very boring for a child. Especially when it comes to a baby up to 4-5 years old. Before the child gets to reading words, he will be asked to reread a dozen of the same type of meaningless syllables. To be honest, even boring columns of syllables like “shpa-shpo-shpu-shpy” make me sad. Of course, you can learn to read from the primer, but again, the question is how interesting it will be for your child. It is rare to hear that a child under 4.5-5 years old is carried away by the primer, but many even at this age, when they see the primer, do not want to hear about reading.

Why does reading syllables make children bored (be it syllables in a primer or on some homemade cards)? It's simple: for a baby, MA, MI, BA, BI do not have the slightest meaning , they do not denote any real object or phenomenon, they cannot be played with, and what to do with them is generally incomprehensible! From a child's point of view, it's just a set of squiggles. The preschooler is more focused on the world of games, feelings and tangible objects; the sign system as such is not yet very interesting to him. But here's what's curious: if you compose these very squiggles into a word that means something specific and familiar, then you will immediately notice a spark in the child's eyes. Once the kid catches the connection between the letters and the real world, and he will relate to classes in a completely different way. From here the first rule of engaging learning to read :

Do not put off reading words indefinitely, start reading exactly as early as possible the words! Let it be very short and simple words, like HOUSE or AU, but they will make sense for the child!

Perhaps here you will have a question, how can you read words if "he cannot connect two letters even." How to solve this problem, read on.

Reading according to the Doman method and our not the most successful experience

Of all the methods, reading according to Doman seems to be the most unusual for our understanding. In this system, whole words are shown to the baby at a fast pace on the cards, a lot of words! According to Doman, the child very quickly begins to memorize the spelling of the words shown to him and gradually comes to reading them. “But it’s impossible to remember all the words of the Russian language!” You must be thinking right now. However, Doman argues that in the process of repeated demonstrations, the child does not just memorize words photographically, he learns to analyze their composition. And after looking at a lot of words, the baby soon begins to understand how the word is built, what letters it consists of, and how to actually read it. And, having learned this, he will be able to read not only the words that you showed him, but absolutely any.

I was skeptical for a very long time. reading according to Doman, it seemed to me completely unnatural, but nevertheless, the example of those children who learned to read using this method prompted me to start classes. Since I doubted for a long time, my daughter and I started only at 1.5 years old (Doman recommends starting from 3-6 months). Indeed, shortly after the start of classes, the daughter began to recognize the words shown to her. It was only necessary to put 2-4 words in front of her and ask where, for example, “Dog” was written, she showed correctly in 95% of cases (even if I asked her about words that she had not seen before!), but now the daughter herself read never started. Moreover, gradually it began to seem to me that the further we moved, the harder it became for her. More and more in her eyes, I saw precisely an attempt to guess, and not to read.

If you look for reviews of the technique on the net, then you will meet both people who are completely disillusioned with the technique, and those who really taught their children to read and it is not easy to read, but at a fairly decent speed. And here's what I noticed: all the people who have achieved success in this difficult task have one thing in common - they started classes very early, up to eight months. It is this age that Doman calls optimal and not by chance: the younger the child, the better his ability to perceive the image of the word as a whole is developed, this ability is gradually lost, and the child closer to 2 years needs more and more literal analysis of the word.

So, it would be wrong to call the technique complete nonsense, as many people immediately do. It is supported by the mass of children who have learned to read around the world. But I won’t incline you to it, because Taisiya never learned to read from it. I can only say one thing: if you haven’t started Doman classes before the age of one, then don’t start already, don’t waste your nerves or your child.

In addition to letter-by-letter reading and reading with a whole word, there is another approach - warehouse. The founder of the method is Nikolai Zaitsev. He defines a warehouse as the minimally pronounceable unit that is easiest for a child to perceive. It is the warehouse, and not the letter and not the syllable, that is easiest for the child to say and read. The warehouse can be:

  • consonant-vowel fusion (YES, MI, BE…);
  • single vowel as a syllable ( I-MA; KA- YU-TA);
  • a separate consonant in a closed syllable (KO- W-KA; MA-I- To);
  • consonant with a soft or hard sign (МЬ, ДЪ, СЬ…).

Thus, a warehouse never consists of more than two letters, and in this way it compares favorably with a syllable , which can consist of both 4 and 5 letters, and can also include several consecutive consonants (for example, the syllable STRU in the word STRU-YA), which is quite difficult to read for a novice reader.

Writing a word in warehouses makes it much easier for a child to read, but this is not the only thing that Zaitsev suggested. Zaitsev suggested putting aside boring primers and to play with warehouses! He wrote all warehouses on cubes and offered them chants. That is, by studying according to the methodology, we completely exclude boring instructions like “Read”, “What is written here?”, We just play and repeatedly show and voice warehouses and words to the child during the game. It is worth noting that in Zaitsev's method, letters are not purposefully studied, they are learned by themselves thanks to many games with warehouses .

The idea of ​​a playful approach to classes is, of course, not new. Word games are also offered at Teplyakova, and in the same cubes Chaplygin. But it is the warehouse principle that gives the Zaitsev method a significant advantage: the child sees both the whole word as a whole and its constituent easy-to-read parts (warehouses) . As a result, it is easier for the baby to navigate the word, and the process of merging warehouses into words is fast.

The main material of Zaitsev's methodology are all famous cubes. However, I do not want to say at all that the cubes are such a necessary tool for teaching a child to read. you can arrange it simply by writing the words on the cards, highlighting the warehouses in different colors.

So what method to choose and when to teach a child to read?

Although it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question “How to teach a child to read correctly?”, It can be absolutely certain that The main key to success in mastering reading is a playful approach. . Will you use in your games Zaitsev cubes, Chaplygin or just cards with words - this is secondary, the main thing is that there are more active games in the classes, where words can be moved, rearranged, hidden, circled with a pencil, where the baby’s favorite toys, interesting pictures, etc. participate. (This is especially important for children from 1.5 to 5 years). More specifically, you can read about the first games for interesting reading.

The method of teaching reading should be chosen according to the age of the child. For kids up to 1.5-2 years more suitable are teaching methods with a whole word (like the Doman-Manichenko method).

After 2 years children increasingly need to analyze the structure of the word, and therefore teaching the whole word becomes less and less effective. But at the same time, the mechanism of the fusion of individual letters into syllables at this age is still poorly understood by children. But the warehouses are already quite capable. Therefore, the most effective at this age are games with words and warehouses written on cards, cubes, etc.

closer to 4-5 years old, children may already be interested in the primer, games with words and warehouses will also not be superfluous.

When choosing classes, also remember: the baby is always more interested in reading words, rather than individual letters and syllables . When he sees the connection between the letters he read and some specific object familiar to him, his favorite toy, when he reads signs and product names in the store, he begins to understand that reading is not just a mother's whim, but a really useful skill.

What is the best age to start classes? Some mothers are supporters of early learning to read, while others, on the contrary, fundamentally do not teach children to read before the age of 4-5, believing that this is against the nature and interests of the child. Yes, indeed, if you forcibly seat a 2-3-year-old child at an ABC book and require him to merge letters into syllables, then you can once and for all discourage his love of reading. But if learning takes place during the game, and the kid enjoys the lessons, then what's the point of postponing classes until the age of 5? After all, reading is one of the ways to develop the brain of a small person. Early familiarization with the sign system of the language improves the visual perception of the child, expands the vocabulary, develops logic, finally. Therefore, if parents pursue precisely these goals, and do not seek the envious glances of friends, then there is nothing wrong with early education.

Start learning when it is interesting for you and the child. Most importantly, do not put pressure on the baby and do not demand quick results from him! Get involved with pleasure!

And don't forget to check out the article with the first reading games:

Any mother of a preschooler, even if he is not yet a year old, is already looking at various methods of teaching reading. Indeed, some of them allow you to achieve results at a very young age. What are the good early methods, as well as what are the disadvantages in them, read in our article.

Sound (phonetic) method

This is the reading system that we were taught in school. It is based on the alphabetical principle. It is based on teaching the pronunciation of letters and sounds (phonetics), and when the child accumulates sufficient knowledge, he moves first to syllables formed from the fusion of sounds, and then to whole words.

Advantages of the method

  • This method is commonly used to teach reading in schools, so the child does not have to "relearn".
  • Parents understand this principle of education very well, since they themselves learned this way.
  • The method develops a child's phonemic hearing, which allows you to hear and highlight sounds in words, which contributes to their correct pronunciation.
  • Speech therapists recommend this particular method of teaching reading, since it also helps children get rid of speech defects.
  • You can teach your child to read using the sound method in any convenient place, some exercises can be performed even on the street. The kid will be happy to play word games at home, in the country, on the train, and in a long queue at the clinic.
Cons of the method
  • This method is not suitable for early childhood advocates who want the child to learn to read fluently before the age of five or six. Since learning to read in this way is a rather lengthy process that requires a certain level of development of the child, it is simply pointless to start using this method too early.
  • Usually at first the child does not understand what he read, since all his efforts will be directed to reading and parsing individual words. Reading comprehension will have to be given special attention.

Zaitsev's cube learning method

This method involves learning to read based on warehouses. A warehouse is a pair of a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or a single letter. Learning to read using Zaitsev's cubes takes place in the form of a fun, moving and exciting game of cubes.

Advantages of the method

  • The child in a playful way immediately remembers the warehouse, the combination of letters. He does not stumble and quickly masters reading and the logic of building words.
  • On Zaitsev's cubes there are only those combinations of letters that are fundamentally possible in the Russian language. So, for example, in his system there are no combinations or ZhY. Therefore, the child will be immediately and for the rest of his life insured against the most stupid mistakes (for example, he will never write “zhyraf” or “shyn” incorrectly).
  • Zaitsev's cubes allow you to teach a child to read even from the age of one. But even a five-year-old is not too late to start. The system is not tied to a specific age.
  • If the child does not keep up with the pace of modern school programs, the Zaitsev system can become a kind of "ambulance". The author himself claims that, for example, a four-year-old will begin to read after a few lessons.
  • Classes do not take much time, they are held as if in between times.
  • Zaitsev's cubes affect many senses. They develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, musical memory, fine motor skills of the hands, which in itself has a strong influence on the development of intelligence. Thanks to the multi-colored cubes, children develop spatial and color perception.
Cons of the method
  • Children who have learned to read “according to Zaitsev” often “swallow” the endings, cannot figure out the composition of the word (after all, they are used to dividing it exclusively into warehouses and nothing else).
  • Children have to be retrained already in the first grade, when they begin to undergo phonemic analysis of the word. The child may make mistakes in sound parsing.
  • There are no combinations of ZhY or SHI on the cubes, but there are combinations of a consonant with the vowel E (BE, VE, GE, etc.). This means that the child gets used to this combination as a possible one in the language. Meanwhile, in Russian there are almost no words in which the letter E is written after a consonant (except for "sir", "mayor", "peer", "ude", "plein air").
  • Zaitsev's allowances are quite expensive. Or parents themselves must make cubes from pieces of wood and cardboard blanks, and this is as many as 52 cubes. At the same time, they are short-lived, the baby can easily crush or gnaw them.

Doman card training

This method teaches children to recognize words as whole units, without breaking them down into parts. In this method, neither the names of letters nor sounds are taught. The child is shown a certain number of cards with a clear pronunciation of words several times a day. As a result, the child perceives and reads the word immediately, and learns to read very quickly and early.

Advantages of the technique

  • Ability to teach reading almost from birth. All training will be a game for him, an opportunity to communicate with his mother, to learn something new and interesting.
  • The baby will develop a phenomenal memory. He will easily memorize and analyze a huge amount of information.
Cons of the technique
  • The complexity of the process. Parents will have to print a huge number of word cards, and then find time to show them to their child again.
  • Children trained according to this method then experience difficulties with the school curriculum. They often have problems with literacy and word parsing.
  • Often toddlers who had no problem reading words on home posters could not read a word if it was spelled differently.

Maria Montessori Method

According to the Montessori system, babies first learn to write letters using inserts and outline frames, and only then they learn the letters. The didactic material consists of letters cut out of rough paper and pasted onto cardboard plates. The kid calls the sound (repeats after the adults), and then traces the outline of the letter with his finger. Next, children learn to add words, phrases, texts.

Advantages of the technique

  • There are no boring exercises and tedious lessons in the Montessori system. All learning is play. Entertaining, with bright interesting toys. And the baby learns everything - reading, writing, and everyday skills - while playing.
  • Children who have learned to read using the Montessori method very quickly begin to read smoothly, without dividing words into syllables.
  • The child immediately learns to read independently and silently.
  • Exercises and games develop analytical thinking, logic.
  • Many Montessori materials not only teach reading, but also develop fine motor skills - an important element in the overall development of intelligence (for example, games with a rough alphabet contribute to this).
Cons of the technique
  • Classes are difficult to do at home, as it requires an enormous amount of time to prepare classes and expensive materials.
  • Cumbersome materials and manuals: you will have to buy or make yourself a lot of frames, cards, books and other elements of the learning environment.
  • The technique is designed for classes in the kindergarten group, and not at home.
  • Mom in this system plays the role of an observer, not a teacher.

Methodology of Olga Soboleva

This method is based on the "bihemispheric" work of the brain. Learning a new letter, the child learns it through a recognizable image or character. The main goal of the method is not so much to teach to read, but to teach to love to read. All classes are built in the form of a game, so learning to read goes unnoticed and exciting. There are 3 streams of information in the methodology: for visuals, auditory and kinesthetics. Mechanical memorization is minimized, as the associative memorization technique is used.

Advantages of the technique

  • As a result of this method of reading, the number of errors in children decreases, and speech becomes freer and more colorful, vocabulary expands, interest in creativity is activated, and the fear of the need for a written presentation of thoughts disappears.
  • Rules, laws, exercises are performed as if jokingly and involuntarily. The child learns to concentrate and relax, as this is useful for learning new information.
  • The technique very well develops imagination, fantasy, teaches to think logically, develops memory and attention.
  • You can start learning almost from birth.
  • Suitable for children with different channels of perception of information.
There is no familiar system for parents who need everything to be clear and consistent. More suitable for "creative" children.

Reading 12 min.

Don't expect your child to be taught everything by school. As the mother teaches the baby the first steps, so the basics of reading should be laid from the first years of life. You can’t start studying the alphabet in a “bare” place - instill a craving for literature in your child in advance, before he goes to first grade.

Start with speech development

Before learning to read, a child must learn to talk. And the correctness of speech development directly depends on their environment. The more intelligent the parents, the more attention they pay to the younger generation, the easier it is for the child to develop.

Starting the first communication with adults through cooing, gradually the baby tries to imitate the speech sounds that he hears daily. And if at first these are just separate syllables, then from the age of 2 normal development a child can operate with simple sentences.

Further - more, the baby goes to word forms. And the more actively the parents communicate with the child, the more talkative he will be (in a good way). The main help in the development of the baby's speech will be reading, i.e. books that adults will read aloud to their children.

Cultivate your child's interest in reading

Naturally, a small child cannot read independently. But you can teach him to communicate with literature from the first years of life. It is children's books that form the correct speech development of the baby. The more often a child sees a book in the hands of his parents, the more confidence he has in it, and the faster the desire to learn to read independently appears over time.

Reading should be turned into a kind of ritual - fairy tales, nursery rhymes, lullabies are best perceived before bedtime. The clearer and more correct the pronunciation of an adult during reading, with emotional coloring, the more memorable the phrases heard by the child will be.

And the clearer the baby will have visual images. And this will help in learning to read in the future. After all, the better the child thinks in images, the faster and easier he learns.

Benefits of family reading

And in the future, even magazines and books standing on the shelves (and not in the hands of parents) will be associated with positive emotions and attract the attention of the child. In other words, reading books to a baby instills a love of literature for life, giving impetus to the fastest learning to read independently.

In addition, reading for children contributes to their spiritual unity with their parents, bringing joy to everyone. And the child develops a sense of family comfort, which he associates with books. In a family where there is a cult of the book, children develop a craving for reading faster.

Read with children

The best way to prepare your child for independent reading is to read a book while sitting next to the baby. He must see the pages of the book on which the text is written. This will first allow you to visually get used to the letters that involve the world of the sacrament.

The first children's books are not in vain rich in colorful illustrations. With their help, you can perceive what you hear with the images drawn in the pictures. And when the child goes to first grade and begins to put letters into words, familiar phrases will already be perceived figuratively, which will make it easier and faster to learn to read.

While reading a fairy tale or nursery rhyme, try to drive your child's finger letter by letter so that the baby sees exactly which word you are reading. Visual memory in the future will help proper learning.

How to teach a child to read?

The sooner the child is ready for perception, the better - going to the 1st grade, he must master the basics of reading. Even if the baby goes to kindergarten, where they are taught according to a special technique, parents should also allocate time for joint classes.

How to properly approach the process itself so that learning is easy? It is impossible to teach children by force - everything should happen in a playful way. When choosing a methodology, the age at which training began should also be taken into account.

But in any case, you should not learn exactly the letters - you should start with the phonetic sound. It will be easier for the child to associate the written symbol with the sound that he is used to hearing.

Learning is easier if each lesson is repeated many times. From learning the sounds to reading the syllables, make sure your baby speaks clearly.

Stages of learning

- then comes the turn of deaf sounds;

Leave the sizzling for last.

  • Repeat each learned sound before you start learning the next one. "Repetition is the mother of learning" - this phrase should become the guiding thread of the entire learning process.
  • In parallel with the study of sounds, proceed to the formation of syllables (and the very first may be “ma”, which will be close and sincere to the child). Read the syllable with the baby, as if singing it. The child should have the feeling that the consonant sound, as it were, tends to the vowel. This will help to pronounce sounds in pairs.
  • Do not try to immediately form the learned syllables into words. Let the child first understand the very principle of combining vowels and consonants in pairs. Consolidate knowledge on simple syllables, gradually moving on to difficult to pronounce.
  • Having taught the child to compose syllables, where the consonant comes first, proceed to a more complex structure, where the vowel is in front (“om”, “ab”, etc.).
  • Having mastered the individual syllables, move the children to reading simple words. Start with those that consist of 2 syllables, then - 3 syllables. But the first words that the child will read should be familiar to him and associated with understandable images.

Correct pronunciation is the key to fast learning

Do you know how to teach a child to read quickly? Let him sing each sound, syllable, but do it clearly. When you move on to the pronunciation of words, at first the syllables should be sung separately, with each subsequent time reducing the gaps between them. And in the end, the whole word must be sung in one breath.

But so that reading in children is not associated only with singing, the consolidation of the material should take place already in normal pronunciation, with a clear pronunciation of sounds. At the same time, when you move on to reading sentences, teach your child to make the correct pauses before punctuation marks.

When is the best time to start training?

At what age should children be able to read, many parents ask. This, first of all, depends on how psychologically prepared the child is for learning. But it should definitely be said that studies should not begin immediately before school, when children are going to the 1st grade.

Children can begin to learn at the age of 3 years, if the child himself expresses a desire to do so. But forcibly seating them behind books is not worth it - this can discourage the desire for subsequent training.

The most optimal receptive age to prepare for 1st grade is 5 years. And in parallel with reading, children should be taught writing (so far only in block letters), which will help them consolidate their reading skills.

How to understand that the child is ready?

To understand how to teach a child to read, you should first decide whether the baby is ready for such learning. To do this, first test the degree of development of the child.

Training according to the Nikitin method

The classics of domestic education, the wife of Nikitina, completely departed from the traditional principles of education, instead putting forward their own. They believe that in the classroom children should be given complete freedom of creativity. Only then will they have an interest in learning.

Do not limit the independence of children - they must do all the work themselves. The third rule is the combination of mental activities with physical exercises (i.e. learning in a playful way).

Involve your child in joint activities - for example, you can prepare workbooks for classes together. And then the baby will perceive the material easier and faster. But the main incentive for successful learning is praise for even the smallest victory. And you should never focus on mistakes.

Here are the basic principles by which the Nikitins taught their children (and they can be applied both to children of 3 years old, and 5, and 7):

  • It is impossible to impose a certain training program on a child - he himself chooses in the form of which game he is more interested in.
  • You don't have to explain the game to your child. Dress your studies in a fairy tale, where each participant has their own roles.
  • At the first stages of the game-learning, adults are active participants. In the future, when the child gets comfortable, he will be able to continue classes on his own.
  • Before a learning baby, you always need to unobtrusively set tasks that will become more complicated at each new stage.
  • Do not dare to prompt the child - teach him to think for himself.
  • If the child finds it difficult to cope with a new task, do not force him - take a step back and repeat the past.
  • If you notice that the child has lost interest in the game, or the limit of his abilities has come (temporary), stop learning for a while. Return to school when the baby asks. And he will definitely do it, because. all children love to play.

Nikolai Zaytsev - an innovator of education

Traditional training on the principle of "phonemic-verbal" enslaves the freedom of speech of the trained child and forms complexes in him, slowing down development - this is what the teacher Nikolai Zaitsev thinks.

He developed his own unique technique, more like a game than a lesson. Children move freely around the classroom (room). At the same time, they can jump, run, etc. You can master the educational material in any position - in motion or sitting, lying down. And it should start earlier - from about 3 years old.

All manuals are placed on the walls, boards, cabinets, tables. Usually this is a set of cubes made of cardboard. They are of different sizes and different colors. On some faces, single letters are depicted, on others - syllables (both simple and complex), on the third - consonants with a soft or hard sign.

Previously, the cubes can be in the form of blanks that the teacher glues together with the children. In this case, special fillers should be placed inside:

  • it is better to put sticks (wooden and plastic) in cubes with deaf sounds;
  • metal bottle caps are suitable for ringing sounds;
  • bells will hide inside the cubes with vowel sounds.

The cubes must be different in size (both single and double). For soft warehouses - small, for hard - large. Color solutions also play a certain role here - each warehouse has its own shade.

In addition to cubes, tables are also used as benefits, where all known warehouses are collected. This allows the child to see the entire volume to be studied. And it makes the job of a teacher much easier.

Another point that makes reading easy enough is writing. It must run in parallel. Before voicing the studied sounds (not letters), the child himself must learn to translate them into signs. You can do this in various ways: drive on a sheet of paper with a pencil, on a table with a pointer, or by laying out cubes.

Various teaching methods

Among teachers, there are constant disputes about how to properly teach a child to read, what method to use in this case. And there are quite a lot of them, and each has both its fans and opponents.

For example, the motto of Masaru Ibuki in education is the well-known phrase "After 3 years it's too late." The Japanese educator bases his methodology on the belief that the most receptive to learning children under the age of 3 years, on the period of formation of brain cells.

Akin to the technique of Pavel Tyulenev, who created his own system "Mir". Its main idea is to have time to reveal the potential of the child. The teacher believes that one should start from the first minutes of birth. In his opinion, children can learn to read and write before they start walking.

But no matter what methods of teaching a child are developed (according to Montessori, Froebel, Lupan, etc.), all teachers agree on one thing - learning should take the form of a game and be based on love for children. Knowing how to teach a child to read quickly, you will succeed.

This book gives you the opportunity to choose from a variety of existing methods of teaching reading, which is ideal for your child. It contains descriptions of various approaches and methods, from the classical ones (the alphabet of Leo Tolstoy and primers) to the most modern, fashionable and non-traditional ones (the Glenn Doman method, the Tyulenev system, computer programs for teaching reading, etc.). The book also contains a large amount of recommendations and exercises for practical exercises on teaching reading. Opinions about the effectiveness and usefulness of the methods are expressed by parents, psychologists, and teachers.

A series: Parent's master ledger

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by the LitRes company.

Sound Method for Teaching Reading

This method is called differently: auditory, sound, phonetic, sound-letter. He is over 150 years old. This is how they learned to read in the 19th century, this is how our mothers and fathers learned to read and write, and so did we. Even today, despite the abundance of methods and manuals, many parents prefer the sound method. Why? Firstly, this method is simple, does not require theoretical knowledge and special training from the parent. Secondly, the sound method allows you to teach children at any time and in any place - at home, in kindergarten, in the country and even on a walk ... And the result? With the sound method, it is guaranteed. After all, we learned to read, and our parents, and parents of parents. Of course, a three-year-old reading in our parents' time was a rare occurrence. But if you are not in a hurry and do not think that you need to learn to read right from the cradle, then try to learn to read and write using the traditional sound method.

Sounds or Letters, or Round Trip

Back in the middle of the 19th century, teaching Russian children to read was not an easy task. The method by which the teachers of that time taught was called literal, and it was very long and labor intensive.

First, the kids memorized letters: az, beeches, lead, verb, good, etc. Having memorized the entire alphabet, they began to memorize syllables. (For example, it was necessary to remember that the letters Buki and Az, standing side by side in this sequence, stand for the syllable "ba".) After the basic syllables were learned, the students finally moved on to reading. But each unfamiliar syllable or word became a stumbling block, and the teacher again had to explain how it is read, and the students had to memorize it.

In this way, literacy training could last up to two years. And who knows how we would have learned to read today, if in the 19th century the wonderful Russian teachers had not come to the conclusion that the subjunctive method needed to be replaced.

For example, the great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky considered the subjunctive method of teaching literacy to be contrary to the laws of the child's mental development. “You don’t need to be a great psychologist,” he wrote, “to understand that the former method with the senseless memorization of many letters and then many even more senseless warehouses, without giving any food to the child’s mind, did not allow him at the same time to do something else. and, consequently, kept him, during the entire duration of literacy, in an inactive, numb state.

In contrast to the literal subjunctive method, the teacher K. D. Ushinsky proposed to introduce into schools borrowed from Germany sound method literacy training.

The sound method, in contrast to the subjunctive, did not require memorizing the conditional names of letters (az, beeches, lead or be, we, ge, etc.). Learning began with the selection of individual sounds from words, from which words were then formed. It looked something like how it looks to this day: the teacher pronounced the sound and showed (wrote on the board or marked on the poster with the alphabet) what the letter denoting it looks like (however, just like ours?).

Usually the study of sounds began with some vowel, for example "y", to which some consonant was then added, for example "s".

The transition to the reading process itself took place as follows. First read the so-called reverse syllable, for example, US (reverse, because the vowel comes before the consonant). At the same time, the child was asked to “pull” the first letter, and then, without dropping it, without stopping, add the second letter to it. Then read direct syllable SU.

And so, the syllable is read, now we read two, three syllables together, we get the word.

K. D. Ushinsky was supported by many teachers of that time: D. Tikhomirov, S. Rachinsky, F. Zelinsky and others.

The famous writer and teacher L. N. Tolstoy, even though he taught children to read using the subjunctive method for a long time in his famous school in Yasnaya Polyana, objectively recognized it as difficult for children. However, on the other hand, he believed that the sound method, as proposed by his compatriots, did not quite correspond to the phonetic features of the Russian language. Therefore, L. N. Tolstoy created the author's "syllabic" method, which, according to his plan, was to combine all the best that was in various areas of the methodology of teaching literacy of that time.

According to L. N. Tolstoy, first it was necessary to teach children to distinguish sounds in words, then put the sounds into syllables, and then read the words syllable by syllable. The great teacher widely introduced pre-letter exercises: he taught children to decompose words into sounds, trained auditory perception and pronunciation. For these purposes, L. N. Tolstoy used Russian tongue twisters, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes. Simultaneously with reading, they also taught writing, and the children began to write in block letters, and not in written letters, as was customary before. From the very first lessons, children wrote words from dictation.

L. N. Tolstoy wanted the process of reading not to be reduced to memorizing the image of words, but for the child to understand what he was reading. Therefore, in his "ABC" the difficulty of syllables, words, sentences and literary texts gradually increases. And the texts themselves are written taking into account the age and interests of children. And it was a real revolution, because earlier children began reading not from fairy tales, but from texts from the Bible, which could not attract kids either by simplicity or by amusement.

Our parents, ourselves and, for the most part, our children (those who study in public schools) were taught and are being taught to read using the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy, developed by the Soviet psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, Professor D. B. Elkonin. In addition to outstanding developments in the field of developmental education, he was the author of a number of experimental primers, in which his original method of teaching children to read was implemented.

So the sound method has not been lost in the 21st century. Moreover, it is constantly refined and adapted to make the process of learning to read as simple and effective as possible.

The sound method: why it's easier to listen than to watch

The sound method is almost 150 years old. But, unfortunately, recently it has not been so popular (or rather, not fashionable). New advanced techniques - "warehouses", reading whole words, etc. - won the hearts of parents and educators. The sound method was considered obsolete. But in vain! It turns out that it is the sound method that most harmoniously combines with the peculiarities of the organization of our psyche and the structure of the Russian language.

How do we read

Recent studies have confirmed that people even silently read words by letter, that is, mentally pronounce the letters before understanding what the word is in front of them. But due to the fact that this process occurs instantly, it seems that we perceive the word as a whole. Proponents of the theory of perception of the text as a whole do not agree with this statement. They believed and still believe that when we read, we perceive words as a holistic image, without dividing into parts (letters), so they build their training precisely on memorizing a word as a holistic image. But recent research has shown that silent reading uses the same part of the brain as reading aloud, when we pronounce individual letters quickly and smoothly. This means that a person is forced to isolate letters and put them into words, although this operation takes a fraction of a second.

Conclusion No.

We speak and read Russian

In some languages, the relationship between letters and sounds is very complex. For example, in English, many words are read completely differently than they are written. The British even have a saying: "Write Liverpool - read Manchester." The reading rules depend on whether the syllable is closed or open, on the order of the letters and on their combinations with each other, and sometimes they do not depend on anything, you just need to learn how the word is read. That is why in English-speaking countries, methods of teaching reading are popular, in which they simply memorize a holistic image of a word.

In Russian, everything is much simpler. Most words are read the way they are written. The exception is cases of the so-called "laziness" of the language, when the historical appearance of the word is changed by the modern pronunciation ("malaco" instead of "milk", "sun" instead of "sun", etc.). But even if we read the word as it is written, it will not be a mistake and will not change the meaning of the word itself.

Conclusion No.

The sound method agrees very well with the structure of the Russian language.

The Sound Method: Principles of Learning

Stages of mastering reading

At the first stage, the child learns to hear and distinguish different sounds in words. He learns that sounds are hard and soft, vowels and consonants, deaf and sonorous, and that each sound has its own designation - a letter.

Then comes another stage - the child learns to put sounds into syllables. For example, "m" and "a" form MA, "p" and "o" - PO, etc. First, simple syllables are mastered, consisting of two sounds, then complex ones: they consist of three or four letters, in them a soft and hard sign appears, several consonants or vowels go in a row.

And finally, when the child has mastered and mastered the principle of reading syllables, he begins to put syllables into words. Words, short at first, gradually "grow", and very soon the child moves from reading words to reading sentences and short stories. And it turns out that the baby already knows how to read! So let's take another look at the stages of learning to read.

1. Acquaintance with sounds and letters.

2. Merging sounds into syllables.

3. Composing words from syllables.

4. Reading words and sentences.

When to start learning sounds

You can teach your baby to listen and highlight sounds, starting from 3-3.5 years. But this does not mean that until this age, parents can not take any steps to teach their child to read. On the contrary, the baby must prepare to learn to read.

How to do it? The recipe is simple: read aloud as much as possible.

Moreover, books of such complexity, which seem to go one step higher than the current level of development of your baby. This will provide him with a large vocabulary, which will later help in learning to read: after all, a familiar word is much easier to read than an unfamiliar one. It has been confirmed that one and a half year old children whose parents read books for children 3-4 years old aloud to them overtook their peers in intellectual development by eight months!

It is also necessary to develop phonemic hearing - the ability to hear and distinguish individual sounds in words. And of course, it would be good to take the baby to a speech therapist in order to get rid of defects in the pronunciation of sounds, which will certainly result in errors in reading and writing.

It has been proven that the optimal age at which children easily master the second stage of learning to read - the fusion of sounds into syllables - is 4 years. So, somewhere around 3.5 years old, you can begin to purposefully teach your child to read: start learning sounds, write letters, and by the age of 4 come to reading by syllables.

The path to reading: from sounds to syllables, from syllables to words Exercises for learning to read

Rules for conducting classes

1. The lesson is held only if the baby wants to study. If the child is tired, has lost interest, stop the lesson.

2. The best exercise is a game. We only learn by playing.

3. The lesson should be rich in bright, beautiful aids (any pictures, figures from kinder surprises, toys, etc. will do). Come up with your own manuals, buy them in stores, look for patterns on the Internet. There is no energy, time and money, change the form of classes. Let your favorite doll or bear guide them. So you will achieve results faster, and most importantly, do not turn your child away from reading.

4. Lesson of one type should not exceed 5–8 minutes, that is, the most effective and optimal in terms of load will be a lesson that consists of 3–4 tasks for various types of activities - they got acquainted with a new sound, drew, sculpted, folded something and etc. The time of each lesson and lesson as a whole should be increased gradually.

5. Alternate mental work with creative activities (drawing, modeling), and the lesson itself with active movement (every 15-20 minutes arrange a physical education session).

6. A small child, like an adult, receives information from the outside world through three channels - visual, auditory and tactile. But if in an adult it is immediately clear which of these channels is the leading one (that is, information from which channel a person learns best), then in a child at an early age it is still difficult to determine. In this regard, try to ensure that educational material comes through all channels, that is, everything that we study, the child must see, hear, touch.

7. Draw everything that is being studied on large album sheets and hang it on the wall so that the child can constantly visually reinforce the knowledge gained.

The most common mistakes in learning to read

1. At the first stage - acquaintance with sounds and letters - the most common mistake is confusion in the names of sounds and letters. The parent, naming the letter, pronounces exactly the name of the letter, and not the sound ("ka", not "k", "re", not "r"). And this leads to the fact that the baby will read, for example, "kaerot" instead of "mole."

2. In the third stage of learning to read (composing words from syllables), babies often “string” letters one on top of another until a word comes out, instead of adding syllables (m-e-d-in-e-d, not honey- after all). Remember, at this stage of learning to read, the basic unit is the syllable, not the letter. Stringing letters and reaching the end of the word, the baby simply does not remember what happened at the beginning, and cannot understand what he read.

3. The kid reads mechanically, that is, he simply adds up the syllables, but does not understand what he has read. To avoid this mistake, ask your child to explain or retell what he has read.

Learning to hear and pronounce sounds

These exercises develop phonemic hearing, help memorize sounds and isolate them in a word.

Exercise 1. We catch the sound

A very fun game that the kids will surely enjoy. You can play it both at home and on the street. At least two play - mom and baby, but you can also attract friends on the playground.

We start with a fairy tale.

“There was a sound “m” (it’s better to start with simple sounds, ioted - “e”, “yu”, “I”, “e” - until they let them participate in the game, just like “th”, soft and hard signs ). And he was very naughty: he ran away from the ABC and went for a walk around the wide world. But how to live without "m"? After all, there will be no milk, no ice cream, and even mom can disappear. We will catch him. As soon as you hear the sound “m” in a word, immediately clap your hands.”

Next, the parent begins to pronounce words with and without the M sound. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. First short words, then long ones. And you can finish the game with any rhyme: mom reads a verse, and the baby “catches” the sound “m”.

Next time, come up with a new fairy tale, about a different sound.

Exercise 2. Word beads

This is a well-known word game. It will not only teach you to hear and isolate sounds, increase your vocabulary, but also save you in a boring line at the clinic or a long trip.

So, you say a word, the kid comes up with his own, starting with the last letter of yours: watermelon - hare - heron - apple ...

Gradually complicate the game: come up with words on the topic: "Animals", "Food", "Clothes".

Game variant: come up with words that start with a certain letter. The one who cannot come up with a word will lose.

Exercise 3. Beginning, middle, end

This game not only teaches you to hear sounds in different places in a word - the beginning, middle, end, but also trains attention.

First, we make some sound, for example "t".

We explain the rules of the game to the kid: if he hears a sound at the beginning of a word, he will clap his hands once, in the middle - twice and at the end - three.

Mom begins to name words with the selected sound so that it is in the middle, at the beginning, and at the end of the word: tractor, plane, motor, etc.

The task can be made more difficult. Give the kid three cards (red, blue and green) and explain that now, having heard the sound at the beginning of the word, he will show a red card, in the middle - blue, at the end - green.

Learning to distinguish sounds by ear (hard and soft)

In this series of lessons, you continue the sound exercises. But now the task of your baby is to distinguish between hard and soft sounds. This is an important stage for the further process of reading and sound analysis of the word.

Exercise "Big and Small"

Mom tells a story about two mosquitoes.

One mosquito was large and rang like this:

3-3-3 - a big mosquito rings firmly.

And the second mosquito was small and rang like this:

Z-Z-Z (b) - a small mosquito rings softly.

Guess which mosquito sat on the bunny?

Mom firmly says Z - the baby answers: big, it rings firmly, and mom tells me that in the word "bunny" - the sound "z" is also solid.

Guess which mosquito bit the girl Zina?

Mom softly says Z (b) - the baby answers: small and, perhaps, he adds that in the word "Zina" - the sound "z" is also soft.

Inventing new fairy tales with different sounds.

Two cars are driving.

V-V-V - the big car in which Vasya rides is firmly buzzing.

V-V-V (b) - the small car in which Vitya is riding softly hums.

Guess whose car is driving?

There are two tractors.

R-R-R - firmly rumbles a large tractor driven by Roma.

R-R-R (b) - the small tractor driven by Rita softly rumbles.

Guess whose tractor is driving?

2 balls burst.

At Sasha's big ball, the air comes out firmly - C-C-C.

And the little Serezha's ball softly - C-C-C (b).

Guess whose balloon popped?

Play onomatopoeia with your child: buzz, ring, low, growl, hiss. Come up with your own sound game with a story that is close and understandable to your child.

Learning to distinguish between vowels and consonants

Exercise "Once upon a time there were sounds"

And again a fairy tale. Mom has two cards in her hands: one is blue, the other is red.

There were sounds. But they lived not in the house and not in the palace, but in your mouth. And with them lived a harmful snake (let the baby move the tip of his tongue). He loved some sounds and freely let them go for a walk: “ah-ah”, “oh-oh-oh”, “u-u-u”, “s-s-s”, “i-ii”. These sounds were very funny and they wore such red dresses (mother shows the baby a red card). And on the way of other sounds, the snake built various barriers: either it closed the doors on the way - “mmm” (let the baby feel how the door-lips prevent the sound “m” from passing through), then pressed it to the ceiling - the sound “t”. He made the snakes hiss sounds - "sh-sh-sh", snort "f-f-f", whistle - "s-s-s", wheeze - "x-x-x". And some of the sounds he scared - the sound of "rrrr" (try it - how the tongue cracks). In a word, these sounds did not come freely through the mouth and they wore such blue dresses (the mother shows the child a blue card).

Practice with your baby to make different sounds, let him tell you which ones pass easily and which snakes he locks in his mouth.

Check your baby, play the game "Dress up the sound": say the sound, and let him repeat after you and show the dress card of the desired color.

Do not be discouraged if the child is confused in vowels and consonants. This is complex material. Gradually, he will learn that the sounds that pass freely through the mouth are red (vowels), and the sounds that do not pass freely are blue (consonants).

The terms "vowels" and "consonants" do not need to be known to the child. The main thing is to be able to distinguish them by ear.

Learning to put sounds into syllables

Exercise "Friendship of Sounds"

Take a big ball in your hands and tell your baby that the sounds really want to be friends with each other. For example, the sound “a” really wants to make friends with the sound “m”.

You throw the ball to the kid, and he should throw it back to you and say two sounds together: MA.

And the sound "u", it turns out, also wants to be friends with the sound "m"! The kid catches the ball and answers: MU, etc.

On walks, you can continue to play "Friendship of Sounds" without the ball.

For example, ask your child to make friends with the sound "o".

You say: - M; baby: - ​​MO;

You are t; kid: - MOT, etc.

So your child has already mastered auditory syllable formation!

We read ... without letters!

You have almost reached your cherished goal! And, despite the fact that the baby does not yet know the letters, he can already “read” according to the color row of blue and red cards.

Exercise "Collect the word"

For this game, you will need blue and red cards already familiar to you (as for the game “Once upon a time there were sounds”).

We start again with a fairy tale. Let this time, the evil wizard wave his wand, and all the words will break into pieces. And the kid, of course, must collect them - put the word on the table with the help of red and blue cards.

(In fact, the child will lay out a sequence of sounds, indicating them with colored cards, but not with the corresponding letters.)

The first "word" will help to collect mom. For example, HOUSE. First we put a blue card, because the sound “d” sits behind closed teeth, then a red card, because the sound “o” walks freely, then a blue one, because “m” also sits in the mouth-house.

When the baby understands the principle of the game, start saying simple words like CANCER, MAC, SON, DREAM. Sounds are pronounced abruptly, as if crumbling.

Make the game harder. Let the baby show which card the letter O is hiding behind, which one is M, and then “read” the word along the color row.

Make the tasks even harder. Lay out the rows of cards yourself, and let the baby pick up words for them. Words can be taken already and four-letter.

And finally, the last step. Cut out letters from cardboard (vowels from blue, consonants from red). Put the desired letters on top of the cards, so the baby will begin to learn which letters correspond to the sounds.

And now there is literally the last step to spelling!

Exercise "Pasta Letters"

Now you need to consolidate the skill. Learn not only sounds, but also letters, start writing them. But, you see, it’s boring to cram letters according to primers and copybooks, it’s much more interesting to design them from matches, counting sticks, pasta - in a word, from any material at hand.

Model a letter with plasticine or salt dough with your baby. Try to lay out the letters with a string, cut out the drawn and painted letter along the contour with scissors. Such exercises not only contribute to the rapid memorization of the names of letters, but also perfectly develop the fingers.

Funny games will help teach the baby to write letters. Learn to write in capital letters only. Otherwise, the kid will have to relearn when he goes to first grade, because there are enough teaching methods for writing, and, most likely, he will be taught differently at school.

We spell

Exercise "Steam Train"

You will need letters cut out of cardboard and a cardboard train with a trailer, to which you will glue letter pockets. The locomotive and trailers are interconnected with a paper clip.

Arrange the vowels in a column: A, O, U, Y, I.

In the pocket, insert a consonant that the baby knows well (for example, mother's letter M), and let her go to the station - the vowel A! And at the station, the train gives a signal, and the vowel gets on the train. It turns out the syllable MA.

Also play with other letters.

Complicate the task, ask the child at which station the signal sounds soft (at I - MI), and at which it is hard (at A - MA).

You will move on to reading syllables with vowels I, E, Yu, E much later, when your baby has already mastered the skill of adding syllables and words with vowels A, O, U, Y, I.

Little by little we ourselves read to mom! Word from a syllable

And now it's time for the first words. They should be simple and easy to understand.

Word Journey Exercise

To make a word out of a syllable, improve the engine that has already come in handy for you - attach another trailer with a pocket to it. On the cards, write no longer letters, but syllables (after all, the baby already reads them confidently). Then the game is repeated, but not letters go to visit each other, but syllables (letters that make friends). The train, having picked up one couple at the station, goes after another. And here is a miracle: as a result, a whole word will go on the train: MA-MA, SO-NYA, RA-MA. Don't forget to ask your child to read the whole word.

We read and understand

The kid already confidently reads words by syllables. But does he always understand what he reads?

Merging letters into syllables, and syllables into words, and understanding the meaning inherent in these symbols are two different things. And to perform two tasks - to read and understand - at the same time is very difficult for a preschooler. That is why, after the child has mastered the number of syllables sufficient to compose words, it is necessary to train meaningful reading.

Here are some fun exercises for you.

Exercise "Confusion"

Write a few words with rearranged syllables, for example: "kamai" (shirt), "kashap" (hat), "mikdo" (house). The kid needs to read the "mixed up" words, guess how they should actually sound, and then read them correctly (of course, after you write them correctly).

Exercise "Find the hidden word"

A very famous game that helps to train reading skills and also develops attention.

Tell your child that some words may hide other short words. For example, the word "cobra" hides the words "bark" and "bra", and the word "bumps" hides "glasses".

And how many little words are hidden in the word "electricity"? Compete with the kid who will find more.

Exercise "Chains of words"

When a child first begins to read words, after reading the second (or third) syllable, he returns to the first. Repetition of what has been read contributes to its better comprehension and does not allow forgetting the first syllable by the time the last one is read. Therefore, when moving from reading syllables to reading words, it is useful to read chains of words where the end of the previous word is the beginning of the next, for example: LI-SA-MA-KI-NOSI-LA. When a child reads such a chain, he does not have to start by reading the first syllable each time, since this syllable has just been read. This makes reading easier and therefore more interesting.

It can be difficult for a child to read such chains in a book, because there are too many signs in his field of attention. To facilitate reading, it is necessary to close the “excess”, you can cut out a “window” in a sheet of paper and, gradually moving it around the page of the book, open the syllables you need to read. Or write syllables on cards and lay them out in pairs, as you read a chain of words, remove the first syllable and add a new second one.

Exercise "Insert a letter"

At the beginning of learning to read whole words, this game is very effective.

Draw or find pictures for three-letter words (BOW, HOUSE, SMOKE, CAT, KIT, MOUTH, FOREST, MOSS, MAK, etc.). Under each picture, write a word that represents the object shown in the picture. But instead of a vowel, leave an empty space (that is, under the picture that shows the house, you will have the signature D - M). Invite the child to insert the missing letter into the word (it is better to use letters from our cut out alphabet, because if the child enters the letter, you will not be able to use this card a second time, and such a need may arise).

The child, completing the task from this game (for example, looking for the right letter for the word under the picture with the image of the house), argues something like this.

“If I put A, it turns out DAM, no, such a word does not fit the picture. I'll put U, it turns out DUM, it doesn't fit either! HOUSE! DO-O-OM! There should be an O here! Thus, in this game, the child learns meaningful reading, understands the semantic meaning of letters, and develops phonemic hearing.

Exercise "Put the Word"

This game does not require pictures. Write on paper or cardboard any two-syllable word (for example, HAND). Cut the paper into two parts so that each part has one syllable, for example: RU, KA. Invite the child to collect a word from syllables, while he determines the sequence of syllables himself. A child can get both KARU and HAND. To choose the correct sequence of syllables, the baby will have to think and comprehend what they read. Over time, complicate the task, cut the three-syllable word.

Exercise "Finish the word"

For this game, you will need any pictures (from lotto, from magazines, postcards). Write on separate paper strips the beginning and ending of the words denoting the objects shown in the pictures. Lay out the pictures in front of the child. Put the papers on which the beginning of the words is written on the pictures. Lay out the strips on which the endings of words are written in front of the child.

The child's task is to choose the appropriate ending for each word. Do not forget about the extra ending option to make the game more interesting!

You can play with older children without pictures. On one sheet, the first syllables of words relating to one generalizing concept (clothes, transport, dishes, furniture, birds, seasons ...) are written in a column, separately, on split cards, the endings of these words.

For example:






After completing the task, ask the child how you can call all the concepts in one word.

Another option for the task: to choose the appropriate second of the two proposed options for the first syllable. For example: connect the syllables correctly, guess the names of the children.

Exercise "Make a word from letters"

This exercise is inherently similar to composing words from syllables, but it can be carried out only when the child already confidently reads syllables without breaking them into letters.

For the exercise, cut out letters of the alphabet are used. The child needs to compose a word from the proposed set of letters prepared in advance by an adult. For example: O, M, T, S. The child, sorting through the options for the order of the letters, comprehending them, chooses the correct answer.

A more complicated version of the exercise: add two words from one given set of letters. To facilitate the task (especially at first), it is desirable to select words related to one generalizing concept.

For example: make up from the letters - A, O, M, R, Z, K, A - the name of two flowers (ROSE, MAC).

Exercise "Choose a word"

Such exercises are often found in various didactic notebooks. Their implementation requires from the child, first of all, meaningful reading. In addition, with their help, logic and the ability to generalize are trained.

Think over the task in advance and write the appropriate words on separate cards. Then invite the child to read and divide the words into groups according to a certain attribute, for example:

✓ Choose dishes and furniture (plants and animals, vegetables and fruits, edible and inedible, etc.).

✓ What is poured into a mug, and what into a plate? (Tea, borscht, cabbage soup, milk, coffee, cocoa, juice…).

✓ Choose for each word from the first group the appropriate one from the second group (spring - stream, winter - snow, summer - heat, autumn - mushrooms; clown - circus, doctor - hospital, seller - shop, teacher - school, cook - restaurant etc.).

✓ Choose for each word as many as possible suitable in meaning (flies - butterfly, bird, plane, time; writes - pencil, pen, student; jumps - bunny, grasshopper, girl; grows - flower, mushroom, child, etc. .).

✓ Choose words that are opposite in meaning (fast - slow, wide - narrow, kind - evil, cold - hot, young - old ...).

Exercise "Find the hidden word"

Draw a table on a large sheet of paper, write horizontally and vertically words related to a common topic (vegetables, fruits, home, school, toys, names ...) (write one letter in each cell). The cells that remain empty, fill in with any letters. The child needs to find and read the words that you "hid". If it is difficult for a child to search for words on a topic, ask them to find the words you call or think of (“Find the word MERMAID”, “Find the name of the hero who lives on the roof”). The task develops the meaningfulness of reading, since in addition to guessing words, the child can see meaningless words in the table - AMAL, LYABA, OLAB, etc.

Here is an example of a square in which the baby must find the names of fairy-tale characters.

Reading long words

From short and simple words, you move on to long, polysyllabic words. And now the kid, who has hitherto read correctly, begins to compose - to think of endings for long words. For example, if you ask a child to read the word VACUUM CLEANER, then he, most likely, without reading the word to the end, will offer a variety of endings: PY, PY-LE, DUST-SO, VACUUM CLEANER? VACUUM CLEANER? VACUUM CLEANER?..

The following exercise will help you overcome this difficulty.

Exercise "Read from the end"

Choose a word and divide it into syllables. Write down the last syllable, let the child read it, add the previous one, let it read two syllables, then add one syllable at a time until the whole word is read.



This way of reading excludes "thinking out" the word.

Reading offers

And finally, from reading individual words, we got to reading phrases, and then sentences.

When reading sentences for the first time, the effect of repeated repetition of the words read may occur. As well as in the case of repeating syllables when reading words, this helps the child to understand what they read more easily and not to forget the first words by the time they read and understand the last words of the sentence (“Lena, ate, Lena ate, raspberries, Lena ate raspberries”). There is no need to interfere with such reading: soon the child will learn to quickly understand the meaning of the sentence read and without repeating words.

To make it easier to read sentences at the very first stage, you can use pictures instead of some words. Then the number of words that need to be comprehended when reading will be less, which means that it will become easier to understand the sentence.

The first sentences should not contain polysyllabic or unfamiliar words to the child. If you see that such a word does occur in a sentence, ask the child to read this word before reading the sentence. If necessary, help him read and understand this word.

To train meaningful reading of a sentence, it is useful to work with split sentences and plot pictures.

Exercise "Compose a phrase"

Write the words in different grammar forms on the cards. Invite the child to choose the right words and put them next to each other.

For example:

Remember about the “extra” answer option to increase the effectiveness of the task! How to do it in such tasks? For the first task: either remove one word (“new”, for example), or add the word (“car”). The same for the second task: add or remove one word.

Exercise "Which word is missing?"

The exercise helps to learn to comprehend the meaning of prepositions and not to skip them when reading. Write phrases that include prepositions, write the prepositions themselves on separate cards. Invite the child to “return” the “little words” to their place. A complicated option: the child is not given prepositions, he himself guesses which word is missing, and enters it. For example:

Exercise "Pick the ending"

Write phrases consisting of an adjective and a noun or a past tense verb and a noun, write the endings of adjectives and verbs on separate cards, the child should put the endings into place. Provide "extra" answer options!

Exercise "Sentence + picture"

For the exercise, you will need several plot pictures (they can be cut out from magazines). The adult comes up with and writes down sentences for these pictures on separate cards (one or more for each picture), the child reads the sentences and guesses which pictures they fit.

Exercise "Split sentences"

For this task, you need to write sentences on cards and cut them into words. The child reads the words and makes a meaningful sentence out of them. You can add extra words that do not fit the meaning or form of the word, for example:

To facilitate the task, you can first use plot pictures according to the content of the sentence, this will help the baby quickly guess how to make words.

Reading the text

When the child has mastered reading sentences, you can start reading short texts. Here the kid expects a new level of comprehension of what he has read - an understanding of the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of the events described in the text.

And here entertaining games-exercises will help you.

Exercise "Title for the story"

The child reads the text, the adult offers several options for the names of this text (in this case, only one of the proposed options can fit the meaning), the child chooses the name.

Exercise "Make up a story"

For this exercise, you need to cut a pre-prepared text into sentences or parts (paragraphs). The child needs to read each part separately, and then invite him to arrange them in the correct sequence. This type of work helps to form an understanding of the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of events. It is better to use short texts of primers and alphabets for this exercise.

Exercise "Come up with an ending to the story"

Ask the child to read the story, but not to the end. Let him finish the story himself, and then read the remaining sentences and compare his version with the author's. Do not forget to praise the baby both if he guessed correctly and if he came up with his original ending to the story.

Pros and cons of the method

Results of one experiment

The sound method has always had not only admirers, but also opponents. At first, it was opposed by the adherents of the literal subjunctive method, which we already spoke about at the beginning of this section. In our time, among his opponents are adepts whole word reading method. They believe that it is easier for children to immediately learn the image of a word, without dividing it into sounds or syllables (we will talk about such methods in this book).

The situation can be clarified by the results of one very interesting experiment.

So, a group of children of five or six years old was divided into two subgroups. The first was taught to read by the method of whole words, the second - by the sound method. When the children switched to reading words, they were tested: children from which subgroup read aloud and silently better (that is, faster and with fewer errors). At first glance, the children from the first subgroup were ahead of the children from the second subgroup in terms of these indicators. But a more careful analysis of the results revealed that the "sound" children coped more easily with reading unfamiliar words and were ahead of their "competitors" in terms of perception and vocabulary richness.

In addition, the children who were taught by the "whole words" method made the following mistakes. For example, not knowing how to read the word under the picture, they simply named what they saw in the picture. For example, instead of "tiger" they could say "lion", instead of "girl" - "children", instead of "car" - "wheels". The desire to memorize the whole word - as an image - led to the fact that children were not able to read a new word without the help of a teacher, because the image of this word was not stored in their memory.

But on the other hand, “sound” children experienced difficulties in reading those words where the letters were rearranged or replaced with similar ones. For example, “sleep” could turn into “juice”, and “tiger” into “shooting gallery”. They also lost in reading technique: they read slowly, syllable by syllable, made mistakes.

What is the conclusion?

The sound method has its drawbacks.

1. We read by syllables.

A toddler taught in this way will not begin to read whole words and sentences at once. The path from sound to syllable and word is quite difficult and long. The child will read words by syllables for a long time, rather slowly, with errors. This is especially true for words with a hard, soft sign, complex syllables consisting of three or four letters. And even simple in composition, but long words, the baby will find it difficult to read.

2. We read and do not understand.

Since reading, connecting syllables into a word requires effort, at first the baby will read the word, but not understand its meaning. Therefore, be sure to ask to say the whole word, ask what it means, ask to retell the text.

3. We start at the age of four.

It's hard to say if this is a plus or a minus. But now, when parents want to teach their children to read almost from the cradle, we rank this requirement of the method as a minus. The material of the sound method is quite complicated, although the exercises resemble the form of a game, they require effort from the child. Therefore, it is pointless to start before three and a half years. So, the kid will learn to read fluently no earlier than five years.

The sound method has its advantages

1. Slowly but surely.

2. Easy at school.

A child who begins learning to read by learning sounds will have no difficulty in school. Neither phonemic analysis, nor the division of words into syllables during hyphenation, nor the selection of vowels and consonants will be difficult for him.

3. Our bonus is literacy.

As mentioned above, the sound method is most suitable for the structure of the Russian language. Kids quickly learn to write correctly, easily navigate the rules, intuitively feel the language.

4. Easy for mom.

This is perhaps the only method that does not require much preparatory work. As you have already noticed, you will need to cut out the alphabet from cardboard (or buy a cash register of letters) and prepare word plates. And for most exercises, you only need a pen and a piece of paper. Simple and convenient. And yes, you can do it anywhere. The kid will be happy to play word games at home, in the country, on the train, and in a long queue at the clinic.

5. Improve pronunciation.

The sound method is often called speech therapy. After all, children learn not only to read, but also to hear sounds, pronounce them correctly and clearly. One of the undoubted advantages of the method is that

that he develops phonemic hearing and fights pronunciation defects.

Who is the sound method for?

It's hard to say who won't fit. Children have been taught in this way for more than 150 years and achieve results. So if you personally liked the method - go for it.

However, there are some small nuances.

Children with speech defects

As mentioned above, the sound method teaches you to speak correctly and clearly. Many experienced speech therapists even advise parents of children with speech defects to start learning to read. So if your child does not pronounce some sounds, burrs, lisps, etc., then the sound method, no doubt, is yours.

Physicist, not a lyricist

And one more feature of the method. There is an opinion that the method is more suitable for left-brained children. To go from sound to letter, syllable, word, the brain needs the help of the left – analytical hemisphere. The right one, which is responsible for images, is little used. Therefore, if learning by this method is difficult, think about which hemisphere is leading in your child. Of course, at an early age it can be difficult to understand (and sometimes impossible), but an attentive parent will certainly notice some signs.

The kid listens well to music, is a dreamer and inventor, loves to look at pictures, is sensitive to the beauties of nature, perceives poetry well, loves to draw - most likely, the right hemisphere predominates.

Your baby loves building blocks, copes well with complex tasks in games like Lego, speaks in detail, speech is well developed, likes to look at drawings, his drawings are schematic, they have a lot of small details - maybe your baby is more helped by the left hemisphere.

If you have determined that the baby is dominated by the right hemisphere, and the sound method causes difficulties, choose another one, for example, the method of whole words, where the baby operates with images of words that are closer to him.

Parents' opinions

This section contains the statements of mothers and teachers who taught children to read using the sound method. You will find out what you liked, what caused difficulties. Perhaps such a "live" voice will help you make the final decision whether the sound method is right for you, as well as avoid possible mistakes in training.

At first we tried to pronounce the sounds correctly, but the kid attached names to the letters. B - woman, P - father. We have letters everywhere, he plays with them all the time, and rarely plays other games. But then I discovered that he couldn’t make words from “babes” and “dads”, he didn’t understand how at all. Then I realized my mistake, I had to retrain - long and difficult. Be careful, do not invent names for sounds - only “b”, “p”, “m”. And then you will get confused, like us.

Katya liked letters from childhood. We played with them, sang, drew. Then, somehow imperceptibly, they began to put the letters into syllables. At first it was difficult - like he knows the letters, but cannot be read together. But then we were helped by a speech therapist in the kindergarten.

She learned in half an hour. Now my daughter can read well. So if it doesn’t work out on your own, work with a speech therapist and ask him to teach.

We expressed a desire to learn letters very early, from nine months. He pointed to the large capital letters in the book, demanding to name them, and later began to pay attention to the pictures. By the year he knew all the letters (except for hard and soft signs), but did not pronounce them - I said, show the letter A, and he showed, and so on all the letters. At the age of two, he began to name all the letters, now we are three, we are trying to learn to read, while we read only syllables. But reading syllables is not enthusiastic, he is just interested in abstract letters. Now he is poking me the English alphabet, demanding to name the letters. I don’t know what to do anymore, I understand that at the age of three he doesn’t need the English alphabet at all, but he does. He is not interested in syllables, but reading in whole words (memorizing the spelling of a word) went well with us. Visual memory is well developed. So we can read 20 words already.

We started learning to read late. Somewhere in four years. Before that, she tried, but, apart from a few letters, the son did not know anything. At four, I decided it was time to get ready for school. I bought the alphabet (sound reading by syllables, as we were taught). There, the letters are not in alphabetical order, but in such a way that syllables can be composed from them. And that's it. Is reading.

You won’t learn to read by syllables before the age of four. But “the sooner the better” is not always a good thing. It is bad when a child does not speak well, does not pronounce any letters. Speak first, then read. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the child. He can mechanically learn to read, but he will not understand. And this leads to problems at school.

And we are struggling with reading, but things are still there ... We have known all the letters for a long time, but we cannot read. It seems that we read the syllables in the alphabet, but as the simplest words - so immediately plug. Well, it doesn’t work out for us in syllables.

Marya expressed a desire to learn to read at the age of four. They learned to read the old fashioned way: first they taught letters, then they put them into syllables. The only problem that arose was the letter P: she had not pronounced it yet, but she really wanted to read it. As a result of tears, that he knows the difference between L and R, but cannot say. But we did not stop, and the daughter very soon learned to pronounce R. Now she is five, and she reads in two languages, she does not confuse letters.

My daughter is already a good reader. Learned quickly. I was too lazy to cut out the letters, and I let her tap on the keys in a text editor in the 72nd font. Learned the letters quickly.

A year ago, we started going to classes on Zaitsev's cubes, but after four classes we quit: Arisha did not understand anything. Then they started learning to spell. Only we did the opposite: she wrote letters, and then asked me to read what she wrote. Now my daughter is four and a half years old, and she reads simple four-letter words in warehouses. I write them with multi-colored felt-tip pens on a sheet of paper (the same letters - in one color) and hang them over the dining table. And she reads what was written over evening kefir, getting great pleasure from the fact that a familiar word is being formed!

We also learned to spell. In a little over a year, when it would never have occurred to me to teach a child to read, dad showed the first letter - A. The child quickly picked it up, and then I myself taught letters with her. This took about half a year. Another six months they learned to read syllables. And then everything. Well, he knows the letters, he can say what happens if you add M to A, and that's it! I didn't insist. And when she was 3.5 years old, we bought a computer. The child is very interested in him, but he does not know how to read. After a couple of weeks she ran after me with a request: “Mom, read what is written there,” she began to try to read herself. This was the impetus. I learned to read quickly and, most importantly, consciously. Now she reads on a par with adults, often replaces the kindergarten teacher when the children need to read, and she is very proud of this. My opinion: in order to teach reading, you need to interest the child in something, such that reading is indispensable.

From my own experience I can say: it is better to immediately teach the child the “sounds” that stand for letters, so it will be easier for him to start reading. It is convenient when the child has the learned letters in front of his eyes, for example, they are glued to the wall. Then he can demonstrate to everyone his ability to “read”. Pride at the same time - the sea. It means we enjoy reading. Fridge magnets helped me. A good thing!

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Encyclopedia of methods of teaching reading. Letters, syllables, cubes (Lera Kirillova, 2008) provided by our book partner -

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