How to open your own butcher shop.

There are many ideas for starting a business. All of them differ in many ways (from the level of initial investment to the complexity of doing business), so a significant percentage of aspiring entrepreneurs choose the business that they like. This approach usually pays off handsomely.

Many people like to eat meat, therefore, on the one hand, meat products will always be in demand, and on the other hand, opening a meat outlet will always be considered an attractive business idea.

A butcher shop is one of the most difficult types of business to organize from a legal point of view. Firstly, this area belongs to the food industry, which imposes a number of requirements on companies, and secondly, to work with meat, you need to obtain additional permits.

The entire process of paperwork and obtaining permits can take 4-5 months.

First of all, you need to register a company. You can choose either or . At the same time, the second option is often preferable, because, despite its complexity, it has an important advantage - traditionally greater confidence on the part of suppliers and consumers.

When choosing a taxation system, you can give preference to a patent form, a simplified system or UTII.

Among the documents required for the legal operation of the institution are:

  • Sanitary books for all employees.
  • Certificate issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Documents from the fire safety services (regarding the premises in which the shop will be located).
  • Food Distribution License.
  • Book of complaints and suggestions (as for any outlet).
  • Permits for the store.
  • Certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological service.
  • Certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  • Copies of the main constituent documents.

Assortment formation: what can be sold

The two main formats are the implementation either a single type of meat, or its various types. The latter category is usually preferred because it attracts more customers. In the event that an entrepreneur focuses on selling only one species, he must choose carefully to ensure that there is sufficient demand.

In order to form your own assortment, it is advisable to study the products of competitors. Particular attention should be paid to the pricing policy. Among the most popular types of products, the following groups can be distinguished:

  • Chicken meat (primarily fillet and ham).
  • Turkey (fillet and thighs).
  • Mutton.
  • Beef.
  • Dietary meats (in particular, rabbit).
  • Veal.
  • Pork (including lard and ribs).

It is also possible to sell exotic meats. However, it is difficult for them to find suppliers and consumers. Therefore, this idea should be left to expand the range after the promotion of the store. Optimal the number of assortment positions is 30-45, subject to a margin of 25-35%.

In some cases, it is advisable to additionally sell secondary products - sausages, sausages, etc. - in Russia they are consistently in demand due to the wide choice and relatively low price.

Search for a good location and premises

Every entrepreneur who wants to open a meat outlet must understand that this is a highly competitive business area. Among the competitors of the new company, one can single out various formats of stores (from supermarkets to hypermarkets), other shops, restaurants and cafes, as well as markets.

Based on this, it is desirable to locate an institution in a place where there will be a sufficiently large cross-country ability and not such a high level of competition. As a fairly economical option, opening on the territory of a market or a supermarket is suitable. However, the best option is to launch an outlet in a separate room.

  • The room must have an area at least 20 square meters.
  • The presence of three conditional zones - a trading area, a room for cutting and preparing semi-finished products, as well as a zone for cutting and deboning carcasses. The height of the fences between the zones should be at least 2 meters.
  • The presence of water taps and a working sewer system.
  • The presence of mechanical exhaust ventilation.
  • Use of a specialized finish (galvanizing is the most suitable option).
  • Presence of a storage room for products (should be allocated separately).
  • It is desirable to have a staff room.
  • The site for garbage and food waste should be located at a distance of 25-30 meters from the place where the trade takes place.

You can watch an interesting story about the meat business in the following video:

Necessary equipment

It makes sense for a novice entrepreneur to start his business by selling secondary products - sausages, dumplings, etc. In this case, part of the permits will not be needed, and the need for some equipment will also disappear. However, to achieve success in this area, it is the sale of fresh products that is a priority for attracting buyers (including in connection with the trend towards a healthy lifestyle).

Therefore, it is advisable to purchase all the necessary equipment at the initial stage, among which stands out:

  • Refrigerator for storage of goods with an area of ​​4-5 square meters.
  • Refrigerated showcase for displaying products.
  • Trays for displaying goods.
  • Freezer for semi-finished products.
  • Weighing equipment and industrial scales.
  • Axes and block for cutting.
  • Material for packaging goods and containers for semi-finished products.
  • Set of various knives.
  • Packaging equipment.
  • Thermometers for measuring temperature in refrigerators and freezers.
  • Boiler (in case of lack of hot water).
  • Electric meat grinders.
  • Cutting boards.
  • Cash machine.

The whole set will cost from 300-400 thousand rubles. It is possible to purchase used equipment - in this case, the costs will be lower by 20-25%.

Required staff and schedule

A butcher's shop needs to hire highly qualified and responsible employees who are able to interact with the buyer in a friendly manner.

In general, for a small point to start, it will be enough to hire 4 people, among whom should be butcher, cook for the preparation of semi-finished products and two sellers. Moreover, if the store has a small area and a small number of visitors, the role of a cook and a butcher can be performed by one employee. Salespeople must work in shifts.

For a small shop, it is not critical to have a loader on staff, since in the vast majority of cases the supplier himself unloads. In addition to the above positions, a person will be required to perform accounting functions. This can be either an entrepreneur himself or a part-time accountant.

Purchase of products

Product quality is a key criterion for acquiring loyal customers. That is why special attention should be paid to finding a supplier capable of meeting all the necessary conditions. It is highly desirable to have at least 2-3 suppliers in order to avoid becoming dependent on them: if the supplier is the only one, he will be able to seriously change the prices for the order, because he will know that the company has no other choice but to buy his products.

The most suitable are farms. It is important to initially build long-term partnerships so that there are no interruptions in supply. When choosing a supplier, you should focus on a set of criteria:

  • The quality of the offered product.
  • Purchase price.
  • Location relative to the outlet.
  • Availability of all necessary documents and licenses.
  • No interruptions in supply.
  • Business reputation.
  • Other terms of the contract.

Marketing strategy implementation

After finding suppliers of quality and fresh products in the marketing campaign, it is imperative to focus on the following points:

  • To find regular customers, it is necessary to carry out promotion in areas located near the establishment, through the distribution of leaflets.
  • It is desirable to make a beautiful and credible sign.
  • You can put up a pillar and hang a few signs.
  • A relatively effective method for attracting customers is advertising in high-circulation free newspapers.

If an entrepreneur is going to sell small wholesale quantities through his point of sale, he will need to directly contact restaurants and cafes located next to the shop that prepare business lunches or have a delivery service. Within this sales channel, you can effectively use advertising on the Internet.

Costs, profits and payback period

With a competent approach to organizing work, you can reach payback in 15-24 months(depending on the size of the point, demand, region, margin and other factors). At the same time, a fairly large amount of investment will have to be spent on opening:

  • Payment for renting a room - from 30 thousand rubles per month (payment is most often made several months in advance).
  • Renovation of the premises - from 70 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - from 300-400 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of preparing the necessary documents is 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Salaries for staff - 20-40 thousand per month per employee, depending on the work schedule, skill level and complexity of work.
  • Purchase of the first batches of goods - from 100 thousand rubles.

The level of profit will depend on the margin set on products, which depends on the season. In this area of ​​business, profitability is quite low and fluctuates between 4-8%. Therefore, a sufficient amount of net profit should be achieved through high sales volumes. In this case, the shop will be able to bring 75-100 thousand rubles per month.

Thus, opening a butcher shop is a complex process in terms of organization and management. This area is tightly controlled by law, and success in it directly depends on the quality of the supplied and sold products. That is why in this business it is important not only to find suppliers and other contractors, but to build partnerships with them.

Own business: How to open a butcher shop

You can open your own butcher shop with 50 thousand rubles. That is how much a turnkey ready-made pavilion with all the necessary equipment costs. The income from one point will be from 200 to 500 dollars net. And if you organize several such shops, then profits can be increased significantly.

A specialized butcher's shop selling meat products, sausages, etc., brings its owner a monthly net profit of about $200-500. According to experienced entrepreneurs, it is more profitable to keep several points, for example, three to five: it takes a little more time to control, and the profit is many times higher. For example, five points in two or three markets bring $1000-2500 net profit.

Butcher Shop: Equipment

It is better to start a meat business by opening a butcher shop selling secondary meat products - sausages, sausages, dumplings, since organizing the sale of fresh meat will require additional approvals from the SES, additional costs for cutting meat, a qualified seller, etc. The product range should consist of 30-40 items. You can organize an outlet in a pavilion on wheels, which is a container, the wall of which opens, forming a counter.

Advantages of the container: it can be attached to a car and transported to any convenient place, the area (about 12 m2) allows you to install refrigeration equipment and even a special showcase there. Experienced entrepreneurs advise you to carefully consider the choice of a showcase for a butcher shop - it should be wide enough so that you can lay out the maximum number of goods.

Such a turnkey container with a refrigerator and a showcase can be bought for 50 thousand rubles.

If you buy all the equipment separately, the costs will be higher. The set of necessary equipment for a butcher's shop includes: a refrigerator (about $3,500, used one is cheaper by 30%), a cash register (from 12,000 to 20,000 rubles), you can also purchase an additional refrigerator with remote cold for insurance in case the main one will fail ($3900).

Butcher Shop: Registration

The organization of a meat business begins with registration in a tax legal entity or individual entrepreneur. It takes about 5 days to complete. Licenses for the trade in meat products are not required, however, permissions from Rospotrebnadzor (which now includes the former SES and the state trade inspectorate), firefighters are required - this takes from 2 months, costs - from 4-5 thousand rubles.

Butcher Shop: Assortment

At the initial stage, it does not make sense to make an overly wide assortment of a butcher shop, since a small company will not be able to write off unsold goods without loss. The optimal number of items in the assortment should be about 30-40. It is possible to expand the assortment due to related popular goods - cheeses and butter. But the emphasis must be placed on the quality and freshness of products, ensuring regular uninterrupted supplies (with a regularity of at least 1 time per week). This in turn will attract buyers. You can also include an exclusive product in the assortment - for example, turkey meat. This will allow you to stand out from your competitors. The markup is 30% or more. The purchase of goods will require from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Butcher Shop: Staff

The main staff of the butcher's shop consists of sellers, accounting functions are taken over by the entrepreneur himself. You can also do without a loader, since the supplier unloads the goods. To service one outlet in the market, two sellers are enough, who will work in shifts. Their salary will be from 200-300 rubles per day.

Total expenses for opening a butcher shop:

Pavilion - 50 thousand rubles.

The cost of permits - 5 thousand rubles

Total: 55 thousand rubles

Monthly expenses:

Rent - 8300 r

Security of the place - 2700r

Electricity costs - 1500-2000r

Taxes - 1500r

Salary - 7000r

Total: -21500r

Net income from one point - $200-500, from five $1000-2500

In order to open a butcher shop, you will need only 50,000 rubles, but this does not include the purchase of meat. That is how much the pavilion itself will cost with all the equipment for this meat business. At the same time, the daily profit from the meat trade will be 6,000-15,000 thousand rubles net. Profit can be increased if you open not one butcher shop, but several. This is confirmed by many years of experience of entrepreneurs.

So, most of them are sure that it is much more profitable to have three to five butcher shops. Despite the fact that it is more difficult to control trade in such shops, the profit is several times greater. Profit from five shops, for example, will amount to 30,000-75,000 thousand rubles a day.

How to open a butcher shop - business plan

Consider information on how to open a butcher shop, using the example of a brief business plan for opening it.

Equipment and inventory for the meat trade

Selection of equipment is the first step to your own meat business. The best product for such a store is secondary products: sausage, dumplings, sausages (there are about 30-40 of them). During its existence, it is possible to solve such important issues for the meat trade as permits from the SES, the cost of cutting meat, and the search for a qualified seller. It is better to open a butcher shop in a pavilion on wheels, which is a container with a counter.

Why a container? The container has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is mobile - it is easy to attach it to the car and transfer it. Secondly, it has enough space for equipment and a special shop window, which should be wide enough (so that buyers of meat and products from it can see the maximum amount of goods that you offer them).

The price of a container, as already mentioned above, is 50 thousand rubles. This is a very reasonable cost. If you buy all the equipment for the butcher shop separately, it will be more expensive.

What equipment is required for a butcher shop? Firstly, a refrigerator, the price of which is $500, a cash register (12-20 thousand rubles). Secondly, an additional refrigerator with remote cold ($900), which is needed if the main refrigerator suddenly breaks down. Also the following inventory:

  • Scales (electronic or mechanical with weights);
  • Cutting deck;
  • Cutting axes, 2 pcs: large and small;
  • Knives;
  • Spatulas for taking minced meat;
  • Electric meat grinder;
  • cutting boards;
  • Metal hook for carcass suspension;
  • Dishes, trays for displaying goods;
  • Sanitary equipment: brushes for washing dishes and equipment, buckets, basins, clean hand towels.

Registration with the tax office and obtaining permits

Registration in the tax legal entity or individual entrepreneur takes about 5 days. Trade in meat and meat products does not require licensing, but this requires permission from Rospotrebnadzor, which includes the former SES and the State Trade Inspectorate. You also need permission from the fire department. The execution of all these documents will take about 2 months and will empty your wallet by 4-5 thousand rubles.

Product range

Making a large assortment of meat at the beginning of your shop is unprofitable, because at the beginning of your business, all this product with a wide assortment may not be sold. It is better to offer about 30-40 types of meat, as well as cheese, butter, etc. in addition to it. Buyers like it when the products offered are always fresh, so it is better to supply the goods uninterruptedly and more often (at least 1 time per week). The use of a kind of “zest” in the product range, for example, in the form of turkey meat, will help you stand out from your competitors in butcher shops.

The purchase of goods will take 15-30 thousand rubles.

Working staff

Well, and finally, the sellers. If you have one butcher shop, then two sellers working in shifts with a salary of 400-500 rubles a day are enough. No other staff is required: you take care of the accounting, the supplier is responsible for unloading the goods, so you will not need the services of a loader.

The total cost of opening a butcher shop

If we summarize all of the above, the costs of opening a butcher shop, according to our business plan, will be as follows: 55 thousand rubles in the form of a one-time payment for the purchase of a turnkey pavilion (50 thousand rubles) and registration of permits (5 thousand rubles). rubles).

Monthly expenses will be approximately as follows:

  • Rent - 8300 rubles;
  • Security of the place - 2700 rubles;
  • Salary - from 24,000 rubles;
  • Payment for electricity - 1500-2000 rubles;
  • Taxes.

In total, the monthly expenses of one butcher shop, excluding taxes, will amount to 36,500 rubles.


Hello! Today we will talk about how to open a store. We will consider the opening of any store, and not a specific example by the type of products sold.

Open your own store- one of the most frequent options from which novice businessmen choose. The store can bring a stable income, practically does not require intervention in work, time and effort. However, many are scared off by ignorance of how exactly you can open your own store, how much it will cost and when it will pay off. We tried to answer these and many other questions in this article.

What documents are needed to open a store

Let's figure out together how to open your store from scratch. The procedure for preparing for the opening of a store begins with registration as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Each of the options has its own advantages, but most often beginners prefer the sole proprietorship, as in this case there will be fewer reporting problems, as well as lower taxes. And the sanctions for individual entrepreneurs are much lower than for LLCs.
Unfortunately, such benefits and simplifications turn into the fact that the entrepreneur is responsible for all obligations with his own property, and the founder of an LLC risks only a share in the total mass of the authorized capital. Among other advantages is great anonymity, because not everyone knows who is the founder of the LLC. You should also pay attention to the fact that when working with alcohol, registration as an individual entrepreneur is not suitable.

You should make a choice in advance, since it depends on the legal status which package of documents you need to collect.

LLC registration

To register an LLC, you will need to collect the following papers:

  • in 2 copies;
  • for the sole founder - a decision to establish an LLC, for co-founders - an agreement and minutes of the meeting;
  • photocopies of the passport of the director and founders;
  • a document confirming the payment of a state duty in the amount of 4,000 rubles (you will need to open a temporary account);
  • if necessary - .

If none of the founders of the LLC is the owner of the premises at the legal address, then a letter of guarantee will be required.

On average, the registration process takes about 5 days and as a result, the entrepreneur will receive the following documents:

  • charter with a mark of registration;
  • registration certificate;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN and registration with the Federal Tax Service;

IP registration

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need a shorter list of papers:

  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • signed and certified by a notary;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • photocopy of TIN certificate;
  • if necessary - an application for the transition to the simplified tax system.

An important point: those who deal with the entire process on their own do not need notarization of the signature on the application, which will save on the services of lawyers.

The registration period is also 5 days, upon completion, the entrepreneur will receive an extract from the USRIP and a certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur. All documents with USRIP and USRLE information for registering an LLC and an individual entrepreneur are sent to extra-budgetary funds every day. The same information is sent to the statistical authorities.

A notice of the completion of registration and a letter from Rosstat can be received either in person at the institution or by mail.


Thanks to recent changes in legislation, novice entrepreneurs no longer need to submit a huge pile of paperwork to various authorities. Instead, it will only be enough to notify one specific authority to open a store.

For individual entrepreneurs and LLCs that open trade according to OKVED 52.1, 52.21-52.24, 52.27, 52.33 and 52.62, this body is Rospotrebnadzor. The same applies to those who plan to engage in wholesale deliveries of groceries or non-food consumer goods.

Notice must be submitted in the form specified in the relevant Rules. You can deliver it either personally, or by mail, or in electronic form, certified by an electronic signature. In the latter case, the public services portal is used. Upon completion of the process, you can open the store for the first customers.

Which store is profitable to open

Almost all outlets are in demand among buyers. However, some of them bring more income than others, and the initial investment pays off faster. Next, we will look at various ideas for opening a store, estimate how much money you need to open your store. It is also worth understanding which store is profitable to open in a crisis.

Flower shop

Opening a flower shop is always profitable, but you need to choose the right place and delve into the flower business so as not to incur losses due to damage to the goods. Flowers need to be able to sell!

Shop products

A reliable and popular option, especially attractive to newcomers to the business. Demand for products will never fall, which guarantees a constant income in case of a successful location of the outlet. However, it requires special equipment, including rather expensive refrigerators. The volume of required investments will be about 600 thousand rubles, and the payback period will be about a year.

Household goods

Such products are also consistently in demand. To open a store, you will need certificates for varnishes, paints, etc. It is most profitable to open household goods stores in small towns and villages. The payback period is 1-1.5 years.

Children's store: toys, clothes, shoes

This product will always be in demand, because no one will save on clothes and shoes for children.

Also, many parents are simply unable to refuse their child when he asks for a new toy. The environment in such a store should be appropriate - the shelves are somewhat lower so that children can reach all the goods, and the interior is best decorated in bright rainbow colors.

Furniture store

In times of crisis, it is worth paying attention primarily to more affordable solutions, and not to luxury furniture. It is also worth paying attention to domestic manufacturers. In terms of quality, their products are not inferior to numerous foreign competitors, but at the same time they are much more affordable.

Hardware store

People are always building - in a crisis and outside it. A variety of building and finishing materials are in stable demand. The profitability of the business, according to experts, is about 20%.

Auto parts store

Ask any car owner and he will tell you that there are always not enough spare parts in stores and you have to wait a long time for them by ordering delivery from another city or country. Auto parts stores will always be relevant. The main thing in this direction is to find your niche.

If you live in the provinces, think about what kind of store to open in a small town. All of the above options are definitely fine. You can also consider, for example, opening a pet store, a car accessories store, a fabric store, etc.

The choice of commercial equipment for the store

No real store can do without the appropriate equipment. The choice of specific models should be made based on the assortment of the outlet. Particular attention should be paid to refrigeration equipment - it is it that takes up the most space, and prices can cause a serious blow to the budget.

The choice of showcases is made on the basis of turnover and assortment. For example, for refrigerated display cases, you should choose models with a deep narrow layout, and the temperature regime for them should be observed within the range from -6 to 0 degrees Celsius for fish and meat and from 0 to +8 degrees for cheese, sausages and confectionery.

After refrigeration equipment, it is worth moving on to choosing racks, which will become the main element for displaying goods. Today on sale you can find models with sections from 600 to 1250 mm long. The price varies depending on the length. For bakery products, showcases are additionally equipped with wooden baskets, and sections of confectionery products are supplemented with restraints that do not allow goods to crumble.

When choosing commercial equipment, special attention should be paid to the following points: stability, functionality. Quality, durability and design. Before purchasing a specific model, you should pay attention to analogues, compare their parameters, and only then stop your choice on a specific option.

Choosing a location for opening a store

A significant role in the question of how to open your store is played by a competent choice of premises for it. There are a number of requirements and aspects that you should pay attention to when choosing.

  1. Product type. Certain types of goods require that they be sold in certain places. For example, a grocery store or simple household goods should not be placed in large shopping centers - more accessible premises should be preferred. An excellent option would be a building on a busy street in a residential area.
  2. Accessibility and visibility. Remember: even the biggest traffic does not guarantee a large number of visitors and buyers. The point of sale should be located in such a way that there are as many target buyers as possible on the street. You also need to take into account the location of the sign - it should be visible to everyone passing by. Remember: the better the store is visible, the less advertising it requires. It is very important that there are enough parking spaces nearby. Experts believe that the best option would be 5-8 places for every 100 square meters of retail space.
  3. Competitors. The presence of neighboring firms can play both a positive and a negative role. Here it is important to take into account their clientele: a hypermarket and an expensive boutique will not bring new clients to each other, and a beauty salon may well contribute to the growth of the client base.
  4. Price. One of the most important factors. It is worth noting that here we are talking not only about the cost of rent. Any room requires periodic repairs from the owner. In addition, marketing costs should be included in this amount when the store is located far from the main flow of visitors. Do not forget about monthly payments: utilities and others. In some cases, additional redevelopment may be required, which entails considerable costs.
  5. Personal preferences. If you yourself plan to work in your own store, when choosing a room, it will be useful to take into account your own preferences - the distance from the house and the like.

It is very important not to rush when choosing a room for a store. Try to research the area in advance, look at potential customers and competitors. In some cases, you should not be afraid to postpone the opening date for this, because the wrong choice will result in a whole lot of problems.

Choosing a vendor for a store

As the seller fights for each client, so the suppliers fight for their customers. At its core, a supplier is the same store, but a wholesaler. The supplier should be chosen very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the following criteria:

  • Reliability. Of course, reliability is the most important criterion. It includes how obligatory the supplier is regarding the execution of the order, how honest he is during the calculations, how timely he delivers.
  • Price. It is perfectly logical that everyone wants to buy a product as cheaply as possible. Under equal conditions, preference should be given to the supplier with the lowest prices.
  • Range. It is also a very important criterion - the wider the product line will be exhibited, the more interest it will be able to attract.
  • Brand recognition. Everyone knows that trading is inextricably linked with psychology. To quickly gain a reputation, you should work with the most famous and popular brands. In addition, there are much fewer problems with working with them - it is much easier to return or replace goods under warranty.
  • Additional nuances. Among the important little things should include discounts, bonuses, deferred payments, the issuance of goods for sale and other similar ones. They will allow you to get additional profit, so you should definitely not neglect them.

Don't limit yourself to working with just one supplier. The best option is to purchase from 2-3 wholesalers at once. That way, if there is a problem with one, the others can close the gap.

It is also necessary to take into account such a nuance as logistics. To do this, you should find out in advance how the delivery network is built, which transport companies operate in the city of the supplier and your own. The best option would be delivery by rail.

Finally, communication with suppliers is most often conducted via e-mail. It is enough to select the positions of interest, and the supplier will issue an invoice in response to this. After payment, the selected transport company will deliver the goods.

Recruitment for the store

Each employer, when looking for employees, can go two ways. He can try to find high-class professionals who will immediately show the highest result, or he can hire promising talented people who have yet to learn the art of trading. As always, there are pros and cons in both cases.

In the first case, the employer will face the problem of a lack of such specialists. In addition, they will require an appropriate salary, which not everyone can afford. Yes, and each such employee, by experience, also has a number of peculiar attitudes, so first you need to rebuild them to new conditions. Among the advantages, it should be noted that it will be possible to save on training, and employees will be able to work on the day they are hired.

Talented beginners will become clay in the hands of the master. With proper guidance, they can become top-class professionals, but there is a chance to get only problems instead. But the salary of such an employee may be lower. At a minimum, at the stage of gaining experience, training and internships. Such people can be raised in a team as successful and dedicated employees who are fully consistent with the specifics of the work.

Unfortunately, talent is not always revealed, and loyalty to the company may not come. The training of a new employee is invariably associated with costs, including attendance at courses and trainings. And just the assortment of goods will need to be learned - to find out its features, advantages and disadvantages. When hiring a talented newcomer to work, one should pay attention not only and not so much to his presentation and communication skills, but also to quick wits, because in a short time he will need to remember a lot of characteristics of various goods.

The result is the following picture: highly skilled professionals are the preferred option if you can afford them. Otherwise, you will have to make do with promising newcomers.

Who is in charge of recruiting? In all more or less large companies, this role is assigned to the personnel department. The search for new specialists is most often carried out in the following ways:

  • Relatives and acquaintances. As practice shows, this is a common option, but often one of the worst. No matter how close an acquaintance is, this does not mean that he will be a good employee and seller. Unlike people from the street, it is more difficult to objectively assess the skills of a relative. Very often we subconsciously smooth out obvious shortcomings and biasedly encourage our relatives.
  • Posting ads in the store and on the street. One of the least expensive, but at the same time effective ways, which is attractive. Those who apply for an ad found on the trading floor can be immediately sent to the personnel department, which will save a lot of time. Unfortunately, this turns out to be too much traffic - the manager's office is very close, so just curious people can enter it, hoping for luck.
  • Advertisements in print media and the Internet. There are two main paths here. You can explore an existing offer or submit your own ad. In the first case, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to study applicants and consider their candidacies. As a result, even searching for one employee can take several days. Your own ad has a number of advantages - if you compose it correctly, then unsuitable candidates can be weeded out immediately. Those interested do not have to call - they themselves will come to your personnel department.
  • Working with recruitment agencies. The main advantage of this option is the shifting of all work on the study of resumes, searches and interviews to a third party. As a result, only those people who fully match the specified profile will be sent to your company. The disadvantages of the approach are obvious: the work of a recruitment agency requires its own payment, sometimes very rather big. And despite all the precautions, the acquisition of a "pig in a poke" is quite possible. You can avoid risks if the contract with a recruitment agency mentions the payment of a fee only upon enrolling an employee in the state at the end of the probationary period.
  • Talent hunting or Headhunting. This method of personnel search is one of the most relevant developments. It consists in poaching highly qualified specialists from other companies. The main advantage of this approach is the ability to observe employees in action, assess their skills and abilities. The main disadvantage is the high costs, because you will need to make a fairly profitable offer that he cannot refuse. And once a lured employee can always be lured again: one should hardly expect any unconditional devotion from such a person.

The methods mentioned above are equally suitable for finding experienced professionals and promising newcomers. The only exception is headhunting. When looking for a professional, experts recommend contacting a recruitment agency, as the chance of finding a truly experienced employee increases many times over. Beginners can also be searched for by other, less expensive means. Experts believe that the team that will combine experienced specialists and young beginners will be optimal. This will make the store more efficient and lower wage costs.

Finally, when hiring, you should not focus your attention only on a diploma and a resume. It is also worth paying attention to the charm of the applicant and his appearance. Remember that sellers will become the face of your company and this face should be beautiful and cheerful.

Store business plan - tasks and goals

An important point in the question of how to open your own store is the preparation of a business plan. Despite the opinion of some entrepreneurs, it is simply impossible to do without compiling it.

The preparation of a business plan should satisfy the following objectives:

  • It should help a potential investor understand whether it is worth investing in a project.
  • The information in it should be decisive for the bank if a loan is required.
  • The plan becomes the source of all information about the project. This information will be useful not only to the founders, but also to outside observers.

Accordingly, the business plan should solve the following tasks:

  • Determination of the circle of persons responsible for the implementation of the plan.
  • Identification of target markets, determination of the position of the store in the market.
  • Setting short- and long-term goals, forming tactics for achieving them and development strategies.
  • The product of an estimate of profitability and possible costs.

It is important to remember that a well-written business plan becomes the key to the prosperity of the store. In no case should you ignore this point, since a business plan is necessary not only for large companies, but even for the most modest shops.

Choosing the form of taxation

The issue of choosing the form of taxation plays an important role when opening a store. It is on this that not only the tax burden depends, but also the volume of penalties for various misconduct. It should be said right away that there is no universal answer here, everything is strictly individual. However, there is an algorithm that will help you make a choice:

  1. Prepare a general description of the company: where the store will be located, whether there will be legal entities among the clients, what is the value of the assets and the planned annual revenue.
  2. Make an analysis of all forms of taxation and select common taxes for all.
  3. Choose your preferred option.

The choice of the form of taxation should be made on the basis of your net profit, and not on the amount of tax burden. In some cases, it makes sense to choose a system with large taxes, which will save money in the future or achieve a specific goal - occupying a certain market segment or the like.

General system of taxation or OSNO

Applies to sole proprietorships and LLCs. It is the default option - if there were no statements about the transition to another form, then the OSNO is used. The requirements include bookkeeping, keeping a book of expenses and income.

OSNO taxes for LLC:

  • The main tax is corporate income tax in the amount of 20% of profits.
  • VAT value added tax – 0, 10 or 18%.
  • Corporate property tax of up to 2.2%.
  • Insurance premiums for employees - 34%.

Taxes OSNO for IP%

  • Income tax personal income tax in the amount of 13% of income.
  • VAT - 0, 10 or 18%.
  • Insurance premiums.

The main disadvantage of OSNO is the complexity of the calculations - only experienced accountants can cope with them.

Simplified system of taxation of the simplified tax system

LLCs under the simplified tax system do not pay property taxes, income taxes and VAT. An individual entrepreneur is exempt from VAT, personal income tax and property used in activities. USN is not available to everyone.

USN requirements for LLC:

  • Less than 100 employees.
  • Income less than 60 million rubles a year.
  • Lack of representative offices and branches.
  • Income for the last 9 months is less than 45 million rubles.

There are no restrictions for IP.

USN tax rates: 15% for taxes on income minus expenses and 6% on income. The latter option is preferable for stores with low costs. Most often, entrepreneurs choose the first option with a simplified tax system of 15%. However, this option should not be considered the best - before making a choice, it is better to analyze both options.

Single tax on imputed income or UTII

It is a single tax on imputed income, that is, a fixed tax on a specific type of activity. This tax does not depend on income, it is paid even in the absence of it. Payment is made every quarter.

Conditions for the transition to UTII:

  • Suitable activity.
  • Less than 100 employees.
  • Must be permitted in the area where the activity is carried out.
  • For an LLC, the share of a third-party organization should be no more than 25%.

The transition to UTII is not possible for individual entrepreneurs on a patent basis, and for those who pay agricultural tax.

Patent system or PSN

Currently, there are 47 types of activities that fall under the patent system of taxation. You can find them in article 346.43 of the tax code. The rate for individual entrepreneurs is 6% of the possible annual income. For the transition, the company must have no more than 15 employees, and the annual income must not exceed 60 million rubles. The term of a patent is from a month to a year.

The main advantage of PSN is the lack of reporting, the need for a cash register and a fixed amount of tax. This option is optimal for entrepreneurs whose activities are seasonal and of little use for stores.

How much does it cost to open a store

Many are wondering - how much will it cost to open your own store? Which store to open with minimal investment? It is simply impossible to answer this question at least somewhat unambiguously, there are too many factors in use. What exactly are you planning to sell? In which city will the store be opened, and in which area? Because of this diversity, prices vary in a very, very wide range. Most often, something definite can be said already at the stage of business planning, and then a new, even more interesting question arises: where to find start-up capital for opening a store?

Experienced entrepreneurs start looking for funds after registering a business. In this case, a detailed business plan is on hand, in which you can see the entire project with an indication of the amount for its implementation. It is possible that the required amount could have been found much in advance and now there are no problems with the issue of payment.

Otherwise, you can refer to the following sources:

  • Investors. After you have a business plan ready, you can try to find an investor for the project. Unfortunately, this path is one of the most difficult - not everyone will be ready to invest their own funds in your business.
  • Banks. A bank loan is also a common method of solving a problem. However, you should not think of it as a panacea - it often falls on the shoulders of a novice entrepreneur like a yoke, significantly slowing down business development.
  • Friends and relatives. You can always try to involve friends or relatives in the cause. Moreover, we are talking here not only and not so much about a loan, but about a full partnership. After you develop, it will be possible to simply redeem the share.

Attracting the first customers

After opening the store, the question arises of attracting the first buyers. Currently, marketers have managed to come up with many recipes for success, but the simplest and yet most effective are:

  • Distribution of leaflets. The main thing here is a bright attractive design that would make a person not only take the leaflet, but also become interested in its content. It should also contain important information regarding the goods you offer, as well as the address, contact numbers, etc. You can distribute leaflets not only on the streets, but also scatter them in mailboxes and put them on tables in supermarkets.
  • Posting ads. The method is as simple as it is effective, but not without drawbacks. Not many people look at notice boards (unless they are at public transport stops). In addition, this method can spoil the reputation in the future - "advertising on poles" is perceived negatively by many.
  • Display advertising. Perhaps the most optimal method to date. You can place an ad in newspapers, on television, but, first of all, you should advertise on the World Wide Web. The latter option is especially good because it will not require so many investments, and the audience coverage will be simply huge. In addition, you can choose literally any convenient format for your advertising.
  • Recommend to friends. You can tell about your product to acquaintances, friends, relatives, relatives of friends, etc. This option will be the easiest way to advertise your product without spending any money at all. At the same time, it is also distinguished by its efficiency, because we all trust our own environment much more than even the most beautiful flyers. Do not discount the effect of "word of mouth". Even experts admit that it is one of the most effective advertising methods.

Finally, it is worth giving a few tips that may be useful to aspiring entrepreneurs who are thinking about how to open their own store.

Rather than developing their own brand entirely, entrepreneurs prefer to franchise. This phenomenon is called franchising and is a special type of relationship between entities in which the franchisor transfers the rights to conduct business without restricting either the basic principles or the business model of the franchisee.

Such an approach has its pros and cons.


  1. Saving money;
  2. Product certification;
  3. Ready ground for business (no need to develop a strategy, concept, etc.);
  4. More acceptable credit terms;
  5. Decreased advertising costs (you won’t have to promote the brand once again);
  6. Centralized marketing strategy;
  7. Support from the copyright holder in terms of procurement, supply, design and staff training.


  1. Difficult conditions for both parties due to the shortcomings of the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.
  2. The contract is concluded for a period of 5 years. Termination is subject to penalties.
  3. Costs in the form of monthly royalties.
  4. Constant control by the brand owner and some restrictions.
  5. Franchising does not eliminate the need to go through numerous bureaucratic procedures, including the registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Franchises of many stores can be found in ours.


As you can see from the above, if not everyone, then many, can open a store today. You need to know where to start to open your store. The main thing in this case is careful planning and understanding of the processes of the store. Of course, no business at the beginning of the journey is complete without a lot of troubles, but if you follow the tips given above, in a year or two your own outlet will begin to generate a steady income. We hope that we were able to help you, and now you can easily answer the question of how to open your store!

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