How to make hamburgers the right way. Your own Burger King: cooking burgers at home

A hamburger is a type of sandwich consisting of a chopped fried patty served inside a cut bun. In addition to meat, a hamburger can have a wide variety of toppings, such as ketchup and mayonnaise, a slice of zucchini, lettuce, pickled cucumber, raw or fried onions, and tomato.

Let's look at the basic rules for making hamburgers at home.

How to Make the Perfect Beef Burger


Meat is a very important ingredient in making a hamburger. Minced meat for a hamburger should be minced, but cutting it with a knife is ideal. And so that the meat does not dry out during cooking, it must contain at least 20% fat.

The color of the meat is a good indicator of the amount of fat, the white streaks will tell you the fat content of the meat. Pay attention to it.

After grinding, the meat is pressed to form medallions. For this operation, use slightly moistened hands so that the meat does not stick to them. Form balls of the same size first (if you want to make the burgers the same size, you can also use an ice cream scoop) and then press lightly on them to flatten them, reaching a thickness of about 2 cm. The operation must be done quickly to prevent heating mixtures and melting fat. The meat should not be pressed too hard: it needs proper mixing to keep the burger both compact and soft.

Once the burgers are formed, they should be seasoned with salt and pepper and left in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to become well seasoned.

Bakery products

Before cooking hamburgers, it is best to store them at room temperature for at least 10 minutes so that the inside is not too cold.

The hamburger is cooked on a hot stove (or pan) with no oil added, it cooks for about 2 minutes per side and is only flipped once. Care must be taken not to drag out the cooking for too long, and above all, you should never press down on it so as not to lose the juices. It is best to avoid cooking over high heat: this can be too aggressive, in which case the patty will cook quickly on the outside and remain completely raw on the inside.

In practice, the smoother and more uniform the cooking is, the better the result will be. The level of cooking can also be chosen according to personal taste: just like with fillet, you can choose to cook with blood (here we mean ruddy top). However, in our opinion, a good hamburger should be evenly cooked.

These little precautions will allow you to have a soft burger with just the right texture. When it's almost ready, if you like, you can put a slice of cheese on top, cover and wait until the cheese is slightly melted.


This is a very important ingredient. The ideal bread has a soft and compact texture: it should not crumble, but it should absorb the dressing well, avoiding excessive curdling, and it should be easy to bite and chew. Typically for a hamburger, the bread is round in shape, about 12-13 cm in diameter and just over 3 cm high; it consists of the lower part, which is more stable, while the upper part is more loose and covered with sesame seeds. Before stuffing it with meat, it needs to be lightly fried.

This operation is performed only at the last moment, when the meat is almost ready.


A perfect hamburger sandwich, in addition to meat, also includes the presence of lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and bacon. The salad should be fresh, with leaves of a balanced size compared to the bread.

Salad tomato. It should be firm, not too ripe, and should be sliced ​​horizontally: the best pieces are in the center.
The ideal cheese has a delicate taste and melts well without moisturizing the meat. Cheddar is great, but you can also use provolone and fontina or any other similar. Instead, mozzarella is not recommended.

Bacon enhances the flavor and makes it intriguing, it is cut into not too thin strips and can be cooked separately. Real burger artists weave different strips of bacon into a checkerboard pattern before cooking it. This way the hamburger will be coated uniformly with bacon.

Additional stuffing

Onions and gherkins can be added if desired, but should not be many. They should be cut into thin circles horizontally. To mitigate the pungent taste of onions, you can leave them in the refrigerator before slicing. , and then put into very cold water after slicing.

In theory they shouldn't be added. But if you decide to add them, then the most traditional is ketchup.

Hamburger with onions and blue cheese - an unusual recipe

Delicious homemade beef burger recipe. Learn how to make a burger step by step with onions, watercress and blue cheeses.


  • Beef 600 g, chopped
  • Chile 4, finely chopped and devoid of seeds
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Eggs 2
  • Olive oil 4 tablespoons
  • Onion 4
  • Mayonnaise 4 tablespoons
  • Ketchup 4 tablespoons
  • Bread 4 round hamburger sandwiches
  • Cheese 150 g, blue cheese
  • Watercress 4 bundles
  • Preparation time 20 m
  • Time for preparing 10 m
  • Portions 4


  1. Add chopped peppers and garlic to minced meat.
  2. Season with salt and pepper, then knead again in the beaten egg.
  3. Form 4 hamburgers with your hands and set them aside.
  4. Heat the oil in a high-sided skillet and slowly sauté the onion until browned, stirring often to prevent it from burning.
  5. In the meantime, mix ketchup and mayonnaise together and fry round sandwiches.
  6. When the onion is ready, take it out of the pan, wash the pan and add some new oil. Cook the burgers for three minutes on each side, or until the inside is cooked through.
  7. Put some onions on the sandwich to serve as the base, add the hamburger, cheese, watercress and mayonnaise and serve immediately.

Burger with Bacon, Brie Cheese and Cherry Sauce - Original Recipe

If you are looking for new recipes for delicious sandwiches, try this sandwich with veal burgers, brie cheese and delicious cherry sauce.

For sauce
  • Onion 1 small
  • Cherry, confiture 350 g, 1 can
  • Vegetable oil 1 spoon
  • Balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons
  • Honey 1 - 2 tsp
  • Salt - taste
  • freshly ground pepper
  • Cinnamon 1 pinch
  • Food starch 1 teaspoon
For hamburgers
  • Bree 150 g
  • Arugula 1 - 2 handfuls
  • Bacon 4 slices
  • Veal 400 g, ground
  • Parsley 1 teaspoon, chopped
  • lemon zest 1/2 teaspoon grated
  • Salt - taste
  • freshly ground pepper
  • Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
  • Bread 4 hamburger sandwiches, with sesame seeds
  • Preparation time 30 m
  • Time for preparing 15 m
  • Portions 4


For sauce

  • Peel the onion, cut it in half and finally into thin strips.
  • Drain the cherries, collecting about 175 ml of juice.
  • Heat the oil in a large saucepan and sauté the onion over moderate heat.
  • Add cherry juice and vinegar.
  • Add honey, season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Let it thicken over a slow flame.
  • Mix starch with 1-2 tablespoons of cold water and add it to the pan.
  • Bring to a boil while stirring. Add cherries and let cool.

For hamburgers

  • Cut cheese into slices.
  • Fry the halves of bread without oil in a pan
  • Knead the minced meat with parsley and lemon zest, season with salt and pepper and form 4 large meatballs.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meatballs for about 3 minutes on each side.
  • Fill the buns with arugula, meatballs, bacon, cheese and cherry sauce.

Hamburger with fried egg and pesto sauce


For 4 people

  • 4 slices of bread
  • 4 eggs

For a hamburger

  • 1.5 kg beef shoulder
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons fennel seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika

For pesto

  • 4 bunches basil plus a few sprigs of coriander
  • 1 cm hot pepper
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 30 grams of pine nuts
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • salt and pepper


Let's start with the pesto: if you have time, make it with a mortar, otherwise put everything in a mixer and mix, adding the rinsing oil.

Now let's move on to hamburgers. Better buy a piece of meat and make minced meat out of it yourself.

Take the minced meat and put in a bowl with all the ingredients, mix and divide into 4 balls of the mixture.

Let stand for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, then mince the meatballs to form the burgers and press down on one side with your thumb to create a slight indentation.

This way the hamburgers won't swell or pulverize.

It will be very tasty to make such hamburgers on the grill, but there will be nothing in the pan either)

Put the burgers on the grill and cook them for 10 minutes. 5 on each side.

Let's move on to the bread: cut it into slices and quickly grill it. Then grate the garlic on one side and add some oil.

When the burgers are almost cooked, fry the egg.

Now all that's left is to assemble: Serve the bread, put the patty, put a few drops of Tabasco on the meat, put the fried egg and finish with a spoonful of pesto.

Meat hamburger - delicious burger for breakfast

This easy recipe makes delicious meat burgers made with beef, breadcrumbs and a few other ingredients.


450 g minced beef
crumb 2 sandwiches
a tablespoon of chopped parsley


Homemade hamburgers compare favorably with purchased ones not only in saving money, but also in benefits. They put a minimum set of seasonings during home cooking. And the recipe for hamburgers is not at all complicated, and even an inexperienced hostess can make this yummy. Although this dish does not belong to low-calorie foods, and it is not recommended to eat it every day, sometimes you really want to enjoy this delicious, bright and satisfying dish.

Consider step by step and with a photo how to make a hamburger so that it is not inferior in appearance and taste to the purchased one. But let's start with a recipe for delicious homemade buns that are ideal for fast food.

Sesame hamburger buns

We all love the famous hamburger, the cooking method of which we adopted from America. The necessary components of this super-nutritious dish are chicken or meat patties, seasonings, various sauces and, of course, round hamburger buns sprinkled with sesame seeds. Of course, in our time, such buns can be bought in almost every store, but we will cook them ourselves. Consider the process of preparing our products.

Grocery list:

  • Butter - three large spoons;
  • Milk - 2/3 cup;
  • Wheat flour - about six glasses;
  • Dry yeast - one large spoon;
  • Sugar - three tablespoons;
  • Boiled warm water - 1.5 cups;
  • Salt - one small spoon;
  • Sesame - 2-3 large spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - one teaspoon.

Of course, homemade products cannot be compared with purchased ones. Buns will turn out much more magnificent, ruddy and more fragrant. And what great taste they have.

  1. Take a container, pour warm water into it and pour in the yeast;
  2. Next, bring ½ cup of milk to a boil and pour into a deep bowl. Add sugar and salt, and then butter, stir;
  3. Wait for the oil to dissolve, and then pour the yeast mixture into the container. Check the milk-butter mass in advance. In order for the yeast to dissolve well, the mass should be warm, but in no case hot;
  4. Gradually start adding flour to knead the dough. When it will be difficult to mix the thickened dough mass with a spoon, transfer it to the table. Continue kneading and adding flour. Do not add all the flour at once, it may need less or more;
  5. We should get a very elastic dough that does not stick to our hands. Anoint it with sunflower oil, cover with a cloth and put it away for one hour in a warm place;
  6. Our beautiful dough mass should rise well and increase in size. Next, stick the same balls out of it, which should be about 18-20 pieces. Put the blanks on a large baking sheet, sprinkled with flour or flavored with butter. Be sure to leave a large distance between the products, because they will increase in volume. Cover with a towel and put in heat for an hour;
  7. Then coat the blanks with the remaining milk, take sesame seeds and sprinkle them on top of each product. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees;
  8. The buns are baked for about 15-20 minutes, and when they get a ruddy hue, remove the baking sheet from the oven. The resulting pastry must be cooled.

Finished products have just the most delicate crumb under a thin crust covered with sesame seeds. Our magnificent, lovely "beauties" are used not only for hamburgers, but also as ordinary bread for the first course. They stay soft and fresh for days.

Homemade hamburger with meat patty

Every day, new types of hamburgers are being invented. They include both fish and chicken fillet. Even a special hamburger for vegetarians has been invented. But the most popular, which can rightfully be awarded the title of "King of Fast Food", remains a burger with a meat patty. It is offered in almost all fast food establishments. But you can treat yourself to it at home, because it is very simple and quick to prepare, and the naturalness of the products will leave no doubt, because you will create your own culinary masterpiece with your own hands. You can also fill it with various sauces that you can easily prepare yourself, and not be limited to the usual mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise.

Perhaps the burger will not turn out as beautiful as in McDonald's, but it will be more natural, without extraneous additives and impurities, and will not be inferior in taste to the purchased one.


  • Minced beef - half a kilo;
  • One testicle;
  • Buns with sesame seeds for hamburgers - 4-5 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • Small pickled cucumbers - three pieces;
  • Cheese - 4-5 thin squares;
  • One head of onion;
  • Sweet mustard - a large spoon;
  • Five lettuce leaves;
  • Turmeric - half a tablespoon;
  • Pepper, salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.

The cooking instructions are:

  1. The key to this recipe is the sauce. The most popular and simple alternative is mayonnaise mixed with ketchup. But we will prepare another interesting option: the onion needs to be peeled and chopped with a blender or finely chopped with a knife. Then put on a paper towel and place in the microwave oven for 8-10 minutes, setting the lowest power level in advance. From this, the onion will be soft and there will not be much bitterness in it, and this is an important detail for the sauce;
  2. Finely chop one cucumber with a knife or grind through a blender. Mix with the onion in a salad bowl and pour the cucumber marinade from the blender bowl into the same place;
  3. We mix sweet mustard with mayonnaise and pour turmeric to get a beautiful color. Add this mass to a salad bowl with vegetables, stir thoroughly. Magnificent ready;
  4. Cooking meatballs. Pepper the minced beef, salt, add your favorite seasonings and spices if desired. Break a raw egg into a container with minced meat, mix. Then stick on the cutlets. To make them even and beautiful, take a shaping ring. In vegetable oil, fry the products for 7-8 minutes on both sides;
  5. A hamburger at home is assembled as follows. Cut all the buns in half. Spread the sauce well on the bottom. Rolls can be taken from the store or cooked at home;
  6. Put the chopped lettuce leaves and pieces of pickled cucumber on the sauce;
  7. Next - a meat patty and cheese. Cover the filling with the top half of the bun and your masterpiece is ready to serve. You can repeat the layers one more time, then the burger will be awesomely satisfying. Before serving this delicious dish on the table, you need to warm it up a little in the microwave.

fast hamburger

It is an ordinary sandwich with a cutlet. Such fast food is very convenient as a hearty and quick snack if you are at work or do not have time to cook at home.


  • Fresh tomatoes - two small ones;
  • Cheese - five thin squares;
  • Two onions - (one - for minced meat, the other - for the formation of fast food);
  • Minced meat - about half a kilo;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 small spoons;
  • One fresh or pickled cucumber;
  • Ketchup - 5 small spoons;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Provence herbs - two pinches (or any aromatic spices);
  • Black ground pepper - to taste;
  • Five buns.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. First, start cooking cutlets for our king of fast food. Clean the onion and cook the minced meat;
  2. Chop the onion with a blender or vegetable chopper until a mushy state;
  3. Add the onion mixture to the minced meat, sprinkle with pepper and salt, add fragrant seasonings if desired, mix;
  4. Divide the stuffing into five equal parts and stick the balls. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet and form meatballs on it. The tortilla itself should be larger in diameter than the size of a fast food bun, because when baked it will decrease and shrink a little. A new invention - a hamburger press - will help you create blanks of the ideal shape. You can also make cutlets with various fillings in it, which further diversify the taste palette of burgers;
  5. Put a piece of butter in the middle of the hamburger patty, sprinkle with herbs. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake our products for 20-25 minutes;
  6. Cut the buns in half and spread all the halves with mayonnaise and ketchup;
  7. Wash the tomatoes and cut into rings, peel the onion and cut into slices or rings, cucumber into small circles;
  8. Put slices of tomato, onion, cucumber on the bun. You can also lettuce leaves, if any;
  9. Cover vegetables on a bun with thin slices of cheese;
  10. Take the patties out of the oven and place them on top of the cheese. Immediately cover with the top half of the bun and press down. Our king of fast food is ready.

A hamburger at home with an awesome and well-done patty is a delicious magic of taste, because it combines so many wonderful flavors. A tall, bright and beautiful masterpiece will please everyone without exception, because it is equally adored not only by children, but also by adults. Cooking hamburgers on your own is not at all difficult and takes a little time.

Video: Simple Inexpensive Hamburger Recipe

If your child loves fast food very much, and you are not at all enthusiastic about such food, then I suggest looking for a compromise: so that both sides are satisfied. The best solution for our family was a hamburger cooked at home like in McDonald's: it somehow occurred to me that you can cook such a bun with a cutlet on your own.

At the same time, I am calm about the composition of the bun, and about what the cutlet is made of, and what kind of sauce is inside ... Another nice moment is that my daughter always takes part in the preparation of such a hamburger with a cutlet with great pleasure: she cuts the bun, prepares sauces, and washes the salad lays out the cheese...

So this is not just a recipe for a delicious and satisfying sandwich, but an idea of ​​what interesting things you can do with your child on a cloudy day at home. If you want to try it too, then welcome to my kitchen: I will tell you how to cook a hamburger with a juicy cutlet at home quickly and easily.

Ingredients for 2 pieces

  • 2 hamburger buns;
  • 200 g minced meat;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • 2 teaspoons of ketchup;
  • 2 teaspoons of mild mustard;
  • 2 slices of hard cheese;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste (for minced meat);
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

Step by step cooking

You can make hamburger buns yourself - from unsweetened yeast dough, or you can buy ready-made ones in the store. This time I had just purchased buns. Also with sesame seeds on top - just like in McDonald's.

The subtleties of cooking juicy cutlets

The most responsible in our recipe is a juicy cutlet. We will make it from minced meat. Add salt, ground black pepper to taste, a couple of teaspoons of water to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. We “knock out” the finished minced meat 10 times - with force we transfer it from hand to hand or hit it on the table.

Cutlets made from beaten minced meat retain their shape well, are juicy, do not burst, do not let juice in, they can not be breaded in flour. Divide the minced meat into 2 equal parts and form each into a round flat cutlet with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of a hamburger bun (when frying, the diameter of the cutlets will decrease slightly, by 0.5 - 1 cm).

Fry the cutlets in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, over medium heat, until golden brown on both sides. Then simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes.

While the meatballs are cooking, let's take care of the rest of the ingredients.

Lettuce leaves, carefully so as not to wrinkle or tear, rinse with running water and dry with a paper towel. Cut the cheese into thin slices - according to the size of the buns.

Carefully cut the buns in half. Lubricate the pulp of the lower and upper parts with ketchup and mustard.

We collect the "famous sandwich"

Place a lettuce leaf on the bottom. Lay out the cutlet.

Place cheese on top.

Cover with the other half of the bun.

Our delicious hamburger is ready!

Harmful or healthy burgers? The question is still open! And despite the doubts about the benefits of this dish, many sometimes allow themselves to be pampered with such an amazing sandwich. It's time for you to learn how to cook it.
Recipe content:

While experts, nutritionists and doctors are arguing whether homemade burgers are harmful or healthy, we can say for sure that they are incredibly tasty. And if you allow yourself to eat a burger made with your own hands a couple of times a month, then you definitely won’t do any harm. After all, this is a juicy cutlet, fresh vegetables, pickled cucumber and a crispy bun! And if it makes you hungry now, it's time to learn all the subtleties and secrets of making delicious sandwiches.

So, a burger is a type of sandwich that consists of a fried cutlet made from meat. In addition to it, there are various seasonings, such as ketchup, mayonnaise, zucchini, cheese, pickled cucumber, fried onion or tomato. And all this is served inside a cut roll.

Types of burgers

  • A hamburger is the first, simplest sandwich that is made with a juicy meat patty, onion, lettuce, ketchup and/or mustard.
  • Cheeseburger - from English Cheeseburger or cheese, which means "cheese". That is, cheese must be included in the composition.
  • Fishburger - from English fish, i.e. "fish". A type of sandwich where the cutlet is replaced by fried fish.
  • A veggie burger is a veggie burger that does not contain meat.
  • Chickenburger is a sandwich made from chicken, and the rest of the ingredients are not regulated.

Homemade burger secrets

To prevent a homemade burger from becoming a disappointment, certain subtleties of its preparation must be observed. Then the result will exceed all expectations, and you will never buy it in restaurants and fast foods again.
  • Classic cutlet - thin minced beef.
  • Juicy cutlet - meat with fat: rump or butt. A juicy and fragrant burger when the cutlet consists of 15-20% fat.
  • You need to turn the meat on the largest grinding mode. Then its structure will not be disturbed, from which the sandwich will be juicy. The most ideal option is to chop it manually with a sharp knife.
  • Minced meat consists practically without onions, garlic and herbs.
  • You need to form cutlets thin, perfectly round (you can use a tin can), according to the size of the roll. But during frying, the minced meat shrinks, so their initial size should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bun.
  • So that the minced meat does not stick to your hands, they need to be moistened with cold water.
  • Make an indentation in the center of the patty, then it will not swell in the center and turn into a meatball.
  • Before you send the formed cutlets to the grill, you need to keep them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. They are sent cold to roast.
  • During frying, do not press on the cutlet with a spatula, otherwise the juice will flow out.
  • The average frying time for cutlets is up to 10 minutes, depending on the size. It is cooked in very high heat.
  • The readiness of the cutlets is checked by a cut with a sharp knife - the flesh is pink without blood, the roast is medium.
  • Any bun is used, which is divided into a bottom and a lid. The perfect bun is slightly sweet.
  • Before putting food into the bun, its inner side should be fried on the grill so that it is covered with a crispy crust. If this is not done, then it will absorb all the juices of the cutlet and become sour, from which the burger will fall apart.
  • The filling must include vegetables and herbs. Classic products: lettuce, onions, fresh or pickled cucumbers.
  • The classic hamburger includes ketchup and mild mustard. Chili and barbecue sauces are often used, less often mayonnaise and cheese sauces.
  • The burger is easy to assemble: tender ingredients away from the hot patty. The ideal option: grease the bun with sauce, put the cutlet and grease it with sauce. After, a slice of cheese, tomato slices, onion half rings, cucumbers, lettuce and a bun lid.
  • The sandwich should be prepared quickly, without interruption, so that the juice does not flow out of the cutlet and vegetables, and the sauce does not turn the bun into a crumb. Eat food should be immediately after assembly and only with your hands.

Homemade burgers - 5 perfect recipes

Through the efforts of eminent restaurants and chefs, the burger has long gone out of the category of fast cheap fast food and has become an independent dish. Therefore, we offer several recipes for the perfect sandwiches that you can cook yourself in a matter of minutes.

How to cook a burger

Given some points, a hamburger can be prepared in minutes in your own kitchen. This will require a cutting board, a sharp knife, a meat grinder and a grill.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 295 kcal.
  • Servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Buns with sesame seeds - 4 pcs.
  • Beef tenderloin - 500 g
  • Smoked lard - 100 g
  • Sweet onion - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Large tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Chili seasoning - to taste
  • Mustard - to taste
  • Dry red wine - 2 tbsp.
  • Dry Provence herbs - a pinch
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Preparing the burger:

  1. Pass the tenderloin with bacon through a large grate of a meat grinder.

  • Add wine, herbs, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Stir and knock it on the table several times.
  • Form flat cutlets and send them to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices about 8 mm thick.
  • Peel the pepper from seeds and core and cut into rings.
  • Rinse and wash lettuce leaves.
  • Toast the buns cut in half in the oven or in a dry frying pan.
  • Place the hamburgers in a very hot grill pan and grill them on each side for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the desired result.
  • Place the patty on the bottom of the bun and brush it with chili. Lay out the rings of tomatoes and peppers, spread with mustard. Cover with a lettuce leaf and a bun lid.
  • How to make a fish fillet burger at home

    Burger is convenient and fast food. But, according to nutritionists, it causes irreparable harm to health and the body. However, if you cannot live without it, then there is only one way out - to cook it yourself.


    • Hamburger bun - 2 pcs.
    • Fish fillet - 300 g
    • Bulb - half
    • Refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
    • Lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.
    • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
    • Mayonnaise, ketchup - to taste
    Step by step preparation:
    1. Cut the fish fillet into large pieces, salt, pepper and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
    2. Pour some oil into a frying pan and heat well. To make it smoke. Then put the fish and fry for 2 minutes on each side over high heat.
    3. Cut the bun into 2 parts and dry in the oven.
    4. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, peel the onion and cut into rings.
    5. Lubricate the lower part of the roll with mayonnaise and lay out the fillet. Put cucumbers and onions on top, which are poured over with ketchup. Finish the composition with a lettuce leaf and cover with the second part of the roll.

    Delicious homemade burgers

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with another option for making a homemade burger with cheese and zucchini. Such a simple hamburger is sure to please everyone who tastes it.


    • Coarse minced pork - 300 g
    • Rolls - 3 pcs.
    • Red onion - 1 pc.
    • Cheese - 3 pieces
    • Lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.
    • Zucchini - 4 rings
    • Salt and pepper - to taste
    1. Mix minced meat with salt and pepper. Make 3 patties slightly larger than a loaf, place them on a cutting board and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
    2. Cut the zucchini into rings.
    3. Cut cheese into thin slices.
    4. Peel the onion and chop into rings.
    5. Wash lettuce leaves and pat dry.
    6. Fire up the charcoal and heat it up to a high temperature. Lay the zucchini rings on the grill and fry them until golden brown on both sides.
    7. Then cut the bun and dry it on the grill with the inside.
    8. The last step - put the cutlets on the grill and cook them on both sides for 2-3 minutes.
    9. Quickly assemble a sandwich. Spread the bun with ketchup, put the cheese, cutlet, onion rings, zucchini, mayonnaise, lettuce and again the bun.

    Homemade burger with cutlet

    A homemade hamburger is always better than a fast food restaurant. This is a great combination of the most delicate rolls, cutlets and fresh vegetables, since the filling can be varied to your taste.


    • Sandwich roll - 3 pcs.
    • Ground beef - 300 g
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp.
    • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.
    • Mustard - 1 tsp
    • Ketchup - 50 ml
    • Olive oil - 80 ml
    • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
    • Iceberg lettuce - 3 sheets
    • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Salt, pepper, seasonings for meat - to taste
    1. Peel the onion and chop finely with a sharp knife. Combine it with minced meat, salt, pepper, spices, mustard, mayonnaise and breadcrumbs. Mix well and leave for 10 minutes.
    2. From the resulting homogeneous minced meat, form round cutlets and fry them in a hot frying pan in olive oil. Lay them out on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.
    3. Cut the tomatoes into rings. Wash lettuce leaves and pat dry.
    4. Break the eggs into the pan in the middle of the shaped ring and fry them in the “fried egg” oil so that the yolk remains liquid.
    5. Divide the bun into two halves and grease each with mayonnaise.
    6. Place a lettuce leaf, tomato and cutlet on the bottom half of the roll. Brush with ketchup and add scrambled eggs. Cover the top with the other half of the bun.

    Homemade chicken burger

    Chicken burger is not only tasty, but also a healthy sandwich. Especially if you cook it from chicken breasts baked in the oven with fresh vegetables.


    • Round sandwich bun - 4 pcs.
    • Chicken fillet - 200 g
    • Mustard - 1 tsp
    • Ketchup - 50 g
    • Homemade mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
    • Purple onion - 1 pc.
    • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
    • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
    • Salad - 1 bunch
    • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
    • Salt and pepper - to taste
    How to make chicken burger:
    1. Combine finely chopped chicken fillet, onion, mustard, salt and pepper. Beat the mass with a blender until smooth, form flat round cutlets, put them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 250 ° C for 3 minutes on each side.
    2. Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, sweet peppers) cut into rings.
    3. Divide the bun in half and dry in the oven.
    4. Form a hamburger. Brush both halves of the bun with ketchup. Place lettuce and cucumber on the bottom. Pour with mayonnaise. Top cutlet, onions and tomatoes. Pour again with mayonnaise. Cover with the other half of the bun.
    Video recipes:

    The American hamburger has long been popular all over the world. Of course, this is not the most healthy food, but from time to time you can enjoy it. And you can cook a delicious hamburger at home, you get an interesting replacement for a regular sandwich. Moreover, a hamburger cooked at home is more useful than the one sold in catering establishments. How to cook a hamburger at home? Very simple. Some recipes for overseas food are presented in this article.

    Hamburgers for proper nutrition


    • BUN DOUGH(in total, from this amount of ingredients, 930-940 g of dough and 8 buns of 115 g each are obtained; if you do not want to cook more dough than necessary for 3 hamburgers, you can proportionally reduce its amount, however, dividing one egg required by the recipe will not very convenient, so it’s better to cook other buns-patties from the remaining half of the dough :)
    • 500 g whole wheat flour. Read more
    • 330 g natural yogurt (both from cow's milk, and from goat's, and even from coconut :)
    • 1 medium sized egg
    • 4 g dry yeast
    • 3 g maple syrup (any glucose-containing sweetener, even regular sugar - to activate the yeast)
    • 40 ml of milk (any, even cow, even goat, even nut)
    • 7 g coconut oil (or olive oil)
    • 200 g lean beef
    • 1 small onion
    • 1 egg white
    • garlic clove (optional)
    • salt, pepper (to taste)
    • finely chopped fresh herbs or spices (cumin, coriander, rosemary, Provence herbs)


    1. TO PREPARE THE DOUGH FOR THE BUNS: in a glass or ceramic bowl, mix the yeast and sugar (maple syrup) with warm milk; let stand for 5 minutes to activate the yeast; mix the milk thoroughly so that the yeast and sugar are completely dissolved in the milk;
    2. Add yogurt and c / p wheat flour and mix everything thoroughly - I do it with my hands - it is very important that there are no lumps;
    3. Enter the egg into the dough and mix everything thoroughly again;
    4. Add salt, spices (herbs) to taste and oil;
    5. Mix everything thoroughly, the dough will be soft enough and a little sticky;
    6. Put the dough in the refrigerator, covering with cling film and infuse for 12-24 hours;
    7. Form round buns from the dough, as in the photo above (I make each of 115 g of dough) and, moistening their surface a little with water or milk, or smearing with yolk, sprinkle with seeds;
    8. After shaping the buns, put them on a lightly floured baking sheet or silicone mat (or a bread pan if you just bake bread) and, covered with a lid or towel, let them stand for 30-40 minutes in a warm place, ideally without covering anything, in a humid oven at 40C (to create humidity, pour a glass of water on the lower baking sheet and lightly sprinkle the walls of the oven with water). During the proofing process, the most intensive fermentation occurs with the formation of the main part of carbon monoxide (up to 90%), which is very important, because. when molding bread-buns, the porosity of the dough structure is greatly disturbed and carbon dioxide is almost completely removed from it;
    9. Bake in a preheated oven at 220C for 15 minutes;
    10. Such a dough can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 days (then it starts to taste bitter), or you can freeze it, after giving it the shape of future baking.
    11. FOR COOKING CUTLETS: just grind beef with onion, garlic, spices and egg white in a blender; divide the minced meat into 3 equal parts and form cutlets; fry them in a dry frying pan or grill;
    12. FOR THE HAMBURGER: cut the finished buns in half; on the bottom of the bun add lettuce, a slice of tomato, then a cutlet; add any sauce you like on top: tomato, hummus, baba ganoush (sauce was not taken into account in the calculation of the nutritional composition); top with the second part of the bun; so that the burgers do not fall apart, you can insert a skewer into them;
    13. Serve at the table and enjoy!

    Recipe for homemade hamburger buns


    • milk - 1 1/4 tbsp. (300 ml);
    • dry yeast - 2 tbsp. spoons (17 g);
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons (28 g);
    • melted butter - 1/3 tbsp. (80 ml);
    • large chicken egg (+ one more for lubrication);
    • flour - 4 tbsp. (500 g);
    • salt - 1 teaspoon.


    1. We heat the milk to 36-38 degrees and dissolve sugar in it. We add yeast.
    2. Sift flour and mix with salt. Add yeast solution, egg and melted butter at room temperature.
    3. Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes and divide it into portions. Let the homemade hamburger buns come up for 10 minutes in a warm place, grease with a beaten egg and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 12-14 minutes.

    Pork burger with sweet potato chips


    • minced beef - 400 g
    • potatoes - 4 pcs.
    • olive oil - 1 tsp
    • chili flakes - 1 tsp.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • parmesan cheese - 1 tbsp. l.
    • tomato ketchup - 1 tbsp. l.
    • hamburger buns - 4 pcs.
    • lettuce - 1 bunch
    • tomatoes - 1 pc.
    • red onion - 1 pc.
    • gherkins - to taste


    1. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Cut the potatoes into large slices. Add olive oil and chili to it. Mix everything lightly with your hands. Arrange the potatoes on a baking sheet in one row. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, turning once (after 15 minutes from the start of cooking).
    2. For hamburgers, grate Parmesan. Add ground beef, a little chili or paprika flakes, ketchup, black pepper to taste. Mix everything well.
    3. Form 4 burgers. 10 minutes before the chips are done baking, place the burgers on top of a baking sheet and bake until done. If desired, you can fry the formed cutlets (burgers).
    4. Wash and dry the lettuce, cut the tomato and onion into rings (the onion can be marinated in a mixture of vinegar and sugar). Cut the buns in half. Place lettuce leaves, tomato and onion rings on one half. Add the burger and top with the second half. Serve with potato chips and gherkins to taste.
      Enjoy your meal!

    homemade hamburger

    He is scolded by nutritionists and loved by children, but not many of us have tried tasty, real and healthy hamburger at home. That's what we're making today. Not many people know that the hamburger is not an American national dish, it was invented by the Germans in the city of Hamburg. That's where the name comes from.


    • Beef - 1 kg
    • Onion red onion - 2 pcs
    • Ketchup - 3-5 table. spoons
    • Tartar sauce"
    • lettuce leaves
    • Salt, pepper to taste

    For the tartar sauce:

    • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs
    • Mayonnaise - 200 g


    1. First you need to cook a good, tasty, ground beef. Depending on your taste, minced meat can be made from pork, beef, veal, and even lamb. But the real one is made from beef.
    2. To do this, we take lean beef and pass it through a meat grinder along with onions. If you take red onion, then it will give a more delicate taste to minced meat.
    3. Season the minced meat with salt, pepper and add a little ketchup.
    4. In order for the stuffing to become softer, we beat it a little. To do this, with one hand we hold a bowl in which the minced meat lies, and with the other hand, taking the minced meat and lifting it by about 20 cm, throw it into the bowl again. And so several times. At the same time, the minced meat becomes softer and saturated with oxygen.
    5. The size of the cutlet depends on the size of the bun on which our hamburger will lie. You can form a cutlet with a knife. The thickness of the burger should be the same over the entire surface, so that the burger is fried evenly over the entire surface.
    6. We heat the pan and put our meatballs on it. In order to find out whether the cutlet is fried or not, you need to press the center of the cutlet with a spoon. If the cutlet falls through, then it is still raw, and if it springs, then the cutlet is ready.

    While cooking, chop the vegetables.

    1. Tomatoes and onions should be cut into rings, lettuce leaves can be lightly chopped. Since the hamburger has many layers, each layer must be made as thin as possible.

    Prepare the tartar sauce:

    1. To do this, take pickled cucumbers and cut them very finely.
    2. Since the sauce must be very tender, it is advisable to use carnishons, their skin is soft, but if ordinary cucumbers, you can peel their skins.
    3. Combine chopped cucumbers with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

    Let's start forming a hamburger:

    1. Put the ketchup on the bun with the first layer, the cutlet is the second layer.
    2. Next, lay out 2 slices of tomato, then a few onion rings, tartar sauce.
    3. We spread the salad and close the top with the top of the bun.
    4. Homemade hamburger is ready.

    How to cook a hamburger at home


    • 5-6 hamburger buns. They are sold in supermarkets. You can also cook them at home yourself. At home, buns are no worse.
    • 100 ml of milk.
    • 3 pickled cucumbers.
    • 2 tomatoes.
    • Bunch of green lettuce.
    • 100 g of hard cheese.
    • 10 tbsp vinegar.
    • 1 onion (for better taste, it is desirable to take purple).
    • 3 tbsp Sahara.
    • 15 tablespoons water.
    • 100 g ketchup.
    • 40 ml vegetable oil.
    • 300 g minced meat.
    • Salt.
    • Pepper.

    Preparing the hamburger:

    1. Onion cut into thin rings.
    2. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
    3. Cut pickled cucumbers into thin strips along. You can take pickles and lightly salted cucumbers - which can be found at home.
    4. Cut the cheese into thin slices. You can buy already sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcheese slices in vacuum packaging - these are sold in any supermarket. Or just thinly slice the cheese at home.
    5. Next, you need to prepare the marinade. Mix water, sugar and vinegar. This will be the onion marinade. Dip the onion rings into it and leave it to soak for 20 minutes. At home, you can simply scald the onion with boiling water. This will reduce the bitterness. But with the marinade, the onion turns out tastier.
    6. Now you need to cook meatballs. To do this, soak one bun in milk, and then squeeze a little.
    7. Grind the bun, mix with minced meat and pass through a meat grinder. You should get a homogeneous mass. Salt, pepper, mix. In recipes, you can include not a cutlet, but simply fried minced meat.
    8. From the resulting mass you need to cook cutlets. Don't make them too thick, flat patties work well for burgers. Fry them in vegetable oil for 5 minutes on each side.
    9. Cut the buns in half horizontally. Use a well-sharpened knife so as not to crumble the buns. Spread a little ketchup on each half. Traditional hamburger recipes in the US always call for ketchup.
    10. Separate the lettuce into leaves. Rinse and dry them. Place a leaf on the bottom of the bun.
    11. Then lay out in turn: cutlet, cheese, tomato, onion, cucumbers.
    12. Cover with the other half of the bun. The hamburger is ready. Similar to this recipe and other hamburgers - you can cook them at home with any filling - from vegetables to cheese and eggs.

    Salmon hamburger


    • 350 g salmon fillet (or other red fish).
    • 2 round buns.
    • 50 g breadcrumbs. If there are no store-bought crackers at home, just dry the bread in the oven and crush it into crumbs.
    • Half a bunch of parsley and dill.
    • 2 tsp lemon juice.
    • 2 leaves of green salad.
    • 30 ml vegetable oil.
    • 3 tbsp mayonnaise.
    • 1 tomato.
    • 2 garlic cloves.
    • Salt.
    • Pepper.

    How to cook:

    1. Remove the bones and skin from the fish fillet. Cut the pulp into small pieces - the smaller, the better.
    2. Finely chop parsley and dill. Add parsley to fish.
    3. Sell ​​the garlic through a press.
    4. Pour salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, garlic, a teaspoon of lemon juice there. Mix everything.
    5. From the resulting mass, form two cutlets and fry them in oil, 3 minutes on each side.
    6. Mix dill, mayonnaise and remaining lemon juice.
    7. Cut the buns in half. Brush bottom halves with sauce and place lettuce leaf each.
    8. Lay the fish cakes on top and brush with the remaining sauce. Attach the other half of the bun.

    Hamburger with bacon and egg


    • 4 buns.
    • 4 eggs.
    • 200 g bacon.
    • 4 leaves of green salad.
    • 2 tomatoes.
    • 50 g mayonnaise.
    • 50 g ketchup.
    • 2 fresh cucumbers.
    • 40 ml vegetable oil.
    • Salt.
    • Pepper.

    How to cook:

    1. Fry the eggs, breaking the yolk but not stirring.
    2. Cut the bacon into thin strips and fry until browned. Drain the fat that stands out, otherwise the recipes for such a hamburger will be too high in calories.
    3. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Read more
    4. Mix mayonnaise, ketchup, add salt and pepper to taste.
    5. Cut the buns in half and spread the bottom halves with the resulting sauce.
    6. Place lettuce leaves on top. Then an egg (cut the edges to fit the bun), tomato, bacon strips, cucumber slices. Cover with the top half of the bun. You can also brush it with sauce if you like. For spiciness, you can add a little mustard to it.

    At home, you can come up with many hamburger recipes that are in no way inferior to those sold in catering chains. At home, you can cook a vegetarian hamburger, a hamburger with fish, cottage cheese and other products.

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