How to write in Latin. Russian names in English

For the first time, the question will definitely arise in front of you - how to fill in the passenger's data to buy a ticket?

In fact, there is nothing difficult here. Just follow the directions and tips on the website where you buy it.

In this article, we will walk you through all the steps of issuing a ticket on the site. On other sites, the sequence may differ, but the principle of filling in the fields will remain the same.

1) Surname and name, and in the case of a flight across Russia, the patronymic is also indicated.

These data are entered exclusively in Latin letters and it doesn’t matter if you fly in Russia or abroad.

In a civil passport, the data of its owner are indicated only in Russian letters, but if you have a new passport (issued after 2011), then you can peep the Latin spelling on the photo page.

At the very bottom is a machine-readable entry, where after PNRUS your name, surname and patronymic are indicated in Latin letters.

Please note that if your middle name ends in "vich", then it can be designated as "VI3" in a machine-readable record. For example, IVANOVICH will be written instead of IVANOVICH

This is a misspelling and VI3 should be replaced with VICH.

If your passport is an old one, then don't worry, there is a way out in your case too. Use the online transliteration service at He will make transliterations in accordance with the requirements of the migration service.

Name and surname transliteration table for international passport

a-a b-b c-v d-g d-d e-e e-e f-zh h-z i-i d-i k-k l-l m-m n-n o-o p- p r-r s-s t-t y-u f-f x-kh ts-tc h-ch w-sh u-shch s-y u-e ​​yu-iu i-ia

With the help of the transliteration service or independently, using the transliteration table above, data is also entered for children under 14 years old who can fly with a birth certificate.

2) The date of birth is indicated in the format recommended by the site. As a rule, this is

3) Citizenship - determined by the country that issued your passport. If you have citizenship of several states, then the one whose passport you will use during your trip is indicated.

4) The series and number of the international passport are indicated without spaces and sign No. For flights within Russia, you can use both a foreign and a general passport. For children - a birth certificate or a passport. For flights abroad - only a passport.

The ticket is issued for the passport on which you are flying. The one that you will present at check-in for a flight and at border control if you are flying abroad.

5) The validity period is indicated only if the ticket is issued on a foreign passport. There is no expiration date for birth certificates and national passports.

6) A mile card is indicated at will and if available. You can leave this field blank.

Well, that's all, all the passenger's data has been entered and now you only need to pay. On the site, you can do this with a bank card or in cash in the network of Svyaznoy salons.

14 Mar 2016 Anna Lump

Online service: text transliteration- writing Russian characters in Latin.

About transliteration of Russian names and surnames

When filling out registration forms, questionnaires, drawing up various kinds of documents (for example, a passport or visa), you have to write your last name, first name, address in Latin (English) letters. This service allows automate translation ( transliteration) Russians letters in English.

How to write the last name and first name in English? How to correctly name a Russian site in English letters? There are various systems or rules for the transliteration of names and surnames (transliteration of Russian words). They are based on the process of simply replacing the letters of the Russian alphabet with the corresponding letters or combinations of letters of the English alphabet (see below). The difference between the systems of transliteration of names and surnames is observed when translating some letters, for example, E, E, Ъ, b and diphthongs (combinations of a vowel and Y).

A - A K - K X - KH
B - B L - L C - TS (TC)
B - V M - M H - CH
G - G H - N SH - SH
D - D O - O SH - SHCH
E - E, YE P - P b -
Yo - E, YE R - R Y - Y
Zh - ZH C - S b -
Z - Z T - T E - E
I - I U - U Yu - YU (IU)
Y - Y (I) F - F I am YA (IA)

To translate english letters in Russians Paste the text into the top input field and click the "Make" button. As a result, in the lower input field you will get the translation of the Russian text into a transcript (Russian words in English letters).

Note. Since March 16, 2010, new Cyrillic transliteration rules for the Russian alphabet have been used when issuing a passport. The result may not match the old name, for example, on a plastic card. In order for the name to be entered correctly in the passport (as before), that is, so that it matches the name on a credit card or driver's license, you must additionally submit an appropriate application. Example: Julia in the new system will be Iuliia , most likely you will want Julia or Yuliya (which, in my opinion, is more harmonious).

When applying for a driver's license, a transliteration system is used that is different from a foreign passport, similar to the system for a US visa. At the request of the owner of the record in Latin letters in driver's licenses can

Whatever you think - everything is serious here. The US State Department has developed a whole philosophy theory for translating the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin. Here is their achievement:

A - A I - I C - S b - goes down
B - B Y - Y T - T Y - Y
B - V K - K U - U b - goes down
G - G L - L F - F E - E
D - D M - M X - KH Yu - YU
E - E, YE H - N C - TS I am YA
Yo - E, YE O - O H - CH
Zh - ZH P - P SH - SH
Z - Z R - R SH - SHCH

Comments are given to this table that delight our ears ( well, not only do we understand the intricacies of reading in English, even if they suffer with our language). For example:

1. Letters E and Yo are transmitted in the same way obviously Yo is a ghost letter): E , YE .
Parfenov - Parfenov

2. However, if you need to emphasize the pronunciation [yo] in a letter Yo, then it is denoted as YO :
Peter - Pyotr (Shaitan, how can the US Department know when to underline [yo] and when not?)

3. Letter E transmitted as YE only if it is at the beginning of a word, after a vowel or the letters b, b. In other cases - E .
Medvedev - Medvedev
Yeremin - Yeremin

4. Letters E and E are transmitted in the same way (except for the cases with E described in paragraph 3) - i.e. E.
Elina - Elina

5. Mysterious letters S and Y referred to as Y .
Khasymov - Khasymov
Raykin - Wikiwand Raykin

6. Endings YY and ii also denoted as one letter - Y .
Bravy - Bravy

7.b and Kommersant are not subject to the understanding of foreigners, and therefore - are not designated in any way.
Mary - Marya
Lifting - Podyomny

8.YU and I are designated accordingly YU and YA .

9. Favorite Russian letters AND and X in English also have something in common and are denoted accordingly ZH and KH .
Zhirnov - Zhirnov

10.C turns into TS, a H- in CH .
Tsareva - Tsaryova
Black - Chernyh

11. The rest of the hissing hisses are even more exotic: W - SH, a SCH- long-suffering SHCH .
Shalyapin - Wikiwand Shalyapin
Shields - Shchitov

But in general, in addition to this American system, there are several more transliteration options. Our GOST, for example, with some different nuances.

S is like a dollar in English

With the written designation of their full names in English, it is now more or less clear ( you can practice with your friends). But what foreigners have to do with oral communication can be understood by the invented international phonetic alphabet.

Imagine you call your boyfriend on the phone and say cryptic: D asha, At liana, R ita, BUT nna, To atya. And hang up. And let him guess. If he decides that this is a list of girlfriends that you learned about, it means that the truth is the same. (Hint for those who ride in neutral in the tank: look at the bolds.)

It is customary for us, when transmitting an important message, to convey each letter as a female name that begins with it. For example, A - Anna, M - Maria. English speakers are more mundane:

A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
K - Kilo
M - Mike
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W - Whiskey
X - X-ray

This system is used in the army, telecommunications, aviation and other areas where it is necessary to verbally transmit texts with high accuracy, in which each letter can literally cost the life of another person. And try to tell representatives of similar professions that the English alphabet is not so important - it's better to learn idioms.

Now you have the opportunity to dictate your email address without "s like a dollar", "i with a dot" and "h like a high chair" :)

Correspondence of Russian names - English

There was only a little left: to introduce himself to a foreigner so that he would not be painfully ashamed of his name. You run the risk of being misunderstood (and from this series, only irregular verbs are good in English). Because Nastya, for example, in their understanding will be associated with "disgusting" (nasty - disgusting), and Svetlana - with "sweaty Lana" (sweat - sweat). And English-speaking comrades will not be able to pronounce some names at all: for example, those that end in a soft sign, because consonants are not softened in English. Therefore, Judith, Igor and other names will still end phonetically hard. But most of all, Sergei and Ivan were the luckiest: the first, however, are already well with us (that's why many introduce themselves as Serezha or Serzh), but Vanya only in the USA become iVans (almost relatives to iPhones).

How to make life easier for foreigners and not lose face at the same time? Here is a small selection of adapted Russian names:

Alexander - Eligzande (Alexander)
Anatoly - Anatole (Anatole)
Andrew - Andrew (Andrew)
Vasily - Basil (Basil)
Benjamin - Benjamin (Benjamin)
Vincent - Vincent
Gabriel - Gabriel (Gabriel)
George - George (George)
Daniel - Daniel (Daniel)
Eugene - Eugene (Eugene)
Ephraim - Geoffrey
Ivan - John, Ivan (John)
Ilya - Elias
Joseph, Osip - Joseph (Joseph)
Heraclius - Hercules (Heracl)
Karl - Charles (Charles)
Claudius - Claude (Claude)
Leo - Leo (Leo)
Matvey - Matthew (Matthew)
Michael - Michael (Michael)
Nicholas - Nicholas (Nicholas)
Pavel - Paul (Paul)
Peter - Pete (Peter)
Sergey - Serge (Serge)
Stepan - Stephen, Stephen (Steven, Stephen)
Fedor - Theodore (Theodore)
Jacob - Jacob (Jacob)

Agnes / Agnes - Agnes (Agnes)
Alice - Alice (Alice)
Anastasia - Enesteysha (Anastacia)
Antonina - Antonia (Antonia)
Valentine - Valentine (Valentine)
Valeria - Valery (Valery)
Barbara - Barbara
Dasha - Dolly Dolly (Dorothy)
Eve - Eve (Eve)
Eugenia - Eugenia (Eugenie)
Catherine - Catherine, Catherine (Catherine)
Elena - Helen (Helen)
Jeanne - Joan (Joanne, Jean)
Zoya - Zoe (Zoe)
Irina - Irene (Irene)
Carolina - Caroline (Caroline)
Laura - Laura, Lauren (Laura, Lauren)
Maria - Mary (Mary)
Natalia - Natalie (Natalie)
Polina - Polina (Paulina)
Rita - Margaret (Margaret)
Sofia - Sophie (Sophie)
Susanna - Susan (Susan)
Julia - Julia (Julia)

Did you find yourself? It's time to pick up an adapted name for yourself, swipe the nuances with Щ, Ё, Ы and other letters to apply for a passport - and go on a trip with a full name in English or to the registry office;)

specially for

Sooner or later, all of us are faced with the translation of a name into English. Names are an integral part of all languages ​​of the world. In the translation of a name, accuracy is important, because just one wrong letter, and you get a completely different name, and this is already a problem. Due to such an error in the certificate for the embassy, ​​for example, you may be denied a visa.

Translation literacy is extremely important when filling out international documents. And this is just one of many examples where a mistake in the spelling of a name can have serious consequences. Of course, one can make an approximate translation at the level of intuition, however, this is not for those who read this article.

Let's learn how to make a competent translation of the surname, name and patronymic in order to avoid overlaps and confusion in the future, as well as protect yourself from unpleasant situations.

Transliteration - Russian letters in English

There are names that have analogues in English. For example, the name Natalia in English may sound like Natalie. If translated according to the rules, the name should sound like Natalia. Stop-stop, the very beginning of mastering the topic, and already two versions of the sound of the name? Don't worry, it's not as difficult as it seems. Analogous names in English are best used in colloquial speech. For example, it will be much easier for your American friend to call you Natalie (sounds like Natalie) than Natalia (sounds like Natalia). In case you need a competent written translation, it is best to refer to the transliteration for the translation for the documentation.

In the United States, a theory was developed for translating the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin - transliteration. It is very important to monitor the latest information, as transliteration options change periodically, improve, be in trend and keep up with the times. Let's look at the most relevant transliteration option.

B - B
G - G
D - D
E - E
Yo - E
W - ZH
Z - Z
I - I
Y - I
L - L
M - M
N - N
O - O
P - P
R - R
T - T
U - U
F - F
X - KH
C - TS
H - CH
Ъ - IE
Y - Y
b - goes down
E - E
Yu - IU
I am IA

Using this hint, you can easily translate your first and last name correctly. Of course, there are many online name transliteration services, however, we cannot be 100% sure that they work according to the current transliteration rules. In order to make a translation yourself or check the accuracy of the online transliteration service, let's look at the most difficult letters to translate with examples:

Russian letter B denoted as V. Nothing complicated, however, you can doubt and think that B can be interpreted as W. Doubts aside, the only correct option is V. Valentine - Valentin.

  • The letter G is transmitted as G. Everything is simple here, there should be no doubt. George - Georgii.
  • The letters E, Yo, E are transmitted as an English letter E. Previously, these letters could be written in different ways, however, now this translation is adopted, which greatly simplifies our lives. Semyonov - Semenov.
  • The letter U is transmitted as U. Here you can get confused and think about the letter Y. In order not to get confused, it’s better to just remember. Ulyana - Uliana.
  • Letters Zh, X, C, H, W, SH, perhaps one of the most difficult to translate, are transmitted respectively as ZH, KH, TS, CH, SH, SHCH. The only way not to get confused when translating these letters is to look at a cheat sheet or memorize. Jeanne - Zhanna.Khatuna - Khatuna.
  • Letter b descends. It's simple, omit the soft sign and forget about it. Tatiana - Tatiana.
  • The letter b has been denoted recently, like IE. Previously, a solid sign was omitted, but recently it has been denoted by such a combination of letters. Letter S transmitted as Y. Remember this and don't get confused. Ryzhuk -Ryzhuk.
  • The letters Yu and I are transmitted as IU and IA respectively. Previously, these letters were transmitted as YU and YA, but this is already an outdated version. Focus on a new way of interpreting. Julia - Julia.

Translation of the name, surname and patronymic into English

Let's pretend that we translated the name correctly, however, we need to spell it out so that we are heard 100% correctly without a single mistake. There is a generally accepted technique for transmitting letters during a telephone conversation in English with high accuracy. Probably, all of us have ever said or heard this famous “with like a dollar”, “and with a dot”. Let's finally move away from this and pass the letters correctly:

C - Charlie
D - Delta
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
M - Mike
Q - Quebec
T - Tango
V - Victor
W - Whiskey

We have already learned how to translate the first and last name, we can even pronounce it correctly if necessary. However, what to do with the patronymic? Abroad, many do not have it at all. Should we translate the middle name or should we just omit it? In some cases, it will indeed be possible to do without it, but when filling out international documents, you cannot avoid this. In this case, there should be no errors. There are three ways to translate patronymic:

  • Since foreigners most often do not have a patronymic, you can translate our patronymic as “Sergei’s daughter”. For example, Maria Sergeevna - Maria the daughter of Sergei. This method of translation is best used in communication in order to make it easier for a foreigner to understand what you want to convey to him. But when filling out the documentation, you should not be guided by this method.
  • You can write a patronymic as a middle name. A rather strange way of translating a patronymic, because it completely changes the meaning of a patronymic. We advise you not to use it either when filling out documentation or when communicating.
  • Our favorite transliteration is the most acceptable and correct way to translate a middle name. For example, the translation for the name Sergey Sergeevich will look like this - Sergei Sergeevich. Agree, it is convenient and not difficult at all. Transliteration can be used both in everyday life when communicating, and when filling out documents.

Summing up, we can say that the most reliable way to translate the patronymic, and indeed the entire name, is transliteration. You can use the first method in communication if your foreign friend does not quite understand what Sergeevna means. The second method is better not to use at all.

We examined the most common and competent translations of the surname, name and patronymic. Translation of names is much easier than it seems, the main thing in this matter is a responsible approach. Remember to stay tuned for updates to the rules and follow the translation structure. If you are already studying with an English teacher, you can ask him to review the topic of translation of names with you in class in order to become an ace in this field. If you have not started to practice yet and are in doubt, stop postponing it until tomorrow. Improve, develop and never stop!

We hope that this article has helped you sort things out and the translation of Russian names and surnames into English is no longer scary for you. With the right approach, there is nothing difficult in English. English is fun, interactive, educational and always up to date!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

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