How to open a T-shirt shop? Tips for newbies. T-shirt printing is a simple and profitable business for beginners

A T-shirt with an interesting inscription is an original gift that suits everyone. Such a souvenir will always be popular, and a T-shirt business can be very profitable, moreover, it will not require too large initial investments to develop it.

How much does a t-shirt business cost?

The main investment will require only the purchase of equipment for printing patterns on T-shirts. The entrepreneur will need:

  • computer or laptop - you can choose the most common one, which costs no more than 12-15 thousand rubles
  • photo printer - it must be equipped with CISS - a continuous ink supply system, and such a unit costs from 7.5 thousand rubles (ink for such a printer will cost 3 thousand rubles - for a six-color set)
  • thermal press - a T-shirt business should be started with a unit with a good heating area, and this will cost 30-40 thousand rubles (there are cheaper models on sale, but they do not give very good print quality)

In addition, you will need to spend money on the t-shirts themselves. The price of one is 250 rubles, and you will need a lot of different T-shirts, so it’s better to immediately count on the purchase of a batch of at least 1 thousand pieces. In such a situation, you can count on a discount from the supplier, and the price of one T-shirt can drop to 200 rubles.

And, of course, about 20-30 thousand rubles will need to be allocated for renting premises for a store - you can make money on T-shirts by renting a very tiny area where it is enough to place samples of finished products and a small counter. To save money on rent, you can install a heat press at home, and only collect print orders in the store itself.

When it comes to profits, the T-shirt business pays off fairly quickly. The price of finished products depends on how many copies the client ordered, and one T-shirt can be sold for 500-600 rubles, but wholesale buyers can be offered discounts. So, for example, buying 20 T-shirts at once can include a price of 450 rubles apiece, buying 50 at 400 rubles, etc. The main goal is to win customers, and then the orders will be constant, and the income will be excellent.

In general, it is enough for a businessman to reach the level of sales in the amount of 5-7 T-shirts daily. Then, even with their minimum cost (for example, 400 rubles), you can count on a monthly profit of 60-85 thousand rubles. Such income will allow you to recoup the initial investment in the first few months of operation, after which it will be possible to count on a net profit. And even if you work seasonally - for example, only in the summer - you can earn solid capital on T-shirts, which will allow you to develop this business and create entire chains of stores that are in constant demand.

is a relatively new trend in the print service. A thing with the image of a loved one is always a nice gift for any occasion, by the way, this is quite an affordable and unhackneyed option.

One has only to choose the color of the thing and find it. All of the above theses are a look at digital printing on T-shirts from the point of view of the consumer. How to open your own business without investing too much?

T-shirt printing is profitable

Every novice businessman always doubts his decision until he is sure of the guarantee of a good profit. Surprisingly, one of the most profitable activities is printing on T-shirts.

A business of such a plan is always valuable: young people always want something interesting for their wardrobe, however, as you know, things from the store are designed to do exactly the same. Printing makes it possible to somehow stand out from the crowd with an unusual inscription or a funny drawing.

In addition, very often among those who want to print something on a T-shirt there are young parents who want to take away something other than memories from a trip. Top facts about T-shirt printing:

  • T-shirt with an unusual print is one of the most common, original and useful gifts;
  • to start a business, you do not need to be Jobs - the initial contribution is 500-750 thousand rubles;
  • advertising of your company is done in two ways: social networks and leaflets;
  • entrepreneurship does not require a large area: a corner in a supermarket or an apartment of 10 square meters is perfect;
  • print printing on T-shirts as a business is a highly competitive business, but you still won’t be able to stay without work;
  • business profitability is estimated by leading experts at 100%;
  • if printing on T-shirts as a business does not drag out, you can always return part of the money spent by selling the equipment.

Official registration

UV printing on T-shirts is, of course, a good thing, but this is a business that requires official registration. It is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, because the registration of an LLC will cost many times more, which at first will play at a loss. You also need to register with the tax office and it is best to consult with a specialist before that.

T-shirt printing as a business: choosing a location

The payback of such a business as printing on T-shirts directly depends on the location of the enterprise. Of course, the more people in this place, the better. In addition, for those who want to order a print on a T-shirt, the first thought is to go to a shopping center, and not to a lonely kiosk. Also a good option is the location closer to hotels and attractions.

If a person considers printing on T-shirts as a business, the plus point is that you do not need to rent a large area. It is necessary to allocate a small corner for the table and a couple of shelves where the necessary materials would be stored. It is not necessary to store all the raw materials at the workplace; it is much more convenient to allocate several drawers in the closet for this.

Print technology

Hiring a worker to print is too expensive, especially for a novice businessman, so you will have to independently study information on how to prepare t-shirts for printing and apply an image. There are several types of printing on fabric:

Direct - used for replication, however, special equipment must be purchased for it, which is not suitable for other types of printing. It can be explained as drawing a pattern layer by layer.

Plus: the drawing lasts a long time and can be used when printing images of any complexity.

"Thermotransfer" - the image is printed on the media, and then with the help of a high-temperature apparatus, it is transferred to the fabric, like a sticker. This method is the most common.

Plus: cost-effectiveness, brightness of drawings, the ability to work with photographs, the thing is not afraid of washing and is not subject to fading.

Minus: can only be used when working with synthetics.


One of the most expensive items in the T-shirt and mug printing business is the equipment. It includes:

  • a computer;
  • inkjet or laser printer;
  • replaceable cartridges;
  • thermopress;
  • t-shirts;
  • mugs.

If you calculate everything by cost, then the following will come out:

  • two computers about 80 thousand rubles;
  • printer - 30-35 thousand;
  • thermopress - 20 thousand rubles;
  • cartridges, 5 pcs. - about 15 thousand;

This is just an initial list of the necessary raw materials and equipment; later, if the business is promoted, you will have to buy additional equipment. The most important in this list is for printing on T-shirts. You can buy both a used and a new device, most likely, a used printer will do at first.

If your goal is to be fast, and if you prefer direct football logo printing, then you will most likely need to buy two printers at once and get an assistant. Sometimes carousel-type equipment is used. On each "carousel branch" there is a container with paint of a certain color.

Printing a pattern on a T-shirt is carried out as follows: the product is placed in the middle and by rotating the structure, an image is applied to the fabric. Such a unit will help to create from 50 thousand to 150 thousand T-shirts! The cost of such equipment is quite low, and the quality of products is perfect.

To apply a design to a mug, you will need an electric grill, which, using the media, will print a photo on the mug and fix it so that even when washed in a washing machine, it will not be erased. It costs about 20 thousand rubles.

Experts advise not to skimp on the equipment of official companies, so that there are no unwanted downtimes in work, moreover, most likely, it will last much longer than cheaper equipment.

Be sure to buy comfortable furniture so that customers can wait for their order in comfort. A complete set of furniture will cost about 150-200 thousand.

Tabular business plan

Any business requires a serious approach, as well as printing on T-shirts. A business plan is what should be drawn up by a future entrepreneur in the first place. It should look something like this:

Stage May June July
Registration +
Rent +
Equipment +
Hiring workers +
Advertising +
Opening +

Here is a simple plan that will help at least distribute the load and remember to do something.

Staff and prices

After a few months pass, and you get on your feet, you can open several printing points in the city at once. This will bring a good income and help you rise to a new level. To do this, it is necessary to hire workers who would be able to understand technology and perform their duties with high quality. The average salary of such an employee can vary from 20 to 35 thousand rubles. You can pay extra for overfulfillment of the norm, for example, 1000 rubles for every 50 units of goods sold.

Setting prices for goods is another difficulty, because you do not want to sell too cheap, but also not to overprice, so as not to frighten off buyers. About 300 rubles + an extra charge of 200-300 rubles is spent on one T-shirt. Bottom line: printing one T-shirt will cost customers 500 - 600 rubles.

The cost of a mug is around 150-200 rubles, if purchased in bulk. Bottom line: the cost of printing on a mug is 300-350 rubles.


Now there are quite a lot of people who want to stand out from the crowd, and the T-shirt printing service is especially relevant. In terms of initial investment, this business can be classified as a business with minimal investment. Yes, unfortunately, 700 thousand rubles by the standards of entrepreneurship is not enough.

But from the point of view of payback, this is a rather profitable business, and it is worth paying attention to printing on T-shirts. The business idea is not serious at first glance, but you will understand how difficult and interesting it is, and most importantly, profitable only in the process of work.

In the modern market among small businesses, it is difficult to find a new niche that has not yet been used by anyone. Unique and original ideas are able to attract customers, expand business.

For example, printing on T-shirts is an excellent source of income.

It is necessary to draw up a careful plan for the development of trade. This business can bring not only new financial opportunities, but also a lot of positive impressions from the manufacturing process.

Products with drawings and prints are very popular among young people and adults. T-shirts are often purchased as a gift for relatives and friends. After all, they are the perfect addition to the festive look. And the plan of a certain pattern allows you to transfer any image or idea to the fabric.

In order to take orders from customers, it is necessary to rent a small room (approximately 8-10 sq.m.). This point can be advantageously located in the city center, where there is a large concentration of potential customers. Also, the office for receiving orders can be placed in large shopping centers, department stores.

A big advantage for such a room will be the proximity to the metro or transport interchanges. A distinctive sign or a bright banner will help in attracting customers. Before choosing an office, you need to decide on the target audience, draw up a plan. So, if the T-shirt business is focused on young people, then it is advantageous to locate it near student dormitories and educational institutions.

When choosing the right place, it is recommended to decide on the assortment of goods. These can be finished products with drawings, or printed on T-shirts will be made to order. In any case, ready-made samples will become an obligatory addition and decoration. They can be placed in showcases or on special shelves. A business like this needs a demonstration of the accessories on offer.

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Necessary equipment for business

To print on T-shirts, you must have special equipment. It can be a direct transfer printer, an inkjet printer, replacement ink cartridges, a heat press, a cutting plotter, a computer, graphics applications.

You can apply the applique to the fabric in various ways. With the help of a special printer, the picture is placed directly on the T-shirt. Another way involves placing the image on special paper. Later, with the help of a heat press, it is transferred to the fabric due to the high temperature.

In addition to printing on T-shirts, you can expand your business. With the help of this equipment, images are transferred to mugs, magnets, mouse pads and other souvenirs.

In any case, when choosing equipment, you need to make a sales plan. Having found out how many T-shirts a businessman will sell per day, you can easily choose the right equipment. So, for example, a textile printer prints at a low speed. Therefore, this type of printing is suitable for small individual orders.

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For small offices and retail outlets, a small number of employees is sufficient, for example, 2 people. At the initial stage of creating a business, an entrepreneur can independently serve customers. When expanding the business, employees who know the computer and are able to process the image will be needed.

Working on a printer or other printing equipment is not difficult. Therefore, students are often among the staff. The main feature of the employees of this business is a creative outlook and the ability to explain to customers all the benefits of such T-shirts. Communication skills will be very useful to employees of the printing business. After all, it is necessary to colorfully state the original idea of ​​​​this product in order for the business to develop.

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Calculation of necessary costs

At the preliminary stage of opening a business, it is necessary to draw up a plan. Thanks to him, a novice entrepreneur will be able to realize the possible risks and calculate future profits. The cost of printing on T-shirts varies within 100 thousand rubles in Russia.

So, the cost of a printer and cartridges is about 5 thousand rubles and depends on which printer model the entrepreneur chooses. Today in stores you can buy suitable printing equipment at an affordable price.

The cost of a heat press and other components will be from 35 thousand rubles. When drawing up a plan of economic indicators, it is necessary to take into account the costs of materials - clean T-shirts, ink, etc. You also need to include an item on renting a room and advertising in the financial costs.

You can print on T-shirts at home. This will significantly save the financial cost of renting a room. However, in this case, you should think about the development of advertising and the creation of an online store.

Before opening a t-shirt store, there are a number of things to think about.

Target segment selection

At the preliminary stage, it is important to clearly understand the future concept of the store and determine the target segment. The choice of business direction should be based on marketing research and identifying the most promising niches in the market. For example, a store may be focused on the sale of children's t-shirts, youth t-shirts with bright prints, sports t-shirts, t-shirts for fat people, t-shirts made from natural materials, etc. The success of the business will largely depend on knowing the needs and interests of target consumers. On this basis, the marketing promotion of the store will also have to be built.

Store assortment

In the T-shirt store, you can resell ready-made T-shirts from third-party brands, as well as sell products with your own prints. But it should be borne in mind that the popularity of the store will depend on the originality and creativity of the assortment. And selling generic products produced in huge quantities in China will lead to the fact that your store will simply get lost in a hundred others.

To bring the idea of ​​creating your own t-shirts to life, you need to have graphic design skills, or outsource the image development function to a freelance specialist for a separate fee. You can make your own catalog of images and apply them to order from a specific client. If you are planning to create your own T-shirt store with designer prints, then you need to find a supplier of plain T-shirts of various colors and sizes, on which the design will be applied with high quality.

It is worth noting that only T-shirts are rarely sold in the store, as a rule, this is one of the products in the assortment of clothing outlets. But if you focus on the sale of T-shirts, then they should include a wide range of models and sizes (the most popular sizes should always be available).

Choice of store format

You can sell T-shirts through a regular retail store or online. You can also combine work in both of these formats.

The success factors of a retail store include its location, as well as the availability of qualified staff. The interior of the store is also important, which should meet the interests of the target audience. When opening a retail store, the key criterion for choosing a location for opening is the traffic of the outlet. The downside of a retail outlet is the high cost of renting, repairing the premises and paying for the work of sellers.

The advantage of sales via the Internet is the ability to expand the geography of sales, as well as reducing the cost of renting retail space. To organize online sales, you can create your own online store, or sell T-shirts through free electronic platforms (auctions, bulletin boards, catalogs).

Many people are sure that business- this is what takes up all your free time, and business relating to sales - even more so. Actually it is not. There are a huge number of network companies on the market, thanks to which you can create your own business in sale goods can be purchased very quickly and without large financial investments. But as in any other business Yes, there are some nuances here.


Find out if you will receive from the profit of the partner you have attracted. The beauty of the network business and not to run around with, offering goods to everyone you know and not to know, but to organize a team that will sell these goods. Naturally, you will also be engaged in sales, but the main emphasis should be on those who "subscribed" to you.

After you have weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of network firms, you need to make a choice. You can register in 2 or 3 companies at once, but no more, because in the network business There is a lot of time devoted to personal growth. In order to sell at least something, a consultant must be self-confident and sociable, it is easy to communicate with complete strangers. Alas, not all of these qualities are given by nature. That is why full-time psychologists of network firms will help develop these qualities.

When the contract is signed - it's time to earn money. To get started, visit the seminars offered by the network firm. Take the time to study! If you are trained, you will earn several times more profit than untrained consultants. At the seminars you will be taught to communicate with potential partners, with potential buyers. Don't ignore the coach's advice.

Study all the materials that you received in the starter pack. You should know who created this company, how many millions of consultants and how many branches around the world it has. You need to build a network, and for this you will need to bring a potential partner to . If you see a network consultant who is poorly dressed, buys cheap products, half-starved, but at the same time, he tells you that he makes millions, will you believe it? Bring your

  • Business Technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Printing on mugs and t-shirts is a low investment business. Business does not have seasonality, as there is a constant demand for products. The set of equipment needed to start a business is minimal, and the technology of printing on mugs and T-shirts is very simple.

Mugs with jokes are bought as souvenirs as a gift to colleagues, friends and acquaintances, for birthdays and other holidays. T-shirts are bought by young people and tourists, there are orders for printing unique T-shirts from enterprises and organizations. It is most profitable to conduct such a business in large tourist cities and metropolitan areas.

What equipment to choose to start a business

  1. Computer (personal, laptop) - 15 thousand rubles;
  2. Color printer (Epson) + CISS - 10 thousand rubles;
  3. Sublimation heat press for printing on mugs - 18 thousand rubles;
  4. Sublimation heat press for printing on T-shirts - 20 thousand rubles;
  5. Trade showcases - 30 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start a business

The cost of starting a business will be only 93 thousand rubles. And consumables that are included in the cost of production:

  1. sublimation ink;
  2. Mugs (white porcelain);
  3. Set of cartridges;
  4. sublimation paper;
  5. Clean T-shirt (blank).

Mugs and T-shirts are usually purchased in bulk from their respective suppliers, and prices can vary considerably. As a rule, cotton T-shirts are purchased for printing, but T-shirts made from other materials can also be used. But the mugs should be porcelain, cylindrical in shape with a photo coating in order to better hold the drawing.

How much can you earn selling printed mugs and t-shirts

  1. Porcelain mugs wholesale - 38 rubles / piece;
  2. Paper - 1.5 rubles / piece;
  3. Ink - 10 rubles / piece.

It turns out about 50 rubles for one mug. The margin, as a rule, is at least 300%! That is, if we spent 50 rubles on the production of a mug, then we sell 150 rubles at retail. The cost of printing on T-shirts is about 150 rubles, and the selling price is already 450 rubles.

You can sell printed mugs and T-shirts through your own outlets. At the same time, in order to open a small department in a shopping center, it is enough to rent only 3-4m2. For example, you can stay in the aisle between the escalators, there is just 3 meters. Rent in such places is low, since almost no one can fit there. And for the trade in gift mugs and T-shirts, more than 3m2 is not needed! At the same time, the permeability in such places is usually very high.

As equipment for the outlet, several showcases are used, on which cool mugs and T-shirts are laid out. If the place is passable, then the people will always "crowd" near your point.

On average, the revenue of such points, according to entrepreneurs, is about 6,000 rubles a day. From this amount, the seller's salary (10% of revenue) - 600 rubles, rent - 200 rubles (6,000 per month), taxes and other expenses - 500 rubles per day should be deducted. Also, the cost of the goods should be deducted from this amount. The total profit of the entrepreneur is about 3000 rubles per day.

The peak of sales of mugs and T-shirts falls on New Year's Eve, on February 14, 23 and March 8. These days, the revenue is several times higher. The main share of the proceeds is made by the sales of mugs and T-shirts from the shop window. Printing to order is done by only 5-10% of the total number of buyers.

In addition to selling mugs and t-shirts through your own outlets, there are other ways to make a profit:

1. Work with kindergartens. You take a picture of a child and put his photo on a mug, you get a very good souvenir, which many parents buy with pleasure. The price of one mug is from 200 rubles, and this is at a cost of only 50 rubles per mug! Profit from one child is 150 rubles, and how many children are in kindergarten!? Income can be significant, since there are a lot of kindergartens themselves (especially in large cities). It remains only to agree with the directors of kindergartens.

2. Sale of manufactured products in small wholesale to trade enterprises, including souvenir shops and gift shops.

3. Printing on T-shirts and mugs of company emblems, logos and other advertising to order. Such orders can be made by sponsoring organizations of any events, government organizations, etc.

Which taxation system to choose for a T-shirt and mug printing business

To carry out a "legitimate" business, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship at the local tax office. The registration period will take no more than 5 working days from the date of submission of documents. The issue price is 800 rubles of state duty. As tax systems you can choose between a simplified system (STS), a single tax on imputed income (UTII) or a patent. Special data tax regimes will save you from paying income tax, property tax and VAT. The tax burden itself will not be significant.

A step-by-step plan for starting a business in printing on mugs and t-shirts

If a potential entrepreneur decides to go into the business of printing on mugs and on T-shirts, then he should adhere to the following plan of action:

  • raise start-up capital;
  • register a business;
  • rent a room;
  • buy equipment and consumables;
  • hire staff;
  • start an advertising campaign.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

When opening an individual business, the following OKVED codes should be indicated:

  • 22 - "Printing execution of promotional materials";
  • 25 - "Other printing activities";
  • 4 - "Other retail in specialty stores"
  • 61 - "Retail trade by orders".

What documents are needed to open a business

To open an individual entrepreneur for printing on mugs and T-shirts, you need to register with the district tax office at the place of registration, and also submit the following documents to the Federal Tax Service:

  • application on behalf of the entrepreneur in the form P21001;
  • a copy of the entrepreneur's passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Subsequently, it is also necessary to apply for the transition to the simplified taxation system (STS).

Do I need permission to open printing on t-shirts and mugs

The business of printing on mugs and t-shirts does not require special licenses, permits and certificates.

Business Technology


Printing on T-shirts and mugs is not a difficult business that many aspiring entrepreneurs can master. This business has its own development, since you can print not only on T-shirts and mugs. The product range includes key rings, bon dans, baseball caps, hats, scarves and various souvenirs.

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