How to open a farm from scratch. What are the risks for farming? What are the features of a farming business

Family farms are establishments that are exclusively in private use, as well as wholly owned by the farm. They can be based in accordance with the current legislation of the country. It is worth noting that all members of the farm should be relatives and take the fullest possible part in its development.

How to organize a family farm?

The family farm has every right to hire about five workers to help care for the animals and grow the crops. To properly organize family farms, you need to perform a number of planned actions, as well as collect documents. Today, it is necessary to have a large number of documents in order to obtain permission to open such a business. The list of documentation that will need to be prepared depends entirely on the future farm.

An example can be given when a family decides to open its own livestock organization, where the main activity is cattle breeding and its further maintenance. In this case, it is necessary to take care of acquiring a land plot and obtain a farmer's certificate. If a family farm is opened to raise and keep small animals or pigs, then the owner will need to purchase appropriate farmland in the countryside. In this case, obtaining a farmer's certificate is not a prerequisite.

It must always be remembered that in order to maximize the profit and benefit from farming, it is necessary to organize the cultivation of animal feed, because it is not profitable to buy it.

How to start a family farm?

In addition to the availability of land on the farm, there must be spacious and most reliable premises. Then it will be possible to breed animals for a whole calendar year. Some farmers are faced with the issue of renting or purchasing additional land for the construction of buildings. The relevant government agencies need to obtain facilities.

It is necessary to coordinate all construction issues in architectural state institutions and local administration bodies. In some cases, farms can be planned on a large scale, then the owner needs to go through the registration procedure as a legal entity, as well as obtain a certificate.

Documentation and permission to open a farm

In order for the farm to function and make a profit, participants must draw up a business plan and engage in careful preparation of project documentation. After the farmer has prepared the main list of documents, and completed all the necessary construction work, you need to obtain permission from various government agencies.

Need to contact:

  • In the sanitary epidemiological station.
  • To the labor inspector.
  • to fire departments.

All documents and permits received are referred to the administration, which will issue a decree to open family farms. After completing all of the above points, you can hire service personnel. To work on the farm, workers will be required who will carefully take care of the animals. You need to hire accountants, veterinarians, livestock specialists, agronomists, as well as specialists in sowing the right crops.

Why do I need a grant when opening a family-type farm?

Many people do not understand the importance and necessity of getting a grant. Now family farms can issue it for the establishment and development of the institution. To date, the grant is issued in the amount of 60 percent, which are calculated from the amount of all costs. They must be indicated without fail during the preparation of a business plan, as well as in plans for expenses.

But it is worth noting that no more than 10 million rubles can be allocated for one farm. in this case will not be taken into account and taken into account.

The farmer must have a 40 percent share of his own funds. The current legislation allows farm owners to take out loans to develop their own business. But in this case, the amount cannot exceed more than ten percent of your own money.

Restrictions and requirements for farmers to receive a grant

There are several main restrictions that apply to all applicants for a grant:

Family Farm Projects

Today, cows on the farm are considered a guarantee of profit and incredible wealth. Family dairy farms have a large number of advantages and benefits, even despite the ever-changing way of life in society. Animal farms are a useful and even profitable business. This is explained by the following points:

  • By raising cattle, you can get fresh meat and dairy products. The family will be constantly provided with exclusively natural products, which are necessary for a healthy and proper diet.
  • Meat and dairy products that are produced on farms are in demand and in demand.
  • Such an organization can become a wonderful family business.

Family farm projects include the following technical and economic indicators:

  1. Production capacity is the total amount of milk and the average annual production of dairy products.
  2. Calculation of needs for energy resources. Farmers must take care of water supply, electricity and heating.
  3. The cost of feed, straw and other consumables for the whole year.
  4. The amount of manure output.
  5. Calculation of material investments.
  6. The total area of ​​the farm and land.

Family dairy farms

The construction of a dairy farm must be carried out in full compliance with all technical solutions. Each farmer is obliged to clearly understand the costs of maintaining the creation of a feeding, watering and milking system. Projects of family dairy farms should include information, which will indicate such indicators as design features, type of foundation, number of walls, ceilings, material for insulation of the foundation, windows and doors. The development of family livestock farms requires large financial investments and a well-planned plan.

The business idea of ​​​​opening a goat farm can be translated into reality if the future farmer understands the basics of animal husbandry. Goats need some care and upkeep. If climatic conditions are changeable, animals need a warm room with good ventilation and no drafts. Feed must be complete and varied for good milk yield and animal health.

Even buying goats requires special knowledge so that the planned milk yields do not turn out to be just numbers on paper. It is necessary to understand the breeds and the conditions of their maintenance. The farm cannot be in a city. It requires a separate land plot with clean air and the possibility of walking the herd in warm weather. If you are not a rural resident or have not received a veterinary education, you should consult with specialists or hire a zootechnician or veterinarian on staff. Some farmers independently study specialized literature before opening a farm.

There is always a demand for goat milk. This is due to the properties and benefits of the dairy product.

  • It is recommended for infants if a young mother has problems with feeding or the child has an allergy to breast milk.
  • Doctors advise to strengthen weak immunity with goat's milk.
  • The desire of people to buy not powdered milk, but natural, containing a large amount of nutrients.

Many people look for grandmothers who have goats or buy the product from the store. But even this amount is not enough to meet the demand of all comers. Opening a goat farm requires careful analysis, because investments are rather big. For a good profit, two goats in a home barn are not enough. It requires a well-equipped backyard with at least 20 livestock and a clear understanding of how this business works.

Stages of a farming business

To understand whether it will be profitable to start a farming business, you need to draw up a detailed business plan in which to determine the investment and calculate the profitability of the idea.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to find a suitable room for the placement of goats. It is not always profitable to build it from scratch, because in regions with a cold climate, a barn from boards is indispensable. Insulation of the structure will be required, for which money is needed. It is easier to find a cowshed or other outbuildings that have been erected and abandoned. Refurbishment of such premises will cost less.

A farm site should be chosen with enough land for the goats to have free-range pasture. The land and premises can be bought, if possible, or rented. For a novice farmer, the rental option is beneficial.

Having chosen a suitable premises and a site for breeding goats, you can start a business only with the status of an entrepreneur.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

To become a farmer legally, you must register with the Federal Tax Service. To begin with, it is worth determining the organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity. The following types of registration are suitable for a novice farmer:

  1. KFH - a peasant (farm) economy, if the future farmer has a land plot in his property and he will be engaged in breeding goats on the territory of his subsidiary farm. Registration is carried out on behalf of one individual or jointly with relatives (parents, children, grandparents). It is possible to farm with individuals who do not have family ties. In this case, there should be a common farm, for example, a land plot is in common ownership with a neighbor, with whom it was decided to jointly breed goats.
  2. IP - an individual entrepreneur, relevant for an individual who does not have a personal farmstead and land in rural areas, but who wants to do business in the field of animal husbandry. Land and area can be leased.
  3. A limited liability company (LLC) is also acceptable if you want to open a goat farm if two or more partners who become founders invest in a small business.

When choosing a registration form, be guided by the personal conditions for organizing a complex for breeding goats. When submitting documents to the tax office in the application for registration, it is necessary to indicate the code of entrepreneurial activity according to OKVED:

  • Main activity: 01.4 "Livestock".
  • Additional: 01.45 Breeding sheep and goats. Includes the cultivation and breeding of goats, the production of raw milk, hair and a tribe of goats. 1.19.1. “Growing of annual fodder crops” - if the farmer will prepare the feed for the wards on his own.

When expanding the business, the number 10.5 “Production of dairy products (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt)” can be added to the list of additional codes.

The taxation system must be chosen based on the form of registration. In Russia, agriculture, including animal husbandry, occupies a special status in entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of the economic situation. Therefore, a novice farmer can receive preferential terms for paying taxes and state support at the start-up stage. To do this, you need to seek advice from a tax inspector in order to choose the most advantageous taxation system.

Collection of documentation

To open a farm, you need to bypass government authorities in order to obtain the following documents:

  1. Land lease agreement. If the land is the property of the state, then it can be rented from the administration of the district center, an agricultural enterprise. An individual can also rent out a plot if there is a right of ownership for the required area.
  2. To accommodate livestock indoors, documents for its construction and coordination with the BTI are needed. If the building has already been built, but it needs reconstruction, all points must be agreed with the local administration and the technical passport of the latest edition should be in hand.
  3. Conclude an agreement with utilities for the supply of electricity, water.
  4. Permission from the SES and the environmental service to place a goat farm in a specific location.
  5. Coordination of fire safety conditions with the fire department.
  6. Notification of Rospotrebnadzor on the start of activities in the field of "goat breeding".
  7. Each animal must have a veterinary passport with the necessary vaccinations and the absence of diseases. To do this, you need to invite a veterinarian or take goats that are fully prepared for growing by a breeder.
  8. Goat milk must have a quality certificate so that it can be sold through retail outlets or directly to the consumer.

This is a list of documents that are being collected gradually. Each form has its own time. The final authority will be SES. You invite the service after equipping the farm with equipment and performing repairs. If the checking inspectors have no questions about the sanitary condition of the premises, they will issue a permit to start the farm. Inspections can also take place after the start of activities if complaints are received about the quality of goat milk or the conditions of animals, waste disposal.

Farm equipment

A goat farm can be equipped in different ways. It depends on the climatic conditions of the region, the finances of the young farmer and the scale of the farm. To earn good capital, you need to estimate the demand for products in the region and the amount of milk that one goat can produce per day. Based on this, we choose the size of the room and evaluate what equipment will be required to keep the required number of heads.

  • Horned individuals require cellular placement in order to avoid injuries and the likelihood of a militant attitude of the wards. Equipping the premises with special pens will cost more.
  • Peaceful hornless individuals can coexist well in the same area. It will only be necessary to separate the kids in order to take them away from their mother and transfer them to feed.

The room must be equipped with feeders, drinkers. Goats consume a large amount of water, which should always be clean and fresh.

Warming and ventilation of the room will be required, especially in the cold season. Often in the winter months, a goat has offspring that are dangerous for any drafts. A warm couch is organized in the stalls, which should always be dry. To do this, you can equip separate ditches for manure or change the bedding more often.

Organizing a goat farm, you need to choose a way to feed the animals:

  • Manual - in each feeder, food and water are laid by workers at a certain time. You will need to hire employees, given the coverage of livestock per person.
  • Automated - feed and water are fed through a special conveyor or filled by a tractor. This method depends on the area of ​​the farm and the organization of places where animals are kept. Requires more investment at the initial stage, but there are savings on the number of staff.

The goat farm must be equipped with milking machines. Farmers decide this issue based on the starting capital. A goat needs its own apparatus, but they are mainly produced abroad, and the price is high. Some goat breeders are redesigning cow milking machines to fit the goat's udder. You can hire milkmaids if the costs seem lower.

In addition to this equipment, the following components are required:

  • Milking glasses.
  • Buckets.
  • Milk pipeline.
  • Collector.
  • Product cooler.
  • Rubber tips for nipples.
  • Container for storage and transportation of milk.

If the products are not sold immediately, it is necessary to provide a room for their storage and / or set up your own production of dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese).

In the utility room, a washing room is organized, in which all tools and packaging for products are processed.

feed question

Goat breeding has another cost side - the purchase or self-preparation of feed. Goats eat hay, fresh grass, feed, fruits, vegetables. Animals must be provided with adequate nutrition. Two ways are possible:

  • Harvesting hay in their meadows and growing vegetables as fodder, if there are additional areas for cultivation, the necessary equipment and people. This method is relevant for KFH, when all family members are involved in the work.
  • Purchase of all feed from suppliers. It is more profitable to prepare feed in advance, when the haymaking and vegetable harvesting season is in progress. In winter, prices for these products may be higher.

Compound feed with vitamin supplements or vitamin complexes will be required for good nutrition. For food storage, a dry, ventilated area is required.

Choice of wards

The success of a milk business depends on the right choice of goat breed. Here you should not save and buy animals only on the ad. It is worth studying information about the features of keeping representatives of various breeds and taking into account the conditions of your region. The breeder of thoroughbred goats must have veterinary documents. It would be nice to visit the farm and see the conditions. For the first purchase of young animals or adults, it is advisable to take a specialist who can determine the breed by external signs. Only purebred goats give good milk yield. If mixing has taken place, which is possible with unscrupulous private breeders, the amount of milk will be lower than declared.

Completing the herd, you need to choose males in order to further provide the farm with young animals and expand the herd.

Recruiting staff

Even a small farm requires constant attention. There is more work on the farm than in the backyard. The issue of attracting employees depends on the form of entrepreneurship. If KFH is selected, then all family members can work. There is no need to sign an employment contract.

When registering an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, it is necessary to register the status of an employer and sign labor agreements. Some employees may be invited on a temporary basis, for example, shepherds only during the pasture season of goats.

The state must have a veterinarian who will monitor the condition of the animals and give them timely vaccinations. A veterinarian can work part-time, especially at the initial stage of opening a farm.

The number of employees also depends on how the herd is fed and maintained. If the farm is fully automated, the staff can have no more than 10 units. The owner of the business can follow the entire process in order to better analyze the work of the economy and make the necessary adjustments.

Sales of products

Opening a farm without prior marketing arrangements is a serious mistake. Milk is a perishable product and it is necessary to sell it on the first day, if further processing of raw materials is not provided. The client is chosen taking into account the scale of the farm:

  1. Selling directly from the farm to private individuals if the herd does not exceed 20 heads.
  2. Sales through outlets. Milk certificate required. Without this document, stores will not conclude an agreement.
  3. Sales to wholesale customers for further processing.

At the stage of drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to analyze consumer demand, the presence of competitors and select distribution channels. It is not worth buying a large herd right away unless a reliable partner is found to sell the milk.

Financial side

The cost of implementing a business idea for opening a goat farm depends on many conditions that must be analyzed and included in a specific project:

  • Land costs.
  • Construction of a new building or renovation of an abandoned building.
  • Equipping the farm with equipment.
  • Buying animals.
  • Buying feed.
  • Costs for registering a business and documents for opening a farm.
  • The scale of the complex.

Serious investments are required if the goat farm is not opened on the basis of a personal subsidiary plot. But given the fact that goat's milk costs two to three times more than cow's milk, and less money is spent on maintenance, any investment will pay off in a year and a half with a well-established distribution channel. The exact amount of investments can be calculated only in the business plan.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having considered the general specifics of opening a goat farm, we can note the pros and cons of this direction:

  1. Great demand for products.
  2. Lack of competition.
  3. Favorable content in terms of providing feed. The cost of 1 liter of milk is cheaper than that of a cow.
  4. There are government programs to support young farmers.
  5. Possibility of expansion due to the launch of own production.
  6. Favorable farming conditions for rural residents who have their own land.

The disadvantages include the following indicators:

  1. Finding suitable land for a farm takes a lot of time. Some areas are far from light, water supply. There are no roads.
  2. Trading networks are reluctant to enter into an agreement with a private farmer, so there are problems in reaching the maximum load on the farm.
  3. Without experience or knowledge of the specifics of animal husbandry, there is a risk of ruin due to improper management.

Otherwise, young businessmen who want to make a profit by breeding goats have every chance of success.


Goat milk business is a promising direction for both a beginner and an experienced farmer, because the demand is high, and there is practically no competition. If you approach the issue of choosing a place for a farm and buying animals correctly, you can quickly reach a payback and achieve good profits.

If there is a desire, but there is no idea about the proper management of a goat farm, hire a good specialist as a partner or invite him to the staff. Then there are chances to expand the profile into the production of goat milk products. And this is a completely different perspective.

The business of breeding farm animals in most cases becomes a very profitable business. Quite a tangible income today can bring family farms of almost any specialization. But, of course, making a profit from breeding animals or poultry is possible only with the right approach of the entrepreneur to business.

First stage

The specialization of the future farm is, of course, what, first of all, a novice farmer must decide. Family livestock farms are usually organized in Russia for the purpose of raising traditional cattle, pigs or chickens. All these types of agricultural animals are kept according to rather simple technologies developed over decades, and sometimes even centuries.

Standard family farms specializing in the breeding of traditional types of farm animals, of course, usually bring in a good income. However, the owners of such a farm in the course of their activities, most likely, will have to face, including strong competition. After all, there are already quite a lot of farms of such specialization in our country. Therefore, perhaps, entrepreneurs should think about breeding some other, rarer agricultural animals.

Some ideas for a beginner farmer

Recently, in our country there has been an increased demand for such a type of meat as lamb. Previously, such a product in Russia was not particularly popular. Many consumers simply did not like its smell. Recently, however, breeders have bred many breeds of sheep, the meat of which is completely devoid of such a drawback. So the organization of a farm for breeding MPC today can also become quite profitable.

Agriculture in Russia after all sorts of economic shocks, in fact, is still developing. Some niches in this area of ​​the country's economy are still practically not occupied. Therefore, the breeding business and some very unusual living creatures can become quite profitable. For example, an entrepreneur might want to think about organizing a farm:

  • trout;
  • rabbit;
  • nutria.

Business plan

Of course, first of all, future entrepreneurs should develop a detailed project for a family farm. The organization of a livestock farm of any specialization is always quite expensive. The family's own funds in order to start such a business from scratch, most likely, simply will not be enough.

The best way out in this situation can be, of course, a bank loan. In Russia, in our time, programs are periodically implemented aimed at maintaining and developing just such a branch of the national economy as animal husbandry. A family farm can be organized, including with money taken from the bank at very low interest. But, of course, in order to convince a potential lender of the prospects of a newly organized farm, he needs to provide a detailed business plan. If necessary, you can draw up such a document yourself.

Whatever specialization family farms are created, their business plan should include:

  • Description of the final product. In this paragraph, you need to indicate the type of product that will be supplied to the market from the farm and its estimated volume. You should also provide the bank with information on exactly how meat, milk, eggs, etc. will be sold.
  • Production plan. This item should include information about where exactly the money received on credit will be directed (for the construction of premises, the purchase of young animals, feed, etc.).
  • Financial plan. This includes all the expected costs of the farm in the course of its operation and development - wages to workers, utilities, prevention of animal or poultry diseases, transportation of feed and carcasses.
  • Variable expenses. At this point, farm owners usually indicate the estimated cost of feed (for one animal per year and for the entire herd).
  • Income. Here the expected profit is indicated with the provision of the necessary calculations.

Farm for breeding cattle: features of the organization

Most often, recently in Russia such family farms are registered. Cattle in our country are traditionally bred for milk production. Farm owners rarely keep such animals for meat. This product in relation to milk is most often considered secondary. Therefore, the profitability of almost any such farm depends on the number of milk yields. Therefore, entrepreneurs first of all need to take care of choosing a high-milk breed of cattle. It can be, for example, a red steppe cow, black-and-white, Holstein, Kholmogory or Yaroslavl. In addition to productivity, when choosing a breed, it is worth paying attention to such an indicator as whimsical care. For example, the Holstein cow gives the most milk. However, a not too experienced farmer should still choose a red steppe or black-and-white for a start. Such cows are much more unpretentious, and there will most likely be no losses in the herd during their breeding, even in the event of a violation of any technology.

The construction of family farms for breeding cows is usually carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • ceiling height in the room should not be less than 2.5 m;
  • the farm should have good natural light;
  • windows in the premises are located at a height inaccessible to cows;
  • ventilation should be provided in the barn.

The most convenient are cowsheds with stalls on the sides and a passage in the middle. In addition to the barn itself, the farm will need to build premises for staff and outbuildings (for storing feed, equipment, medicines and overalls).

Of course, entrepreneurs will also have to organize the supply of feed to the farm. The better the diet of animals, the more milk you can get from them. Cows must be given all three types of feed intended for agricultural animals:

  • juicy (root crops);
  • coarse (grass, hay);
  • concentrated (grain, bran, compound feed).

Also, animals will have to receive mineral and vitamin supplements. In summer, cattle are usually driven out to pasture for the whole day.

Pig breeding: features

Such a family farm is a business that is also usually quite profitable. When organizing a farm specializing in breeding piglets, it is important to choose the right place to build a barn. The smell from a pig farm can be very strong, even with good animal care. According to the regulations, it is allowed to build premises intended for growing piglets only outside the settlement, no closer than 50-500 m from its border (depending on the number of heads in the herd).

In this case, the choice of animal breed must also be approached as responsibly as possible. All varieties of pigs that exist today can be divided into three large groups: meat, tallow and meat-tallow. Breeding the first type of piglets is more difficult than the last two. But at the same time, such pork, as leaner, is more expensive. A novice farmer for breeding should still choose a greasy or meat-greasy breed of piglets. It will be much easier to raise such pigs.

The piglet housing should be built of sufficiently durable materials (these animals love to gnaw on walls and floors). Most often, pigsties are built from foam blocks. Indoor floors should be level, waterproof, non-slip and easy to maintain. Most often in pigsties they are poured from concrete. For insulation, such a floor is covered with boards. In the middle of the passage in the pigsty, a drain gutter is sure to be arranged. The floors themselves are poured with a slight slope towards it. Near the piglet breeding farm, it is worth, among other things, to install several septic tanks.

There are different technologies for fattening pigs. The choice of a particular one depends, first of all, on the breed of piglets. Greasy and meat-greasy pigs are usually fed foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates. It can be, for example, potatoes, corn, beets, barley. Of course, give such piglets and food waste.

How to organize a rabbit breeding farm

Breeds of such animals exist, both meat and skin or fur. Most often today in Russia, aspiring entrepreneurs organize a mini-farm for rabbits of the first variety. The best meat breeds of these animals are rizen, white and gray giants, flanders. Also, very often, novice farmers are breeding the unpretentious "Soviet" chinchilla.

Fur animals, including rabbits, in most cases are not at all afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, on farms they are sometimes kept in sheds. This is the name of special structures, which are a single-sided or double-sided long canopy, inside of which cages are installed in several tiers. Keeping animals outdoors in winter allows the farm owner to obtain better skins. But, if a mini-farm for rabbits is organized to sell only meat, the premises, of course, should be made closed. In this case, the animals will feel more comfortable (and, therefore, will begin to gain weight faster).

Rabbit cages today can be purchased ready-made. Farmers will have to buy three varieties of them - designed for queens with offspring, for young animals and for producers. Cages are installed in sheds or sheds, usually in 2-3 tiers. Feeders in large farms of this specialization are more often used individually, fixed on the door. Drinkers are installed at the top of the last tier. From them to each cage are hoses.

The diet of rabbits, like cattle, usually consists of three types of feed. The main emphasis in this case, as well as when keeping cows, is on roughage. Rabbits should receive dried grass or hay in very large quantities. Of the concentrates in the menu of these animals, only barley is usually included. Also, farmers sometimes use oats. Of the root crops, rabbits are most often given only carrots and beets (in limited quantities).

Nutria farms: how to create

The organization of the economy of such specialization also has a number of its own characteristics. Manufacturers, like young nutria, are better for novice farmers to purchase in special nurseries. You can also, of course, buy animals from private traders. However, in this case, entrepreneurs should first visit the seller's farm and make sure that the animals are kept in compliance with all the required technologies.

Farmers who decide to start breeding nutria will have, among other things, to drill several wells on the site. Therefore, a place for such a farm should be chosen, including taking into account the depth of water under the ground. On the shores of natural ponds and lakes, family farms for breeding nutria are almost never equipped. The fact is that in such reservoirs a lot of different kinds of pathogenic bacteria usually live.

They contain nutria, like rabbits, most often in cages. However, the design of such dwellings for animals is slightly different. In this case, one male and several females are planted in each cage. A distinctive feature of nutria is that they do not have a hunting period. The mating of these animals, and consequently, the appearance of offspring in them, can occur at absolutely any time.

The basis of the diet of nutria is green fodder. At the same time, farmers should give preference to those plants that can be mowed on the banks of rivers and lakes. Of course, nutria should also receive succulent feed. It can be carrots, beets, zucchini and almost any other vegetables and root crops. Give nutria and concentrates, but only in limited quantities.

Trout breeding

Such farms in our country, unfortunately, are still extremely few in number. Therefore, family farms specializing in trout breeding are usually profitable. However, organizing such an economy is, of course, a little more difficult than any other.

Most often, rainbow trout is grown on farms. Its main advantages are unpretentiousness in relation to water parameters and high productivity. Also sometimes farmers breed motley brook trout. This species is not particularly productive, but its meat is also much tastier than that of the rainbow fish.

A trout breeding farm is organized, usually on the shore of an artificial reservoir. The difficulty in keeping this fish lies, first of all, in the fact that in captivity it does not reproduce naturally. Young trout simply eat the eggs laid by adults in a short time. Therefore, a farmer who decides to organize such a farm will have to include in a separate expense item the periodic purchase of fry.

The diet for trout is developed in such a way that exactly 3 kg of feed per day per 100 kg of fish. You can't give more or less. Trout are usually fed with beef giblets - liver, spleen, stomachs, etc. The purchased products are pre-washed, boiled and ground.

Registering a Family Farm: Key Steps

Of course, an entrepreneur who decides to start breeding agricultural animals, poultry or fish will definitely need to formalize his farm. To do this, you will have to go to the tax office and hand over the following documents to its employees:

  • agreement on the organization of peasant farms;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a notarized application for the registration of the farm.

You will also need to write an application for the transition to special taxation. Most often, owners of family farms choose the form of payment according to the simplified tax system or unified agricultural tax. The usual system of taxation in this case is very disadvantageous.

Governmental support

As already mentioned, many laws aimed at the development of agriculture have been adopted in our country. Small and medium farmers, among other things, can also receive assistance from the state. For example, in the employment service, subsidies in the amount of 50-60 thousand rubles are issued to start-up entrepreneurs who decide to organize such a business as a family farm. Also, in some cases, owners of peasant farms are provided with a loan from the bank on favorable terms under the program for the development of the agro-industrial complex.


Of course, raising farm animals, fish or poultry is only half the battle. Entrepreneurs who have organized a farm will also need to sell their products. Owners of family mini-farms often sell their products on the market or rent them to small shops. The owners of the trout and rabbit breeding business can cooperate, including with restaurants. Entrepreneurs of medium-sized farms usually open their own outlets in cities. Large farmers also supply products to food industry enterprises, to workshops for the manufacture of semi-finished products.

Milk is always in demand, regardless of the season and the current economic situation, which provides the owner of the farm with a stable income, and this income is easy to increase - either by expanding the farm or by producing new types of products. At the same time, the cost of building a farm and maintaining livestock is minimal.

barn requirements

The room in which the cattle will be kept must be dry, clean and warm. The height of the walls must be at least 2.5 m, the height of the roof - at least 3.5 m (to the ridge).

The room should have good natural light., but windows should be made at a height inaccessible to cows. In addition, a good ventilation system must be arranged in the room.


Before embarking on construction, you need to carefully consider the project: cows are quite demanding on the conditions of detention, and failure to comply with these conditions will certainly affect your profit.


The choice of materials is determined by the climatic features of the region, but cinder blocks are optimal in terms of price and quality. It is not worth saving on the material for the floor - it is better to immediately pour concrete, since adobe and wooden floors quickly become unusable.


The most convenient is a barn with stalls on the sides and a passage in the center. Stalls for adult animals should have an area of ​​​​6-7 square meters. m. (at least 2 m wide), for a cow with a calf - at least 10 square meters. m., the width of the passage is about 2 m.

It is very important to properly arrange the floors– later on, this will help you save time on manure cleaning. To do this, the floor is raised 2-3 centimeters above ground level and a slope of 2-2.5 centimeters per meter is created to facilitate the flow of liquid. A manure chute is created at the back of the stall. The width of the gutter should be 10-15 centimeters.

Equipment for cattle

The most important equipment is feeders and drinkers. They are located at each stall.

The simplest design of a feeder that can be made by hand is a box that stretches along the entire length of the barn. In the upper part, such a feeder has a width of 70 centimeters, and in the lower part - about 40. The height of the side facing the stall is from 20 to 30 centimeters.

With future expansion, it is possible to install mechanized feeders and an automatic milking system, but at the initial stage such equipment is not required.


Animals should be fed with high-quality mixed fodder, hay, in the summer - with green fodder and silage, if the terrain allows - take them to pasture meadows.

On average, an adult dairy cow weighing about half a ton consumes 14 to 20 kilograms of dry feed per day.. Feeding is carried out three times a day at the same time.


To maintain and replenish the livestock, it is necessary to provide all conditions for the natural insemination of cows. For a small (20-30 heads) herd, one adult bull is quite enough.

To whom to sell milk

The end product of your farm, milk, can be sold in many different ways:

  1. To hand over to large dairies (an average of 12-15 rubles per liter);
  2. Sell ​​on the market independently (up to 80 rubles per liter, depending on the fat content);
  3. Rent to wholesalers (up to 20-30 rubles per liter).

Recently, one of the most promising options is the sale of milk through milk machines - special vending machines for selling fresh milk for bottling. You can buy this equipment here:


In addition, you can make the following products from milk yourself:

  • sour cream;
  • dairy products.

Milk processing will require additional investments, but the profit will be higher.


The construction of a barn with all the equipment for 20 heads will cost 18-20 thousand dollars. Purchase of calves - another $ 2,000. Feed base for several months - 3-4 thousand dollars (feeding one animal will cost $ 4-5 per day).

Each cow gives an average of about 8-10 liters of milk per day.(the indicator can vary widely). If you sell it on the market yourself, you can earn up to $200 daily. Taking into account the cost of feeding and keeping animals, the net profit will be about 1.8 thousand dollars per month.

As you can see, for cattle it brings a good income, but it requires constant attention and serious everyday work.

How much attention today private entrepreneurs pay to farming, and everything connected with it. In the city, almost all profitable industries have long been occupied by someone, and everyone wants to work and, most importantly, earn money. Yes, and to open a business in the city, you will need colossal funds.

How to become a farmer

Everyone unanimously argues that it is necessary to develop a correct and rational business plan, or as it is also called a business grid. It calculates all the costs of this business, options for making money, as well as tactics of action during failures. For all beginners, a business plan is the start of a farming business. As practice shows, the main thing is to start, and then solve the problems as they come.

How to form a farm

Many people ask the question - how to open a farm? Beginners are interested in all aspects of this issue. First of all, you must choose a suitable land plot. Next, focus on the amount of free cash you have. If you have a large initial capital, then you can safely breed cattle, pigs, turkeys, ducks or chickens. And if there is not so much money, then stop at growing various gourds.

After a few years, you will have accumulated enough money to be able to afford to purchase machinery and land, and your activities will expand accordingly. To support the farm, you will have to hire workers. They can be residents of this village or village, because people always need work.

How to register a farm business

The land is distributed by self-government bodies, which is why local residents are more likely to get this piece of soil than you. This is the first problem that a novice farmer faces. But the state can help you, because it is interested in protecting the local producer, which you will be in the future.

The following documents are required to register a farm:

1. Receipt of payment of state duty.

2. Copy of birth certificate.

3. Copy of passport.

4. Application for registration.

Note! If you do not have enough money to open a full-fledged farm, then you can apply to competitions at the regional and state levels in your country. They are focused on business financing.

A small farm that works for the benefit of only your family, no registration should take place. But even then, you can sell your surplus products. Large production will not be able to evade official registration and taxes.

Which site to choose

Today, all collective farms have collapsed, few of the young people want to work with the land, and even more so in the village. Therefore, the state is trying by any means to help novice farmers. Because of this, we advise you to purchase or rent an unmanaged area that needs to be restored. Also pay attention to the fact that the track and settlements are located near the farm. Naturally, the cost of 1 hectare of land will vary from these indicators, which is approximately 100-500 thousand rubles per hectare.

What will you do?

If the choice is on livestock, then buy about 400-800 heads, and if crop production is your goal, then calculate how much you can plant on your territory, and how much you can get from this. From everything you can see that one desire is not enough, you need to have some skills to become an entrepreneur, and then you will not be disturbed by the question - how to become a farmer?

Initial capital

Many farmers dream that the state will give them money for their business... And these are not empty dreams, it is only necessary that your business meets all the requirements and criteria, but it is very difficult for a novice farmer to do this. If you are lucky enough to participate in the state program, then you still should not fully rely on it, always be confident in your abilities and your capital.

Note! Banks don't lend money for this. Therefore, you do not need to rely on them, collect your starting capital.

What staff should work on the farm

Once your farming business has begun to generate income, it's time to think about expanding it. Not a single person is able to work independently, he needs employees. All of them were professionals in their field.

Who to sell your products to

First of all, you must find distribution channels. Yes, and this should be done as soon as possible, since all types of products immediately deteriorate. If you do not find a buyer in time, then farming can bring you considerable expenses. Selling your products is not easy, because this market is highly competitive.

The benefits of farming

1. Decent profit.

2. Outdoor living.

3. Always natural products on your table.

Farming Disadvantages:

1. Considerable start-up capital is required.

2. Hard work.

3. Special skills and abilities are needed.

Thanks to the information in the article, you know how to learn how to make money on a farming business, as well as what skills you need to have, now you will not think about how to become a farmer and what first steps to take. Farming is not just a good way to earn money, it is a hobby that some people can no longer live without.

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