What is the name of the largest lake? Rating of the largest lakes in the world

When most people hear the word "lake", they subconsciously imagine a small and quiet body of water surrounded by a visible shoreline. But do you know about lakes, on the surface of which storm waves sometimes appear? Their size sometimes surpasses some seas. Let's find out about the 10 largest lakes on the planet. It is noteworthy that two of them are located in Russia. True, there is only one fresh water - Baikal.

The Aral Sea is a disappearing salt lake

Despite the fact that the Aral Sea is called a sea, in fact it is an endorheic salt lake located in Central Asia, near the border of Kazakhstan with Uzbekistan. The salinity of the water in it reaches catastrophic levels - 55‰. The maximum depth is 38 m.

Over the past 50 years, the sea level (and, accordingly, the volume of water contained in it) has been rapidly decreasing. The reason is water intake from the main rivers that feed the Aral - Amudarya and Syrdarya, for irrigation. By the way, before the beginning of the process of shallowing, the Aral Sea occupied the fourth place in the list of the largest lakes on the planet.

Collector-drainage waters, which come from the fields into the channels of the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers, have led to the deposition of pesticides and other agricultural pesticides on 54 thousand km 2 of salt-covered territory. Previously, it was the seabed. Dust storms constantly carry salt and harmful pesticides from here to a distance of up to 500 kilometers. The growth of agricultural crops is difficult, and local residents constantly suffer from diseases of varying severity. Recently, diseases of the eyes, liver and kidneys have spread significantly.

This is interesting: In 2001, after a long drop in the water level, the Vozrozhdeniye Island located in the Aral Sea became a peninsula and was connected to the mainland by an isthmus. It is known that bacteriological weapons were tested on it in the USSR: the pathogens of anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, plague, typhoid, smallpox and botulinum toxins were tested on animals here. Deadly viruses have survived, so rodents infected with them can spread them to nearby regions.

Scientists are sure that it is no longer possible to save the Aral Sea from extinction. Even if we immediately stop taking water from the rivers flowing into it, the previous water level will be restored at least in 2 centuries.

This is interesting: the Aral Sea in 1960 had an area of ​​​​almost 69 thousand km 2. By 2008, it had decreased to 10.5 thousand km2. By the way, already in 2003 the sea broke up into 2 separate parts.

According to the forecasts of some scientists, the Aral Sea will completely disappear from the face of the Earth by 2020.

9. Nyasa

Lake Nyasa is rich in fish, large crocodiles, hippos live in it

Lake Nyasa is located on the African continent, on the border between Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi. The maximum depth is 705 m.

Nyasa occupies a fault depression located at an altitude of 472 meters above sea level. Its area is almost 31 thousand km 2. The coasts are high, mostly steep and rocky. The lake often experiences severe storms or surf that makes navigation difficult. Therefore, passengers are transported on it only during the day.

Lake Nyasa is rich in fish (more than 230 species), large crocodiles, hippos, and a lot of waterfowl live in it. Some scientists call Nyasa the birthplace of aquarium fish.

Great Bear Lake is considered the largest in Canada

Great Bear Lake is considered the largest in Canada and the fourth largest in all of North America. It is located inside the Arctic Circle, at an altitude of 186 m above sea level. The area of ​​the lake exceeds 31 thousand km2. The maximum depth is 413 m.

There are only 2 large settlements on the shores of the Great Bear Lake - Deline (southwest coast) and Echo Bay (northeast).

7. Baikal

Baikal - the deepest lake in the world

Baikal ranks seventh in the list of the largest and first in the ranking of the deepest lakes on the planet.

The largest fresh water reservoir in Russia has a tectonic origin. It is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. Baikal is not only the deepest (1642 m.) lake on our planet, surpassing many seas in depth, but also the largest reservoir of fresh water. The territories adjacent to its shores are distinguished by a wide variety of flora and fauna. Most of the species living here are endemic.

This is interesting: Local residents, and many Russians, traditionally call Lake Baikal the sea.

For about half a year, the lake is bound by a layer of ice, while navigation on it is carried out only from June to September.

Baikal is located in the very center of Asia, on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Buryat Republic. In the shape of a crescent, it stretches from north to southwest for as much as 636 kilometers! And the width of Baikal in different places varies from 25 to 80 kilometers.

The total water surface area reaches 32 thousand km 2. This is approximately equal to the area of ​​such European countries as Belgium, Holland or Denmark. And the total length of the Baikal coastline is 2100 kilometers.

The lake occupies a basin, and on all sides it is surrounded by high mountain ranges and hills. Interestingly, the west coast is rocky and steep almost everywhere, while the relief of the east coast is much more gentle.

This is interesting: The maximum depth of Lake Baikal is 1642 m. For comparison: the greatest depth of the Black Sea is 2210 m, and that of the Sea of ​​Azov is only 13 m!

6. Tanganyika

On the shores of Tanganyika there are 4 countries at once - DR Congo, Burundi, Zambia and Tanzania

Tanganyika is a huge lake located in the center of Africa and has a very ancient origin.

In terms of volume and depth, Tanganyika ranks second after Lake Baikal. On its shores there are 4 countries at once - DR Congo, Burundi, Zambia and Tanzania.

The length of this reservoir is 650 kilometers, and the width is from 40 to 80. The total surface area is 34 thousand km 2. The maximum depth is 1472 m.

The lake is located at an altitude of 773 meters above sea level. Hippos, crocodiles, hundreds of species of waterfowl are found in Tanganyika. Fishing and shipping are well developed.

Due to the antiquity of the lake and the long period of isolation, many endemic organisms have developed in it. Of the 200 species of fish that live in the waters of the lake, more than 170 belong to this category.

This is interesting: Tanganyika is inhabited by living organisms to a depth of about 200 meters. Below this mark, there is a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the water. That is, there is no life to the very bottom. The lower layer of the lake is a huge "burial ground" consisting of organic silt, as well as sedimentary mineral compounds.

The water temperature in Tanganyika is also different. The upper layer warms up to 24-30 degrees, with depth the temperature drops. Closer to the bottom, the water temperature is only about 7 degrees. It is interesting that layers with different temperatures do not mix, because the density of water is different and there is no bottom current.

The water of Tanganika is very clean and transparent (visibility is up to 30 meters). A lot of salt is dissolved in it, so that in composition it is similar to highly diluted sea salt. By the way, her pH is 9.0.

5 Michigan

Lake Michigan is the largest freshwater lake in the United States.

In fifth place is Michigan in North America. The reservoir is located entirely within the United States, south of Lake Superior. It is connected to Huron by the Strait of Mackinac. There is also an exit to the Mississippi River system - through the Chicago-Lockport Canal.

From a hydrographic point of view, Lakes Michigan and Huron are united into one. However, geographically they are considered separate bodies of water.

The total area of ​​Michigan is almost 58 thousand km2. Its length is 500 kilometers, its width is about 190. The maximum recorded depth is 281 meters. Every year for 4 months the lake is covered with ice. The largest city on the coast is Chicago.

Interestingly, the name of the lake in translation from the language of the Indians who lived here means "big water".

4. Huron

Lake Huron has long attracted people because it could provide them with an abundance of food and water.

Huron is located on the border between the United States and Canada. This is another one of the Great Lakes. Huron occupies 60 thousand km 2 of area. The maximum depth is 230 meters.

This is interesting: In the middle of the reservoir is the island of Manitoulin. It is the largest on the planet, located in a fresh lake.

3. Victoria

The lake was named after Queen Victoria of England.

Lake Victoria is located in East Africa, near the equator. 3 countries have direct access to it - Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Victoria fills the tectonic trough of the East African Platform. It is located at an altitude of more than 1100 meters.

The lake was named in honor of the English Queen Victoria by the traveler John Speke, who discovered it in 1858.

Total area - 68 thousand km 2, maximum length - 320 km, width - 275 km, depth - 80 m. Lake Victoria is navigable. And large stocks of fish allow local residents to earn their living by catching and selling it.

Victoria is very different from her deep-sea neighbors, lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa. The latter fill the gorges in the relief, while Victoria fills only a small depression. Therefore, the maximum depth of the reservoir is only 80 meters. Compared to other lakes on our list, this is quite a bit.

Interestingly, this reservoir receives more water not from its many tributaries, but from rains.

This is interesting: Approximately 30 million people live on the banks of Victoria.

2. Lake Superior

Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world.

Upper is the largest, deepest and coldest lake in the Great Lakes system, and also the largest freshwater lake on the planet. Its area is 82 thousand km 2. The maximum depth is 405 m. It is located between the USA and Canada.

The basin of the Upper Lake was formed in crystalline rocks due to tectonic movements, as well as erosion in the preglacial period.

The bulk of the water in it is melted ice left during the retreat of the glacier.

In the north, the coastline is heavily indented. Islands and coasts can rise up to 400 meters above its level. The area there is very picturesque.

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on Earth

Despite the fact that the Caspian Sea is called a sea, in fact it is a huge drainless lake. It is located near the junction of Europe with Asia. It is called the sea only because of its size. Unfortunately, the Caspian is not a freshwater, but a salty reservoir. Moreover, the salinity level of the water varies greatly: in the southeast it is 12‰, and near the confluence of the Volga - only 0.05‰.

The shape of the Caspian Sea resembles the English letter S. Its maximum length is 1200 km, width is 435 km. The water surface area is 371 thousand km 2. The greatest depth is 1025 m.

This is interesting: On the territory of the Caspian Sea, such European states as Portugal, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Switzerland and Holland could simultaneously be accommodated. Or all of Germany.

The total length of the coastline of the sea is approximately 6700 kilometers. If we take into account the islands - about 7000 km. Almost all the shores of the Caspian Sea are low and smooth.

Natural attractions are scattered all over the planet and attract tourists, no less than museums and architectural objects of antiquity. In the list of the most visited objects, lakes occupy a leading position. The picturesque corners of the Earth delight the eye and allow you to relax in the bosom of nature. Some are impressive in their size and resemble the sea, since it is not possible to see the opposite coast.

Lakes are also a source of fresh water, vital arteries of their regions. Nature reserves can exist next to them, enterprises can be built nearby, and excursion tours can be organized. The economy and tourism are often directly linked to the lakes and their surroundings. As for the environmental component, much attention has also been paid to it in recent decades.

The largest lakes on earth

List, photo with titles and description

Caspian Sea (436,000 km²)

It is located on the territory of five states at once, including Russia. Its water is brackish. Five rivers flow. The water level fluctuates at around 27 meters below sea level. There are large peninsulas and about fifty islands of various sizes. On the coast there are port and resort cities, as well as smaller settlements. Animal and plant worlds are diverse. The climate and water temperature are changeable.

Upper (82100 km²)

It is located in the United States and Canada, is part of the Great Lakes system. Of the fresh - the largest in the world. The Nipigon River flows in, Saint Mary's flows out. The depth is impressive and in some places reaches four hundred meters. Although the temperatures here are not high, the surface is not covered with ice even for the winter period, unlike the coastline. There are several ports. There are many relatively rare species of fish in the local waters.

Victoria (68870 km²)

It is located on the territory of three South African countries. The average depth is about forty meters. The water is fresh. Since 1954, when the dam was built, it has actually been turned into a reservoir. There are many small islands. The Kagera River flows in, the White Nile flows out. The average air temperature in the lake area is +20-+22°C. There are two rainy seasons in a year. Fishing and an increase in the population on the coast have led to a deterioration in the ecological situation.

Huron (59600 km²)

It is located in the United States and Canada, is part of the Great Lakes system. The Strait of Mackinac connects it to neighboring Lake Michigan. The St. Marys River flows in, the St. Clair flows out. The average depth is within sixty meters. There are many islands and bays. Since the middle of the last century, there has been a restoration of the fish population, fry are being released, and representatives of the authorities are closely monitoring the ecological background.

Michigan (58,000 km²)

The only one of the Great Lakes system located entirely in the United States. The Strait of Mackinac connects it to neighboring Lake Huron. The water is fresh. The maximum depth is 281 meters. Height above sea level - 177 meters. Four months of the year the surface is covered with ice. There are quite large islands, and there are several cities on the coast.

Tanganyika (32600 km²)

It is located on the territory of four countries in Central Africa. The longest freshwater lake on the planet. Included in the Congo Basin. The depth at the bottom reaches 1470 meters. The water temperature on the surface is from +24°C. The fauna is represented by two thousand species, of which almost a third lives in a limited area. Fishing and waste dumping in the northern part of the lake has led to its pollution.

Baikal (31500 km²)

Located in Russia. The largest freshwater in Europe. Many rivers flow in, but only one flows out - the Neva. In its water area there are natural attractions of various types, including the Nizhnesvirsky Reserve. There are also architectural monuments. Also memorials. Among the islands, Valaam is more famous than others. Shipping is developed, used in economic activity and tourism.

Balkhash (16400 km²)

Located in Kazakhstan. Part of the reservoir is freshwater, part is salt water. These zones are separated by a narrow strait. Several rivers flow. The average depth is less than six meters. On each of the four cardinal points, the lake is surrounded by different types of terrain. East - sandy massif, west - desert, south - mountains, north - steppe. The fauna is small both in species and in total.

East (12500 km²)

Located in Antarctica. The largest of the subglacial. Nearby is the Russian station of the same name. The absolute depth is more than 1200 meters. The water temperature reaches +10°C, the heating comes from underground geothermal sources. To get to the lake, I had to spend a decade, make accurate calculations and drill a well. Research on water and the microorganisms living in it continues.

Lake Onega (9720 km²)

Located in Russia. Many rivers flow into the water area, more than one and a half thousand islands. The average depth is 30 meters. Part of the coast is swampy, part is covered with taiga forests. There are two ports and several settlements of different status. Lots of fish, including rare breeds. Since industrial enterprises are located on the lake, the ecological state of the territory is deteriorating.

Titicaca (8372 km²)

Located in Peru and Bolivia. The largest in terms of fresh water reserves in the region. There are several cities and towns on the coast, there are settlements of aborigines who have preserved many traditions, including economic ones, of their ancestors. Shipping is developed. The average depth is 107 meters. Height above sea level - 3812 meters. About three hundred rivers flow in, and only Desaguadero flows out.

Nicaragua (8264 km²)

Located in the country of the same name. Among freshwater - the only place where you can meet sharks. The average depth is 13 meters. On the surface there are large waves, sometimes there are storms. The islands are numerous, united in groups. The Tipitapa River flows in, and the San Juan flows out. Nicaragua is connected to the Caribbean through a shipping channel. A canal between the oceans is also under construction, which will pass through the lake.

Athabasca (7850 km²)

Located in Canada. The greatest depth is 124 meters. The Slave and Mackenzie rivers flow out, and the Athabasca flows into it. Deposits of uranium and gold were discovered on the coast, which led to the emergence of mines and active mining, but in the early 80s of the last century, work was curtailed. There are sand dunes on the south coast. There are more than twenty species of fish in the lake.

Taimyr (6990 km²)

It is located in Russia on the peninsula of the same name beyond the Arctic Circle. The climatic zone is tundra with occasional areas of permafrost. Several rivers flow into it, and Taimyr flows through it, which has an addition to the name "Upper" and "Lower" depending on its position. Arctic fish are found in the waters of the lake, the fauna is represented by a very small number of species.

Turkana (6405 km²)

Located in Kenya and Ethiopia. It has a second name - Rudolf. There are three islands in its water area. Several rivers flow in, none flow out. It is famous for its crocodiles, which are impressive in size and numerous. Important archaeological finds related to ancient people and the geography of the area were made in the district in different periods.

Reindeer Lake (6330 km²)

Located in Canada. Origin - glacial. The average depth is 17 meters. From late spring to early summer, the surface is covered with ice. The lake has become a venue for sport fishing competitions. The coast is sparsely populated. One of the natural attractions is Deep Bay, which was formed due to the fall of a meteorite one hundred million years ago.

Issyk-Kul (6200 km²)

Located in Kyrgyzstan. Height above sea level - more than 1600 meters. The water is brackish. The lake is endorheic, and about eighty tributaries flow into it. There are four bays, each one is used but not actively. The climate is mixed - sea and mountain, which attracts tourists. Coastal settlements vary in size, but there are quite a few of them.

Urmia (6001 km²)

Located in Iran. The largest lake in the Middle and Near East. The water is salty. The lake is drainless. The greatest depth is 16 meters. There are over a hundred islands, some with pistachio forests. The surface does not freeze. Shipping is developed and active. The appearance of a dam in 2008 divided the water area into two parts and had a negative impact on the environment.

Vänern (5545 km²)

Located in Sweden. The largest in the country. From December it is covered with ice, it is on the surface until mid-spring, but the layer is not thick and periodically thaws. The average depth is 27 meters. There are small islands in the water area, there are three large ones. They, like the lake, are included in the national park. About 30 rivers flow into it. Major ports are used all year round. Developed fishing.

Winnipegosis (5403 km²)

Located in Canada. The average depth is about 12 meters. The absolute height above sea level is 254 meters. Three large settlements are located on the coast. Developed fishing. There are a sufficient number of fish species, but the emphasis is on trout. Since there were some problems with the environment, the authorities created two reserves in the district and are engaged in the restoration of populations of rare species.

Albert (5299 km²)

Located in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Height above sea level - 615 meters. The distance to the deepest point from the surface is 58 meters. The bottom is mostly without sharp drops. Two rivers flow in - one flows out, which is a tributary of the Nile. Shipping is developed, but weak. There are many types of fish. The water temperature is high all year round, reaching 30 °C.

Mweru (5120 km²)

Located in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Height above sea level - 917 meters. The average depth is about seven and a half meters. The water is fresh. The largest flowing river is the Luapula. Flowing - Luvois. The rainy season has little effect on the water level in the lake, which makes it different from other reservoirs in the region. There are many fishing villages along the coast.

Nettilling (5066 km²)

Located in Canada. Height above sea level - 30 meters. The average depth is 20 meters. It is fed by small rivers, as well as Lake Amadzhuak, located in a southerly direction. The eastern part is shallow and includes three bays. Since ice is almost always here, it is difficult for fish to survive here. Only three species have adapted to local conditions. Caribou live near the lake.

The creations of nature delight with beauty, diversity, grandeur. Not only boundless oceans, but also lakes can impress with their area, depth, picturesque coastal landscape. Every continent can boast of huge lakes, there are many large reservoirs on the territory of Russia.

  1. The most famous, deepest lake in the country is the mighty Baikal. It is noteworthy that Baikal is the undisputed champion in depth among all the lakes on the planet. The depth of the reservoir reaches 1640 meters. The lake is located in the eastern part of boundless Siberia, between regions such as Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. With its depth, Baikal is the largest reservoir in which fresh water is stored. This is a very valuable quality of the reservoir. The water in the lake is very clean and crystal. In ancient times, it was even considered healing, healing. But with the current ecology, it is difficult to guarantee such an ideal quality of lake water. Baikal, its shores are considered a wonderful recreation area, vacationers constantly come here who want to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of Siberian nature. During the rest, you can observe the life of the local flora, many animals and birds living here are very rare.
  2. And the largest lake in Russia is the Caspian Sea. The name “sea” was given to a body of salt water because of its vast area. The Caspian connects Europe and Asia, which is very symbolic. Specialists who measured the area of ​​the Caspian Sea determined it to be 371,000 square meters. Unfortunately, the amount of water in the lake is unstable, it can decrease significantly, and this is already a problem for the region, for its ecology. In years when the inflow of water greatly exceeds the amount of evaporation, on the contrary, there is a threat of flooding of the coastal area.
  3. Lake Ladoga is a region of the Leningrad region and Karelia. Ladoga is valuable because it is one of the largest reservoirs of fresh water in Europe, the state of nature in this part of the world largely depends on the state of the reservoir, its purity and fullness.
  4. The top ten largest lakes in Russia also includes Beloe Lake, located in the Vologda Oblast. On average, its area is 1300 square meters. Its depth in some places is measured by twenty meters. This lake is very much appreciated by fishermen who come to rest from other regions of the country, because there are a lot of valuable fish species in the reservoir.
  5. One of the largest lakes, Ubsu-Nur, is only partially located on the territory of Russia. Most of it belongs to Mongolia. The total area of ​​the reservoir is 3350 square meters, and the distance to the bottom in some places is measured by fifteen meters. Interestingly, not a single river flows out of the Ubsu-Nur; its lack of drainage has led to the fact that the water has a salty taste.

On the vast territory of Russia there are still many large lakes both in area and in depth. These include Lake Chany (Novosibirsk region), Lake Peipus-Pskov (Pskov region), Lake Khanka (Far East), Lake Taimyr (on the peninsula of the same name).

The largest lakes in Africa

The fantastically beautiful landscapes of Africa leave no one indifferent. They combine the vastness of the desert, the mystery of the shroud, the denseness of the jungle, harmoniously fit into these landscapes and huge lakes.

  1. Victoria is a freshwater lake, which is the largest not only on the African continent, but also in the whole world. Its territory is almost 62,000 square meters; an entire state can be freely accommodated on such an area. Several large and well-known countries are located on the shores of Victoria, these are Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda. The depth of the reservoir can reach up to 80 m. The huge amount of water in the reservoir is very valuable for Africa, so Victoria has been given the status of a reservoir. There are many islands in the area of ​​the lake; they have become a haven for large colonies of birds. Large crocodiles live in the water.
  2. Tanganyika is one of the largest lakes on the African continent. It is not only the largest, but also the deepest among African lakes. It is hard to imagine that from a quiet surface to the bottom - about 1430 meters. Along the coast of Tanganyika passes the border of several African countries - Zambia, Congo and others. The reservoir has become a habitat for many representatives of the colorful African fauna, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous species of birds live here.
  3. Long Lake Nyasa (another name for Malawi) does not look so huge. But if you measure its area, it turns out that the reservoir is one of the three largest in Africa. Many species of fish are found in the lake, which also determined the type of employment of a large part of the population living in coastal cities and villages. The lake borders on the territory of three states of Africa.
  4. 5600 square meters is occupied by a large lake Albert, with a large number of tributaries. The rivers flowing into the reservoir carry only rain water. At their confluence there are huge deltas, they are inhabited by numerous and diverse African animals and birds. Also, large ports were built on the banks of Alberta, on which the vital activity of many industries depends. Albert is located in East Africa.
  5. Among the ten largest lakes is the reservoir Eduard. The lake is notable for two reasons.
    • It is named after a member of the royal family.
    • There are no bloodthirsty crocodiles in it, and this is a rarity for African reservoirs.
  6. One of the most famous lakes in Africa is Lake Chad. The average number of square meters of area is 27,000. But this figure periodically changes in one direction and the other. During the rainy season, Chad can overflow to an area of ​​​​up to 50,000, and during a severe drought, on the contrary, it will decrease to 11,000. What is more remarkable about this lake is that it has fresh water. The reservoir has no drains and must be filled with a completely salty liquid, but, nevertheless, the water with a salty taste is only near the very bottom. The secret of Chad is that its reservoir is connected by an underground river with a basin into which salty streams go.

The largest lakes in Europe

In Europe, there are also many beautiful and large lakes, with fresh or salt water.

Lake Ladoga is considered the largest lake in Europe, it also belongs to the largest reservoirs in Russia. The area of ​​Ladoga is estimated at 18130 square meters. It is a beautiful body of water that provides the vital needs of a large region.

There are also several large underground lakes in Europe, one of the largest is San Leonard (Switzerland). Its grottoes made of shale and graphite are very beautiful, the water is clean and transparent. This lake has become a landmark of the region; it gathers many tourists who want to see a fantastic underground reservoir.

America's largest lakes

North America is known for a whole chain of large, picturesque lakes, which are called the Great. They are located on the border of the USA and Canada. The Great Lakes consist of five large reservoirs, they are connected to each other and therefore interact constantly. Rivers act as connecting elements.

List of Great Lakes.

  1. Upper.
  2. Huron.
  3. Ontario.
  4. Michigan.

Together, reservoirs occupy a huge area, they are filled with fresh water and are an important element of the ecology of North America. The total space is 246,000 square meters. The Great Lakes are much larger in area than Baikal (one of the largest lakes in Eurasia), but they practically do not exceed it in terms of fresh water volume. This is due to the shallow depth of the reservoirs. The history of the Great Lakes is connected with the Ice Age, and now a huge reservoir is being filled thanks to the flow of groundwater.

And also the big lakes of North America include the Big Bear Lake (30200 sq. meters), the Great Slave Lake (28600 sq. meters), Winnileg (24300 sq. meters) and others.

And the most famous and largest lake in South America is Titicaca. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 3820 meters above sea level. The length of Titicaca is 170 km, and the average width is 60 km. The lake is located on the territory of two states, Peru and Bolivia. The shores of Titicaca have been densely populated for centuries. The uniqueness of the nature of this region is also due to the presence of such a factor as the Andes. Mountains influence the creation of especially the climate in the region.

Lake Eyre is Australia's largest lake

The largest lake in terms of area

Each continent can present a list of large and deep lakes, but still, which one holds the record for the area?

The largest area is occupied by the Caspian Sea, a huge lake with salt water. The reservoir is called the sea for a simple reason - its bottom is an oceanic type of earth's crust. The area of ​​the Caspian Sea is 371,000 square meters. For comparison, this is the territory of a fairly large country.

1 place

The largest lake on earth is Caspian Sea. This huge water reservoir is about ten million years old. It was formed after the separation of the Sarmatian Sea in two. The area of ​​the closed salt reservoir is 371 thousand km², and the greatest depth is 1025 meters. The largest endorheic lake on the planet is located at the junction of Asia and Europe. Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have access to its shores. The length of the line of the Caspian coast is more than 6.5 thousand kilometers. The largest of the 130 rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea is the Volga.

2nd place

Lake is the largest body of fresh water on Earth. Upper(Like Superior), located on the border of Canada and the United States. On its northern side is the province of Ontario. To the south and west are the states of Michigan, Wiscontin, and Minnesota. The total area of ​​the lake is 82414 km². The greatest depth is 406 meters. It is the largest in depth and area of ​​the Great Lake in North America.

3rd place

Lake Victoria, named after the Queen of England by the traveler J. Speke in 1858, is the second largest freshwater closed reservoir in the world. The total area of ​​the lake is 69485 km², the greatest depth is 84 meters. Victoria is located in East Africa, namely the states of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In 1954, a dam was built on the lake and it became a reservoir.

4th place

An area of ​​​​59600 km² and a depth of 229 meters in the deepest place has a lake Huron. It, like most of the Great Lakes, is the border between the United States and Canada. Next to it is the province of Ontario and the state of Michigan.

5th place

The Strait of Mackinac connects the fifth largest lake in the world with Huron Michigan. This freshwater reservoir has an area of ​​​​58 thousand km², which is one third of the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the Great Lakes. In addition, Michigan is the largest lake entirely owned by the United States. Michigan was discovered in 1634 by Jean Nicolet, a French explorer.

6th place

The longest lake in the world is located in Central Africa Tanganyika. In addition, it is the second deepest, after Baikal, freshwater reservoir on the planet. Its maximum depth is 1470 m. Tanganyika was discovered in 1858 by travelers J. Speke and R. Burton, who explored African nature.

7th place

The deepest (1637 meters) freshwater lake on Earth is located in the south of Eastern Siberia Baikal. Only the Caspian and Tanganyika can boast of a depth of more than 100 meters. In addition, Baikal occupies the 6th position in the world ranking in terms of area. It is 31500 km². Because of its size, the locals still call the lake the sea. Baikal is a lake of glacial origin. Its age is estimated at 25-35 million years. Usually, after 10-15 thousand years, such lakes become swampy, but Baikal retains the purity of its waters to this day. Among other things, Baikal is a unique nature reserve. Its waters are home to 2,600 species of living creatures, more than half of which are found nowhere else. So, only in Baikal lives the golomyanka, a viviparous fish, and the Baikal seal, listed in the Red Book.

8th place

Big Bear the lake, covering an area of ​​31,080 km² of Canada, is the largest of the lakes located in this country and the 8th largest in the world. This water reservoir, covered with ice most of the year, is notorious. In 1930, uranium began to be mined in the lake area, which, in particular, went to the manufacture of atomic bombs that were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

9th place

In the Great Rift Valley (East Africa) there is a lake Nyasa, or Malawi. The reservoir, with an area of ​​​​30044 km², occupies the third position among the world's fresh water lakes in depth. The depth of Nyasa is 706 meters. The lake is a unique natural area. About 1000 species of fish live here. Every year clouds of flies fly out of the lake. There are so many of them that they are able to block the sun.

10th place

The smallest in area (28930 km²) of the greatest lakes in the world is Great Slave lake. At the same time, it is also the deepest lake in North America. The lake has a depth of 614 meters. Much of the year the lake is under a thick ice cover. Taking advantage of this feature, the Canadian authorities, until 1967, managed here without a highway.

There are about 5 million lakes in the world, but we have only heard of a few of the largest. Do you think Baikal is the largest lake in the world? In fact, Baikal occupies only the 7th line in the ranking of the largest lakes!

Did you know that the area of ​​the largest lake on the planet is equal to the area of ​​52 million football fields and is comparable to the area of ​​Moscow multiplied by 150 times? Not? Then read below!

No. 10. Great Slave Lake - 28,930 square kilometers. North America.

Great Slave Lake is the 10th largest lake in the world by area, and it is also the deepest lake in North America. Its depth is 614 meters. The dimensions of the Great Slave Lake are 480 km long, 19-109 km wide, and the area is 28,930 square kilometers.

From October to June, the lake is covered with ice; in winter, the ice can withstand the weight of trucks. Rivers flowing into the lake: Hay, Slave, Snowdrift, etc. The Mackenzie River flows out of the lake. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

No. 9. Lake Nyasa - 30,044 square kilometers. East Africa.

Lake Nyasa (Malawi) is the ninth largest lake in the world. Lake Nyasa fills a crack in the earth's crust in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, located between Mozambique and Tanzania. The length of the lake is 560 km, the depth is 706 m. Nyasa contains 7% of the world's reserves of liquid fresh water.

Nyasa is known for its rich ecosystem, many of the species found in the lake are endemic. The origin of the lake is tectonic.

No. 8. Big Bear Lake - 31,080 square kilometers. Canada.

The Great Bear Lake is located 200 km south of the Arctic Circle in Canada. The lake ranks eighth in area in the world and fourth in North America. The dimensions of the lake: length - 320 km, width - 175 km, maximum depth - 446 m.

The lake has a not very good history. Uranium was found here. It was from here that uranium was mined for the manufacture of bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The lake is almost always covered with ice, the ice rarely melts before the end of July. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

No. 7. Lake Baikal - 31,500 square kilometers. Eastern Siberia.

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, the largest water reservoir, which contains 20% of the world's liquid fresh water. Baikal is also considered one of the cleanest lakes in the world.

The lake ranks seventh in terms of area in the world and first in terms of volume. The dimensions of the lake are: length - 636 km, width - 80 km, maximum depth - 1642 m, volume - 23,600 km3.
The origin of the lake is tectonic, the age is more than 25 million years. The fauna of Lake Baikal is one of the most unique in the world, many species are endemic.

No. 6. Lake Tanganyika - 32,893 square kilometers. Central Africa.

Lake Tanganyika is one of the deepest lakes in the world, along with Lake Baikal. The lake lies between 4 countries - the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Zambia and Burundi.

The dimensions of the lake are: length - 676 ​​km, width - 72 km, maximum depth - 1470 m, volume - 18,900 km3. The origin of the lake is tectonic.

Tanganyika lies in the deepest tectonic basin in Africa and enters the basin of the Congo River, one of the largest rivers in the world.

No. 5. Lake Michigan - 58,016 square kilometers. North America.

Lake Michigan is one of the Great Lakes. This lake is the largest of the lakes located entirely within the United States. Michigan is the fifth largest in the world and the third among the Great Lakes. The volume of the lake is 4918 m3, length - 494 km, width - 190 km, maximum depth - 281 m. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

No. 4. Lake Huron - 59,596 square kilometers North America.

Lake Huron is one of the Great Lakes. This lake is located on the territory of two countries: the USA and Canada. Huron is the fourth largest lake in the world. The volume of the lake is 3538 m3, length - 331 km, width - 295 km, maximum depth - 229 m. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

Number 3. Lake Victoria - 69,485 square kilometers. East Africa.

Lake Victoria is located in Tanzania, Kenya. After the construction of the Owen Falls Dam in 1954, the lake was turned into a reservoir. There are many islands on the lake. Fishing is developed on the lake and there are many ports on the territory of the three countries. On the island of Rubondo (Tanzania), a national park has been formed.

Victoria is the third largest lake in the world. The volume of the lake is 2760 m3, the length is 320 km, the width is 274 km, the maximum depth is 80 m. The origin of the lake is tectonic.

The lake was discovered and named after Queen Victoria by British traveler John Henning Speke in 1858.

No. 2. Lake Superior - 82,414 square kilometers. North America.

Lake Superior is the second largest in the world and the largest among the Great Lakes, located on the border of the United States and Canada. The volume of the lake is 12,000 m3, length - 563 km, width - 257 km, maximum depth - 406 m. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

Etymology of the name. In the Ojibwe language, the lake is called Gichigami, which means "big water".

No. 1. Caspian Sea - 371,000 square kilometers. Europe Asia.

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed body of water on Earth and is classified as the largest lake or sea due to its size. Located at the junction of Europe and Asia. Volume - 78,200 m3, length - 1200 km, width - 435 km, maximum depth - 1025 m. The coastline of the Caspian Sea is approximately 6500 kilometers long.

130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, the largest of them are the Volga, Terek, Sulak, Ural, Kura, Artek, etc. The Caspian Sea washes the shores of Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Russia, Azerbaijan.
The origin of the lake is oceanic.

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