What is the name of the largest submarine. The largest submarines

While you are reading these lines, somewhere far (or maybe not so far) from you, silent killers plow the seas, hiding under the water column. They are huge, powerful and deadly, able to lurk in the depths for months in order to one day strike a decisive blow.

No, this is not about a new horror film or a documentary video "from the life of sharks." In this article, you, dear readers, will find the answer to the question of which submarine is worthy to bear the title of the largest in the world, and which countries can afford to build such steel giants.

And most recently, we introduced readers to 10 in the world.

The tenth largest submarine in the world is the largest, most advanced and most powerful submarine ever operated by the Royal Navy. Its size is 97 meters long and 11.3 meters wide.

The Astyut class includes three submarines, and four more are under construction. In case you have to engage in battle, the submarine is armed with six 48 missiles or torpedoes, Tomahawk cruise missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and 533 mm torpedo tubes (TA).

In 2012, the Astyuts proved their ability to launch Tomahawk missiles by successfully firing two missiles from the Gulf of Mexico and accurately hitting targets at a test site in North Florida.

9. "Sivulf" - 107.6 x 12.2 m

This series of nuclear submarines was built by order of the US Navy in 1989-1998. The Seawolfs were a response to the construction of submarines in the Soviet Union according to Project 971 Pike-B. In total, three ships were built, although it was originally planned that the series would include 12 submarines.

The length and width of the Sivulf hull are 107.6 meters and 12.2 meters, respectively. These submarines are powered by a single nuclear reactor and have a speed of 18 knots.

The weapons installed on the American submarine include eight 660-mm torpedo tubes, 50 torpedoes or missiles, and 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

8. Project 945A "Condor" - 110.5 x 12.2 m

The first, but not the only one among the largest submarines in Russia. To date, there are two Condors in operation, 110.5 meters long and 12.2 meters wide.

The hull of Condor-class submarines is made of lightweight and durable titanium, which allows the submarine to reach greater depth and reduce the level of noise emitted. Of the weapons, the Condors boast six 533 mm torpedo tubes, 40 torpedoes, S-10 Granat cruise missiles and 8 Igla-1 and Igla MANPADS launchers.

7. Project 971 "Pike-B" - 110.3 x 13.6 m

The Soviet Union can be criticized for many things, but not for a weak army and navy. It was in the USSR that the construction of one of the largest nuclear submarines in the world, the Pike-B, was carried out. Unlike the Condors, the hull of this submarine is made of alloy steel. The length of the formidable steel "fish" is just over 110 meters, and the width is over 13 meters.

The Pike-B project (1983-2001) was carried out at the Sevmash machine-building enterprise in Severodvinsk and was revised several times. The improved boats were called "Improved Akula" ("Improved Shark"), or "Akula-II" by the Western military. And the most modernized submarine - K-335 "Gepard" - was called "Akula-III" in the West. The Indian Navy also has one of the upgraded Shchuk-Bs (K-152 Nerpa). It lacks the SOKS system and the ability to launch acoustic countermeasures.

In 2017, four Pike-B class submarines remained in service. Each of them is equipped with four 650-mm torpedo tubes, four 533-mm torpedo tubes, IRS Caliber-PL and Strela-3M MANPADS.

6. "Triumphant" - 138 x 12.5 m

Sunny France is one of the few European countries that can afford to build a huge, heavy and expensive submarine. From 1989 to 2009, four Triumfan class submarines were built, 138 meters long and 12.5 meters wide. It was originally planned to build six units, but the plans of the French Navy changed due to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Triumfans are armed with four 533 mm torpedo tubes, 10 torpedoes, 8 Exocet SM39 cruise missiles launched from a TA, and M45 and M51 missiles.

5. Vanguard - 149.9 x 12.8 m

The pride of the British Navy, over 149 meters long and over 12 meters wide. The Vanguard series includes four nuclear submarines, whose history began in the 90s of the twentieth century. They were built in a huge covered boathouse (workshop for construction or repair) 260 meters long and 58 meters wide. Its dimensions make it possible to build not only nuclear submarines, but also destroyers with guided missile weapons.

Initially, it was planned to assemble 6 or even 7 submarines, but with the collapse of the USSR, the UK and other NATO countries no longer needed a large number of submarines as one of the means of nuclear deterrence.

On board the Vanguards are four 533 mm caliber TAs, 16 Trident II D5 ballistic missiles and Spearfish or Tigerfish remote-controlled torpedoes.

4. "Delta" - 167.4 x 11.7 m

This is the collective designation of four types of strategic nuclear submarines assembled in the USSR at once. Project code names:

  1. "Murena".
  2. Murena-M.
  3. "Squid".
  4. "Dolphin".

The length of the latest modification - "Dolphin" - is 167.4 meters, and the width is 11.7 meters. This great steelfish was commissioned in December 1984. Of the seven Dolphins built, five are still in the Russian Navy.

The enemies of the Dolphins will not be in trouble, because they are equipped with four 533 mm caliber TAs, 12 torpedoes, 16 ballistic missiles and from 4 to 8 Igla and Igla-1 MANPADS.

3. "Ohio" - 170.7 x 12.8 m

These giants are the largest submarines in the US and the backbone of the US strategic offensive nuclear forces. They regularly have to carry out combat patrols, spending 60% of the time at sea. The size of "Ohio" is 170.7 meters and 12.8 meters (length and width, respectively).

The first submarine of this series was commissioned in November 1981. All other submarines were named after US states, with the exception of USS Henry M. Jackson, which was named after one of the senators.

These underwater behemoths are capable of carrying over twenty Trident II missiles and over 150 Tomahawk cruise missiles. Their armament also includes four 533 mm torpedo tubes.

2. Project 955 "Borey" - 170 x 13.5 m

The second number in the list of the largest submarines is again the Russian development, one of the most advanced in the world. The Borey project began to be implemented in 2011, and in May 2018 it became known that by 2027 it was planned to build 14 ships of this type.

In the future, it is Borey that will replace the first and fourth numbers on our list.

The dimensions of the submarine are 170 meters long and 13.5 meters wide. This curvaceous, deadly beauty can go under water at a speed of 29 knots, and is equipped with six 533 mm torpedo tubes, six 324 mm sonar countermeasures, torpedoes, torpedo missiles and cruise missiles (including Onyxes and Calibers), as well as 16 PU complex "Bulava".

1. Project 941 "Shark" - 172.8 x 23.3 m

Known to the West as the Typhoon class and to Russian sailors as the Shark, these majestic steel giants were created to counter the US Ohio-class submarines during the Cold War.

At 172.8 meters long and 23.3 meters wide, these monsters, with a surface and underwater displacement of 23,200 tons and 48,000 tons, respectively, were larger than American competitors. Their height (26 meters) is comparable to the height of a nine-story building.

In essence, the goal of the Sharks was to create a nuclear apocalypse in the West if the Cold War were to go into a hot phase.

The largest nuclear submarine in the world got its predatory nickname thanks to the image of a shark, which was applied before the first descent, which took place in September 1980.

Inside the light hull of a huge submarine are five habitable hulls. In the event of an emergency in one of the hulls, the crew inside the other hulls would be safe and the auxiliaries would still be operational.

Two nuclear reactors give these strategic submarines the power they need to reach a top speed of around 25 knots underwater.

Instead of constantly moving around the world's seas and oceans, the Sharks were designed to stay north of the Arctic Circle for six months, waiting for the command to launch their "farewell to the world" - R-39 "Variant" ballistic missiles.

Due to the length and nature of its missions, this Soviet nuclear-powered missile submarine was designed with crew comfort in mind. In fact, the living quarters on the Sharks were so luxurious that the sailors of the Soviet (and later Russian) navy nicknamed these giant vessels "floating Hiltons."

Instead of utilitarian steel furniture with minimal upholstery, the Shark's interior features comfortable upholstered chairs, full-size doorways, a fully equipped gym, a fresh or salt water pool, a solarium, and even an oak-clad sauna. The command cabins have TVs, washbasins and air conditioning systems.

However, the triumph of the huge and formidable "Sharks" did not last long. Of the seven planned submarines, six were built during the 1980s and retired less than 10 years later in the 1990s. The Russian government simply could not afford to keep these largest missile submarines in the world operational.

Currently, only one modernized "Shark" - TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" - is in service. The world's largest submarine serves as a test site for modern submarine-launched ballistic missiles (Bulava SLBMs).

Documentary video - Project 941 "Shark"

The Soviet Union and the United States maintained nuclear parity with respect to each other until the early 1970s. Neither side possessed an overwhelming superiority over the other in the number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles. In the USSR, stakes were placed on mine installations of nuclear intercontinental missiles and an atomic submarine fleet. Strategic aviation was small in number and did not possess the qualities that would have provided it with air superiority over the enemy. In the United States, on the contrary, at that time there already existed a nuclear triad, in which the main emphasis was on strategic aviation and ICBM silo launchers.

However, even such a large number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles, capable of repeatedly destroying all life on the planet, could not satisfy either the Soviet or the American side. In both countries there was a search for a way to create a first strike advantage. The rapidly developing arms race in this direction led to the appearance of the largest submarines in the history of mankind, the Soviet nuclear submarines of Project 941 of the Akula type.

Reasons for the appearance of the steel monster

A huge steel monster with the size of a 9-storey building was the answer to the appearance in the United States of the Ohio-class nuclear submarines in the Navy. This submarine could carry 24 intercontinental missiles on board. Not a single submarine in the USSR possessed such firepower. The presence of such submarines in the enemy nullified the existing balance in the means of delivery, achieved with such difficulty by this time. Project 941, developed in the Soviet Union, could not only deprive the Americans of superiority in the naval component of the nuclear triad, but also give a certain advantage.

This is what caused the next round of the naval arms race. In the Soviet design bureaus and across the ocean, work began to boil. Each of the countries tried to be the first to create a strategic submarine missile carrier.

The reasons for the appearance of a ship of this size are explained by the technical side of the issue. The thing is that the Soviet nuclear submarine was created with the expectation to get ahead of the Americans in terms of the power of a missile salvo. The Project 941 nuclear submarine was supposed to carry on board the new R-39 intercontinental ballistic missiles, which were superior to the American Trident-1 intercontinental missiles deployed on Ohio-class submarine missile carriers. The Soviet nuclear baton could carry 10 nuclear warheads, instead of 8 on the American missile, and the R-39 missile flew much further than its American counterpart. The new Soviet rocket had three stages and was supposed to weigh up to 70 tons according to the project. With such technical characteristics of the main armament, Soviet designers had to solve the difficult task of creating an appropriate launch platform.

In addition, it was planned to immediately install 20 such missiles on the new nuclear submarine missile carrier. The commissioning of new Soviet nuclear-powered ships was supposed to cool the militant ardor of overseas strategists. As noted by foreign sources, the Soviet Typhoon-class Shark submarine, according to NATO classification, could wipe out the entire US West Coast from the face of the earth with one salvo. The presence of 3-4 missile carriers of this type in the Soviets would endanger the entire territory of the United States, not to mention the vulnerability of the territories of the allied countries in the NATO bloc.

The enormous destructive power akin to a typhoon strike, which the Soviet submarine possessed, became the reason for it to be given the appropriate name "Typhoon" in the West. According to the classification, the boats of project 941 had the cipher "Typhoon".

For reference: According to the NATO classification, Akula submarines were Soviet multi-purpose submarines of the Shchuka-B type of project 971, built already in the mid-80s. The NATO code "Akula" was assigned to these ships by the name of the lead ship of the K-284 "Shark" nuclear submarine project, which entered service with the Pacific Fleet in 1984.

Birth of a record holder

In the Soviet Union, there have already been cases of creating models of equipment - champions. This is the world's largest transport aircraft An-22 "Antey" and the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin". In military terms, the USSR also gave the US military a lot of trouble, creating excellent military equipment. Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles of the latest generation terrified across the ocean. The navy did not lag behind in this regard, so the world's largest nuclear submarine "Akula" did not come as a surprise to the Soviet country.

The Soviet ship, built in the early 80s of the XX century, remains today an unsurpassed achievement of design thought. In many technical parameters, the new nuclear submarine is rightfully considered the most ambitious Soviet military project. Even the technical measurements of the ship are amazing, not to mention the cost of building a vessel of this magnitude. The length of the ship is 173 meters and the width of the hull is 23 meters. The hull of the boat is a steel cigar the size of a 9-story building. Only the draft of the boat was 12 meters. Such dimensions corresponded to a huge displacement. The Soviet submarine missile carrier had a displacement of a battleship during the Second World War - 50 thousand tons.

In terms of displacement, the Akula nuclear submarine was three times superior to its opponent, the Ohio-class submarine. If we talk about the name of the ship, then the Soviet version is of folk origin. Even on the slipways, the boat began to be called a shark. This comparison was so successful that it subsequently took root in military and political circles. For the first time in the general public, the new nuclear missile cruiser was called "Shark" by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Brezhnev.

For reference: In the domestic fleet, the first submarine, called the Shark, was created back in 1909. Ivan Bubnov became the designer of the submarine. The boat was lost in the First World War during a military campaign.

The designers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering, the flagship of the Soviet shipbuilding industry, did an excellent job of developing a project for a Soviet submarine super-cruiser. In 1972, the Leningraders received a technical assignment for the development of a project for a third-generation strategic nuclear submarine. The design work was headed by the talented Soviet designer S.N. Kovalev, who had already completed and successful projects behind him. His offspring plied the seas and oceans, remaining a reliable shield of the Soviet state. Since 1973, after the decision of the Soviet government, work on the creation of the project began to boil within the walls of the Rubin Central Design Bureau.

The place for the construction of new vessels of this size was the Sevmash enterprise. For the construction of new ships on the territory of the shipyard, a new boathouse of enormous size was specially erected. In the water area of ​​the shipyard, dredging was carried out for the passage of ships of such a large displacement.

Three years later, the first lead submarine of Project 941 was laid on the stocks of Sevmash. The ship received the factory index TK-208 (heavy cruiser - 208). In total, it was planned to build 7 ships under this project over the next 10-15 years. It should be noted that Soviet designers managed to overtake their American counterparts, having previously created a ready-made project for a new submarine missile carrier. The launching of a new colossal Soviet submarine in September 1980 came as a real shock to the Americans. The first boat of the Ohio type went into the water in December 1981, when the Soviet missile carrier became part of the active fleet.

For 8 years, from 1981 to 1989, 6 ships of the same type were built in the Soviet Union. The seventh ship planned for construction remained on the stocks, even taking into account the fact that the main hull structures were ready for the submarine. The construction of the Soviet nuclear missile carriers of project 941 was provided by more than 1000 allied enterprises. At the Sevmash shipyard alone, 1200 people worked on the construction of the ship.

An interesting detail: of the 6 ships built according to the project, the very first one turned out to be a long-liver. Submarine KT-208, launched back in 1981, continues to be in service today. Now it is TPRKSN (heavy strategic missile submarine) "Dmitry Donskoy", boat KT-208 of project 941.

Design features of the submarine missile carrier project 941

For the uninitiated, the boat is a huge whale-shaped steel cigar. However, for specialists, it is not so much the size of the ship that attracts special attention, but its layout. The submarine has a two-hull scheme. Behind the outer shell of the light body, made of steel, is a double main strong body. In other words, there are two separate hulls inside the boat, located parallel to each other according to the catamaran scheme. Durable housings are made of titanium alloy. The torpedo compartment, the central post and the aft mechanical compartments on the ship are placed in closed compartments, capsules.

The space between the two strong hulls is filled with mine launchers in the amount of 20 pieces. The conning tower is shifted to the tail of the boat. The entire front deck is one large launch pad. This arrangement of launchers suggests the possibility of simultaneous launch of the entire ammunition. In this case, the launch of missiles should be carried out with a minimum time interval. The Soviet missile carrier is capable of launching missiles from the surface and from the underwater position. The working depth of immersion for launching is 55 meters.

The ship has 19 compartments, each of which communicates with the others. Horizontal rudders are installed in the light body of the bow of the boat. The conning tower has a reinforced structure, specially designed for emergency ascent of the ship in the presence of a solid ice sheet on the surface. Increased strength is the main distinguishing feature of the Soviet third-generation missile carriers. If American nuclear submarines of the Ohio type were built to patrol in the clear waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, then Soviet submarines mainly operated in the Arctic Ocean, therefore the design of the ship was created with a margin of safety capable of overcoming the resistance of a 2-meter-thick ice shell. .

Outside, the boat has a special anti-radar and soundproof coating, the total weight of which is 800 tons. Another feature of the ship's design is the presence of life support systems in each individual compartment. The internal layout of the boat is planned and equipped in such a way as to ensure the survival of the ship's crew in the most unforeseen situations.

The heart of the nuclear-powered ship is two OK-650VV nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 380 MW. The submarine is already set in motion through the operation of two turbines with a capacity of 45-50 thousand l / s each. Such a huge ship also had propellers of the appropriate size - 5.5 m in diameter. Two 800W diesel generators were installed on the boat as backup engines.

A nuclear-powered missile carrier on the surface could develop a speed of 12 knots. Under water, a submarine with a displacement of already 50 thousand tons could move at a speed of 25 knots. The working diving depth was 400 m. At the same time, the boat had a certain margin of critical diving depth, which was an additional 100 m.

A ship of such large dimensions and with such performance characteristics was controlled by a crew of 160 people. Of this number, a third accounted for the officers. The interior living quarters on the submarine were equipped with everything necessary for a long and comfortable stay. Officers and midshipmen lived in 2 and 4-bed comfortable cabins. Sailors and foremen lived in specially equipped cockpits. All living quarters on the boat were served by an air conditioning system. During long trips, the crew of the ship, free from the combat shift, could spend time in the gym, visit the cinema and the library. It should be noted that the autonomy of the ship exceeded all standards that existed until that time - 180 days.

The main comparative characteristics of the project 941 ship

The Soviet nuclear-powered ship, which entered service in 1981, had a significant advantage in comparison with other foreign-built ships of the same type. The probable opponents of the Soviet third-generation missile carrier were:

  • U.S. Ohio-class nuclear submarine with 24 Trident ICBMs, 18 built;
  • English nuclear submarine Vanguard with 16 Trident ICBMs, 4 built;
  • French nuclear submarine "Triumphant" with 16 M45 ICBMs, 4 ships were also built.

The Soviet nuclear submarine exceeded all the listed ships in terms of displacement by three times. It had a total weight of a volley of 20 R-39 ICBMs - 51 tons. British and French submarines in this parameter significantly lost to the Soviet missile carrier. English and French nuclear submarines could fire warheads at the enemy with a total weight of 44 tons. Only American Ohio-class submarines, of which less than two dozen were launched, could compete with the Soviet submarine giants.

No other ship, domestic missile carriers of projects 667BDRM and 955, could compare in terms of displacement and combat power with submarines of the Akula type. Soviet nuclear submarines, launched in the 1980s, formed the basis of the USSR's nuclear missile power and became the basis for the nuclear marine component of modern Russia.

The nuclear-powered ship KT-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" remains the only operating ship of this class in the Russian Navy. Two ships, KT-17 "Arkhangelsk" and KT-20 "Severstal" were put into reserve in 2006 and 2004. respectively. The final decision on the fate of these two legendary ships has not yet been made. The nuclear submarine KT-208 received a new name in 2002 - KT-208 "Dmitry Donskoy". The boat is the only one of all ships of this type that has retained its technological resource. This, in turn, made it possible to carry out on the ship in 1999-2002. modernization project 941M. The purpose of the modernization was to re-equip the ship for the new Bulava SLBM.

Equipping the ship with new ballistic missiles is not planned. The submarine is used as a self-propelled floating test facility for new types of rocket technology. The decision of the high government commission was to extend the life of the ship until 2020. The nuclear-powered missile carrier is based at the Zapadnaya Litsa naval base and is part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Since their appearance in the fleets of the whole world, submarines have played almost a decisive role in the development of all naval battle tactics. What is worth at least the legendary German U-35, which sent 226 ships and transports to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and this was done in just 19 combat exits.

But those ships were very small, and their crew lived in truly Spartan conditions: the maximum comfort they could count on was a shower of sea water, which they were given regularly, at their own request. As time went on, the ships became more and more impressive. Not departed from this trend and their underwater relatives. Not so long ago, the world's largest submarine appeared, which can outshine even some surface ships with its dimensions.

How it was

At the end of September 1980, the Shark entered the expanses of the White Sea. An unknown artist who covered the bow of the vessel with a beautiful painting depicting a shark and a trident. Of course, after the launch, the picture was no longer visible, but among the people the name "Shark" has already become firmly established in everyday life.

All ships of this class officially began to be called by this name, and even a chevron was introduced for their crews with the image of a grinning shark's mouth. In the West, these submarines became known as Typhoon. Soon the largest submarine "Typhoon" became the official rival of the American "Ohio".

Yes, in those years, our former allies intensively replenished their submarine fleet with new ships ... But the Shark was supposed to become not just another boat, but part of the huge and very important Typhoon program. The terms of reference for its design were received by domestic science and industry back in 1972, and S.N. Kovalev was appointed curator of the project.

But the largest submarine in the world is still known all over the world for its size. Why are all experts shocked by them? Perhaps the ship is not so big after all?

Legendary Dimensions

The official name of one of the remaining ships in our fleet is Dmitry Donskoy. So what are the dimensions of the largest submarine? Its total displacement is 27,000 tons, this giant is 170 meters long and 25 meters wide. Its deck is so large that a loaded KAMAZ can easily turn around there. From the keel to the upper part of the cabin, the height is also 25 meters. For reference: this is the height of an eight-story building with an improved layout and high ceilings. The remaining two submarines are in no way inferior to the Donskoy.

If the world's largest submarine lifts all retractable devices, then the height is already similar to a nine-story house. No, the famous Tseretelli did not participate in the design of the ship: such dimensions were simply due to the dimensions of the new high-powered intercontinental missiles.

Missile weapons

The new weapon received the Soviet name "Thunder", in the West they were called Rif. These missiles vastly outperformed the American Trident-I used on the Ohio boats, with much better range and multiple warheads that could penetrate virtually any missile defense system.

But it was necessary to pay for such impressive characteristics with no less impressive dimensions. Each rocket not only weighs 84 tons, but also has a diameter of 2.5 meters! The American analogue weighs 59 tons. With comparable performance. So in fairness, we note that our largest submarine in the world still could not become the “most-most” in all respects.

Although no, I could. The fact is that the "Shark" is the only missile carrier that can fire at half the globe, while being under the ice of the Arctic Ocean. This is something incredible even by today's standards. The fact is that each R-39 missile could hit targets located at a distance of 9000 km: in other words, a missile fired at the very North Pole easily reached the equator. Of course, such a formidable weapon reached the United States even more so. Since the greatest immersion depth of a submarine of this type reached five hundred meters, which was 200 meters higher than the Ohio.

Because of this, the boats did not need to go on long sea voyages: having moved a couple of thousand kilometers, they could literally “dissolve” in the expanses of the northern seas.

Foreign analogues

It would be foolish to think that the idea of ​​creating giant submarines visited the minds of exclusively Soviet designers. What are the largest submarines in the world? Firstly, this is the “Ohio” we mentioned: its length is also 170 meters, but its width is “only” 12 meters. Actually, this is where the list ends. No other country in the world has been able to create anything similar.

Design work and crew training for new ships

Thus, the designers had to completely redesign the layout of the ships. At the end of 1973, the decision to start work on the project was finally approved. The first boat was laid down at the beginning of 1976, and it was launched on September 23, 1980. In addition to the cyclopean size, the program provided for an absolutely incredible routine for the operation of these facilities.

The secrecy was incredible, there were no leaks at all. So, the Americans generally got a photo of the largest submarine by accident, just looking at satellite images of the USSR. According to rumors, heads flew in the military department: to look under the nose of such a "whale" is an unforgivable mistake!

In Obninsk, a gigantic training center with a military camp and complete social infrastructure had to be built. Several crews of submariners were supposed to be trained there at once. For each (!) Of the seven boats, it was supposed to have three sets: two crews were combat, who were supposed to work in shifts, and the third was technical, responsible for the condition of the mechanisms. Their mode of operation is very peculiar.

The first set of sailors surf the oceans for three months. Gradually, malfunctions begin to accumulate on the ship. The ship goes to the base, the crew is loaded into comfortable buses (where their families are already waiting for them), and then sent to rest. The place of "holidays" is occupied by techies. Employees of the “soldering iron and file” carry out a complete diagnosis of all systems, carry out preventive maintenance and eliminate all found faults.

Thus, the Shark - the largest submarine - is like a Formula 1 car in a pit stop. Here they will change the “wheels” for you, and the pilot can be replaced if necessary.

Schedule for the second crew

At this time, the second combat crew, slightly tired from the rest, arrives in Obninsk. Here they are mercilessly driven through all the simulators, and then the sailors, having proved their professional suitability, go to Murmansk. After that, they are sent to the ship, which by that time has been brought to full combat readiness and can go to sea. The process is repeated over and over.

In general, the conditions for working on these submarines are really fabulous. Conscript sailors recall that there is a sauna, a gym and comfortable cabins on board. You can serve like this for at least a whole year: psychophysical fatigue is minimal. And this is extremely important for a missile carrier, which can “lie” under the ice of the Northern Ocean for months, masking itself from enemy detection means.

This is what makes Russia's largest submarines unique (there are three left today).

Main technical characteristics

The unique missile carriers were set in motion by two OK-650VV reactors at once, and the power of each of them was 360 MW. The fuel was highly pure uranium dioxide. To understand the power of these power plants, it is enough to know that they would easily provide the electrification of the entire Murmansk and its suburbs. Their energy turns giant propellers and ensures the functioning of the most complex on-board systems.

In the Navy, the boats also received the nickname "loaf", since the shape of the hull strongly resembled this bakery product. But this is only the outer shell of a formidable ship. It is needed to minimize the resistance of the aquatic environment. Inside the "shell" there is a second, especially durable case of a unique design. Nobody in the world has done this.

Most of all, it resembles two giant cigars placed next to each other, which are connected to each other through three through passages at once, which are located at the bow, in the center and at the stern. After that, it is not surprising that the largest nuclear submarine at one time was designed by the best engineers of the Union.

Simply put, there are actually two submarines in one outer hull. For convenience, they are called "left side" and "starboard", meaning by this term the entire "cigar" as a whole. The uniqueness of the design is also in the fact that the “boards” completely duplicate each other: turbines, engines, reactors and even cabins. If everything fails in one half, there is a radiation leak or something like that, the crew will move to the second half and be able to bring the giant submarine to its home port. Yes, the largest Russian submarines have no analogues in the world.

Chassis Specifications

Everything that is on the right submarine is indicated by odd numbers. On the left - even. This is done so that the crew simply does not get confused. By the way, all sailors on board are also called "port specialists" or "starboard specialists", that is, even the crew on the boat is completely duplicated.

Between the two buildings there is a rather significant space in which all the important equipment is located, which is extremely necessary to protect from the effects of high pressure and other negative environmental factors. Yes, yes, this submarine (the largest, by the way) even has missiles there: they are located between the sides of the "cigars" and in front of the wheelhouse (more precisely, in front of it). This is also a unique distinguishing feature, since you will not find a similar layout of missile weapons on any other submarine in the world.

At the same time, the Shark, as it were, “pushes” its massive weapons in front of it. Important! When immersed, water fills (!) The space between the sides, and therefore, when moving, it has a huge impact on the maneuverability of the vessel. This allows not only to save the resource of engines, but also ... to incredibly reduce noise levels.

About how the whale "Shark" fell in love

What else is characteristic of this submarine? The biggest one is good, but the Americans are afraid of these ships for a completely different reason.

Since the advent of submarines, most of all, their crews are afraid of the noise that occurs during the operation of systems and mechanisms. Noises unmask the ship, betray it to the enemy Navy. The Shark, with its double hull, has become a champion not only in terms of size, but also in terms of the extremely low level of noise emitted during operation. In one case, the result turned out to be completely unexpected ... Somewhere not far from Spitsbergen, a female whale circled the submarine for a long time, mistaking her for her cavalier.

Acoustics, laughing and joking, recorded her love serenades on tape. In addition, killer whales sometimes rub against the Sharks' hulls, uttering interested trills. Even world-famous ichthyologists became interested in this phenomenon. They concluded that the combination of engine noise and the resonant sounds of masses of water splashing inside the outer hull somehow attracted marine life.

Of course, the largest Russian submarine was clearly not designed to seduce female whales and play with killer whales, but the effect was still extremely curious.

Once again about the living conditions of sailors

Even compared to surface ships, living conditions on the Sharks were simply inconceivably good. Perhaps, except that the fictional "Nautilus" by Jules Verne could compete with the domestic submarine. It was jokingly nicknamed the "floating hotel".

When designing the boat, they did not seek to save weight and dimensions, and therefore the crew lived in luxurious cabins for two, four and six people, which were furnished really no worse than a hotel room. The sports complex was also amazing: a huge gym, a lot of exercise equipment and treadmills.

Not every surface warship also has four showers and nine latrines. In the sauna, the walls of which were lined with oak boards, up to ten people could bathe. And there was even a four-meter long pool on board. What is characteristic: even conscripts could use all this wealth, which is something unthinkable for our army in general.

Stab in the back, or the current state of affairs

Western countries were simply terribly afraid of these missile carriers. Of course, after the collapse of the Union, a bunch of "partners" appeared who immediately convinced the government to cut three unique ships into metal. The seventh side of the TK-210 laid down at the shipyards was completely barbarously stolen, deciding not to complete the construction. Huge sums of money and titanic labor that the people of the USSR spent on the creation of these incredible machines were actually splashed into the cold water of the Northern Ocean.

And the disposal took place even though the military and designers almost begged to create floating supply bases for the northern cities on the basis of submarines. Alas, today only Dmitry Donskoy continues to serve, which was converted to Bulava missiles. They pose no danger to the US. The cruisers TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" and TK-20 "Severstal" are awaiting either disposal or an equally senseless modernization.

What did the Americans do with their "Ohio"? Of course, no one began to cut them. The boats are undergoing a planned modernization, they are equipped with new cruise missiles. The US government does not intend to scatter technology, the creation of which was spent so much time and effort.

In the titanium hull of the electronically loaded submarine, at the behest of a specially trained team, are twenty-four missiles weighing ninety tons each. This article will focus on the colossus of the Cold War era - the nuclear submarine cruiser. Few people know how huge it really was.

The once largest nuclear submarine of the Akula class, which is 25 meters high and more than 23 meters wide, could single-handedly inflict fatal damage on almost any country in the world. Now two out of three Project 941 missile cruisers are not capable of boasting such power. Why? They are in need of an overhaul. And the third, "Dmitry Donskoy", also known as TK-208, has recently completed its modernization process and is now equipped with the Bulava missile system. New launch cups have been inserted into the existing shafts intended for 24 R-39 missiles. The new rocket is inferior in size to its predecessors.

What is the future of strategic cruisers?

300 million rubles are annually allocated from the budget for the maintenance of one submarine. But is it worth keeping such a powerful, but not needed today, weapon? In total, six underwater giants were built, we already know what condition three of them are in, but what happened to the rest? They took out the nuclear fuel contained in the reactor blocks, cut it up, sealed it and buried it in the northern part of Russia. In this way, the state saved the budget, many billions could have been spent on the maintenance of submarines. The nuclear cruiser was born in response to US actions - the introduction of Ohio-class submarines equipped with twenty-four intercontinental ballistic missiles.

For your information, the US annually spends 400 billion dollars on armament and modernization of the army. For Russia, this amount is ten times less, and it is worth considering that the territory of our country is much larger than that of the United States. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the resulting chaos buried many long-term plans - the new leaders at that time had other goals and objectives. Three of the six "Sharks" were lost, the seventh, TK-201, did not have time to leave the container - it was dismantled during the assembly process in 1990.

The uniqueness of the largest submarine is difficult to overestimate - this large vessel has a high speed. Surprisingly, for such dimensions, the submarine is silent and has excellent buoyancy. She is not afraid of the icy waters of the Arctic - the "Shark" is able to spend many months in a state of under-ice navigation. The ship is able to surface anywhere - the thickness of the ice is not a hindrance. The submarine is endowed with an effective system for detecting anti-submarine submarines launched by the enemy.

The most dangerous of submarines

September 1980 - a Soviet submarine touched the water surface for the first time. Its dimensions were impressive - the height is equal to a two-story house, and the length is comparable to two football fields. The unusual value made an indelible impression on those present - delight, joy, pride. The tests took place in the White Sea and the North Pole region.

The Akula submarine is capable of something that the commander of a nuclear submarine belonging to NATO countries would never dare to do - to move under the thickness of ice in shallow water. No other submarine is able to repeat this maneuver - the risk of damaging the submarine is too great.

The military strategy of our time has shown the ineffectiveness of stationary missiles - before they fly out of the launch silos, they, seen from the satellite, will launch a missile attack. But a freely moving nuclear submarine equipped with a rocket launcher can become a trump card for the General Staff of the Russian Federation. Each submarine is equipped with a rescue chamber capable of accommodating the entire crew in an emergency.

The conditions of increased comfort have been created on the submarine - cabins are assigned to the officers, in which there are TVs and air conditioners, for the rest of the crew, small cockpits are intended. On the territory of the submarine there are: a swimming pool, a gym, a solarium, but that's not all, there is a sauna and a living corner. If you are lucky, and you will ever see this colossus live, then know that the boat, when it is on the surface, we can see up to the upper white line - everything else is hidden by the water column.

Demand for nuclear submarines

The question of transferring the submarine from military service to civilian activities was raised several times. Probably, the maintenance costs would have paid off with a vengeance. "Shark" is capable of transporting cargo - up to ten thousand tons. The advantages are obvious - the submarine is not afraid of storms or sea pirates. The ship is safe, fast - indispensable qualities in the northern seas. No ice would prevent the cargo from reaching the northern ports. This fruit of many years of hard work of scientific minds could be useful for many years to come.

The construction of heavy nuclear missile cruisers of the strategic purpose of project 941 "Shark" (international classification "Typhoon") was a kind of response to the construction of US nuclear submarines of the class " Ohio", armed with 24 intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In the USSR, the development of a new class submarine project began later than the Americans. The designers faced a difficult technical task - to place on board 24 missiles weighing almost 100 tons each. After many studies, it was decided to place the missiles between two strong hulls. As a result, the first submarine "Shark" was built in record time - in 5 years.

In September 1980, unusually large soviet submarine as high as a nine-story building and almost two football fields long, he touched the water for the first time. Delight, joy, fatigue - the participants of that event experienced different feelings, but they all had one thing in common - pride in a great common cause. Mooring and sea trials were carried out in record time. The tests took place not only in the White Sea, but also in the area of ​​the North Pole. During the period of rocket firing, there were no failures in work. During construction nuclear submarines class " Typhoon"The latest advances in the creation of shipborne electronic equipment and noise reduction were applied. Submarines of this project are equipped with a pop-up rescue chamber designed for the entire crew.

heavy nuclear missile cruiser of strategic purpose "Akula"

Interestingly, the total underwater displacement submarine "Shark"» is about 50,000 tons. Moreover, exactly half of this weight is ballast water, which is why it was dubbed the "water carrier". This is the price, not fully thought out for the Russian submarine fleet, of the transition from liquid hot to solid fuel. As a result, the project Shark" became the largest submarine in the world and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. For the construction of nuclear submarines at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise, a new workshop was specially built - the largest covered boathouse in the world. The first submarine of project 941 code "TK-208" was laid down at the shipyard of a shipbuilding enterprise in 1976, launched on September 23, 1980, and entered service at the end of 1981. Then five more submarines were built and one of them was nuclear submarine « Dmitry Donskoy». nuclear submarine"TK-210" laid down in 1986 was never put into operation and dismantled in 1990 due to the high cost of the project.

dates of laying, launching and commissioning of Project 941 submarines

Design submarine project 941 made according to the "catamaran" type: two separate strong hulls are located in a horizontal plane parallel to each other. In addition, there are two separate sealed capsule-compartments - a torpedo compartment and a control module located between the main buildings in the diametrical plane, in which there is a central post and a radio-technical armament compartment located behind it. The missile compartment is located between the pressure hulls at the front of the ship. Both cases and capsule-compartments are interconnected by transitions. The total number of watertight compartments is nineteen. The compartment of the central post and its light fencing are shifted towards the stern nuclear submarine. Robust hulls, the central post and the torpedo compartment are made of titanium alloy, and the lightweight hull is made of steel (a special hydroacoustic rubber coating is applied to its surface, which increases stealth submarines). Submarine "Shark""has a developed fodder plumage. The front horizontal rudders are located in the bow of the hull and fold. The cabin is equipped with powerful ice reinforcements and a rounded roof, which serves to break the ice during ascent.

For the crew of the boat, conditions of increased comfort have been created. The officers were placed in relatively spacious two- and four-bed cabins with washbasins, TVs and air conditioning, and sailors and foremen - in small cockpits. Submarine « Shark” received a gym, a swimming pool, a solarium, a sauna, a lounge for relaxation, a “living corner” and other premises.

According to the domestic press, the existing plans for the development of Russia's strategic nuclear forces provide for the modernization Project 941 nuclear submarines with the replacement of the D-19 missile system with a new one. If this is true, submarine "Shark""has every chance of remaining in service until 2010. In the future, it is possible to re-equip part of the project 941 into transport nuclear submarines designed for the transportation of goods on transpolar and cross-polar routes, the shortest route linking Europe, North America and other countries. The cargo compartment built instead of the missile compartment will be capable of receiving up to 10,000 tons of cargo.

largest submarine in the world photo

nuclear submarine "Shark" in the parking lot

on a barrel

submarine "Shark" in combat campaign

Submarine "Shark" on the surface

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