How to draw a dress. How to draw a ball gown for a princess How to draw beautiful dresses

In the world of fashion, the design of new models, before they are cut and sewn, is presented in the form of hand-drawn sketches. First you make a sketch - a figure in the form of a model, which serves as the basis of the drawing. The point is not to draw a realistic figure, you are like sketching out a canvas on which you will "try on" various illustrations of dresses, skirts, blouses, accessories, or whatever you decide to create. Adding details like frills, seams and buttons will help bring your ideas to life.


Part 1

Let's start sketching

    Gather materials. Choose a hard pencil (T-marked is best) for light, contoured strokes that are easy to erase. Such strokes or notes will not be pressed into the paper and leave marks on it, which is convenient if you later want to paint over the drawing. It is also important to choose heavy paper and a good eraser if you want your drawing to look professional.

    • If you do not have the right type of pencil with you, you can sketch with a pencil marked TM (hard soft). Just do not forget that you can not press, the strokes should be very light.
    • We do not recommend using a pen for drawing, because it will be impossible to erase extra lines later.
    • You will also need colored markers, ink or paint to color the model of the clothes.
  1. Decide which pose to choose for the design sketch. Sketches should be drawn in such a way that the silhouette with the clothes drawn on it (we will call it "model") shows it in the most favorable light. You can draw the model walking, sitting, stooping, or any other angle. As a beginner, you can start with the most common pose - draw a model standing or walking down the runway. These poses are the easiest to draw and will allow you to show your clothing design in full.

    • Since you want to showcase your designs in a professional and attractive way, it's important that the sketches are proportionate and well-drawn.
    • To improve the skills of drawing any pose, many fashion designers practice for a long time and make hundreds of sketches.
  2. Consider alternative ways to create a sketch. It's good if you can draw your own sketch, as it will allow you to showcase your new clothing in exactly the way you want. However, if you want to learn how to draw fashion design right away, there are some quick ways:

    • Download a ready-made model sketch from the Internet, there you can find many shapes and positions of such models. For example, you can upload a sketch of a child, a man, a frail woman, and so on.
    • Make a sketch - outline the contours of the model from a magazine or some other picture. Just place the tracing paper on top of the model you like and outline its outline.

    Part 2

    Drawing a working sketch

    Draw a balance line. This is the very first line in your drawing and will serve as the center of gravity for your model. Run it from the top of the head to the tips of the toes, along the model's spine. Now draw an oval to represent the head. This is the basis of the working model, and now you can draw a proportional drawing. Imagine that the sketch you made is the "skeleton" of the model.

    • The balance line must be strictly vertical, even if the model itself is drawn with an inclination. For example, if you want to draw a model leaning slightly to the left, with hands on hips, draw a straight line of balance across the center of the sheet. Extend a line from the model's head to the surface she is standing on.
    • Note that when you are designing clothes, you don't need a proportional model, because you are demonstrating the clothes, not your ability to draw the human figure well. No need to draw everything to the smallest detail, including the face of the model.
  3. First draw the pelvic area. Draw an equilateral square on the line of balance, just below the middle, where the person's pelvis is. Draw the size of the square according to the size you need. For slender models, a small square is required, for larger models, a larger square.

    • Considering the pose chosen for the model, tilt the square to the left or right. For example, if you want the model's hips to move to the left, bevel the square a little bit to the left. If you want to keep the model standing up straight, just draw a square without tilting it anywhere.
  4. Sketch out the neck and head. The neck of the model should be one third of the width of the shoulders and half the length of the head. When you finish drawing the neck, sketch out the head, it should be proportional to the body. The bigger the head, the younger the model looks.

    • You can erase that oval that you drew at the very beginning for the image of the head.
    • Draw the head so that it looks proportionate and natural to the pose you have chosen. You can tilt it slightly up or down, right or left.
  5. Draw the legs. The legs are the longest part of the body, about four heads long. The legs are divided into two parts: the thigh (from the bottom of the pelvic square to the knee) and the calf (from the knee to the ankle). Remember that designers usually increase the height of the model, for this they draw the legs longer than the torso.

    • The top of each thigh should be about the same width as the head. Taper the width of each leg from hip to knee. When you reach the knee, the leg should be one-third as wide as the widest part of the thigh.
    • To draw the calves, narrow the lines towards the ankles. The ankle should be one-fourth the width of the head.
  6. Draw the feet and hands. The feet are relatively narrow. Draw them as elongated triangles about the same length as the head. The arms are drawn in the same way as the legs, they need to be narrowed towards the wrists. Make them slightly longer in relation to the torso than the arms of a real person, so the model will give a stylized impression. And finally, draw the fingers.

    Part 3

    Draw clothes and accessories
    1. Now illustrate your design. Think about what exactly you want to create, what look, and draw it to the smallest detail. If you are designing a dress, draw a pattern, ruffles or bows on the fabric to make the thing beautiful. Focus on unique design elements, add the necessary accessories so that the style you create is clear. If you need some fresh ideas, or don't know where to start, look up fashion trends online or in magazines for inspiration.

      Draw clothes with confident strokes. Since the purpose of a design sketch is to present your design ideas in the best possible light, your drawings should look full and bold. Clothing should look on the model as in real life. Draw folds and bends at the elbows and at the waist, at the shoulders, ankles and at the wrists. Relive the thoughts of how clothes fit a living person in your memory, and transfer the memories to your model.

    2. Learn to draw folds, wrinkles and creases. Use different types of lines to create different folds in the fabric in the drawing. Knowing how to draw folds, wrinkles, and folds will help you show the structure of your clothes.

      • Folds can be depicted with free, wavy lines.
      • Circular patterns will help depict wrinkles.
      • Highlight straight edges to show pleated folds.

That, no matter how the dress, it is better to decorate the girl and give her a gentle look. A well-chosen dress will be able to emphasize the figure, and the neckline will attract fans. Designers have come up with a great variety of them, from very simple to complexly tailored, with an original ornament in an unusual cut. We will find out today how to draw dresses the simplest, but very feminine, light, flowing. And there will be very few steps. So let's start drawing.

How to draw dresses with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's define a model, a girl. As in the saying "Stick, stick, cucumber, here comes the little man." Here we will outline a person with several main lines: head, shoulders, reference lines of arms and legs, position and bend of the torso. Step two. Around the intended skeleton we draw a human body. This matter is not easy. You may even need to try several times before it turns out something like in our drawing. From the outlined circumference of the head, we will draw down the pointed chin of a person, and on top we will depict a shock of hair. Here you can dream up. Maybe your princess will have short hair, maybe an unimaginable hairstyle, or maybe long below the waist. Step three. And now we begin to dress the girl in a dress. We draw close to the body along the line of the body, and the lower, the wider our dress becomes. And also on the other side. Below - a wavy hemline. Horizontal lines go up from the waves - these are folds. From above, almost in the shape of a heart, draw a beautiful neckline and straps to the shoulders. Not the fabric itself in the waist area and just below we mark the folds to give liveliness to the image. Step four. We remove with the help of an eraser all auxiliary unnecessary lines. And we highlight the drawn dress and the girl more clearly. OK it's all over Now. Now you know, how to learn to draw dresses. Good luck and success! See my other tutorials about drawing clothes.

Children love to draw their mothers, sisters of other children, and therefore in this lesson we will figure out how easy it is to draw a dress in stages for children. It may seem that the dresses are drawn according to a very complex technique, but this is if you look at the drawings of professionals. In this case, a lot is taken into account, folds, chiaroscuro, the figure of a person and other things that the child does not need to know. Well, let's start drawing :)

Let's start with the simplest version of drawing a dress, below we present a drawing, and even below you will see a description of the drawing steps.

Stage 1

To begin with, we outline the shape of our future dress: a skirt in the form of a triangle and a blouse, similar to the figure of an uneven rectangle.

Stage 2

After the base of the dress is outlined, we start detailing: draw two circles along the edges of our rectangle - these will be the sleeves, draw waves from the bottom - these will be the folds of the dress.

Stage 3

We continue to detail, draw the folds with regular lines, draw the collar, strap, shape the sleeves and draw folds on them.

Stage 4

We erase all the auxiliary lines that you drew with a pencil.

Stage 5

We draw hands, a leg and do not forget about the head. The drawing is ready and, if desired, it can be painted with colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

The second way to draw a dress

The second method is a little more complicated, but you will definitely do it :)

Stage 1
We start sketching the base with a pencil. We draw the lower part in the form of a triangle, and the upper one looks like a rectangle, pay attention to the curves between the figures, this is our future waist.

Stage 2
At the second stage, you need to divide the upper part into three vertical stripes - these are the folds of the dress.

Stage 3
We detail our dress, in some places we give it a crumpled shape, and on the left we need to erase a little, because then there will be a bow.

Stage 4
Draw a bow and belt with a pencil. Well, is the dress starting to look like a dress? :)

Stage 5
Now we draw the tails of the bow and draw the folds all over the dress.

Before designers release their collections on the catwalk, they think through the concept, and then start drawing sketches of future models. And if you are embarking on the path of a fashion designer, then it's time to learn how to do it. This article contains a lesson on how to draw sketches of dresses with a pencil for beginner designers.

Basic moments

First of all, you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • a simple pencil marked "T" (hard);
  • a reliable eraser that, without unnecessary movements and smearing, will remove unnecessary things;
  • thick paper;
  • paints, colored pencils.

You definitely paid attention to the sketches of clothes of various designers. All of them show that the clothes are drawn not on their own, but on the silhouette of the human body. We will not deviate from this rule.

We draw a vertical line, this will be our axis, on which all parts of the body will be located. And it does not matter whether your silhouette will stand, walk or sit. For beginners, we recommend choosing the first two positions. We designate the head area with an oval.

If you can draw beautifully or, as planned, the hairstyle and face play an important role in demonstrating the model, then feel free to draw everything you need. Otherwise, limit yourself to just the outlines of the head.

Mentally divide the vertical line in half and draw a square just below the middle, these will be our hips. Their size depends on your idea. In the case when, according to your plan, the model's hips are unfolded, tilted in a certain way, depict this at the stage of drawing a square. Now we measure the torso from the upper line of the hips. It should be about two head heights. At the top point we draw a line of the shoulder, it is approximately equal to the width of the hips. Again, we take into account the tilt or rotation of the figure. Now with a smooth curved line (bend at the waist) we connect the shoulders and hips.

We draw the neck, adjust the head in accordance with all the proportions of the body. The length of the legs is equal to four heights of the head. Slightly wider from the hips and tapering towards the bottom. Many designers draw the legs a little exaggeratedly longer, for greater stylization of the final drawing. Let's draw the feet for a start with simple triangles, and then work out the shoes or make them more rounded. Display the hands as you intended. Either they will be on the hips, or along the body, or both arms in a different position. Drawn from the shoulders a little wider, tapering to the wrists. If you want to depict clothes from all sides, then we draw three types of silhouette: front view, side view and back view, as shown in the photo below.

Now on the figure itself, mark the silhouette of the intended dress. Just contours. And then start filling it with details, volumes. If, for example, your dress is supposed to be sewn from light fabric, then it gives folds at the waist, hips, around the elbows, knees and ankles. Draw it. If this is still difficult for you, then look at pictures on the Internet or tutorial videos on drawing.

What you can’t depict with a simple pencil, add colored or paints. After all, you can create shadows with color, emphasize the folds, the texture of the fabric with them. If you draw sketches of evening dresses, then you should pay attention to drawing the decor, perhaps jewelry, hairstyles and makeup.

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a dress with a pencil in stages on a girl, draw a short and a long one. Let's take this reference.

To draw a dress, you need a model, although you can draw without it, just imagining in your head, but it's better with a model.

Now we can say, we put clothes on the model, i.e. depending on what configuration a person will be, for example, thick or thin, clothes will acquire such a shape. We draw the upper part of the dress, belt and skirt. The upper part of the clothes is narrow, therefore it repeats the shape of the body, it expands in the breasts. The inset on the dress in the form of a belt lies strictly at the waist. The skirt goes over the hips, and then it becomes a little more magnificent, the skirt is above the knees. Erase parts of the body that are not visible under the dress, add folds.

Now let's draw a long dress. We also need to draw a body, then we “put on” a dress on it, it will go on thick straps, the upper part of the dress ends under the chest and then the fabric goes to the floor. Draw a line, erase it. what's inside, drew folds.

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