How to draw flowers (lessons of drawing flowers). Pictures for children on the theme “Flowers” ​​How to draw a beautiful and small flower

Usually children draw only simple flowers like chamomile, other varieties of flowers seem to them complex. And parents, too, can not always show off their artistic abilities. Thanks to these simple step-by-step diagrams, you can explain to your child how to draw flowers - daffodils, tulips, roses, snowdrops and others. Step by step drawing is a much more efficient method than trying to redraw an object from a photograph.

We draw flowers with a child step by step

The first spring flowers are, of course, snowdrops, so the ability to draw them is useful for any.

From the simple forms that a drawing of 4-6 years old can draw, a beautiful tulip. the child will be very proud that he was able to draw this!

Here is another easy option:

daffodils- yellow favorites of June. To make them look neat and the same, explain to the child that it is better to first outline a circle in which the petals will need to be entered. Erase the outline of the circle.


Lilies of the valley:

Bells: this option is already for older children, as there are many small details.

In the process of learning, pay the child's attention to the details of different flowers: the degree of curvature of the stem, the shape of the leaves and petals, different types of inflorescences. You can also accompany the drawing with short stories or just information about a particular flower - where it grows, what time it blooms, what its smell is like. - this will help the child quickly remember the names of different colors and learn to distinguish between them.

Learning to draw flowers and teaching this to a child is not difficult at all! Try it and next time your child will draw a whole flowering meadow instead of the usual colored dots with which he used to designate flowers!

Little children, and especially girls, love flowers very much. Pictures for children with names of different colors help them get to know these amazing, incredibly beautiful creatures.

If you use pictures while studying flowers, it will not be difficult for children to remember what they are called and what they look like.

To begin with, invite the children to study well-known, often found and somewhat different from their counterparts, plants. Draw the attention of the children to the features of each flower:

rose - the queen of flowers, protecting herself with a prickly stem;

sunflower - a large flower that always follows the sun, fruits - seeds are formed on its head;

snowdrops - flowers that are not afraid of frost and appear as soon as the snow melts;

orchid - the most whimsical plant that loves moisture and warmth;

narcissus - often grows on the banks of water bodies and leans towards the water, as if admiring its reflection;

poppy - its juice used to be used as a medicine that relieves pain;

lotus - a water plant with edible rhizomes;

lily - a flower that symbolizes luxury and wealth;

water lily - plunges under water at night, and with the rays of the sun again emerges to its surface;

crocus - does not have a stem;

bell - always leans towards the ground;

iris - in translation, its name means "rainbow";

dahlia - in nature reaches a height of 6 meters;

carnation - in Europe it was given to soldiers so that they would return home unharmed;

pansies - got their name for their resemblance to the blue eyes of girls;

the tulip got its name from its resemblance to a turban;

lilac - in fact, it is not just a flower, but a bush;

chamomile - often used as a medicine.

If you turn pictures into cards, flowers will also become an opportunity for children to play various games: for example, you can, by pulling pictures in turn, pronounce the name of a flower and remember something interesting about it.

Be sure to invite the children to carefully consider how all the flowers are depicted. Pictures for children, drawn in a simple style, in this case will also become a drawing guide. So you turn simple flower drawings into a full-fledged didactic material that will help kids broaden their horizons and replenish their knowledge base.

How to quickly draw a flower using different techniques.

Draw what you like

The first step is to select an object. Start with the colors you like: it's always easier to draw what inspires you. Gerberas, magnolias or tulips - make a watercolor bouquet to your taste.

Determine the shape of the flower

Determine the simple, basic shape of the plant. It can be a cone, a bell or a triangle. You may want to start drawing faster and skip this step. But believe me: it helps a lot and speeds up the process.

By sketching the basic shape with light lines, you will understand the structure of the whole plant.

Advice: The first sketch can be done in a sketchbook. When drawing on watercolor paper, do not take a very soft pencil and do not press too hard. Otherwise, the paper may be damaged and the lines will remain visible after erasing.

Draw the leaves correctly

It depends on the leaves how convincing the image will be. The secret is not to interrupt the line of the main central vein. If it is out of place, the sheet will look unnatural. Start drawing the leaf from the central vein. Imagine that the sheet is transparent and you can only see its edges and veining.

Advice: when drawing, do not erase unnecessary lines immediately. Otherwise, there is a chance to make a mistake again. And if the wrong line remains before your eyes, it will be easier to draw the correct one next to it.

To get a soft uniform wash, it must first be moistened with water. This allows the ink to flow naturally before it begins to soak into the paper, and allows additional time for the color to stretch (create a smooth transition from one color to another) and blot out the highlights.

Moisturize from the middle and blur the water towards the edges. Repeat a couple of times to make sure the paper is well dampened. In this case, the edges will not dry so quickly. After you have evenly distributed the water, check if there are any “puddles” left on the surface of the paper, and if there are, blot them with a damp brush.

1. Draw water on the brush and moisten one leaf or petal. The surface of the paper should acquire a uniform sheen.

2. While the paper is damp, apply paint.

3. Spread the color to the edges of the drawing with a minimum number of brush strokes.

4. Gently stretch the paint to the edges of the element, while aligning the outline.

5. Before the wash dries, you can blot the paint to bring out the highlights and emphasize the shape of the element.

Color Stretching Technique

It is often necessary to use two or more colors on the same area. The advantages of this method are that you do not need to put an additional blur and it is easy to immediately set the desired shape. You can work simultaneously with any number of colors.

1. Moisten a single petal or leaf with clean water, then apply the first color paint.

2. While it is still wet, apply a second color next to it.

3. Flatten the tip of the brush and make a transition between colors.

4. Continue until the transition is smooth. Try to work quickly before the paint dries. Avoid unnecessary strokes, otherwise, after drying, there will be streaks. In the example in the photo, such a stroke is visible on the fold of the petal.

5. Before the paint dries, blot the highlights and outline the veins on each petal. A smooth color change can be applied to indicate the direction of the light. Draw the rest of the petals in the same way. Work on them through one, so as not to touch the still wet layer of paint on the adjacent petal, and when they are completely dry, proceed to the missed ones.

Technique "Textured blotting"

This is an interesting technique that is suitable for complex folded or wavy petals. For example, to simulate folds on the surface of a poppy petal.

1. Moisten the paper in the desired area and apply a rich red wet-on-wet paint.

2. While the paint is still wet, add a dark purple to the base of the flower to blend in with the red.

3. With a crumpled paper towel, blot the paint only once.

4. Raise the towel.

5. Repeat a couple of times, using a clean towel each time to avoid getting paint from the towel back onto the drawing.

6. Let dry completely and refine the highlights to create petal folds.

Advice: For the first wash, take saturated colors right away so that you don’t have to enhance the color later. Darker shades will give a nice, strong contrast between dark and light in the pattern.

Anyone can learn how to draw flowers with simple step-by-step lessons. Here are the most detailed practical instructions on how to depict different flowers.

These fragile and beautiful creatures of nature are able to decorate any drawing. To reveal all the beauty of flowers, it is important to learn about the features of their proportions, how to convey the velvety and shape of the petals, and correctly position all parts of the plant in space. This will allow you to achieve an excellent result, even if you have never been distinguished by artistic abilities.

Each variety of flowers can be depicted as a bud, opened or already falling inflorescence. With the help of simple step-by-step lessons, you will master the main techniques for drawing these delicate objects. Here are the techniques of auxiliary lines and creating volume, which will fully convey the natural beauty of flowers. The drawing will look especially impressive in color, so choose the lesson you like and start fulfilling your dream of learning to draw.

Images of plants are the richest material for the development of speech. One of the most interesting and popular varieties of this big topic among teachers is the section on flowers. Bright drawings attract attention, so preschoolers perform speech exercises with them with great interest. Various pictures for children on the topic Flowers can be used with both kids and older children. All visual material for kindergarten on this topic is divided into 2 groups - subject and plot images.

subject pictures

These are small cards with realistic images of popular garden and wild flowers. The more visual material is used with younger children, the more famous flowers it should represent. The basic set usually contains:

  • dandelion;
  • chamomile;
  • rose flower;
  • bell;
  • tulip;
  • cornflower;
  • lily.


Images should be bright, as similar to the original as possible. It is very useful to use object pictures for children in the classroom. Flowers not only with drawings, but also with the names of plants. Older preschoolers can also be offered black and white painted images of certain flowering plants (of course, along with color ones). For this, coloring pages, disassembled into separate sheets, are great. In the classroom, flowers in pictures for children can be supplemented with photographs or separate sheets on a transparent background from the herbarium.

Children 4-5 years old should be able to distinguish well about 10-15 different garden and wild flowers, be able to describe them in detail. For preschoolers aged 6-7, this indicator approximately doubles, i.e., they should be well-versed in 20-40 items.

Chamomile bluebell St. John's wort cornflower
ivan tea dandelion poppy lily
asters peonies pansies tulips

Story pictures

Illustrations with narrative images must also be in the “methodical piggy bank” of teachers. Parents can also use such paintings for homework with their children. The content of plot drawings can be very different, for example:

  1. Seasonal changes in nature (the appearance of primroses or the last autumn asters in the garden).
  2. The work of people to create flower beds at their summer cottage or during the landscaping of the city (adults and children plant and water flowers in the courtyard of the house or in the garden).
  3. Funny situations (how we collected a bouquet for mom).

Paintings on rare topics (meadow flowers or flowering poisonous forest plants) can be bought ready-made or you can choose suitable images yourself, choosing them from special children's books or magazines.

Tasks for the development of speech

Here is a set of exercises that can be used to conduct speech therapy classes with preschoolers of different ages:

  • Choose a flower pattern and count in order (from 1 to 5), continuing the row:

one dandelion - two dandelions - three dandelions...
one chamomile -
one cornflower -
one poppy -
one daisy-

  • remember and describe

The child should carefully examine the picture with the selected flower, and then turn the card over and describe in detail what he saw. Then the card must be turned over and checked for errors.

  • Who is bigger

Ask to name as many meadow or garden flowers as possible. The task can be complicated if you additionally indicate the color or remember only medicinal plants.

  • Look and tell

Offer to carefully consider one of the plot pictures, and then describe it in as much detail as possible or make as many questions as possible for the illustration.

  • What's your

Take one subject picture with a flower, show it to the children. Have each of them, in turn, come up with a word that describes the picture. For example: cornflower flower - blue, bright, small.

  • What happens

Choose one picture from the Wildflowers set, show it to the children. Let everyone name what happens:

cornflower blue - eyes, river, bouquet;
chamomile - glade, tea, shampoo;
poppy - field, roll, blush;
forget-me-nots - dress, ribbon, sky.

  • What am I talking about

Ask them to name flowers that can be said to be:


  • compare two

Offer to describe the similarities and differences between the couples:

bell / lily;

  • How to name

Select the appropriate illustrations and ask the children to correctly name:

a bouquet of daisies - chamomile;
field with poppies - poppy;
bush with roses - pink;
a wreath of buttercups - ranunculus;
cornflower color - cornflower blue.

  • Consider and tell

It is necessary to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures about how:

a flower grows from a seed;
plant a flowering plant in a pot;
weave a wreath.


With pictures on the topic Flowers, you can organize many useful speech games. Here are some examples:

  • Attentive gardener

The host must describe the flower, the image of which he will take from the table. The rest of the children guess the name. The first person to answer correctly becomes the leader.

  • Flowers-letters

The first player chooses one card from the Flowers set and pronounces the name of the plant that is depicted on it. The next child must remember the name that begins with the last letter of the named word, and then choose the right picture. (Example: Rose-Astra-Pansies-Iris-Lilac, etc.)

  • Big bouquet

Invite the children to collect a large bouquet of flowers. The facilitator says, for example, “dandelion flower” and puts the corresponding card on the table. The second participant in the game must repeat the named plant and add his own. The next participant says the two previous names, adding his own. The game continues as long as the children memorize and repeat the sequence correctly.

  • I am a poet, my name is Tsvetik

Invite the children to come up with short poems about flowers according to the selected drawings. For example, Summer flowers or Primroses. It can be both individual creativity and collective. Successful poems need to be written down and beautifully arranged on a special stand.

  • Ball in the garden

Have each child choose one picture of a flower. He must not show the drawing to anyone. From improvised materials (ribbons, scarves, paper), everyone must create a suitable costume. Then all the heroes come to the ball and each participant tells a short story about himself (where the flower grows, into which this or that child has turned, and its other distinguishing features). Children guess the name. If they succeed, then the author of the costume and story receives a token.

  • Little storytellers

Invite the children to come up with a fairy tale about the flower, the image of which the leader will choose. Each child must say one sentence, in turn. The finished story can be recorded by asking the children to make suitable illustrations.

  • Dream artists

Give the children paper and crayons. Ask to draw any fantastic or mythical flowers, and then come up with a name, features, place of growth for your “creation”.

  • Circulation

The facilitator chooses one subject picture on the topic. Then he invites each player to tell about what can be done with the selected flower. For example: grow, draw, donate, buy, find, etc. The drawing passes from one player to another. If the card has gone full circle, then it must be started again. Each child will repeat their word and complete it with another one (grow it in a flower bed, draw in a notebook, give it to mom, buy it in the market, find it in the forest). If one of the participants forgot what he said earlier, then the adult leader should tell him (for this it is better to make notes in a notebook). Then the card goes to the third circle, the children need to come up with a third word for their phrase. If the child cannot do this, then he is out of the game. The winner is the one who makes the longest sentence.

Classes and games with subject pictures are very popular with children and are of great benefit for their speech development. The compact dimensions of the visual material make it possible to use pictures not only in kindergarten and at home, but also when traveling.

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