How to pump up the ass at home exercises. Exercises for an elastic chest

Do you want your buttocks to be more toned and firm?

What is there, all though, but often people want to increase the athletic performance of the gluteal muscles - to jump higher and be stronger and more resilient.

It seems to me that there is nothing sexier than rock-solid buttocks that look good in any pants (not just leggings).

If you add the suggested 19 glute exercises to your workouts, your lower body will get better shape and become stronger physically, which will increase your overall performance as a result. I'll even give you some workout ideas with the sole purpose of reaching the latter... so just keep reading.

Before proceeding directly to the description of the exercises, I feel obliged to help you understand how actually work the gluteal muscles. This is important because your butt is not alone big muscle.

1. Gluteus maximus (Gluteus Maximus)

Did you know that the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the entire human body? Its job is to support the torso in an upright position, and this is the reason for its size and power.

As the name suggests, this is the largest and closest to the surface muscle of the entire gluteal muscle group.

The function of the gluteus maximus is mainly to extend the upper legs (thighs) - for example, when lifting from a crouching position. Another example of the inclusion of this muscle in the work is the rise of the torso tilted forward. Imagine swinging a kettlebell and you'll get a good idea of ​​how this muscle works.

Hip extension also occurs during deadlifts, leg pushes during running and skating, and simply during leg swings.

This muscle is also involved in turning the leg - for clarity, imagine, for example, duck walking.

2. Middle gluteal muscle (Gluteus Medium)

The gluteus medius muscle is the smallest of the gluteal muscles, located under the gluteus maximus muscle and giving stability to the hip joint, especially when standing on one leg. Thus, when walking or running (where the legs alternate) or climbing stairs, there is tension in the gluteus medius to prevent the pelvis from sinking to one side.

Moreover, the gluteus medius (and minimus) are involved in hip abduction.

3. Gluteus minimus (Gluteus minimus)

It is the smallest of the gluteal muscles and is located directly below the gluteus medius. Its main function is to give stability to the hip joint. It works in conjunction with the gluteus medius.

I hope that this little anatomical digression did not confuse you. In fact, this is all you need to know to perform the exercises. Well, let's move on to...

19 most effective exercises for the buttocks

If you perform these 19 exercises during your workout, your buttocks will be in perfect shape. You don’t need to mindlessly engage in simulators to achieve results. The 12 “smart” glute exercises described below are the best of the best.

Gluteus maximus exercises

1. Hip abduction

The U.S. Physical Education Committee, in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin, conducted a study to find out which exercises best engage the gluteal muscles. Guess which exercise topped the list for the gluteus maximus?

…This is hip abduction!

The graph below shows the results for other glute exercises (1):

Get on all fours, keep your back in a neutral position, press - in tension. Lift your right leg up, keeping your knee at a 90-degree angle throughout the movement, your heel should be “looking” at the ceiling, and your thigh and knee should be parallel to the floor. Lower your leg down and repeat with your left leg.


  • You need to protect your back from injury. The neck should also form one line with the back - a straight line (respectively, you need to look down, not up).
  • To make the exercise more difficult, add weight to each leg, hold the kettlebell in the knee joint, or perform this exercise using a special simulator.

2. Mahi kettlebell

Renowned spinal surgeon Stuart McGill has shown that the kettlebell swing is not only an excellent exercise for working the gluteus maximus, but also the safest exercise for the back.

If I were wandering around on a deserted island and could only do one exercise, then I would definitely choose the kettlebell swing. It's so helpful.

How to do this exercise:

With a straight back and a tight core, lean forward and grab the kettlebell with both hands. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keep a slight tilt to the knees, and take the pelvis back. Then, with a quick movement, straighten up and swing the weight out in front of you, keeping your stomach and buttocks tense.

Notes: The movement should come from the hip joint when returning to the upright position. Lower the weight between your legs and repeat the swing movements as many times as necessary.

A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that compared to shallow squats and parallel squats, deep squats engage the gluteus maximus better, especially in the concentric phase. (3)

This is logical, since the lower you go, the more you stretch (and thereby include in the work) the gluteal muscles. Shallow squats engage the thigh muscles more than the glutes. Therefore, go lower for the full work of the gluteus maximus muscle.

How to do this exercise:

Place the barbell on your shoulders (top of the trapezoid), look straight, straighten your chest, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes turned slightly to the sides.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and move your pelvis back and down (as if sitting on a chair), focus on your heels, and keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Rise, pushing off the heels from the floor and squeezing the buttocks.

The deadlift is not only a good exercise for the gluteal muscles, but also one of the best for the development of the lower body. Obviously, you need to try to do it correctly, because you can get seriously injured with the wrong technique or when brought to muscle failure.

How to do this exercise:

Take the barbell so that it is opposite your knees, above your feet. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Holding the bar with a medium grip, bend at the hip joint, while making sure that the back is straight and the stomach is tense.

Lower your pelvis and bend your knees, draw your shoulder blades together and keep your back straight, then push yourself up on your heels.

After the bar rises above the knees, with a confident power movement, bring the hips slightly forward.

Lower the barbell by bending your hips and pointing it towards the floor, but keep it close to you to reduce excess strain on your back.

This exercise differs from the traditional deadlift in that the legs are more or less fixed during the lift. The knees should be slightly bent, but this is more of a pulling exercise that engages the hamstrings and glutes. It probably even targets the hamstring more, but it also needs to be developed to increase overall performance.

How to do this exercise:

Hold the bar at hip level with a straight grip (palms down). The shoulders should be lowered, the back straight, the stomach tense, and the knees slightly bent. This is the starting position.

Lower the bar down, pulling the pelvis back as far as possible. Keep the barbell close to your body, looking straight ahead and not raising your shoulders. Lower until you feel the hamstrings are fully extended—usually just below the knees.

At the bottom point, squeeze the buttocks and use the back of the thigh to begin to rise.

6. Glute bridge with the knee pressed to the chest

This is a more difficult version of the basic pelvis raise, but I like it more because it opens up the hip flexors and engages the glutes more.

How to do this exercise:

Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Lift your left leg off the floor and press it to your chest. This is the starting position. Resting on the heel of the right foot, tear off the pelvis from the floor. Lock at the top, then return to the starting position. At the end of the repetitions on the right leg, do the exercise on the left leg.

7. Lifts

Lifts are similar to squats on one leg. In fact, many oriental weightlifters are increasingly doing lifts in addition to squats due to their effectiveness in developing the muscles of each leg without undue back strain.

How to do this exercise:

Lifts can be performed both with a barbell on your shoulders, and holding dumbbells in your hands. I will describe how to perform the exercise with dumbbells.

Stand up straight and take a dumbbell in each hand. Drop your shoulders down and tighten your arms. The upper body should be practically motionless.

Place the heel of your right foot on a box or bench. Climb onto the bench, shifting your weight onto your right heel. Return to starting position and repeat on the left leg.

8. Raising the pelvis with a barbell

Raising the pelvis with a barbell is perhaps the best exercise for the gluteus maximus muscle. It engages it much more intensely than the squat or deadlift due to the four unique characteristics of this exercise:

  1. Barbell Pelvic Raise is basically a hip extension exercise.
  2. The most difficult part of the exercise is at the highest point, which activates the hip extension to the highest degree.
  3. The knees are bent during the exercise, so the back of the thigh is not included in the work.
  4. The knee joint is practically not involved in the exercise

This exercise also puts less strain on the back than barbell squats because the bar is not placed on the shoulders, but is held in front of the hips. Therefore, lifting the pelvis with a barbell is extremely useful for people who have suffered an injury.

How to do this exercise:

Sit right in front of the bench. Place the barbell on your thighs. A soft pad can be used to protect the femur. Then lie down with your shoulder blades on the bench.

Start lifting the pelvis by distributing your own weight between the shoulder blades and heels. Pause briefly at the top, then return to the starting position.

9. Abduction of the legs in the block

These exercises are not the prerogative of Cindy Crawford's training. The shock absorber leg abduction is an excellent exercise for the entire gluteal muscle group due to the large angle of leg abduction.

How to do this exercise:

Attach the shock absorber to your right ankle. Stand facing the cargo block at a distance of half a meter and grasp the frame with your hands. Bend your knees slightly and tighten your buttocks. Slowly move your working leg back against the shock absorber, then return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and change the working leg.

To engage the entire gluteal muscle group, turn the toe of the retracted leg outward.

10. Side squats on one leg

The "highlight" of this exercise is that the leg is laid aside. Due to this, the weight of the body is shifted to the working leg and buttock.

How to do this exercise:

Stand with your right foot on a box or bench, move your left foot to the side without touching the floor, then squat on your right foot. Focus on the heel and rise, including the buttocks in the work. Do the required number of repetitions and change legs.

11. Bulgarian lunges

One of the most difficult, but at the same time useful exercises for all muscle groups of the upper legs, and not just the gluteal muscles. Try putting your whole foot on the bench behind you first, and then stand up with only your toes. You will feel a huge difference.

How to do this exercise:

This exercise can be performed both with a barbell on the shoulders, and holding a dumbbell in each hand. I will describe the technique for performing Bulgarian lunges with dumbbells.

Stand with your back to the bench and make sure you are at a sufficient distance to perform the lunge. Make sure that the knee of the working leg does not go over the toe. Place one of your legs on a bench and grab a dumbbell in each hand. Lower yourself until your back knee almost touches the floor and your working thigh is parallel to the floor. Then push off with the heel of your front foot and return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and change legs.

Exercises for the gluteus medius (and small)

Since the muscle fibers of the middle and small gluteal muscles have a different location and attachment points from the gluteus maximus muscle, and are also included in the work at a different angle, they perform other functions.

Their main role is to stabilize the pelvis and abduct the hip. The following exercises are designed to do just that.

12. Leg raise

This is a great exercise for warming up the gluteal muscles, which also helps to learn how to keep the pelvis on one leg. It is mandatory for athletes, in particular for runners.

How to do this exercise:

Stand with one foot on a small elevation, such as a step. Raise the opposite thigh and pelvis, hold for 3-5 seconds. Then slowly lower to the floor. Repeat the exercise until you feel tired (usually 1-2 minutes), then change legs. Make sure that the working leg is straight and that the shoulders do not roll over to one side.

13. Side hip abduction

Do you have a hard iliotibial tract? Most people do, and the reason for this is the muscle that forms it - the "tensor fascia lata" - which is located in the upper and side of the legs, just below the femur.

When training for the gluteal muscles, you need to make sure that the exercises you perform maximize the use of the gluteal muscles, and not the tensor fascia lata. Since these muscles are located very close, you need to have a good understanding of anatomy in order to distinguish them.

The good news is that a study published in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that, along with hip stretch and pelvic lift, side-lying hip abduction is one of the most effective exercises that engages the gluteus medius. with minimal inclusion of the tensor of the wide fascia of the thigh. (four)

You may look ridiculous when doing this exercise, but what a difference! The main thing is that it is very useful for strengthening the middle and small gluteal muscles.

How to do this exercise:

Lie on your left side with your head resting on your left hand. Raise your hips to about 45 degrees and bend your knees to 90 degrees. Make sure your hips and knees are kept together. Begin to lift the thigh of the upper leg up, while making sure that the feet are together, then return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions, then roll over to the other side.

During the exercise, do not turn the body along with the hip.

14. Band Squats

This exercise will help you squat more efficiently. Many people injure their knees while squatting due to improper form, which can lead to more serious problems such as an ACL tear.

Since the shock absorber is worn just above the knees, it helps to engage the gluteus medius and minimus muscles and prevents knee extension. Learn to do this exercise with your own weight first and then add a shock absorber.

How to do this exercise:

Slip the shock absorber over your feet, just above your knees. Keep your head and chest straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart to feel the tension on the shock absorber. Tighten your abs and lower your pelvis back and down (like sitting in a chair), keeping your weight on your heels and squatting as low as you can. Keep the shock absorber under tension by working the glutes so that the knees remain parallel throughout the exercise.

Return to the starting position, pushing off the heels from the floor and keeping the buttocks elastic and the knees parallel.

15. Side plank with leg raise

This is a more advanced version of the side plank, designed to develop core and gluteal muscles. A rather non-trivial exercise, during which you will feel that it is much easier to perform it on one side than on the other. A 2009 study found that, along with various glute exercises, the side-lying hip abduction—which is identical to the leg raise in this exercise—is most beneficial for developing the gluteus medius. (5)

How to do this exercise:

Lie on your left side, place your elbow directly under your shoulder, legs should be straight, feet together. Tighten your core muscles and lift your pelvis up, forming a straight line from ankle to shoulder. Then lift your top leg without bending your knee. Hold for 3-5 seconds, lower your leg, repeat. After the required number of repetitions, roll over to the other side.

16. Side step with an expander

The easiest way to understand what this exercise looks like is to imagine a zombie walking from side to side. It looks funny, but your buttocks will “burn” in a matter of seconds.

How to do this exercise:

Stretch the shock absorber around your ankles. Make sure there is enough tension even when your feet are shoulder-width apart. Keeping your legs straight, step to the right (stretching your right buttock) and gently pull your left leg up. Continue walking to the right for the required number of repetitions (or a certain distance), then to the left.

17. Touching the toe in the slope - pushing the knee forward

This is an exercise I used to do with my football players. It focuses on developing stability while bringing the knee forward to the chest, which is why I recommend it to anyone who runs.

How to do this exercise:

Standing in the starting position on the left leg, lean forward, taking the right leg back, keeping the back straight and the muscles of the center tense. Touch your left toe with your right hand. Then, engaging your glutes and hamstrings, still standing on your left leg, return to the starting position and bring your right knee in front of your chest. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then repeat from the beginning. The latter is very important for this exercise, so take your time. Do the required number of repetitions, then change legs.

18. Leg circle in vertical position

Since this exercise is usually performed during a warm-up, you are probably wondering what the gluteal muscles have to do with it. But don't worry, do a few circles or do them faster, and you will feel the inclusion of the buttocks in the work.

How to do this exercise:

Stand on your left leg, lift your right leg a little off the floor and start drawing small circles from your hip with it, first in front of you, then on the side, and finally on the back. Perform 3-5 circles clockwise and counterclockwise at each angle. The gluteal muscles of the supporting leg will work to maintain the stability of the pelvis, so try to stand straight and without swaying.

19. Walking in the "bridge" position on the ball

An additional exercise that engages both sides of your back with "cross" movements. In fact, when the gluteus muscle works on one side, the muscles of the lower back on the opposite side are automatically included in the work. It also happens while walking, running, or climbing stairs. This is a great exercise for these muscle groups, which, plus, also looks beautiful.

How to do this exercise:

Place the ball under your head and shoulders like a pillow, stretch your arms to the sides and strain. As with all stability ball exercises, it is important to make sure that the hips are elevated and the body forms a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Tighten the buttocks and start moving to the left, you should feel how the right buttock in particular works and the lower back on the left side.

Variety is important in any workout. Therefore, you do not need to choose a single exercise from the list above and perform it until you lose your pulse. It is better to include several of them.

Each muscle is made up of different fibers that work with different movements. Performing a series of exercises on the gluteal muscles, you can use all of them.

With these facts in mind, below are 4 recommendations for choosing exercises for training. As a general rule, you need to make sure that:

  1. At least one type of gluteus maximus exercise included
  2. A range of squat exercises included
  3. Deadlift exercises included
  4. Included stability exercises that activate the gluteus medius and minimus

3 workouts that give the desired shape to the buttocks

Now that you know the best glute exercises, here are three ways to put them together into a complete workout to shape, strengthen, and maintain your glutes.

I've named each workout based on its primary purpose:


CP - "number of repetitions", implying that you need to choose the optimal weight to complete the proposed number of repetitions

Workout 1 - Athletic Development

The purpose of this workout is to develop strength and endurance. Therefore, there is no need to rush when exercising. Instead, try lifting heavier weights with fewer reps. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets and reps to get the most out of each set.

Complete two sets before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

  • Kettlebell swings - 10 CP
  • Deadlift - 6 KP
  • Deep squats - 6 CP
  • Abduction of the hip while standing on hands and knees - 10 CP on each leg
  • Raising the pelvis with a barbell - 6 CP

Workout 2 - Shape and tone

This workout is designed for those people (especially women) who want to achieve elastic buttocks that look perfect in any jeans.

  • Side step with shock absorber - 10 steps one way
  • Kneeling hip abduction – 10 reps per leg
  • Lifts - 6 KP
  • Romanian deadlift - 10 kp
  • Abduction of legs with a shock absorber - 10 CP for each leg

Workout 3 - Bulletproof Back

This workout should be part of an overall training plan for each of us because of the importance of exercises that build resilience and improve overall performance.

As the name suggests, this workout protects your back as it engages all three glutes. Remember that the gluteal muscles are the “abs” for the back, so the healthier they are, the better, especially if you spend most of the day in a sitting position.

  • Raising and lowering legs - 10 CP for each leg
  • Abduction of the hip in the supine position - 10 CP on each side
  • Leg circle in vertical position - 3 circles (at each angle) on each leg
  • Touching the toe in the slope - pushing the knee forward - 10 CP on each leg
  • Shock Squat - 10 kp
  • Raising the pelvis from the floor with the knee pressed to the chest - 10 CP for each leg
  • Walking in the "bridge" position on the ball - 5 CP on each leg

I hope you enjoyed this detailed guide to glute exercises. Everything you need to do to achieve the result is described above. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with up to three friends.

You can be a hero to your friends by helping them go from "saggy and flat ass" to being proud of what they see in the mirror. In addition, the exercises presented can also save many people you know from back problems. Be a good friend and share love.

If you liked "The 19 Best Glute Exercises of All Time (Detailed Guide)", you might also like to read "Fat Burning Workout". Get it for free by clicking on the banner below.

“The fifth point”, “buttocks”, “priest”, “lotus petals closing over the source of troubles and inspiration” are all synonyms for that part of the body that excites men and women.

A popular type of these female forms is Hispanic. How to pump up a Brazilian ass on your own, at home, is the number one question for today.

Brazilian forms

The Brazilian type is genetically determined. Latin American women boast rounded, bulging buttocks that rise almost from the waist. Below, where the gluteal bulges pass into the back of the thigh, there are no folds. Such a butt resembles a "shelf".

Slavs (as well as other representatives of the Caucasoid type of appearance) nature gave other types - basically this is the shape of an inverted heart. Such "outstanding" parts of the body were admired by Ivan Slavinsky, Dali, Rubens. But there is no limit to physical perfection. Today, forms like Jennifer Lopez (who insured her buttocks for $ 1 billion) or Iggy Azalea (Australian blonde rap artist enlarged her ass with plastic surgery) are popular.

Before the gym

Before pumping up a Brazilian ass with an instructor in the gym, you need to decide on your motivation. It is interesting that often women decide on body shaping in the name of increasing self-esteem or for a partner.

Features of Brazilian Forms:

  • In the first case, the ideal role model is trained girls who devote all their free time to classes. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the female buttocks of the Brazilian form can easily be confused with the booty of a male bodybuilder.
  • Oddly enough for girls, but representatives of the strong half of humanity are not so categorical in their requirements. The ideal “fifth point” in their understanding should be elastic, but not too hard. Women with a normal physique, too thin (asthenic type) are “in fashion” for a long time and do not arouse desire among the majority of respondents, according to men's magazines.
  • It is enough to pay attention to classes 3-4 times a week (not every day), a set of exercises can be selected for 10-15 minutes, given the lightweight options for the knee joints.
  • Special diets are not needed if the girl is not going through the "drying" stage for the upcoming muscle relief contests or before the bikini contest.

Advice!Even having extra centimeters of subcutaneous fat, do not be upset. On the contrary, if it is not cellulite, extra grams will only emphasize outstanding forms.

Massage movements

Only "orange peel" decorates no one. To combat it, there are tips from cosmetologists.

For a decent result, you need not only exercises to pump up the buttocks from the inside. Brazilian butt is also a professional intensive massage. It includes heating the skin, subcutaneous layers (you will need a cream with the addition of essential oil or juice of ginger, citrus fruits), exposure to massage sticks, manual massagers with a relief surface. The obligatory stage is the completion of the massaged area with stroking soothing movements (outer side of the thigh - buttocks - lower back).

A visit to a massage therapist will take 2-3 months (3 sessions per week). Do massage on your own while taking a shower or bath (use scrubs, hard washcloths).

We activate the muscles

Anita Lutsenko, a sports instructor for a popular TV project dedicated to losing weight and gaining beautiful forms, assures that a one-time workout three times a week for 10-12 minutes a day is enough, and you can refuse painful diets. How to pump up a Brazilian ass in just a month or two? The main thing is to use the right muscle groups, feel warmth and tension in them during classes (they must work).

Lunges (it is also possible with weighting in the form of half-liter plastic bottles with sand, water, cereals). The exercise looks like this: you need to stand straight - step forward as wide as possible with your right foot - lower your left to your knee - relying solely on the femoral muscles, rise. Repeat - 10-20 times.

Advice!Weighting is necessary when the approaches of the exercises that have become familiar do not cause difficulties. Such an organism does not benefit from these loads. The main sign of the correctness of the exercises is a slight pain in the muscles for the next day or two.

One of the easiest exercises to perform, but effective, is the lying pelvis raise. Lie down on the mat on your back. The legs are bent as much as possible at the knee, the heels are moved to the pelvis - the pelvis is thrown up (sometimes fixed for a couple of seconds) - the pelvis is lowered down without touching the floor, - it is thrown up again.

First, do the exercise 10 times in two sets, gradually bring up to a hundred. Sometimes a bottle, a weight is placed on the stomach while raising the pelvis (to enhance the effect), hold the inventory with your hands.

Swing your legs, lying on your side. Slightly bend the leg, which turned out to be below, and the upper one. She is taken away not parallel to the floor, but slightly obliquely (slowly, but strongly). If this is easy, the upper leg is straightened at the knee.

Martin. Stand straight with your hands down, in which the bottles, - lower your hands with the bottles to the floor, shoulder-width apart - at this time, the left leg is retracted back, the back is straight - return to the starting position.

Elbow exercise. They stand, leaning on their elbows and palms, at their feet - on their knees. The right leg is torn off the floor and slowly brought back, raising the thigh and heel higher. Next - return the leg to its original position (on the knee) or press it to the chest. Repeat with the other leg.

How to pump up a Brazilian ass according to all the rules, it is better to watch the video. Failure to follow the execution technique may lead to a zero result.

Secrets of Miss Boom Boom

Sometimes there is information in the media that the “Brazilian priest” is only a brand, and by nature not all Brazilian women are standards of beauty in this matter. "Idols" are representatives of African countries. Visitors to gyms are boldly equal to them. The lion's share of their predicted success depends on the type of their own "fifth point". An inverted "heart" and rounded buttocks require tightening exercises, it will be more difficult for girls with "square" and "triangular" types of priests. But the silhouette can be changed. But the main reference point remains the Brazilian version.

Important! It is much easier for plus-sized girls to spicy shape their bulges than women with low weight: it is more difficult to build muscle than to form them from existing fat deposits (this is an excellent energy material).

Brazil decided to prove the popularity of the cult of the magnificent female body. Now the country hosts annual competitions for the best Brazilian buttocks, the winner receives the title of Miss Boom Boom and the right to shoot in a magazine for men.

Express training program

  • Regular exercises (gluteal muscles quickly lose their tone).
  • Exclusion from the diet of sweets and fast carbohydrates (before the beach season, filming), the period of the so-called drying.
  • A good night's rest (muscles need rest after exercise).

The rest is for a special program. Squats, leg swings are the most effective loads. Before the exercises, they knead their knees (rotate several times clockwise and counterclockwise, rub them with their hands), knead their back (circular rotations, tilts).


How to pump up a Brazilian ass in just a week? Coaches are sometimes advised to look objectively at the health and capabilities of the body. It will take at least 2-3 weeks to see the dynamics (classes 3 days a week, every other day - muscle building exercises, the rest of the days - cardio loads that burn fat and remove unnecessary breakdown products of amino acids from the muscles).

Useful squats:

  • Squat on one leg (with a chair). They stand with their backs to the chair, hands on the belt, the left leg with the toe and foot rests on the seat of the chair, bent. The right one is on the floor, also bent at the knee. You need to squat in this position, using the gluteal muscles.
  • A fixed squat will also come in handy. They sit down against the wall so that the back is straight. Fix the position for 30-45 seconds (muscles are stretched, fats are burned).
  • Squats for the gluteal muscle. Squatting, the ass is pulled back as much as possible, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the back is slightly tilted, but straight, the heels do not tear off the floor. Perform the exercise slowly, you can fix the point for a couple of seconds.
  • If you need to tighten the front surface of the thigh - squat on the toes, the inner surface - the knees when squatting are spread slightly to the sides.
  • To adjust the silhouette and make an organic transition of lines from the back to the priest, an additional load is also used to strengthen the spinal muscles (squats with a barbell).

Advice!Before each workout, a warm-up is carried out, it will save the muscles from injury. A hitch (after a workout) can consist of your favorite dances, easy descent down the stairs, walking.

When the roads are minutes

Before pumping up a Brazilian ass at home, you need to understand: you can do it quickly if you are systematic. Is the woman tired of sitting at a report or working with a computer? It's time to get up, lean your hands on the back of the chair and take the straightened leg back, do 5-10 swings back.

If you watch TV, you can sit on the floor and try to get to the opposite side of the room on your buttocks (remember how small children fidget).

Effective and alternate squeezing-unclenching the buttocks (50, 100, 200 times). Then they are compressed for a few seconds (fixed) and relaxed.

Advice! You can not give up your usual diet (they just remove carbonated drinks from the diet - they replace it with mineral water without gas, juices are a full meal, a snack). You just need to change the sequence - before lunch they eat carbohydrates, for dinner - protein foods (meat, poultry, fish), before going to bed they drink a glass of kefir or eat cottage cheese.

If there is a desire to emphasize the “fifth point” in a matter of minutes, they purchase underwear with false inserts (panties). Surgery leaves a longer lasting effect. These are silicone implants or pumping your own fat cells into the buttocks area (there are no traces of intervention, the material is natural, it is convenient to use it for any area, giving the buttocks the desired roundness or bulge).

Eva Andressa: a simple program

The famous Latin American fitness model and trainer offers a special set of exercises. Thanks to such a program, compiled for her once by an instructor, her body acquired appetizing forms (before that, the girl did not differ from standard thin models). Today, her waist circumference is almost 70 cm, 72 kg - weight. But she looks attractive and knows for sure: there is nothing superfluous in her. And everyone wants a butt like hers.

Eva Andressa claims that training success is guaranteed if:

  • Stick to an intense pace (between exercises, rest 45-60 seconds). Only 5 repetitions. Between them, a break is no more than 1.5 minutes.
  • 15 times you need to push the leg and press it to the knee (starting position - "dog pose").
  • It is necessary to jump 20 times on each leg so as to "land" in a lunge.
  • Squat without taking your hands off the floor! (20-30 times)
  • And here the bar will come to the rescue. Only the legs need to be torn off the floor in turn and lifted (20 times).
  • Squat 20 times, standing on your fingers, and the same number - in the position of a sumo wrestler (you need to have time to feel each muscle, but do not lose pace).
  • The fitness trainer assures that the beautiful “fifth point” looks perfect with a six-pack abs, for which you will have to limit the goodies, although not exclude them from the diet.

The gluteal muscles are the easiest to correct through training.

Advice! If you want to eat after a workout, it is better to drink a glass of kefir with a teaspoon of fiber, or yogurt without additives. Hunger is the enemy of a beautiful figure. It causes fats to be deposited in the "depot", the abdomen, thighs, subcutaneous fat in the buttocks.

Elastic lush breasts, slender waist, gorgeous hair - this is not the whole list of attractive parts of the female body. No matter what the representatives of the strong half of humanity say to the girls, but 87% always pay attention to the “fifth point”. It, unlike other zones, is the easiest to turn into ideal buttocks. Now it remains only to choose a method.

It is worth google “how to pump up a round and tighten your ass at home?”, And thousands of links will appear before your eyes.

You will even be offered miraculous complexes on how to quickly pump up Brazilian buttocks at home in a month, 1-2 weeks, or even ridiculous 5 days.

Please don't believe these sweet promises! Do not blindly trust the information that supports your delusions. We are talking about sites and publics in which you are given exercises, from which in a month you will throw off what you have eaten for years (no, you won’t), stretch marks that will evaporate from your body (no, they will remain) and ask you to like figure (which you bet).

Kostya Shirokaya will not lie to you and promise what is impossible. We do better: we tell the truth! Let's deal with our priests and home conditions.

Is it possible at home?

How realistic and is it possible to make the buttocks bigger quickly at home? If you work with weight, and not according to programs from sites in which the "fitness" section is tucked between the "food" and "fashion" sections, consisting of 5 exercises "on the mat at home", then the answer is: certainly!

However, there is no talk of a serious increase in volume (desired "pumping"), it is more about acquiring tone and a pleasant appearance. There are more alternatives in the hall and, accordingly, the result will be “cooler”.

But: if you buy yourself a set of dumbbells and a combined barbell, then there will be no difference.

In general, before going to the gym, it is useful to first learn how to work without weights: to understand how you need to feel the muscles. Workouts at home - the foundation of progress in the gym. If you learn to feel your buttocks in squats, swings without weight, then imagine what effect the weight will give you?

Some squat 60 kg, and tell them the banal “squeeze the buttocks”, but they can’t, the connection, without which you won’t achieve results, is almost absent. In addition, you will prepare mentally for going to the gym!

How to effectively tighten the muscles of the legs, buttocks and thighs: exercises

What exercises are needed to quickly tighten the buttocks and legs of a girl or a man at home? In fact, their choice is not so small as many people think.


Can't go to the gym? Go to a sports store, buy kits there dumbbells and sit at home. The squat is the best exercise to quickly pump up the gluteus maximus at home. Lying around at home weight husband / dad / brother - great, grab her! Don't want to spend money? Easier than ever: fill 2, 5 or even 6 liter bottles of water and squat with them.

Dumbbell set 20 kg

It doesn't matter if you squat at home with a barbell or dumbbells. It's important that you do it with weight.. Tight ass = work with weights! It doesn’t matter if you want to pump up the buttocks in the gym or at home, the main thing is to perform the exercises efficiently and constantly. And, by the way, this is unlikely to happen quickly.

Kettlebell 20 kg with rubber bottom so as not to disturb the neighbors 🙂

How to squat at home for a girl: stand straight, legs - shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, arms with dumbbells - along the body. Behind (about a step away from you), put chair or a bench (no need to put a high bar stool, don't be cunning 😉). Slightly leaning forward, start to squat.

Pull your pelvis back as if you want to sit on a chair standing behind you. As soon as your buttocks touch the edge of the chair, hold for 1-2 seconds and then rise. The edge of the chair should not be higher than your hips when you squat until they are parallel to the floor. If the chair is too high, take another one or just sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

choose sumo squats, as this is the best option for shaping the buttocks.

How to squat at home so that the load goes to the buttocks: stand up straight, spread your legs wide, turn your socks outward. Hold a dumbbell, bottle or weight in front of you. Taking the pelvis as far back as possible, lower yourself into a squat at least to the parallel of the hips with the floor (preferably lower), linger for 1-2 seconds in this position and return to the starting position. In the starting position, do not straighten your knees “to the castle”. Let them be slightly bent.

Do not confuse “plié” with “sumo” (- here is also a detailed execution technique). With plie, you try to keep the body strictly vertical, with sumo, it is tilted forward so that the load falls more on the buttocks, and not on the inner thighs.


If you are not satisfied with the option with dumbbells or bottles, then buy rubber loops/tapes, they come with a sufficiently large tensile force, so that it is quite difficult to squat in them. This is a very cool topic for home training.

We advise you to immediately buy a set of several loops with different weights, although of course, the emphasis should not be on the size of the burden, but on the safe execution technique (by the way, it is the same as in the classic version of these exercises).

What's more, with loops, you can even do glute swings, glute bridges, deadlifts!

Don't like this option? Then buy or make at home yourself sandbag (sand bag). Yes, sandbag.

This foreign word refers to a projectile, which is a bag filled with sand, it has a floating center of gravity, which allows you to load a wider range of muscles than when exercising on a simulator or with a barbell. It would seem that the simplest projectile, but few people come up with the idea of ​​lifting sandbags to develop strength, muscle mass or fat burning. But in vain. A harmless-looking bag can be a serious test even for an athlete.

Budget, heavy sandbag 20 kg

I personally saw an option when a woman made a similar bag herself, filling it with cat litter 🙂 And some use tent or simply put on a backpack with something heavy inside. The seeker shall find!

Is it possible to pump up an initially flat ass at home only with squats - no, just like in the gym! For the development of the gluteal muscles, you need a large, complex work, which includes different: basic and isolation exercises.

Strut squats or lunges with dumbbells

One of the most effective ways to "round" the buttocks, which literally makes the hamstrings burn. It is advisable for beginners to do this exercise only with their own weight: first learn the technique, and only then grab the weights!

In order to correct the technique, do lunges in front of the mirror, otherwise you can be very sorry later, injuring the hip or knee joint. They last oh so long!

Stand straight, your back should be straight, your shoulder blades should be drawn together, your arms should be lowered along the body, and your eyes should be directed forward. The feet should be exactly under the hips so that mentally you can draw a straight line: the middle of the arch of the foot - the knee - the thigh - the shoulders - the ear. On an inhale, step forward with your right foot.

Keep your body straight, distributing your weight evenly between your feet. Lower yourself straight down, transferring your body weight a little more to the front leg. The thigh of the right leg should be parallel to the floor, and the left knee should just touch the floor. Now check in the mirror if three right angles of 90 degrees have formed: in the right knee, between the thigh and torso, and in the left knee.

If these three corners are there, then the attack turned out! It is very important to lift from the heel of the front foot, without tilting the body forward and without helping with the back leg.

Try to feel how the back of the thigh and buttocks work. It is with their help that you must perform the lift. Organize repetitions in the approach as follows: first do everything on one leg, then on the other.

Romanian deadlift

An excellent answer to the question of how to make the hips wider, and the ass beautiful at home with a minimum of inventory. Technique with dumbbells / gray / sand in principle, but the technique for performing Romanian traction with an expander / elastic band / loops is worth voicing.

Stand on the elastic with both feet in the middle of it. Grasp the ends of the tape so that you feel resistance. Lean forward, pushing your pelvis back, keeping your legs as straight as possible, and keeping your back straight and arched at the waist. At the bottom point, feel how the muscles of the back of the thigh are stretched. With the effort of the buttocks, return to the starting position.

walking uphill

Let's dilute strength cardio. This is the most wonderful exercise, how to tighten a sagging ass! If there is a path: great, just set a decent slope, not 3%, but somewhere around 9-12%. If not, then an excellent replacement would be.

Climbing onto a step platform, box or bench

There is such a feature - entering the platform (step-ups). They use the glutes quite well, but remember: hypertrophy (increase in volume) without additional. there will be no relief!

The main thing in the exercise - step. The higher it is, the greater the orientation to the buttocks. Stand in front of the platform, put one foot on it. Controlling the movement, push off with the second foot from the floor, put it on the one on the platform - and immediately return it to the floor.

Important: the foot is placed on the surface of the board with the whole foot, there should be no sagging heels or fingers!

Do not lose balance, do the exercise rhythmically. Subsequently, for complication, you can hang on your feet weighting agents or take up dumbbells. There are a lot of options to diversify classes on the step platform:

But remember that although step exercises are less impactful for the joints than running and jumping, but if you are worried about your knee joints, then step exercises can exacerbate this problem. So if something hurts, then it's better to give up the step platform!

Glute Bridge

You can also perform with different weights. The weight in this case is placed on the lower abdomen. The technique will be as follows:

Lie on the floor, your back should be pressed to the floor, legs bent at the knees. Stretch your arms along the body, palms pointing down. Lift up the pelvis, slightly “twisting” it and resting your heels on the floor. Then slowly lower and, as soon as the coccyx lightly touches the floor, push the pelvis up again.

You can also use a rubber band in the glute bridge and fasten it in different ways:

By adding a band in this exercise, you are adding more load to the muscle, not by adding weight, but by static. This means that your muscles will work more, as the load will be both dynamic (up and down movement) and static (holding the elastic band in stretch).

Little secret: for the best result at the top point, bring and spread your knees 10 times. Believe me, the buttocks will be just sorrow!

Another option for complication is the emphasis with the feet not on the floor, but on the step, bench or sofa.

You can also perform a bridge on fitball: starting position - on the floor, legs on the fitball, arms extended along the body. Rest your heels and calves on the ball and slowly lift your buttocks up, while straining your abs. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position.

Leg curls with rubber band

Yes, even such a simulator can be replaced with a tape! Pass the tape over a cabinet leg, battery section, or other secure "fastener". Tie the ends around your ankles. Lie on the floor with your stomach down so that the tape is slightly stretched. Raise the body on your elbows, press the pelvis to the floor. With a powerful movement, pull your heels towards your buttocks, and then slowly return to the starting position.

Glute swings

The simplest exercise for elastic priests, etc. the top of the buttocks. In general, from the point of view of anatomy, this is an absolutely wrong expression, but they really help in the construction of Madame Sijou.

Stand, grab the back of the chair with your hands and swing back and to the side. You can get on all fours. Main rule: no need to drop your leg, trying to do the exercises faster. Remember, in home workouts it is very important to work out the muscles slowly. Do not rest at the bottom of the swing, just hold on for 1-2 seconds in a tense state and then throw your leg up.

It is best, of course, to perform leg swings with weights or with an elastic band. Get on all fours. Fasten one end of the tape firmly in a way that is convenient for you. Attach the other end to your foot or ankle. Take your leg back, contracting the gluteal muscle as much as possible.

For how long?

How long does it take to make buttocks bigger at home? And in general, is it possible to pump up or tighten the buttocks of a girl quickly at home: in a month or a week or 10 days)? Let's just count how many butt workouts (and legs in general) you can do in 1 week and a month. The classic training regimen is Monday/Wednesday/Friday. One or two of them - training legs + buttocks: and that for a week or 7-10 days - 1 or 2, and for 1 month we have 4 (8).

Every month you can build up about 150 gr. muscles under favorable conditions. But how many of these muscles will go to the buttocks? .. Nobody knows this: it all depends on genetics and your diligence (exercise technique, for example, the depth of the squat).

In general, in order not to argue for a long time: even if most of this muscle gain is the mass of the legs (and this usually happens in women), then if you distribute 150 grams on both legs. muscle tissue, it turns out that each leg has become “more voluminous” by 75 grams. Now pick up 75 gr. any meat and feel its size! Then mentally distribute this amount of meat over your leg and buttock. Well, how?

A week, 10 days, a month of training at home is a meager time if we are talking about the speed of muscle growth, especially in women. For the sake of 1-2 kg of meat, you will have to train for 1-2 years. In general, everything is real, if you strain! For whom it's long, call Kim Kardashian 🙂

Training plan

How to train at home to have an effect? We recommend the following training plan and periodization (this is for the legs only! Do not forget to add exercises for the back, chest, arms, and abs into your workouts):

  • №1: Heavy leg workout - squat + glute swings, Romanian + lunges.
  • №2: Easy - squat, glute bridge + platform lifts + swings.

What inventory do you need?

    rubber band.

    For stretching the muscles of the body after strength and fitness training (): increasing the mobility and flexibility of muscles and joints.

    Stretching allows you to increase the elasticity of muscles and joints. A correctly and effectively stretched muscle is less at risk of injury and pain.

The fashion for female forms changes every decade, but the popularity of toned and rounded buttocks remains unchanged. After looking at the figures of fitness models, most immediately go on grueling diets, looking for all possible ways to burn excess fat on the buttocks, make them supple and fit.

To do this, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on gyms, you can simply perform a special set of exercises for the buttocks at home.

Muscles in the buttocks area are involved in all types of motor activity. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to cause their hypertrophy, to load them to the maximum.

Effective, indeed, are considered fitness classes in the gym, which has such sports equipment as barbells, weights. This method of training is suitable for those who want to visually enlarge and pump up the buttocks.

But if you are a purposeful person, then it doesn’t cost you anything to do all these manipulations at home. The main condition is to perform exercises until muscle pain, do as many approaches as it is said.

Home exercises do not exhaust the body, do not give the necessary tension to the muscles, therefore they are carried out every other day.

In addition to the development of the muscular part of the buttocks, the ladies are faced with the task of reducing the fat layer with the help of morning jogs. View photos of exercises for the buttocks and apply them in reality, examples of exercises and tips on them will help.

Butt workout

No matter what novelty is added to the techniques for improving the body, but the exercises for pumping the buttocks remain unchanged.

If the desire to have elastic buttocks is so strong that you are ready to swing your legs, squat, lunge until your butt is on fire, then you will succeed and the results will not be long in coming.

Warming up the muscles of the buttocks

Always before starting physical activity, it is necessary to warm up the muscles in the area that will be trained. After all, warming up increases the efficiency and effectiveness of training.

For girls who work out in the gym, one of the types of buttock muscle warm-up is walking at a fast pace on a treadmill (5-10 minutes). If the warm-up is done at home, then tilts from side to side, not deep squats, jumps will do.

If we began to spread heat throughout the body, we lost our breath, this means that it is time to transgress to the main part.

Squats to train the buttocks and lower legs

No one doubts the effectiveness of this exercise for the buttocks. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say “squatted ass.”

Squats are not the easiest type of exercise, because they require care and accuracy. For proper squatting, you need to put your legs wider than your shoulders, keep your back straight, and take your pelvic part back, as if there is a chair behind you and you sit on it.

At the same time, as soon as the priest takes a position parallel to the floor, then we return the body to its original position.

Here is a list of tips to help you achieve the perfect glute:

  • Keep your knees at a 90̊ angle so that your knees do not go beyond your toes;
  • The back is kept straight, the lower back does not bend, the head is not tilted;
  • Keep the feet firmly pressed to the floor and focus on them;
  • Tighten only the gluteal muscles;
  • The deeper the squat, the more power goes into pumping them.

Deep squat plie

These squats maximally strain the muscles of both the buttocks and the inner thighs. Competently perform the exercise, holding the legs wider than the shoulders and with the socks turned in different directions.

As with simple squats, the pelvis goes back, the knees do not go far forward. To complicate the plie, when returning to the starting position, we spring our legs. We squat until the muscles begin to burn.

Lunges using kettlebells

Exercise lunges will not only tighten, but also make the buttocks rounded and voluminous. Also, the effectiveness of this technique depends on the addition of unnecessary loads.

Drops are of the following types:

Regular or classic (with or without kettlebells) - 2 kg kettlebells are taken into the hands, a wide step forward is taken to make a 90̊ angle, a small squat and return to the starting position.

On the contrary or reverse - everything is done exactly the opposite - a step is taken back. It should be wide enough so that the shin of the back leg is as parallel to the floor as possible.

Bulgarian - the most difficult lunges. The hind leg is placed on an elevated surface (chair), the leg that is in front is bent until a right angle is formed, a squat is made and manipulations are also done with the other leg.

Anti-cellulite buttock walking

This type of exercise promotes a rush of blood to the thighs, buttocks and back of the lower leg, and also helps in the fight against cellulite.

We sit on the floor, push our legs forward, keep our back straight. We take a “step”, lifting one hip, we do the same with the other hip. Having overcome the room in this way, without turning around, we turn back to the starting position. We do 5 approaches.

Photo exercises for the buttocks

A beautiful, elastic buttock is the dignity of a woman, however, nature has not awarded all the representatives of the weaker sex with chic buttocks. Fortunately, this moment can be corrected. Attractive forms of priests, in the absence of body fat, are formed due to developed muscle tissue and skin tone, and every woman is capable of achieving this.

Elastic buttocks, according to statistics, are considered the most attractive part of the body for most men. And this fact is explained not only by the aesthetic beauty of taut forms. An elastic female butt also indicates good health and proper physical activity of its owner.

A strong, attractive ass can be formed on your own, by exercising in an equipped gym or with the help of regular workouts at home. One has only to figure out how to pump up the ass correctly and in a short time.

Exercises for priests in the gym

First, consider the anatomical features of the buttocks. Under the superficial fat pad of the priests are paired gluteal muscles: small, medium, as well as the largest muscles of the whole body - the gluteus maximus. They consist of powerful, coarse fibers and are responsible for many motor functions.

First of all, the muscles allow you to unbend and retract the hips, lift and tilt the body of the body, and they are also involved in stabilizing the position of the body during movement and in a stationary position.

Due to the fact that the gluteal muscles are large, they have increased endurance and immediately adapt to increased loads. Therefore, you can pump up your ass as efficiently as possible in the gym, with the help of a set of exercises and special equipment.

All exercises for the priests, within the framework of the gym, it is advisable to do with a trainer in order to avoid mistakes and muscle pumping. With intensive pumping, the muscles will stop responding to increasing loads. This will delay the process of the formation of the buttocks, and it will no longer be possible to quickly pump up the ass. To prepare the body for intense strength training and tone the muscles, you can work out at home for a week.

Exercises are selected depending on the physique:

  • If you are overweight, cardio training (45 minutes twice a week) will allow you to stimulate fat burning. The best assistants in the gym for this will be an elliptical trainer with an incline, a stepper and a ladder trainer. Cardio exercises on a straight plane are not suitable for buttock augmentation, they can only get the opposite effect - a decrease in the muscle mass of the buttocks.
  • With a lean physique, strength training is suitable for pumping up a large, appetizing priest. It is better to consider the main effective exercises in more detail in order to understand how to pump up your ass in the gym.

A set of effective exercises for the buttocks:

1. Barbell Squats(requires five sets with pauses of two minutes, 10 repetitions each). Squats can pump up your ass as quickly as possible, however, it is important to follow the technique and perform the exercise correctly:

  • the head must be kept straight, look forward;
  • bend the lower back, pushing the chest forward, and the pelvis back;
  • feet shoulder-width or slightly wider than shoulder-width, toes to the sides;
  • knees at the time of squatting should not go beyond the line of socks;
  • it is necessary to squat as deep as possible, while there should be no rounding in the lower back;
  • direct the weight of gravity to the heels and not transfer to the toes;
  • perform the exercise slowly, at least 3 seconds for lowering and lifting;
  • when lifting, you can not straighten your knees to the end, otherwise the load will be removed from the muscles and fall on the joints;
  • before reinforcing the exercise with a kettlebell or a barbell, it is worth working out the mechanics of movements at home;
  • you can squat on a small chair or bench to learn how to take your buttocks back;
  • It’s better to squat with an empty bar to begin with, and then gradually add weight.

2. Power lunges(requires three sets of 10 reps per leg). The width of the legs and the range of the lunge are selected individually. It is important not to change legs during the exercise, first you should work out lunges on one leg, then on the second.

When lunging, the front leg should form an angle of 90 ° at the knee, while the back leg should stand on the toe without touching the floor. During the exercise, you need to maintain constant tension in the gluteal muscles, without fully extending the knees at the top point.

It is also worth monitoring the dynamics, while not making excessively sharp and fast movements. The barbell and dumbbells will allow you to confidently keep your balance, and forcefully contract your muscles.

3. Deadlift with a kettlebell or barbell(requires four sets of 10 reps). You need to stand up straight with a barbell or kettlebell in your hands, feet shoulder-width apart. Then you need to slowly lower the weight down, slightly touching the surface of the legs.

When the weight reaches the middle of the lower leg, you can feel a stretch in the buttocks, after which you need to slowly start lifting.

4. Leg swings with the help of a simulator. The required weight is set on the equipment and a cuff is attached to the lower leg. Standing straight and holding the handrails with your hands, you need to take your leg back, while maintaining a straight body position.

The supporting leg needs to be slightly bent at the knee, thereby securing the knee joint, while the working leg should be as straight as possible.

These exercises will help to quickly pump up the ass, however, this will take more than one week of hard work. Regular training in a week will increase muscle tone, in a month they will form attractive circles, and in six months they will strengthen all the gluteal muscles and the butt will become like a nut.

How to pump up the ass at home

Often, girls tend to pump up a beautiful ass at home in a very short time - in a month, or even a week. Of course, a week for the formation of an elastic circle will not be enough.

However, in order to pump up the ass at home as quickly as possible, there is a set of exercises, the regular implementation of which will allow you to pump up a large, attractive butt at home without visiting the gym.

To understand how to pump up your ass in a month, you need to be guided by what result you wanted to achieve: slightly tighten your forms, gain a general tone, or significantly increase the volume of your buttocks.

In the first case, you can pump up a little in a week, in the second, a month will be enough, but in order to pump up big buttocks, you will need to perform a series of exercises for several months in a row.

Exercises for pumping up a beautiful priest at home will be as follows:

1. Glute bridge or pelvic lift from prone position(requires three sets of 20 reps). To perform the exercise, you need to lie on a flat hard surface (at home it can be the floor or a special bench, but not a bed). Bend your knees and begin lifting your pelvis so that your head and shoulder blades remain on the floor. At the top point of the lift, squeeze the buttocks as much as possible, lift the heels, resting on the floor with socks.

2. Deep squats without weights. The technique of how to squat correctly is described above. To perform this exercise at home, you can use the same recommendations. Squats will help a girl pump up a big, beautiful ass quickly and efficiently, without resorting to the help of professional trainers.

3. Mahi back with a chair. At home, a chair is perfect for vertical back swings. It is required to take hold of his back to maintain balance and alternately perform powerful back swings with your legs. Twenty swings for each leg. This exercise will contribute to the formation of elastic priests.

4. Plie squat (legs wide apart). It is necessary to put your feet wider than your shoulders and, holding a straight back, slowly lower and rise. To properly pump your ass with the help of “plié”, you should squat as deep as the stretch allows.

In addition to increasing the buttocks, this exercise will help train the inner thigh muscles, which most often have weak muscle tone.

5. Horizontal swings back. At home, to quickly pump up the ass, you can perform horizontal swings in combination with vertical ones. To do this, you need to kneel and rest your palms on the floor. The leg bent at the knee must be raised as high as possible, lingering a little at the top point.

By performing these horizontal swings correctly, 20 repetitions per leg, you can achieve an increase in the priests in a short time.

6. Leg swings from a prone position. It is necessary to lie on one side, resting on the elbow. Without bending the leg at the knee, you need to raise its top, and then slowly lower it. The amplitude of the movement of the leg should be commensurate with the stretch, while making sure that the body lies exactly in a straight line.

At home, swings are considered the best exercises for the priests, because they allow the girl not only to pump up the gluteal muscles, but also give the hips smooth, smooth outlines.

Exercising at home is not as effective as training with a personal trainer in the gym. If with the help of simulators it is worth pumping the buttocks once or twice a week, then at home you need to train more often - 3-4 times.

In order for the butt to become like a nut, not only regular training is necessary, but also each exercise must be performed correctly, at a slow pace and with maximum attention to detail.

In the question of how to pump up the ass, it is better to first of all aim at physical health. With proper nutrition, moderate, regular cardio and strength training, and with the constancy of this regime, you can achieve amazing results and become the owner of a beautiful priest.

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