What a beautiful way to end a letter to a friend. How to end a letter (with closing examples)

Etiquette formulas are required in the design of a business letter. They are determined by the genre of the message (letters of invitation, letters of congratulations, letters of condolence) and are largely conditional, ritual in nature. More A.S. Pushkin noted in Journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg: “Every day we sign our most humble servants, and it seems that none of this has yet concluded that we should ask for valets.”

Business letters of invitation and congratulations include many etiquette phrases. Instead of an etiquette frame (words of greeting and farewell), business letters use the following appeals: Dear Nikolai Ivanovich! Dear Mr. Bobylev! AT At the end of the letter, before the signature, the final courtesy formula is placed: Yours sincerely!;Sincerely;With sincere respect!;Best wishes!;Thanks in advance for your reply…;We hope that our request will not be difficult for you.…;We look forward to a successful continuation of cooperation…;We look forward to your interest in expanding connections…etc.

These closing remarks of courtesy are followed by self-name official signing the document, and his signature. Self-naming includes an indication of the position held and the name of the organization, if the letter is not sent on the letterhead of the institution, otherwise - only the position:

If a letter is sent on behalf of the Academic Council of a scientific institution, the self-name is an indication of the role that this or that person performs in this body:

Etiquette rituals expressed by performative verbs are included, as a rule, in set expressions, like the rest of the speech etiquette formulas: With pleasure) invite You to take part in...; Thanks to You for participation...; Sincerely thank you You for...; Cordially thank you You for...; I beg You will be directed to our address...; I assure You that we will do our best...; wish Good luck to you and we look forward to future mutually beneficial cooperation...; With thanks confirm receiving from you...;

Etiquette rituals used in business letters include

- different kinds praise : You showed heartfelt attention to orphans and children left without parental care...(direct praise); Considering your great contribution to the development of technological progress in industry...(indirect praise); Since your firm is a leading supplier of computer equipment...(indirect praise)

expression of hope, confidence, gratitude at the end of the letter : I express hope for…;I hope for further good and mutually beneficial relations…; We hope for a speedy decision ... We hope that the result of the negotiations will be a long-term and fruitful cooperation between our enterprises; We look forward to further fruitful cooperation…; We wish you success and look forward to future mutually beneficial cooperation…;We hope that our request will be considered as soon as possible.…;We hope for a speedy answer (solution of our issue) ...;We were glad to receive your letter.…;Thank you very much for the fax dated 04.06.2010…; We acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of your letter…;Thanks to per...;

expression of congratulations, apologies, wishes: Congratulations ...; We wish you success in…;We apologize foraboutetc.

Polite form addressee naming in business correspondence involves the use of the pronouns "You", "Your" with a capital letter: According to your request we send To you latest catalogs of our products; At the end of this month, we will be happy to use your services.

It is impossible not to take into account the effectiveness of etiquette formulas, the arsenal of which in Russian speech etiquette is very large. The success of the case largely depends on the tone of the letter.

The universal principle of using etiquette means is the principle of politeness, which is expressed in the recommendations given to readers in one old Russian letter book and which have not lost their relevance to this day: “The first duty of the writer is to remember his own position, to know the position of the person to whom we are writing, and to imagine the latter as clearly as if we were standing in front of him and talking. This is especially important today, when official correspondence is becoming more personal and dynamic. Today, the genre of business writing requires from the compiler not only the standardization of language means, but also the manifestation of their own individuality.

Did fate separate you and your friend, scattering you in different cities, albeit for a while? You can keep in touch by talking on the phone, using computer programs, using headphones with a microphone.

You can even see the interlocutor, and not only hear him, if you have a webcam. However, a better option than a live letter has not yet been invented.. After all, it is one thing to type a couple of phrases on the keyboard in a mail agent or Skype, and another to write a letter by hand on a piece of paper, seal it and send it to the addressee. But first you need a letter finish right. So, how to end a letter to a friend.

Indicate who the letter is from

Despite the fact that you write your last name and initials on the envelope, in the letter itself you must subscribe. If you are just writing to a friend, a sample signature would look like this: “Your friend Katya” or “I look forward to seeing you, Katya.” Are you texting your best friend? Then you can afford something like this: “Your best friend Katyushka. Look forward to meeting!" or “Don't be bored, see you soon. Katyusha. Finally, if your letter is addressed to your boyfriend in the army, boldly write “I love you, kiss you and miss you very much. Your Katenka" or "I miss you very much, come soon! Your Katenka. As for diminutive suffixes in names, it's up to you to decide how to write. It all depends on what your friend calls you.

The ending of a letter is not only a signature

Finishing a letter to a friend from a girl should not just be one line with a name and a request to come quickly or not be bored. First read your letter, highlight the main ideas that you put on paper. At the end of your message recall what was said in the letter. For example, you know that your friend is coming tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and in the course of writing you mentioned that you definitely want to meet him. Summing up, write that you want to meet at such and such a time and in such and such a place..

Write at the end about everything that you forgot to write about

If you remember that forgot to write something, put a combination of characters P.S. it Latin abbreviation, literally means "after what is written". Then you can state everything else you want to add to the letter.

Check your letter for errors

Of course, if you wrote your message on a computer to send later by e-mail, you can easily make corrections. But while writing a live letter, it’s better be careful not to make any mistakes. Otherwise, you will either have to rewrite the message again, or make blots. The latter is highly undesirable. After all, you are not writing to someone, but to your good friend or even boyfriend.

Last touches

Here you have written a letter, it remains to seal and send. But don't rush into it. One of the beauties of paper letters is that you can imprint your kiss on the paper, scent the message with your perfume, or include a photo of you together that was taken on the day you met or some other small object dear to your friend's heart..

Friends are friends, but everyone should have a family. If you do not have a person who would like to spend the rest of his life with you, find him on

The most common phrases to complete a business letter in English are Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Best regards. Below are the features of the use of each of them.

Yours sincerely

Possible options: Sincerely yours (American English), Sincerely.
The most common way to complete a business (formal) letter in English. It is used when the recipient's name is indicated at the beginning of the letter, for example: "Dear Ms. Paula Hill".

Yours faithfully

The turnover is considered a little outdated, although it can still be found in business correspondence, especially in British English. It is rarely used in American English (cf. Yours Truly). The peculiarity of using this expression is that it should be used if there is no indication of the recipient's name in the appeal at the beginning of the letter, for example: "Dear Sir" or "Dear madam".

Yours truly

American analogue of the expression Yours faithfully.

Best regards

Possible options: Kind regards, Warm regards, Regards, Kindest regards, etc.
These expressions sound less formal than Yours sincerely and Yours faithfully. It is recommended to use them only when the letter is NOT strictly official and is addressed to a person with whom you have a more friendly (and not just business) relationship. It should be noted, however, that these expressions are often used in electronic business correspondence.


Dear Ms Paula Hill, => Yours sincerely(British English), Sincerely yours(Amer.English), sincerely.
Formal style, the name of the recipient is indicated in the appeal.

Dear Sir or Madam, => Yours faithfully(British English), Yours truly(amer.eng.).
Formal style, the name of the recipient is NOT indicated in the appeal. Expressions are considered a bit obsolete, although they are still found.

Any appeal=> Best regards, Kind regards, Warm regards, Regards, Kindest regards.
Less formal ways to end a business letter. Often used in business e-mail.
see also

Before compiling a particular message, it is necessary to remember the difference between the etiquette of a business letter and a personal letter. The most important thing is to observe the level of confidence in the presentation of the chosen topic. The addressee is more likely to be imbued with this or that problem and will try to get involved in solving the questions posed if he feels live communication in the lines of the letter. That is why those who know modern business writing etiquette do not include such anachronisms as "based on the fact", "you should" or the even more forgotten "I hereby inform" in the text.


The focus and clear definition of the goal, the consistency in the presentation of facts, the specificity of proposals and requests, the information content of messages about actions and deeds have been preserved in business letters. Business letters began to be composed in a more relaxed manner, however, they did not acquire open emotional statements, epithets and comparisons from the features of personal correspondence, the old business letter etiquette still triumphs here. And just because the purpose of such a message is, as before, to submit a proposal, which must be followed by a specific response, the influence of the author of a business letter should be very great, since it encourages the addressee to take actions of a specific nature. Moreover, the text is compiled in such a way that the author's point of view does not represent his own attitude to the problem, but mutually beneficial interests in its solution.

The etiquette of a business letter prescribes not to use the pronoun "I", as is customary in personal correspondence, but here the emphasis on another pronoun - "you" is appropriate. If a business message is written without errors, printed neatly, the text is placed in accordance with all the rules and existing requirements, and therefore it is read not only easily, but also with pleasure, the correspondence will certainly continue. Although even today it is very often necessary to decipher whimsically twisted phrases, looking for the subject and predicate in order to get to the bottom of the meaning inherent in them. The rules of business writing are changing very quickly now. What a good tone it was to write by hand. Then one could be sure that the message was not a carbon copy. How much personality could be seen in this message, and respect was always added to the relationship between the addressee and the author. It is a pity that this custom is completely outdated, and almost all letters have now become electronic.

Modern rules

A business letter, a sample of which will be presented below, represents the correspondence of a modern civilized act. Today, there are no less diverse rules that must be observed. Although, compared with the official language that existed in the country fifty years ago, these rules seem more like nuances or special subtleties. First of all, as the rules of a business letter dictate, you need to use a greeting before the beginning of the text in a personal appeal to your addressee. Although corporations and any not-too-small organizations now have an ISQ format internal communication, where the answer follows the question, the question after the answer and in this quick correspondence, addressing by name each time is not necessary. However, the correct design of a business letter implies an individual focus, and therefore a personal appeal is necessary.

The subject of the letter in modern correspondence is usually placed in a separate field, and it must be filled in adequately, that is, according to the content. Correctly formulating the subject of the letter is half the success, since this is the first thing the addressee will see. The exact wording will help him tune in the right way and perceive the information received quickly and in full. And it is imperative to inform the addressee about receiving his answer - this is a good tone, a manifestation of respect for colleagues and partners, they did this a hundred and two hundred years ago, and even then they were in no hurry to live and knew exactly how to write a business letter. Today, you need to respond to a message quickly, in which e-mail helps - communication takes place very quickly. If you can’t answer immediately, you still need to send a message about receiving a response, where you can specify the time of the next communication session.

time and place

It must be remembered that psychologically the response time limit in its critical value is forty-eight hours. This is the case if there is no auto-response function. When two days have passed, the addressee is already full of confidence that his letter has been ignored or, at best, lost. The rules of a business letter also contain this point: never delay an answer, because this is an indispensable loss of a client, and the partner will begin to worry and think about breaking off all sorts of relationships. In any case, this is a gross violation of the ethics of business correspondence. If you need to send the same information, you can simply expand the mailing list. Placing all addresses in one "to" field greatly reduces the delivery time, and transparency in partnerships is maintained: everyone who receives the letter sees the generated list.

A great message to continue partnerships is the polite phrase "thank you in advance." How it is written in a business letter and in what part it is placed - everyone decides for himself. Of course, the addressee should see it after having already learned the information and prompting to action. At the end of the letter, before the contact block is the best place for this phrase. By the way, about contact information: it should be in every letter, not only in the first. Phones of the author, position and everything else cannot be forced to search. The design of a business letter does not depend on the duration of the correspondence. Rules must always be followed. And in order not to guess whether the addressee received the letter, there is a request function. Only in this case, you can be sure that it has been read. The history of correspondence must be saved, you cannot write a reply with a new message. However, when forwarding the entire communication feed to resolve a particular issue, it is necessary to remember not only about subordination, but also about confidentiality. If the correspondence contains personal information, it must be deleted before being read by third parties.

In both business and friendly correspondence, it is important to know how to finish a letter in English. If you want to present yourself as an educated person, then you should not neglect the established rules of correspondence.

Please note: farewell in a letter written in English is put on a new line after the letter itself.

Business letter ending

When you use the following expressions, you mean "sincerely yours":

  • sincerely
  • Sincerely yours
  • Most sincerely
  • Yours faithfully
  • Yours truly

Gratitude (for the attention paid to reading the letter) can be expressed using the standard Thank you or Thank you for your consideration (thanks for considering this issue).

business letter example

A letter to a friend

It is difficult to draw a clear line between the formal and informal end of the letter, because people who are in a work correspondence can have friendly relations and put a “warmer” farewell at the end of the letter.

At the end of the letter, you can hint at the next conversation or meeting. The presence of the personal pronoun "I" already indicates a more personal form of address.
Here are some phrases with the expression to look forward (expect):

  • I am looking forward to meeting you
  • I am looking forward to hearing from you

Analogues of the Russian "with respect" will be the expression:

  • Regards
  • kind regards;
  • Best regards
  • Respectfully

And a more cordial expression of Cordially. The phrase "best wishes" can be displayed using Best wishes. The following are examples of goodbyes at the end of a letter that you can write to a loved one:

  • Cheers
  • Warmly
  • Always
  • Later
  • Till next time
  • take care
  • Write soon
  • kisses

Very personal expressions for saying goodbye to a loved one in a letter can be:

  • Affectionately yours
  • Yours forever
  • Passionately yours
  • your darling
  • Longing to see you

Tip: not everyone knows how to sign a letter in English correctly - leave a comma after parting, and then write your name on a new line, while you can indent a few lines.

Phrases for ending an informal letter

Letter examples

Look at examples of letter excerpts with different farewell options, pay attention to the style of writing and the corresponding farewell.

  • Please let me know if you have any comments on the video I sent you. During the next few weeks we will be adding new videos to the website. I would really like to know what you think of them.

    Sincerely yours,

    (Please let me know if you have any comments on the video I sent you. We will be adding more videos to the site over the next few weeks. I would love to know what you think of them.)

  • I was waiting for your reply since Monday but obviously you have a lot on your plate right now. Anyway, I`m going to visit you next week and we will have a chance to chat.

    (I've been waiting for your reply since Monday, but obviously you're very busy right now. Anyway, I'm going to visit you next week and we'll have a chance to chat.)

  • I will be grateful if you would send me the price-list on your new products. Please specify the terms of the delivery and the possible discount. Thank you in advance.

    Faithfully yours,

    Dylan Park.

    (I would be grateful if you could send me a price list for your new products. Please indicate the delivery time and possible discount. Thanks in advance.)

  • If you require any further information I will be happy to provide it. Do not hesitate to contact me and clarify any details.

    most sincerely,

    James Barton.

    (If you need more information, I'll be happy to provide it. Feel free to contact me for any details.)

  • Mike, I'm still waiting for the pictures you promised to send me last month. Oh, by the way, my sister says "Hi".

    (Mike, I'm still waiting for the photo you promised to send last month. Oh, by the way, my sister says hi.)

Words and expressions

It's time to improve your vocabulary. Read and memorize the following expressions:

  • To let know - inform;
  • To send - send;
  • To think of smth. - to think about something;
  • Obviously - obviously;
  • To have a lot on plate - have a lot of things to do;
  • To specify - indicate, determine;
  • Discount - discount;
  • In advance - in advance;
  • To require - require;
  • To provide - provide;
  • Delivery - delivery;
  • Possible - possible;
  • To clarify - clarify;
  • To hesitate - hesitate, be shy;
  • To promise - promise.

Remember that it is up to you whether the end of the letter in English will simply serve as its actual completion or have additional meaning, so it is so important to choose the words at the end correctly and carefully to leave the reader with the impression you need.

By the way, in the last sentence, it will never be superfluous to thank the reader for their attention, and if this is a person close to you, then finish the letter with warm and friendly words, reminding him of how much you miss him and how glad you will be to receive an answer. Here are some more tips for writing letters:

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