How to draw a diagram. Drawing Basics in Microsoft Word

Hello dear readers. Today I will tell you about the tool for drawing diagrams in Word - SmartArt. If you describe in the text some business processes, structures, cycles, etc. — it is extremely important to supplement them with an appropriate scheme. Your readers will be grateful for this, because they will be able to better understand the issue, and the diagram is easier to remember than the text.

Externally, SmartArt designs are similar to. More precisely, they consist of figures assembled and arranged into whole schematic complexes. In addition, the management of such schemes is automated, many "manual" works can be done without much difficulty. Here is an example of the "Water Cycle in Nature" diagram, which I made in less than a minute:

You like? To me, very much. I always enjoy using these tools in my work.

How to insert a SmartArt diagram in Word

To insert a similar scheme on a sheet - run on the ribbon Insert — Illustrations — SmartArt. And let's, for example, draw a sales funnel. For this we need an inverted pyramid. In the window that opens, we will study all the categories of schemes and find Pyramid. Choose in category inverted pyramid. In the right part of the window, a hint about the purpose of this scheme is displayed.

Now that the main block is on the sheet, let's customize its appearance and fill it with information.

Restructuring SmartArt

The desired pyramid appeared on our sheet, completely blue, consists of three blocks. If you don't know, or have forgotten, the sales funnel has not 3, but 5 steps: ignorance, awareness, interest, desire, purchase. So, let's deal with setting up the structure of objects, at the same time we will add two more steps to our funnel.

Click on the diagram to select it. Two contextual tabs appear on the ribbon: Design and Format. Now we are interested in the first of them. Namely, the command block Create a drawing.

Have you noticed that the circuit consists of separate elements? If you click on an element, you can perform actions on it using commands on the ribbon. And our commands are:

These commands are more than enough to fully customize any structure presented in the Word gallery.
Now let's explore the design options.

Designing SmartArt Diagrams

Let's take another look at our funnel:

Does it also seem to you that it is somehow flat, monotonous? In short, none. Let's fix this. Here are the tools in our hands:

Although the layout can still be improved, I like it anyway, I prefer to add only a few effects, but so that they make the scheme "live". Let's now try to enter data into the funnel rows.

Populate a SmartArt Diagram with Data

To add text to the scheme, you can click directly on its elements (or labels next to the elements). After the cursor appears, enter text. But I suggest going the other way. Let's activate the tool Constructor - Text Area. In the window that opens with a list of fields, write down their signatures. Here's what happened:

I don't really like the result. Black text... And although Word tried to automatically fit the captions into the steps of the funnel, the last element is too narrow, the text goes beyond it. What to do? I suggest:

  1. Select the last item ("Purchase") and click on the ribbon Constructor - Add shape - Add shape after. We will add an empty triangle from below, and “Purchase” will rise one level higher and fit into its own line
  2. You can leave the empty triangle at the bottom, but I still want to remove it. Let's single it out. Let's find a team Format - shape fill, choose No Fill . Similarly, Format - Outline select No outline. The empty triangle is now invisible
  3. It remains to do something with black text. Select all levels of the funnel and execute on the ribbon Format - WordArt Styles. Let's choose a style Fill-White, Outline-Accent 1, Shadow.

Great, look where we started and what happened in the end:

I am sure that you now have a thousand more ideas on how to finish, finalize, redo everything so that everything is to your taste. I leave it to you to experiment. Make your own diagrams, apply different styles, layouts, WordArt, effects, and more. But my main advice is this: you do all this not for yourself, but for the one who will study your materials. When the scheme is ready - put yourself in the reader's shoes. Imagine that you are seeing the material for the first time. Is it well presented? Were you able to quickly and easily figure it out? If not, try to change something, experiment. Ask yourself questions and answer them. Only in this way you will get a great scheme!

And I will finish my article. Of course, I will answer your questions in the comments. By the way, do not miss it, it will be devoted to preparing the document for printing. Do not think that everything is simple in this matter and that one button on the quick access toolbar is enough. Better read and be sure that not a single square centimeter of paper is wasted. See you soon!

P.S. SmartArt is also available in other Microsoft Office products. For example, . As they say, I'll just leave this link here.

Flowchart in Word . A student or engineer often has to create different schemes from blocks with arrows and inscriptions. Someone has a special program for this, and some know how to create such diagrams in Word. If the blocks on the diagram must be connected by arrows or the diagram is supposed to be “built up” with new blocks, then instead of tables it is better to use the option of creating a diagram as a graphic object. Word's built-in drawing tools allow you to create an arbitrarily complex diagram. At the same time, the text content is located not in the main document, but in special graphic inserts - inscriptions.

Let's try to make such a scheme.

Block diagram inWord 2003

Click on the bar Drawing figure Rectangle. There should be such a frame (without inscriptions). In it, we will create our block diagram.


The Drawing toolbar is usually located at the bottom of the program window. If you do not have a drawing panel at the bottom, then go to the menu ViewToolbars, and check the box for Drawing.

Click the button AutoShapes on the panel Drawing, select a command block diagram, and then click the desired shape.

Then click in the frame box where you want to place this shape.

If it is not where you want it to be, then drag it with the mouse.

Select and arrange the rest of the shapes of your future diagram in the same way.

You can drag these shapes and resize them.

Now let's add labels to our shapes. To do this, on the toolbar Drawing and click on the icon Inscription.

Then we click on the shape in which we want to insert this inscription. A small frame will appear with a blinking cursor inside.

We write the name of our block. The text inside this field can be formatted like plain text in a document. The label box can also be dragged and resized. Labeled blocks can be copied and pasted into other blocks.

By default, the inscription is enclosed in a rectangular frame. If you want to impose an inscription on a figure of a different type, this frame should be deleted. To do this, right-click on the frame with the caption and select the Format Caption item from the context menu.

In the opened dialog box, open the tab Colors and lines. In line group Color. Choose an option no lines.


It's even easier to insert text in a different way. Right-click on the block in which you want to paste the text, and select the item from the drop-down menu. Add text.

For beauty, the figures can be painted in different colors. To do this, select the required shape with a mouse click and click on the Fill color icon on the Drawing panel and select the color you like in the palette that opens.

In the same way, blocks with inscriptions can be filled in so that they are not white, but colored or the same color as the block diagram.

Now let's add arrows to our scheme.

Arrows on the chart are drawn using the Arrow tool. Their properties can be changed in the same way as label properties. In this case, you can control the thickness of the arrow, the type of line, the shape of the end of the arrow, etc.

Clicking on the button AutoShapescurly arrows, and select the arrow. Then we go to the field of our flowchart and click with the mouse where we want to insert an arrow. You can fill it with any color.

Text editor Microsoft Word - a program that allows the user to solve many problems. In addition to its rich text processing capabilities, Word can offer you tools to create some graphic elements to make your document even better. Various flowcharts are a very popular means to show something more visually. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to make a diagram in Word and talk about all the aspects and nuances of this process. Let's figure it out. Go!

The text editor has many special tools

To create a flowchart, open the Insert tab. In the latest versions of Microsoft Word, a special tool called "SmartArt" is available. You can call it in the "Illustrations" section on the toolbar. You will see a window for selecting graphic elements. In it, you can choose the appropriate layout from the proposed options. If you need to add an additional cell, click the Add Shape button. You can fill cells and change their hierarchy in the Text Area window. Adding text is done by simply entering characters in the appropriate fields of the window.

After filling in all the cells, proceed to the next step. Open the "Format" tab. To resize your flowchart, click on the "Size" button on the right side of the toolbar. A small window will appear with two fields "Height" and "Width". Enter values ​​in the appropriate fields to bring the diagram to the desired size and proportions. You can resize both individual cells and several at the same time. To do this, select each of them by holding down the Shift key. The text from each block can be edited as you wish, using a variety of fonts, colors, WordArt styles, and more.

It is also possible to change the style of the entire scheme as a whole. To do this, go to the Design tab. In the SmartArt Styles section of the toolbar, choose from the options you like . Among them are with the addition of shadows, volume and 3D styles. In the same tab, the "Change color" button sets the desired color of the flowchart. The choice is big enough. There are options for coloring cells in different colors based on their hierarchy.

You can go back to choosing a layout again, but note that all settings and styles for fonts will be reset and will have to be set again. Also note that if you don't need to set the exact and precise dimensions of the blocks or the whole picture, you can do it in the usual way by dragging with the mouse.

In older versions of Microsoft Word that don't have SmartArt, the process of creating diagrams will be a little more laborious, or you can use this method if SmartArt layouts aren't to your liking. On the Insert tab, click the Shapes button. Select the shapes you need from the list that appears. In the same list, you will find various options for connecting lines, arrows, and other things that are useful for building a beautiful flowchart. By clicking on a cell with the right mouse button, you will call up a menu in which you can add text, change the color or change the style. By adding various effects, you will make the drawing more interesting and attractive to the reader, so do not neglect them.

Working in the Word text editor is unlikely to do without the use of all kinds of graphic objects: diagrams, tables, graphs. They are especially necessary when creating scientific papers, such as term papers, abstracts, and diplomas. That is why in our article we will tell you how to make a diagram in Word.

Scheme in Word: what is it?

The scheme is a graphical object, which can include any geometric shapes. In the schemes, there are both a circle and a rectangle, as well as simple straight lines. In this case, everything depends solely on the author's idea and the amount of information that needs to be reflected in the diagram. How to create any scheme - read below.

How to make a diagram in Word: using SmartArt

The user can add a scheme to a Word document using the SmartArt function. To get started, the user must go to the tab called "Insert", after - in the "Illustrations" section, click on the "SmartArt" button.

After that, the window shown in the figure above will appear on the screen. What should the user do next?

  1. In the window that appears, the user must choose a suitable picture for himself.
  2. After that, click on the section, in the example "Hierarchy", and select one of the proposed drawings. The preview area is located on the right side of the screen.
  3. Next, the user proceeds to the very placement of blocks. You can delete unnecessary objects and blocks by pressing the "Delete" button.
  4. But if you want to draw additional blocks, then the user must go to the “Working with SmartArt Drawings” - “Designer” tab, then to “Add Shape”, and then click on the “Add Shape Below” item.

After the user has completed all the above steps, he should type the text. To do this, select the required area of ​​the diagram, then on "Working with SmartArt drawings" - "Designer" click on the "Text area" button.

After all the manipulations done, a window should open on the screen, it will be located on the side. In it, the user needs to enter the text intended for each block in the scheme. When all windows are filled, the window must be closed. To do this, click on the cross.

After all of the above actions are successfully completed, the user can proceed to design the appearance of the constructed circuit. To do this, just select the scheme and go to the section "Working with SmartArt drawings" - "Designer". After that, in the section called “SmartArt Styles”, the user will be able to choose the style they like - more on this in the next section of the article.

How to make a diagram in Word: change the design

The functionality of the Word text editor allows you to change the appearance of the created scheme. To do this, go to the "Change colors" section of the scheme.

For each scheme, the user can change the fill color, outline or add some effect. You can apply changes to text as well. The user can also apply one of the available styles, add an effect, change the outline, etc.

If you do not like the selected view, you can change the style of the diagram in the corresponding group. To do this, the user must hover over the layout they like, this will allow you to look at how the diagram will eventually be presented. To select it, just click on it.

But in the section "Working with SmartArt drawings" - "Format" you can change the appearance of the shape or text available in the scheme. For example, for a shape, the user can change the color and thickness of the outline or apply the effect they like.

Make a diagram with shapes

In this section, we will talk about another way, allowing you to draw a diagram in a Word document. To get started, go to the Insert section, click on "Shapes" and select the desired shape: oval, square, rhombus or rectangle.

Next, draw a figure on the sheet, place it in the right place in the document. After that, the user should see that a new tab has appeared on the screen with the name "Drawing Tools" - "Format". On it, click on the "Shapes" item, select the one that you need.

Next, the user must connect the existing shapes with arrows or lines. To do this, select the shape so that a tab called "Drawing Tools" - "Format" appears on the screen. Click on "Shapes" and from the list that appears, click on a straight line. After connecting the blocks, the user can get something like this scheme, as shown in the figure below.

By the way, if you chose arrows to connect the blocks, you can also change their style. To do this, you need to select them one by one, and then go to the "Shape Outline" section, choosing the desired color, line thickness, etc.

In this article, we looked at several ways to make a diagram in Word. As you already understood, there is nothing complicated here - the main thing is to strictly follow the specified algorithm. Keep it up and you will definitely succeed!

MS Office Word 2007 and 2010 - extremely common in the user environment. But not all PC owners know how to draw in Word. Being quite versatile packages, applications are mainly used to create text documents. Sometimes slightly more advanced users insert pictures into them, but few people know that a picture in MS Word can be created without resorting to other editors. How to draw a picture in MS Word 2007 and 2010? After the first drawing lesson in a popular editor, you can become a good illustrator.

How to open the draw menu in MS Office Word?

Before you draw a picture in Word, you should open the "Insert" tab on the ribbon. It is easy to find, since the bookmark is located to the right of the "Home" button. Under the tab, the "Illustrations" menu opens, which can be used with, libraries, the Microsoft website, etc. However, to draw in Word, you need to open the "Shapes" tab. Under it is a whole set of drawing tools in Word, and at the end of the list is the New Canvas command. After executing the command, we get a field for work in the document, where we draw a variety of shapes offered in the context menu. There are lines and patterns of various configurations. How to create a canvas for work can be seen from the diagram (Fig. 1). You can adjust the dimensions of the canvas for images as you wish.

Draw diagrams and pictures with shape templates

If you still don’t quite understand how to make a line in Word, use ready-made templates that will help you create a diagram in Word or make a geometric drawing. To put them on the canvas, just click on the selected template with the left mouse button. The second time the left button is clicked on the image field. The resulting image can be edited, because after inserting it, the commands "Change Shape", "Shape Fill", "Outline" and "Shape Effects" appear. After opening the first of the listed menus, you can change the pattern configuration using the second and third tabs. You can image and its borders. In addition, you can edit the thickness of the outline, make it intermittent, etc. The fourth menu offers to decorate the picture with effects. With its help, we draw a shadow, give the geometric part of the plane translucency and even the appearance of three-dimensionality.

Drawing and editing lines

How to make a line in Word is of interest to everyone who wants to accompany a document not with a template, but with an original illustration. will help to draw even segments, vector lines, which will definitely come in handy when drawing up diagrams.

There are commands in the editor like "Pencil Drawing" or "Lasso" in Photoshop. How to draw them? Everything is very simple! Select the commands "Polyline" and "Scribble" from the menu, click on the selected one with the left mouse button and click again on the canvas. Without releasing the button, make the desired drawing. And with one more click on the mouse, the picture is fixed on the field. It, like templates, can be edited by filling it with different colors, creating effects, etc. And with the help of Shape Change, you will correct the image around the perimeter.

Now it has become clearer for you how to draw in MS Office Word. It must be said that a text editor cannot be considered a full-fledged drawing program, but with the help of the image creation function, you can significantly reduce the time when illustrating documents.

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