How the brothers from the 90s were buried. Alley of "heroes" at the Khovansky cemetery

Bandits, even after their death, are especially reverent. In cemeteries, they only get VIP seats: on the central alley or at the very entrance. Some monuments have special illumination, even in winter you will not see snow or ice on them, and in summer everything is filled with fresh flowers. There are graves of crime bosses at all prestigious Danilovsky, Old Armenian or Nikolo-Arkhangelsk. There are even special private cemeteries for the lads, such as the one located in Rakitki near Moscow. In the 90s, the bandits bought out entire plots of land, so that even after death the boys would remain together. Today we will go on a short tour of and "look" at the graves of crime bosses, photos of the monuments to the most famous bandits will be presented below.

The legendary personality of Moscow in the late 80s

Otari Kvantrishvili was considered the godfather of capital crime and at the same time a fighter for justice. In the beginning, he was just a card player. By the way, he was one of the close friends of Vyacheslav Ivankov, known as Yaponchik. In 1993, Otari created a party called "Athletes of Russia" and took part in the destruction of the government building (White House). He headed the Fund for Social Security of Athletes. Yashin. What else can be said about this is a well-deserved coach in Greco-Roman wrestling and a businessman.

In 1994, on April 5, he was shot by a sniper killer while leaving the Krasnopresnenskaya bath. The killer has not yet been found. None of the versions put forward by the investigation has been officially confirmed. There is an opinion that the famous Russian killer Alexander Solonik, aka Sasha the Great, was on the hook for the killer. On his account, dozens of murders, including crime bosses.

Head of the Ryazan criminal group

We walk further along the Vagankovsky churchyard. The prestigious cemetery today is considered closed, it is overcrowded. Only family burials are possible here. However, new graves of criminal authorities (bandits) still mysteriously appear on the churchyard. So, for example, it is not clear for what reasons the gravestone of Viktor Airapetov appeared here. Approaching the monument, I want to close my eyes. The heavy one is surrounded by a richly gilded fence. Some say that Airapetov himself came to admire the pompous grave. Not from the other world, of course, but from our ordinary life. According to the official version, the bandit is dead, but in fact (according to one of the versions), shortly before his staged death, he received Greek citizenship and a new surname, Aravidis.

Monuments to authorities

The graves of criminal authorities in the Armenian section are similar to the monument to Pushkin on Tverskaya Square. The tombstone of Vladimir Sergeevich Oganov is made in the form of an old chair on which a thoughtful bronze man sits. To his left is his brother, Rudolf. The entire space near the graves is filled with marble vases with roses, lilies and chrysanthemums. The Oganov brothers, also known as Vachigos Shestipaly and Rudik Bakinsky, were not just thieves, they occupied the highest places in the criminal hierarchy. That is what they had to pay for. In the last century, the Oganov brothers and Ded Hasan (Aslan Usoyan) unleashed a criminal war, which later became a war of mafia clans.

The most erudite "authority" of the late 80s

We move further along the cemetery, where we will see the graves of the criminal authorities of the Bauman criminal group. In the very center of the 28th section of the Vagankovsky cemetery there is a black monument, under which the leader of the lads, Bobon (Vladislav Abrekovich Vygorbin-Vanner), is buried. His bodyguard rests next to him.

Bobon was considered one of the most widely aware and powerful "authorities". His criminal gang intimidated half of Moscow. He, in turn, was the right hand of the bandit Globus (Valery Dlugach). Bobon's passion was cars, and he often drove his white Buick sports car without a driver's license, which he simply didn't have. The fact is that he served one of his terms in where he mastered English perfectly, but with a certificate of mental illness, he could not pass the commission and get a driver's license.

Due to a dispute that broke out in 1994 regarding a nightclub patronized by Globus and his group, Dlugach unexpectedly asked to increase his percentage of the share. For which he was shot by the "Kurgans", and Solonik decided to take all the blame for the murder. He later killed Bobon. The killers prepared in advance for the operation: holes were dug in advance in the concrete fence on the territory of the shooting gallery, located on the Volokolamsk highway. As soon as Bobon's car drove into the yard, they opened fire on it. Together with the criminal authority, his bodyguard also died. The daughter survived, who fell to the floor in time.

No place makes a man

At the Danilovsky cemetery, the graves of crime bosses are hidden from prying eyes. Once in the world of granite, the first thing you notice is Chograshy's family burial. On the marble steles are engraved: "Nono", "Kike" and "Dato".

In 2001, in the month of August, the 600th Mercedes burned down in Khimki, on which famous Armenian thieves in law, the Chogrash brothers, were moving. The car was moving towards Sheremetyevo, but suddenly caught fire along the way. The cause of the fire was an explosion. Brothers Dato and Nono died in the hospital from severe burns. Presumably, the attempt is connected with the division of the thieves' common fund.

The deceased crime bosses roll to their last resting place in bronze and lacquer. Their coffins can be considered a real work of art: they are made of mahogany, equipped with bronze handles, have lighting, air conditioning and even a built-in stereo music system, some are decorated with paintings by famous artists. Two-lid coffins equipped with an elevator have gained particular popularity. The cost of such a "dwelling" is not less than 10 thousand dollars. Places under the graves of criminal authorities in Moscow cost 50-200 thousand rubles.

New attraction of the Vagankovsky cemetery

In 2009, the entire criminal world saw off Ivankov (Yaponchik) on his last journey. His grave is located in one of the most famous cemeteries of the capital - Vagankovsky. Such outstanding personalities as the poet Yesenin, the actor Mironov, the athlete Yashin and the artist Surikov are buried here. In a word, mere mortals cannot get here. But the lads of Ivankov found the grave of his mother in the depths, so the city authorities gave permission for the burial of authority. Hundreds of bandits attended the funeral.

In any city in Russia, the graves of criminal authorities stand out noticeably against the background of old, sometimes rusty monuments.

The Khovanskoye cemetery is located near Moscow and adjoins the remote metropolitan area Solntsev, which until recently was considered a suburb of Moscow. The Khovansky cemetery is the largest cemetery in Europe, but it is not difficult to find the alley where the leaders of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group are buried. It is located in a new section of the cemetery. The fact that the “godfathers” of the criminal south of Moscow are buried here, in my opinion, transparently hints at a close connection with the famous Solntsevo “brothers”, at their common criminal roots. Indeed, sometimes the relationships of individuals are so intertwined that it is difficult to understand which of them is "Orekhov" and which is "Solntsevo". It is curious that in almost all the graves, the front sides of the tombstones and busts are turned with their backs to the pedestrian alley, thereby emphasizing the shady, criminal way of life of the deceased. It remains to be added that all other "Orekhovites" are buried at the Vvedensky, Danilovsky, Kotlyakovsky and Shcherbinsky cemeteries.

Anticipating your appropriate sarcastic grins about pompous monuments on the churchyard, Orthodox symbols, I want to remind you that for many decades on Red Square in his Mausoleum lies a man who managed to ruin and destroy, for example, hard-working peasants in the name of utopian ideals and personal ambitions. As a gift from grateful descendants, the author of the cry "Take away and divide!" received a permanent residence permit at the foot of the Kremlin, and the untimely peace of his homies, densely packed in the Kremlin wall, is guarded day and night by sentries. It seems that almost no one cares: they are already used to it. What happens, dear comrades? He killed ten people - a bandit and a murderer, but killed millions - a great leader and teacher?

As an addition to the video, in which Valery Karyshev somehow explains who is who in the Orekhov mafia:

Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev (1955-1994), nicknamed Sylvester, does not need a special introduction. As a matter of fact, this entire site is devoted to his activities.

Grigory Evgenievich Gusyatinsky (1959-1995) - founder of the Medvedkovskaya organized crime group. In the early nineties, during the life of Sylvester, the group did not play a very independent role, but was a kind of North Moscow branch of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group. Gusyatinsky was involved in all sorts of delicate cases, such as organizing the high-profile murder of Otari Kvantrishvili. When Sylvester was blown up in September 1994, Gusyatinsky again led the Medvedkov group, but not for long. In January 1995, in Kyiv, Grisha was shot dead by his subordinate - a hired killer Alexei Sherstobitov, nicknamed Lesha Soldier, the direct executor of the order for Kvantrishvili. Apparently, Sherstobitov was afraid that he knew too much about the biography of the Sylvester feeder and therefore decided to fix the problem. Speaking about the personality of Gusyatinsky, for some reason the words of the same Lesha Soldat are recalled about how Gusyatinsky ordered his subordinates to be killed for the slightest mistake. So, for example, he ordered one to be killed for a champagne cork that got into him, and the other for refusing to carry his wife's bag. Since it is customary to say good or nothing about the dead, we will keep silent.

Stella on the graves of a prominent member of the group, Alexander Garishin, nicknamed Sasha Ryzhiy (he did not like his other nickname - Screw - he did not like), who was part of Sylvester's inner circle from the moment he was released from Tver correctional colony No. 1 (in the jargon "weave"), and his younger comrade Vladimir Baklanov (1968-1996) nicknamed Cucumber.

Sergei Taraskin (1951-1992), wrestling coach of the Kuntsevo sports school, a kind of debutant on the alley of "heroes", occupied a prominent place in the brigade of Sergei Kruglov, nicknamed Serezha Boroda, who in turn was a personal friend of Sylvester. It is known that the latter in the seventies was engaged in karate in that sports school, and therefore he probably knew Taraskin. Other signs testify to this: Timofeev's grave is adjacent to Taraskin's grave, and those who buried Sylvester - and he was the third in a row in the alley - for some reason placed authority right next to Taraskin, and not somewhere else.

Sergey Taraskin died in the famous massacre in Butovo on May 6, 1992, when several Moscow and Moscow groups agreed to dismantle at once: on the one hand, the Balashikha group (leader German Starostin, born in 1963, nicknamed Hera), on the other hand, the Podolsk group ( leader Sergei Lalakin, born in 1955, nicknamed Luchok), Chekhov (leader Nikolai Pavlinov, born in 1957, nicknamed Pavlin), as well as three Moscow groups - Anton, Petrik and Serezha Beards.

From operational information: “The funeral of Taraskin took place at the Khovansky cemetery. All members of the Beard group gathered. The participants in the gathering were armed with short-barreled machine guns. The militants who were on duty at the entrances reported on the radio about the appearance of strangers. Thieves in law and authorities arrived at the cemetery. They recommended to stop the bloodshed and decide peacefully. The meeting participants agreed, but Starostin, the leader of the Balashikhas, and his closest connection, Sukhoi, as well as the Lyubertsy leaders Sam and Mani who supported them, were sentenced to death. Serezha Boroda took over the execution of the action.

The name of Taraskin is still well known among professional athletes. On December 12-14, 2014, in the Sports Complex of the Olympic Village - 80 in Moscow, an open All-Russian tournament in Greco-Roman wrestling was held, dedicated to the memory of the master of sports of the USSR Sergey Taraskin.

Sergei Vladimirovich Kotov, nicknamed Kot, was among the authoritative people of the Orekhov group, he personally knew Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev. Andrei Viktorovich Mikhailov, nicknamed Fantik, was a member of the brigade from 1993 to 1996, and when the latter was killed, he began working with the Cat.

On March 1, 1997, Kotov and Mikhailov went to a regular meeting, apparently with someone they knew well and, leaving their wives in a restaurant, expected to return in an hour, but disappeared. Approximately five days later, the car in which they left (an armored Mercedes 140) was found in one of the parking lots with broken bulletproof glass. The guys were found a week later in the forest, it seems, on the fortieth kilometer of the Kyiv highway ...

Alexander Loginov, nicknamed Bull (1977-2001), was seen in the company of Igor Smirnov (Bear), and it seems that he was somehow involved in, since he was buried nearby. Bulya was not taken by a bullet, but by drugs. At the beginning of the 2000s, the shooting in Orekhovo-Borisovo generally subsided.

Nikolai Pavlovich Vetoshkin (1961-1998) was a member of Sylvester's inner circle, but was attracted by him mainly for "dirty" work. They met back in the eighties, when Vetoshkin worked as a loader in an Orekhov store and had the opportunity to get alcohol during Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign.

After the assassination of the chief, a real war broke out in the south of Moscow; the once close-knit group began to break up into separate brigades, one of which was headed by Vetoshkin. When they shot the district authority Dvoechnik, in 1996-1998. Vetoshkin actually became the main bandit of the southern outskirts of Moscow. Since Nikolai Palych often resorted to the traditional means of resolving disputes, namely shooting, by the end of the decade he managed to make a lot of enemies. Extraordinary precautions and an armored Mercedes did not save him from the natural end - execution from a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Vladislav Albertovich Gorpishchenko, nicknamed Garp (1965-1994). Nikolai Modestov: “... One of the promising fighters, Garpishchenko (nicknamed Garp), was found dead near his own apartment. The killer fired the only headshot from the PM...” Garp was killed while Sylvester was still alive, in August 1994, and he became the second in the alley after Taraskin.

Sergei Nikolaevich Volodin (1969-1996), nicknamed the Dragon, was killed under circumstances unknown to me. According to one version, the “Kurgans” dealt with him for the debts of Sergei Ivanovich. It is possible that Alexander Solonik was the killer.

Sergei Dmitrievich Ananievsky (1962-1996), nicknamed Kultik, Honored Trainer of Russia in powerlifting (power triathlon), champion of the USSR in 1991, the first president of the Powerlifting Federation in Russia and concurrently ... Orekhov's authority.

Ananievsky is more often mentioned as the mastermind behind the assassination of Otari Kvantrishvili. He was shot during a showdown for power that followed the explosion of Sylvester, in early March 1996, near the US Embassy on Novinsky Boulevard. According to one version, the murder was committed by "Kurgan".

The graves of Volodin and Ananyevsky are united, which speaks of the joint affairs of the deceased and, possibly, friendship.

A common story for the 1990s: the parents of the "brothers" outlived their children, sometimes for decades.

In the cemeteries of our vast country, you can find unusual tombstones with images of respectable men. Expensive suits, leather jackets, tattoos and gold chains - all this flaunts on the monuments belonging to the criminal authorities of the dashing 90s and their entourage.

See how the monuments of Ded Khasan, Yaponchik and other pretentious graves of famous participants in gang warfare of the past look in our material.

Grandfather Hassan was called the main mafioso of Russia, who knows no mercy and is behind all the thieves' wars. His real name is Aslan Usoyan, his date of birth is February 28, 1937. Aslan committed his first crime as a child, and by the age of 16 he firmly decided that he would become a “professional” pickpocket.

Young Aslan Usoyan in the top row in the middle

At the age of 18, the future crime boss received his first term - a year and a half in prison. After that, more than once he ended up in prison and once was "crowned". Having become a thief in law, Ded Hasan gained power over the shadow business in almost all Russian regions. He belonged to the "old school" thieves, repeatedly acted as a "referee" in the showdown of large gangs.

In 2013, Ded Hasan was shot dead by a sniper. The grave of the crime boss is located at the very entrance to the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. She looks pretty pompous.

Grave of thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan)

However, his grave is inferior in decoration and chic to the creation that the son of Bori ordered "Soda" for his late father.

The grave of Boris "Soda" Chubarov

And although he did not die as “heroically” as Ded Khasan (the cause of Boris Chubarov’s death was cirrhosis of the liver), a real work of art was built for his grave. It flaunts a monument to the deceased himself and a Mercedes car - all in full size.

It is noteworthy that the numbers on the car carry a certain hidden meaning, which is known only to the deceased and the customer of the project - his son. The thing is that the letter "F" is not used in Russian numbers. Unless it's an unfortunate mistake by the sculptor...

Grave of Ivankov Vyacheslav Kirillovich ("Jap")

Speaking of mistakes, the grave of the famous "Jap" - Ivankov Vyacheslav Kirillovich is shown above. And for some reason, when creating it, they were in such a hurry that they missed one letter in the surname, writing instead of "Ivankov".

Ivankov was one of the main Russian thieves in law and the head of a criminal clan in Moscow. On July 28, 2009, there was an assassination attempt on him. On October 9, "Yaponchik" died in the hospital from peritonitis that had developed in him.

Grave of Lev Genkin "Tits"

And this is the grave of Genkin Lev Leontyevich or, as he was called in gangster circles, Lyova "Tits". Lyova went to every business with his daddy under his arm ... Why? Thus, he tried to create the impression of an intelligent business person and, when caught by operatives, claimed that he was an employee of the Jewish embassy.

Grave of Nikolai Tutberidze ("Matsi")

This unusual white tombstone with a monument of a person sitting on it is located on the grave of Nikolai Tutberidze, better known as Matsi. He passed away in 2003 from cancer. This disease does not spare anyone, be it a simple worker or a criminal authority.

Portrait of Malkhaz Minadze on the tombstone of his grave

On the gravestone of Malkhaz Minadze, the thief in law and his wife are depicted, who, by the way, is alive and well ... A very unusual artistic decision.

And here are a few more graves that stand out noticeably from others in the cemetery.

Internet users express their outrage at the honors with which criminals are buried:

“Historians of the distant future will dig up these statues and tombstones and will study, compare with even more ancient antique statues. There were gods, philosophers, emperors .. And in our era - thieves in law. Disgrace!

This is exactly what the last refuges of criminal authorities who ruled the thieves' world in the dashing 90s look like. Despite all the indignation of Internet users, it is worth noting that the work of sculptors who carry out projects is surprising and deserves respect.

What do you think of these creations?

In addition to fat pieces of property, they hurried to stake out prestigious plots in city cemeteries. For all their coolness, the brothers understood that a person is mortal, and today you are the king of life, and tomorrow you are a corpse. After all, they killed often and regularly in those days. So whole blocks of "authoritative" graves appeared in city cemeteries. Until the 90s of the last century, the funeral of a thief in law differed from the usual except for the number of people who came to honor his memory. Otherwise, everything is like everyone else: a standard coffin, wreaths, a grave, a metal monument or, at best, marble. But when the ball began to rule the country, everything changed.

In the early 90s, not even thieves, but "authoritative" entrepreneurs and "athletes" set the criminal tone. These could include the Kvantrishvili brothers - and. The eldest, Amiran, in his youth, made friends with gamblers, became a katal. The younger one was engaged in wrestling, but following the example of his older brother, he also became involved in crime. In the 80s, despite the absence of the title "", the Kvantrishvili brothers had the same weight at meetings as the generals of the criminal world. And in the early 90s they were already dollar millionaires, communicating on an equal footing with major officials.

Vagankovsky cemetery - authorities

But it was this power that caused their death. On August 6, 1993, Amiran Kvantrishvili, along with thief in law Fedya Besheny, was shot dead in an office on Dimitrova Street in Moscow. A year later, the killer, now known to everyone, near the Krasnopresnensky baths, cut short the life of his brother, the chairman of the Lev Yashin Athletes' Fund, Otari. Then even Russian President Boris Yeltsin sent condolences to the family of the deceased. It is not surprising that Otari's funeral was held with a huge gathering of people.

People such as Iosif Kobzon, Archil Gomiashvili, Ivan Yarygin and others came to honor his memory. The brothers were buried at the prestigious Vagankovsky cemetery, which has long been closed for burials. Their grave at the main entrance has long been a landmark of the churchyard. A huge angel with a mournful face stretches his hands to two granite tablets, on which the names of the brothers are inscribed. For the uninformed, it is worth noting that the monument is not just a hack by an unknown master, but a work belonging to the chisel of the famous sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. Among his works is a monument to Cyril and Methodius, Marshal Zhukov, Ivan Bunin, Dmitry Donskoy and other celebrities.

The Vagankovsky churchyard became the last refuge for the authority - the head of the most powerful organized criminal group in Ryazan in the 90s, Viktor Airapetov. On November 19, 1995, on Rublevsky Highway, Airapetov's car was stopped by fake riot police and the mafiosi were taken away in an unknown direction.

Later, his charred corpse was identified by his wife. Although experts insist that it was staged, a black granite obelisk with a massive fence claims that this is where the leader of the criminal Ryazan is buried. However, there are rumors that already in the 2000s Vitya came here in person and even laid flowers at his monument.

Khovanskoye cemetery - authorities

Another pillar of organized crime in the 90s can be considered the founder of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group, nicknamed Sylvester. Officially, he died on September 13, 1994 as a result of the explosion of a mercedes benz 600SEC from a radio-controlled land mine. Sylvester was buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery, traditional for the Orekhovskaya family, in Moscow. His black marble monument is made in the form of a huge bas-relief of the crucified Christ. Above is a photo of Timofeev and an Orthodox cross.

The grave of Timofeev Sergei - Sylvester

On the reverse side - the image of the Virgin, and below the epitaph: "Hurry up to admire a person, because you will miss the joy ...". Compared to the monuments of deceased colleagues, Sylvester's gravestone is rather modest. It is possible that the grave contains the remains of another person, who was burned almost to the ground in the explosion. After all, no one conducted a DNA examination in those years.

There, on Khovansky, is the grave of the right hand of Sylvester, the founder - Grigory Gusyatinsky. Once a KGB officer, he became one of the prominent authorities in Moscow and did not disdain the bloodiest work. In January 1995, in Kyiv, Gusyatinsky was liquidated by the same Aleksey Sherstobitov, better known in criminal circles under the nickname Lesha the Soldier. The obelisk of Gusyatinsky is a black marble stele on which the sculptor carved the face of the deceased. A woman's hand is also visible there, reaching out to a face bowed in mourning.

In addition to Timofev and Gusyatinsky, on the "alley of heroes" of the Khovansky cemetery there are several dozen more brothers from the "Orekhovskaya" and allied groups with them. Their graves are easy to distinguish by black marble, pathos inscriptions and photos of the deceased.

In addition to the lads from the 90s, the last pillar of crime, thief in law No. 1 Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed, was buried on Khovansky. He managed to build the most extensive criminal empire. But not all thieves recognized the leader of Hassan. On January 16, 2013, another assassination attempt was made on him, which ended in the death of the authority. Relatives wanted to bury Usoyan in Tbilisi, but the Georgian authorities refused to accept the plane with his body. As a result, the crime boss was buried on Khovansky.

A permanent monument to authority appeared on the grave only a year and a half after the funeral. It consists of two black marble steles with epitaphs and years of life, between which stands a sculpture of Usoyan. The monument was made by the talented sculptor Aram Grigoryan, who created monuments to the first Siberian cartographer Remizov and academician Marchuk.

The monument to another cult thief turned out to be no less pretentious -. Dashing 90s Ivankov missed, roaming. But when he returned to his homeland in 2005, he began to actively intervene in the course of thieves' processes. Speaking on the side of Aslan Usoyan, Yaponchik still remained an independent and strong figure. Therefore, he did not suit many. As a result, on July 28, 2009, when leaving the restaurant, Ivankov was wounded by a sniper, and on October 9, 2009 he died.

The authority was buried with a huge gathering of people at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Despite the fact that times were already different, Ivankov's mother was buried in the cemetery and he had the right to be buried near her. The monument to the deceased also appeared on the grave not immediately. Nevertheless, he makes passers-by draw attention to themselves. Against the background of a three-meter block with a cross, an intelligent-looking man sits and looks into the distance. Local old-timers take people to the thief's grave for a small fee. Often provincial mafiosi come here. There are always fresh flowers in a vase on the stove, and they like to leave a glass of vodka in Ivankov's hand. Others put a banknote under his leg. They say good luck.

Bandit cemetery in Yekaterinburg

It is worth noting that the province is not inferior to the capital in the pomposity of thieves and bandits obelisks. In Yekaterinburg - the capital of the Urals - in the 90s, many authoritative people laid down their lives. Founders are the main ones.

Left monuments: Grigory Tsyganov, Sergei Ivannikov, Alexander Khabarov

All three authorities are buried side by side, on the central alley of the churchyard. Their monuments are made in the style of busts of party leaders buried near the Kremlin wall. The people called this place "three heads", although today's youth no longer know who these people are.

Banykinskoye cemetery - bandits

Another famous bandit graveyard is the Banykinskoye cemetery in Tolyatti. In the mid-90s, a real one unfolded in the autocity. Dozens of bandits died here a day, and the cemetery gates were almost never closed. They buried the lads depending on the rank. So, the central alley of the churchyard is occupied by the graves of the leaders and foremen of numerous organized crime groups: the Bukreev brothers.

The Banykinskoye cemetery strikes not so much with the pathos of the obelisks as with the mass character of the burials. By the way, among these fallen gangsters one can hardly find those who lived to see
thirty. At the moment, the authorities of Togliatti are thinking about organizing a tourist route to the Banykinskoye cemetery under the sign "Togliatti - Russian Chicago." However, similar burials can be found in the cemetery of any major city in Russia, because the dashing 90s left unhealed wounds on the body of the whole country.

At all prestigious cemeteries of the capital: Vagankovsky, Staroarmyansky, Danilovsky, Nikolo-Arkhangelsk - the best places are given for bandit alleys

Granite stelae, many-pood crosses, gilded fences, angels one and a half human height... Well-known sculptors worked on these monuments. Prophetic epitaphs from Dante and other classics were selected by distinguished writers. If you grieve and remember, then on a large scale! ..

To criminal authorities and after death a particularly reverent attitude. At cemeteries, they invariably get VIP seats: at the entrance, on the central alley. The monuments are illuminated, in winter the staff in any weather clears them with soft brushes from snow and ice, in summer they put fresh flowers. There are “fraternal” alleys in all prestigious cemeteries of the capital: Vagankovsky, Staroarmyansky, Danilovsky, Nikolo-Arkhangelsky ... There are even private “fraternal” cemeteries, like the one located in Rakitki near Moscow. In the early 90s, the lads bought entire plots in rural and urban graveyards. So that in the next world the boys were together.

Our special correspondents went on a raid on the prestigious graveyards of the capital, on the graves of “gentlemen of fortune”.

At the entrance to the Vagankovskoye cemetery there is a skyscraper stele, above it is a marble angel, spreading his arms with bronze wreaths over the tombstones. On two pairs of granite slabs, the following is engraved: Amiran Kvantrishvili. Otari Kvantrishvili.

Brothers - composers? - visitors are talking.

Prominent public figures! - the former cemetery worker, now a freelance guide to the world of the dead, Valera grins cynically.

The angel is on the grave of what a big one, not like the listish skinny seraphim (nearby is the grave of TV presenter Vladislav Listyev. - Auth.), - the guests of the graveyard pay tribute to the grave.

Still would! Valera agrees. - The famous sculptor Klykov worked on the monument to the Kvantrishvili brothers, the first of whom was shot dead by sworn friends in 1993, the second a year later.

The one that Zhukov sculpted on horseback? listeners are surprised.

Valera says that the landmark building, dedicated to the memory of the Kvantrishvili brothers, was created over several years. It cost the customer obviously not cheap.

Otari Kvantrishvili was a legendary figure in Moscow in the late 80s and early 90s. He was called the godfather of the capital's mafia and at the same time a fighter for justice. Otari started out as a card player. He was a close friend of Vyacheslav Ivankov (Jap). In the fall of 1993, he created the Athletes of Russia party and took part in the defeat of the White House. He was the head of the Lev Yashin Athletes' Social Security Fund, for which the Moscow RUOP had a grudge for a long time. Honored coach of Russia in Greco-Roman wrestling. Philanthropist and businessman...

On April 5, 1994, Otari was shot by a killer sniper at the exit from the Krasnopresnensky baths. The killer has not yet been found. The investigation put forward the most fantastic versions, none of which found official confirmation. They say that the killer had the famous Solonik, Sasha of Macedon, on the hook.

However, Otari received the “black mark” a year before his death. On August 6, 1993, his brother Amiran was killed in the office of a small business. He arrived at the office of the firm together with the thief Fedya Besheny (Fyodor Ishin). The mercenaries shot both of them.

We walk along the Vagankovsky cemetery further. The prestigious churchyard is now considered closed, it is overcrowded. Here it is possible to make burials only along the line of kinship, if space permits: “to settle” the deceased with the deceased grandmother, uncle, nephew. True, a hero, an honorary or other particularly distinguished citizen can be honored to lie in a famous cemetery. But this must be a special permission of the city administration.

How the grave of the head of the Ryazan criminal group Viktor Airapetov appeared on Vagankovo ​​is a doubly mystery.

Airapet or anyone else buried for him is not known for certain. The documents are most likely fictitious. Any good owner always has a couple or two unrecorded graves hidden away. Start digging - you won't prove anything. The cemetery archive burned down in October 1941, - Valera enlightens us.

When approaching the burial place of Viktor Airapetov, one wants to close one's eyes. A massive marble slab is framed by a fence with rich gilding. They say that Viktor Airapetov himself came more than once to admire his pompous grave. Not from the underworld, but from our vain life. Did the crime boss simply fake his own death?

In the early 90s of the last century, the master of sports in freestyle wrestling Viktor Airapetov created the most powerful underground military organization in Ryazan - the Airapetovskaya. At the international level, Yaponchik himself supported her. By 1993 Airapetov moved to Moscow. "Ayrapetovsky" were divided into brigades and numbered from 800 to 1500 members. But soon they had a serious obstacle - the “elephant” group. They shot the elite of the “Ayrapetovskie”. The gang leader himself managed to escape only by a miracle. And in Ryazan, a great criminal war began. And on November 19, 1995, at about three in the morning, the death of Viktor Airapetov was recorded. The abduction of the founder and leader of the group of the same name was attended by members of the special forces. People in masks put the guards face down, and the authority was taken away in an unknown direction. Two weeks later, an anonymous call was given the number of the tablet in the common burial ground. On the corpse removed from the ground, they found a Rolex watch and the famous bandit's belt with silver plates. The wife looked at the burnt corpse with a hole in the head and calmly said: “Yes, this is it.” Later, she and the mother of the “authority” left for permanent residence in Europe. Shortly before his disappearance, Airapetov received Greek citizenship and changed his surname to Aravidis. A few years later, Ryazan entrepreneurs accidentally met Vitya Ryazansky in Europe. But officially Airapetov is dead.

Take a look at ********* site, - Valera advises us. - There are monuments to thieves in law, similar to the monument to Pushkin on Tverskaya or Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square.

We go through the massive gate to the indicated churchyard. On the right hand, in an ancient armchair, a bronze man sits with a pensive look. Embossed on the pedestal: Vladimir Sergeevich Oganov. On the left perched a bronze Rudolf Sergeevich Oganov. The entire space near the graves of the brothers is lined with marble vases. Flowers - roses, lilies, chrysanthemums - that at the premiere at the Bolshoi Theater.

The Oganov brothers (Rudik Bakinsky and Vachigos Six-fingered) were not just well-known thieves. In the criminal hierarchy, they occupied one of the highest places. For which they paid. At the end of the last century, a criminal war broke out between the Oganovs and Aslan Usoyan (better known as Ded Khasan), which escalated into a war of mafia clans. Three times convicted 53-year-old Rudik was killed in February 1999 in a cafe on the Moscow Ring Road, after he accused Ded Hasan of embezzling money from the obshchak at a thieves' meeting. Grandfather Hassan was then “dethroned”. And Oganov, who had just returned from the south, received more than 40 bullets from the killers. The reason was the previous execution of thieves from the Khasan clan in Essentuki. After him, the influential Moscow “criminal general” Boris Apakia (Khropaty) gathered the mafiosi who supported Usoyan, and they pronounced a final verdict on Oganov. After some time, the same fate befell Vladimir Oganov.

We go in search of the grave of another crime boss - Peso Kuchuloria. We are stopped by an experienced gravedigger Sergey Ivanovich:

Don't seek, you won't find. I dug Peso's grave myself. At that time, the gopstopniks each paid us 200 rubles. Only a week later a scandal erupted. Peso's grave was at the burial site of an Afghan warrior. Relatives of the latter raised a fuss. The peso was dug up and taken to the Domodedovo cemetery.

Officially, Valerian Kuchuloria, nicknamed Peso, went missing in 1993. He was one of the close friends of the same Otari Kvantrishvili.

Knowing that many members of the once powerful Bauman criminal group are lying on the 28th Vagankov precinct, we are looking for a black marble monument in the very center of the precinct, under which their leader, Bobon, rests. The grave, again, is a steam room. Next to Bobon (“in the world” - Vladislav Abrekovich Vygorbin-Vanner) lies his bodyguard. Bright yellow apples are laid out in a pyramid on the stove: someone close came here for the Apple Savior.

Bobon was one of the most erudite and powerful "authorities" of the late 80s. His Bauman group kept half of Moscow at bay. Bobon, aka Vladislav Vygorbin, was considered the right hand of the Globe thief. Bobon was very fond of cars and traveled around Moscow in a snow-white sports two-door Buick without a driver's license, as he spent one of his three terms in a psychiatric hospital, where he perfectly learned English, but received a certificate of mental illness and therefore passed a commission for obtaining automobile could no longer be right.

In 1994, a dispute broke out over a nightclub, the “roof” of which was made by Globus and his team. Globus unexpectedly demanded to increase its share. He was shot by the “Kurgans”, and Solonik took responsibility for the murder. Then Bobon was also killed by the same Solonik. He and his bodyguard were going to practice at the shooting range on the Volokolamsk highway. The killers dug holes in the concrete fence ahead of time. As soon as Bobon's Ford taxied into the yard, they opened fire on it. Both Bobon, and the bodyguard, and Bobon's dog were killed. And the daughter of the "authority" managed to fall to the floor between the seats of the car.

At the Danilovsky cemetery, VIP burials are hidden from prying eyes. Only twice - following the worker Grishan - having overcome the manholes in the fence, we find ourselves in a granite world.

There is entirely Karelian granite, the guarantee for which is more than a hundred years, - says our guide. - This stone is the most expensive. A crypt with a sliding slab and a tombstone costs 10,000 "green", engraving a portrait - another 4,500. And if a sculpture is to be sculpted with all the bells and whistles - curbs, steps - 300 thousand "greens" must be prepared.

Wandering among the “concrete monuments”, we find the family burial place of the Chograshy family. On the marble steles are engraved: “Nono”, “Dato”, “Kike”.

In August 2001, an armored Mercedes-600 burned down in Khimki, in which two well-known ********* thieves in law, Dato and Nono Chograshy, were driving. A Mercedes with a driver and two passengers was heading towards the capital from the Sheremetyevo airport. Suddenly, on the move, the Mercedes caught fire. The fire was caused by an explosion. The brothers died of burns in the hospital. It was assumed that the attempt was connected with the division of the thieves' common fund.

I remember how Nodar Chograshy was buried, Grisha continues. There were few people at the ceremony. There were about twenty thieves in law and "authorities", among them knowledgeable people identified Miho the Blind and Besik. I still remember that the grave was lined with bricks, and the coffin was filled with concrete. I then wondered: why? It turns out that in the homeland of the deceased - in Armenia - the dead are buried in the mountains, in carved niches.

Gravedigger Grisha smells not of vodka, but of expensive perfume. He is not wearing a greasy overall, but a pressed overalls. Taking care of the graves, by his own admission Grisha, he “rows” up to 50 thousand rubles a month with an official salary of 5 thousand.

When a heartbreaking funeral march sounds in the depths of the cemetery, Grisha winces:

Brass bands are now in bad taste. "Big people", for example, are buried under "live" music. Stars of the opera stage roll into the cemetery, pitiful arias from Italian operas are performed. And coffins are generally the visiting card of the deceased. It is in the outback that reusable dominoes - “shuttles” go in a circle. To deliver the deceased to the cemetery, a coffin decorated with ruffles and bows is rented to the poor for 200-300 rubles. Ours is different.

Deceased VIPs roll to their final resting place in lacquer and bronze. Elite coffins are a real work of coffin art: made of mahogany, equipped with antique bronze handles, illuminated, air-conditioned, built-in stereo music system, decorated with a reproduction of a painting by a famous artist. Particularly popular are the two-lid "senatorial" coffins, which, in addition, are equipped with a so-called elevator that raises or lowers the body. The cost of such a domino starts from 10 thousand "green" and rushes to infinity.

As the grave is covered with wreaths, they give a mourning salute - they release a rocket with black twinkling stars, - Grisha sums up.

Having phoned the administration of several metropolitan cemeteries, we were convinced that despite the “overcrowding”, there are no problems with organizing places for burials in cemeteries. Enough to pay. The price of the issue of “settlement” in closed cemeteries ranges from 50 to 200 thousand rubles.

Not far behind Moscow funeral and Peter. In August, at the Northern Cemetery, on the grave of the influential shadow “authority” Konstantin Yakovlev, better known as Kostya Mogila, a pompous utterly monumental monument worth 600 thousand “green” was erected. In the center is the figure of Kostya Mohyla himself, embracing an Orthodox cross with his arms. At the feet of the deceased is a snake that is about to bite him. From different sides, two half-meter angels look at Kostya Mogila: one folded his hands in prayer, the second pulls them to the “authority”. On black granite, the words are inscribed with gold: “I kiss those who betrayed me on the forehead, and not the one who betrayed me in the mouth.”

Inscriptions and epitaphs on the graves of "authorities" are a separate issue. In Tolyatti, on the monument to the head of the criminal community Dmitry Ruzlyaev - Dima Bolshoi - is succinctly carved: "Dima". On the tombstone of a difficult person, nicknamed Blue, friends wrote: “But nothing will sprout on the ashes of the soul, only time will mercilessly exact for those who will no longer come.” In Vladivostok, the grave of the thief in law Miho is decorated with a completely unambiguous inscription: “Goodness and justice sleep here.” But Bely's friends-comrades-in-arms outdid everyone: they decorated the stele in the form of a cell phone with the inscription: "The subscriber left the service area."

Monuments with the image of "brothers" with playing cards, the keys to the "Mercedes" in their hands - in the past. In recent years, monuments to "authorities" have been created with imagination. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod, at the Starozavodskoye cemetery, there is a unique tombstone for a man known in criminal circles named Zaron. Next to the statue of the deceased, a full-length stone swan “floats”, from whose eyes ... tears flow.

Majestic monuments cannot fail to attract the attention of collectors of non-ferrous metals. All sorts of bronze details are dragged from the graves: boards, ribbons, flowers. It happens that marauders break out and carry away entire busts for remelting. It is paradoxical, but, according to the assurances of the cemetery workers, there are never thefts from the burial places of thieves in law and "authorities". The thieves are afraid of the deceased "polozhenets" even after their death. The power of crime extends not only to earthly life? ..

The boys did not forget Kostya Grave
The most expensive tombstone worth $ 200,000 was installed in the Northern capital to an ordinary gravedigger from the Southern Cemetery in the past

The well-known St. Petersburg businessman Konstantin Yakovlev, better known in certain circles as Kostya Mogila, was shot dead on May 25, 2003 in Moscow. The car "Nissan Maxima", in which, in addition to Yakovlev, there were his bodyguard, driver and close friend, a killer passing by on a motorcycle riddled with a machine gun. The men died on the spot from their wounds, and the woman, who accidentally stooped a second before the shooting, was seriously injured, but survived.

The tragedy occurred during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Until the end of the celebrations, the authorities banned funerals in the city on the Neva. Therefore, the deceased waited 10 days for burial in the Moscow Lefortovo morgue. Only on June 3, Yakovlev's body was delivered to St. Petersburg.

Many years ago, Konstantin Yakovlev worked as a gravedigger at the Southern Cemetery. For incredible achievements in digging speed - digging a grave in 40 minutes - he got his nickname. It was assumed that the mortal body of Konstantin Yakovlev would be given to the graveyard where he began his career. However, they did not bury him at the Southern Cemetery, they chose the Northern Cemetery, where his relatives are buried.

They say that when a funeral procession of 50-60 foreign cars headed for the Northern Cemetery, accompanied by four traffic police cars and caught up with the famous "Crosses" on Arsenalnaya Embankment, the car convoy rang out lingering signals. And the prison answered with a dull echo of thousands of male voices, because they knew in advance when Kostya Mogila would be taken past the pre-trial detention center.

When Yakovlev was buried, before the monument was made, a huge oak Orthodox cross was erected on a freshly grown mound. A sea of ​​flowers and wreaths lay on the grave. On one of the wreaths was a mourning ribbon with the inscription: “Sleep well, Konstantin, we will never forget you! Boys."

And the monument to Konstantin Yakovlev was erected the most magnificent on the scale of the entire Northern capital. According to rumors, its cost is $ 200,000. In the center of the monument is the figure of Kosti Grave himself. The deceased embraces the Orthodox cross with his hands. But a snake crawled at his feet. She has already opened her mouth and is about to bite him. On black granite, the words are inscribed in gold: “I kiss those who betrayed me on the forehead, and not the one who betrayed me in the mouth.” The sculptural group also includes two half-meter angels that look at Kostya Grave from different angles. One folded his hands in prayer, the second, on the contrary, pulls them to authority.

* Prices for monuments to brothers start from $ 5-10 thousand.

* For a long time, in the criminal environment, there was a fashion for the image of the dead "comrades-in-arms" on black marble with the keys to the Mercedes and a cell phone in their hands.

* For the authority of Vasily Naumov, nicknamed Yakut, who was killed in South Korea, the Russian lads bought a coffin inlaid with gold, with an electronic refrigerator and an automatically opening lid worth $15,000.

* The grave of the Nizhny Novgorod criminal leader named Zaron is decorated with the figure of the deceased, standing next to a weeping stone swan.

* The alley of brothers at the Togliatti cemetery is opened by a monument to the head of the criminal group Dmitry Ruzlyaev - a huge marble slab with the inscription "Dima".

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