How it works: Children's Philharmonic. Concert of the Children's Philharmonic Subscription system for children and its advantages

One of the most important activities of the Children's Music School im. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanov is the development of the project "Children's Philharmonic". The idea of ​​the project arose in 2008 and was organized in the format of subscription concerts for schoolchildren on the basis of a music school. The essence of the project is to educate and familiarize schoolchildren with the great wealth of the world's musical heritage, through musical material accessible to children's perception, performed by schoolchildren, peers of the audience.

Today, this activity is being gradually reformatted. The scope of the audience is expanding to the maximum. Events organized by students of the music school are held in large and modern assembly halls of general education schools in Tagansky and other districts of Moscow. There is a real opportunity for the simultaneous presence of up to 500 students at the event. The structure of communication with schoolchildren is also changing. Musical and general education schools combine their efforts in the implementation of joint interactive projects, using modern multimedia tools, coordinating the subject matter with educational material that is relevant for general school students.

In the 2015/16 academic year, events were held dedicated to the anniversaries of S. Yesenin and P. I. Tchaikovsky, poetry and music of the Silver Age, as well as the music of composers of the last century. In the first half of the year, about 10 concerts were held, with an audience of more than 2,000 people aged 7 to 17 years.

Every year the number of sponsored secondary schools with which productive cooperation is carried out is expanding. In this row are the general education complex 498 of the school in Moscow, consisting of structural divisions No. 622, 467, 465, 498, the structural division "Proletarka" of the gymnasium No. 1274 named after. V. V. Mayakovsky, cadet corps of the Tagansky district.

Teachers and students of the music school try to be creative in the selection of repertoire, develop and improve its quality in order to interest and educate the school audience as much as possible.

  • Classical music in kindergarten
  • Project "Musical history of Taganka"
  • Anniversary of Children's Music School named after MM. Ippolitova-Ivanov in the museum space
  • Modern composers - for children
  • Children's Philharmonic
  • 95 years of Children's Music School named after MM. Ippolitova-Ivanova - congratulations on the anniversary
  • Collection "Touch to creativity"
  • Ippolitovtsy - Ippolitovtsy
  • Children's opera "Little Red Riding Hood" compositions by young Ippolitovtsy

Find out first

About the concert

On January 20, 2019, the Moscow Regional Philharmonic invites young guests and their parents to the Lyudmila Ryumina Folklore Center. There will be a daytime concert "Children's Philharmonic". The organizers of the event have prepared a musical and educational program for kids, which will not only entertain young viewers, but also supplement their knowledge of art.

Organizational details
The event will take place in the small hall of the center. To buy tickets for the concert "Children's Philharmonic" in Moscow, you need to choose a seat in the stalls of the hall and place an order. The program is recommended for children aged six and over. The performance will start at 14:00.

For guests of the Lyudmila Ryumina Center there is a cafeteria where you can have a bite to eat. The cloakroom is open for spectators. There are seating areas in the lobby. Unique photographs related to the history of the center, national stage costumes and other exhibits are also exhibited here.

about the project
"Children's Philharmonic" is one of the branches of activity of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. The project was organized with the aim of introducing children and youth to classical music, theater and other arts.

Within the framework of the project, several programs of different directions have been created: musical performances, educational concerts, interactive events, master classes, season tickets.

Various philharmonic groups take part in the programs: "Russian patterns", "Instrumental chapel", "Sadko". At the concerts of the project, you can see outstanding actors and musicians: Svetlana Stepchenko, Sergey Druzyak, Anastasia Zykova and other famous artists.

For several seasons, the audience was presented with children's musicals based on the works of Korney Chukovsky, fairy-tale performances based on Russian fairy tales and other programs.

Full description

Why Ponominalu?

The whole room is available

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Why Ponominalu?

Ponominalu sells tickets for the concert of the Children's Philharmonic under an agreement with the organizer. All ticket prices are official and do not differ from the prices at the box office.

The whole room is available

We are connected to the organizer's ticket database and offer all officially available concert tickets.

Don't delay your purchase

Ticket prices may increase closer to the date of the concert, and the most requested places may run out.

Site address: Filevsky Park metro station, Moscow, Bagrationovskaya metro station, Barclay st., 9

  • Filevsky Park
  • Bagrationovskaya

Folklore Center L. Ryumina

"Moscow Cultural Folklore Center of Lyudmila Ryumina" is a place where the Russian soul opens in all its glory. This place is unique and inimitable in its atmosphere, in the mood that reigns here. Everyone who appreciates, loves and wants to know and understand Russian culture as best as possible is simply obliged to visit here. The center regularly hosts unforgettable theatrical performances, which involve a variety of creative teams of the capital.

Through the efforts of the Folklore Center, the vocal and choreographic ensemble "Rusy" and the orchestra of folk instruments "Masters of Russia", performances and theatrical programs, creative evenings, festivals, competitions are created and held. The composition of the vocal and choreographic ensemble "Rusy" includes: vocal, choreographic groups and an orchestra of folk instruments, which together play theatrical performances on the stage. Festive events are often held here, in which every resident or guest of Moscow can become a participant.

The folklore center has a rich and developed infrastructure, there is everything for inspiration, rehearsals and performances. Both the audience and the performers themselves will appreciate both the large stage and the hall, equipped with the most modern high-quality light and sound. It is interesting that the center has its own studio complex, which is ideally equipped for comfortable and high-quality recording of sound tracks and entire performances. Two halls, Big and Small, for various events are designed for 518 seats and 123 seats. The doors of the folklore center are always open for cooperation with creative teams and artists.

The Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the leadership of Lyudmila Ryumina is located very conveniently, it is located near the city center at the address: Moscow, Bagrationovskaya metro station (2 minutes walk), st. Barclay, d. 9 (next to the shopping center "Gorbushkin Dvor").

Since April 2014, he has been giving musical concerts for listeners from 0 to 4 years old. The repertoire includes classical, jazz, folk, rock ballads, covers of romantic melodies, dance hits and songs from cartoons. There are professional musicians on the stage, from regional bands to world-famous stars. In the hall - pillows instead of chairs and complete freedom for the kids. We figured out what is the secret of the popularity of entertainment unusual for modern children.

The project started with a full house at a classical string quartet concert and less than a year later became the winner of the Kids-friendly Business Award 2014 (among other nominees are the Darwin Museum of Moscow and Sochi Park).

On the eve of the second birthday of the Children's Philharmonic, we met with its founder and leader Irina Stoletskaya to talk about goals, children, music and Samara leisure.

Irina Stoletskaya

founder and leader of the Children's Philharmonic Society

about the project

Our project is like oxygen in the spiritual life of the city, where the lion's share of children's leisure is built on the competitive principle of "who is brighter", on work with form, not content. In Samara, it is still fashionable to arrange birthday parties for children, one cooler than the other; photo shoots depicting love in families that cannot agree even in everyday trifles; it is fashionable to buy more and more "peppa pigs", drawing children into a consumer society and creating the same consumers out of them, who cannot give back and are not able to stop, because the saturation point is at infinity.

The only way to stop this race is to start enjoying life, doing what you like, not what is in trend; be, not seem to be. I see such families at our concerts - missing real, high-quality leisure for the soul.

The idea of ​​classical concerts for kids is not new, but if in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg or Novosibirsk they need to be recorded for a month, we still have performances that do not pay off.

About the approach

It is almost impossible to introduce children to live music in all its diversity at home or in a club. For this, there must be special conditions, a special repertoire, special musicians. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the perception and musical development of children. Therefore, we began the development of our project with serious consultations - with the neurophysiologist Tatyana Potekhina and the chairman Samara Orff Club Irina Korneeva. Their advice was taken into account when forming the concept, structure of concerts, choosing and decorating the premises, and acquiring props.

We started the development of the project with consultations with a neurophysiologist and an Orff teacher

During our concerts, children can move - at an early age they get to know the world and, in particular, music through movement. It is very important for us that parents do not feel embarrassed about the behavior of their children: they can freely approach the musicians, try to catch the bow from the cello, steal the maracas from the percussionist. We have a whole arsenal of remedies against whims, from musical instruments to treats.

We try to work with any listener, including families whose interests do not include music. Often, after visiting our concert, people change their attitude to the classics, bring friends; grandparents join the kids, realizing that this is one of the few places in the city where you can relax your soul together with your children.

The geography of our audience from the very beginning was extensive - people came and come to us from Novokuibyshevsk, from Krasnaya Glinka, Dry Samarka. For kids, such a long trip, of course, is a kind of test, but, on the other hand, it never occurs to anyone to complain that the circus, for example, was not built at the Mekhzavod.

About finance

The project has always been financed from the personal funds of its participants and sometimes survives solely thanks to our altruism. A ticket for mom and baby costs 1000 rubles, an additional ticket for a member of the same family - brother or dad - only 100 rubles. That is, on average, about 330 rubles per person is obtained - a quite competitive figure - people spend more in entertainment centers or cafes.

The visit costs 300 rubles per person. Entertainment centers spend much more

At the same time, chamber events. We are waiting for 15-20 families for concerts. More than twenty baby bees, buzzing and flying around the hall, is already discomfort for all participants. But even with a full record, usually 5-7 fewer families come: the kids may have a runny nose, tummy ache. We value our listeners and cancel concerts very rarely. In addition, we - the only ones in Samara - have a rule on the full transfer of the ticket price to any other concert in case of illness of the baby. We do this so that parents do not bring sick or undertreated children, but many who run a business in the children's area frankly do not understand us.

And finally, we still have subsidized concerts, which are possible at the expense of donors - everything is kept on this balance. In any case, this is not a business, but rather a social project.

About the repertoire

Every week we have different groups performing - now there are more than 20 of them. Mostly artists from the Samara Philharmonic Society and the Opera and Ballet Theater - string quartets, guitar and flute duets, and so on. There are groups that play rock and roll, waltzes, tangos and cartoon melodies. There are interactive concerts of Russian folk music, where the best folklorists of Samara not only sing, but also play with children, show performances, and lead round dances. We appreciate the opportunity to work with musicians who have been applauded by the whole world, with virtuosos, about whom it is clear that their work in Samara is temporary.

Many teams in our club already have fans from kids and parents who know the songs, are waiting for concerts and have replenished their arsenal of toys with their favorite musical instruments.

We do not focus on children's melodies - it is important for us to give children the opportunity to hear music in all its diversity

All our musicians are professionals. Many have decent experience working with children. They try to maintain a dialogue with the audience, select a repertoire to be on the wave with the audience. We do not focus on children's melodies - it is important for us to give children the opportunity to hear music in all its diversity. Melodies of the era of classicism and baroque give a sense of peace and harmony, dance music promotes musical and motor development, folklore awakens memory and introduces the child to folk culture.

Many of our folk concerts are subsidized, but we do not lose hope to convince parents that folk can be attractive and bewitching, like a band

Why buy subscriptions at all? Well, firstly, the rule "wholesale cheaper" works even in the Philharmonic. Compare the subscription price with regular tickets for the same concerts - you will notice. It's nice, especially if you love music (or want to love it) and dream that the closest person will share your passion with you. Or - about happiness! - if this has already happened, and the child cannot live without symphony concerts. In short, if you often go to listen to music, a subscription will save you from ruin.

Secondly, the subscription disciplines. With our pace of life, it's no secret that we are tempted to "breathe" and relax. Do not forget, keep track of when tickets appear at the box office, buy them quickly before they run out, and all in order to leave a cozy home on a legal day off in search of cultural entertainment ... Maybe not this time? There are still a lot of concerts ahead. Familiar, isn't it? In the finale, by an inexplicable coincidence, May comes, there are practically no concerts in the poster, and you didn’t get out this year. Subscription reduces the likelihood of such falling away from the culture. What to hide: paid! But even if you suddenly miss a concert, you won’t lose much money compared to the usual ticket price.

These arguments, however, work under one condition. Going to the Philharmonic should really bring joy to you and not torment your child. Otherwise - pay attention to the forum thread "Extra Ticket". It is there, among the sufferers, painfully attaching lost subscriptions and bitterly regretting the unwisely spent money, that you run the risk of finding yourself.

Where to begin?

There is no universal recipe here. When choosing, it is best to focus not on fashion, classmates or friends in the playground / kindergarten. Start with your child's passions. You can read descriptions of concerts and reviews about them, see what kind of orchestra plays, what they write about the performers. Or you can - and this is the most win-win option - buy a ticket for trial and go to a concert of a subscription you like. Buy it next season if you like it.

How to choose the right subscription?

The child is ready to listen to reading aloud even for days on end, and he practically does not care what they read to him? In this case, it seems preferable to start with programs that combine music and artistic expression. It can, of course, be any variant of the subscription "Tales with an Orchestra", which has been firmly holding the palm in popularity in recent years. Here, famous artists read aloud famous children's texts in dialogue with the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic.

Subscription №51А "Tales with an orchestra" season 2013-2014

Subscription №51 "Tales with an orchestra" season 2013-2014

Subscription № 52 "Tales with an orchestra. Favorites" season 2013-2014

Season ticket No. 52-A "Tales with an orchestra. Favorites" season 2013-2014

You can choose "There were also tales", aka "Funny Professor" to listen to the virtuoso reading of the beautiful Pavel Lyubimtsev.

All these concerts are held annually in the Tchaikovsky Hall (it is very beautiful there, and this is also important), and not only are subscriptions to them in great demand, but even individual tickets are not easy to buy.

But you don't need to get hung up! Try to choose a similar program, on a less "promoted" site. For example, for the smallest - any of the fabulous season tickets in the Chamber Hall, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, the Gnesinsky Concert Hall on Povarskaya, the "Orchestrion" or even. Not as grandiose as the Great Philharmonic Hall, these halls can be more comfortable for the little ones, and subscriptions there are cheaper. And the concerts here are great. Let's say "Tales for the little ones" in Gnesinka. Or, for example, Svetlana Vinogradova, who told fairy tales to us, parents, leads concerts at the Orchestra. It is better, however, to first make sure that these "Tales for All" will suit you. Especially if your choice is not based on childish nostalgia.

Programs combining music and words are prepared annually by the Philharmonic for older children. The list changes slightly from year to year, but the selection rule described above applies here as well. Try, for example, to be like "In the country of unlearned lessons" on Povarskaya. "Fabulous" subscriptions, here or in any other hall, are also often interesting for grown-up children - choose to your taste. Excellent music in virtuoso performance is almost guaranteed.

Some happy people love to learn - learn new things, listen to stories. The Philharmonic also has concerts aimed at such an audience of different ages. First of all, I remember, again from childhood, "Big Music for Little Ones", familiar to many parents, with the permanent host Natalia Panasyuk. Older children, "as well as their parents", will be interested in listening to the already mentioned Svetlana Vinogradova, the legendary Zhanna Dozortseva - she leads programs in the Tchaikovsky Hall ("Music, Painting, Life") and in the Great Hall of the Conservatory ("Across Countries and Continents"). The best performers and orchestras always play here. Prefer a more youthful style? Go to Artem Vargaftik and see how modern classical music is.

Now about the most important and the most target audience of any philharmonic concerts. About children who do not want to listen to any words, because words interfere with them. About those who want to hear only music. This is a gift, and age does not play a role here. If you notice that everything is exactly the same with your child, do not torment him. These halls are a unique place where he has such an opportunity. And he will still get words - well, at least in the theater. There are not too many children's subscriptions with a minimum of words, but they exist. Here again it makes sense, for example, to pay attention to the programs of Zhanna Dozortseva. While the child is still too small to withstand the introductory text, you can come to its end. And just listen to music. If you have not found a suitable subscription from the children's repertoire, take a closer look at adult symphony concerts. After all, you can leave early if the child gets tired. True, in the event that we are dealing with the type described above, you are more likely to get tired.

The proposed division, of course, is very conditional. How pointless it is to try to get a clear recommendation for any concert, play or book. Until you listen, you don't see, you don't read, you don't understand. So, forward to good music. Just don't be late! Every year the sale of season tickets opens earlier and earlier, and the queues for them at the box office are getting longer. And this cannot but rejoice: you give a generation of music lovers!

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