Kadyrov said that they would not watch "Matilda" in Chechnya. Do as Ramzan: Kadyrov set an example for opponents of "Matilda" Poklonskaya: "Matilda" offends Orthodox people

MOSCOW, August 10 - RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, is sure that the inhabitants of the republic will not waste time watching Aleksey Uchitel's film Matilda. He stated this on his page in Instagram, commenting on reports that the picture received a rental certificate.

Earlier, Kadyrov asked the Ministry of Culture not to show "Matilda" in Chechnya. However, on Thursday it became known that the ministry issued a rental certificate to the film, assigning it a 16+ category. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture explained that the regions can independently limit the rental of the tape on their territory.

“There will be no ban! Do you know why? It’s very simple! In Chechnya, they won’t waste time watching a film that is immoral, soulless and immoral in relation to their homeland. I’m sure that the film will not find an audience in other regions either,” wrote Kadyrov.

According to the head of Chechnya, "there are topics that are in the interests of society, for the sake of higher interests, you can not touch, let alone throw mud at." At the same time, he reproached the Ministry of Culture for financing films with age restrictions on viewing.

“Imagine what spiritual, moral, ethical, patriotic values ​​the picture is filled with if people under 16 are not allowed into the hall,” Kadyrov asked.

“This is how the younger generation is raised, for which patriotism, Motherland, duty, love for the Fatherland do not exist. It is not surprising if the Ministry of Culture supports lack of culture in “creativity”. But not everything depends on this ministry and on its rental certificate,” concluded he.

First Deputy Minister of Culture Vladimir Aristarkhov, in turn, called "Matilda" a good and strong film about the dignity of a woman and the responsibility of a man. He noted that the plot of the picture has nothing to do with the execution of the royal family in 1918, because of which Nicholas II was recognized as a holy martyr. According to Aristarkhov, the demands to refuse to comprehend the events connected with the life of the last Russian emperor are absolutely absurd.

At the same time, the deputy minister is sure that many of those who are now criticizing Matilda will change their minds after seeing the picture.

The film by Alexei Uchitel is dedicated to the fate of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, with whom the future Emperor Nicholas II was in love. The premiere is scheduled for October 6 at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, and the film should be released on October 25.

Representatives of the public movement "Royal Cross" called "Matilda" "an anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation," and Natalya Poklonskaya asked the Prosecutor General's Office to check the picture. According to her, an examination of the film materials showed that the image of Nicholas II created in it does not correspond to the image of the emperor canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

An eminent soloist appeared in the choir

An eminent soloist finally appeared in the choir of opponents of the film "Matilda". The soloist, as we remember, was from the very beginning - Natalya Poklonskaya, prosecutor, deputy and, finally, just a beauty. But what could one fragile woman do against a host of unbridled godless liberals? Help really came from where they did not expect. The leaders of the Muslim North Caucasian republics rose to the defense of Orthodox shrines, primarily Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the region, where Sharia law is treated with at least as much respect as the laws of the Russian Federation.

Kadyrov sent a letter to the Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky, urgently asking him to exclude the Chechen Republic from the distribution certificate for showing the film "Matilda". The arguments, in principle, are all familiar: “Deliberate mockery of the feelings of believers... Desecration of shrines and the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia... Conclusions of a comprehensive psychological-linguistic, cultural and historical research... Increasing the information impact on the population of Russia... in order to erosion of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values...”

The letter is distinguished from the usual on-duty “anti-Matildist recruitment” by a reference to the immortal exploits of the Wild Division, which was “one of the most reliable military units and the pride of the Russian army” and “remained faithful to the tsar until the end of its existence.” For reference: The Caucasian native cavalry division, consisting mainly of Muslims - natives of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, was formed at the beginning of the First World War, in August 1914. It ceased to exist in January 1918.

It is clear for what purpose this bast is woven into the line: in order to show that “Matilda” offends not only the Orthodox, but also the descendants of “wild” horsemen who sacredly honor the “glorious traditions of their ancestors.” True, while arguing that the Wild Division remained faithful to the monarch until its last hour, Ramzan is somewhat sinning against the truth. In this regard, the division was no different from other units of the Russian Imperial Army. In the same way as the rest of the military, the brave highlanders, without balking, supported the February Revolution that overthrew the tsar and swore allegiance to the new authorities. And Prince Dmitry Bagration, who commanded the division at that time, went even further in every sense: after the Bolshevik coup, he joined the Red Army and became the head of the Higher Cavalry School of the Red Army.

Well, that's not the point. In the end, the right - and even the duty - of the head of the region to look after the interests of not only fellow believers, but also representatives of other faiths, no matter how small they may live here. In accordance, of course, with their ideas about these aspirations. Something else is unusual: the head of the region has not asked permission from the center for a long time and for much more serious reasons. The strategy of “pacification” of Chechnya, chosen by the current president, has led to the fact that the republic has turned into a state within a state. And suddenly - "Matilda"! How can one not recall the classics here: “Good people expected bloodshed from him, but he ate Chizhik!”. Yes, and not yet "ate" at all, but only asked for permission.

Allah sees - something is wrong here. The addressee of his petition appeared to be confused as well. “The Ministry of Culture issues a distribution certificate throughout the Russian Federation, based on the norms of the law, and the subjects themselves decide whether to allow them to show the tape or not,” said Vyacheslav Telnov, head of the cinematography department of the Ministry of Culture, obviously surprised by Kadyrov’s courtesy. But perhaps these words are the key to the puzzle. Ramzan is not trying for himself, Ramzan is busy for all of Russia, humiliated and insulted by Matilda. And such activity is initiated, as a rule, by Moscow.

Recall, for example, who was the first to say that Russia should have one president - it was from Chechnya that the process of changing the names of the highest posts in the national republics to less loud ones began. At first, this also seemed like an exotic initiative from below, but after the initiative began to be picked up by one "presidential" region after another, it became clear: this was an all-Russian action "Do like Ramzan."

And in this case, imitators did not have to wait long. No sooner had Kadyrov's letter been read in Moscow than a similar message flew after it from neighboring Dagestan: they didn't watch Matilda, but we condemn it and don't want to see it in our country. It is more than likely that the case will not end with Dagestan. But now the film censorship process is likely to go without unnecessary noise and dust. There is no longer any need for pleas from the ground, since it is clearly stated: "The subjects themselves decide." Perhaps it will surprise someone that the right to decide is not transferred to the viewers themselves. But the number of such naive people in the Russian Federation is getting smaller every day.

And in the Chechen Republic, they, perhaps, did not remain at all. Disappeared as a class, as a social atavism, as Chechens with a non-traditional sexual orientation. In this sense, the region can be called advanced, model. The Czech Republic is an example for all subjects. Do as Ramzan - without claiming, however, God forbid, for his special status - and you will be fine. Well, or at least it won't be bad and painful.

Chechen Minister for National Policy Dzhambulat Umarov called “quite understandable” the indignation of the head of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen people, Russian citizens, the Russian Orthodox Church and other organizations with the film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel. He told Rain about this.

Answering a question about why Chechnya decided to refuse to show Matilda, Umarov replied: “For the Chechen people, who are an integral part of the all-Russian people, such an attitude to historical events, to the historical process, is also unacceptable, especially practically on the eve of that that we will celebrate the centenary of the October catastrophe, if you remember. And I think that this picture "Matilda" about a small windy romance between Tsarevich Nikolai Alekseevich Romanov and [Matilda] Kshesinskaya, it seems to me, to inflate it to the size of such an almost obscene love story that will outrage, so to speak, the minds of our citizens ... And times, you understand, they are already different, it seems to me that this is not the best method even for such a famous artist as Alexei Uchitel.

In this regard, Umarov called "quite understandable, adequate" and in accordance with the law "the indignation of the head of the Chechen Republic, the Chechen people, Russian citizens, the Russian Orthodox Church and other organizations that are engaged in spiritual and moral education and spirituality in general." “There are no threats here, there are no, so to speak, hasty statements, some hot ones,” the Chechen minister stressed.

“There is simply a position here, and the law allows Ramzan Akhmatovich [Kadyrov. - Rain] to send a letter, including to the Minister of Culture with a request, by the way, which in this case is not original. In Russia, the vast majority does not want to see such an infantile emperor played by a German actor, ”said Umarov.

According to the minister, "there are things, there are sacred boundaries of public consciousness, spiritual consciousness, which it would be undesirable to cross." “Are there really no other topics where bed scenes can be used, this must be done over the memory of Nikolai Alexandrovich [Second. “Rain], do you have to make fun of people?” - said Umarov, expressing the opinion that "after all, it was necessary to look for other topics, other solutions, and not what the respected enough director Alexei Uchitel did."

When asked that no one has seen the film yet, but it has already caused “hype”, Umarov said: “There is a lot of hype, I agree with you, there is a lot of hype, including even unjustified ones, here I agree with you, but after the trailer For example, I don't even want to look at the picture. You will agree, I looked at the one who plays the emperor, because you can’t invite a non-Russian person to such a role, but you need to invite people of genius to this role, from the category of which, for example, [Oleg] Yankovsky consisted.

“Today the Russian people are waking up, and it seems to me that this awakening should not be accompanied by any conflicts, it should not be accompanied by historical lies, juggling of facts for the sake of the artist’s original view of the historical process, of certain things,” Umarov concluded.

The day before, on August 8, Komsomolskaya Pravda published a letter from Kadyrov to Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, dated June 16, 2017, in which the head of the republic asked to exclude Chechnya from the regions where Matilda would be shown. The Ministry of Culture, commenting on the appeal, that "the request will be taken into account." The teacher, in turn, told Kadyrov not to "write letters" and not to "take the word" of the opponents of the picture, but to see it for himself.

On Wednesday, August 9, the press service of the Ministry of Culture said that the first deputy chairman of the government of Dagestan, Anatoly Karibov, asked the department to ban the showing of the film "Matilda" in the republic. "We will take note of the appeal," the press service said.

And the ballerinas "Matilda" are asked to cancel not only the Orthodox, but also Muslims. In his letter, Kadyrov says that he got acquainted with the information received from the deputy Natalya Poklonskaya about the presence of thousands of applications from citizens, mostly Orthodox (40,000 signatures), as well as Muslims of Russia (muftis of Dagestan, Crimea).

“Tens of thousands of people of different faiths are asking to prevent the public release of the film in the Russian Federation due to the fact that they regard it as a deliberate mockery of the feelings of believers, an insult to their religious feelings and humiliation of human dignity, as well as desecration of shrines and the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia” , - explains the head of the region in a letter published on the KP.ru website.

According to the author of the letter, the conclusions of the complex psycholinguistic, cultural and historical research, as well as the publicly available materials for "Matilda" and the script approved for filming fully confirm the arguments of the applicants. In this regard, Kadyrov points out that on December 5, 2016, the President of Russia, by his decree, approved the Doctrine of the country's information security, which among the threats, in particular, mentions the increase in information impact on the population of Russia, and mainly on young people, in order to erode the traditional Russian spirituality. -moral values.

“On the territory of Chechnya, they honor and keep the covenants of their ancestors, respect the centuries-old history of our Motherland. To live with honor, we must remember our history, be proud and honor those who fought for us. This memory is sacred and noble. We, the descendants of the victors, must not only sacredly honor the memory of the defenders of the Motherland, but also educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for our history. I ask you to exclude the Chechen Republic from the rental certificate for showing the film "Matilda," the letter concludes.

Today it became known that the Simferopol prosecutor's office warned local cinemas about the inadmissibility of renting Matilda trailers. This was reported by the director's lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin, the attorney has already challenged this ban in the Prosecutor General's Office.

As Dobrynin said, he had at his disposal a copy of the “Warning on the inadmissibility of violating the legislation governing the public demonstration of film and video products, on countering extremist activity, on advertising”, dated August 2. The document is addressed to acting Director of the Cinema T.G. Shevchenko. According to the lawyer, the warning was signed by Deputy Prosecutor of Simferopol Alexander Shkitov. From the text of the document it follows that the supervisory authority considered the appeal of Natalia Poklonskaya on the showing of trailers of "Matilda" in city cinemas, the content of which "grossly offends the feelings of believers."

At the same time, Poklonskaya herself promised to initiate such warnings throughout Russia, since, according to her, not only ordinary citizens, but also regional leaders are against the film. also called on Medinsky to respond to the appeals of the opponents of the film.

“Of course, I initiate in other regions. Not only warnings, there are official letters addressed to the Minister of Culture, who for some reason is silent and does not tell anyone about this. And the address receives appeals from the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a request to exclude from the rental certificate, if it is issued, the territories of their constituent entities. Let him talk about it,” said the deputy.

The parliamentarian also expressed confidence that Medinsky should hear the voice of the authorities if he does not hear the appeals of ordinary people, NSN reports.

“Not only prosecutors hear people, but also heads of subjects. I am sure that the Minister of Culture will hear people, because his responsible decision will be watched by the people at whose expense this film was made, at the expense of taxpayers. And this will be a mirror image of the attitude of the relevant ministry towards these people. Whether he respects the position of ordinary people or not, ”explained Poklonskaya.

By the way, after receiving a warning from the prosecutor's office, Simferopol cinemas refused to show the Matilda trailer. According to a representative of the Shevchenko Cinema, she visited where she signed to receive a warning, after which she reported this to her director. The cinema, located in the Meganom shopping and entertainment center, also refused to show the film's trailer.

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