HR strategies. Concepts of the strategy of the personnel policy of the organization

Personnel strategy - a specific set of basic principles, rules and objectives of working with personnel, specified taking into account the types of organizational strategy, organizational and human resources (human resource), as well as the type of personnel policy of the organization.

The process of development and implementation of the strategy is continuous, which is reflected in close relationship with the solutions of strategic tasks both for the long term and for the medium and short term, i.e. their decisions taken in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational management. The personnel strategy and bringing it to strategic tasks and individual actions is embodied in a strategic plan - a document containing specific tasks and measures to implement the strategy, the timing of their implementation and responsible executors for each task, the amount of necessary resources (financial, material, informational, etc.) .

The strategy in the field of personnel should contribute to: strengthening the capabilities of the organization (in the field of personnel), to resist competitors in the labor market, effectively using its strengths and weaknesses in the external environment; expanding the competitive advantages of the organization by creating conditions for the development and effective use of labor potential; formation of qualified, competent personnel; full disclosure of the staff's abilities for creative, innovative development in order to achieve both the goals of the organization and the personal goals of employees.

There are five factors influencing the formation of an organization's personnel strategy: social, political, legal, economic and environmental factors. Whatever form of work with personnel the organization chooses, each of these factors must be carefully analyzed and reflected in it. The development of the personnel strategy of the enterprise is also carried out on the basis of a deep systematic analysis of the factors of the internal and external environment, as a result of which a holistic concept of the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy.

The external environment includes the macro environment and the immediate environment of the organization, which have a directed impact and contacts with the EMS (personnel management system). As a result of the analysis of the external and internal environment, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management are identified, as well as the opportunities that it has and the threats that should be avoided. The identification of strengths and weaknesses reflects the self-assessment of the organization and allows it to compare itself with the main competitors in the labor market. The assessment can be carried out on individual indicators and functions of personnel management using the competitive profile of the enterprise. Evaluation of individual indicators is carried out by the method of comparative analysis, and management functions - by the expert method.

The strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management to the same extent as the threats and opportunities determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, within the framework of strategic personnel management, when analyzing the internal environment, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual areas of personnel management and the personnel management system as a whole. To solve this problem, methods and techniques known in strategic management are used, such as the SWOT method, matrices of opportunities, threats, compiling a profile of the environment, etc.

The personnel strategy of an organization may cover various aspects of personnel management: improving the structure of personnel management (by age, category, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; improving the efficiency of personnel costs, including wages, remuneration, training costs and other cash costs; personnel development (adaptation, training, promotion); measures of social protection (guarantees, social insurance, social compensations, socio-cultural and welfare, etc.); development of organizational culture (norms, traditions, rules of conduct in a team, etc.); improvement of the personnel management system, etc. When developing a personnel strategy, the achieved, established level in all these areas should be taken into account and, taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level should be determined, the achievement of which will allow the implementation of the strategy organizations.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary personnel management strategy can be so difficult due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, the level of professionalism of managers and specialists, that it will be necessary to prioritize the selection of the necessary areas and components of personnel management strategies. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy may be the volume of resources allocated for its implementation, time constraints, the availability of a sufficient professionally qualified level of personnel, and some others. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of measures that enhance the organization's ability in a competitive environment due to advantages in the field of personnel.

Any even the most well-developed strategy is of no value if there is no way to put it into practice. Therefore, it is important not only to correctly develop a strategy, but also to be able to apply it in practical actions. The implementation of the personnel strategy is an important stage of the strategic management process. For its successful course, the management of the organization must follow the following rules: goals, strategies, tasks for personnel management must be carefully and timely communicated to all employees of the organization; general management of the organization and heads of personnel management should ensure that all the resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy are received in a timely manner and have a plan for implementing the strategy.

The purpose of the strategy implementation process is to ensure the coordinated development and implementation of strategic plans for the structural units of the organization as a whole and the personnel management system.

During the implementation of the strategy, three tasks are solved: 1. Priority is established among administrative tasks (general management tasks), so that their relative importance corresponds to the personnel management strategy that the organization and the strategic personnel management system will implement. First of all, this concerns such tasks as the distribution of resources, the establishment of organizational ties and relationships, the creation of information, legal and other subsystems;

2. A correspondence is established between the chosen personnel strategy and internal organizational processes, processes within the personnel management system, so that the organization's activities are focused on the implementation of the chosen strategy. Such compliance should take place according to the following characteristics of the organization: its structure, system of motivation and incentives, norms and rules of conduct, beliefs and values, qualifications of employees and managers, etc.;

3. Choice of the style of management of the organization as a whole and of individual units that is necessary and appropriate for the personnel strategy.

The tools for implementing the personnel management strategy are personnel planning, personnel development plans, including their training and promotion, solving social problems, motivation and remuneration. Personnel planning is the determination of when, where, how much, what quality (skills) and at what price workers will be required. At the same time, planning has a key place in the complex of tools of the personnel management strategy, since planning allows you to clearly formulate the tasks of the current period, choose the most effective methods for solving them, evaluate and analyze the results of activities, find and eliminate errors in activities. Imperfect human resource planning is costly for organizations and can result in the loss of valuable resources. The main task of personnel planning is to ensure the implementation of the organization's plans from the point of view of the human factor of the enterprise - employees - their number, qualifications, productivity, and the cost of hiring them.

The implementation of the personnel strategy includes two stages: the implementation of the strategy and strategic control over its implementation and the coordination of all actions based on the results of control.

The stage of strategy implementation includes: development of a plan for the implementation of the personnel strategy; development of strategic plans for the divisions of the personnel management system as a whole; activation of start-up activities for the implementation of the strategy. The implementation of the personnel management strategy, including the distribution of the necessary resources, the determination of the means of its implementation, the deadlines for execution, and the responsible executors, should be carried out in accordance with the developed plan.

But it is not enough just to create a personnel strategy and apply it at the enterprise; the next stage is also needed - strategic control.

The purpose of strategic control at the implementation stage is to determine the compliance or difference between the implemented personnel strategy and the state of the external and internal environment; outline the directions of changes in strategic planning, the choice of alternative strategies.

There are several options for classifying strategy types. The classification that most fully meets the issues under consideration includes:

Entrepreneurship strategy;

Dynamic growth strategy;

Profit strategy (rationality);

Liquidation strategy (reduction of investments in certain areas);

The strategy of a sharp change of course.

The choice of the type of strategy is the final stage at the stage of strategy development. This is a fairly formalized procedure.

To date, a new period has begun in the work with personnel, characterized by an increase in attention to the personality of the employee, to the search for new incentives, which raises the problem of creating a personnel management system based mainly on economic incentives and social guarantees.

The strategy of personnel management is one of the directions of modern management, aimed at the development and effective use of the organization's personnel potential. The following levels can be distinguished in the personnel management system: operational level of management; tactical level of command; strategic level of management.

Thus, a personnel management strategy can cover various aspects of an organization's personnel management: improving the structure of personnel (by age, category, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; improving the efficiency of personnel costs, including wages, remuneration, training costs and other cash costs; personnel development (adaptation, training, promotion); measures of social protection, guarantees, social security (pension, medical, social insurance, social compensation, socio-cultural and welfare, etc.); development of organizational culture (norms, traditions, rules of conduct in a team, etc.); improvement of the organization's personnel management system (composition and content of functions, organizational structure, personnel, information support, etc.), etc.

When developing a personnel management strategy, the achieved level in all these areas should be taken into account and, taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level should be determined, the achievement of which will allow the strategy to be implemented. organizations.

Security questions for topic 4

1. What is the personnel policy of the state, organization? Types of personnel policy.

2. Name the components of the mechanism for the formation of the state personnel policy.

3. Describe the main directions of the personnel policy of the organization.

4. Expand the essence of the concepts of the personnel policy strategy.

5. Name the basic principles of strategic management.

6. Explain the steps in the strategic management process.

7. What parameters are used to analyze the external and internal environment of the organization?

8. What are the main features of the personnel management strategy?

9. Name the components of the personnel management strategy.

10. What should the analysis of the factors of the external and internal environment, necessary for the development of a personnel management strategy, show?

11. What are the criteria for choosing a personnel management strategy?

12. What goals and objectives should be achieved in the course of implementing the personnel management strategy?

13. What is the essence of strategic control and coordination of the implementation of the strategy?

The organization's personnel strategy is a long-term document, designed for at least a five-year period, and is a set of the organization's main approaches to developing a system of impacts on personnel to implement the developed organization development strategy.

The personnel strategy is an integral part of the overall strategy of the organization and serves as one of the tools for realizing its mission and declared goals.

Object and subject of personnel strategy

The object of the organization's personnel strategy is its, understood as a set of individuals who have labor relations with an organization acting as an employer, called its employees and having certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics that determine their ability to act in the interests of the organization. The subject of the organization's personnel strategy is the organization's personnel management system, which consists of personnel management services of structural independent divisions of the organization, united according to the principle of functional and methodological subordination, and line managers at all hierarchical levels of management.

Basic principles of personnel strategy

The personnel strategy of the organization is based on the following basic principles shared by all subjects of the organization as an organizational system:

The organization considers personnel as a human resource capable of providing it with competitive advantages and achieving leadership positions, subject to planning and ensuring its optimal use, development and quality;

The personnel of the organization is based primarily on the predominance of economic and socio-psychological methods and constitutes one of the most important functions of the organization's management at all hierarchical levels of management. At the same time, the line management delegates to the personnel management services certain powers in the field of organizing work with personnel, reserving the right to make decisions within the established competence;

The personnel of the organization is considered as capital acquired in the course of competition, and personnel costs are considered as long-term investments in the development of the organization, the personnel of the organization are the bearer of its corporate culture and values ​​and in many ways contribute to the creation of a positive generalized image of the organization that contributes to capacity building, identification and support , atmosphere of trust, acceptability and "favorability" of the society to the activities of the organization at the regional, state and international levels;

the organization, as an employer, and the staff act as social partners who share the goals of production and the ways to achieve them, determined by the strategy and policy of the organization. The organization provides its staff with the satisfaction of social, spiritual and material needs in accordance with the contribution of each of the employees to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization;

The organization focuses on establishing long-term labor relations with each employee, based on compliance with the requirements of labor legislation and allowing the employee to fully realize the existing level of professional competence, as well as improve it in areas determined by the needs of the organization and the level of the employee's job competence;

Human resource management of the organization is really integrated into the corporate strategy. The management of personnel management services is fully involved in the process of preparing a corporate strategy, and not only in its implementation.

Goals and objectives of the implementation of the personnel strategy

The general goal of implementing the organization's personnel strategy is to ensure the quality of its personnel at a level that allows the most effective implementation of the strategic goals and political objectives of the organization at each stage of its activities. Personnel quality assurance is understood as the greatest achievement of compliance of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics with the current and future needs of the organization.

The implementation of the organization's personnel strategy involves the presence of two stages, each of which is characterized by the setting and implementation of its own group of goals.

At the first stage, the main goal of implementing the personnel strategy is to ensure the economic efficiency of the organization's personnel management.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are most typical:

Providing an optimal state between the result of the work performed by a particular employee and the costs of the organization associated with the performance of this work. This includes organizing and improving the forms and methods of fair and accurate accounting of the quantity and quality of each employee’s work, as well as the organization’s costs for maintaining staff and ensuring its activities, and, in addition, developing mechanisms for regulating the relationship between these two components, depending on the level of success of the activity. organizations;

Formation and accounting of long-term components that determine the level of effectiveness of personnel management, such as stability and flexibility of personnel.

"HR officer. Personnel management", 2008, N 10

In modern Russian organizations, the developed personnel policy primarily provides for the formation of an organization's personnel management strategy, which takes into account the organization's development strategy. The article highlights methodological approaches to strategic personnel management.

HR strategy

The personnel management strategy is developed taking into account both the interests of the organization's management and the interests of its personnel.

The personnel management strategy assumes:

Determining the goals of personnel management, that is, when making decisions in the field of personnel management, it is necessary to take into account both economic aspects (the adopted personnel management strategy) and the needs and interests of employees (decent wages, satisfactory working conditions, opportunities for developing and realizing the abilities of employees, etc.). P.);

The formation of the ideology and principles of personnel work, that is, the ideology of personnel work should be reflected in the form of a document and implemented in daily work by all heads of structural divisions of the organization, starting with the head of the organization. This document should be a set of ethical, not subject to violation of the norms in the work with the personnel of the organization. As the organization develops and the external conditions of the organization's personnel work change, it can be refined;

Determining the conditions for ensuring a balance between the economic and social efficiency of the use of labor resources in the organization. Ensuring economic efficiency in the field of personnel management means the optimal use of personnel to achieve the goals of the organization's business activities (for example, increasing production volumes) with the limited labor resources corresponding to the organization. Social efficiency is ensured by the implementation of a system of measures aimed at meeting the socio-economic expectations, needs and interests of the employees of the organization.

The strategy of personnel management depends on the strategy of personnel policy. Moreover, the personnel policy strategy determines the organization's personnel management strategy.

Dictionary of personnel management. The personnel management strategy is plans, directions of action, the sequence of decisions made and methods that allow you to evaluate, analyze and develop an effective system of influencing personnel to implement the organization's development strategy.

Currently, there are three concepts of the personnel policy strategy.

The first concept assumes that the strategy of personnel management is determined by the strategy of the organization. Personnel management performs a service function, which consists in providing and maintaining the performance of the personnel necessary for the organization.

The second concept is based on the fact that the personnel management strategy is central, independent and does not depend on the organization's strategy. Employees employed in the organization are considered as independent resources, with the help of which, depending on their quality and abilities, it is possible to solve various problems that arise in a market economy. In this case, personnel policy strategies depend on available or potential human resources.

The third concept is a synthesis of the two previous ones. The organization's strategy is compared with existing and potential human resources, and compliance with the directions of the personnel policy strategy is determined. As a result of such a comparison, the strategy of the entire organization and its personnel policy can be changed.

The most appropriate for making strategic decisions in organizations, in our opinion, is the third concept. Let's take a closer look at some of the benefits of this concept.

The main goal of strategic personnel management is to create strategic opportunities by providing the organization with qualified, loyal and well-motivated employees, which are needed to achieve long-term competitive advantage. The main goal is to solve the following tasks:

1) application of planning;

2) a logical and consistent approach to the design and management of personnel management systems, based on an employment policy and a strategy for the use of human resources, which, in addition, is often supported by a personnel management philosophy;

3) establishing a correspondence between the activities and policies of personnel management and a certain clearly expressed business strategy;

4) considering the employees of this organization as a strategic resource for achieving competitive advantage.

Methodological approaches to strategic management


For the successful implementation of the strategy, it is necessary to consider the following methodological approaches to strategic personnel management.

A. Resource-oriented strategic personnel management is based on the fact that competitive advantage can be achieved if an organization acquires and develops personnel that will allow it to learn faster and apply its knowledge more efficiently than its competitors. One of the keys to achieving competitive advantage is the ability to distinguish between what an organization provides to its customers and what its competitors can provide. This difference can be achieved by having a strategy that provides: 1) higher quality personnel than competitors; 2) the unique intellectual capital possessed by this organization is being developed and trained; 3) a culture is developing that encourages organizational learning.

The goal of a resource-driven approach is to improve the quality of resources - to achieve a strategic match between resources and opportunities and to gain added value from the efficient allocation of resources.

B. The resource potential approach deals with the acquisition, development and retention of intellectual capital. Human resources are seen as the main source of competitive advantage.

There are three main approaches to the development of such a strategy, formulated by R. Richardson and M. Thompson in 1999:

1) "best practice" approach;

2) the "best fit" approach;

3) "configuration" approach, or "binding into one node".

The "best practice" approach is based on the belief that there is a set of excellent HRM practices that, if applied, will improve organizational performance.

This approach, while seemingly fair, has a number of disadvantages:

2) what works well in one organization may not necessarily work well in another, as it may not fit with the new organization's strategy, culture, management style, technology, or work practices;

3) there is a danger in the mechanical coordination of strategy with the practice of personnel management.

The "best fit" approach is based on the belief that "best fit" is more important than "best practice".

Strategic alignment (integration) of personnel management is a means of targeting the personnel management process to the strategic essence of this business. The strategy should be aligned with the organization's strategy (vertical alignment). But it is better that it be an integral part of the company's strategy and contribute to the business planning process. Vertical integration is necessary to ensure that the enterprise strategy and the personnel strategy are aligned, so that the former supports the implementation of the latter and helps to define it. In addition, horizontal integration between different aspects of the strategy is needed so that the different elements fit well with each other. The ultimate goal of this is to find a consistent approach to personnel management, where different practical solutions support each other.

The starting point of the process of implementing the "best fit" approach is the analysis of the business needs of the organization in the context of its environment (culture, structure, technology, processes). This can indicate exactly what needs to be done. Thereafter, it is useful to gather and mix the various ingredients of "best practices" and choose an approach that uses those practical steps that match the identified business needs.

The "bundling" approach is the development and implementation of several practical HR solutions together, whereby they influence each other and therefore complement and support each other.

The difficulty with the configuration approach is to decide what is the best method of relating different practical steps. There is no evidence that one combination is better than the other in most cases.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that strategic personnel management is a holistic process: it understands the organization as a whole and refers to the approaches that must be taken throughout the organization in order for it to be able to achieve corporate strategic goals. Strategic personnel management excludes the use of isolated programs and methods or narrowly focused programs for personnel management.

From fig. 1 shows that the overall strategy of personnel management follows from the business strategy and creates specific strategies for personnel management in the main areas. All this is associated with systematic research of the internal and external environment of the organization, the results of which determine which business, organization and personnel management issues need to be considered.

Model of strategic personnel management


┌─────────────>│ Organization strategy│<───────────┐

│ └──────────────────────┘ │

┌────────┴─────────┐ ┌────────┴────────┐

│ Internal environment │ │ External environment │

└────────┬─────────┘ └────────┬────────┘

│ ┌──────────────────────┐ │

└────────────>│ General PM strategy │<───────────┘



\│/ \│/ \│/ \│/

┌───────┴──────┐ ┌─────┴─────┐ ┌────────┴────────┐ ┌───────┴───────┐

│ Strategy │ │ Strategy │ │ Strategy │ │ Strategy │

│provision of PM│ │development of PM│ │remuneration of PM│ │relationships│

└──────────────┘ └───────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └───────────────┘

But in relation to an organization, strategic personnel management, as a rule, is not a formal, well-defined and linear process that would logically follow from a business strategy:

Strategy is something evolving and flexible: it never exists in the present, it is always "about to arise";

A strategy is a description of a future-oriented action that is always directed towards change;

The management process itself regulates emerging strategic directions.

The concept of strategic personnel management can be somewhat vague, as it is easy to state the general strategic intentions, but the implementation of a specific long-term strategy can cause significant difficulties. And yet, while the development and successful implementation of strategic HR objectives can be difficult, it is desirable to adopt a strategic approach in order to provide direction and goal setting, and as a basis for the development of appropriate and consistent HR theory and practice. It may not be easy to achieve policy coherence, but it needs to be done.

Strategic planning

The main component of successful strategic management is strategic planning, which requires answers to the following questions: 1) "Where are we going?" and 2) "What do we need to get there?". Answers to the first question are obtained by finding out what the organization intends to do (its strategic plan, if any) and what are the business needs that need to be satisfied in order to realize these intentions. Those items of this plan that relate to personnel management can be assessed in terms of the structure and development of the organization, the provision of resources, the development of personnel management, performance management, remuneration and employee relations. The answers to the second question will be based on an initial assessment of the current situation, in the form of a SWOT analysis - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Based on this analysis, specific proposals for innovations in the field of personnel management can be developed, programs developed and the resources necessary for their implementation determined. It is important to define goals in terms of how these offerings will meet business needs and set criteria for success.

Consider the existing approaches to strategic planning.

In this case, there are no unambiguous recipes - there will always be a choice of which approach to use:

1) management focused on high performance;

2) management focused on a high level of commitment;

3) management focused on a high level of participation.

The boundaries within which real strategic choices will be made will be determined by factors such as the strategy of the business, the resources available, and the environment in which the organization operates.

Performance-based management aims to influence the performance of an organization through employees, such as productivity, quality, customer service, business growth, profits, and value creation for owners. The practical steps of such management include rigorous recruitment and selection procedures, extensive and appropriate training, leadership development activities, incentive schemes, and performance management processes.

High commitment management emphasizes the importance of enhancing mutual commitment and builds on a high level of trust. Ways to achieve commitment:

1. Career development and emphasis on learning and commitment as valuable characteristics of employees at all levels of the hierarchy.

2. A high level of functional flexibility with the rejection of rigid job descriptions.

3. Reduction of hierarchy and elimination of differences in position.

4. Reliance on teamwork opportunities.

Inclusive management means treating employees as partners whose interests are respected and who have a voice in matters that affect them. The goal of this approach is to create an atmosphere in which there is an ongoing dialogue between leaders and their team members regarding the development of plans and the dissemination of information about the mission, values ​​and goals of this organization.

When deciding how to integrate organizational strategies and personnel management, managers must keep in mind that organization and PM issues affect each other and the strategies of departments and the organization as a whole. In establishing these links, one should take into account the fact that change strategies must be consistent with changes in the external and internal environment. At some point in time, agreement may be reached, but circumstances will change and agreement may disappear. Excessive desire for consistency with the status quo can hinder the use of flexibility, which is necessary in a changing environment. An additional factor that makes it difficult to achieve vertical alignment is that the strategy of the organization may not be clearly articulated - it may be in the process of vision, development or development. This means that there is nothing to align with HR strategies. But it is possible to attempt to understand where the organization is heading, even if it is not expressed in a clear strategic plan. All enterprises have strategic directions in the form of intentions, even if they are poorly formulated or subject to change.

A possible approach to harmonize the strategies of an organization and personnel management can be to correlate the latter with the competition strategies of a given organization.

Horizontal alignment is achieved when the various HR strategies are harmonized and support each other. This can be achieved by using the "bundle tying" method. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

1. Analyze the needs and characteristics of the enterprise in question.

2. Assess how HR strategies can help meet the needs of this enterprise and at the same time fit its characteristics.

3. Identify those abilities and behavior that are required from employees so that they can maximize the achievement of strategic goals.

4. Assess the effectiveness of existing HR practices and the need for change.

5. Analyze ways to 'bundle' different practices in a way that reinforces each other and is therefore consistent.

6. Formulate programs for the development of practical measures, with special attention to ensure that they are interconnected.

When developing an action program for the implementation of the personnel management strategy, it is also necessary to evenly distribute responsibility between all levels of management in the organization. The concentration of responsibility for all actions to implement the plan only at the level of top management or, conversely, at one of the lower levels, contradicts the need for teamwork and the involvement of all departments in the process of developing and implementing the strategy.

Seeking to create synergies by looking at how some practices can support others and identifying common needs that can be met by initiatives in different areas of HR.

As an example, let's cite the personnel management strategy of one of the domestic organizations.


│ HR strategy (HR strategy) │

│ 1. General provisions │

│ HR strategy of the organization is a long-term document, │

│calculated for at least a five-year period, and represents│

│a set of the organization's main approaches to system development│

│impact on personnel to implement the developed development strategy│

│ organizations. │

│ HR strategy is an integral part of the overall strategy│

│organization and serves as one of the tools for the implementation of its mission and│

declared goals. │

│ 2. Object and subject of personnel strategy │

│ The object of the organization's personnel strategy is its personnel, │

│understood as a set of individuals who have an employment relationship│

│with an organization acting as an employer, called its employees│

│and possessing certain quantitative and qualitative│

│characteristics that determine their ability to act in the interests│

│ organizations. │

│ The subject of the organization's personnel strategy is the management system│

│personnel of an organization consisting of personnel management services│

│structural independent divisions of the organization, united by │

│principle of functional and methodical subordination, and linear

│ managers at all hierarchical levels of management. │

│ 3. Basic principles of personnel strategy │

│ The personnel strategy of the organization is based on the following basics│

│principles shared by all subjects of the organization as an organizational│

│systems: │

│ - the organization considers personnel as a human resource, │

│capable of providing it with competitive advantages and achieving leadership│

│positions subject to planning and ensuring its optimal│

│use, development and quality; │

│ - personnel management of the organization is based in the first place│

│on the predominance of economic and socio-psychological methods│

│and constitutes one of the most important functions of managing an organization at all│

│hierarchical levels of management. At the same time, line management

│delegates certain powers to personnel management services│

│in the field of organizing work with personnel, reserving the right│

│decision making within the established competence; │

│ - the organization's personnel is considered as capital acquired│

│in the course of competition, and personnel costs - as long-term│

│ investment in the development of the organization; │

│ - the staff of the organization is the bearer of its corporate culture│

│and values ​​and largely contributes to the creation of a positive generalized│

│the image of the organization (Corporate image), contributing to the creation│

│potential, identification and support, atmosphere of trust, acceptability│

│and benevolence of society to the activities of the organization on│

│regional, state and international levels; │

│ - the organization as an employer and staff act as social│

│partners who share production goals and ways to achieve them,│

│determined by the strategy and policy of the organization. The organization provides

│satisfaction of social, spiritual and material for their staff│

│needs in accordance with the contribution of each of the employees to│

│achieving the goals and objectives of the organization; │

│ - the organization focuses on the establishment of long-term labor│

│relationship with each employee based on compliance│

│labor legislation and allowing the employee to fully

│realize the existing level of professional competence, as well as│

│improve it in directions determined by needs│

│organization and level of job competence of the employee; │

│ - organization's personnel management is really integrated into │

│general corporate strategy. Management of personnel management services in│

│fully participates in the process of preparing the corporate strategy,│

and not only in its implementation. │

│ 4. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the personnel strategy │

│ The general goal of implementing the organization's HR strategy is │

│ensuring the quality of its personnel at a level that allows the most│

│effectively implement strategic goals and political objectives│

organization at every stage of its activity. Under Quality Assurance│

│personnel is understood as the greatest achievement of compliance with its quality│

│and quantitative characteristics of current and future needs│

│ organizations. │

│ The implementation of the organization's personnel strategy assumes the presence of two │

│stages, each of which is characterized by setting and implementation│

your group of goals. │

│ At the first stage, the main goal of implementing the personnel strategy is │

│ensuring the economic efficiency of personnel management│

│ organizations. For the solution of this goal, the setting is most characteristic

│the following tasks: │

│ - ensuring the optimal state between the result of the performed │

│specific work employee and organization related costs│

with the completion of this work. This includes organizing and improving│

│forms and methods of fair and accurate accounting of quantity and valuation│

│the quality of work of each employee, as well as the organization's costs for │

│development of mechanisms for regulating the relationship between these two│

│components depending on the level of success of the organization;│

│ - formation and accounting of long-term components that determine the level│

│effectiveness of personnel management, such as stability│

and staff flexibility. │

│ At the second stage, the main goal of the personnel strategy is to provide│

│social efficiency of personnel management of the organization. Main│

│ The tasks of this stage are: │

│ - identification, accounting and use in personnel management│

│differentiated individual needs and expectations of employees;│

│ - the formation of collective interests based on their individual │

│needs. │

│ The main forms and methods used in practical implementation │

│goals and objectives are provided for by the personnel policy of the organization. For│

│evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used to implement the strategy│

│personnel management must be carried out quantitative and qualitative│

│efficiency assessment using various methods, taking into account the effects of│

│labor productivity, reducing staff turnover and training│

│personnel with the subsequent development of related professions. In case│

│detection of low efficiency of the measures taken should be changed│

│approaches to the implementation of personnel management policy, based on│

│needs, expectations of employees, consistent with goals and objectives│

│ organizations. From the point of view of strategic approaches, rely completely│

│the calculated indicators are wrong, a situational approach is needed,│

│allowing to determine the effectiveness of the ongoing personnel strategy│

│based on the current state of the organization's resources. │


A. Kibanov


head department of personnel management


department of personnel management

State University of Management

Signed for print

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1. Types of enterprise strategy

2. Analysis of personnel strategy

3. Main forms of personnel strategies

4. Development and implementation of personnel strategies

5. Development and implementation of personnel strategies




The emergence of new tasks in the management of human resources that arise before manufacturing enterprises in the current economic conditions of ever-increasing competition between producers and the growth of consumer requirements for the quality of goods and services. The economic crisis of production manifested itself not only in a decrease in production volumes and an increase in the number of unprofitable production enterprises, but also in the outflow of qualified personnel to other industries, the reorientation of both young people and educational institutions to train specialists in non-production specialties. In the current situation, manufacturing enterprises of a new formation that produce high-tech products cannot solve the problems of human resource management without strategic planning, without developing personnel strategies adequate to external and internal conditions. This leads to insufficient economic growth compared to other countries, low wages, low competitiveness of domestic products in the domestic and foreign markets, and a weak investment potential of the economy, which does not allow the introduction of modern technologies to the necessary extent.

In the current situation, manufacturing enterprises need strategic guidelines and common approaches to solving the problem of managing qualified personnel in modern conditions.

1 . Ttypes of enterprise strategy

There are several types of enterprise strategies:

entrepreneurial strategy;

dynamic growth strategy;

profitability strategy;

liquidation strategy;

cycle strategy.

Appropriate personnel measures depend on the openness or closeness of the personnel policy.

For the entrepreneurial type of strategy, the openness of personnel policy and the long-term (strategic) level of planning, personnel activities include:

attracting young promising professionals;

active information about the organization;

formation of requirements for candidates.

The personnel management strategy is one of the areas of modern management aimed at the development and effective use of the organization's personnel potential. The personnel management system includes:

operational level of management (personnel work dominates);

tactical level of management (dominated by personnel management; strategic level of management (dominated by human resource management);

political level of corporate management (development and control over the implementation of personnel policy). one

2 . HR strategy analysis

The main features of the personnel strategy are:

* its long-term nature (the formation of psychological attitudes, motivation systems, personnel structures, personnel management systems requires a long period of time);

* connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole (changing the strategy of the organization requires adjusting the personnel strategy: changing the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, style and management methods); Most leading managers argue that the personnel strategy is an integral part of the overall economic strategy of enterprises and a consequence of the long-term planning of their business activities. However, in practice there are different options for their interaction. There are four concepts of planning work with personnel in the enterprise:

* personnel strategy depends on the strategy of the organization as a whole;

* the strategy of the organization depends on the personnel strategy;

* personnel strategy and strategy of the organization as a whole are interdependent;

*personnel strategy and organization strategy are determined interactively. The first type: personnel strategy depends on the strategy of the organization as a whole. With this approach, a personnel strategy is singled out as a means of achieving the business goals of an enterprise, taking into account the needs of each department individually and the company as a whole. This is explained by the fact that the requirements of different departments for employees can vary significantly. In such a situation, employees of the personnel management service must adapt to the actions of the leaders of the organization, obeying the interests of the overall strategy.

The concept of the dependence of personnel on the overall strategy has some drawbacks. First of all, it implies the need to quickly adapt the methods of working with personnel to changes in the conduct of business. However, it is precisely such resources as human resources that require long-term follow-up. Often it is necessary not only to manage existing resources in a different way, but to turn to new opportunities. If the necessary potential cannot be found in the company itself, then its external sources are used, that is, the labor market, and this is always an additional cost of time and money. Therefore, experts believe that this method often serves as one of the reasons for the collapse of bold strategies. Another negative side of such an organization of processes is the high probability of employees moving into opposition to the new course of management. The second type: the strategy of the organization depends on the personnel strategy. The application of this strategy is explained by the fact that the employer does not always have the opportunity to find motivated personnel with the necessary qualifications in the labor market, and its development within the organization takes time. Therefore, new lines of business are limited by the potential of current employees. This limitation is especially important in cases where management considers the amount of knowledge of employees as the main resource. On the positive side, strategic plans based on realistically available human resources are more feasible than those based on external sources. The main drawback of the strategy is that the company's business plans are limited and tied to the company's human resource management. The third type: the strategy of working with personnel and the strategy of the organization as a whole are interdependent. Currently, three theories describing this type of personnel strategy are recognized. These are Pfeffer's "best practices" and von Eckardstein's "integrated HR strategy". Pfeffer's concept of "best practices" involves seven methods that ensure the relationship between personnel and business strategy:

* guarantee of long-term, employment of employees;

* strict selection of personnel;

*Using a team method of work;

*dependence of remuneration on its results;

* developed system of trainings;

*minor status differences;

* the intensity of providing information to the team. Von Eckardstein's theory is based on the fact that there is a certain unified view of personnel issues in an organization, expressed by "responsible for personnel". Such a strategy is created for a long period and requires coordination at many levels: personnel and business strategies, various human resource management tools, interests of responsible persons and personnel. Within its framework, a person is considered as a resource that must not only be properly applied, but also developed. Von Eckardstein's theory assumes a strict selection of employees, encouraging their initiative, non-material motivation, teamwork, and a well-functioning training system.

Thus, this approach involves the involvement of HR specialists in solving strategic problems at the corporate level. This is facilitated by their high competence, and, consequently, the ability to independently solve problems related to personnel, from the point of view of the development of the entire organization. one

Fourth type: interactive definition of personnel strategy. Many authors consider the possibility of integrating business strategy and workforce planning. So, Henry Mintzberg introduced the concept of "umbrella strategy". According to him, the entrepreneurial strategy, like an "umbrella", limits the area of ​​activity of the organization's employees. It also develops a personnel strategy. At the same time, the personnel management policy also affects the conduct of business, not limited to the function of providing the necessary human resources.

The American School of Human Resources suggests that strategic planning be based on the following factors:

*strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise;

*chances and risks of the market.

This approach avoids being limited only by market factors or company resources. This interactive approach has the following advantages:

* the company's plans are timely correlated with activities in the field of personnel policy (training, recruitment, and so on);

* all persons involved in specific activities are informed in advance about strategic personnel events;

* all divisions of the company can make proposals for new strategies;

* personnel and their qualities are regarded not as a means of solving problems, but as the potential of the company.

Such a system implies the flexibility of personnel policy, the identification of employees with the company, the wide participation of personnel in the development of its strategy. In addition to the presented classification of personnel strategies, other authors distinguish the following types. First, these are the strategies of the organization, the main product of which is the personnel themselves, for example, educational institutions or staff leasing firms. Personnel strategies here are of independent importance and are general. The development of such strategies should be subject to general rules that are now fairly well established. Secondly, we are talking about organizations, which are the majority, where the staff is, let it be the leading, but only one of the factors of their activity. Here, the personnel strategy belongs to the category of functional, subordinate to the task of implementing the main strategy. Therefore, it proceeds from the latter, develops and details it.

3. Main forms of personnel strategies

Consider the main forms of personnel strategies that act in the organization as functional, i.e. developing general.

Conventionally, the latter can be divided into two groups: functioning strategies and development strategies. Operational strategies are completely related to the behavior of the organization in the market. According to the American researcher M. Porter, there are three options:

* leadership in low costs;

* differentiation;

* Focusing

The personnel strategy with leadership in low costs should be focused primarily on attracting and retaining workers of medium-skilled mass professions. For its implementation, there is usually no need to attract scientific personnel with a high level of creative potential. As for the managers, here, apparently, managers of the administrative warehouse are preferable.

The essence of the differentiation strategy is the organization's concentration of its efforts in several priority areas, where it tries to achieve superiority over others. The corresponding personnel strategy, in contrast to the previous case, should focus on personnel with a narrow specialization and the highest possible qualifications - scientists, researchers, developers. Leadership and entrepreneurial spirit are required from managers here. The market focusing strategy involves the choice by the firm of a particular market segment and the implementation of one of the two previous strategies in it. The corresponding functional staffing strategy should also be one of those described above, bearing in mind that workers of a narrower specialization will be required, especially if a differentiation strategy is followed.

If the strategy of functioning is primarily associated with the activities of the organization in the market, then the development strategy as an object has its potential and competitive advantages. Strategies of this type are currently classic:

* Moderate growth

* Abbreviations

* Combinations

The personnel policy of the growth strategy should be aimed primarily at attracting highly qualified personnel with creative and entrepreneurial inclinations. 1 The issues of staff retention do not always come to the fore here, because in many cases the staff is still in the process of formation. The most important points should be the creation of proper systems of remuneration and motivation; formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate conducive to creativity; continuous professional development; providing opportunities for professional and scientific growth. The problems of retraining, social guarantees, and retirement are of secondary importance here.

A moderate growth strategy is inherent in organizations that are firmly on their feet and operate in traditional areas. The orientation of personnel strategies in this case should be somewhat different compared to the previous case: attracting and retaining personnel, stabilizing personnel. The structure of the need for personnel here is somewhat different: relatively less highly qualified persons, scientific workers are required. For such organizations, the processes of internal movement of personnel, respectively, and their retraining, strengthening social guarantees, and organizing retirement are beginning to acquire relatively greater importance. strategy personnel policy leadership

The need to follow the strategy of reducing the scale of activity or disinvestment arises during periods of restructuring of the organization's activities, when it is necessary to "reorganize" it, get rid of everything that is obsolete. One of the reasons for the reduction strategy may be a crisis in the development or existence of the organization. The main points of the personnel strategy in this case will be to organize mass layoffs and assistance in finding employment, stimulating retirement, retaining the most valuable part of the staff that meets the future directions of the company, and retraining employees. The issues of recruitment of new people, advanced training are practically not considered. In practice, there is a combined strategy (combination strategy), which includes elements of the previous ones in one ratio or another. It has already been pointed out that the personnel strategy can be both subordinate and combined in relation to the strategy of the organization as a whole. But in both cases, the personnel strategy focuses on a specific type of corporate or business (business strategy). T.Yu. Bazarov identifies the following types of organization strategy: entrepreneurial, dynamic growth, profitability, liquidation, circulation. Organizational strategy and personnel strategy are interconnected. Attributing an enterprise to a specific type on the basis of a particular personnel strategy is a difficult problem, since in real practice there are many mixed types. It should be borne in mind that the structure of distribution of enterprise property and the nature of innovations have the most significant impact on the formation of personnel policy.

4 . Development andimplementation of HR strategies

The process of developing and implementing a strategy is continuous, which is reflected in the close relationship between solving strategic problems both in the long term and in the medium and short term, i.e. their solutions in terms of strategic, tactical and operational management. Such a concretization of the personnel strategy and bringing it to strategic tasks and individual actions is embodied in a strategic plan - a document containing specific tasks and activities to implement the strategy, the timing of their implementation and responsible executors for each task, the amount of necessary resources (financial, material, informational, etc.). .). The strategy in the field of personnel should contribute to: strengthening the organization's capabilities (in the field of personnel) to withstand competitors in the relevant market, to effectively use its strengths and weaknesses in the external environment; expanding the competitive advantages of the organization by creating conditions for the development and effective use of labor potential, the formation of qualified, competent personnel; full disclosure of the staff's abilities for creative, innovative development in order to achieve both the goals of the organization and the personal goals of employees. There are five factors influencing the personnel strategy of an organization: social, political, legal, economic and environmental factors. Whatever form of work with personnel the organization chooses, each of these elements must be carefully analyzed and reflected in it. The development of the personnel strategy of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of a deep systematic analysis of the factors of the internal and external environment, as a result of which a holistic concept of the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy. The external environment includes the macro environment and the immediate environment of the organization, which have a directed impact and contacts with the personnel management system. As a result of the analysis of the external and internal environment using the SWOT method, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management are identified, as well as the opportunities that it has and the threats that should be avoided. The identification of strengths and weaknesses reflects the self-assessment of the organization and allows it to compare itself with the main competitors in the labor market and, possibly, in the sales market. The assessment can be carried out on individual indicators and functions of personnel management using the competitive profile of the enterprise. Evaluation of individual indicators is carried out by the method of comparative analysis, and management functions - by the expert method. The strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management to the same extent as the threats and opportunities determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, within the framework of strategic personnel management, when analyzing the internal environment, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual areas of personnel management and the personnel management system as a whole. To solve this problem, such well-known methods and techniques in strategic management as the SWOT method, matrices of opportunities, threats, compiling an environment profile, etc. are used. The personnel strategy of an organization can cover various aspects of personnel management: age, categories, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; increasing the effectiveness of personnel costs, including wages, remuneration, training costs and other cash costs; personnel development, social protection measures, guarantees, social insurance, social compensations, socio-cultural and welfare, etc.); development of organizational culture, improvement of the personnel management system, etc.

5. Developmentand implementation of HR strategies

When developing a personnel strategy, the achieved, established level in all these areas should be taken into account and, taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level should be determined, the achievement of which will allow the implementation of the strategy organizations.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary personnel management strategy can be so difficult due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, the level of professionalism of managers and specialists, that it will be necessary to prioritize the selection of the necessary areas and components of personnel management strategies. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy may be the volume of resources allocated for the implementation, time constraints, the availability of a sufficient professionally qualified level of personnel, and some others. 1 In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of activities that enhance the organization's ability in a competitive environment due to advantages in the field of personnel.

Any even the most well-developed strategy is of no value if there is no way to put it into practice. Therefore, it is important not only to correctly develop a strategy, but also to be able to apply it in business. The implementation of the personnel strategy is an important stage of the strategic management process. For its successful course, the leadership of the organization must follow the following rules:

* Goals, strategies, tasks for personnel management must be carefully and timely communicated to all employees of the organization;

* The general management of the organization and heads of personnel management should ensure that all necessary resources for implementation are received in a timely manner and have a plan for implementing the strategy.

The purpose of the strategy implementation process is to ensure the coordinated development and implementation of strategic plans for the structural units of the organization as a whole and the personnel management system. During the implementation of the strategy, three tasks are solved:

1. - priority is established among administrative tasks (tasks of general management), so that their relative importance corresponds to the personnel management strategy that the organization and the strategic personnel management system will implement. First of all, this concerns such tasks as the distribution of resources, the establishment of organizational ties and relationships, the creation of information, legal and other subsystems;

2. - a correspondence is established between the chosen personnel strategy and internal organizational processes, processes within the personnel management system, so that the organization's activities are focused on the implementation of the chosen strategy. Such compliance should take place according to the following characteristics of the organization: its structure, system of motivation and incentives, norms and rules of conduct, beliefs and values, qualifications of employees and managers, etc.

3. - this is the choice of the style of management of the organization as a whole and individual units that is necessary and appropriate for the personnel strategy. The tools for implementing the personnel management strategy are personnel planning, personnel development plans, including their training and promotion, solving social problems, motivation and remuneration. Personnel planning is the determination of when, where, how much, what quality (skills) and at what price workers will be required. At the same time, planning has a key place in the overall set of tools for the personnel management strategy - planning allows you to clearly formulate the tasks of the current period, choose the most effective methods for solving them, evaluate and analyze the results of activities, find and eliminate errors in activities. Imperfect human resource planning is costly for organizations and can result in the loss of valuable resources. The main task of personnel planning is to ensure the implementation of the organization's plans from the point of view of the human factor of the enterprise - employees - their number, qualifications, productivity, and the cost of hiring them.

The implementation of the personnel strategy includes two stages: the implementation of the strategy and strategic control over its implementation and the coordination of all actions based on the results of control.

The stage of strategy implementation includes: development of a plan for the implementation of the personnel strategy; development of strategic plans for the divisions of the personnel management system as a whole; activation of start-up activities for the implementation of the strategy. The implementation of a personnel management strategy, including the distribution of the necessary resources, the determination of the means of its implementation, deadlines, responsible executors, can be carried out in accordance with a plan developed in the following form.

HR strategy implementation plan.

The purpose of the implementation of the personnel strategy

Strategy Implementation Time

Means of implementing the strategy

Resource costs

Responsible executors

Increasing the share of workers under the age of 35 from 25 to 40%. Hiring new workers, expanding material benefits and social compensations Current (for wages), consumption fund Deputy. personnel director.

The implementation of the strategy implies that employees need to be informed about the main directions of the adopted strategy, about its content and about the main tasks, the solution of which involves the chosen strategy. The following factors influence the process of implementing strategies: availability of mechanisms (technologies) for implementing strategies; the quality of operational and tactical decisions of the personnel management system; the relationship and nature of the division of strategic, operational and tactical powers; the quality of the organizational structures of the personnel management system and the organization as a whole; the presence and quality of feedback from the internal and external environment; quality and compatibility with organizational culture; the quality and composition of the applied methods of personnel management. one

The purpose of the strategic control stage is to determine the compliance or difference between the implemented personnel strategy and the state of the external and internal environment; outline the directions of changes in strategic planning, the choice of alternative strategies. Strategic control is carried out through the selection of factors: their analysis and evaluation; accumulation of necessary data; output targeting.

The most powerful and large-scale factors influencing the formation and implementation of the strategic control process are the presence of a strategic personnel management system, strategic goals and objectives, intermediate criteria; the progress of the implementation of the strategic personnel management system and the implementation of the strategy; compliance of the implemented strategies and the quality of systems with the state of the environment; feedback quality; availability and quality of coordination mechanisms. To develop and implement a personnel strategy, it is recommended to create working groups in functional areas: providing the organization with personnel, developing labor potential, and realizing labor potential.


The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. Man has always been the key and most valuable resource, and in recent decades, especially in market-developed countries, there has been a clear trend towards an even greater increase in this value. The level of staff development directly affects the competitive capabilities of the company and its strategic advantages. A competitive enterprise seeks to use the capabilities of employees as efficiently as possible, creating all conditions for the most complete return and intensive development of their potential. At present, in our country, the importance of personnel as a factor in the renewal of production and the place of personnel strategy in the overall economic strategy of enterprises is not always fully realized by the heads of enterprises.

Having considered a number of issues related to the types of personnel strategies of an enterprise, we can conclude that today the primary task of business is to bring the goals of the organization and the goals of its employees to a common denominator. This implies the need to harmonize the strategy of the organization as a whole and the personnel strategy of the enterprise.

The strategy is the main direction, the nature of the movement, the way, following which the organization will be able to achieve its goals. The strategy should not only have a theoretical value, but, above all, be actively implemented in practice. The solution of this problem is paramount for managers of organizations.


1. Bizyukova I.V. Management personnel: selection and evaluation. - M.: Economics, 2008 p.178

2. Galkovich R.S., Nabokov V.I. Fundamentals of management. - 2006 p.356

3. Gerchikova I.N. Management. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000 p.134

4. O.N. Dunaev F.S. Ismagilova "Introduction to the theory and practice of personnel management". 2001 p. 256


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Based on the analysis of various strategies, their classification was developed. Depending on the classification feature, strategies are distinguished: according to the level of management at which the strategy is developed, regarding the stage of the "life cycle" of the enterprise, according to the nature of behavior in the market; according to the method of achieving competitive advantages (Fig. 1.3).

Depending on the level of management at which strategies are developed, they distinguish between: corporate, business, functional, resource and operational strategy.

Among the general strategies that take place during the "life cycle" of an enterprise, there are: a strategy of growth, stabilization, reduction and restructuring.

According to the nature of the behavior in the market, strategies are divided into: active (offensive, expansive), passive, a combination of active and passive.

According to the method of achieving competitive advantages: cost leadership strategy, differentiation, optimal costs, focused strategy of low costs and differentiation.

Rice. 1.3.

An enterprise can simultaneously implement several strategies: corporate, which covers all areas of the enterprise; business, to ensure success in one specific area of ​​business.

Each of the options for the development strategy of the organization involves its own (corresponding to it) version of the personnel strategy. Let's consider them according to the principle "general strategy of the organization - the corresponding personnel strategy".

1) Organization development strategies - entrepreneurship strategy.

Typical for organizations that develop new areas of activity, investments provide funds with a high share of financial risks. Implementing this strategy requires innovative, flexible-thinking staff who are willing to take responsibility for management risk, work overtime, and are able to work in teams.

HR strategy - opportunities for growth and individual development. This strategy is based on the high individual capabilities of the individual. Professional development is encouraged in various ways.

2) Development strategies of the organization - a strategy of dynamic growth.

HR strategy - hiring. Changes in the goals and structure of the organization are envisaged. The challenge is to find a balance between the necessary changes and stability. Qualification and dedication to the firm are factors in the firm's success. Employees must be able to adapt to changes, quickly acquire the necessary competence to solve relevant problems.

Specialists are recruited from among the most capable workers. The main thing is to attract highly qualified specialists who are really needed by the company. This personnel strategy is based on the assessment of individual work and effective work in a group, analysis of group behavior

HR strategy - reward. Evaluation of employees is more formalized, but the factor of loyalty to the firm is important.

Personnel strategy - development of competence. The competence of employees is ensured through continuous professional development. There is a real opportunity for professional advancement of specialists. Personnel development should be consistent with the company's development goals.

3) Organization development strategies - profit strategy.

HR strategy - hiring. The organization is at the stage of maturity and expects to receive a constant income through new products, the development of technologies with established production.

The main task is to produce more products and minimize costs. The purpose of management is strict control, elimination of uncertainty and uncertainty. It is carried out using standard procedures and rules. Only those specialists are selected in whose competence the firm is interested - a narrow selection. Recruited staff ready to perform their duties. Participation in management is not necessary and is not encouraged, but if incomes decrease or product quality deteriorates, then other forms of involving workers in solving the problem are used.

4) Organization development strategies - liquidation strategy.

This strategy is chosen by organizations in which the main activities are in decline in terms of profit, market position, product quality. Staff have a negative attitude towards the implementation of such a strategy due to future staff reductions. Of great importance are measures of social protection of workers in the form of finding ways to reduce employed personnel (switching to a part-time work week, shorter working hours, employment of laid-off workers in other firms at the expense of this organization, internal displacement).

HR strategy - reward. The participation of personnel in the development and implementation of solutions is not expected, the recruitment of specialists is not carried out.

Remuneration is carried out exclusively in accordance with official salaries, no other forms of incentives are foreseen.

The assessment of specialists is based on the criteria for the need to reduce entire areas of activity. Highly qualified employees are selected to maintain output.

Personnel strategy - advanced training. Such a strategy is of great importance when a firm is obliged to employ laid-off specialists.

5) Strategies for the development of the organization - a strategy for changing course.

This strategy is used in organizations that are struggling to quickly increase profits, to develop a new or expand an existing market. This strategy involves changing the entire management system and relationships in the organization. The participation of each employee in the search for new solutions becomes a very important factor

HR strategy - hiring. The search for qualified specialists for the main jobs is carried out. The organization is looking for the necessary specialists among its employees, assessing and developing their potential.

Personnel strategy - advanced training. Internal selection of personnel gives an opportunity to those who wish to take part in the development of new areas of activity.

The development of new competencies and advanced training are of great importance because the organization plans to change course based on internal reserves.

HR strategy - reward. Its employees master new areas of activity, promotion and career development are carried out. The staff is involved in management activities. Financial remuneration of employees is not provided.

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