Qualities of people born in the year of the horse. Chinese horoscope horse

A person born in the year of the Horse is cheerful, quick-witted and popular in society. It has a warmth that attracts people around. Insightful and talkative.

A woman born this year has an independent character. Her nature is changeable and often manifests itself in her temper and self-willed disposition. It is very easy to fall in love with her unpredictability, but also easy to stop loving.

He leaves his parents' house early and seeks to build his own career. An adventurer at heart, but with a sharp mind and the ability to manage money. In general, independent, lively and energetic. He likes bright colors and spectacular clothes, often just tasteless.

Her mind works at great speed, so she does everything quickly and gracefully. She may lack stability and resilience in achieving her goals. If she can be more open and consistent, she will achieve more in life.

She loves fanfare and when she is complimented. She also does not skimp on pleasant words. Skilled in both love and business. Quickly able to assess the situation and has the skills to manipulate people.

Negative traits are impulsiveness and stubbornness. Has an explosive temperament, but quickly forgets everything. Often this trait leads to a loss of respect and trust. She tends to rush people and is unhappy if someone does not have time to do it as quickly as she does. It can be childishly petty, whimsical and capricious. Often forgetful and distracted, jumping to conclusions.

If you want to understand her, you have to accept the simple thing, she is a firm believer in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She is not possessive, not jealous, and becomes aggressive only if she is deprived of her freedom.

Often suffers from misunderstanding of others. The fact is that the Horse woman feels the nuances that go unnoticed by everyone else, so she can drastically change her assessments and judgments. In other words, she strongly trusts her intuition and gropes. Don’t even ask her to explain her guesses, she still won’t be able to.

Due to constant activity, it is very difficult for her to relax, therefore she often suffers from insomnia.

In the work area, he rarely adheres to schedules and wanted to sneeze on standard procedures. If the idea captures, it can work around the clock without food and sleep.

Easily comes up with new ideas and develops solutions to complex problems. Therefore, if you have a worker born in this year, it is advisable to provide him with variety and many branches in his work. Her activity and performance increases if there is complete freedom of action.

She loves active people like her. She likes direct answers, without evasions and disguises. Able to reconsider her plans when she learns about new paths and opportunities. Does not take offense at frankness and appreciates frankness.

She needs to learn how to show her feelings and express herself. If he constantly restrains his emotions, this can result in illness.

In personal relationships, it is not constant. If he cannot be with the one he loves, he quickly finds a replacement. Her flirtations and flirtations don't last long. Has a huge number of friends growing exponentially. However, she will never overly hope and rely on them.

He quickly loses interest in everything. She just doesn't know the word siege. Will not kick a closed door, like the Dragon Sign. If something does not work out, he will go about his business and perhaps try another time. It is very difficult to predict when she will decide to restart negotiations. Her mind is like a puzzle and you will never find the last piece.

The Horse woman is perky, daring and very smart. Can be an endless talker. Able to do dozens of things at the same time. Always ready to drop everything and join you on your Everest expedition.

He knows how to achieve his goals. Will be in 10 places at the same time, if required. Sometimes it starts to compete with itself.

Outwardly, it may seem soft and kind, but under this appearance lies a razor-sharp mind. He loves nature, open spaces, the rustle of trees, the roar of the ocean and the majesty of the mountains. Therefore, if you want to get her as a partner, do not deprive all of this.

The best partners for her will be the Tiger, the Dog and the Goat.

Everyone wants to know their future and a person without prior communication. To do this, you need to know the year of birth and look at the horoscope. The most hardworking and pleasant sign is the Horse.

Year of the Horse sign characteristic

The Year of the Horse brought people full of strength and energy to the world. People born in the year of the White Horse have a great desire for life. You almost never hear from them about the desire for death or other negative aspects, because they will continue on their way no matter what. A person under this sign is not used to attaching great importance to problems. Not only the thirst for life distinguishes them, but also the ability to use money. They are not misers, but they are not spenders either, but precisely the middle class that is able to save money, but use it for their own pleasure.

Positive traits

The positive qualities of the Horse sign are the soul of the company, it will never be boring with him, but on the contrary, such people always attract a lot of attention. People are drawn to the sign because of their special outlook on life, freedom from other people's opinions and the influence of negativity. There will be no negative individuals in their environment, simply because the Horse does not like a bad influence on his life. They show unprecedented activity, so you can meet them at any event, be it a wine tasting or a marathon race. They pay special attention to sports and achieve good heights. Adventurers are definitely about people born in the year of the Horse. They are capable of risky actions, but they will never go to their own detriment. Horses love their lives too much to harm them with their actions.

If you look for a person who is capable of doing rash acts, then he will definitely be under this sign. Of all the animals, only the horse is associated with a real workaholic, which is completely transferred to the sign. People under this sign are able to work constantly, only because of this they often cannot stop and are completely exhausted. Although the love of work is a positive characteristic, but for these people everything goes beyond the norm. Unhealthy hard work leads Horses to frequent nervous breakdowns, health problems and poor relationships with loved ones. Only the matter should really completely capture the person, because without this motivation they simply quickly cool off, and then no conversations and requests will help. It is difficult to find a business that can attract them for a long time.

Negative qualities of the sign

People born in the year of the horse are big egoists. They love themselves too much, so in most cases they are ready to go over the corpses if it suits them. They will never make concessions to their own detriment. Anyone who tries to change the sign will suffer a big setback. If someone gets in their way to the fulfillment of desires, then this person will regret a lot of times. Selfishness and diligence makes the sign work tirelessly and go despite all obstacles. Thanks to this, they easily achieve success in their careers.

Too brightly react to external stimuli. It is better not to anger the horse, because after a sweet smile a sharp attack of rage and aggression may follow. At such moments, the sign becomes poorly controlled. They will start to crush and break like bulls. Despite all his strength and aggression, a person is often subject to self-doubt. Behind a strong appearance, an ever-doubting personality is hidden. Unexpected problems will shake the general condition, which will lead to a panic attack or a sharp change in mood. Unhealthy industriousness is also one of the negative qualities. Despite the full dedication to the cause, the horse often ceases to see any boundaries of the normal.

Best birthday dates, months and times

In addition to the year of the Horse and characteristics, the type of person is recognized in compatibility with the month and time of birth.

Aries, born in the year of the Horse, are endowed with an unstable character. They are not able to take first place, as they are constantly in unpleasant uncertainty. From the Horse, they took independence in their own ideas and thoughts, as well as protection from the opinions of others.

Taurus is the perfect combination. They are used to achieving their goals, they are very hardy. Less selfish than any other sign, but more hardworking.

The inconstancy of the Gemini with the oratory of the Horse, they play a good duet. Unlike other signs, Gemini is able to talk to any person. They always bribe people with sociability and friendliness. Unfortunately, compatibility is not diligent.

The unusual nature of Cancer, along with the Horse, leads to non-standard solutions. People are selfish, ready to go over their heads for their own career.

Compatibility with Leo, denotes a lover to go completely into his own business. He devotes himself completely to loved ones.

Accuracy in the affairs of the Virgin and the industriousness of the Horse means high results in work. Constant self-doubt often scares such people.

Libra may have an ordinary appearance, but the ability to present oneself correctly is the result of compatibility with the year of birth. Oratory skills and order in everything help a person to be sober-minded and self-confident Difficult to communicate

Scorpios, in alliance with the year, become even more difficult to understand. Selfish and do not allow anyone to control their own lives, Scorpios are a little irresponsible, but together with the Horse they are able to get out of any situation. Diligence allows them to pass all obstacles with a good mood.

Capricorns are looking for their inner peace, because the year endowed them with love for freedom of thoughts and desires. All life is aimed at finding a comfortable place in society.

Aquarians know what they need, but doubts constantly torment the soul. They like to please people with gifts, but they are waiting for a response. Pisces and the Horse do not complement each other, but on the contrary, they change a person for the worse. Exaggeration of one's own feelings and selfishness leads to constant resentment. Heavy duet.

The most suitable professions

The oratorical abilities that people are endowed with when they were born in the year of the Horse help to work in any area where communication with other people is necessary. Professions of politicians, administrators, directors, advertisers are excellent. Thanks to their own hard work, they achieve high peaks in any career. It is best to make a career in a profession where communication with people comes first.

Love and relationships

Years of the Horse in love are very attached to their soulmate. They can give themselves completely to love 100 percent, but this feeling will not last long. If you do not bring something new in a relationship, then the sign will quickly get bored with the situation. The couple's love will pass as quickly and spontaneously as it began.

Children born in the year of the Horse

Children of the Year of the Horse are active. They actively spend their free time sitting, which makes parents constantly run. The child often finds himself in ridiculous situations, because there are no brake lights, and the desire for adventure is doubled. Children are restless, often very
painful, but it goes away with time.

Which of the five types of horse is yours

Type 1 - the year ends in 4. A wooden horse that has a rich imagination.

Type 2 - the year ends at 6. The fiery horse is characterized by intelligence and perseverance

Type 3 - ending in 8. An earthen horse has kindness and strong responsibility.

Type 4 - ending in 0. The golden horse has a rational and pure mind.

Type 5 - the figure ends with 2. The water horse is very emotional and friendly.

Compatibility of Horses with other signs

A disgusting variant of the union of all kinds. Any relationship is fraught with negative consequences. An emotional and aggressive couple who are not able to make concessions. Each will seek to take possession of the other, but attempts will fail. Friendships will be destroyed, and love relationships will end in failure.

Stubbornness against selfishness will not be able to get along together. In working moments, normal mutual understanding arises with great difficulty. Everyone has their own concept of morality, which plays a negative role in disputes. Stubborn and selfish natures will only work for their own interests. Friendship is difficult because of the dissimilarity of characters and tastes.

A wonderful couple, because two people prefer to spend time with their own affairs, but not bother each other. In an alliance, they prefer work rather than relationships, which leads to the correct distribution of time. The couple will come to a common understanding, and love will be filled with bright colors.

For a horse, this is an ideal union, since one sign prefers to spend time at home, while the other seeks career growth and brings pleasant gifts to its half. An excellent foundation for a married couple. Any union for these signs will be ideal, as there is complete mutual understanding.

The couple personifies a fragile vase that stands on the edge of the table. The constancy of conflicts will exceed the norm: eternal, long and uninteresting. The Dragon needs someone to be with him all the time, he loves to see beauty and the ideal nearby, and the Horse will rarely be in the family circle, because her career comes first. Friendships will also fail due to lack of time. The horse prefers its own interests, and its selfishness and diligence puts everything in the first place. In a couple, she allows herself to be loved, but gives very little love in return, which negatively affects the relationship. Working together takes place between signs only if it is not the year of the Fire Horse, for then they will be useless.

In a couple, everything proceeds wonderfully only until the moment when the Snake is able to rejoice in love. She has a sober mind and clarity of thought, because this is the main quality that helps and makes you move on. For friendship, this is an excellent duet. The negative of the Horse will pass by the prudence of the Snake. She will not notice the aggression, which will make the Horse completely change its qualities. Working moments have a positive outcome if labor tasks are correctly distributed in the case: one will generate ideas, opportunities for implementation, and the other will carry out the practical part of the idea, and knowing the industriousness of the sign, it will be easy and interesting for her.

Horse. Compatibility with the same sign is possible. Both strive for the same thing, selfish and independent of other people's opinions. The only problem is that one of the signs will have to obey the other. Not everyone will agree to this, so the couple will have constant arguments and negativity. Friendship between signs is much better than love relationships. In workers
There is rivalry at times.

The changeable nature of the sign will capture the year of the Horse in strong chains, so that even selfishness will move into the background. Thanks to its quirks, the Goat is able to bind a sign to itself for many years. Friendship and love are very real.

Here the rule “Who gets up faster, that and slippers” will apply. In a relationship there will be constant disputes about primacy, as no one wants to give way to another. In any area of ​​life, the union will be problematic due to constant conflicts.

In this pair, the Horse will be the leader, which over time will greatly bore the Rooster. Relationships can be long-lasting, but only if the couple is able to come to a common compromise.

Signs can not get bored with each other. The Dog, immersed in its own affairs, will completely give the Horse freedom of action. No one will suffer from a lack of attention, but on the contrary, everyone is busy with their own problems, which does not take half the time. Love relationships are the best option, friendship and work will have to properly distribute their responsibilities.

Selfishness and laziness are a terrible union. The Horse will put pressure on the Pig with its arrogance, and the sign will show indifference, which will only add fuel to the fire. Union is possible if everyone begins to show more love and patience in relationships. A one-sided game will not work.


The Horse horoscope is very interesting, because the personality itself is unusual and hardworking. This sign will always prefer self-development and a career, rather than constantly sitting in one place. Activity helps to constantly be in the spotlight and find new acquaintances.

Years of the Horse

Start Date End Date Associated Item Sky Branch

01/30/1930 02/16/1931 Yang Metal Geng Wu
02/15/1942 02/04/1943 Yang Water Ren Wu
03/02/1954 23/01/1955 Jan Wood Jia Wu
01/21/1966 02/08/1967 Yang Fire Wing Wu
07/02/1978 01/27/1979 Yang Earth Bai Bai
01/27/1990 02/14/1991 Yang Metal Geng Wu
02/12/2002 01/31/2003 Yang Water Ren Wu
01/31/2014 02/18/2015 Yang Wood Jia Wu
02/17/2026 02/05/2027 Yang Fire Wing Wu

Chinese horoscope: cycle of the year of the Horse
1906 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978
The 25th of January February 11 January 30 February, 15 February 3rd January 21 February 7
1990 2002 2014 2026 2038 2050 2062
January 27 12th of February January 31
* Dates indicate the first day of the New Year.

Chinese horoscope - Horse

The horse is a noble animal revered in various cultures for its endurance, kindness and hard work. Ancient Chinese astrologers defined the horse as a symbol of strong natural energy, a useful, tempered and used tool that brings great benefits.

People born in the year of the Horse often find themselves in the circle of those people who are completely dedicated to their work. It can be absolutely any kind of occupation: be it your own business, a favorite hobby or housework - Horses always try to do everything that depends on them, and devote themselves entirely to the work that they are doing at the moment. Horses are distinguished by purposefulness and always try to complete the planned things at all costs, even if they get very tired or there are many different obstacles in their way. The Horse uses its energy, strength and perseverance when performing work of any complexity and, thanks to this, always achieves a positive result. That is why horse workers are especially highly valued by the employers of the East.

Horses do not like criticism addressed to them, even the slightest remark can hurt them. Such people always need approval and praise, especially from people close to them.

Like many generations of horses, which for many centuries have been indispensable companions of people in everyday life, travel and bloody wars, people born in the year of the Horse embody great inner strength and endurance.

Due to good physical development, Horses often achieve high results in sports.

Horses are not only physically strong, but also very reliable: they will never let you down in difficult times, they will always help and support you. In addition, Horses are honest, the truth is extremely important to them. It is always better to be frank with them and in no case to deceive, even if this lie serves a good purpose. Whatever actions Horses do, they always do it sincerely and nobly.

Horses are proud and independent, but they need good company. For Horses, such a person is very important who could constantly guide them and give advice on a variety of issues; someone with whom they could live in harmony and feel protected.

In relationships with members of the opposite sex, the Horse often shows weakness and insecurity. She is ready to sacrifice everything for love. In family relationships, the Horse often becomes the guardian of the family hearth. People born in the year of the Horse are especially loyal to their partners.

All the objects surrounding such people are primarily perceived by them from the emotional side, the material component fades into the background for them. Horses will be happy to wear the same favorite item for a long time, even if it has already gone out of fashion or worn out.

Horses are very loyal, this often turns against them. People begin to use them for their own purposes, manipulating the gullibility and benevolence of the Horses.

Horses are people of their word: if they promise something, they will do everything possible to fulfill the promise. They rarely give up in the face of difficulties and problems that have arisen, even in crisis conditions, Horses will strive to continue what they have started and bring it to its logical conclusion. They do not lose heart and are always ready to gather together the last forces to make the last attempt. Horses are distinguished by their constant readiness to throw another challenge, to move to a new level. The constant internal energy of a purebred horse helps them to deal with any difficulties.


Red. The horse is associated with the color red, traditionally associated with good fortune, happiness and strength, business success and family prosperity. It is one of the most popular Chinese New Year colors when wishes for happiness are written on red paper and attached to a door or gate.

Side of the world

South. Each of the twelve animal signs corresponds to the direction of the compass needle. The horse is associated with the south direction, which in turn is associated with the noon hours. This direction is also associated with the middle of summer, when yang is strong and yin is weak.


Once you define a goal, you direct all your energy towards achieving it. You are active, always ready for action, prefer the unusual to the unpredictable. If you decide to choose a new profession to make a career, then wait until you have fully mastered this profession, and try to solve any problems, and not just avoid them.

You are hardworking, active and independent, and do not mind working in a team if your efforts are properly appreciated. Many people who were born in the year of the Horse are in good health and can perform both mental and physical work. You have leadership potential, but try to keep your temper in check, as a harsh word can turn into trouble for you.

You are able to make a career in politics, sports or construction. You will make a geographer, researcher, actor, administrator of an advertising or trading company.

Character features

You are independent and self-confident, usually meeting with a friendly smile both old friends and new acquaintances. You lead in good company and are not only a pleasant conversationalist, but also an inspired speaker. You like it when your talent is appreciated, you are easy to flatter, but you are honest and friendly, and your many friends appreciate it. People trust you because you are interested in their opinions and feelings, but you are so turned on by their revelations that you find it difficult to keep it a secret. However, you are not guided by anger or revenge - you simply cannot resist. The same thing can happen when you are taken over by new projects: in your irrepressible desire to take action, you can offend others or unwittingly disrupt what plans you already have.

You are inspired by ideas, you try to implement them immediately, captured by momentary interest, but the danger is that you are too impulsive and think little about the future. When disappointment in the results of your efforts sets in, you focus your attention on a new project and start all over again, embraced by new ideas.

Thinking about failures and about having to fix things that have already been done fills you with anxiety, but instead of considering such a prospect, you prefer to change course and focus your energy elsewhere. Sometimes such qualities are beneficial, as many favorable opportunities arise, but it also happens that the plans remain only half-fulfilled. You are always ready to give good advice and can be very persuasive, but under your confidence and carelessness, inner doubts lurk. Those who know you well understand this and therefore offer the support you need.


You are carried away by romance and inspired by the joy of new relationships, but sometimes in a whirlwind of emotions you forget about responsibility. Your relationships with partners are hardly boring, they are full of both stormy and joyful moments, and moments of tenderness.

You may not always be prudent and focus on one partner, but when you finally reject doubts, you take your obligations seriously.

Just as a horse is calmed down with gentle words, you can easily be calmed down with tenderness and love. You need a partner who not only loves you and supports you in moments of doubt, but also able to allow you love adventures, not to interfere with dressing up before a new adventure.

You are completely unsuited to household chores, but this is forgivable, since you are an interesting partner.

The horse is the seventh sign of the 12-year cycle of the eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the energy "yang" and the element "fire". The corresponding zodiac sign is Libra.

The horse symbolizes: activity, cheerfulness, sociability, kindness, independence, desire for comfort, diligenceirascibility, reliability, unfocusedness, rudeness

Table of Years of the Horse

Characteristics of people born under the sign of the Horse

Characteristics of representatives of the Horse sign introduces the peculiarities of their character, building personal relationships, professional growth.

Character traits

Positive. The horse is always ahead. She is in a hurry to enjoy life and is in the thick of things. She has a great personality and many friends.

Positive character traits:

  • activity: The horse is interested in everything that happens around him; she is always impatient and strives either to meet friends, or to the theater or cinema;
  • cheerfulness: not prone to depression and pessimism; always ready to laugh and joke heartily; thanks to this, it often becomes the soul of the company;
  • sociability: never left alone; always glad to both friends and new acquaintances; knows how to direct the emotions of others in the right direction in time, avoiding conflict or an awkward situation;
  • kindness: sensitive to the misfortune of others and tries with all her might to support those who need it;
  • independence: does not like when someone else's opinion is imposed on her; he achieves everything on his own thanks to his assertiveness and diligence;
  • desire for comfort: loves money and spends it on home improvement, travel and a full colorful life.

Negative. The Horse has few negative qualities. These include: ardor, inability to refuse and direct your energy in one direction.

Negative qualities:

  • irascibility: The horse does not tolerate when they do not agree with it; she is ready to prove her point of view, even if she is not 100% sure that she is right; because of this, most of the conflicts in her life occur;
  • reliability: some people around can use the kindness of the Horse and constantly ask her for help; at the same time, she is always ready to help and does not notice that she is being used; if it reveals dishonesty, it breaks friendly relations forever;
  • lack of focus: The horse is too confident in his abilities and takes on many things at the same time; at the same time, she often misses something really important for herself.

Love and relationships

The cheerfulness and sociability of the Horse attracts many fans to her. Whoever she chooses becomes happy. After all, the Horse is a wonderful family man. She is ready to provide her chosen one with everything necessary and maintain comfort in the house. For her, this is an integral part of a comfortable life.

This sign appreciates the tranquility of the hearth. Therefore, the Horses need to create comfortable conditions - not to bake on trifles and not impose their opinion. Otherwise, the atmosphere in the house will heat up to the point of an insoluble conflict and a break in relations.

Career and profession

The horse performs best in team work. She is especially good at being a leader. Subordinates obey her, forgive intemperance and rudeness thanks to her charm and cheerfulness.

The horse brings to the end everything that it undertakes. Even if she does not like the work, she does it well and on time. This makes her a desirable worker in all areas.

Recommended professions: The horse can engage in almost any kind of activity. Her ability to control the mood of people is indispensable in show business, acting. She is suitable for the professions of an actor, showman, TV presenter, lecturer, coach, psychologist, researcher.

The straightforward and strong Horse is the patron of those for whom all things go quickly and along a straight road, without evasions and intrigues.

The symbolism of the Horse is the law, the right path, the road to immortality, the righteous life. She helps brave, healthy, self-confident and straight people. And those who were born in her year, the Horse endows with physical strength and those traits that contribute to an honest, active and successful life. People born in the year of the Horse are valued for their strength, independence and honesty. Years corresponding to the year of the Horse in the Eastern horoscope: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026.

The nature of people born in the year of the Horse

The horse is endowed with the best features. She naturally got a cheerful and cheerful character, self-confidence, straightforwardness, assertiveness and strength. The first thing that new acquaintances think about the Horse is how much strength it has! This man can move mountains! The horse never whines or complains about life. She can handle any heights. She walks through life boldly and directly. Of course, these qualities arouse sympathy for her, and the Horse always has many followers, friends and helpers. In an ideal environment, the Horse would undoubtedly be the most popular person. However, our life is such that direct and assertive people are often uncomfortable in their personal lives, and in work, and in communication. The directness of the Horse leads to the fact that they try to keep it away from secrets and delicate topics. Horses use kindness, but they do not trust her. The horse rarely suffers from this. She has many interests, a wide circle of contacts, she is attracted by distant countries, new projects, interesting activities, which is why she does not seek to be involved in any backstage games.

People born in the year of the Horse: compatibility in love

In love, the Horse is sincere and honest. She is temperamental, knows what she wants and definitely achieves it. She does not manipulate a partner in love with her. And the well-developed gift of a psychologist helps her to see selfish and deceitful people, she is not mistaken in choosing a couple. The horse delights in love adventures and adventures. In the worst case, having won, she honestly breaks up with her partner and rushes to new feelings. At best, he constantly diversifies the relationship, surprises the partner and prevents the relationship from becoming insipid. As a partner, the Horse chooses those who appreciate it, because it likes to be admired. She avoids not only people with pronounced vices - deceit, self-interest, cunning, but also quite good people who can fetter her freedom. She is afraid of addiction. And it doesn’t matter how exactly the partner will impose his plans on her instead of her own: manipulation, domineering character or tears and helplessness. As soon as the Horse realizes that he is being limited, he will part with his partner. For the family, the Horse is a godsend. She cares about the family, about household well-being, about prosperity. In return, she demands respect for her interests, peace and care for her emotional comfort.

Horse, and

People born in the year of the Horse: compatibility in friendship

The horse is a faithful and sincere friend. She is ready to help friends with deeds, and not just listen. The Horse herself does not like to disturb her friends with her problems, she tries to cope with everything herself. She always has many interesting plans, and she supports other people's ideas with joy. She will be a good friend for active, lively, mobile people. Often she finds friends in travels, at school, at social events - everywhere where it is lively and interesting. She does not like hypocrisy and cunning, so honesty is the main condition for friendship with her. The disadvantage of the Horse is the inability to keep secrets. Better not to trust her with secrets. She can betray them because of her straightforwardness or, believing that she is doing the right thing. She is able to talk about the unseemly act of a friend or rush to defend a friend in a situation that he told in secret and does not expect intervention (for example, in family matters). If a friend forgot to warn the Horse that something needs to be kept secret, she will not understand at all that the news was "not for all ears." Therefore, only those who do not like secrets and live sincerely and straightforwardly, or those who know how to hold their tongue and do not share all the secrets with friends, are good friends with the Horse. In friendship, Horse, and are suitable for her.

People born in the year of the Horse: work compatibility

The horse knows well what he wants to do and what he is going to achieve. She, as a rule, has this knowledge since childhood: already in adolescence, the Horse often chooses a future profession without subsequently changing this decision. Then, in work, the Horse also persistently goes forward. Incredibly rare are the cases when the Horse leaves the business before he has achieved everything he wanted. In the work of the Horse, pressure, strength and good physical health help. She does not like to obey, so she does not work in subordinate positions, but becomes a leader or works for herself.

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