What type of models are literary works. Genera and genres of literature

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The question of a genre as a variety of one or another is rather complicated. This term is found in music, painting, architecture, theater, cinema, and literature.

Determining the genre of a work is a task that not every student can handle. Why is genre division necessary? Where are the boundaries that separate the novel from the poem, and the story from the short story? Let's try to figure it out together.

Genre in literature - what is it

The word "genre" comes from the Latin genus ( kind, genus). Literary reference books report that:

a genre is a historically developed variety, united by a set of formal and meaningful features.

It can be seen from the definition that in the process of genre evolution it is important to highlight three points:

  1. each genre of literature is formed over a long period of time (each of them has its own history);
  2. the main reason for its appearance is the need to express new ideas in an original way (substantive criterion);
  3. distinguish one type of work from another is helped by external signs: volume, plot, structure, (formal criterion).

All genres of literature can be represented like this:

These are three typology options that help to attribute the work to a particular genre.

The history of the emergence of genres of literature in Russia

The literature of European countries was formed according to the principle of moving from the general to the particular, from the anonymous to the author's. Artistic creativity both abroad and in Russia was fed by two sources:

  1. spiritual culture, the center of which was monasteries;
  2. folk speech.

If you look closely at the history of literature in Ancient Russia, you can see how new ones gradually come to pateriks, the lives of saints and patristic writings.

At the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, such genres of ancient Russian literature, as a word, walking (an ancestor of the travel novel), (everyday "splinter" of a moral parable), heroic poem, spiritual verse. On the material of oral traditions, which stood out separately during the period of the collapse of the ancient myth into a fairy tale epic and a realistic military story.

Interacting with foreign written traditions, Russian literature is enriched new genre forms: a novel, a secular philosophical story, an author's fairy tale, a -, a lyric poem, a ballad.

The realistic canon brings to life a problematic novel, story, short story. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, genres with blurred boundaries again become popular: essay (), essay, short poem, symbolist. Old forms are filled with original meaning, they pass into each other, destroy the set standards.

Dramatic art has a powerful influence on the formation of the genre system. Set to theatricality changes the appearance of genres familiar to the average reader, such as a poem, a story, a short story, and even a small lyric poem (in the era of the “sixties” poets).

remains open in modern literature. There is a prospect of interaction not only within individual genres, but also within various types of art. Every year a new genre appears in literature.

Literature on genera and species

The most popular classification breaks down works “by gender” (all of its components are shown in the third column in the figure at the beginning of this publication).

To understand this genre classification, it is necessary to remember that literature, like music, is worth on the "three whales". These whales, called genera, are in turn divided into species. For clarity, we present this structure in the form of a diagram:

  1. The most ancient "whale" is considered. Its progenitor, which broke up into legend and legend.
  2. appeared when humanity stepped over the stage of collective thinking and turned to the individual experiences of each member of the community. The nature of the lyrics is the personal experience of the author.
  3. older than epic and lyric. Its appearance is associated with the era of antiquity and the emergence of religious cults - mysteries. Drama has become the art of the streets, a means of releasing collective energy and influencing masses of people.

Epic genres and examples of such works

The largest the epic forms known to modern times are the epic and the epic novel. The ancestors of the epic can be considered a saga, common in the past among the peoples of Scandinavia, and a legend (for example, the Indian "Tale of Gilgamesh").

epic is a multi-volume narrative about the fate of several generations of heroes in historically established circumstances and enshrined in cultural tradition.

A rich socio-historical background is required, against which the events of the characters' private lives unfold. For the epic, such features as the multicomponent plot, the connection between generations, the presence of heroes and anti-heroes are important.

Since it depicts large-scale events over the centuries, there is rarely a thorough psychological portrayal, but the epics created in the last few centuries combine these installations with the achievements of modern art. The Forsyte Saga by J. Galsworthy not only describes the history of several generations of the Forsyte family, but also gives subtle vivid images of individual characters.

Unlike the epic epic novel covers a shorter period of time (no more than a hundred years) and tells about 2-3 generations of heroes.

In Russia, this genre is represented by the novels "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Quiet Flows the Don" by M.A. Sholokhov, "Walking through the torments" by A.N. Tolstoy.

to medium forms epic include novel and short story.

The term " novel” comes from the word “Roman” (Roman) and is reminiscent of the antique that gave birth to this genre.

The Satyricon by Petronius is considered an example of an ancient novel. In medieval Europe, the picaresque novel becomes widespread. gives the world a novel-journey. Realists develop the genre and fill it with classical content.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the following types of novels:

  1. philosophical;
  2. psychological;
  3. social;
  4. intellectual;
  5. historical;
  6. love;
  7. detective;
  8. adventure novel.

There are many novels in the school curriculum. Giving examples, name the books of I.A. Goncharov "Ordinary History", "Oblomov", "Cliff", works by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", "Nest of Nobles", "On the Eve", "Smoke", "Nov". The genre of "Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot", "The Brothers Karamazov" by F. M. Dostoevsky is also a novel.

Tale does not affect the fate of generations, but has several storylines that develop against the backdrop of one historical event.

"The Captain's Daughter" A. S. Pushkin and "Overcoat" N.V. Gogol. V.G. Belinsky spoke about the primacy of narrative literature in the culture of the 19th century.

Small epic forms(story, essay, short story, essay) have one storyline, a limited number of characters and are distinguished by a compressed volume.

For example, stories by A. Gaidar or Yu. Kazakov, short stories by E. Poe, essays by V.G. Korolenko or an essay by V. Wolf. Let's make a reservation, sometimes it "works" as a genre of scientific style or journalism, but it has artistic imagery.

Lyric genres

Large lyric forms represented by a poem and a wreath of sonnets. The first is more plot-driven, which makes it related to the epic. The second is static. In a wreath of sonnets, consisting of 15 14-verses, a theme is described and the author's impressions of it.

In Russia, poems have a socio-historical character. "The Bronze Horseman" and "Poltava" A.S. Pushkin, "Mtsyri" by M.Yu. Lermontov, “Who is it good to live in Russia” N.A. Nekrasov, "Requiem" by A.A. Akhmatova - all these poems lyrically describe Russian life and national characters.

Small forms of lyrics numerous. This is a poem, canzone, sonnet, epitaph, fable, madrigal, rondo, triolet. Some forms originated in medieval Europe (lyric poetry in Russia especially fell in love with the sonnet genre), some (for example, the ballad) became the legacy of German romantics.

Traditionally small Poetry works are usually divided into 3 types:

  1. philosophical lyrics;
  2. love lyrics;
  3. landscape poetry.

Recently, urban lyrics have also emerged as a separate subspecies.

Dramatic genres

Drama gives us three classic genres:

  1. comedy;
  2. tragedy;
  3. actual drama.

All three varieties of performing arts originated in ancient Greece.

Comedy was originally associated with religious cults of purification, mysteries, during which a carnival action unfolded on the streets. The sacrificial goat "comos", later called the "scapegoat", walked along the streets along with the artists, symbolized all human vices. According to the canon, they should be ridiculed by comedy.

Comedy is the genre of "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboedov and "Undergrowth" D.I. Fonvizin.

There are 2 types of comedy: comedy provisions and comedy characters. The first played with circumstances, gave one hero for another, had an unexpected denouement. The second brought the actors together in the face of an idea or task, giving rise to a theatrical conflict on which the intrigue rested.

If, during a comedy, the playwright expected the healing laughter of the crowd, then tragedy set out to evoke tears. It was bound to end in the death of the hero. Empathizing with the characters, the viewer or the cleansing.

Romeo and Juliet, as well as W. Shakespeare's Hamlet, were written in the tragedy genre.

Actually drama- this is the latest invention of dramaturgy, removing therapeutic tasks and making an installation for subtle psychologism, objectivity, play.

Definition of the genre of a literary work

How was the poem "Eugene Onegin" called a novel? Why did Gogol define the novel "Dead Souls" as a poem? And why is Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard a comedy? Genre designations are hints that there are right directions in the art world, but, fortunately, there are no forever beaten paths.

A little higher is a video that helps determine the genre of a literary work.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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literary genre This is the model by which the text of any literary work is built. A genre is a set of certain features that make it possible to classify a literary work as an epic, lyric or drama.

The main types of literary genres

Literary genres are divided into: epic, lyrical and dramatic. Epic genres: fairy tale, epic, epic, epic novel, story, novel, essay, short story, anecdote. Lyrical genres: ode, ballad, elegy, epigram, message, madrigal. Dramatic genres: tragedy, drama, comedy, melodrama, farce and vaudeville.

Genres in literature have a number of specific features, divided into: genre-forming and additional. Genre-forming features serve to determine the specifics of a particular genre. For example, the genre-forming feature of a fairy tale is an orientation towards fiction. The listener perceives the events that take place in a fairy tale as magical, fictional, not directly related to reality. The genre-forming feature of the novel is its connection with objective reality, the coverage of events that took place in reality or those that could happen, a large number of acting characters, and special attention is paid to the inner world of the characters.

Development of literary genres

Literary genres do not tend to stand still. They are constantly evolving and never stop changing. When forming or changing literary genres, attention is paid to real historical reality, in the aura of which the creation of literary works takes place.

What is a literary genre?

We figured out what a genre in literature is, but it would not be superfluous to consider why a literary genre is needed - what function does it perform?

The genre is able to give the reader a fairly holistic view of the work. That is, if the word “novel” is present in the title of the work, then the reader immediately begins to tune in to a significant amount of text, in contrast, for example, to a small “story”, which causes a corresponding association with the approximate number of pages in the book.

Also, the genre can give the reader an idea about the content of the work. For example, if it is defined as “drama”, then we can imagine in advance that the person in the work will be shown in dramatic relations with society and, most likely, we will observe tragic events at the end of the book.

Together with the article "What is a genre in literature?" read:

The short story genre is one of the most popular in literature. Many writers have turned to him and are turning to him. After reading this article, you will learn what are the features of the short story genre, examples of the most famous works, as well as popular mistakes that authors make.

The story is one of the small literary forms. It is a small narrative work with a small number of characters. In this case, short-term events are displayed.

Brief history of the short story genre

V. G. Belinsky (his portrait is presented above) as early as 1840 distinguished the essay and the story as small prose genres from the story and the novel as larger ones. Already at this time in Russian literature the predominance of prose over verse was fully indicated.

A little later, in the second half of the 19th century, the essay received the broadest development in the democratic literature of our country. At this time, there was an opinion that it was documentary that distinguished this genre. The story, as it was believed then, is created using creative imagination. According to another opinion, the genre we are interested in differs from the essay in the conflict of the plot. After all, the essay is characterized by the fact that it is basically a descriptive work.

Unity of time

In order to more fully characterize the genre of the story, it is necessary to highlight the patterns inherent in it. The first of these is the unity of time. In a story, the action time is always limited. However, not necessarily only one day, as in the works of the classicists. Although this rule is not always observed, it is rare to find stories in which the plot spans the entire life of the protagonist. Even rarer are works in this genre, the action of which lasts for centuries. Usually the author depicts some episode from the life of his hero. Among the stories in which the whole fate of a character is revealed, one can note "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" (author - Leo Tolstoy) and It also happens that not all life is represented, but its long period. For example, Chekhov's "The Jumping Girl" depicts a number of significant events in the fate of the characters, their environment, and the difficult development of relationships between them. However, this is given extremely compacted, compressed. It is the conciseness of the content, greater than in the story, that is a common feature of the story and, perhaps, the only one.

Unity of action and place

There are other features of the short story genre that should be noted. The unity of time is closely connected and conditioned by another unity - action. A story is a genre of literature that should be limited to describing a single event. Sometimes one or two events become the main, meaning-forming, culminating events in it. Hence comes the unity of place. Usually the action takes place in one place. There may be not one, but several, but their number is strictly limited. For example, there may be 2-3 places, but 5 are already rare (they can only be mentioned).

character unity

Another feature of the story is the unity of the character. As a rule, one main character acts in the space of a work of this genre. Occasionally there may be two, and very rarely - several. As for the secondary characters, there can be quite a lot of them, but they are purely functional. The story is a genre of literature in which the task of minor characters is limited to creating a background. They can interfere or help the main character, but no more. In the story "Chelkash" by Gorky, for example, there are only two characters. And in Chekhov's "I want to sleep" there is only one at all, which is impossible either in the story or in the novel.

Unity of the center

Like the genres listed above, one way or another are reduced to the unity of the center. Indeed, a story cannot be imagined without some defining, central sign that "pulls together" all the others. It does not matter at all whether this center will be some static descriptive image, a climactic event, the development of the action itself, or a significant gesture of the character. The main image should be in any story. It is through him that the whole composition is kept. It sets the theme of the work, determines the meaning of the story told.

The basic principle of building a story

It is not difficult to draw a conclusion from reflections on "unities". The idea suggests itself that the main principle of constructing the composition of a story is the expediency and economy of motives. Tomashevsky called the motive the smallest element. It can be an action, a character or an event. This structure can no longer be decomposed into components. This means that the biggest sin of the author is excessive detail, oversaturation of the text, a heap of details that can be omitted when developing this genre of work. The story should not go into detail.

It is necessary to describe only the most significant in order to avoid a common mistake. It is very characteristic, oddly enough, for people who are very conscientious about their works. They have a desire to express themselves to the maximum in each text. Young directors often do the same when they stage diploma films and performances. This is especially true for films, since the author's fantasy in this case is not limited to the text of the play.

Imaginative authors love to fill the story with descriptive motifs. For example, they depict how a pack of cannibal wolves is chasing the main character of the work. However, if dawn breaks, they will necessarily stop at the description of long shadows, dimmed stars, reddened clouds. The author seemed to admire nature and only then decided to continue the pursuit. The fantasy story genre gives maximum scope to the imagination, so avoiding this mistake is not at all easy.

The role of motives in the story

It must be emphasized that in the genre of interest to us, all motives should reveal the theme, work for meaning. For example, the gun described at the beginning of the work must certainly fire in the finale. Motives that lead to the side should not be included in the story. Or you need to look for images that outline the situation, but do not overly detail it.

Composition features

It should be noted that it is not necessary to adhere to traditional methods of constructing a literary text. Their violation can be effective. The story can be created almost on the same descriptions. But it is still impossible to do without action. The hero is simply obliged to at least raise his hand, take a step (in other words, make a meaningful gesture). Otherwise, it will turn out not a story, but a miniature, a sketch, a poem in prose. Another important feature of the genre we are interested in is a meaningful ending. For example, a novel can last forever, but the story is built differently.

Very often its ending is paradoxical and unexpected. It was with this that he associated the appearance of catharsis in the reader. Modern researchers (in particular, Patrice Pavie) consider catharsis as an emotional pulsation that appears as you read. However, the significance of the ending remains the same. The ending can radically change the meaning of the story, push to rethink what is stated in it. This must be remembered.

The place of the story in world literature

The story - which occupies an important place in world literature. Gorky and Tolstoy turned to him both in the early and in the mature period of creativity. Chekhov's story is the main and favorite genre. Many stories have become classics and, along with major epic works (stories and novels), have entered the treasury of literature. Such, for example, are Tolstoy's stories "Three Deaths" and "The Death of Ivan Ilyich", Turgenev's "Notes of a Hunter", Chekhov's works "Darling" and "The Man in a Case", Gorky's stories "Old Woman Izergil", "Chelkash", etc.

Advantages of the short story over other genres

The genre we are interested in allows us to single out one or another typical case, one or another side of our life, with particular convexity. It makes it possible to depict them in such a way that the reader's attention is completely focused on them. For example, Chekhov, describing Vanka Zhukov with a letter "to the village of grandfather", full of childish despair, dwells in detail on the content of this letter. It will not reach its destination and because of this it becomes especially strong in terms of accusation. In the story "The Birth of a Man" by M. Gorky, the episode with the birth of a child that occurs on the road helps the author in revealing the main idea - affirming the value of life.

Genres of literature

Literary genres- historically emerging groups of literary works, united by a set of formal and content properties (in contrast to literary forms, the selection of which is based only on formal features). The term is often incorrectly identified with the term "type of literature".

The genera, types and genres of literature do not exist as something immutable, given from the ages and eternally existing. They are born, are theoretically realized, develop historically, change, dominate, freeze or retreat to the periphery, depending on the evolution of artistic thinking as such. The most stable, fundamental is, of course, the extremely general concept of “genus”, the most dynamic and changeable is the much more specific concept of “genre”.

The first attempts at a theoretical substantiation of the genus make themselves felt in the ancient doctrine of mimesis (imitation). Plato in The Republic, and then Aristotle in Poetics, came to the conclusion that poetry is of three kinds, depending on what, how and by what means it imitates. In other words, the generic division of fiction is based on the subject, means and methods of imitation.

Separate remarks about the ways of organizing artistic time and space (chronotope), scattered in the Poetics, form the prerequisites for further division into types and genres of literature.

Aristotle's idea of ​​generic characteristics is traditionally called formal. His successors are representatives of German aesthetics of the 18th-19th centuries. Goethe, Schiller, Aug. Schlegel, Schelling. Approximately at the same time, the principles of the opposite - a meaningful approach to the generic division of fiction were laid. It was initiated by Hegel, who proceeded from the epistemological principle: the subject of artistic knowledge in the epic is the object, in the lyrics - the subject, in the drama - their synthesis. Accordingly, the content of the epic work is being in its entirety, dominating the will of people, therefore the event plan prevails in it; the content of the lyrical work is the state of mind, the mood of the lyrical hero, therefore the eventfulness in it recedes into the background; the content of a dramatic work is striving for a goal, a person's volitional activity, manifested in action.

Derived from the category of the genus, or rather, clarifying, concretizing its concepts are the concepts of "species" and "genre". By tradition, we call species stable structural formations within a literary genus, grouping even smaller genre modifications. For example, the epic consists of small, medium and large types, such as a story, an essay, a short story, a story, a novel, a poem, an epic. However, they are often called genres that, in a strict terminological sense, specify species either in a historical, or in a thematic, or in a structural aspect: an ancient novel, a Renaissance short story, a psychological or production essay or novel, a lyrical story, an epic story (“Fate Man" M. Sholokhov). Some structural forms combine specific and genre features, i.e. types of genre varieties do not have (such, for example, types and at the same time genres of the medieval theater soti and moralite). However, along with the synonymous word usage, the hierarchical differentiation of both terms is relevant. Accordingly, the types are divided into genres according to a number of different characteristics: thematic, stylistic, structural, volume, in relation to the aesthetic ideal, reality or fiction, the main aesthetic categories, etc.

Genres of literature

Comedy- type of dramatic work. Displays everything ugly and ridiculous, funny and awkward, ridicules the vices of society.

Lyric poem (in prose)- a type of fiction, emotionally and poetically expressing the feelings of the author.

Melodrama- a type of drama, the characters of which are sharply divided into positive and negative.

fantasy subgenre of fantasy literature. The works of this subgenre are written in an epic fairy-tale manner, using the motifs of ancient myths and legends. The plot is usually based on magic, heroic adventures and travel; the plot usually contains magical creatures; The action takes place in a fairy tale world reminiscent of the Middle Ages.

Feature article- the most reliable type of narrative, epic literature, displaying facts from real life.

Song or song- the most ancient type of lyric poetry; a poem consisting of several verses and a chorus. Songs are divided into folk, heroic, historical, lyrical, etc.

Tale- medium form; a work that highlights a series of events in the life of the protagonist.

Poem- type of lyrical epic work; poetic storytelling.

Story- a small form, a work about one event in the life of a character.

Novel- large form; a work, in the events of which many characters usually take part, whose fates are intertwined. Novels are philosophical, adventure, historical, family and social.

Tragedy- a type of dramatic work that tells about the unfortunate fate of the protagonist, often doomed to death.

Utopia- a genre of fiction, close to science fiction, describing a model of an ideal, from the point of view of the author, society. In contrast to dystopia, it is characterized by the author's belief in the impeccability of the model.

epic- a work or a cycle of works depicting a significant historical epoch or a major historical event.

Drama- (in the narrow sense) one of the leading genres of dramaturgy; a literary work written in the form of a dialogue of characters. Designed to be performed on stage. Focused on spectacular expression. The relationship of people, the conflicts that arise between them are revealed through the actions of the characters and are embodied in a monologue-dialogical form. Unlike tragedy, drama does not end in catharsis.

Genre- type of literary text. Classifying by gender, literary theorists distinguish epic, lyrical, dramatic, lyrical-epic genres.

Works within each genre are divided by volume into:

  • large (novel, epic novel),
  • middle (stories, poems),
  • small (story, essay, short story).

Although the main classification is related to the genres of literature, some genres have a thematic division: sentimental, psychological novel, adventurous, philosophical novels, etc. This thematic division is very conditional. Not all literary scholars agree with a strict classification, for example, by topic. Genre-thematic diversity of works in verse includes love, philosophical, landscape lyrics. But this is not a definitive list of all the literary heritage that we have and of those works that appear today.

Types of Literature

  • An objective plot description of characters and events.
  • The text has a clear reference to time and space.

I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", I.A. Goncharov "Cliff", F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

  • Concentration of attention on the inner world, thoughts, feelings of the hero.
  • Special organization (rhyme, rhythm, size).
  • External life is presented subjectively, through the eyes of the hero.

M.Yu. Lermontov "Sail", A. Akhmatova "Courage"

  • The work was written for the theatrical stage.
  • The text consists of dialogues, monologues, small author's remarks.
  • Heroes are shown in actions, conflicts.

A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", M. Gorky "At the Bottom"

Lyro epic

  • Text in verse form.
  • Combination of epic and lyrical portrayal of the hero's life

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", M. Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

Epic genres of literature

  • Story- a relatively small work with a small number of characters. As a rule, the author solves one problem and singles out one event (A.I. Kuprin "The Miraculous Doctor")
  • Parable- a small genre of didactic literature, identical with the fable, however, differing in a higher style. In the parable, there are allegorical elements of the narrative, sometimes reduced only to a detailed comparison.
  • Feature article- one of the types of small form among the epic genres. Similar to a short story, except that there is no single, sharp, and relatively quickly resolved conflict in the text, the narrative is fluid and mostly descriptive. (V. Peskov "Window to Nature"
  • Novella- one of the main genres of small epic prose, a shorter work than a story or novel. Although, it is customary to call the authors of stories short stories, and the totality of stories - short stories. (A. Green "The Power of the Incomprehensible")
  • Tale- something between a short story and a novel in terms of volume and number of characters and events. Events are presented logically and sequentially (V. G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera")
  • Novel characterized by a multi-layered plot, there are several lines of narration, multi-problem. There is a great variety of internal and external conflicts. Characters are shown in development for quite a long time (B.L. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago")
  • epic novel- this is a large-scale work, often including historical and military events, the socio-political life of the country (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

Lyrical genres of literature

  • lyric poem(N. Rubtsov "In the autumn forest")
  • Oh yeah- the leading genre in the direction of classicism. The work sings of important state or historical events and national heroes. The main feature is the solemnity of style and high style. (M.V. Lomonosov “Ode on the birth of the Great Sovereign)
  • Elegy- a sad poem expressing deep philosophical reflections about life and man against the backdrop of nature. Personal experiences dominate the narrative. (E.A. Baratynsky "Elegy (Is the hour of goodbye very close!)")
  • Sonnet- a lyrical poem of 14 lines in the form of a complex stanza: 2 quatrains and 2 tertiary lines. (W. Shakespeare "Sonnets about love")
  • Message- a letter in verse addressed to one person or group of people. According to the content, lyrical, love, friendly, satirical, etc. are distinguished (A.S. Pushkin “To Count Vorontsov”)
  • Epigram- a short ironic-satirical poem, wittily ridiculing a certain person or phenomenon. (V.A. Zhukovsky ““Did you write a drama, Fefil?”)

Dramatic genres of literature

  • Comedy- a type of drama in which the plot, characters and events are comical. The task is to ridicule the negative phenomena of reality and entertain the viewer. Comedy can be high (A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"), lyrical (A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"), satirical (N.V. Gogol "The Government Inspector")
  • Tragedy- a type of drama based on an insoluble conflict that causes suffering, and sometimes the death of the hero (A. S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov")
  • Drama- a mixture of tragic and comic. The conflict, although sharp at first, is resolvable by the end. The fate of the protagonist and the denouement are different forms. The drama does not seek to ridicule people, but shows them against the backdrop of society. (A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm").

Lyric-epic genres of literature

  • Poem- a multifaceted work with a detailed depiction of events, long in duration, including lyrical digressions. (A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman")
  • Novel in verse- synthesis of the characteristics of the novel and lyrical digressions form the figure of a lyrical hero (A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")
  • Legend- this is a text-remembrance of something wonderful, important events of the past. The literary legend is usually conceptual, the material is strictly subordinated to the author's idea. (M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil")
  • skaz- a type of literary narration, often in the form of indirect speech or even in the first person. In the work, colloquial and everyday stylization is clearly visible. (N.S. Leskov "Lefty")
  • Ballad- a poetic story on a historical topic with a dense plot. (A.S. Pushkin "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg")
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