Wushu study. What is wushu - origins and founder

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Yi Shen
Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch


The perfectly wise do not make mistakes. No one in the world understands the meaning of his words, he keeps his thoughts in deep secrecy.

Guanzi (1st century BC)

Gymnastics wushu, in my opinion, are available not only to experienced athletes, but to everyone who seeks to improve their own health and get rid of a whole baggage of chronic diseases.

From time immemorial in Russia, and in many other civilized countries, a stereotype of a healthy person has formed: of course, tall, with an athletic torso, an impressive muscle relief. But the East is a “delicate matter”, or rather, thin and small. Therefore, in Asia, the ideal of a healthy person is a small man, quite well-fed, even with a small belly (because of abdominal breathing, and not love to eat tasty and a lot). In addition, a healthy person, above all, should have pink satin skin, shiny hair, a smile and a calm, radiant look...

The main signs of a healthy person in Eastern culture are different from European ones. This, of course, is flexibility, mobility of joints and tendons, plasticity of movements, proper breathing and the ability to control one's body and will. That is, there is, or rather, on the body, the harmony of the spirit and the carnal principle! Bodhidharma, the founder of the famous Shaolin wushu school fourteen centuries ago, educated his students according to the principle: "Through the perfection of the body to the perfection of the spirit."

Wushu is not only a martial art and sport, it is, first of all, medical and health-improving gymnastics, psycho-training and, oddly enough, a philosophical system. Before developing the physical abilities of one's body, Chinese teachers called for the improvement of the individual, for the search for harmony between a person and the outside world.

The literal translation of the term "ush at"-" martial art ". Originating several millennia ago, wushu It was a technique of hunting and self-defense from animals and enemies. But later, the ancient Chinese came to the conclusion that, having such a powerful weapon as wushu in the arsenal, a person must be strong in spirit and master the skill of using it so as not to harm the weak and defenseless. This can only be achieved through training, not just the body, but also the spirit.

Now, when fighting is carried out with the help of a completely different weapon than wushu, two new directions have arisen: self-defense without weapons and a system of preventive and therapeutic gymnastics.

The healing and healing aspects of wushu are an integral part of traditional medicine. It is known from numerous Chinese sources that " having mastered wushu systems increases the protective properties of the body ... constant practice gives practical skills in achieving good health and prolongs life ... then a person will not need whole pots of medicines". Art wushu develops on the basis of psychophysical training, during which a person activates and mobilizes the hidden capabilities of the body.

The widest distribution wushu received after the formation in 1949 of the People's Republic of China. Teaching has been introduced in primary and secondary schools since the first grade. wushu as compulsory physical training.

Wushu is the most massive national type of physical and sports training in China, and today not only in it. Wushu is not limited to physical culture and sports. Wushu is a fusion of gymnastic complexes and respiratory gymnastics, which include elements of acupressure and have health-improving and therapeutic value, it is both sports and martial arts, it is both psychophysical training and fine arts, it is a philosophical system that determines the view of the world and the very way of life.

Conventionally, three areas can be distinguished in wushu: health-improving, sports and military-applied, and each next direction includes the previous ones as an integral part.

In my book, I will introduce readers to the first direction, which is only the small tip of a huge iceberg called wushu.

Wushu of a health-improving orientation includes complexes of gymnastic exercises, basic body movements (hips, arms and legs), exercises for working out plasticity of movement, breathing exercises and massage complexes.

I will not dwell on the philosophical foundations of wushu, which are complex and related to ancient and modern religious systems in China. The main goal of my book is to introduce wushu therapeutic exercises, which allow you to develop strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, improve health and, most importantly, is available to people with different levels of physical fitness.

Mastering these gymnastic complexes and basic movements will help you acquire the skills to use your strength when performing various hard work, develop coordination and dexterity. These exercises can also be used as gymnastics to relieve fatigue and invigorate during intense mental and physical labor, and most of them do not require additional space and special conditions.


Everyone should understand that wushu is not an easy country walk in the fresh air, therefore, before embarking on complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by illness and idleness.

The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. Performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all the joints, muscles, tendons, but also "work out" the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.

If you are a terribly busy person and you do not have enough time to complete the entire complex, of course, you can reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as, " taking on the chest", forget " sniff the crust". The performance will decrease significantly. Therefore, if you seriously think about your health and plan to bring your body to perfection, you should not save time in classes, especially the initial ones. Remember that even a trained gymnast who immediately has large loads during a warm-up can get injured.

The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the greater the positive effect you will achieve. And although wushu originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I have given in this book are not imitations of martial movements. Therefore, do the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, injury to the tendons and muscles is possible.

A few important tips before you start doing the initial complex.

It is best to perform these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash your face, brush your teeth, empty your intestines).

Clothing for classes should be free. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, unbutton your shirt collar, and remove your watch.

Do not exercise when you feel very hungry; do not exercise earlier than 1.5–2 hours after eating.

Usually, according to Chinese tradition, exercises are performed while facing north.

Observe gradualness in the load, do it regularly (better little by little, but regularly).

standing exercises

You can turn on peppy music, preferably without words or with words in a foreign language, so as not to be distracted by understanding the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing , will be forced to work on the analysis of the unanalysable).

Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.

Exercise 1

Starting position: legs apart, arms down.

For each count 1–4, we tilt our heads forward, backward, to the right, to the left.

Exercise 2

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with brushes.

Exercise 3

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.

Exercise 4

Starting position: legs apart, in the hands of a gymnastic stick or rope.

Raise your straight arms up above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the belt.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy torso to the left and right.

Exercise 6

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the belt.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy torso to the right leg, left leg, forward, by 4 we return to the starting position.

When bending over, try to reach the floor with your fingertips or palms.

Exercise 7

Starting position: wide stance, legs apart with the body tilted forward, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make turns of the torso to the right and left.

Exercise 8

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the belt.

At the expense of 1-4, we make circular movements with the body to the right, at 5-8 - to the left.

Exercise 9

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

On count 1 - lean back, slightly bending your knees, touch your heels with your hands.

On count 2, return to the starting position.

Exercise 10

Starting position: legs apart.

We perform swings with the right and left legs forward, arms in front of us, slightly apart.

Lying exercises

« If you're in your apartment, lie down on the floor, three to four", - Vladimir Vysotsky once sang; but even if you are at home, you don’t need to lie down on the bare floor, lay a foam mat on it. And don't forget that you didn't lay down to take a nap or relax! You lay down to cheer up and shake off the remnants of sleep.

Perform all exercises seven times. Finish with running, walking and breathing exercises.

Exercise 1

Starting position: lying on your back, arms at the sides, palms down.

1. Lower the raised straight leg either to the right or to the left.

2. The same with both legs at the same time.

3. In conclusion, we make circles with both feet.

Exercise 2

Starting position: lying on your stomach, palms rest on the floor.

Straightening your arms, bend, raising your head and body.

Close your hands behind in the "castle". Bend over without taking your feet off the floor.

The same, but hands behind the head.

Exercise 3

Starting position: lying on your back.

Bend your legs, straighten at an angle of 45 degrees, lower.

Raise your straight legs, bend them and return to the starting position.

Raising straight legs, try to touch the floor with your feet behind your head.

Exercise 4

Starting position: lying on its side, the left hand creates support in front of the chest, the right behind the back.

Perform circular movements with a straight right leg.

Raise your straight legs.

Put your hands behind your head, lift your body.

Exercise 5

Starting position

Pulling your feet towards you on the floor, raise your pelvis - the "bridge" on the shoulder blades.

Rest your palms on the floor. "Bridge" based on hands, feet and head.

The same, straightening the arms, relying only on the legs and arms.

Exercise 6

Starting position: lying on the stomach.

Alternately raise straight legs.

With your hands on your ankles, bend over.

Lower your arms along your body, palms down. Leaning with your hands, raise your straight legs.

Exercise 7

Starting position: lying on your back.

Move into a sitting position without using your hands.

Spread your legs wider, hands should lie on the back of your head.

Go to a sitting position, bend towards the floor.

The same, but straight arms behind the head.

Move into a seated position with your legs bent over.

Exercise 8

Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head.

Perform foot movements that imitate the rotation of the pedals - "bicycle".

Crossing movements with straight legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees - "scissors".

Circles with straight legs in opposite directions.

Breathing exercise

We live at the bottom of the atmospheric ocean, which is about 100 kilometers deep. Air pressure is approximately 1 kilogram per 1 square centimeter.

We know that it is possible to live without food for more than 30 days and survive. But without air we can do only a few minutes.

Many scientists state that the deeper a person breathes, the fewer breaths he produces in 1 minute, and the longer his life. People who breathe often live less. This statement is also confirmed in the animal world: rabbits, guinea pigs and all other rodents are often breathing, producing many respiratory movements in 1 minute. They live a very short time.

And the main indicator health pool body, according to many Chinese masters wushu, is the duration of breath holding. Therefore, periodically during the day, you need to perform a simple breathing exercise, which will not only allow you to improve your health, but also give you strength, make you balanced, and speed up nervous processes.

The more vital energy a person has, the longer he holds his breath, the better the conditions for concentration of attention.

The ancient Chinese sages argued that the higher the level of consciousness a person has, the more spiritual energy he has, the less he needs to destroy something for the sake of preserving himself and in general in material things, including food, water, and most importantly, oxygen. . It is clear that the opposite is also true: the more vitality in a person, the more concentrated he is, the less he breathes, the less he gets sick, the slower he ages.

Most of the processes in the human body are "tied" to breathing. Alas, due to improper breathing, we burn (oxidize) in the fire of the oxygen we breathe. The oxygen that keeps us alive can harm our body if the body's defense mechanism is malfunctioning. To adjust your breathing and strengthen the mechanism of protection against the harmful effects of oxygen, it is necessary to perform a breathing exercise.

This exercise can be performed at any time, sitting, standing, lying down and while moving. This is the usual slow measured breathing. Control over it is the essence of the exercise and consists in focusing on breathing.

A distinctive feature of the breathing exercise is the partial blocking of the glottis with the aim of some deceleration of the air. To do this, the muscles of the larynx are slightly tense. Breathing is accompanied by a slight hiss. When inhaling, a whistling sound is heard " sss", on the exhale - hissing -" xxx". But remember: the sound is not formed by the vocal cords, not by the friction of air against the palate, as in snoring, but precisely due to the narrowing of the passage for air. The source of the sound is not the bronchi or the nose, but the upper part of the larynx, located just above the Adam's apple.

Take a quick breath (a few seconds), mainly from the stomach.

You should try to stretch the exhalation as much as possible, make it slow, even, steady.

The duration of breathing (inhalation and exhalation time) should be gradually increased, but only at the expense of the exhalation time. It does not require any violence on the body. Don't tire yourself out. All attention is concentrated on a faint hissing sound.

Heaviness in the head, tinnitus, heat in the body, redness of the face, lethargy, weakness, depressed mood after exercise - all these are evidence of overwork. If they are, then you are a bit overzealous.

The duration of the breathing exercise should be a few minutes at the beginning, add 1-2 minutes weekly. The subtlety lies in creating resistance to the air passing through the respiratory tract.


You should not start wushu classes with complex complexes. To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the exercises of the young man's Shaolin gymnastics - the basic training method. wushu.

Don't let the word " youth': initially wushu only men were engaged, and this first set of exercises implies the beginning of training already in childhood, hence the name.

But if you didn't study as a child wushu then it's never too late to start. Constant training and exercise will allow you to make bones and muscles soft and elastic, like a child's.

Preparatory exercises

These preparatory exercises consist of basic methods of training the whole body, and therefore, starting to study wushu it is worth starting training with them, as, indeed, with an experienced wushuist, to warm up the body.

Preparatory exercises are not only necessary to warm up the body before performing more complex exercises, but also have a general health character. First of all, exercises well knead the muscles of the lower back, increase the mobility of the lumbar spine, and have a preventive effect on back pain and headaches.

The performance of these exercises is accompanied by a massaging effect on the active zones on the ankles and toes, associated with the activity of the central nervous system, organs of vision and hearing, endocrine glands.

In this case, the maximum effect is achieved, which is associated with strengthening the abdominal press and massaging the internal organs of the thoracic region, the liver, and the organs of the abdominal cavity.

Exercise 1. "Hands rest on the sky"

Starting position: legs together, shoulders slightly laid back, arms freely lowered along the body, palms touching the hips.


Take a deep breath. Breathe in through the lower abdomen. At the same time, the shoulders move forward, they should squeeze the top of the chest so that it does not expand. The buttocks are tense and drawn in with every movement.

Turn your palms outward, connect them with the back side at the bottom of the body, in the groin area (Fig. 1a).

After that, slowly raise your hands up, the chest should expand to take a deep breath. Raise your head up, following your hands with your eyes. Remember that when moving your hands, you need to try to feel a pleasant warmth following your hands. Try not to tear your heels off the floor (Fig. 1b).

Exhaling slowly, relax a little and lower your arms through the sides down, bending at the elbows, straighten your fingers.

Lower your shoulders so that they squeeze the chest, take a slow full exhalation, the legs at the knees can be slightly bent. Cross your arms, right under left, touching with forearms; palms up (Fig. 1c).

Slowly raise your arms while inhaling vigorously. Turn your palms outward at the level of your face (Fig. 1d).

Raise your head up, following the hands, straighten your knees. Make sure that the fingers are bent back, the lower part of the left palm presses on the back of the right hand in the area of ​​​​the wrist joint. The hands are tense in the palms and, as it were, rest against the sky (Fig. 1e).

We make a sharp exhalation and in a circular motion, spreading to the sides, lower our hands down. The elbows can be slightly bent, but the palms look down, the fingers are bent. Simultaneously with the lowering of the hands, the left leg is set aside to the width of the shoulders, we slightly bend the legs at the knees.

4. Finish the exercise with a brief tension of the arms and the whole body. Quickly relax and return to the starting position, putting your left foot to the right.

5. Repeat the exercise at least 3 times.


When performing the exercise, you should feel that you are releasing the body from the heaviness that was “held” above your head;

The exercise should be performed continuously, the movements should go from one to another.

Exercise 2. "Dancing Dragon"

Starting position: the legs are closed and bent at the knees, the hands tightly clasp the knees, the body is slightly tilted forward, we look straight ahead (Fig. 2).

Exercise order.

We begin with an effort to perform circular movements in the knees counterclockwise 7 times, the hands prevent movement, increasing the load.

Repeat the rotation on the other side.


You need to perform the exercise, trying to make the most sweeping movements.

Exercise 3

Starting position: sitting on the floor, the left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and the foot rests on the left thigh (Fig. 3a).

Exercise order.

Grab the toes of the right foot from the side of the sole with your left hand.

Grasp the ankle of the right leg with your right hand so that the thumb lies on the inside, and the other four fingers press the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer ankle from the outside.

Begin to forcefully rotate the foot in the ankle joint counterclockwise, holding the toes with your hand (Fig. 3b).

6. While rotating the foot, stretch your toes, describing a small circle with them.

7. Perform the exercise on the other side, repeating the exercise 7 times with each leg in two directions.


Try to keep the body straight, breathing should be calm and natural.

Exercise 4. "Snake Ring"

Starting position: the left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee, the instep of the right foot lies on the left thigh, the foot is maximally turned up.

Exercise order.

Grasp the ankle of your right leg with your left hand.

With an effort, lean your right palm on your right knee.

On a slow exhalation, press the right knee to the floor, the leg prevents movement, increasing the load (Fig. 4).

8. Repeat the exercise 7 times with each leg.

Exercise 5. "Wounded Bird"

Starting position: the left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and raised.

Exercise order.

Grasp your right foot with your hands, which is extended forward with your fingers. Try to keep the lower leg parallel to the floor (Fig. 5a).

Take a sharp breath, straighten your chest, while the foot leans towards the groin.

Exhale slowly and try to pull your foot up to your forehead (Fig. 5b), even better if you can throw your leg behind your head.

9. Repeat the exercise 7 times with each leg.


Make sure that your back is straight, try not to tilt your head forward to your leg.

Exercise 6. "Dragon on the ground"

Starting position: we lie on our back, stretching out our closed legs, arms bent at the elbows apart, shoulders touching the floor, forearms raised, fingers freely apart (Fig. 6a).

Exercise order.

Exhale slowly, lifting your legs up (Fig. 6b).

10. Take a sharp breath and slowly lower your legs to the starting position.

11. Repeat the exercise 7 times.


When performing the exercise, try not to bend your knees and do not tear your pelvis off the floor.

Exercise 7. "Pushing the ground"

Starting position: in emphasis on outstretched arms, arms shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists and rest on the floor with the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, the pads of the toes rest on the floor (Fig. 7a).

Exercise order.

As you exhale, lower yourself, bending your elbows, touching the floor with your chest (Fig. 7b).

12. On a sharp breath, quickly return to the starting position.

13. Repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times.


When performing the exercise, the body should be straight, if it is difficult to do push-ups on the fists, push-ups on the palms.

Exercise 8

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and pulled up to the stomach, knees slightly apart; head slightly raised; hands wrap around knees; the fingers are slightly apart, the little finger and thumb are pressed against the outer and inner surfaces of the knee joint (Fig. 8a).

Exercise order.

Perform a counterclockwise circular motion with your knees, try to impede the movement with your hands.

Pull your hands together with your knees to your shoulders and take a sharp breath (Fig. 8b).

14. Arch your lower back up. Tilt your head towards your knees.

15. Then slowly, with an exhalation, bring your knees together in front of your chest and push them away from you with force.

16. The exercise is repeated 7 times, then circular movements of the knees are performed in the other direction.


The shoulders and head are lifted, and the lower back is pressed to the floor. The rhythm of breathing remains constant.

Exercise 9

Starting position: sitting on your knees, shins and insteps touch the floor, buttocks touch the heels (Fig. 9a).

Exercise order.

Place your hands on the floor and slowly begin to tilt your body back, trying to lie with your back on the floor. Having reached the lowest position of the body, try to relax as much as possible (Fig. 9b).

17. Return to the starting position.

18. Repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times.


You need to breathe calmly;

To facilitate lifting, it is advisable at first to turn the upper part of the body slightly in any direction and rest your hand on the floor.

Exercise 10

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms folded behind the back, head straight (Fig. 10a).

Exercise order.

While exhaling, tilt your head to the right, while inhaling, return your head to its place. Then repeat the same movement, but to the left (Fig. 10b).

As you exhale, make a sharp tilt with your head forward (Fig. 10c), while inhaling, return to the starting position ..

Tilt your head as far back as possible (Fig. 10d). Clench your teeth, stretch the corners of your mouth as you exhale and make a sharp hissing sound.

As you exhale, move your head forward without tilting, pushing your chin forward - this movement should resemble the movement of the head of a pecking goose (Fig. 10e).

Make a long hissing sound through clenched teeth.

Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 11

Starting position: kneeling, knees slightly apart, buttocks touching the heels, foot lifts - the floor; keep the body straight; arms bent at the elbows; the right forearm is vertical, the open palm is turned to the face; the left palm clasps the right wrist from the outside, the thumb presses on the knuckle of the right little finger.

Exercise order.

As you exhale, bend your right hand at the wrist and, turning the brush around the vertical axis to the right, lower your hands to the level of the abdomen, below the navel, and press.

While inhaling, raise your arms to the level of your head, straightening the brush to its original position. Repeat 4 times.

Turn the right hand under the left hand so that the left hand can be placed on the back of the right hand. Keep your right shoulder and forearm in a horizontal position.

As you exhale, pull your hands to your right shoulder.

Without taking your hands off each other, change the position of your hands and repeat the exercise, pulling your hands to your stomach, chest and left shoulder.

Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 12

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms freely lowered down.

Exercise order.

Inhale sharply. Move your pelvis forward and lift your right leg, bending it at the knee, thigh parallel to the floor, upper body leaning back as much as possible.

At the same time, raise your arms forward and to the sides at shoulder level, hands relaxed, fingers slightly apart, elbows slightly bent.

As the hands move, the palms need to be turned inward, the fingers look at each other, the hands are maximally bent at the wrist joints (Fig. 11).

19. Slowly exhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

20. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Basic hand movements

Man is the only animal that masterfully controls its upper limbs. Scientists still cannot create a mechanical device that could perform those movements that are available to anyone, even a person far from sports and music.

Arm exercises are of a strength nature and develop the muscles of the arms, chest and back, strengthen the heart muscle. In addition, the complex has a number of exercises that activate blood circulation in the vessels of the neck and head and contribute to the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

In addition, these exercises develop the shoulder joints well, increase the mobility of the arms, as well as the mobility of the spine, and activate the respiratory muscles.

Exercise 13

Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder width apart; arms bent at the elbows, shoulders pressed to the surface of the chest, forearms almost vertical, hands located at chest level (middle position) and turned palms down parallel to the floor, fingers pointing forward; look straight ahead; the fingers of the hands are as if collected in a pinch, the brush resembles the head of a snake.

Exercise order.

On a slow exhalation, raise the right hand to the right to the level of the eyes, keeping its horizontal position.

Slowly lower the left hand to the groin, slightly straightening the palm and bending the hand with the palm up, fingers pointing forward and to the right. Try not to straighten your left elbow to the end, and do not tear your shoulders off your chest (Fig. 12).

21. While inhaling, change hands.

22. Repeat the exercise 7 times.


When performing the exercise, you need to concentrate on the hands, while moving, do not change the position of the elbows.

Exercise 14

Starting position: as in exercise 13.

Exercise order.

On a slow exhale, move your hands to the right to chest level, slightly bending at the elbows, palms facing each other. Imagine that you are holding a ball (Fig. 13).

23. Turn the left hand palm to the right and open.

24. On an inhalation, return to the middle position and on the subsequent exhalation move the arms to the left in the same way. Turn your head and look at the hand towards which you move your hands. As you move your arms to the right, shift your body weight onto your right leg.

25. Take a step with your left foot to the right. Step back with your right foot, sliding your toe across the floor. Bend both legs slightly at the knees. In the final position, the left knee is pressed to the right calf, the left leg rests on the floor with the balls of the fingers, the heel is directed upwards.

26. With the movement of the hands to the middle position, the legs return to their original position, and with their further movement to the left, do the same step with the right foot to the left.

27. Repeat the exercise 7 times.


The movements of the arms and legs must be simultaneous;

When moving your arms, imagine that you are moving the ball from side to side at chest level; to simplify, at first the exercise can be performed in front of a mirror with a ball, standing still, and only then proceed to the movement of the arms simultaneously with the legs.

Exercise 15

Starting position: as in exercise 13.

Exercise order.

While inhaling, raise your right hand up to the level of your forehead, turn your hand with your palm forward and up, slightly bending forward.

At the same time, take the left elbow back, leave the left hand at the hip (Fig. 14a).

On a slow exhale, lower your right elbow down, covering the solar plexus. In this case, the hand remains at the level of the face and turns with the palm towards it (Fig. 14b).

With your left hand, make a sliding motion along the body forward and to the right, turning your palm outward, with your right elbow touch the middle of your left forearm (Fig. 14c). To strengthen the exhalation, bring the relaxed shoulders together.

28. Repeat with the left arm, pulling the right elbow back.

29. Repeat the exercise 7 times.

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The birthplace of the eastern practice of wushu is China. Every morning, millions of Chinese people take to the streets, courtyards, squares and parks and perform various Wushu exercises. What motivates them to take such actions? This, of course, is the confidence that regular practice of this gymnastics protects against diseases and prolongs life. This attitude to wushu is based on deep national traditions, culture, ideas, rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy, which considers man in unity with nature. The book will introduce you to wushu, but not as a martial art, but as a set of physical exercises to improve health. Regular wushu classes will help you to join a healthy lifestyle.

A series: Healing practices of the East

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The following excerpt from the book Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch (Yi-Shen) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.


Everyone should understand that wushu is not an easy country walk in the fresh air, therefore, before embarking on complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by illness and idleness.

The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. Performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all the joints, muscles, tendons, but also "work out" the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.

If you are a terribly busy person and you do not have enough time to complete the entire complex, of course, you can reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as, " taking on the chest", forget " sniff the crust". The performance will decrease significantly. Therefore, if you seriously think about your health and plan to bring your body to perfection, you should not save time in classes, especially the initial ones. Remember that even a trained gymnast who immediately has large loads during a warm-up can get injured.

The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the greater the positive effect you will achieve. And although wushu originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I have given in this book are not imitations of martial movements. Therefore, do the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, injury to the tendons and muscles is possible.

A few important tips before you start doing the initial complex.

It is best to perform these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash your face, brush your teeth, empty your intestines).

Clothing for classes should be free. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, unbutton your shirt collar, and remove your watch.

Do not exercise when you feel very hungry; do not exercise earlier than 1.5–2 hours after eating.

Usually, according to Chinese tradition, exercises are performed while facing north.

Observe gradualness in the load, do it regularly (better little by little, but regularly).

standing exercises

You can turn on peppy music, preferably without words or with words in a foreign language, so as not to be distracted by understanding the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing , will be forced to work on the analysis of the unanalysable).

Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.

Exercise 1

Starting position: legs apart, arms down.

For each count 1–4, we tilt our heads forward, backward, to the right, to the left.

Exercise 2

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with brushes.

Exercise 3

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.

Exercise 4

Starting position: legs apart, in the hands of a gymnastic stick or rope.

Raise your straight arms up above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the belt.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy torso to the left and right.

Exercise 6

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the belt.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy torso to the right leg, left leg, forward, by 4 we return to the starting position.

When bending over, try to reach the floor with your fingertips or palms.

Exercise 7

Starting position: wide stance, legs apart with the body tilted forward, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make turns of the torso to the right and left.

Exercise 8

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the belt.

At the expense of 1-4, we make circular movements with the body to the right, at 5-8 - to the left.

Exercise 9

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

On count 1 - lean back, slightly bending your knees, touch your heels with your hands.

On count 2, return to the starting position.

Exercise 10

Starting position: legs apart.

We perform swings with the right and left legs forward, arms in front of us, slightly apart.

Lying exercises

« If you're in your apartment, lie down on the floor, three to four", - Vladimir Vysotsky once sang; but even if you are at home, you don’t need to lie down on the bare floor, lay a foam mat on it. And don't forget that you didn't lay down to take a nap or relax! You lay down to cheer up and shake off the remnants of sleep.

Perform all exercises seven times. Finish with running, walking and breathing exercises.

Exercise 1

Starting position: lying on your back, arms at the sides, palms down.

1. Lower the raised straight leg either to the right or to the left.

2. The same with both legs at the same time.

3. In conclusion, we make circles with both feet.

Exercise 2

Starting position: lying on your stomach, palms rest on the floor.

Straightening your arms, bend, raising your head and body.

Close your hands behind in the "castle". Bend over without taking your feet off the floor.

The same, but hands behind the head.

Exercise 3

Starting position: lying on your back.

Bend your legs, straighten at an angle of 45 degrees, lower.

Raise your straight legs, bend them and return to the starting position.

Raising straight legs, try to touch the floor with your feet behind your head.

Exercise 4

Starting position: lying on its side, the left hand creates support in front of the chest, the right behind the back.

Perform circular movements with a straight right leg.

Raise your straight legs.

Put your hands behind your head, lift your body.

Exercise 5

Starting position

Pulling your feet towards you on the floor, raise your pelvis - the "bridge" on the shoulder blades.

Rest your palms on the floor. "Bridge" based on hands, feet and head.

The same, straightening the arms, relying only on the legs and arms.

Exercise 6

Starting position: lying on the stomach.

Alternately raise straight legs.

With your hands on your ankles, bend over.

Lower your arms along your body, palms down. Leaning with your hands, raise your straight legs.

Exercise 7

Starting position: lying on your back.

Move into a sitting position without using your hands.

Spread your legs wider, hands should lie on the back of your head.

Go to a sitting position, bend towards the floor.

The same, but straight arms behind the head.

Move into a seated position with your legs bent over.

Exercise 8

Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head.

Perform foot movements that imitate the rotation of the pedals - "bicycle".

Crossing movements with straight legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees - "scissors".

Circles with straight legs in opposite directions.

Breathing exercise

We live at the bottom of the atmospheric ocean, which is about 100 kilometers deep. Air pressure is approximately 1 kilogram per 1 square centimeter.

We know that it is possible to live without food for more than 30 days and survive. But without air we can do only a few minutes.

Many scientists state that the deeper a person breathes, the fewer breaths he produces in 1 minute, and the longer his life. People who breathe often live less. This statement is also confirmed in the animal world: rabbits, guinea pigs and all other rodents are often breathing, producing many respiratory movements in 1 minute. They live a very short time.

And the main indicator health pool body, according to many Chinese masters wushu, is the duration of breath holding. Therefore, periodically during the day, you need to perform a simple breathing exercise, which will not only allow you to improve your health, but also give you strength, make you balanced, and speed up nervous processes.

The more vital energy a person has, the longer he holds his breath, the better the conditions for concentration of attention.

The ancient Chinese sages argued that the higher the level of consciousness a person has, the more spiritual energy he has, the less he needs to destroy something for the sake of preserving himself and in general in material things, including food, water, and most importantly, oxygen. . It is clear that the opposite is also true: the more vitality in a person, the more concentrated he is, the less he breathes, the less he gets sick, the slower he ages.

Most of the processes in the human body are "tied" to breathing. Alas, due to improper breathing, we burn (oxidize) in the fire of the oxygen we breathe. The oxygen that keeps us alive can harm our body if the body's defense mechanism is malfunctioning. To adjust your breathing and strengthen the mechanism of protection against the harmful effects of oxygen, it is necessary to perform a breathing exercise.

This exercise can be performed at any time, sitting, standing, lying down and while moving. This is the usual slow measured breathing. Control over it is the essence of the exercise and consists in focusing on breathing.

A distinctive feature of the breathing exercise is the partial blocking of the glottis with the aim of some deceleration of the air. To do this, the muscles of the larynx are slightly tense. Breathing is accompanied by a slight hiss. When inhaling, a whistling sound is heard " sss", on the exhale - hissing -" xxx". But remember: the sound is not formed by the vocal cords, not by the friction of air against the palate, as in snoring, but precisely due to the narrowing of the passage for air. The source of the sound is not the bronchi or the nose, but the upper part of the larynx, located just above the Adam's apple.

Take a quick breath (a few seconds), mainly from the stomach.

You should try to stretch the exhalation as much as possible, make it slow, even, steady.

The duration of breathing (inhalation and exhalation time) should be gradually increased, but only at the expense of the exhalation time. It does not require any violence on the body. Don't tire yourself out. All attention is concentrated on a faint hissing sound.

Heaviness in the head, tinnitus, heat in the body, redness of the face, lethargy, weakness, depressed mood after exercise - all these are evidence of overwork. If they are, then you are a bit overzealous.

The duration of the breathing exercise should be a few minutes at the beginning, add 1-2 minutes weekly. The subtlety lies in creating resistance to the air passing through the respiratory tract.

Important notes.

All the exercises from this article are done ten twenty times, I will write how many, but for starters, if it is difficult for you, you can do as many times as you can stand, and over time, it is desirable to bring the number of times to normal.
Movements should be sharp and fast enough to make you feel comfortable.


The entire course of breathing is carried out through the nose. You will need to learn how to breathe with the diaphragm, and not with the lungs, as in Wushu gymnastics such breathing is considered correct. This is done in this way, when you inhale air through your nose, the stomach should protrude, when you exhale, retract, while the chest remains motionless.
Breathe evenly, just like breathing from your chest. Over time, you will get used to it, and you will not even notice that you are breathing from the diaphragm. In general, there are several types of breathing in the ear, but more on that in another article.

1. I start the exercise with stretching the pectoral muscles. The arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are raised to shoulder level, the palms are open and look down, the middle fingers are looking at each other.
We begin to move the elbows back in a count of one or two. Returning after each movement to the original position
Then we straighten our arms and also in a count of one or two, make jerks back, and return to the same line with the shoulders.
These movements, alternating, repeat ten times each.

2. The next exercise is also for stretching the pectoral muscle and developing the shoulder joint.
We raise the right hand up, the palm can be clenched into a fist, the left along the seam down. We start moving the hands back in a count of one or two, then change their position, the left hand goes up, the right hand down, repeat the movement. The exercise is done ten times in each position.

3. Next, we begin to warm up the lumbar region of the back, the arms are lowered down, approximately at an angle of forty-five degrees relative to the body, the palms are clenched into a fist. We make turns to the right to the left, but first with an effort to the right, and then to the left ten times.

4. Next exercise
The arms are spread apart in different directions, forming one line at shoulder level. The palms are bent into a fist. We begin to develop the joints of the palms, rotating the fists forward and backward twenty times.

5. Next, we develop the joints of the forearm.
We bend our elbows at ninety degrees and begin to rotate twenty times, first inward to the chest, then outward from the chest, while trying to keep the forearm in line at shoulder level.

6. In the sixth exercise, we warm up the muscles of the shoulders, while simultaneously developing the shoulder joints.
For this exercise, you need to lower your hands at the seams, you can clench your palms into a fist, or you can leave your palms turned out, turned out a little more difficult. We do twenty rotations with outstretched arms forward and backward.

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Whoever pretends to know a lot and is capable of everything knows nothing and is incapable of anything.

Lao Tzu

"According to the oral tradition, this school arose in ancient China from the system of psychophysical training, popularly known as the" school of snakes and birds ". But in its present form, it took shape in the middle of the 19th century.

The proposed complex is a complete system, tested by many generations. Everything in it is deeply linked and, first of all, the composition and sequence of exercises. By using them correctly, you can not only stretch your joints, tendon muscles, but also “work out” the circulatory, nervous systems, and internal organs.
If there is not enough time to complete the entire complex, you can reduce the number of exercises, but this reduces the effectiveness of the classes.
When doing the exercise, focus on the movement itself or on the recommended areas of the body - this is an important element in mastering the art of controlling "internal energy".
We want to emphasize that stretching exercises for tendons and muscles require special control. Avoid severe pain, but keep in mind that the increase in flexibility is accompanied by moderate pulling sensations.
A few hygiene tips:
- in the morning before class, be sure to follow the usual morning hygiene procedures;
- do not exercise when you feel very hungry, and not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating;
- clothing must be loose; when exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, unbutton your shirt collar and take off your watch.
Usually, according to Chinese tradition, exercises are performed while facing north.
Remember the main rule: observe gradualness in the load, exercise regularly (better little by little, but regularly).


"Hands push the sky"
The exercise is repeated 3 times. this exercise will occur repeatedly, as it is used to restore breathing after more intense exercise.

Data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?fit=300%2C175&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" " width="423" height="247" srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=423&ssl=1 423w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C175&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 423px) 100vw, 423px">

Starting position (IP): legs together, shoulders slightly laid back, arms freely lowered along the body, palms touching the hips. We begin to inhale with the lower abdomen, while the shoulders, leaning forward, squeeze the upper part of the chest, preventing its expansion, the muscles of the buttocks are tightened. The palms, turning outward, at the bottom in front of the body are connected by the back surface. We slowly raise our hands up, freeing the chest, contributing to the filling of the middle and upper parts of the lungs when inhaling. At the same time we raise our head up with our hands, we follow the hands with our eyes. When moving the hands to the extreme upper position, it is important to feel a gentle sipping movement of the whole body upwards, not devoid of a certain pleasantness. Do not take your heels off the floor. When performing this phase of the exercise, an intensive massage occurs with the surface of the shoulders of the lateral sections of the chest, which are important reflexogenic zones associated with the functions of breathing and blood circulation.

  1. Slowly exhaling the air, slightly relaxing, we lower our hands through the sides down, bending at the elbows and squeezing the fingers as much as possible. The shoulders, lowering, squeeze the chest, contributing to a more complete exhalation; knees are slightly bent. At the bottom, the arms are crossed, the right under the left, touching with the forearms, the palms are turned up.
    We take a breath a little more energetic, raise our hands up, turning our palms outward at the level of the face. In this case, the shoulders massage the chest, as described earlier. At the same time, we raise our head up, follow the hands, the knees straighten. At the end of the movement, the fingers are bent back, the lower part of the left palm presses on the back of the right hand in the area of ​​the wrist joint. The hands are tense in the palms and, as it were, "rest against the sky."
    In this case, a massage occurs in the lower part of the forearms and wrist joints, which are active zones that stimulate the activity and functions of the central nervous system.
    With a sharp exhalation, we lower our hands in a circular motion, spreading them apart, elbows slightly bent, palms looking down, fingers bent. Simultaneously with the lowering of the arms, the left leg is set aside to the width of the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent. The movement ends with a short-term tension of the arms and the whole body. Then we relax the body and return to the starting position, putting the left foot to the right.
    This part of the exercise should be accompanied by a feeling of dropping the weight that we "held" above our heads.
    The exercise is performed continuously, the movements seem to “flow” one into another.
  2. "Chick leaves the nest"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..png?fit=300%2C134&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..png?.png" alt=" " width="398" height="178" srcset="https://i2.wp..png?w=398&ssl=1 398w, https://i2.wp..png?resize=300%2C134&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 398px) 100vw, 398px">
    IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows at chest level, forearms horizontal, palms facing the body, slightly turned up, fingers apart (as if holding bowls).
    On inspiration, we spread our elbows to the sides to the limit, repeating the movement twice with a small return, then return to the starting position. We turn the hands as much as possible with the palms outward and repeat the movements as we exhale. All exercises are performed in 4 counts. At the elbows, the arms do not fully extend. We repeat the exercise 7 times. In this exercise, the joints of the hands are warmed up, the culture of the "hand-snake" movement, used in sports and combat techniques, is being worked out.
  3. "Scratch your ear with your shoulder"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..png?fit=170%2C239&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..png?.png" alt=" "width="170" height="239">
    IP: feet shoulder-width apart, the right arm is raised up, the hand hangs freely, the left hand is lowered down, its hand is bent up as much as possible, the palm is turned down, the fingers of both hands are slightly apart.
    While inhaling, we take our hands as far back as possible twice. Then we change their position and on the exhale we repeat the hand swings. When performing the exercise, do not bend the arms at the elbows, but bring the “upper” arm as close as possible to the head so that it touches the ear when swinging.
    We repeat the exercise 7 times. When swinging your arms, it is important to focus on the concentration of tension in the area of ​​​​the wrist joints. In this exercise, an intensive contraction of the muscles of the cervical region is performed,
    which contributes to the normalization of the tone of the vessels of the head, the removal of fatigue and irritability, the elimination of stiffness in the shoulder girdle.
    We repeat the exercise "hands push the sky."
  4. "Dancing Snake"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..png?fit=209%2C152&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..png?.png" alt=" "width="209" height="152">
    IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and folded at the back of the head so that the thumbs rest against the suboccipital fossae (Feng Chi acupuncture point), the remaining fingers are clasped. Keep your head straight, elbows as far back as possible.
    Keeping a fixed position of the head and feet, perform 7 circular movements of the pelvis counterclockwise. The movement of the pelvis forward corresponds to exhalation, and backward to inhalation. Do not bend your knees. Then we rotate clockwise. Strive to do the exercise with maximum amplitude.
    This exercise well kneads the muscles of the lower back, increases the mobility of the lumbar spine, and has a preventive effect on back pain and headaches.
  5. "Massage your knees" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..png?fit=174%2C183&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..png?.png" alt=" "width="174" height="183">
    IP: the legs are closed and bent at the knees, the hands are tightly clasped around the knees, the body is slightly tilted forward, we look straight ahead.
    We perform circular movements in the knees counterclockwise 7 times, then change the direction of rotation.
    According to the ideas of folk healers of the East, massage and kneading of the knee joints have a tonic effect.


    To move on to the exercises in a sitting position, we perform the exercise “hands pushing the sky”, however, in the final phase, we cross our legs, placing the right in front of the left, and sit on the floor.

  6. "The snake bites its own tail"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp..jpg?fit=300%2C78&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" " width="620" height="161" srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=620&ssl=1 620w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C78&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px">
    IP: We sit on the floor, the left leg is extended forward, the right is bent at the knee and lies with the foot on the left thigh. With the left hand we grab the toes of the right foot from the side of the sole, with the right hand we grab the ankle of the right foot so that the thumb lies on the inside, and the other four fingers press the area of ​​the outer ankle from the outside. With the left hand, we rotate the foot counterclockwise in the ankle joint, and at the same time we stretch our toes, describing a small circle with them. Then we repeat this on the other side. We hold the body straight, breathe calmly, naturally.
    Having changed the position of the legs, we proceed to the rotation of the left foot. At the same time, we make sure that the thumb of the left hand is pressed against the inner ankle.
    The performance of this exercise is accompanied by a massaging effect on the active zones on the ankles and toes, associated with the activity of the central nervous system, organs of vision and hearing, endocrine glands.
    After rotating the foot with the thumb of the right hand, massage the yongquan acupuncture point located in the middle part of the foot, at a distance of 2/5 from toe to heel on the inside of the foot.
  7. "Ring of the snake"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..png?fit=197%2C215&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..png?.png" alt=" "width="197" height="215">
    IP: The left leg is extended forward, the right one is bent at the knee, the right foot lies on the left thigh, the sole is maximally turned up. With the left hand we hold the ankle of the right leg, with the right palm we lean on the right knee joint.
    With a springy movement on the exhale, we press the right knee to the floor. We repeat the exercise 7 times.
    The exercise is aimed at increasing mobility in the hip joint. According to the ideas of Eastern folk medicine, mobile joints are an important condition for maintaining youth and the basis of longevity.
  8. "The dragon is hiding behind a wing"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..png?fit=214%2C139&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..png?.png" alt=" "width="214" height="139">
    IP: The left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and raised. With both hands we clasp the right foot, the outer edge of the foot is directed forward, the toes are up, the lower leg is almost parallel to the floor.
    While inhaling, we straighten the chest and pull the foot to the groin. As you exhale, pull the foot to the forehead. We repeat the exercise 7 times. We make sure that the back is straight, do not tilt the head forward to the leg.
    The effect of this exercise coincides with the effect of the previous one and enhances it.
  9. "The snake coils the rings"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..png?fit=202%2C146&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..png?.png" alt=" "width="202" height="146">
    IP: As in exercise 8. With the right hand from the inside we grab the sole of the right leg, raise the leg so that the foot looks forward, the lower leg is parallel to the floor, the hand lies on the knee. The left hand, bent at the knee, is pulled back, the palm is turned up and lies at the base of the thigh, the fingers are slightly apart.
    Exhaling, we pull the leg back with the right hand, the knee is maximally retracted behind the back, while turning the upper body to the right, and moving the left hand forward and to the right, rotating the forearm around the axis clockwise. At the end of the movement, we press the fingers back with the palm of our hand, as if pushing the ball away. When performing the exercise, the left hand crosses the thigh of the same name diagonally, more and more clinging to it. On an inhale, return the arms and legs to the starting position.
    We repeat the exercise 7 times. When performing the exercise, in addition to the effect of the previous one, the joints of the spine and hip joints are kneaded.
  10. "Snake Tail Sweep Sideways"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.0.png?fit=179%2C168&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.0.png?.png" alt ="" width="179" height="168">
    IP: The left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and raised. With the right hand from the inside we clasp the right heel, with the left hand we clasp the left leg under the knee.
    On exhalation, we unbend the right leg at the knee and at the same time pull it by the heel as far as possible to the right - up - back. The toes are pulled back. On inspiration, the leg returns to its original position with the heel to the groin.
    When performing the exercise, make sure that the leg at the knee is completely straightened, concentrate on the heel.
    The effect of the exercise is the same as in exercises 7 and 8, but the impact on the knee and ankle joint is added.
  11. "The snake plays with its tail"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.1.png?fit=203%2C275&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.1.png?.png" alt ="" width="203" height="275">
    IP: The left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and raised with the foot forward, the lower leg is horizontal. With both hands we grab the toe of the right leg, the right knee rests on the chest.
    We straighten the ankle joint, moving the right toe forward, and strain the foot. Slightly reducing the tension in the joint, we pull the toe towards ourselves. We repeat 5-7 times.
    The effect of this exercise is based on kneading the foot and ankle joint. This effect is similar to the massage of the auricles and tones the nervous system.
  12. "Wag the snake's tail up"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.2.png?fit=212%2C144&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.2.png?.png" alt ="" width="212" height="144">
    IP: The left leg is extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee, as in the previous exercise. With the right hand, we grab the toe of the right leg from above, the left hand lies on the right thigh under the knee bend.
    On the exhale, we unbend the right leg at the knee up, pulling the toe towards us and pressing the heel away from us. At the same time, with the left hand, we press the right thigh to the chest. On inhalation, the right leg lowers.
    While doing the exercise, try to fully straighten the right leg and focus on the heel.
    The positive effect of the exercise is the same as in exercise 11, the impact on the knee is added.
  13. "Closed Ring"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.3.png?fit=206%2C139&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.3.png?.png" alt ="" width="206" height="139">
    IP: As in exercise 8.
    On exhalation, we pull the right foot towards ourselves, while turning the foot as much as possible with the sole towards us and strive to press the sole to the chest. On inspiration, we take the leg to its original position.
    When performing the exercise, the vertical position of the right thigh and the horizontal position of the lower leg are preserved.
    The effect of the exercise is the same as in exercise 12. Then we repeat exercises 6-13 with the left leg.


  14. "Defeated Dragon"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.4.png?fit=223%2C160&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.4.png?.png" alt ="" width="223" height="160">
    IP: lie on your back, stretching your closed legs; arms bent at the elbows apart, shoulders touching the floor, forearms raised; fingers are freely spaced.
    As you exhale, raise your legs up, while inhaling, lower them. We repeat 7 times.
    When performing the exercise, we strive not to bend the legs at the knees and not to tear the pelvis off the floor.
    The effect of the exercise is associated with strengthening the abdominal press and massaging the liver and other organs of the abdominal cavity. Turning to the left facing the floor, we proceed to the next exercise.
  15. "Hands push the ground"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.5.png?fit=232%2C229&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.5.png?.png" alt ="" width="232" height="229">
    IP: In emphasis on outstretched arms, arms shoulder-width apart; the hands are clenched into fists and rest on the floor with the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, the pads of the toes rest on the floor.
    As you exhale, bend your elbows and touch the floor with your chest. On an inhale, push up from the floor to the starting position. We repeat 10-15 times. When performing the exercise, the body should be straight.
    The exercise is of a strength nature and develops the muscles of the arms, chest and back, strengthens the heart muscle. We turn over to the right and sit on the floor with crossed legs, moving on to the next exercise.
  16. "Dragon raises its head"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.6.jpg?fit=96%2C280&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.6.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="96" height="280">
    IP: We sit cross-legged, right in front of the left; arms are bent at the elbows and laid behind the head.
    Inhale lie down on your back, exhale rise. At the same time, the legs maintain their original position. We repeat 7 times. Performing the exercise, we focus on a point located 3 cm below the navel. When lifting, imagine that the entire upper part of the body is fed forward to this point; as if we are rolling forward, and not just rising. This exercise, like exercise 14, strengthens the abdominal press, in addition, it increases the flexibility of the spine, the mobility of the diaphragm, and helps to reduce the deposition of fat on the anterior abdominal wall.
  17. "Double Ring of the Snake"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.7.png?fit=202%2C90&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.7.png?.png" alt ="" width="202" height="90">
    IP: In a sitting position, the legs are bent at the knees, the knees are apart, the feet are in contact. Hands clasp the ankles of the same name, with the forearms resting on the shins. Let's look at the feet.
    On exhalation, leaning forward with the body, we press the shins down with the forearms, trying to press them to the floor. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. We repeat 7 times. Try to keep your back straight.
    Exercise increases the mobility of the joints of the legs and spine, helps to cleanse the lungs.
  18. "The reed sways in the wind"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.8.jpg?fit=133%2C280&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.8.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="133" height="280">
    IP: We sit with our legs stretched out to the sides as much as possible; socks pulled back.
    On the exhale, we bend the upper part of the body to the right leg for 4 counts. On inspiration, we return back, not completely straightening. Then 4 counts to the left leg and 4 counts to the floor between the legs. We repeat 2 times. When performing the exercise, you need to grab your toes or foot with your hands and stretch your chest to the leg, pushing your chin forward, keep your back straight. The exercise promotes the development of spine flexibility, teaches dynamic relaxation of the leg muscles during bending; increases the mobility of the diaphragm and the elasticity of the lungs.
  19. "Wind-Broken Reed"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.9.png?fit=149%2C196&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.9.png?.png" alt ="" width="149" height="196">
    IP: Similar to exercise 18, but the right leg is bent at the knee and touches the sole of the left thigh from the inside. On the exhale, we perform inclinations to the left leg for 8 counts, alternating exhalation and inhalation. (Fully straightening is not recommended.) Then we change the position of the legs and perform inclinations to the right leg.
    Methodical explanations and effect are similar to the previous exercise.
  20. "Boa constrictor swallows a bird"IP: We lie on our back; legs bent at the knees and pulled up to the stomach, knees slightly apart; data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.0.jpg?fit=91%2C280&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.0.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="91" height="280">
    head slightly raised; hands clasp the knees, fingers slightly apart; the little finger and thumb are pressed against the outer and inner surfaces of the knee joint. Taking the knees with the hands to the sides and pulling them to the shoulders, we inhale, filling the upper part of the chest with air, while bending the lower back up, the head leans back a little. Then, with an exhalation, we bring our knees together in front of the chest and push them away from us. At this time, the shoulders and head rise, and the lower back is pressed to the floor. The exercise is repeated 7 times, then knee movements are performed in a circle in the other direction. We repeat the same number of times. The rhythm of breathing remains constant. The effect of this exercise consists of three components: internal massage of the abdominal organs, massage of the spine, training of the respiratory muscles with activation of breathing by the upper part of the lungs.
  21. "Tiger arches its back"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.1.png?fit=180%2C113&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.1.png?.png" alt ="" width="180" height="113">
    IP: Similar to exercise 17. Resting in front of the forearms on the shins, we lean forward. At the same time, we stretch our chest and chin forward and down, bending our back as much as possible down. We breathe calmly. More and more relaxing, we strive to bend as low as possible. We repeat 4 times.
    Exercise improves lung function, in addition, increases flexibility and promotes muscle relaxation skills during movement, which is necessary for success in stretching.
  22. "The Crane Turns Back"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.2.png?fit=194%2C152&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.2.png?.png" alt ="" width="194" height="152">
    IP: We sit cross-legged. Arms bent at the elbows, palms down.
    On exhalation, we turn the upper part of the body to the left as much as possible and at the same time move our hands to the left. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. We do this 7 times. Then we change the position of the legs and make the same number of turns to the right.
    When performing the exercise, make sure that your back is straight.
    Exercise improves the mobility of the joints of the spine, helps prevent back pain, and has a positive effect on blood circulation in the liver and pelvic area. A straight, slender spine is an important condition for maintaining health and longevity.
  23. "Tiger sips paws"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.3.jpg?fit=120%2C280&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.3.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="120" height="280">
    IP: Lie on your back, legs extended. Raise the right hand up and grab her fingers with the right hand; with the left hand we rest against the right thigh, straightening the right leg. Making swaying movements with the leg, we gradually draw it towards us. At the same time, we strive not to tear your back off the floor. Then with the right hand we take the right leg to the right and again pull its foot to the head as much as possible. After that, we bend the right leg at the knee and, slightly turning the body to the left, try to touch the floor with the right knee to our left. At the same time, it is advisable to pull the knee to the left armpit as much as possible. In this last phase of the exercise, help with your left hand to press your right thigh to the floor, and stretch your right arm to the right, strive so that the shoulder blades do not come off the floor. Performing the exercise in the first two phases, make sure that the right leg is not bent at the knee, but the left was straightened, the back was completely pressed to the floor. The task is to bring the leg as close to the chest as possible. (Performed 1 time.) We perform this exercise with the other leg. The exercise is aimed at increasing the mobility of the joints of the legs. According to the ideas of oriental medicine, this postpones old age. After all, “legs grow old before a person,” they said in the old days.
    We roll to the left on the stomach and proceed to the next exercise.
  24. "Tiger sips back"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.4.png?fit=207%2C108&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.4.png?.png" alt ="" width="207" height="108">
    IP: Lie on your stomach, completely relaxed. The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms on the sides of the chest lie on the floor; touch the floor with the balls of your toes.
    On exhalation, we push our hands off the floor, bending down in the lower back and lifting only the upper part of the body, we tilt our head back. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 7 times. When performing it, we focus on the cervical part of the spine and on the area between the shoulder blades.
    Exercise has a significant effect on the spine, increases its flexibility, helps to get rid of its curvature, stoop.
    We turn over to the left and sit down, cross-legged.
  25. "The tiger plays with its tail"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.5.png?fit=91%2C104&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.5.png?.png" alt ="" width="91" height="104">
    IP: We sit cross-legged, right in front of the left. Raise the right leg by the ankle with the right hand, put the left hand over the toes of the right foot. The Achilles tendon of the right leg is pressed to the lower leg of the left.
    Pressing the right foot to the left shin with the left hand, at the same time we make a rocking movement of the foot in the ankle joint up and down. We perform 5 times.
    Then we change the position of the legs and, accordingly, the hands.
    The exercise well kneads the ankle joint, contributes to the prevention and treatment of flat feet, and relieves leg fatigue.
    We feed the body forward and sit on our knees for the next exercise.
  26. "Resting Dragon"IP: We sit on our knees, the shins and insteps touch the floor, the buttocks touch the heels.
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.6.png?fit=197%2C127&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.6.png?.png" alt ="" width="197" height="127">
    Leaning our hands on the floor, we slowly lean back with our body and lay our backs on the floor. In this position, you need to relax as much as possible. We breathe calmly. Then we return to the starting position. To facilitate lifting, it is advisable at first to turn the upper part of the body slightly in any direction and rest your hand on the floor.
    The exercise not only increases the mobility of the joints well, but also contributes to the development of relaxation of the muscles of the legs and lower back, since only after being liberated, you can perform it correctly and to the end.
    In the exercises of this part of the complex, the emphasis is on flexibility training (mainly of the spine) and mastering the relaxation technique. The important role of flexibility and relaxation (“gentle and weak”) is often emphasized in the statements of the ancient scientists of the East: “A person is tender and weak at birth, but strong and firm after death. Strong and firm is that which perishes." Regular exercise contributes to the prevention of premature aging of the body, increase its performance.


  27. "Goose Head"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.7.jpg?fit=300%2C64&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.7.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="620" height="132" srcset="https://i0.wp.7.jpg?w=620&ssl=1 620w, https://i0.wp.7.jpg?resize=300 %2C64&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px">
    IP: We stand, feet shoulder-width apart, hands folded behind our backs, head straight. The exercise has 4 parts.
    1. We describe circular movements of the head to the left, then to the right. Breathing is arbitrary.
    2. As you exhale, tilt your head to the right, while inhaling, return it back. Then we repeat the cycle to the left. We do 4 times in each direction.
    3. On exhalation, we make a sharp tilt with our head forward. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. We repeat 4 times. Then, following the same principle, we move back. In both cases, the teeth are clenched, while exhaling, we stretch the corners of the mouth and make a sharp hissing sound.
    4. As you exhale, move your head forward without tilting, pushing your chin forward. Through clenched teeth we make a long hissing sound. We do 4 times.
    Exercise activates blood circulation in the vessels of the neck and head and helps prevent cervical osteochondrosis.
  28. "Crane before takeoff"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.8.png?fit=115%2C167&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.8.png?.png" alt ="" width="115" height="167">
    IP: We stand, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body, fists clenched. We make full circles with our hands forward at maximum speed, then back. We do not bend our elbows. Exercise well develops the shoulder joints, increases the mobility of the hands. In ancient Eastern medical treatises, it was believed that the hands are "lords of power" only when they are mobile in the joints. In this case, they are "able to topple a mountain and churn the ocean."
  29. "cargo transfer"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.9.png?fit=204%2C149&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.9.png?.png" alt ="" width="204" height="149">
    IP: We stand, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and raised to the chest, palms turned down, forearms horizontal. On exhalation, we turn the upper part of the body to the right as much as possible, the hips are motionless. At the same time, the hand and forearm of the right hand are turned outward, so that at the end of the movement the palm is directed upwards. The hands are holding the ball.
    Similarly, when turning to the left, the right hand turns palm down, and the left hand palm up. We repeat the exercise 7 times. It increases the mobility of the spine, activates the work of the respiratory muscles.
  30. "Crane before takeoff"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.0.png?fit=187%2C144&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.0.png?.png" alt ="" width="187" height="144">
    IP: We stand, feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered. On inspiration, we spread our arms to the sides, slightly bending at the elbows, the hands are bent inward, the palms are turned towards each other, the fingers are apart.
    On exhalation, we squat on a full foot and at the same time lower our hands forward and down, while the hands are bent back, palms open forward, fingers pointing up. While inhaling, we get up and at the same time spread our arms to the sides, as described above. We repeat the exercise 7 times, concentrating on breathing, imagining that the expansion and contraction of the ball alternates in the chest. Getting up, we strive to imagine that we are lifting ourselves with brushes.
    The exercise is of a power nature and at the initial stage of training is aimed at developing the muscles of the legs.
  31. "The Dragon Turns Back"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.1.png?fit=155%2C188&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.1.png?.png" alt ="" width="155" height="188">
    IP: We stand, the right leg is bent at the knee, the left is straightened and set back. Approximately 70% of body weight is on the front leg. The right arm is bent at the elbow and raised above the head, the palm is turned up. The left hand is lowered down, the brush is bent, the palm is turned down, the fingers are directed forward.
    Relaxing, we squat down for two counts on the exhale, we take our hands back, then, straightening the right leg and bending the left knee, we turn 180 ° to the left. The hands change position. In two counts we sag down, we take our hands back, then, turning 180 ° to the right, we return to the starting position. We repeat 7 times.
    When turning, try not to lift yourself up and turn due to the movement of the hips. Make sure that the back foot with the sole touches the floor completely.
    The exercise resembles the “half-twine” well-known to sports fans and serves the same purpose - the development of mobility of the leg joints.
  32. "The crane reaches for the leg"
    data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.2.png?fit=135%2C192&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.2.png?.png" alt ="" width="135" height="192">
    IP: We stand, legs wider than shoulders, feet parallel. We sit down completely on the right leg, the left is straightened, the fingers are pointing up. With the right shoulder from the inside we rest against the knee. To maintain balance, you can touch the floor with your hands. We transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, straighten the right leg and turn the toe up. We repeat the exercise 4 times.
    Then we perform the same exercise without lifting the foot of the straightened leg from the floor. The feet should be parallel, with our hands we press the insteps of the feet to the floor. We repeat 4 times.
    This posture resembles a heron holding a fish with its paw and pulling it out with its beak. When transferring body weight from foot to foot, try not to rise, but to perform the exercise in the lowest possible position. Do not lift the foot of the foot on which we sit from the floor.
  33. "Connect with the Earth"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.3a.jpg?fit=258%2C280&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.3a.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="258" height="280">
    IP: We stand, the right leg is bent at the knee and put forward, the left leg is straightened and set back. Keep the body straight. We set back the left leg with a sliding movement, at the same time we straighten the right one and sit on the “longitudinal twine”. For safety, we lean on the side with our hands on the floor. We strive to relax our legs as much as possible and, gradually pushing them apart, we sit down lower and lower. Then we turn 90 ° to the left and go to the “transverse twine”, we rest our fists on the floor shoulder-width apart. Bending your elbows, lie down on the floor and try to touch the floor with your groin and chest. Straightening your arms, we feed the pelvis back. We repeat the exercise 4 times. We transfer our hands between the legs and rest our fingers on the floor behind the projection of the center of gravity. We release the right hand and pull it forward, then change hands. Subsequently, having strengthened our hands, we lean on the floor with a smaller number of fingers. We turn 90 ° to the left and go into the “longitudinal split” (left leg in front). Then we turn 90 ° to the right into the “transverse twine”, leaning forward, resting on the floor with the back of the hands (fingers pointing up). Bending your arms at the elbows, we press ourselves to the floor, straightening our arms, we feed the pelvis back. We repeat 4 times. We transfer our hands between the legs and rest our palms on the floor behind the projection of the center of gravity. The wrist joints touch each other, the fingers are directed along the legs. We release the right hand and pull it forward. We change the position of the hands. The mobility of the joints provides ease of movement. It was highly valued by the doctors of the Ancient East. The medical treatise Zhuangdi Nei Jing says: “If a person moves quickly and easily, then the energy moves smoothly in him. If a person's joints are stiff, then their energy is "rough" and treatment is needed to remove the blockage in the meridians and free the flow of energy."
  34. "Dragon Sipping"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.4.jpg?fit=125%2C280&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.4.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="125" height="280">
    IP: We sit on the floor, the right leg is extended forward, the left is bent at the knee, the knee is directed to the left and touches the floor. On the exhale, we lean forward and stretch our chest to the right leg. Hands, helping ourselves, hold on to the foot. We repeat 4 times. Then we turn our right shoulder forward and, stretching our left arm above our head, we bend our right side to the right leg. Repeat 4 times. We turn 180 ° to the left and change the position of the legs. We perform the exercise, leaning towards the left leg. It increases the mobility of the joints of the legs and spine.
  35. "Curled into a ball"IP: We sit with our legs crossed at the knees, right on top, with our palms clasped the knees of the same name.
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.5.png?fit=128%2C82&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.5.png?.png" alt ="" width="128" height="82">
    As you exhale, roll onto your back, tilt your head, pressing your chin to your chest. At the same time, we hold our arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest and slightly to the right, as if covering the head, the palms are open, the thumbs are set aside and touch each other. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 7 times. At the last swing, we do a somersault back over the left shoulder and kneel, moving on to the next exercise.
    When rolling back, make sure that the legs do not lag behind the movement of the body and, conversely, when rolling forward, the body does not lag behind the legs. The back should be as arched as possible. At the moment of rolling, important reflexogenic zones of the back and lower back are stimulated, which have a tonic effect on the activity of the central nervous system. The vestibular apparatus is trained.
  36. "Boa constrictor changes skin"IP: We kneel, they are maximally spaced to the sides, with the palms of outstretched arms shoulder-width apart, we rest on the floor, the torso is parallel to the floor, the feet are together, the heels look up, the big toes rest on the floor with the pads, the face is turned downwards.
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.6.jpg?fit=196%2C280&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.6.jpg?.jpg" alt ="" width="196" height="280">
    We take a breath, at the same time we raise our head and bend in the lower back, while the body is fed forward with the chest. Then, as you exhale, bend your arms at the elbows, leaning forward and down. We continue this movement, and then, touching the floor surface with the chest, we take the body back, constantly keeping the upper body closer to the floor. At the end of the movement, the fingers are pressed up, the forearms touch the floor, the legs at the knees are bent as much as possible, the arms at the elbows are somewhat straightened. While inhaling, unbending the legs at the knees and straightening the arms, we raise the body forward and upward, bend the lower back and lower the head slightly. With this exercise, the chest makes smooth circular movements in a vertical plane forward - down and back - up. It can also be performed with circular movements in a horizontal plane. At the same time, the hands must be spread wider than the shoulders. The movements are made as follows: while exhaling, we tilt the body back, bending the knees as much as possible and pushing up from the floor with our hands, then move the body to the right, bending the right arm at the elbow and pushing up from the floor with the left. We continue to move forward and to the left; we inhale, straightening the right arm and bending the left at the elbow. Completing the movement to the left, we begin to feed the body back, and exhale. Performing this exercise, we strive to keep the chest closer to the floor, imagine that the tension from resting the hand on the floor is transmitted diagonally to the opposite part of the abdomen. The exercise is performed in the same way on the other side. The rhythm of breathing remains unchanged. This exercise is an excellent tool for warming up all the large joints of the body.
    Each element of the exercise is repeated 4 times.
  37. "Snake Hand"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.7.png?fit=98%2C175&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.7.png?.png" alt ="" width="98" height="175">
    IP: Similar to exercise 36.
    On the exhale, leaning forward, we bend our elbows and move the right shoulder forward and the left back. At the same time, we turn the right hand with the elbow forward, with the fingers towards ourselves. We move the left shoulder forward, the right shoulder back, turning the left elbow forward, and the hand with the fingers towards ourselves, the right elbow towards ourselves, the hand with the fingers forward. We repeat the exercise 7 times. It develops the joints and muscles of the hands well, in addition, it is the basic technique necessary for mastering more complex “snake movements”.
  38. "Pick the fruit from the tree"
    data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.8.png?fit=300%2C73&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.8.png?.png" alt ="" width="430" height="104" srcset="https://i0.wp.8.png?w=430&ssl=1 430w, https://i0.wp.8.png?resize=300 %2C73&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 430px) 100vw, 430px">
    IP: We stand on our knees, touch the heels with the buttocks, touch the floor with the rises of the feet. Keep the body straight. The arms are bent at the elbows. The right forearm is vertical, the open palm is turned to the face. The left palm clasps the right wrist from the outside, the thumb presses on the knuckle of the right little finger.
    On exhalation, bending the right arm at the wrist joint and turning the hand around the vertical axis to the right, we lower our hands and press them to the stomach just below the navel. While inhaling, we raise our hands to the level of the head, straightening the brush to its original position. We repeat 4 times.
    Turning the right hand inward under the left, we put the left palm on the back of the right hand. The fingers are pointing forward. The right shoulder and forearm are horizontal. As you exhale, draw your hands to your chest and to your right shoulder. Then, without tearing the hands apart, change the position of the hands and repeat the exercise, pulling the hands to the stomach, chest and left shoulder.
    In the first part of the exercise, simultaneously with kneading the wrist joint, the “zhong-zhu” point of the meridian of the three heaters is massaged, which helps to prevent rheumatic pain. The development of the wrist joints stimulates the work of the heart.
  39. "The Crane Spreads Its Wings"
    data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.9.png?fit=102%2C158&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.9.png?.png" alt ="" width="102" height="158">
    IP: We stand, legs together, arms freely lowered down.
    Taking a breath with the stomach, we move the pelvis forward, while raising the right leg, bending it at the knee, the thigh parallel to the floor, the upper body leans back. At the same time, the arms are raised forward and to the sides at shoulder level, the hands are relaxed, the fingers are slightly apart, the elbows are slightly bent. As the hands move, the palms turn inward, the fingers look at each other, the hands are maximally bent at the wrist joints. Inhalation is limited to the middle part of the lungs, without leading to the filling of their upper sections with air. Exhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
    While inhaling, we imagine that we raise a ball with our hips and hands, gradually increasing in size and rolling from the stomach to the chest. As you exhale, slowly lower the ball that is decreasing in size. The exercise is repeated with a change of legs. Here there is a massage of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, strengthening of the respiratory muscles, metabolism is activated in the middle and lower parts of the lungs.

The complex ends with the exercise "hands push the sky." Repeat 3 times.

(2 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Many people today visit fitness centers or do yoga, but this is an expensive pleasure, and wushu health gymnastics is only gaining popularity as opposed to other types of gymnastics.

Wellness Wushu gymnastics for beginners

This is what many women and men are doing, seeking to restore health, as well as develop and strengthen physical, spiritual energy. Wushu classes are held in a ventilated room and last at least one hour. In addition, there should be more free space for classes in the room.

Wushu technique for beginners

Wushu originally appeared in ancient China, but initially it belonged to a type of martial art that was practiced only by adults. However, now wushu is used as a gymnastics that strengthens the body physically as well as spiritually. There are many different programs designed for beginners.

According to supporters, wushu gymnastics helps to get rid of many diseases. Regular exercise helps improve the performance of the musculoskeletal system, including the work of both the cardiovascular and respiratory organs.

At first, training is carried out at a slow pace and with a small number of repetitions, then it gradually becomes more difficult.

Wushu technique for beginners

It is necessary to do gymnastics on an empty stomach. The fair sex is not recommended to perform many complex exercises that put a lot of stress on the body.

The Chinese believed that wushu develops the abilities needed to survive in extreme conditions and situations where you need to quickly make a decision and act.

Wushu secrets for practicing at home

In addition, this art soon helped restore the body's strength, reveal its potential, and also heal a person. For many years, wushu secrets were passed down from one generation to another, and these secrets were within the same family.

In comparison with other oriental teachings, wushu has a number of features:

  • selected physical exercises perfectly strengthen muscles, stretch tendons, as well as joints of adult gymnasts;
  • training improves the performance of the heart, including the respiratory organs;
  • thanks to training, the musculoskeletal system develops, the correct posture is formed;
  • performing special movements in training, the gymnast gets rid of fatigue, as well as stress.

It should be performed at a slow pace and with smooth movements to avoid sprains. To achieve maximum success from training, you should follow a number of simple rules:

  • lessons are best done in the morning or evening, but before lunch or dinner;
  • it is not recommended to perform gymnastics with a feeling of severe hunger or great satiety;
  • clothing should be loose and made of natural fabric;
  • during training, the face should look north;
  • the lesson should be held at least twice a week;
  • in the process of training, it is worthwhile to correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities, avoiding heavy loads.

The basis of training are training endurance, as well. The main task of gymnastics is to strengthen the joints, muscle masses, keeping them in good shape.

Wushu gymnastics for training at home

In addition, they are not as complicated as they seem at first glance, and their implementation can be carried out at home.

So, wushu gymnastics for beginners consists of several simple exercises:

  • Stand straight and put your feet wider, then stretch one arm straight and the other back. Begin to calmly move your hands first forward, then back. Do the exercise 20 times.
  • Stand straight and spread your legs wider, then bend your arms, trying to perform the movements that when running. Perform about 50 times.
  • Stand straight, then lift your left leg, bending at the knee, with the toe pointing towards the floor. Next, lift the right handle up, palm up. This exercise is static. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Then repeat the same exercise with the other, but from the leg.
  • Also, stand up straight with your legs wider, however, the distance between your legs should be at least a meter. Next, squat so that the buttocks are in line with the knees. Performing this exercise, you must take a fixed pose. It is necessary to remain in this position for about 7-10 minutes.

One of the types of Chinese martial arts is wushu-sanda, known since ancient times. The word "sanda" means a free fight, that is, everything is allowed in this sport - punches and kicks, as well as throws, grabs, including creases.

Wushu sanda and video school lessons

Wushu classes can be seen on the video on the Internet. There is professional as well as sports wushu-sanda. The first is used as hand-to-hand combat, and the second is carried out in special protective equipment - a helmet, gloves, etc.

In martial arts schools where wushu is taught, children are taught mainly philosophy, culture, and art, but not fighting. The purpose of such schools is to help parents in educating in their children personality who will be strong in spirit, as well as healthy and have moral values.

Wushu for children in the gymnastics federation

When choosing a sports section for a child, you should pay attention to what qualities you want to reveal in a child. Wushu helps not only to accelerate the physical development of the child, but also mental. In addition, the Federation of Traditional and Sports Wushu conducts training not only with children, but also with adults.

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