Isopropyl alcohol. Description, use, benefits

Propan-2-ol Abbreviations Isopropanol, 2-propanol Traditional names Isopropyl alcohol Chemical formula CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 Empirical formula C3H8O Physical properties Condition (st. conv.) liquid Rel. molek. weight 60.09 a. eat. Molar mass 60.09 g/mol Density 0.7851 g/cm³ Dynamic viscosity (St. cond.) 0.00243 Pa s
(at 20 °C) Thermal Properties Melting temperature -89.5°C Boiling temperature 82.4°C Flash point 11.7°C Auto ignition temperature 400°C Molar heat capacity (st. arb.) 155.2 J/(mol K) Steam pressure 4.4 kPa at 20 °C Chemical properties pK a 16,5 Solubility in benzene highly soluble Solubility in acetone soluble Optical properties Refractive index 1,3776 Structure Dipole moment 1,66 Classification Reg. CAS number 67-63-0 SMILES CC(O)C Safety Toxicity quite high

Isopropyl alcohol, propanol-2 (2-propanol), isopropanol, dimethylcarbinol, IPS- the simplest secondary monohydric alcohol of the aliphatic series. There is an isomer of isopropanol - 1-propanol. Belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class (moderately hazardous substances) according to the degree of impact on the body, has a narcotic effect. The MPC limit for isopropanol vapor in the air is 10 mg/m3. Poisoning with isopropyl alcohol occurs as a result of inhalation of vapors containing a concentration exceeding the MPC, does not have cumulative properties. Ingestion even in small doses causes poisoning. It is widely used as an industrial alcohol in glass cleaners, office equipment, etc. and as a solvent in industry (where solvents are needed).


Chemical properties

Chemical formula (rational) of isopropyl alcohol: CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 .

Isopropanol has the properties of secondary fatty alcohols, including the formation of ethers and esters. The hydroxyl group can be displaced by representatives of a number of halogens. With aromatic compounds, isopropyl alcohol condenses to form derivatives such as isopropylbenzene and isopropyltoluene. Many essential oils, alkaloids, some synthetic resins and other chemical compounds dissolve well in isopropanol. When dehydrogenated, it turns into acetone.

Reacts with strong oxidants. Aggressive against certain types of plastic and rubber.

Physical properties

A colorless liquid with a characteristic alcohol odor, sharper than ethanol (by which they can be distinguished in some cases), melting point -89.5 ° C, boiling point 82.4 ° C, density 0.7851 g / cm³ (at 20 °C), flash t 11.7 °C. Lower explosive limit in air 2.5% by volume (at 25°C). Auto-ignition temperature 456 °C. Refractive index 1.3776 (in liquid state, at 20°C). Dynamic viscosity under standard conditions 2.43 mPa·s. Molar heat capacity (st. conditional) - 155.2 J / (mol K).

Steam mixes well with air and easily forms explosive mixtures. Vapor pressure - 4.4 kPa (at 20 ° C). Relative vapor density - 2.1, relative density of the vapor / air mixture - 1.05 (at 20 ° C).

Let's dissolve in acetone, we will well dissolve in benzene, with other solvents (water, organic) mixes up in any ratios. Forms an azeotropic mixture with water (87.9% isopropyl alcohol, boiling point 83.38 °C).

The dependence of the freezing point of a mixture of isopropyl alcohol with water on the concentration of isopropyl alcohol in the mixture is presented in the table:

about %
the weight %
0 0 0
10 8 −4
20 17 −7
30 26 −15
40 34 −18
50 44 −21
60 54 −23
70 65 −29
80 76 −37*
90 88 −57*
100 100 −90*

(*There is hypothermia)


There are two industrial production methods for isopropanol, acetone hydrogenation and propylene hydration.

The main method for obtaining isopropanol in the Russian industry is the sulfuric acid hydration of propylene.

CH 3 CH \u003d CH 2 + H 2 SO 4 → (CH 3) 2 CHOSO 3 H + H 2 O → (CH 3) 2 CHOH.

The propane-propylene fraction with a propylene content of 30-90% (fraction of pyrolysis and oil cracking) can serve as a raw material. However, there is a tendency to use pure propylene, since in this case the process can be carried out at low pressures, the formation of by-products of the reaction - polymers and acetone - is sharply reduced. At the first stage of the process, a sulfuric acid extract is formed containing an equilibrium mixture of isopropyl alcohol, isopropyl sulfate (CH3) 2 CHOSO 2 OH, H 2 SO 4 and H 2 O, at the second stage, the sulfuric acid extract is heated with water and the resulting isopropyl alcohol is removed. Direct hydration of propylene is carried out mainly in the presence of a solid catalyst (process conditions are indicated in brackets): H 3 PO 4 on a support (240-260°C; 2.5-6.5 MPa) or a cation exchange resin (130-160°C; 8.0-10.0 MPa). Isopropyl alcohol is also obtained by the oxidation of paraffins with air and other methods.

Modern way:

In Russia, isopropanol is produced from propylene at Synthetic Alcohol Plant CJSC (Orsk) and by the method of acetone hydrogenation with hydrogen - Sintez Acetone LLC (Dzerzhinsk)


Isopropyl alcohol is used to obtain:

  • acetone (dehydrogenation or partial oxidation)
  • methyl isobutyl ketone
  • isopropyl acetate
  • isopropylamine.

Due to specific government regulation of ethanol, isopropyl alcohol is often a substitute for ethanol in many applications. So, isopropanol is a part of:

  • cosmetics
  • perfumery
  • household chemicals
  • disinfectants
  • products for cars (antifreeze, solvent in winter windshield washers)
  • repellents
  • washings of printed circuit boards after soldering with flux, sold under the name "Universal Cleaner".

Isopropyl alcohol is used in industry, when cutting aluminum, turning, milling and other works. In a mixture with oil, it can significantly increase productivity. Isopropyl alcohol is used as a reference standard in gas chromatography (for example, when testing drugs for residual organic solvents).

The medicine

70% isopropyl alcohol is used instead of ethyl alcohol as an antiseptic for impregnating medical wipes.

Impact on a person

Irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract, with brief exposure to high concentrations of vapors causes headache. May have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Exposure at levels well above the MPC may cause loss of consciousness. Isopropanol, when taken orally, is metabolized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase to acetone, which causes its toxic effect. Small doses of isopropanol, as a rule, do not cause significant disorders. Serious toxic effects on a healthy adult by oral use can be achieved already at doses of the order of 50 ml or more.

The maximum allowable concentration of isopropanol in the air is 10 milligrams per cubic meter.

Isopropanol is organoleptically distinctly different from ethanol and can not be mistaken for ethanol. It has a smell different from ethanol, more “rough”. When ingested, it causes intoxication, similar to alcohol. Isopropanol is oxidized in the body with the participation of aldehyde dehydrogenase to acetone. The oxidation rate is on average 2 - 2.5 times lower than that of ethanol, so isopropanol intoxication is very persistent. With frequent use of isopropanol, intolerance quickly develops, and in some cases - hypersensitivity and allergy. Although the toxicity of isopropanol is about 3.5 times greater than that of ethanol, its intoxicating effect is also 10 times higher. For this reason, fatal poisoning with isopropanol has not been recorded, since a person falls into an alcoholic trance much earlier than he can independently take a lethal dose of isopropanol.

Narcotic properties

Isopropyl alcohol is narcotic. The narcotic effect of isopropanol is almost 2 times higher than that of ethanol. A concentration of 1.2%, acting for 4 hours, has a narcotic effect. With a similar exposure for 8 hours - in half of the cases, a fatal outcome is observed.


In the 1920s, scientists at the Standard Oil (Exxon) refinery in New Jersey were looking for a way to get the most out of refined petroleum products. By hydrating propylene, the laboratory obtained isopropyl alcohol. The chemical was the first commercially used product derived from petroleum. Today, isopropyl alcohol is obtained in several ways and is used in many industries, including in everyday life. We will find out in more detail how it can be useful at home and whether it is dangerous.

Description of isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is also found under other names: isopropanol, 2-propanol, dimethylcarbinol. The chemical formula is C3H8O. In the scientific specification, this product is described as the simplest secondary monohydric alcohol. Refers to the aliphatic series, which means that the carbon atoms in it are arranged in the form of a chain. As the temperature decreases, it becomes more and more viscous.

Isopropanol is a clear liquid with a characteristic alcohol odor, more pronounced than that, and acetone is also slightly felt in the vapor. It dissolves well in benzene and acetone. When combined with water, it creates an azeotropic mixture (a solution that does not separate into its components by distillation).

During dehydrogenation, it turns into acetone. Perfectly dissolves essential oils, synthetic resins, alkaloids and other compounds.

Isopropyl alcohol is obtained by air oxidation of paraffins, also by hydrogenation of acetone with hydrogen (gaseous phase) or by hydration of propylene with sulfuric acid. The latter option is very common in modern production, while the propane-propylene fraction of pyrolysis and oil cracking is chosen as a raw material (propylene content is from 30 to 90%).

Today, one of two types of hydration is used in the production of isopropanol, the quality of the final product will depend on which option the manufacturer chooses. In the first case, indirect hydration with the participation of sulfuric acid is used, dimethylcarbinol is of poor quality, this type of treatment is often chosen by US companies.

A high-quality product is obtained by direct hydration, isopropanol comes out more pure (from 99%). Compared to the technical one, this product has very few impurities, it is also called absolute isopropyl alcohol. This method requires the use of high purity propylene, so many manufacturers refuse it. This type of hydration is widely used in factories in Europe and is controlled by GOST.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

Today, this product is produced in millions of tons per year. In industry and home use, isopropanol is considered as a cheaper substitute for ethanol.

Application in industry

Due to its composition and properties, technical and absolute alcohol is used in printing, cosmetology, medicine, automotive industry and other industries. It is also widely used as a preservative in laboratories and in production.

Applications of isopropanol in industry:

  1. In laboratories. As we have already noted, dimethylcarbinol can act as a preservative of biological origin. Compared to synthetic analogues, such as formaldehyde, a biological preservative is valued higher.
  2. A large amount of the produced isopropanol goes to the production of acetone.
  3. In the oil refining industry, it acts as a solvent for urea, this mixture is then used in the dewaxing of diesel fuel.
  4. The wood chemical industry uses it in combination with other solvents to extract resins from wood.
  5. In the printing industry, isopropyl alcohol is used in the printing process to moisten.
  6. With the help of this alcohol in the furniture industry, old paintwork is removed, used as a solvent for glue and oils.
  7. Isopropanol has been widely used in the automotive industry, most of all it is used in anti-freeze formulations - "anti-freeze". It is also well applicable in the production of antifreeze for car radiators.
  8. The paint industry uses this alcohol solution as an additional solvent. It interacts well with nitrocellulose, ethylcellulose, nitrolacs, acetylcellulose.

In addition to heavy industry, dimethylcarbinol is used in medicine and cosmetology. Among its useful properties is disinfection, which is necessary in the production of some cosmetics and medical products. For example, bandages, cotton swabs, and napkins are treated with isopropanol. For these purposes, only the highest quality solution is used, without impurities. Manufacturers sometimes use fragrances to remove heavy odors.

In cosmetology, the same qualities of isopropanol are valued, it is used as a disinfectant and preservative agent, as a solvent. Isopropyl alcohol can be found in nail polishes, hair conditioners and masks, aftershave balms, cleansing gels for washing. However, when choosing care products, it should be borne in mind that isopropanol is not suitable for dry and sensitive skin. In compositions, it can be recognized under one of the Latin names: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL, 2-HYDROXYPROPANE, SEC-PROPYL ALCOHOL.

Application at home

In everyday life, isopropyl alcohol is used in much the same way as in production. As we have already learned, it is a universal solvent. They treat surfaces for cleaning and disinfection, while it is even suitable for DVDs and CDs. It also removes traces of glue, ink, paints well, it can be used on most natural materials, including silk and cotton. Isopropanol is used to remove dirt from the surface of a computer mouse and keyboard, while no part of the computer is affected, since the alcohol solution quickly evaporates and does not accumulate. Due to these properties, it is suitable for cleaning circuit boards and microcircuits.

This product is especially widely used by motorists. It can clean most parts of the machine when repairing or replacing parts. Dimethylcarbinol is equally suitable for cleaning car elements and hand skin from fuel oil. It also removes stains from gasoline, diesel fuel, machine oils.

For glass processing, isopropanol has become indispensable for many. Firstly, the solution remarkably cleans glass from any dirt and does not leave streaks. Customer reviews note that the product without fragrances and impurities is best suited for this purpose - absolute. Secondly, when treating glass surfaces, isopropanol performs the function of anti-icing, which is especially beneficial in winter and for those cars that are not in the garage.

In addition, the refined product is used as a high-octane additive. To do this, it is mixed with gasoline in a ratio of 1 liter of isopropanol: 40 liters of gasoline.

It is suitable for any type of car, performs the following functions:

  • improves the quality of gasoline;
  • displaces water;
  • reduces the content of carbon monoxide (CO);
  • reduces the amount of hydrocarbon (CH);
  • eliminates engine knock.

Also, with the help of isopropyl alcohol, motorists eliminate accumulated moisture in the gas tank. Compared to and ethyl alcohol, this one has a higher density, does not interact with plastic and is considered safer and more affordable.

Where to buy isopropanol

Most often, isopropyl alcohol is looked for in a pharmacy, as it is used in medicine. But now it is quite difficult to get even medical alcohol, not to mention isopropyl alcohol. Given that it is cheaper than ethanol, people with alcohol addiction are looking for this solution not for direct use. Therefore, for safety reasons, pharmacists often dispense alcohols only on doctor's orders.

It is easiest to buy this product in bulk, as manufacturers focus on bulk purchases, for example, for enterprises, printing, etc. But the manufacturer can also request permission (although not everyone does this).

You can find this solution at retail in chemical stores. It is easier to find it in the composition of goods for cars, in glass cleaners. Often, isopropanol appears in such products without unnecessary impurities and fragrances, it’s not scary if there are surfactants in the composition.

Speaking of where to buy isopropyl alcohol, one cannot fail to mention the ubiquitous Internet. Here you can find a supplier wholesale and retail, in almost any city. The price for 1 liter of solution will be approximately 4-5 dollars.

Effect on the body

According to the degree of dangerous effect on the body, this chemical is classified in the third category (moderately dangerous). It is considered a toxic, flammable, narcotic substance. In the working area, alcohol vapors can accumulate, if the concentration of vapors in the air exceeds the norm of 10 mg / 1 m³, the area becomes unsafe. At enterprises where isopropanol is used in large quantities, they work in protective masks or gas masks BKF and A.

On exposed areas of the skin, the alcohol solution can leave slight burns if the skin is constantly exposed to it. With a single hit of isopropanol on the body, negative consequences are not observed. For mucous membranes, isopropyl alcohol is dangerous, as it can destroy them. It is especially important to protect the eyes during work, since even the vapors of this solution are not favorable for vision.

Isopropyl alcohol affects the human body primarily through CNS depression. Like other types of alcohols, this composition leads to, which is very similar to intoxication. You can get poisoned by them if you drink it or inhale a large amount of fumes.

This will be followed by symptoms characteristic of any alcohol poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • flushed face;
  • lack of coordination;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fainting;
  • coma (consequences of severe poisoning).

Such poisoning in most cases occurs by accident, unfortunately, the risk group includes mainly children who can confuse the solution with a safe liquid. Most of affected is included in the category of disadvantaged, often such people drink dimethylcarbinol intentionally, because of the strongest alcohol addiction.

The lethal dose is considered to be 250 ml of a pure solution, however, depending on the characteristics of the body, this dose may be less, especially for children. The vast majority of deaths are recorded only in a socially disadvantaged group, which includes not only alcoholics, but also people with mental disorders.

Isopropyl alcohol is absorbed from the stomach in 30-60 minutes, then the toxic effect itself occurs. Through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol enters the bloodstream, from where it affects the vital systems of the body: cardiovascular, nervous, brain, etc. The main part of the substance is processed in the liver under the action of an enzyme that breaks down ordinary alcohol - alcohol dehydrogenase.

After splitting, isopropyl alcohol forms acetone, which makes it more dangerous to the body than ethyl alcohol. However, compared to another type of alcohol that alcoholics love to abuse - methyl - isopropanol is less dangerous. But this does not mean at all that it can be drunk. The solution is excreted like ethanol by urination, with saliva, through the lungs. The half-life is almost 7 hours, during which the substance has a destructive effect on the body. Isopropyl alcohol intoxication lasts longer than regular alcohol intoxication.

What to do in case of poisoning

Poisoning with small doses of isopropanol will not lead to fatal consequences. The body can respond to such intoxication with slight dizziness, sometimes clouding of consciousness, and nausea. In this case, the treatment methods are the same as for alcohol intoxication: you need to clear the stomach, drink more water, take enterosorbents, and ensure peace. The body will remove the rest of the substance on its own.

The use (accidental or intentional) of a large amount of the solution is more dangerous. If timely action is not taken, the victim may fall into a coma or die. As we have already learned, the symptoms in this case will be the same as with ordinary intoxication. However, intoxication with isopropyl alcohol is more dangerous, since in the body it forms pure acetone in excess concentrations.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

In such a situation, the victim needs to be given first aid before the ambulance arrives: clean (induce vomiting) and rinse the stomach. It is also recommended to give the patient a drink of diluted drinking alcohol or, in this case it helps, since ethanol is an antidote of isopropanol, but this can only be done after consulting a specialist (for example, by calling an ambulance). It is important to remember that an unconscious person should not attempt to gastric lavage or induce vomiting. If the victim has lost consciousness, you need to put him on his side and wait for the doctors.

So, isopropyl alcohol is a useful substance both in industry and in everyday life. It must be used very carefully, when working with the solution, wear gloves and transparent glasses, cover your mouth and nose. The room must be well ventilated. You should also not forget that this alcohol ignites easily, so you need to work with it away from sources of fire and electricity, and be sure to store it out of the reach of children.

Isopropyl alcohol is a colorless, flammable liquid with a strong alcoholic odor. Isopropyl alcohol is widely used in various fields of human activity. Main characteristics: simple chemical formula, affordable price and properties that are of paramount importance for various industries.

There are several qualifications (types) of isopropyl alcohol, the main ones are absolute and technical. In absolute isopropyl alcohol, there is more of the main substance, less water and impurities. From the point of view of an ordinary consumer, both qualifications are technical isopropyl alcohol, which you can buy by contacting through an application or by phone.

We have been selling petrochemicals of the highest quality for over 20 years and guarantee the absolute physical and chemical compliance of isopropanol with the requirements of Russian and European standards. Leading industrial enterprises of the country are among our regular customers.

The company's work is focused on the sale of isopropyl alcohol to consumers at the best price from the manufacturer. The competitive advantages of our products are high quality, low odor, no impurities and economical cost. Cooperating with a direct supplier of chemical raw materials in Moscow, you insure yourself against the risk of acquiring counterfeit!

Chemical properties of isopropyl alcohol

Chemically, isopropanol is the simplest monohydric secondary alcohol, which has the properties of fatty alcohols and forms ethers and esters. Alkaloids, essential oils, chloroform, water, various chemical compounds, natural and synthetic resins are perfectly soluble in isopropyl alcohol.

Isopropanol does not interact with saline solutions. Unlike methanol and ethanol, this alcohol can be isolated from an aqueous solution to which table salt or any salt of an inorganic substance is added. Isopropanol reacts with powerful oxidizing agents. Aggressively reacts to some types of rubber and plastic.

Isopropanol production

There are two methods for the industrial production of isopropyl alcohol from petrochemical raw materials - sulfuric acid hydration of propylene and hydrogenation of acetone. As a feedstock for the first method, a propane-propylene fraction obtained from catalytic or thermal cracking gases and free of hydrocarbons is used.

In the second method, acetone containing less than 1% water acts as a raw material. In both cases, the end product is isopropyl alcohol, which has a wide range of uses. The formation of by-products is virtually eliminated and costly separations are not required. Both the first and second methods are used for the production of isopropanol on a large technical scale.

Application of isopropanol

Isopropyl alcohol is an excellent solvent and therefore is in demand in the oil, metallurgical, chemical, furniture, medical, food, perfumery, paint and varnish and wood chemical industries. The antiseptic effect of isopropanol is much higher than that of ethanol. Because of this, isopropyl alcohol is used as:

  • dehydrating agent;
  • solvent during recrystallization;
  • extractant of pure impurities;
  • preservative agent;
  • stabilizer;
  • defroster.

Most of the isopropyl alcohol, both in our country and in the world, is used to make acetone. In recent years, the production of low-density polyethylene and polypropylene has become a significant consumer of isopropyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol is widely demanded in the field of ester synthesis.

10.12.2017 Doctor Evgenia Alexandrovna Miroshnikova 0

A chemical compound called isopropyl alcohol has become widespread due to its disinfectant, preservative and cleansing properties. It is actively used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, products for motorists.

Isopropanol, IPA is a substance of organic nature. The structure of the propanol-1 isomer has the same qualitative and quantitative composition, but differs in the order of connection of atoms. Isopropyl alcohol is represented by the following formula: CH3CH(OH)CH3. This composition was obtained as a result of chemical experiments with propanol. This compound belongs to substances of the third hazard class.

The production of isopropyl alcohol must take place strictly in accordance with GOST 9805 84, which ensures compliance with physical and chemical characteristics. Only compliance with the conditions of GOST 9805 84 can provide the required quality standard and the corresponding manufacturer's product passport.
Isopropyl refers to industrial alcohols, which are strictly forbidden to drink.

Physical properties

The density of the substance in the form of a liquid is 785 kg/m3. This is less than that of water, which explains the volatile properties of the compound. Boiling begins after passing the temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. A mixture of isopropyl alcohol with air can explode, endangering the safety of anyone working with the substance. Exceeding the concentration of 2.5% also threatens to explode and ignite.

Chemical properties

In the presence of oxidizing agents (chromic acid or copper), alcohol is easily converted into acetone. If the substance is heated together with sulfuric acid, propyl alcohol can be obtained. Isopropyl alcohol is a strong solvent and can damage rubber products. All essential oils and resinous substances dissolve well in it. When the compound is burned, water and carbon dioxide are formed without soot and smoke.

Isopropylene mixes well with water, the freezing point of the resulting liquid depends on the ratio of proportions. The chemical compound has a pronounced alcohol smell, which is much more intense than that of ethanol. Drug intoxication is also more pronounced when using this type of alcohol.


Isopropyl alcohol can be obtained by adding a hydrogen molecule to acetone. Another method involves mixing propylene with sulfuric acid and then heating. Oxidation of paraffin by air is less commonly used. In industry, the following types of alcohol are used:

  1. rectified (most refined);
  2. technical (contains more harmful impurities).

Chemical enterprises produce tons of this product, as it is difficult to find an industry where it would not be used. The purchase of the product is possible wholesale and retail, isopropyl alcohol is sold at a very affordable price in liter containers. If a liter of funds is not enough, a larger volume can be ordered in the online store. Absolute isopropyl alcohol has a higher price compared to technical alcohol, as it belongs to ultrapure chemicals (high purity chemicals).

Application of isopropanol

The areas of application of isopropyl alcohol are different, it is used very actively in the national economy. The exception is the food industry, since drinking isopropyl alcohol is very unhealthy, even in minimal doses.

The medicine

In medicine, isopropanol is used as a universal disinfectant. It is part of the impregnating liquids for medical wipes, it is used to wipe the injection site. The ethyl alcohol solution previously used for these purposes is used much less frequently.


IHS is widely used as a preservative for the storage of analyzes and genetic material. It is much less toxic than formaldehyde (a derivative of ammonia), which was previously actively used for these purposes.

Most insecticides contain IPA and should be used with caution. Car windows will be reliably protected from icing, their optical qualities will be significantly improved when using special cans containing isopropyl alcohol.

Other industries

The price of isopropyl alcohol is low, which allows it to be included in the composition of the product without economic damage. It is less toxic than methanol, allowing the compound to be added to cosmetics and perfumes. Since such products have contact with the skin and are absorbed through its pores, their production requires absolute, that is, alcohol completely free from harmful impurities.

Paint and varnish production needs IPS, as this tool is an excellent solvent. Without such alcohol, the production of antifreeze is not complete. This liquid owes its non-freezing properties to him. The table shows that the higher the concentration of isopropanol in the antifreeze, the lower temperatures it tolerates.

As a solvent, alcohol is common for use in electronics to clean parts.
In the household, the substance can be used to successfully clean surfaces and fabrics. Be very careful when using it on synthetic surfaces, especially vinyl and rubber.

How can you get poisoned?

You can get poisoned with isopropyl alcohol by inhaling its vapors or by accidental ingestion. In some cases, low-quality vodka or moonshine may contain a certain amount of such alcohol. A toxic dose for humans is 15 grams of the substance. A smaller amount can cause indigestion in the form of diarrhea. Some antisocial individuals specifically use liquids containing isopropanol to get narcotic intoxication.


Pathological manifestations of poisoning are associated with the damaging effect of acetone, which is formed when the substance is broken down by alcohol dehydrogenase. This liver enzyme is involved in the inactivation of many toxic substances entering the body.

  1. Initially, there is heaviness and pain in the head, which is accompanied by dizziness and unsteady gait, problems with coordination appear, speech becomes incoherent. All this resembles the clinical picture of alcohol intoxication, but a pronounced smell of acetone appears from the mouth.
  2. In the future, drowsiness joins, from which the poisoned person can fall asleep. Intoxication can cause visual impairment in the form of a fuzzy image of objects, their doubling. There are flashing dots and dark spots before the eyes.
  3. Further, severe pains develop in the muscles of the limbs, which may be accompanied by tissue necrosis. Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, lower back, chest join. In severe poisoning, respiratory failure may develop with a dysfunction of the respiratory center, which is located in the brainstem. Cardiac activity also weakens, arterial pressure decreases or rises and the filling of the pulse decreases. Convulsive syndrome may develop.

A dose of 250 grams is fatal to humans.

First aid

In case of poisoning with isopropanol, the victim must be urgently hospitalized. To remove the remnants of a toxic substance, the stomach should be washed with a solution of sodium bicarbonate and induce vomiting. A cleansing enema will remove the remaining substance from the intestines. With preserved consciousness, the poisoned person should be given any enterosorbent agent:

Alt: Smekta
Title: Smecta drug

  • Enteros-gel;
  • Polysorb;
  • Smektu.


Poisoning with isopropanol is established on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture and the results of a biochemical blood test and a clinical urine test for the content of a toxic substance.


Treatment is aimed at restoring the affected vital functions and removing the poison from the body.

Stabilization of well-being

In order to stabilize the activity of the affected organs, a glucose solution with ascorbic acid and vitamin PP is introduced. Intravenous administration of saline and sodium bicarbonate will help restore the disturbed acid-base balance. In severe cases, hemodialysis (artificial kidney) is needed to remove toxic substances from the body.

Poison elimination

To eliminate poison from the body are used:

  • diuretics;
  • laxatives;
  • enterosorbents;
  • cleansing enemas.

More intensive measures include transfusions of blood and plasma replacement fluids, as well as hemodialysis.

Specific neutralization of the poison is possible with the help of an antidote.


Ethanol is used as an antidote to remove isopropyl alcohol from the body.

Symptomatic treatment

To eliminate pathological symptoms can be used:

  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • steroid hormonal preparations;
  • respiratory analeptics;
  • caffeine.

Severe pain syndrome may cause the appointment of painkillers.

Effects on the body

Damage to internal organs and the nervous system can subsequently manifest itself:

  • inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa;
  • damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • toxic encephalopathy;
  • polyneuropathy.

Residual effects of poisoning can persist for a long time and lead to disability of the patient.

A chemical compound having the molecular formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. Another name is propan-2-ol, medical alcohol. The liquid has a strong odor, is flammable, colorless.

Isopropyl alcohol has a number of chemical properties. It is able to dissolve in alcohol, ether, chloroform, water. This substance does not interact with salts. Due to the property of disappearing well in a salt-free environment, isopropyl alcohol is easy to isolate in water. It is enough to add sodium sulfate or ordinary table salt. This is its main difference from methanol and ethanol. The informal name for this method is "salting". Spend it to separate isopropyl alcohol into layers.

Isopropyl alcohol is produced in three ways:

  • Indirect hydration is the reaction of propylene with sulfuric acid. The result is a mixture of sulfate. They are also processed and get the right substance. The by-product is diisopropyl alcohol.
  • Direct hydration is carried out in the liquid or gas phase. Acid catalysts must be present. Propylene and water are reacted. Both processes consist in the separation of isopropyl alcohol from H 2 O.
  • hydrogenation of acetone. Use crude acetone. It is hydrogenated using oxides of copper and chromium or using Raney nickel.

Isopropyl wide application. Most often it is used in pharmaceuticals. In industry, it is used as a solvent. In the chemical industry, it is used to produce cumene. According to the results of last year, isopropyl alcohol is often used in cosmetics and in everyday life. This product is used as an additive in gasoline.

This alcohol is used in medicine as an effective disinfectant. They are treated with an injection site. It is also used as an antiseptic. Often used as a desiccant for otitis externa.

Absolute isopropyl alcohol differs from the usual degree of purification. It has the least amount of impurities. It dissolves resins and oils well, does not harm the paintwork. Because of this, it has become widespread in the automotive industry. It is often added to glass cleaner.

In laboratories, isopropyl alcohol is used as a preservative of biological origin. Use it for organics. It is a good alternative to synthetic preservatives, in particular formaldehyde.

Where to buy isopropyl alcohol? In wholesale warehouses. It is usually sold in large quantities. Despite its widespread use, it can cause poisoning. Therefore, every precaution must be taken when using antifreeze, glass cleaners, shaving lotions, and so on.

The peculiarity of isopropyl alcohol is that it does not penetrate the body through the skin. But on the other hand, it is perfectly absorbed through the lungs and stomach. It has a depressant effect on the central nervous system 2 times stronger than ethanol. In the liver, it is processed into acetone, and then excreted through the urinary system. Treatment consists of gastric lavage. If dehydration or shock occurs, infusion therapy is carried out using hemodialysis. It shows itself well.

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