Because of what Timati and Kirkorov had a fight. Another quarrel between Timati and Kirkorov

After a little calmness on the pop Olympus, the famous rapper Timati apparently decided to remind himself and quite recently, while relaxing in the capital's karaoke bar, he took a rather mocking photograph, which he then published in his personal microblog.

In this photograph, the rapper flaunts against the background of the monitor, on which Philip Bedrosovich was depicted and the text from the song “the girls are standing, standing on the sidelines” was written. At the same time, Timati covered the initial part of the phrase with himself, and only the phrase “stand on the sidelines” was read in the photograph, experts of the “News” column in the Market Leader report.

From the satisfied expression on Timati's face, it is noticeable that he considers this a completely successful joke. Timati's admirers appreciated such subtle humor of their ideal and expressed their support.

Experts remind about the conflict

The conflict between the two stars, which began last summer, has been going on for a long time and started quite loudly.

The king of Russian pop music and Timati quarreled as a result of the Muz-TV award. The beginning of the conflict between Timati and Phillip Bedrosovich Kirkorov was the rapper's rather sharp statement on his personal Twitter, where he wrote about the injustice of the music award. Philip Kirkorov decided to stand up for Muz-TV, as a result of which he ran into insults from the rapper.

In a personal microblog, rapper Timati wrote about how it was possible not to award performer Ivan Dorn for Breakthrough of the Year, and in the nominations “Group of the Year” and “Clip of the Year” not to award the group “Silver”, because their video, filmed for the song "Mama Lyuba" was able to get over 20,000,000 clicks on YouTube. In addition, Timati was outraged by other nominations. To which Philip Kirkorov could not resist answering and wrote, if there are any questions, then they should not be announced publicly, referring to professional ethics. To which, accordingly, the rapper did not remain silent either and recalled to Kirkorov the scandalous stories with the journalist Aroyan Irina and the television director Marina Yablokova, while Timati did not forget to hint at the unconventional orientation of Philip Kirkorov.

Almost all readers of stellar microblogs have become eyewitnesses of these strife. The phrase "cock clip" has become quite widely used on the World Wide Web and is a fairly often quoted "joke". The participants in this scandal, in fact, behave like fighting cocks.

The end of this scandal was Timati's song, in which the main phrase was: who are you, goodbye. Timati performed this song together with his fellow rappers L'One, Nel, ST and Misha Krupin - he shot a video for the song "Goodbye", while exposing the most urgent problems of show business, and quite clearly gave a hint of Philip's sexual orientation Kirkorov.

At the same time, the most unflattering and obscene expressions are heard in the songs, which accuse the entire domestic of corruption and the dominance of obscenity. They say that the "stars" glorified by all, among which Philip Kirkorov, have long since occupied the stage and do not allow new names to be born. "You are not worth the kokoshnik" Buranovskiye Babushki. Your music needs to be registered in the cemetery for a long time, - the words of the song say. - The smell of mothballs is rather irritating to the nostrils. Stars - your naked shocking - the only trump card.

And now this scandal has been going on for more than six months between rapper Timati and pop star Philip Kirkorov. At present, almost no one remembers that the popular song "Come on, goodbye!" had nothing to do with any of the participants in the scandal.

The authors of this song, the brothers Ehtiram and Intigam Rustamov, who are Azerbaijanis, are very sorry that their work was the truest anthem of the conflict between two very talented people and are ready to act as peacemakers who will try to resolve the conflict and restore good-hearted relations between the stars. The Rustamov brothers consider themselves, to a certain extent, responsible for the quarrel, since their song was used, albeit a modified version of it. In addition, the song "Come on, goodbye!" divided Russian show business into 2 irreconcilable camps. They really hope that the two talented performers will finally reconcile, and the song will not be remembered in a negative way.

In 2012, there was a big quarrel between rapper Timati and the king of the Russian pop scene, Philip Kirkorov - a graduate of the Star Factory published a personal correspondence with the people's artist. Some time later, at the ZHARA festival, Grigory Leps tried to reconcile the musicians.

On April 1, Philip Kirkorov and Timati starred in a comic video where they played out their conflict. Now Philip Kirkorov and Timati have finally improved relations. As a result, they released a joint video "Last Spring". According to the plot, the young singer loses his head from popularity, and therefore does not appreciate his chosen one. As a result, the girl creates a family with another man. As a result, the hero Timati realizes his mistake too late, when it is already impossible to fix something.

Apparently, the rapper expected to receive perplexed comments from his fans, and therefore hastened to justify himself for a duet with the king of the national pop scene.

“If someone told me seven years ago that I would record a song with Philip Kirkorov, I would most likely laugh in his face. Today I will present you a joint video and the song "Last Spring", and I will not dissemble, I do not know a single artist who, in fact, would sing this chorus better! The moral here is simple: two accomplished, adult people with a definitely not simple history of relationships considered the creative part to be a more important aspect today than the grievances, claims and presentations that have expired," the musician wrote.

Timati admitted that in modern show business it is quite difficult to maintain good relations with colleagues. “Yesterday my mother told me: “As it turned out, this is a long way - from the remnants of youthful maximalism to balanced, wise actions that are creative in nature.” I can't help but agree. In our musical and artistic environment, where a priori almost everyone hates each other, it is quite difficult to set precedents. So, today is that day, ”the rapper continued.

Fans were delighted with the new work of famous musicians. They admired the plot of the video, as well as how this idea was realized. They liked the locations, the game of the main characters and the shooting style. But most of all they were struck by such an unexpected duet.

“Wow, now I have seen everything”, “Wow, strong! And unexpectedly!”, “Waiting for Timati feat Pugachev”, “Guys, why are you so angry? They have reconciled, it is necessary to rejoice. I'm glad they reconciled. People, forgive each other! I like it, I really liked the song”, “Well, after this you can safely go into the sunset. Even the fit with Snoop Dogg was not as surprising as this collaboration”, “Once again many thanks to the director for his work! It's a great movie!" - wrote fans of the artists.

It all started modestly. Timati posted an indignant post on his Twitter blog: “With all my respect for MUZ-TV and the fact that they always support me, for all the beauty and scale of this event, I am afraid of the INADEQUATE list of winners this year !!! How could you not give "Breakthrough of the Year" to @Ivan_Dorn????? "Clip of the Year" and "Song of the Year" gr.Serebro, "Mama Lyuba" 20 million on youtube !!! I'm talking about the radio in general. ???? "Hip-hop of the year" Banderos? Are you seriously? This year is definitely for @Vlady_Kasta & Co !!! "Duet of the Year" from the No Comment section, but @iamGeeGun should have..........WTF ???????????? Not very objectively” (the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved).

Philip Kirkorov unexpectedly reacted to Timati's indignation, who, in a paternal manner, tried to call on the rapper to restraint: “Do you have any questions? The most honest? I didn't ask questions last year! There is professional ethics! OK! Remember!"

And then Timati exploded: “Professional ethics @fkirkorov is when you cock suck journalists and kick women with your feet, and then call my elders and ask them to get it off, dropping crocodile tears on the floor of the Israeli clinic on the air at Malakhov, this is an example of real professional ethics. And yet, who are you going to teach the mind-reason here SCARECROW??? Do not confuse the coast, I am not from your cock clip, remember this !!! AND LET'S GOODBYE!!!"

Philip did not answer this tirade. However, the skirmish did not go unnoticed, and caused a flurry of reactions among Internet users. Timati launched a new tag on Twitter #philipgoodbye, and he ... instantly entered the world's top Twitter tags, reaching second place.

And the very subject of the dispute caused a lot of comments from other stars of show business. Oleg Gazmanov considered the answer to Timati Kirkorov "worthy." Dima Bilan supported Kirkorov: “For 25 years, rooting for your business and living through problems and joys and scandals on the TV screen deserves respect. And how do you want to be treated after 25 years of prof. activities!?? Think about it ... " Producer and composer Anatoly Lopatin spoke in approximately the same way: "I pay attention to only one detail: Timati, not Philip, spoke insultingly, using profanity." Sergey Lazarev took a conciliatory position: “Dear Colleagues Artists! Forget twitter! Remember that there are calls, sms after all! Stop pouring dirt on each other in front of everyone!”

When the sharp-tongued Iosif Prigozhin decided to speak out, the scandal unfolded with renewed vigor. “Since when does the truth become tin? What can be said about politics when it is forbidden to speak the truth in the s.-b.? - Joseph supported the position of Timati. And he explained: “I’m not against and not for @fkirkorov A person with a short memory behaves categorically permissive.” Press attache Kirkorov Olga Alekseeva, who stood up for the singer (“Whoever is a scarecrow, is Timati himself, it’s not for nothing that he has the guards of a well-known and respected businessman a tooth was knocked out) ”he said:“ If I were you, Olga, I would learn to return money borrowed. Seven years have already passed, I’m waiting.

Alekseeva mocked about the reaction of Prigozhin and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov: “As soon as the scandal with @fkirkorov in the forefront of his hot fans @VRSoloviev and @prigozhin_iosif! True fighters for justice))). But Iosif decided to stand his ground and again stung Kirkorov's press officer: "When @fkirkorov finally realizes that Alekseeva is the main intriguer in his team, constantly misleading him." Then Alekseeva went on the offensive: “Indeed, 7 years have passed, but nothing has changed. You lied then, and you lie to this day. Nothing new ... And in general, unlike your allegations, I have real facts about your "noble" help to Yablokova ... "

Kirkorov nevertheless stood up: “Please do not insult or slander my employees! It is fraught. We, unlike you, do not climb into your life. Prigogine immediately replied: “I have a very interesting document signed by you personally. Therefore, I propose not to touch me, but your collaborator. return a debt. And as for ethics and gratitude, you are a great specialist. Do not make me angry. You have a short memory."

Kirkorov fell silent again.

The scandal between Kirkorov and Timati caused such a resonance that he already got into the Evening Urgant program, and many artists hurried to speak out in his footsteps.

June 5, 2012, 06:14

On June 1, the MUZ-TV Award, one of the most significant, large-scale and prestigious events in Russian show business, held by the MUZ TV channel since 2003, died down at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. Every year, the music awards ceremony gathers tens of thousands of spectators and the maximum number of stars. The MUZ-TV 2012 award became an anniversary one - the 10th in a row. The ceremony promised to be the most spectacular in its history, but in the end it turned out to be the most scandalous! Leapfrog with the hosts, accusations of conspiracies and pressure "from above", more than a dubious distribution of "plates" ... And, it seems, everything calmed down, as a new scandal flared up, which, for sure, will eclipse all the previous ones and quarrel half of our stars!
Timati vs Kirkorov Tonight, on Twitter, between the "king of pop" Philip Kirkorov and "our answer to gangsta rap" Timur Yunusov, an interesting squabble took place. The start was made a couple of days ago, when Timati wrote the following message on his page:
Kirkorov, for some reason, reacted only today. I would venture to suggest that he was informed about the "mutiny on the ship" belatedly :) But the reaction, as always, was in his usual manner:

And it seems that we expected, as they say, "descent on the brakes" or a smoothing of the situation ... BUT! It wasn't there! Timati struck a crushing retaliatory blow:

We can only wait for our show business to wake up, led by the "king", and place bets: WHO - WHO? and HOW will the "duelists" support groups be distributed?

I will update the post as information becomes available. Updated on 05/06/12 08:37: So far, despite the heated discussions of fans and just curious, the stars carefully keep silent, and pretend that they "didn't notice." Only Kudryavtseva, who was bombarded with questions, unsubscribed on this topic. And one more thing, Dasha Anikina, if I'm not mistaken, from Love Radio. Lera Kudryavtseva
Dasha Anikina
Updated on 05/06/12 10:30: __________________________________________________________________________---- I continue reporting from the lists, that is, Twitter) Discussions are in full swing. The vast majority of Twitter users support Timati. (It seems that the point here is not so much in his popularity, but in the fact that Kirkorov's fans are mostly older people who are not so massively present on social networks) The most popular neutral comment is: "Stocked up with popcorn. We are waiting when Kirkorov wakes up. Kirkorov, while, "did not wake up", but Timati woke up. Not only did he duplicate his late-night tweet again, but he also introduced a new hashtag: #philippbye
He was supported by Anastasia Kalmanovich (ex-producer of the singer Zemfira) and her husband, DJ Fyodor Fomin. Anastasia Kalmanovich
For the slow-witted Twitterers, she went into more detail:
Fedor Fomin
Updated on 05/06/12 11:27: ______________________________________________________________________________ Already, purely out of sports interest, I am waiting for a message "for" Kirkorov ... Major "players" of our show business continue to remain silent, Philip - to sleep, and everything else - in Timati's favor. I won’t duplicate all the messages anymore, but I’ll note that Max Gore (Ksenia Sobchak’s stylist), designer Antonina Shapovalova also unsubscribed in his favor, and the media representatives slightly perked up: love radio Vladimir Solovyov
Well, and where else, without the main "truth-seeker" from the yellow press, and concurrently, the editor-in-chief of, the newspapers "Life", "Heat", "Your Day", "Izvestia", etc. - Ashot Gabrelyanova Updated on 05/06/12 12:02: Timati goes to the "piggy bank" Joseph Prigogine:
And, finally, Kirkorov's light artillery - the producer of another "triumphant" of the Prize - Yana Rudkovskaya. Yan is somehow not attracted to "heavy" artillery. For a close friend and constant comrade-in-arms, a very cautious comment, from the series: "No matter what happens."
Updated on 05/06/12 17:03: ________________________________________________________________________________ We continue ... Love Radio keeps abreast of events
Ilias Mercury (RUSSIA.RU)
Artyom Korolev Lera Kudryavtseva
Nikolay Baskov
But, a young mother, is of little interest in the showdown of "pugs and elephants") Anfisa Chekhova
Updated on 05/06/12 17:41: ______________________________________________________________________________ Dima Bilan
Sergey Asharin ("Rumour Check" on MTV)
Vladislav Tsyplukhin (press secretary of the social network VKontakte)
Nastya Zadorozhnaya
love radio still trying to get to Kirkorov and other stars of our showbiz

Sergey Lazarev
Updated on 05/06/12 18:53: ______________________________________________________________________________ Who ordered "Let them talk"? There will be no kina! Andrei Malakhov busy, he has no time for scandals)
Olga Alekseeva (PR manager of Philip Kirkorov)
Iosif Prigozhin threatens Kirkorov

Ksenia Borodina (DOM-2 on TNT)
Even Ksenia Sobchak briefly distracted from the "revolutions"
Updated on 05/06/12 21:07: ______________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile hash tag #philipbye bye continues to circulate on twitter at the speed of light. Today it has entered the world trends. And in the Russian-language Twitter it takes the honorable first line. Love Radio listeners vote :)
Clip Alana Badoeva, for the song of the pop king "Snow", was awarded the MuzTV Prize in the nomination "Best Video", so his sympathies are predictable. (thanks to blogger Kvertoff for the tip)
Our response to Bieber, a teenage YouTube star - Roma Acorn, supports Timati
Interview magazine (Russia) bets on Timati Updated on 05/06/12 21:38: ________________________________________________________________________________ Hooray! Finally, dear "gossips" and "gossips", we have waited for the first comment from Philip Kirkorov!
Kirkorov will go to the bottom for six months Celebrated the 45th anniversary of the domestic "pop king" Philip Kirkorov at the last anniversary ceremony of the award "Muz-TV" was the main triumph. He was awarded three times, including as "Best Performer of the Decade". Now Kirkorov intends to go into the shadows for a while, but before that he managed to talk with Izvestia columnist Mikhail Margolis.
Philip Kirkorov about his nearest plans: I'm going to get away from all kinds of TV shootings, festivals and competitions for about half a year, so that my audience can comprehend what I have done over the past year. I spilled too much information on her. Therefore, this summer I will not go to either the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk or the New Wave in Jurmala. This is where my will power comes into play. These are all very tempting projects in terms of rating and presence on the TV screen. To refuse to participate in them is required to show character.
Philip Kirkorov about young artists: They are all weaklings, and in creativity too, with the exception of talented units. It would never occur to them to rebel against TV and authoritative figures of our show business. Relatively speaking, they will not climb the barricades. The spirit is not the same.
And finally... Philip Kirkorov about the scandal with Timati: I believe in a person for a long time until I myself get burned by his actions. Fortunately, there are few such people in my life. But they are. Now Timati is one of them. Updated on 05/06/12 23:18: ______________________________________________________________________________ And, perhaps, the last update for today ... unless, of course, something even more scandalous happens;) Maxim Fadeev
Oleg Gazmanov Timati, satisfied with the second line in global twitter trends
And for dessert ... The favorite of all "gossip" - Nikita Dzhigurda!
Updated on 06/06/12 19:49: ______________________________________________________________________________ Malakhov never showed up, but there is ... Ivan Urgant Ivan sneered at the Kirkorov-Timati scandal on Twitter, saying that they even managed to outdo the scandal with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who had his video posted on his miniblog blocked. Updated on 06/06/12 21:13: _______________________________________________________________________________

About THOSE who are "senior" in Timati ... Who are these mysterious "seniors"??? There were so many different assumptions, from the series, or maybe it's THE ONE who are sitting THERE))) I decided to clarify the question Tina Kandelaki, but Timati answered with a new riddle)

Updated on 08/06/12 21:44: ______________________________________________________________________________ And today, the director of the MuzTV Prize, concurrently the music director of the MuzTV channel, decided to speak out - Arman Davletyarov

The stars of Russian show business quarreled on Twitter because of the MUZ-TV award. Rapper Timati expressed dissatisfaction with the distribution of awards. The singer described in detail who, in his opinion, should have got the silver plates. The winner of the award did not hesitate to answer.

Kirkorov has repeatedly shown an unnecessarily violent reaction to the activities of journalists. Perhaps the most famous episode is this. The singer publicly insulted her, saying that he did not like her blouse, and kicked the journalist out of the press conference. For this he was fined 60 thousand rubles.

In 2009, Kirkorov's concert at the Moscow Roll Hall ended in a brawl with journalists. Then the singer cursed the media representatives and broke their equipment.

On December 6, 2010, during a rehearsal of a performance at the Golden Gramophone ceremony, Kirkorov rudely expressed dissatisfaction with the spotlight directed at him. The second director of the ceremony, Marina Yablokova, asked the singer to wait for the light to be debugged, but he. Later, he publicly apologized to Yablokova, explaining his behavior by a serious illness, the attacks of which he suffers twice a year.

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