"Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession": favorite phrases from his favorite movie. Quotes from the movie Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession Well, what else do you need a dog

Ivan Vasilievich changes profession


Forgive me for disturbing you, but I must tell you terrible news.
My gloves were taken away in a cafe today.
And I fell in love with another.
Do you understand me, Shurik?

But now, it's done! Just don't mind me and don't need scenes!

Probably lying!
- Oh, how stupid! To insult a person out of jealousy!
He can't lie every minute.

However, I am amazed at your calmness!
And you know, Shurik, somehow he even wants to make a scandal!
- Don't.
- You think?
- Sure.

However, you have character! If I were your wife, I would also leave!
- If you were my wife, I would hang myself!

What? Oh, you arrogant, arrogant, unwashed egoist!
- Who is this unwashed?

I successfully entered!

Citizens, keep money in a savings bank, if, of course, you have it!

When you speak, Ivan Vasilyevich, the impression is that you are delirious!

There is nothing suspicious in this device. I just invented a time machine.
In a word, I can penetrate space and go into the past.

Why are you looking at me like that, dear father? There are no patterns on me, and the flowers do not grow.
- I am tormented by vague doubts.

And what is your last name?
- I am an artist of large and small academic theaters!
And my surname, my surname is too famous for me to call it.

Here he is looking! You will wipe a hole on me.

You ignored my question regarding the tape recorder.
- Fie on you!

Fie on you again.

I'm worried.
- Come on, I'm here!

Look! After all, this is Ivan the Terrible!
- Go you!

BUT!!! Demons! Demons! Demons!
- Get down! Get down, get down! Get lost!

Alas, alas for me, a sinner! Woe to me, damned murderer!
Oh, evil spirit...

Walled up, walled up, demons!

This is what the life-giving cross does!

Where is the king?
- Have a snack!

Oh, don't lie, oh, don't lie! You lie to the king!

Taste and you from my cup!
- Why is it?
- Take it!

Their heads will be cut off and the whole business.
- And just business. BUT?
- Yes, the dog is with them!

Live to take demons!

Well, how?
- Oh, it doesn't look like it! Oh, scam!

Let me tie up my teeth, or something. My misfortune! Like this. You see, that face is smarter!
- I'll ask you not to touch your face!

There were demons. We do not deny this. But they self-destructed. So I ask you to stop this stupid panic. Who are you?

Don't bother the king.

Yes, tell them not to hurry back.
- Let them take Kazan on the way back. Well, not to go twice.

Karp Savelich! I just don't believe my luck.
- Wait for me and I will come back.

Boris to the kingdom?

So he, the evil one, paid for the most evil thing?
Did you want to reign and rule everything? Ooh... Guilty of death!

Have you offended the boyar? Smerd.

Whose will you be?
- Excuse me, comrade artist, but what is it - whose?
- Whose slave, I ask?
- Sorry, but I don't understand you!
- Wow, you stupid asshole!

Did you seduce the boyar?
- I. Az am. My life.
- What is your life, stinking dog! You look at yourself! Life!

Ah, boyar, beauty is molded, scarlet with lips, eyebrows of the union.
What else do you need, dog?
- You don't need anything, nothing.
- Well, get married, horonyaka, the prince lets her go.

Oh, what a beauty! Lepota.

Enter citizen ambassador!

What, what? Kemsky volost?
- Oh, ya, ya, Kemska volost. Oh ya ya

What are you, father, crawling?
- Ah ... The ambassador lost his knightly order from his chest.
- You can't be so distracted. You need to look after things when you enter the room.

You didn't take? Or maybe rolled over the throne? Well there is no way.

Again I am tormented by vague doubts. Shpak has a tape recorder, the ambassador has a medallion.
- What are you implying? I ask you, what are you hinting at, royal muzzle?

Wait a minute! At whose expense is this banquet? Who will pay?

Ah, twisted hare kidneys, pike heads with garlic.
Black caviar! Red! Yes... Overseas caviar... Eggplant!

Ivan Vasilyevich, look how they treated my apartment!
It's all the same, all the same, that is acquired by overwork, everything is lost!

Yes, what is it, huh? Well, go home, alcoholic!
- Leave me, old woman, I'm sad.

Hello. King... Very nice.
King, very nice, king.
Very nice, hello king.
Very nice, king.
King, very nice.
Hello king, very nice.

I think we met somewhere.
- What are you weaving, bastard?
- But but but! Man! Man! Waiter! Kidneys once to the queen.

And yet you are in labor, everything is in labor, great sovereign, like a bee!
- Margo, you are the only person who understands me.

Well, another glass under the pike head?

Why are you, maestra, silent? Come on, give us something!

Eh, Marfusha, should we be sad?

Everybody is dancing!

Dear autocrat, we are lost!
- I demand the continuation of the banquet!

Do you smoke? Do not smoke? You are doing right. I don't smoke either. And yet, who are you?
- I am the king.

Quiet. Surname?
- We are Rurikovich.

Yes, tell me, what is my fault, boyar?
- The Tambov wolf is your boyar!

Kazan took, Astrakhan took, Revel took, Shpak did not take.

Another one was detained, comrade lieutenant.
- Do not delay ... did not detain. Not detained! They didn’t detain me, but I myself went to you, to you, myself.
Sincerely confess everything.
With rapture I surrender myself into the hands of my native militia. I hope and hope for her.

You lie, dog! I am the king!

Now you will be cured, alcoholic.

And you will be cured! And you will be cured too! And I'll be cured!

If I were you, I would immediately sit down for a doctoral dissertation!
- No need to rush. I can always sit down.

Faster, Ivan Vasilyevich!
- I'm running, Lord, my sins are heavy.

- What is it?
- Oh, you hooligan!
- What rudeness! And he also put on glasses!

Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession - Soviet film. Production of the film studio "Mosfilm", 1973. Genre - comedy. Screen version of the play by M. A. Bulgakov "Ivan Vasilyevich".

- When you speak, Ivan Vasilyevich, the impression is that you are delirious.

- But I, Zinaida Mikhailovna, was robbed - the dog with the police promised to come.

- You're lying, dog! I am the king!

- I'm leaving my husband - this holy man with all the comforts!

- He is informed that his wife is leaving him, and he - “so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so”! Even somehow impolite!

“If you were my wife, I would… hang myself!”

- Oh, what a beauty! Lepota!

“Why are you looking at me like that, dear father?” There are no patterns on me and flowers do not grow.

- Hang up the phone!

“Oh, you are rehearsing…
- Rep-pe-pe-tir-ruem ...
- Naturally, the way you play ... And your king is so ... so typical! Looks like our Bunshu ...

“This is what the life-giving cross does!

- Everything that was acquired by overwork, everything died!

“You will still answer for your anti-social experiments, hooligan!”

- He also wore glasses! Yes Yes. Let's help, help! Poor intellectual! They taught you on your own head - everyone went bald!

— Citizens! Keep money in a savings bank! Unless, of course, you have them.

- Yes, we, the kings, for the harmfulness of milk should be given free of charge!

“Let’s take demons alive!”

- Live to take the impostors!

- I am ... my life ...
- What is your life, stinking dog?

- At whose expense is this banquet? Who will pay?
At least not us!

- Where is the king?
- You have to eat!

- Walled up, walled up, demons!

- Hello, boyar!

- Black caviar, red ... Yes! Overseas caviar ..., eggplant!

“And you will be cured… and you will be cured too… and I will be cured.”

- How do you give a petition to the king ?!

Did you make such a car?
- Yes I.
- I also had one of these - I made wings. I put him on a barrel of gunpowder - let him fly!
- Why is it so cool?

“You see, that one has a smarter face!”
- Please don't touch your face!

- Leave me, old woman, I'm sad ...

- Taste from my cup.

“So what to tell my king?”
- Give your king my fiery greetings.

“Tell me, what is my fault, boyar?”
- Tambov wolf boyar for you!

“Say again, are you not a demon?!
“Ivan Vasilievich, I have already told you a hundred times who I am!” I'm not a demon!
- Oh, don't lie! Oh don't lie! You lie to the king! Not by human desire, but by God's will, I am king...
- Good! I understand perfectly well that you are the tsar, Ivan Vasilyevich...
“Alas for me, alas for me, Ivan Vasilich! Woe is me!
- Do you drink vodka?
- Anise...

- Why did you offend the noblewoman, smerd?

- Ai, noblewoman - sculpted by beauty! Scarlet lips, friendly eyebrows... What else do you want, dog? ... So get married, khoronyaka, the prince lets her go!

- I am again tormented by vague doubts ... Shpak has a tape recorder, the ambassador has a medallion ...
- What do you mean? I ask you - what are you hinting at, royal muzzle ?!

- King, very nice, hello, king!

- What Boris the Tsar ?! Boriska - to the kingdom ?! So he, the wicked one, paid for the kindest thing with the most evil?! He himself wanted to reign and rule over everything?! Guilty of death!

- Did you take Shpak's apartment ?!
- Shpak?
- Yes!
- Kazan took, Astrakhan took, Revel took, Shpak - did not take.

- Hey man! Human!!! Waiter! Kidneys once queen!

- I got it right.

— Let me! Don't act like a hooligan!.. What kind of drunken antics are these?! I will file a complaint against you ... collective!

- I demand the continuation of the banquet!

- Packs, packs ... Even cherubs! .. I don’t speak languages, your honor.

— Eureka! Royal clothes! Get dressed! You will be king!
- Never!
"Get dressed, I'll kill you!"

- Do not order to be executed, great sovereign! Tell the word to say!

- Write: "Tsar's decree. I order to send an army to knock out the Crimean Khan from the Izyum Way. Put a point.
- Period ... Sign, Great Sovereign!
“I have no right to sign such historical documents!”

- I would sit down for a doctoral dissertation if I were you!
- There is no need to hurry - I will always have time to sit down.

- I would like, so to speak, in general terms to understand what he needs.
- Yes, it’s no wonder, hope-king, to understand him: they demand the Kem volost. They fought, they say, so give it here!
— Oh, ya-ya! Kemska parish! Oh ya-ya!

- I saw the wonders of technology, but this!

“They’ll cut off their heads and that’s it.”
- And the whole business ... Huh?
- Yes, the dog is with them!

- Looks... You will wipe a hole on me!

- Fuck you. Fuck you again!

- Fedya, why are you huddling there near the kidneys? Go here.

How they scream!
“Ah… They can’t scream, they’ve been dead for a long time!”
Have you seen how the dead shoot?

- Bark at them!
- Wooooo!!!

- They swept the police, they sew the case!

- Tell me, what is your first name?
- Marfa Vasilievna, I ...

“Margo, you are the only person who understands me.

“Oh, Marfusha, should we be sad?

- What kind of dog is this? Blossomed here without me! What kind of R-repertoire do you have? We need something mass-produced, modern: tili-tili, tali-tili, we don’t… tili-tili, we didn’t tili-tili…

I'm busy, call me later!

- Open it, dog!
- And who is he?
- To you.

— We had a German interpreter. Ha, he would translate, but he does not knit a bast. We boiled it in boiling water.
You can't treat translators like that.

“You are mistaken, dear, this is a public matter. You are drastically reducing our performance with your divorces.

- And they are also fighting for the honorary title of "House of High Culture of Life"!

- Answer for the wall according to the law!

- I am an artist of large and small academic theaters. And my surname - my surname is too famous for me to call it!

- God, what a type!

“What are you, a son of a bitch, an impostor, squandering government lands? So after all, you won’t save up any volosts!

“Such questions, dear ambassador, are not solved out of hand. We need to consult with comrades, come in for a week

- Well, the king, shuddered!

- Three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, a suede jacket, three ... jackets.

- Everybody is dancing!

The army has rebelled! They say the king is not real!

- Wait a minute! If you once again intervene in the experiments of an academician and get in the way of technical progress, I'll take you!!!

“You are the first to see, you are, so to speak, the first witness!”
"I've never been a witness before...

- Tell me, do you have a separate office?
- Oh, yes, your honor, you cut yourself!

"Bring in the citizen ambassador!"

— Think about it, think about it before you start to understand — to see ancient Moscow — without the sanction of the relevant authorities!

“Darling, you have no idea! Yakin threw his kikimora, well, and persuaded me to fly with him to Gagra!

— Police? This is what today’s robbed Shpak says ... but I’m not talking about the theft, we have a cleaner business here - engineer Timofeev called the living king to his apartment! …I'm a non-drinker! I give you my honest word. …I'm waiting

“Velmy is better…thank you very much!”

— The convoy is free!

- There were demons - we do not deny it. But they self-destructed. So I ask this useless panic to stop!

- Or maybe rolled under the throne?

- And I'm the opposite - Georges.

“Listen, I don’t recognize you in makeup.

- Klyushnitsa made vodka.

The most popular comedy of the USSR "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" turns 40 today. Based on the play by Mikhail Bulgakov, the film by Leonid Gaidai sparkles with wit, and quotes from it have forever been registered in our everyday speech, becoming winged and involuntarily causing a smile on the lips.

Today the portal recalls favorite phrases from cult movies, uttered by favorite actors.

Yuri Yakovlev (Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsha and Ivan the Terrible)

You are mistaken, dear, this is a public matter. You are drastically reducing our performance with your divorces.

Think again, think again, comrade Timofeev, before, you understand, you see ancient Moscow - without the sanction of the relevant authorities!

I have vague doubts...

King, very nice, hello, king!

Do you think it's easy for us kings? Yes, nothing like that, narrow-minded conversations ... We, the kings, should be given free milk for harmfulness!

Hey man! Human! Waiter! Kidney once queen!

I demand the continuation of the banquet!

You will answer for your anti-social experiments, bully!

With delight I surrender into the hands of my native militia, I hope and trust in it ...

Ulyana Andreevna, I reigned! But you haven't changed! I was tempted by the queen, but I did not succumb, I swear!

I hear from an impostor!

Oh, it's hard for me! Say again, are you not a demon?

The housekeeper made vodka.

What Boris-tsar?! Boriska - to the kingdom ?! So he, the wicked one, paid for the kindest thing with the most evil?! Himself wanted to reign, all Volodet?! Guilty of death!

Why did you offend the noblewoman, you stinker?!

Pray, pike son, say goodbye to life!

And the noblewoman is sculpted with beauty! Scarlet lips, friendly eyebrows... What else do you want, dog?

Well, get married, khoronyaka, the prince lets her go.

Oh, demonic clothes, oh, temptation!

Walled up, demons!

This is what the life-giving cross does!

Leave me, old woman, I'm sad...

Kazan took... Astrakhan took... Revel took, Shpak... n-didn't take.

Lie, dog! I am the king!

The police swept up, the case is sewn!

Leonid Kuravlev (Georges Miloslavsky)

I successfully entered!

Citizens, keep your money in the savings bank! Unless, of course, you have them.

I am an artist of large and small academic theaters; and my surname - my surname is too famous for me to call it!

And why are you looking at me like that, dear father? There are no patterns on me, and flowers do not grow.

Fie on you. Fuck you again!

Wait a minute! If you intervene once again in the experiments of the academician and stand in the way of technical progress, I will kill you!..

Don't be silent like a stump, I can't work alone.

Nadezha the Tsar says that I am Prince Miloslavsky. Does it suit you?

There were demons - we do not deny it. But they self-destructed. So I ask this stupid panic to stop!

Enter Citizen Ambassador!

Such questions, dear ambassador, are not solved out of hand. We need to consult with comrades, come in for a week.

Give your king my fiery greetings!

Everybody's Free! Yes, the convoy is also free. The convoy is free!

Fedya, why are you huddling there near the kidneys? Go here.

Oh, yes, your honor, cut yourself!

There is no need to hurry, I will always have time to sit down.

Dear autocrat, we are lost.

What do you mean? I ask you - what are you hinting at, royal face?

Alexander Demyanenko (Shurik Timofeev)

When you say, Ivan Vasilyevich, the impression is that you are delirious.

If you were my wife, I would hang myself!

Do you think I want to poison you?! Dear Ivan Vasilyich, this is not customary with us. And in our age it is much easier to get poisoned with sprats than vodka - drink boldly!

And what, have you already been released from the madhouse?

Natalia Selezneva (Zina)

My gloves were taken away in a cafe ... and I fell in love with another!

He is informed that his wife is leaving him, and he - “so-so-so-so-so”! Even as something impolite! And you know, somehow even pulls to make a scandal ...

I'm leaving my husband - this holy man with all the amenities!

So I took the scoundrel Yakin's suitcase!

Vladimir Etush (comrade Shpak)

But I, Zinaida Mikhailovna, was robbed - the dog with the police promised to come ...

Ah, you're rehearsing...

It's natural how you play... And your king is so... typical! Looks like our Bunshu.

This role is abusive, and I ask you not to apply it to me! God, well, we have a house! Sometimes they steal, sometimes they call names... and we are also fighting for the honorary title of "house of high culture of everyday life" - this is a nightmare, a nightmare!

What is this drunken antics?! I will file a complaint against you ... collective!

Now the police will figure out which of us is a slave.

You need to have a snack!

Hello, police? This is what today's robbed Shpak says ...

Everything that was acquired by overwork, nevertheless perished! Three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, a suede jacket ... three ... jackets.

Mikhail Pugovkin (director Yakin)

Wait for me and I will come back.

I went through the stage with her, hysterical! This is my professional duty. Profession de foi!

Paki ... like cherubs! Your Excellency, have mercy. By the way, you misunderstood me ... I don’t speak languages, your honor.

My life...

Velmy better ... very grateful to you!

Since we are very late for the plane.

Natalya Krachkovskaya (Ulyana Andreevna Bunsha)

However, you have a character ... If I were your wife, I would also leave.

Alexander Sergeevich, I'm sorry to disturb you during your family drama. Ivan Vasilyevich is not with you?

Comrade Lieutenant, I am the wife of this alcoholic!

And you will be cured, and you will be cured too... And I will be cured...

They taught you on your own head, everyone went bald!

Live to take demons!

Ya-ya, Kemska volost ...

Rolled hare kidneys, pike heads with garlic… Black and red caviar… Yes! Overseas caviar ... eggplant!

The army has rebelled! They say the king is not real!

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