The history of Khorezm from ancient times. Ancient Khorezm - the lost world

The capital is transferred to the city of Urgench.

Pre-Achaemenid period

Archaeological excavations record the existence of the Neolithic Kelteminar culture of ancient fishermen and hunters on the territory of ancient Khorezm (4th-3rd millennium BC). The direct descendant of this culture is related to the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. Tazabagyab culture of the Bronze Age, pastoral and agricultural. There are also reports of ancient authors about the contacts of the inhabitants of Khorezm with the peoples of Colchis on trade routes along the Amu Darya and the Caspian Sea, along which Central Asian and Indian goods went to the Caucasian possessions through the Euxine Pontus (Εὔξενος Πόντος - other Greek name for the Black Sea). This is also confirmed by the material culture, elements of which are found in the excavations of ancient monuments of the Central Asian Mesopotamia and the Caucasus.

Since the sites of the Suyargan culture, as well as part of the Tazabagyab ones, are located on takyrs lying above the buried dunes, there is reason to believe that around the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. there was a drainage of this area, possibly associated with the breakthrough of the Amu-Darya through the western segment of the Sultan-Uizdag and the formation of a modern channel. It may be that these changes in the geography of the upper delta of the Amu Darya caused its secondary settlement and the colonization movement of the southern tribes, who collided here with the tribes of the surroundings of the South Khorezm lake and, judging by the signs of the Tazabagyab influence in the ceramics of the Suyargan and later Amirabad culture, assimilated with them. There is every reason to believe that these tribes constituted the eastern branch of the peoples of the Japhetic system of languages, to which the modern Caucasian peoples (Georgians, Circassians, Dagestanis, etc.) belong, and to which the creators of the most ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Syria and Asia Minor belonged.

During this period, many fortified cities with powerful walls and towers were erected, representing a single system of fortresses that protected the border of the oasis from the desert. A huge number of loopholes, each of which fires only a narrow space, due to which a special archer had to stand at each loophole, suggests that the whole people were still armed and the leading role was played not by a professional army, but by a mass militia. Around 175 BC. n. e. Khorezm became part of the Kangyui.

In the last third of the 1st century BC. e. Khorezm as part of Kangyui acts as a powerful ally of the Western Huns. The power of Khorezm extends at this time far to the northwest. According to the "History of the Younger Han Dynasty", dating back to the very beginning of BC. e., Khorezm (which is described here as Kangyuy - "the country of the Kangls") subjugates the country of the Alans, which at that time stretched from the northern Aral Sea to the eastern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

According to sources in the 1st century AD. e. the Khorezmian era was introduced and a new calendar was introduced. According to the great Khorezmian scholar Abu Reykhan al-Biruni (973-1048), the Khorezmian chronology was first introduced in the 13th century BC. e.

It is believed that from the middle of the 1st century AD. e. until the end of the 2nd century Khorezm was under the influence of the Kushan Kingdom. This period is characterized by fortresses erected by the central government and occupied by garrisons of a standing army. At the beginning of the 4th century, under padishah Afriga, the city of Kyat became the capital of Khorezm. In the next era, between the 4th and 8th centuries, the cities of Khorezm fell into disrepair. Now Khorezm is a country of numerous castles of the aristocracy and thousands of fortified peasant estates. From 995 Khorezm was ruled by the Afrigid dynasty, whose representatives bore the title of Khorezmshah. Between 567-658, Khorezm was in a certain dependence on the Turkic Khaganate. In Chinese sources, it was mentioned under the name Khusimi (呼似密).

From the Arab conquest to the Seljuk conquest

The first Arab raids on Khorezm date back to the 7th century. In 712, Khorezm was conquered by the Arab commander Kuteiba ibn Muslim, who inflicted cruel reprisals on the Khorezmian aristocracy. Kuteiba brought down especially cruel repressions on the scientists of Khorezm. As al-Biruni writes in the Chronicles of Past Generations, “and by all means scattered and destroyed Kuteyba all who knew the writing of the Khorezmians, who kept their traditions, all the scientists that were among them, so that all this was covered with darkness and there is no true knowledge about what was known from their history at the time of the coming of Islam to them.

Arabic sources say almost nothing about Khorezm in the following decades. But from Chinese sources it is known that Khorezmshah Shaushafar in 751 sent an embassy to China, which at that time was at war with the Arabs. During this period, a short-term political unification of Khorezm and Khazaria takes place. Nothing is known about the circumstances of the restoration of Arab sovereignty over Khorezm. In any case, only at the very end of the 8th century, the grandson of Shaushafar takes the Arabic name of Abdallah and mints the names of the Arab governors on his coins.

State of Khorezmshahs

The founder of a new dynasty in Khorezm was the Turk Anush-Tegin, who rose under the Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah (-). He received the title of shihne of Khorezm. Since the end of the XI century, there has been a gradual liberation of Khorezm from the Seljuk protectorate and the annexation of new lands. The ruler of Khorezm, Qutb ad-Din Muhammad I, in 1097 takes the ancient title of Khorezmshah. After him, his son Abu Muzaffar Ala ad-din Atsiz (-) ascended the throne. His son Taj ad-Din Il-Arslan in 1157 completely liberates Khorezm from the Seljuk guardianship.

Under Khorezmshah Ala ad-Din Tekesh (-) Khorezm turns into a huge empire. In 1194, the army of the Khorezmshah defeated the army of the last Iranian Seljukid Togrul-bek and asserted the sovereignty of Khorezm over Iran; in the city of Baghdad, Caliph Nasir is defeated in battle with the Khorezmians and recognizes Tekesh's authority over eastern Iraq. Successful campaigns to the east, against the Karakitays, open the way for Tekesh to Bukhara.

In 1512, a new dynasty of Uzbeks, who had fallen away from the Sheibanids, stood at the head of an independent khanate of Khorezm.

Initially, the capital of the state was Urgench.

In 1598, the Amu Darya retreated from Urgench and the capital was moved to a new location in Khiva.

In connection with the change in the channel of the Amu Darya in 1573, the capital of Khorezm was moved to Khiva.

From the 17th century, in Russian historiography, Khorezm began to be called the Khiva Khanate. The official name of the state was the ancient name - Khorezm.

Khorezm in the second half of the 18th - early 20th centuries

In the 1770s, representatives of the Uzbek Kungrat dynasty came to power in Khorezm. The founder of the dynasty was Muhammad Amin-biy. During this period, masterpieces of the architecture of Khorezm were built in the capital Khiva. In 1873, during the reign of Muhammad Rakhim Khan II, Khorezm became a vassal of the Russian Empire. The Kungrats ruled until 1920, when, after two wars with Soviet Turkestan, they were overthrown as a result of the victory of the Red Army.

Rulers of Khorezm

Rulers of Khorezm
Name Years of government Titles
Siyavushid dynasty
Kaykhusraw approx. - 1140 BC Khorezmshah
saxafar approx. - 517 BC Khorezmshah
Farasman approx. - 320 BC Khorezmshah
Khusrav approx. 320 BC - ? Khorezmshah
Afrighid dynasty
Afrig - ? Khorezmshah
Baghra ? Khorezmshah
Sahhasak ? Khorezmshah
Askadjamuk I ? Khorezmshah
Askajavar I ? Khorezmshah
Sahr I ? Khorezmshah
Shaush ? Khorezmshah
Hamgari ? Khorezmshah
Buzgar ? Khorezmshah
Arsamukh ? Khorezmshah
Sahr II ? Khorezmshah
Sabri ? Khorezmshah
Askajavar II ? Khorezmshah
Askadjamuk II - ? Khorezmshah
Shaushafar ? Khorezmshah
Turkasabas ? Khorezmshah
Abd-Allah ? Khorezmshah
Mansur ibn Abd-Allah ? Khorezmshah
Iraq ibn Mansur ? Khorezmshah
Ahmad ibn Iraq ? Khorezmshah
Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ? - Khorezmshah
Mamunid dynasty
Abu Ali Mamun ibn Muhammad -
Amir Gurganj
Abu-l-Hasan Ali ibn Mamun - Khorezmshah
Ain ad-Dawla Abu-l-Abbas Mamun ibn Ali - Khorezmshah
Abu-l-Haris Muhammad Khorezmshah
Altuntash dynasty
Altuntash - Khorezmshah
Harun ibn Altuntash - Khorezmshah
Ismail ibn Altuntash - Khorezmshah
Anushtegin dynasty (Bekdili)
Qutb al-Din Muhammad I - Khorezmshah
Ala ad-Din Atsiz - ,
Taj ad-Din Il-Arslan - Khorezmshah
Jalal ad-Din Sultan Shah Khorezmshah
Ala ad-Din Tekesh - Khorezmshah
Ala ad-Din Muhammad II - Khorezmshah
Qutb ad-Din Uzlag Shah - Valiahad, Sultan of Khorezm, Khorasan and Mazandaran
Jalal ad-Din Manguberdi -
Sultan of Ghazni, Bamiyan and Ghur
Rukn al-Din Gursanjti - Sultan of Iraq
Ghiyath ad-Din Pir Shah - Sultan of Kerman and Mekran

see also

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  • Veselovsky N. I. Essay on historical and geographical information about the Khiva Khanate from ancient times to the present. SPb., 1877.
  • Vinogradov A. V. Millenniums buried by the desert. Moscow: Education, 1966.
  • Tolstov S.P. Materials and research on ethnography and anthropology of the USSR, 1946, 2, p. 87-108.
  • B. Grozny. Proto-Indian writings and their interpretation. Bulletin of ancient history 2 (11). 1940.
  • Tolstov S.P. In the footsteps of ancient Khorezmian civilization. M.-L.: 1948.
  • Kydyrniyazov M.-Sh. Material culture of the cities of Khorezm in the XIII-XIV centuries. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1989.
  • "Trinity Variant" No. 60, p. 8 (2010)


  • A. Paevsky.

An excerpt characterizing Khorezm

Denisov, grimacing, as if smiling and showing his short, strong teeth, began to ruffle his black, thick hair, like a dog, with both hands with short fingers.
- Chog "t me money" zero to go to this kg "yse (nickname of the officer)," he said, rubbing his forehead and face with both hands. "You didn't.
Denisov took the lighted pipe handed to him, clenched it into a fist, and, scattering fire, hit it on the floor, continuing to shout.
- The sempel will give, pag "ol beats; the sempel will give, pag" ol beats.
He scattered the fire, smashed the pipe and threw it away. Denisov paused, and suddenly, with his shining black eyes, looked merrily at Rostov.
- If only there were women. And then here, kg "oh how to drink, there is nothing to do. If only she could get away."
- Hey, who's there? - he turned to the door, hearing the stopped steps of thick boots with the rattling of spurs and a respectful cough.
- Wahmister! Lavrushka said.
Denisov frowned even more.
“Squeeg,” he said, throwing a purse with several gold pieces. “Gostov, count, my dear, how much is left there, but put the purse under the pillow,” he said and went out to the sergeant-major.
Rostov took the money and, mechanically, putting aside and leveling heaps of old and new gold, began to count them.
- BUT! Telyanin! Zdog "ovo! Inflate me all at once" ah! Denisov's voice was heard from another room.
- Who? At Bykov's, at the rat's? ... I knew, - said another thin voice, and after that Lieutenant Telyanin, a small officer of the same squadron, entered the room.
Rostov threw a purse under the pillow and shook the small, damp hand extended to him. Telyanin was transferred from the guard before the campaign for something. He behaved very well in the regiment; but they did not like him, and in particular Rostov could neither overcome nor hide his unreasonable disgust for this officer.
- Well, young cavalryman, how does my Grachik serve you? - he asked. (Grachik was a riding horse, a tack, sold by Telyanin to Rostov.)
The lieutenant never looked into the eyes of the person with whom he spoke; His eyes were constantly moving from one object to another.
- I saw you drove today ...
“Nothing, good horse,” answered Rostov, despite the fact that this horse, bought by him for 700 rubles, was not worth even half of this price. “I began to crouch on the left front ...” he added. - Cracked hoof! It's nothing. I will teach you, show you which rivet to put.
“Yes, please show me,” said Rostov.
- I'll show you, I'll show you, it's not a secret. And thank you for the horse.
“So I order the horse to be brought,” said Rostov, wanting to get rid of Telyanin, and went out to order the horse to be brought.
In the passage, Denisov, with a pipe, crouched on the threshold, sat in front of the sergeant-major, who was reporting something. Seeing Rostov, Denisov frowned and, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb into the room in which Telyanin was sitting, grimaced and shook with disgust.
“Oh, I don’t like the good fellow,” he said, not embarrassed by the presence of the sergeant-major.
Rostov shrugged his shoulders, as if to say: "So do I, but what can I do!" and, having ordered, returned to Telyanin.
Telyanin sat still in the same lazy pose in which Rostov had left him, rubbing his small white hands.
"There are such nasty faces," thought Rostov, entering the room.
“Well, did you order the horse to be brought?” - said Telyanin, getting up and casually looking around.
- Velel.
- Come on, let's go. After all, I only came to ask Denisov about yesterday's order. Got it, Denisov?
- Not yet. Where are you?
“I want to teach a young man how to shoe a horse,” said Telyanin.
They went out onto the porch and into the stables. The lieutenant showed how to make a rivet and went to his room.
When Rostov returned, there was a bottle of vodka and sausage on the table. Denisov sat in front of the table and cracked pen on paper. He looked gloomily into Rostov's face.
“I am writing to her,” he said.
He leaned on the table with a pen in his hand, and, obviously delighted with the opportunity to quickly say in a word everything that he wanted to write, expressed his letter to Rostov.
- You see, dg "ug," he said. "We sleep until we love. We are the children of pg`axa ... but you fell in love - and you are God, you are pure, as on the peg" day of creation ... Who else is this? Send him to the chog "tu. No time!" he shouted at Lavrushka, who, not at all shy, approached him.
- But who should be? They themselves ordered. The sergeant-major came for the money.
Denisov frowned, wanted to shout something and fell silent.
“Squeeg,” but that’s the point, he said to himself. “How much money is left in the wallet?” he asked Rostov.
“Seven new ones and three old ones.
“Ah, skweg,” but! Well, what are you standing, scarecrows, send a wahmistg “a,” Denisov shouted at Lavrushka.
“Please, Denisov, take my money, because I have it,” said Rostov, blushing.
“I don’t like to borrow from my own, I don’t like it,” grumbled Denisov.
“And if you don’t take money from me comradely, you will offend me. Really, I have, - repeated Rostov.
- No.
And Denisov went to the bed to get a wallet from under the pillow.
- Where did you put it, Rostov?
- Under the bottom cushion.
- Yes, no.
Denisov threw both pillows on the floor. There was no wallet.
- That's a miracle!
“Wait, didn’t you drop it?” said Rostov, picking up the pillows one at a time and shaking them out.
He threw off and brushed off the blanket. There was no wallet.
- Have I forgotten? No, I also thought that you were definitely putting a treasure under your head, ”said Rostov. - I put my wallet here. Where is he? he turned to Lavrushka.
- I didn't go in. Where they put it, there it should be.
- Well no…
- You're all right, throw it somewhere, and forget it. Look in your pockets.
“No, if I didn’t think about the treasure,” said Rostov, “otherwise I remember what I put in.”
Lavrushka rummaged through the whole bed, looked under it, under the table, rummaged through the whole room and stopped in the middle of the room. Denisov silently followed Lavrushka's movements, and when Lavrushka threw up his hands in surprise, saying that he was nowhere to be found, he looked back at Rostov.
- Mr. Ostov, you are not a schoolboy ...
Rostov felt Denisov's gaze on him, raised his eyes and at the same moment lowered them. All his blood, which had been locked up somewhere below his throat, gushed into his face and eyes. He couldn't catch his breath.
- And there was no one in the room, except for the lieutenant and yourself. Here somewhere,” said Lavrushka.
- Well, you, chog "those doll, turn around, look," Denisov suddenly shouted, turning purple and throwing himself at the footman with a menacing gesture. Zapog everyone!
Rostov, looking around Denisov, began to button up his jacket, fastened his saber and put on his cap.
“I’m telling you to have a wallet,” Denisov shouted, shaking the batman’s shoulders and pushing him against the wall.
- Denisov, leave him; I know who took it,” said Rostov, going up to the door and not raising his eyes.
Denisov stopped, thought, and, apparently understanding what Rostov was hinting at, grabbed his hand.
“Sigh!” he shouted so that the veins, like ropes, puffed out on his neck and forehead. “I’m telling you, you’re crazy, I won’t allow it. The wallet is here; I will loosen my skin from this meg'zavetz, and it will be here.
“I know who took it,” Rostov repeated in a trembling voice and went to the door.
“But I’m telling you, don’t you dare do this,” Denisov shouted, rushing to the cadet to restrain him.
But Rostov tore his hand away and with such malice, as if Denisov was his greatest enemy, directly and firmly fixed his eyes on him.
– Do you understand what you are saying? he said in a trembling voice, “there was no one else in the room except me. So, if not, then...
He could not finish and ran out of the room.
“Ah, why not with you and with everyone,” were the last words that Rostov heard.
Rostov came to Telyanin's apartment.
“The master is not at home, they left for the headquarters,” Telyanin’s orderly told him. Or what happened? added the batman, surprised at the junker's upset face.
- There is nothing.
“We missed a little,” said the batman.
The headquarters was located three miles from Salzenek. Rostov, without going home, took a horse and rode to headquarters. In the village occupied by the headquarters, there was a tavern frequented by officers. Rostov arrived at the tavern; at the porch he saw Telyanin's horse.
In the second room of the tavern the lieutenant was sitting at a dish of sausages and a bottle of wine.
“Ah, and you stopped by, young man,” he said, smiling and raising his eyebrows high.
“Yes,” said Rostov, as if it took a lot of effort to pronounce this word, and sat down at the next table.
Both were silent; two Germans and one Russian officer were sitting in the room. Everyone was silent, and the sounds of knives on plates and the lieutenant's champing could be heard. When Telyanin had finished breakfast, he took a double purse out of his pocket, spread the rings with his little white fingers bent upwards, took out a gold one, and, raising his eyebrows, gave the money to the servant.
“Please hurry,” he said.
Gold was new. Rostov got up and went over to Telyanin.
“Let me see the purse,” he said in a low, barely audible voice.
With shifty eyes, but still raised eyebrows, Telyanin handed over the purse.
"Yes, a pretty purse... Yes... yes..." he said, and suddenly turned pale. “Look, young man,” he added.
Rostov took the wallet in his hands and looked at it, and at the money that was in it, and at Telyanin. The lieutenant looked around, as was his habit, and seemed to suddenly become very cheerful.
“If we’re in Vienna, I’ll leave everything there, and now there’s nowhere to go in these crappy little towns,” he said. - Come on, young man, I'll go.
Rostov was silent.
- What about you? have breakfast too? They are decently fed,” continued Telyanin. - Come on.
He reached out and took hold of the wallet. Rostov released him. Telyanin took the purse and began to put it into the pocket of his breeches, and his eyebrows casually rose, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he were saying: “Yes, yes, I put my purse in my pocket, and it’s very simple, and no one cares about this” .
- Well, what, young man? he said, sighing and looking into Rostov's eyes from under his raised eyebrows. Some kind of light from the eyes, with the speed of an electric spark, ran from Telyanin's eyes to Rostov's eyes and back, back and back, all in an instant.
“Come here,” said Rostov, grabbing Telyanin by the hand. He almost dragged him to the window. - This is Denisov's money, you took it ... - he whispered in his ear.
“What?… What?… How dare you?” What? ... - said Telyanin.
But these words sounded a plaintive, desperate cry and a plea for forgiveness. As soon as Rostov heard this sound of a voice, a huge stone of doubt fell from his soul. He felt joy, and at the same moment he felt sorry for the unfortunate man who stood before him; but it was necessary to complete the work begun.
“The people here, God knows what they might think,” muttered Telyanin, grabbing his cap and heading into a small empty room, “we need to explain ourselves ...
“I know it, and I will prove it,” said Rostov.
- I…
Telyanin's frightened, pale face began to tremble with all its muscles; his eyes still ran, but somewhere below, not rising to Rostov's face, and sobs were heard.
- Count! ... do not ruin the young man ... here is this unfortunate money, take it ... - He threw it on the table. - My father is an old man, my mother! ...
Rostov took the money, avoiding Telyanin's gaze, and, without saying a word, left the room. But at the door he stopped and turned back. “My God,” he said with tears in his eyes, “how could you do this?
“Count,” said Telyanin, approaching the cadet.
“Don’t touch me,” Rostov said, pulling away. If you need it, take this money. He threw his wallet at him and ran out of the inn.

In the evening of the same day, a lively conversation was going on at Denisov's apartment among the officers of the squadron.
“And I’m telling you, Rostov, that you need to apologize to the regimental commander,” said the tall staff captain, with graying hair, huge mustaches and large features of a wrinkled face, addressing the crimson red, agitated Rostov.
The staff captain Kirsten was twice demoted to the soldiers for deeds of honor and served twice.
"I won't let anyone tell you I'm lying!" cried Rostov. He told me that I was lying, and I told him that he was lying. And so it will remain. They can put me on duty even every day and put me under arrest, but no one will make me apologize, because if he, as a regimental commander, considers himself unworthy of giving me satisfaction, then ...
- Yes, you wait, father; you listen to me, - the captain interrupted the staff in his bass voice, calmly smoothing his long mustache. - You tell the regimental commander in front of other officers that the officer stole ...
- It's not my fault that the conversation started in front of other officers. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken in front of them, but I'm not a diplomat. I then joined the hussars and went, thinking that subtleties were not needed here, but he tells me that I am lying ... so let him give me satisfaction ...
- That's all right, no one thinks that you are a coward, but that's not the point. Ask Denisov, does it look like something for a cadet to demand satisfaction from a regimental commander?
Denisov, biting his mustache, listened to the conversation with a gloomy look, apparently not wanting to intervene in it. When asked by the captain's staff, he shook his head negatively.
“You are talking to the regimental commander about this dirty trick in front of the officers,” the headquarters captain continued. - Bogdanich (Bogdanich was called the regimental commander) laid siege to you.
- He didn’t siege, but said that I was telling a lie.
- Well, yes, and you said something stupid to him, and you need to apologize.
- Never! shouted Rostov.
“I didn’t think it was from you,” the headquarters captain said seriously and sternly. - You do not want to apologize, and you, father, not only before him, but before the whole regiment, before all of us, you are to blame all around. And here's how: if only you thought and consulted how to deal with this matter, otherwise you directly, but in front of the officers, and thumped. What should the regimental commander do now? Should we put the officer on trial and mess up the entire regiment? Shame the entire regiment because of one villain? So, what do you think? But in our opinion, it is not. And well done Bogdanich, he told you that you are not telling the truth. It’s unpleasant, but what to do, father, they themselves ran into it. And now, as they want to hush up the matter, so you, because of some kind of fanabery, do not want to apologize, but want to tell everything. You are offended that you are on duty, but why should you apologize to an old and honest officer! Whatever Bogdanich may be, but all honest and brave, old colonel, you are so offended; and messing up the regiment is okay for you? - The voice of the captain's staff began to tremble. - You, father, are in the regiment for a week without a year; today here, tomorrow they moved to adjutants somewhere; you don’t give a damn what they will say: “Thieves are among the Pavlograd officers!” And we don't care. So, what, Denisov? Not all the same?
Denisov remained silent and did not move, occasionally glancing with his shining black eyes at Rostov.
“Your fanabery is dear to you, you don’t want to apologize,” continued the headquarters captain, “but we, the old people, how we grew up, and, God willing, will die in the regiment, so the honor of the regiment is dear to us, and Bogdanych knows this. Oh, how dear, father! And this is not good, not good! Take offense there or not, but I will always tell the truth to the uterus. Not good!
And the captain's staff stood up and turned away from Rostov.
- Pg "avda, chog" take it! shouted Denisov, jumping up. - Well, G "skeleton! Well!
Rostov, blushing and turning pale, looked first at one officer, then at another.
- No, gentlemen, no ... don’t think ... I understand very well, you are wrong to think of me like that ... I ... for me ... I am for the honor of the regiment. but what? I’ll show it in practice, and for me the honor of the banner ... well, it’s all the same, really, it’s my fault! .. - Tears stood in his eyes. - I'm to blame, all around to blame! ... Well, what else do you want? ...
“That’s it, count,” the captain shouted, turning around, hitting him on the shoulder with his big hand.
“I’m telling you,” Denisov shouted, “he’s a nice little one.
“It’s better that way, count,” the captain repeated, as if for his recognition, he was beginning to call him a title. - Go and apologize, your excellency, yes s.
“Gentlemen, I’ll do everything, no one will hear a word from me,” Rostov said in an imploring voice, “but I can’t apologize, by God, I can’t, as you wish!” How will I apologize, like a little one, to ask for forgiveness?
Denisov laughed.
- It's worse for you. Bogdanych is vindictive, pay for your stubbornness, - said Kirsten.
- By God, not stubbornness! I can't describe to you the feeling, I can't...
- Well, your will, - said the headquarters captain. - Well, where did this bastard go? he asked Denisov.
- He said he was sick, zavtg "and ordered pg" and by order to exclude, - Denisov said.
“This is a disease, otherwise it cannot be explained,” said the captain of the staff.
- Already there, the disease is not a disease, and if he doesn’t catch my eye, I’ll kill you! Denisov shouted bloodthirstyly.
Zherkov entered the room.
- How are you? the officers suddenly turned to the newcomer.
- Go, gentlemen. Mack surrendered as a prisoner and with the army, absolutely.
- You're lying!
- I saw it myself.
- How? Have you seen Mac alive? with arms or legs?
- Hike! Hike! Give him a bottle for such news. How did you get here?
“They sent him back to the regiment, for the devil, for Mack. The Austrian general complained. I congratulated him on the arrival of Mack ... Are you, Rostov, just from the bathhouse?
- Here, brother, we have such a mess for the second day.
The regimental adjutant entered and confirmed the news brought by Zherkov. Tomorrow they were ordered to speak.
- Go, gentlemen!
- Well, thank God, we stayed too long.

Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, destroying the bridges on the rivers Inn (in Braunau) and Traun (in Linz). On October 23, Russian troops crossed the Enns River. Russian carts, artillery and columns of troops in the middle of the day stretched through the city of Enns, along this and that side of the bridge.
The day was warm, autumnal and rainy. The expansive vista that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood defending the bridge was suddenly covered by a muslin curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun objects, as if covered with varnish, became far and clearly visible. You could see the town under your feet with its white houses and red roofs, the cathedral and the bridge, on both sides of which, crowding, the masses of Russian troops poured. At the turn of the Danube one could see ships, and an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the confluence of the Enns with the Danube, one could see the left bank of the Danube, rocky and covered with pine forests, with a mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges. The towers of the monastery could be seen, standing out from behind a pine, seemingly untouched, wild forest; far ahead on the mountain, on the other side of the Enns, the enemy patrols could be seen.
Between the guns, at a height, stood in front the head of the rearguard, a general with a retinue officer, examining the terrain through a pipe. A little behind, sitting on the trunk of the gun, Nesvitsky, sent from the commander-in-chief to the rearguard.
The Cossack accompanying Nesvitsky handed over a purse and a flask, and Nesvitsky treated the officers to pies and real doppelkumel. The officers joyfully surrounded him, some on their knees, some sitting in Turkish on the wet grass.
- Yes, this Austrian prince was not a fool that he built a castle here. Nice place. What don't you eat, gentlemen? Nesvitsky said.
“I humbly thank you, prince,” answered one of the officers, talking with pleasure to such an important staff official. - Beautiful place. We passed by the park itself, saw two deer, and what a wonderful house!
“Look, prince,” said another, who really wanted to take another pie, but was ashamed, and who therefore pretended to look around the area, “look, our infantry has already climbed there. Over there, on the meadow, behind the village, three people are dragging something. "They're going to take over this palace," he said with visible approval.
“This and that,” said Nesvitsky. “No, but what I would like,” he added, chewing the pie in his beautiful wet mouth, “is to climb up there.
He pointed to a monastery with towers, visible on the mountain. He smiled, his eyes narrowed and lit up.
“It would be nice, gentlemen!
The officers laughed.
- If only to scare these nuns. Italians, they say, are young. Really, I would give five years of my life!
"They're bored, after all," said the bolder officer, laughing.
Meanwhile, the retinue officer, who was standing in front, pointed out something to the general; the general looked through the telescope.
“Well, it’s true, it’s true,” the general said angrily, lowering the receiver from his eyes and shrugging his shoulders, “it’s true, they’ll start hitting the crossing. And what are they doing there?
On the other side, with a simple eye, the enemy and his battery were visible, from which a milky white smoke appeared. Following the smoke, a long-range shot rang out, and it was clear how our troops hurried at the crossing.
Nesvitsky, panting, got up and, smiling, approached the general.
“Would your Excellency want to have a bite to eat?” - he said.
- It's not good, - said the general, without answering him, - ours hesitated.
“Would you like to go, Your Excellency?” Nesvitsky said.
“Yes, please go,” said the general, repeating what had already been ordered once in detail, “and tell the hussars to be the last to cross and light the bridge, as I ordered, and to inspect the combustible materials on the bridge.
“Very well,” answered Nesvitsky.
He called a Cossack with a horse, ordered him to put away his purse and flask, and easily threw his heavy body onto the saddle.
“Really, I’ll stop by the nuns,” he said to the officers, who looked at him with a smile, and drove along the winding path downhill.
- Nut ka, where he will inform, captain, stop it! - said the general, turning to the gunner. - Get rid of boredom.
“Servant to the guns!” the officer commanded.
And a minute later the gunners merrily ran out of the fires and loaded.
- First! - I heard the command.
Boyko bounced 1st number. Metallic, deafening, the gun rang, and a grenade flew through the heads of all of ours under the mountain, whistling, and, far from reaching the enemy, showed the place of its fall with smoke and burst.
The faces of the soldiers and officers cheered up at this sound; everyone got up and took up observations of the visible, as in the palm of your hand, movements below our troops and in front - the movements of the approaching enemy. The sun at that very moment completely emerged from behind the clouds, and this beautiful sound of a single shot and the brilliance of the bright sun merged into one cheerful and cheerful impression.

Two enemy cannonballs had already flown over the bridge, and there was a crush on the bridge. In the middle of the bridge, dismounting from his horse, pressed with his thick body to the railing, stood Prince Nesvitsky.


History of the period BC. e., is incomplete and scattered. Due to the geographical position of ancient Khorezm, the territory was always attacked from outside. From some studies of Khorezm according to the Avesta, in the dictionary of the scientist Dekhkhod, the word "Khorezm", described as short for "Cradle of the peoples of the Aryans" However, there are many versions of the origin of the name Khorezm, for example, "feeding land", "low land", "a country where there are good fortifications for livestock".


In his historical works "Chronology" (Asar al-bakiya "ani-l-kurun al-khaliya) Al Biruni, relates the ancient Khorezmians to the Persian tree. He writes about the Turks as the ancient inhabitants of Khorezm. Biruni distinguished the Khorezmian language from Persian when he wrote "reproach in Arabic is dearer to me than praise in Persian ... this dialect is suitable only for Khosroev's stories and nightly tales."

The exact dates of the appearance of the Khorezmians, as well as the ethnonym, are unknown, but the first written mention is found by Darius I in the Behistun inscription 522-519 BC. e. . There are also carved reliefs of Eastern Iranian warriors, including a Khorezmian warrior, next to the Sogdian, Bactrian and Saka warriors, indicating the participation of the Khorezmians in the military campaigns of the rulers of the Achaemenid state. But already at the end of the 5th century BC, the Khorezmians gained independence from the Achaemenids and in 328 BC sent their ambassadors to Alexander the Great. Opinion of scientists

  • According to the works of Al-Biruni, the Khorezmians began their chronology from the beginning of the settlement of their country, in 980, before the invasion of Alexander the Great into the Achaemenid Empire, that is, before the beginning of the Seleucid era - 312 BC. e. - starting from 1292 BC e. At the end of this era, they adopted another: from 1200 BC. e. and the time of the arrival in their country of the mythical hero of the Avesta and the ancient hero of the Iranian epic, which is described in "Shahnameh" Firdousi - Siyavush ibn-Key-Kaus, who subjugated the "kingdom of the Turks", and Kay-Khosrov, the son of Siyavush, became the founder of the dynasty of Khorezmshahs, who ruled Khorezm until the 10th century. n. e.
Later, the Khorezmians began to keep the chronology in the Persian method, according to the years of the reign of each king from the Kei-Khosrov dynasty, who ruled their country and bore the Shah title, and this continued until the reign of Afrig, one of the kings of this dynasty, who received notoriety, like the Persian king Ezdegerd I Traditionally, the construction in 616 by Alexander the Great (305 AD) of a grandiose castle behind the city of Al-Fir, destroyed by the Amu Darya in 1305 of the Seleucid era (997 AD), is attributed to Africa. Biruni, believed that the dynasty, started by Afrig, ruled until 995 and belonged to the younger branch of the Khorezmian Siyavushids, and the fall of the Afrig castle, like the Afrig dynasties, symbolically coincided in time. Giving chronological indications of the reign of some of them, Biruni lists 22 kings of this dynasty, from 305 to 995.
  • S.P. Tolstov - historian and ethnographer, professor, wrote the following:
In his work, he writes about direct connections between the Hittites and the Massagets, not excluding the fact that the tribes of the Goths were also in this chain. The researcher comes to the conclusion that the Khorezmian Japhetids (Kavids) act as one of the links in the chain of ancient Indo-European tribes, surrounding the Black and Caspian Seas at the turn of the 2nd and 1st millennium BC. e.


The Khwarezmian language, which belongs to the Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family, was related to the Sogdian language and Pahlavi. Khwarezmian fell into disuse by at least the 13th century, when it was gradually replaced by Persian for the most part, as well as several dialects of Turkic. According to the Tajik historian B. Gafurov, in the 13th century Turkic speech prevailed over Khorezmian in Khorezm. According to ibn Battuta, Khorezm in the first half of the 14th century was already Turkic-speaking.


Khorezmian literature, along with Sogdian (Iranian languages) is considered the most ancient in Central Asia. After the conquest of the region in the 8th century by the Arabs, the Persian language begins to spread, after which all the Eastern Iranian dialects, including Khorezmian, give way to the Western Iranian dialect, as well as the Turkic language.

see also

Write a review on the article "Khorezmians"


  1. C.E. Bosworth, "The Appearance of the Arabs in Central Asia under the Umayyads and the establishment of Islam", in History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. IV: The Age of Achievement: AD 750 to the End of the Fifteenth Century, Part One: The Historical, Social and Economic Setting, edited by M. S. Asimov and C. E. Bosworth. Multiple History Series. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 1998. excerpt from page 23: "Central Asia in the early seventh century, was ethnically, still largely an Iranian land whose people used various Middle Iranian languages. stock and they an Eastern Iranian spoken language called Khwarezmian. The famous scientist Biruni, a Khwarezm native, in his Athar ul-Baqiyah(p. 47) (p. 47)
  2. Peoples of Russia. Encyclopedia. Editor-in-Chief V. I. Tishkov. Moscow: 1994, p.355
  3. لغتنامهٔ دهخدا، سرواژهٔ "خوارزم". (Persian.)
  4. Rapoprot Yu. A., Brief essay on the history of Khorezm in antiquity. // Aral region in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Moscow: 1998, p.28
  5. Abu Reyhan Biruni, Selected Works. Tashkent, 1957, p.47
  6. Biruni. Collection of articles edited by S. P. Tolstov. Moscow-Leningrad: publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950, p.15
  7. USSR. Chronology- article from .
  8. Gafurov B. G., Tajiks. Book two. Dushanbe, 1989, p.288
  9. Uzbeks- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  10. Rapoprot Yu. A., Brief essay on the history of Khorezm in antiquity. // Aral region in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Moscow: 1998, p.29
  11. Encyclopedia Iranica, "The Chorasmian Language", D.N. Mackenzie. Online access at June, 2011: (eng.)
  12. Andrew Dalby, Dictionary of Languages: the definitive reference to more than 400 languages, Columbia University Press, 2004, pg 278
  13. MacKenzie, D. N. "Khwarazmian Language and Literature," in E. Yarshater ed. Cambridge History of Iran, Vol. III, Part 2, Cambridge 1983, pp. 1244-1249 (English)
  14. (Retrieved on December 29, 2008)
  15. Gafurov B. G., Tajiks. Book two. Dushanbe, 1989, p.291
  16. Ibn Battuta and his travels in Central Asia. M. Science. 1988, pp.72-74

An excerpt characterizing the Khorezmians

By ten o'clock, twenty people had already been carried away from the battery; two guns were broken, more and more shells hit the battery and flew, buzzing and whistling, long-range bullets. But the people who were on the battery did not seem to notice this; cheerful conversation and jokes were heard from all sides.
- Chinenko! - the soldier shouted at the approaching, whistling grenade. - Not here! To the infantry! - another added with a laugh, noticing that the grenade flew over and hit the ranks of the cover.
- What, friend? - laughed another soldier at the crouching peasant under the flying cannonball.
Several soldiers gathered at the rampart, looking at what was happening ahead.
“And they took off the chain, you see, they went back,” they said, pointing over the shaft.
“Look at your business,” the old non-commissioned officer shouted at them. - They went back, which means there is work back. - And the non-commissioned officer, taking one of the soldiers by the shoulder, pushed him with his knee. Laughter was heard.
- Roll on to the fifth gun! shouted from one side.
“Together, more amicably, in burlatski,” the cheerful cries of those who changed the gun were heard.
“Ay, I almost knocked off our master’s hat,” the red-faced joker laughed at Pierre, showing his teeth. “Oh, clumsy,” he added reproachfully to the ball that had fallen into the wheel and leg of a man.
- Well, you foxes! another laughed at the squirming militiamen who were entering the battery for the wounded.
- Al is not tasty porridge? Ah, crows, swayed! - they shouted at the militia, who hesitated in front of a soldier with a severed leg.
“Something like that, little one,” the peasants mimicked. - They don't like passion.
Pierre noticed how, after each shot that hit, after each loss, a general revival flared up more and more.
As from an advancing thundercloud, more and more often, brighter and brighter flashed on the faces of all these people (as if in rebuff to what was happening) lightning bolts of hidden, flaring fire.
Pierre did not look ahead on the battlefield and was not interested in knowing what was happening there: he was completely absorbed in the contemplation of this, more and more burning fire, which in the same way (he felt) flared up in his soul.
At ten o'clock the infantry soldiers, who were ahead of the battery in the bushes and along the Kamenka River, retreated. From the battery it was visible how they ran back past it, carrying the wounded on their guns. Some general with his retinue entered the mound and, after talking with the colonel, looking angrily at Pierre, went down again, ordering the infantry cover, which was standing behind the battery, to lie down in order to be less exposed to shots. Following this, in the ranks of the infantry, to the right of the battery, a drum was heard, shouts of command, and from the battery it was clear how the ranks of the infantry moved forward.
Pierre looked over the shaft. One face in particular caught his eye. It was an officer who, with a pale young face, was walking backwards, carrying a lowered sword, and looking around uneasily.
The ranks of infantry soldiers disappeared into the smoke, their long-drawn cry and frequent firing of guns were heard. A few minutes later, crowds of wounded and stretchers passed from there. Shells began to hit the battery even more often. Several people lay uncleaned. Near the cannons, the soldiers moved busier and more lively. No one paid any attention to Pierre anymore. Once or twice he was angrily shouted at for being on the road. The senior officer, with a frown on his face, moved with large, quick steps from one gun to another. The young officer, flushed even more, commanded the soldiers even more diligently. Soldiers fired, turned, loaded and did their job with intense panache. They bounced along the way, as if on springs.
A thundercloud moved in, and that fire burned brightly in all faces, the flaring up of which Pierre watched. He stood beside the senior officer. A young officer ran up, with his hand to his shako, to the older one.
- I have the honor to report, Mr. Colonel, there are only eight charges, will you order to continue firing? - he asked.
- Buckshot! - not answering, shouted the senior officer, who was looking through the rampart.
Suddenly something happened; the officer gasped and, curled up, sat down on the ground like a bird shot in the air. Everything became strange, unclear and cloudy in Pierre's eyes.
One after another, the cannonballs whistled and beat at the parapet, at the soldiers, at the cannons. Pierre, who had not heard these sounds before, now only heard these sounds alone. On the side of the battery, on the right, with a cry of “Hurrah,” the soldiers ran not forward, but backward, as it seemed to Pierre.
The core hit the very edge of the shaft in front of which Pierre was standing, poured the earth, and a black ball flashed in his eyes, and at the same instant slapped into something. The militia, who had entered the battery, ran back.
- All buckshot! the officer shouted.
The non-commissioned officer ran up to the senior officer and in a frightened whisper (as the butler reports to the owner at dinner that there is no more required wine) said that there were no more charges.
- Robbers, what are they doing! the officer shouted, turning to Pierre. The senior officer's face was red and sweaty, and his frowning eyes shone. - Run to the reserves, bring the boxes! he shouted, angrily looking around Pierre and turning to his soldier.
“I will go,” said Pierre. The officer, without answering him, walked with long strides in the other direction.
- Do not shoot ... Wait! he shouted.
The soldier, who was ordered to go for the charges, collided with Pierre.
“Oh, master, you don’t belong here,” he said and ran downstairs. Pierre ran after the soldier, bypassing the place where the young officer was sitting.
One, another, a third shot flew over him, hit in front, from the sides, behind. Pierre ran downstairs. "Where am I?" he suddenly remembered, already running up to the green boxes. He stopped, undecided whether to go back or forward. Suddenly a terrible jolt threw him back to the ground. At the same moment, the brilliance of a great fire illuminated him, and at the same moment there was a deafening thunder, crackling and whistling that rang in the ears.
Pierre, waking up, was sitting on his back, leaning his hands on the ground; the box he was near was not there; only green burnt boards and rags were lying on the scorched grass, and the horse, waving the fragments of the shaft, galloped away from him, and the other, like Pierre himself, lay on the ground and squealed piercingly, lingeringly.

Pierre, beside himself with fear, jumped up and ran back to the battery, as to the only refuge from all the horrors that surrounded him.
While Pierre was entering the trench, he noticed that no shots were heard on the battery, but some people were doing something there. Pierre did not have time to understand what kind of people they were. He saw a senior colonel lying on the rampart behind him, as if examining something below, and he saw one soldier he noticed, who, breaking forward from the people holding his hand, shouted: “Brothers!” - and saw something else strange.
But he had not yet had time to realize that the colonel had been killed, that shouting "brothers!" was a prisoner that in his eyes another soldier was bayoneted in the back. As soon as he ran into the trench, a thin, yellow man with a sweaty face in a blue uniform, with a sword in his hand, ran up to him, shouting something. Pierre, instinctively defending himself from a push, since they, without seeing them, ran up against each other, put out his hands and grabbed this man (it was a French officer) with one hand by the shoulder, with the other proudly. The officer, releasing his sword, grabbed Pierre by the collar.
For a few seconds they both looked with frightened eyes at the faces alien to each other, and both were at a loss about what they had done and what they should do. “Am I taken prisoner, or is he taken prisoner by me? thought each of them. But, obviously, the French officer was more inclined to think that he had been taken prisoner, because Pierre's strong hand, driven by involuntary fear, squeezed his throat tighter and tighter. The Frenchman was about to say something, when suddenly a cannonball whistled low and terribly over their heads, and it seemed to Pierre that the head of the French officer had been torn off: he bent it so quickly.
Pierre also bent his head and let go of his hands. No longer thinking about who captured whom, the Frenchman ran back to the battery, and Pierre downhill, stumbling over the dead and wounded, who seemed to him to catch him by the legs. But before he had time to go down, dense crowds of fleeing Russian soldiers appeared to meet him, who, falling, stumbling and shouting, merrily and violently ran towards the battery. (This was the attack that Yermolov attributed to himself, saying that only his courage and happiness could accomplish this feat, and the attack in which he allegedly threw the St. George Crosses that he had in his pocket onto the mound.)


History of the period BC. e., is incomplete and scattered. Due to the geographical position of ancient Khorezm, the territory was always attacked from outside. From some studies of Khorezm according to the Avesta, in the dictionary of the scientist Dekhkhod, the word "Khorezm", described as short for "Cradle of the peoples of the Aryans" However, there are many versions of the origin of the name Khorezm, for example, "feeding land", "low land", "a country where there are good fortifications for livestock".


In his historical works "Chronology" (Asar al-bakiya "ani-l-kurun al-khaliya) Al Biruni, relates the ancient Khorezmians to the Persian tree. He writes about the Turks as the ancient inhabitants of Khorezm. Biruni distinguished the Khorezmian language from Persian when he wrote "reproach in Arabic is dearer to me than praise in Persian ... this dialect is suitable only for Khosroev's stories and nightly tales."

The exact dates of the appearance of the Khorezmians, as well as the ethnonym, are unknown, but the first written mention is found by Darius I in the Behistun inscription 522-519 BC. e. . There are also carved reliefs of Eastern Iranian warriors, including a Khorezmian warrior, next to the Sogdian, Bactrian and Saka warriors, indicating the participation of the Khorezmians in the military campaigns of the rulers of the Achaemenid state. But already at the end of the 5th century BC, the Khorezmians gained independence from the Achaemenids and in 328 BC sent their ambassadors to Alexander the Great.

Opinion of scientists

  • According to the works of Al-Biruni, the Khorezmians began their chronology from the beginning of the settlement of their country, in 980, before the invasion of Alexander the Great into the Achaemenid Empire, that is, before the beginning of the Seleucid era - 312 BC. e. - starting from 1292 BC e. At the end of this era, they adopted another: from 1200 BC. e. and the time of the arrival in their country of the mythical hero of the Avesta and the ancient hero of the Iranian epic, which is described in "Shahnameh" Firdousi - Siyavush ibn-Key-Kaus, who subjugated the "kingdom of the Turks", and Kay-Khosrov, the son of Siyavush, became the founder of the dynasty of Khorezmshahs, who ruled Khorezm until the 10th century. n. e.
Later, the Khorezmians began to keep the chronology in the Persian method, according to the years of the reign of each king from the Kei-Khosrov dynasty, who ruled their country and bore the Shah title, and this continued until the reign of Afrig, one of the kings of this dynasty, who received notoriety, like the Persian king Ezdegerd I Traditionally, the construction in 616 by Alexander the Great (305 AD) of a grandiose castle behind the city of Al-Fir, destroyed by the Amu Darya in 1305 of the Seleucid era (997 AD), is attributed to Africa. Biruni, believed that the dynasty, started by Afrig, ruled until 995 and belonged to the younger branch of the Khorezmian Siyavushids, and the fall of the Afrig castle, like the Afrig dynasties, symbolically coincided in time. Giving chronological indications of the reign of some of them, Biruni lists 22 kings of this dynasty, from 305 to 995.
  • S.P. Tolstov - historian and ethnographer, professor, wrote the following:
In his work, he writes about direct connections between the Hittites and the Massagets, not excluding the fact that the tribes of the Goths were also in this chain. The researcher comes to the conclusion that the Khorezmian Japhetids (Kavids) act as one of the links in the chain of ancient Indo-European tribes, surrounding the Black and Caspian Seas at the turn of the 2nd and 1st millennium BC. e.

[[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] .


The Khwarezmian language, which belongs to the Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family, was related to the Sogdian language and Pahlavi. Khwarezmian fell into disuse by at least the 13th century, when it was gradually replaced by Persian for the most part, as well as several dialects of Turkic. According to the Tajik historian B. Gafurov, in the 13th century Turkic speech prevailed over Khorezmian in Khorezm. According to ibn Battuta, Khorezm in the first half of the 14th century was already Turkic-speaking.


Khorezmian literature, along with Sogdian (Iranian languages) is considered the most ancient in Central Asia. After the conquest of the region in the 8th century by the Arabs, the Persian language begins to spread, after which all the Eastern Iranian dialects, including Khorezmian, give way to the Western Iranian dialect, as well as the Turkic language.

see also

Write a review on the article "Khorezmians"


  1. C.E. Bosworth, "The Appearance of the Arabs in Central Asia under the Umayyads and the establishment of Islam", in History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. IV: The Age of Achievement: AD 750 to the End of the Fifteenth Century, Part One: The Historical, Social and Economic Setting, edited by M. S. Asimov and C. E. Bosworth. Multiple History Series. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 1998. excerpt from page 23: "Central Asia in the early seventh century, was ethnically, still largely an Iranian land whose people used various Middle Iranian languages. stock and they an Eastern Iranian spoken language called Khwarezmian. The famous scientist Biruni, a Khwarezm native, in his Athar ul-Baqiyah(p. 47) (p. 47)
  2. Peoples of Russia. Encyclopedia. Editor-in-Chief V. I. Tishkov. Moscow: 1994, p.355
  3. لغتنامهٔ دهخدا، سرواژهٔ "خوارزم". (Persian.)
  4. Rapoprot Yu. A., Brief essay on the history of Khorezm in antiquity. // Aral region in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Moscow: 1998, p.28
  5. Abu Reyhan Biruni, Selected Works. Tashkent, 1957, p.47
  6. Biruni. Collection of articles edited by S. P. Tolstov. Moscow-Leningrad: publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950, p.15
  7. USSR. Chronology- article from .
  8. Gafurov B. G., Tajiks. Book two. Dushanbe, 1989, p.288
  9. Uzbeks- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  10. Rapoprot Yu. A., Brief essay on the history of Khorezm in antiquity. // Aral region in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Moscow: 1998, p.29
  11. Encyclopedia Iranica, "The Chorasmian Language", D.N. Mackenzie. Online access at June, 2011: (eng.)
  12. Andrew Dalby, Dictionary of Languages: the definitive reference to more than 400 languages, Columbia University Press, 2004, pg 278
  13. MacKenzie, D. N. "Khwarazmian Language and Literature," in E. Yarshater ed. Cambridge History of Iran, Vol. III, Part 2, Cambridge 1983, pp. 1244-1249 (English)
  14. (Retrieved on December 29, 2008)
  15. Gafurov B. G., Tajiks. Book two. Dushanbe, 1989, p.291
  16. Ibn Battuta and his travels in Central Asia. M. Science. 1988, pp.72-74

An excerpt characterizing the Khorezmians

People began to disperse. This time, the execution was incomprehensible to them, since no one announced who the executed person was and what he was dying for. Nobody bothered to say a word. Yes, and the condemned himself behaved rather strangely - usually people screamed with wild cries until the heart stopped from pain. This one was silent even when the flames devoured him... Well, any crowd, as you know, does not like the incomprehensible. Therefore, many preferred to get away "away from sin", but the Papal guards returned them, forcing them to inspect the execution to the end. Dissatisfied grumbling began ... Caraffa's people grabbed me by the arms and forcibly shoved me into another carriage, in which the “blessed” Pope himself was sitting ... He was very angry and annoyed.
“I knew he would leave!” Go! There is nothing more to do here.
- Have mercy! I have the right to at least see it to the end! – I was indignant.
– Do not pretend, Isidora! - Papa waved angrily, - You know very well that he is not there! And here a piece of dead meat just burns out!.. Let's go!
And the heavy carriage set off from the square, not even allowing me to watch how alone the earthly body of an innocently executed, wonderful person was burning out ... my father ... For Caraffa, he was just a "piece of dead meat", as he himself had just put it " Holy Father”... But my hair began to stir from such a comparison. There must have been some kind of limit even for Caraffa! But, apparently, this monster had no limit and nothing...
The terrible day was coming to an end. I sat by the open window, not feeling or hearing anything. The world has become frozen and bleak for me. It seemed that he existed separately, not breaking into my tired brain and not touching me in any way ... On the windowsill, playing, the restless "Roman" sparrows were still chirping. Down below, there were human voices and the usual daytime noise of a bustling city. But all this reached me through some very dense “wall”, which almost did not let in sounds ... My usual inner world was empty and deaf. He became completely alien and dark... The sweet, affectionate father no longer existed. He followed Girolamo...
But I still had Anna. And I knew that I had to live in order to save at least her from a sophisticated killer who called himself the "viceroy of God", the holy Pope ... It was hard to even imagine if Caraffa was just his "viceroy", then what kind of beast he must have been turn out to be his beloved God?!. I tried to get out of my "frozen" state, but as it turned out - it was not so easy - the body did not obey at all, not wanting to come to life, and the tired Soul was looking only for peace ... Then, seeing that nothing worthwhile came of it, I just decided to leave myself alone, letting everything take its course.
Thinking nothing more, and deciding nothing, I simply "flew away" to where my wounded Soul was striving to be saved ... To at least a little rest and forget, having gone far from the evil "earthly" world to where only light reigned ...
I knew that Caraffa would not leave me alone for a long time, despite what I had just experienced, on the contrary, he would consider that the pain had weakened and disarmed me, and perhaps at that very moment he would try to make me give up by inflicting some another terrifying blow...
The days went by. But, to my greatest surprise, Caraffa did not appear ... This was a huge relief, but, unfortunately, it did not allow me to relax. For every moment I expected what new meanness his dark, evil soul would come up with for me...
The pain gradually dulled every day, mainly due to an unexpected and joyful incident that happened a couple of weeks ago and completely stunned me - I had the opportunity to hear my dead father! ..
I could not see him, but I heard and understood every word very clearly, as if my father was next to me. At first I did not believe this, thinking that I was just delirious from complete exhaustion. But the call was repeated... It was, indeed, the father.
For joy, I could not come to my senses and was still afraid that suddenly, right now, he would simply take it and disappear! .. But my father did not disappear. And little by little I calmed down, I was finally able to answer him ...
“Is it true, you!?” Where are you now?.. Why can't I see you?
– My daughter... You don’t see, because you are completely exhausted, dear. Here Anna sees, I was with her. And you will see, dear. You just need time to calm down.
Pure, familiar warmth spread throughout my body, enveloping me with joy and light...
- How are you, father!?. Tell me what it looks like, this other life?.. What is it like?
- She is wonderful, dear! .. Only as yet unaccustomed. And so unlike our former, earthly!.. Here people live in their own worlds. And they are so beautiful, these "worlds"! .. Only I can't do it yet. Apparently, it's still too early for me... - the voice fell silent for a second, as if deciding whether to speak further.
- Your Girolamo met me, daughter ... He is as lively and loving as he was on Earth ... He misses you very much and yearns. And he asked me to tell you that he loves you there just as much... And he is waiting for you whenever you come... And your mother is also with us. We all love and are waiting for you, dear. We really miss you ... Take care of yourself, daughter. Do not give Caraffe the joy of mocking you.
“Will you still come to me, father?” Will I still hear from you? – fearing that he would suddenly disappear, I pleaded.
- Calm down, daughter. Now this is my world. And the power of Caraffa does not extend to him. I will never leave you or Anna. I will come to you whenever you call. Calm down, dear.
- What do you feel, father? Do you feel anything? .. - I asked a little embarrassed by my naive question.
– I feel everything that I felt on Earth, only much brighter. Imagine a pencil drawing that suddenly fills with colors - all my feelings, all my thoughts are much stronger and more colorful. And one more thing... The feeling of freedom is amazing!.. It seems that I am the same as I always was, but at the same time completely different... I don’t know how to explain it to you more accurately, dear... As if I can immediately embrace the whole the world, or just fly far, far, to the stars... Everything seems possible, like I can do anything I want! It is very difficult to tell, to convey in words ... But believe me, my daughter - it's wonderful! And more... I now remember all my lives! I remember everything that once happened to me ... All this is amazing. As it turned out, this “other” life is not so bad... Therefore, do not be afraid, daughter, if you have to come here, we will all be waiting for you.
- Tell me father ... Is it possible that people like Caraffa will also have a wonderful life there? .. But, in this case, this is again a terrible injustice! .. Will everything be like on Earth again ?! will never get retribution?!
- Oh no, my joy, there is no place for Caraffe here. I've heard people like him go to a terrible world, but I haven't been there yet. They say - this is what they deserve! .. I wanted to see, but have not had time yet. Don't worry, daughter, he'll get his due here.
“Can you help me from there, father?” I asked hopefully.
– I don’t know, my dear… I haven’t understood this world yet. I'm like a baby taking its first steps... I have to "learn to walk" first before I can answer you... And now I have to go. I'm sorry, honey. First I must learn to live between our two worlds. And then I will come to you more often. Take heart, Isidora, and never give up to Caraffe. He will definitely get what he deserves, trust me.
Father's voice became quieter until it became thinner and disappeared... My soul calmed down. It really was HE!.. And he lived again, only now in his posthumous world, still unfamiliar to me... But he still thought and felt, as he himself had just said - even much brighter than when he lived on earth. I could no longer be afraid that I would never know about him ... That he left me forever.
But my female soul, in spite of everything, still grieved for him ... That I could not just humanly hug him when I got lonely ... That I could not hide my longing and fear on him wide chest, wishing for peace... That his strong, affectionate palm could no longer stroke my tired head, as if saying that everything would be settled and everything would definitely be fine... I madly missed these small and seemingly insignificant, but such expensive, purely "human" joys, and the soul was starving for them, unable to find peace. Yes, I was a warrior... But I was also a woman. His only daughter, who always knew before that even the worst thing happened - her father would always be there, always be with me ... And I painfully yearned for all this ...

Today I want to talk about the culture of the most ancient nationalities living in the territory Uzbekistan - Khorezmians whose history goes back centuries. ancient past Khorezm buried under the sands Karakumov, keeping secrets and clues that go to those who, with their painstaking work, discover more and more evidence of the once majestic civilization that lay in the upper reaches Amu Darya (Oksa), civilization ancient Khorezm.

The formation of the Khorezmian state refers to VII-VI V. BC Almost the first mention of Khorezm as a country is found in Mihr-:Avesta, it is mentioned in Behistunskaya inscriptions Darius I compiled in 520 AD It is known that the Khorezmians participated in Greco-Persian War on the side of the Persians, worked on the construction of Persepolis and in the shipyards of Memphis.

During excavations: archaeologists on the island Elephantine in Egypt in 1907-1908 was found around 100 papyri, from a military colony. Among them is a curious document dated 464 BC, which sets out litigation to the Jew Mahseus on behalf of Dargamana, son Harshina, Khorezmian from the detachment of Artaban, who served in the garrison in Elephantine.

The unique natural conditions of the region have allowed the preservation of numerous and diverse archaeological sites. It's enough to look backfrom the top of some hillto see the ruins of fortresses, city walls, gates, towers. With the help of aerial photography, even under a layer of sand, it is possible to detect the channels of ancient irrigation facilities and the fields that they irrigated.

Khorezm- it's real Klondike for archaeologists, where many mysteries lurk. One of the mostamazing, bright and mysterious ancient cities of Khorezm is ancient settlement Toprak-kala, on the plain, on the edge of the desert Kyzylkum and irrigated zone, 4-5 km south of the spurs Sultan of Wizdag. Once this plain was irrigated by an ancient canal Gavkhore long 70 km. The ruins of this city were discovered by an expedition led by S.P. Tolstov in 1938 Research has shown that Toprak-Kala was built according to a single plan in 2nd century AD and lasted until the IV-VI centuries.

The city was a vast regular rectangle sized 500×350 m, elongated from north to south. The territory of the city was covered by fortress walls with square towers erected every 10-12 m. Corner towers were a kind of bastions, covering the corner from two sides. Inside the walls were two-storey defensive galleries.

The lower gallery served for the covert movement and rest of the soldiers, and the upper one was for combat. From here, the city was defended through arrow-shaped loopholes. The height of the walls was over 14 m. For a greater fortification effect, the pre-wall territory turned into deep "trap pockets" with dense flank fire. This was achieved by moving the towers to a distance of almost 9 m from the wall.
Moreover, the towers were not folded into a dressing with the body of the fortress wall. The technique was supposed to ensure the independent draft of the walls and towers, thereby contributing to the safety of both. By the way, this technique was well known in the ancient world. Its use is highly recommended Vitruvius (I century BC) when building forts. It is noteworthy that this method was known and used by Khorezm masters.

A characteristic phenomenon of the then military thought was the construction of ditches in front of the fortress walls as an additional barrier. moat Toprak-kala surrounded the city walls on all sides and was built at a distance of 15 m from the walls. It was 16 meters wide and 3 meters deep.
The only entrance to the city was located in the center of the southern facade. Since the city gates were usually considered the weakest, vulnerable point in the defense, the builders Toprak-kala they singled out the entrance to a special fortification with a passage in the form of an cranked labyrinth.

The internal development of the city is also peculiar. The central street highway, laid from north to south to the city gates, cut the city in two, and the transverse grid of streets divided the urban development into 10 quarters, one of them was a temple, the rest were residential. In each quarter, as it turned out, there were approximately 150-200 residential and business premises, which ranged from three to six households. Undoubtedly, such quarters differed from the quarters we are accustomed to, as part of urban development covered by streets.

On Toprak-Kala, the boundaries of the quarter passed behind the houses facing different sides of the street. The arrays surrounded by the blank walls of the house had individual exits to the intra-quarter street. Each quarter had its own small shrines. Traces of handicraft production were found (the remains of a bronze foundry, a bow making workshop, etc.) Number of inhabitants Toprak-kala was about 2.5 thousand adults. Moreover, most of them were employed in the protection and maintenance of palaces.

The most interesting buildings Toprak-kala located in its northern part, which occupied almost a third of the urban area. The northeastern corner was reserved for the bazaar or town square. The northwestern corner was citadel, which was essentially a fortified "reserved" city with an area of ​​3.2 hectares. In its northwestern part, a palace stood on a high platform. Within the citadel, at the foot of the platform of the high palace, archaeologists discovered a fire temple. It hides many mysteries.
Fan va turmush № 1-3 / 2006

Special position in ancient history Central Asia occupied Khorezm located in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya. This country is stillIV in. BC e. separated from Achaemenid state, and the Khorezmian king Farasman in 329-328 BC e. came to Alexander the Great for negotiations. Already then in Khorezm developed urban culture. Soon, perhaps, during the advance of nomadic unions to the south, towards Parthia and Greco-Bactria, Khorezm falls under the rule of nomadic tribes. Interestingly, when 1st century n. e. the first local coins are issued, on their reverse side the image of the ruler on horseback is already placed.
A typical urban center of ancient Khorezm is the settlement Toprak-Kala.

"Ancient Civilizations" under the general editorship G.M.Bongard-Levina

Palace of Rulers Khorezm Toprak-kala (III century) preserved the remains of paintings and sculptures that adorned the walls of its numerous front halls. murals Toprak-kala characterizes the diversity of subjects and originality of style.

The painting was done on a thick layer of white stucco coating, applied on clay plaster with mineral paints ground on vegetable glue, apparently in the Alsecco technique (i.e., on a dry, not moistened basis). The coloring was carried out either with an evenly applied layer, or with a strong stroke that simulates the details of the images, with black paint, with which the painter outlined the main contours. The colorful palette is very extensive - it varies in colors and shades: black and white, blue and blue, pink, bright red and burgundy, lemon yellow and orange, pale and deep green, brown, purple; all this - in a variety of nuances of tones, but with a predominance of bright, saturated colors.

The most significant place belongs to narrative images, which are exceptionally diverse in content. Among the thematic compositions, a couple, a man and a woman, sitting in solemn poses, are presented in an arched niche. This plot will be repeated in countless cues on eastern medieval ceramics, - on metal of the 11th-12th centuries, in miniatures of the XIV-XVII centuries, but its basis, as we see, goes into the depths of local antiquity.

In the painting of the hall, which was part of the northern courtyard of the palace, figures of musicians were placed against the background of a magnificent ornament made up of a system of intersecting stripes and hearts. An image of a harpist with a rounded face and a full naked hand in bracelets, whose fingers pluck the strings of a large harp pressed to her chest, has been preserved; the figure protrudes from the bush of acanthus. . Khorezm harpist inherent feminine roundness of forms and somewhat mannered grace of gesture; the location of the semi-figure in the acanthus bush gives a special decorative effect to the composition. Apparently in Toprak-kale, As in Bishaiur Palace, the painting is based on a palace-feast, and not a religious-Buddhist plot.

The so-called Room of the Queens of Hearts got its name from archaeologists thanks to the remains of female figures shown among the red hearts that fill the background. A well-defined profile with a straight line of the nose, a strong chin and an elongated outline of the eyes under straight eyebrows; figured heavy earrings and necklaces; braids falling on the back from under the headdress twisted over the forehead; dresses made of richly ornamented fabric - all these details convey a deeply peculiar look Khorezmian. As for the pictorial manner itself, the originality of artistic interpretation is undeniable in it. Gives special emphasis "red ladies" the complexity of the posture: a three-quarter or frontal position of the body with a profile position of the head, a complex gesture of the hand holding the cord in one case, and the vessel in the other.

Prominent role in artistic design Toprak-kala sculpture played. Its material was mainly clay, occasionally ganch. It is important to emphasize, as a fundamental feature, the fundamental connection between sculpture and architecture - be it a three-dimensional statue or a high relief. It is also necessary to note its organic connection with painting, with polychromy, with color; the sculpture is painted on a white primer in a variety of colors, with the transfer of ornaments of fabrics, embroideries, jewelry; statues are often placed against the ornamental background of niches.

Very impressively preserved female heads - one of them was provisionally named by archaeologists "Red Head", the second - "The Wife of Vazamar". Particularly expressive "Red Head". The pupils and eyelids of large oblong eyes are painted in dark color. Straight, wide at the base of the nose, medium-sized calm mouth. The oval of the face is elongated, the chin is heavy. In the sculpting technique, there is a well-known plastic generalization, which is also enhanced by an even, without nuances, reddish color. Meanwhile, an attentive, somewhat sideways glance and some kind of courageous energy of the face give it both expressiveness and vitality.

At the time of sunset Khorezm antiquity the art of sculpture gives rise here to a special cycle of funerary sculpture on ossuaries. Specific to Central Asian Mazdaism The custom to preserve the bones of the deceased in terracotta coffins leads to the ceremonial and decorative processing of the latter in cases where the customer is a noble family that preserves the remains of entire generations in family nauses.

Among the various types Khorezm ossuaries - box, barrel-shaped and others - several specimens from Koi-Krylgan-kaly, decorated with images of human figures in a generalized-typed style. Such is the image of a man, somewhat less than life size, shown seated with his legs crossed in an oriental way.

The extreme generalization of the sculptural manner, which is distinguished by the laconicism of pictorial means, the undifferentiated plastic modeling, the strict frontality and the numbness of the pose - all this gives ossuary sculptures from Koi-Krylgan-kaly somewhat abstract. The image does not convey individual characteristics, temperament, the inner essence of the depicted character, it is extremely typified, suggesting the idea of ​​the timeless essence of the funerary statue.

"History of Arts of Uzbekistan" Pugachenkova G.A. Rempel L.I. publishing house "Art"

Images taken from a magazine"Fan va turmush" No. 1-3 / 2006, from"History of Arts of Uzbekistan" Pugachenkova G.A. Rempel L.I. publishing house "Art" 1965, as well as from "Ancient Civilizations" under the general editorship G.M.Bongard-Levin "Thought" 1989

Khorezm is one of the ancient regions with 2700 years of history, located between two rivers and the deserts of Central Asia, and is also well known with such historical cities as Khiva and Urgench. The main aspect of visiting Khorezm is historical and cultural tours. Khorezm is not only history and culture. This and many unique fortresses, natural resources, ponds (lakes), numerous museums, various arts and crafts, beautiful melons and much more. But this is not the only reason why you should visit Khorezm. Find out what else you can see by reading the article.

The city is an open-air museum.

The main reason for visiting Khorezm is that Khorezm is one of the most ancient regions of the world. It has more than 250 historical monuments located on the territory of Khorezm and many fortresses established in the region. He preserved the unique types of most of the walls, not to mention such walls as Ichan-Kala - the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in Central Asia, symbolizing the Khorezm region. According to ancient information, Khorezm is also considered as the "second Egypt" or "Sunny country".

Homeland of great scientists.

Khorezm is called the birthplace of early scientists who became known throughout the world in the field of mathematics, geography and medicine, such as Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Abu Rayhonal-Beruni, Nazhmiddin Kubro, Mahmud Zamakhshari, Pahlavon Mahmud, Ogakhi, etc. Khorezm is the cradle of ancient civilization; a unique monument of writing "Avesto" was created and written in gold ink on 12 thousand ox skins. For the first time Khorezm is mentioned in the Behistun inscription of Darius I and "Avesta"; many researchers identified Khorezm as “Aryanam-voichakh” - the first Zoroastrian country. In addition, the Great Silk Road stimulated the development of trade, agriculture, religion, crafts, and sciences. The Mamun Academy became one of the most famous scientific institutions in Central Asia, where famous scientists and encyclopedists, such as Al-Beruni, Ibn Sina (Avicena), who made an important contribution to the development of science, graduated. Khorezm is a place with a rich past and a bright future. Currently, the region has a number of conditions for conducting research and creating archaeological, historical and ethnographic tours.

Sustainable tourism.

Khorezm is located between two deserts (Kyzylkum and Karakum) closer to the territory of the Aral Sea, biodiversity differs from other regions of Uzbekistan. During a visit to Khorezm, you will become a more responsible tourist, start respecting people who live in different conditions of the Khorezm region. In addition, you can contribute to the local community by visiting their area, meeting people, you can connect and experience everyday life. At the end, when they see you off, you will make sure that the money you spent on your trip stays with the local community and not with the multinational network companies.

Facilities for transit guests.

Tourists who want to visit not only one region will be able to get acquainted with the history of Khorezm and continue on their way. Since the roads of Khorezm intersect with Bukhara, Karakalpakstan and Turkmenistan. Transit guests can get from Khorezm to their destination by car, bus, rail and plane. The railway is connected with the regions of Uzbekistan (Bukhara, Navoi, Samarkand, Jizzakh, Syrdarya and Tashkent), as well as with some Russian cities (Saratov, Volgograd). There is also the Urgench International Airport, which was reconstructed in 2014. To Tashkent - daily flights, three times a week to Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg), and during the tourist season, direct international flights from Milan and Paris to Urgench (once a week).


Gastronomy is one of the emerging types of tourism in the region. When you meet Khorezm people, they will certainly offer you to try their national dishes. Although Khorezm is far from the capital of Uzbekistan, you can eat out on a budget or with a local family, go shopping, go to cheap supermarkets (especially fresh fruits and vegetables). Traveling through cities and regions, buying food in the bazaars, you can agree on reasonable prices. Today, most restaurants and cafes offer a variety of vegetarian dishes at the request of foreign tourists. From national dishes you can try pilaf, tukhum barak, shivitoshi, kebabs, izhzhan and fish. Since Khorezm has 300 sunny days a year, you can smell the sweet smell of dishes prepared with local products at any time of the year.


The traditions and customs of Khorezm differ from other regions of Uzbekistan. But in many cases, it is similar to other traditions of Uzbekistan and Central Asian countries. The first tradition is when people meet, they greet each other with the words "Assalomualaikum", even if they are not friends or relatives.
During your visit to Khorezm, we recommend that you be a guest with a local family. They will greet you standing, offering you the best place in their house and treating you to wonderful national dishes of Khorezm.
Almost all the people (especially women) in Khorezm use tandoors in their lives. Tandoor is handmade and is often used to bake Khorezm bread (huge, round and flat). In addition, in many places samsa (a baked dish with meat, onions and spices) and chicken are cooked in tandoors. During a visit to Khorezm, in every village, highway, you can see that people make tandoors by hand. This will give you an unusual chance to see the tandoor making process.

Khorezm weddings are distinguished by their customs. The day before the wedding, especially in areas located far from the center of the region, traditional fights of rams and roosters are held, as well as national wrestling.

Amazing melons.

Khorezm has been famous for its melons and fruits for years. There are rumors among the people that the region has a mystical feature, since such delicious vegetables and fruits are nowhere to be found. There are many different varieties of melon (Gurvak, Kari kiz, Bol Kovun, Zamcha, Bori Kalla, etc.) growing in the region. In the Khorezm bazaars, you can see various melons grown by farmers. And of course, the taste of such a melon (sweet and juicy) will quench your thirst in hot weather. Do not miss the opportunity to take part in the melon festival "Gurvak - the symbol of Khorezm melons", which is held annually in the summer.

Art and craft

Khorezm was world famous for its dances and music, silk costumes and handmade carpets, carved wooden doors and columns, ceramics and puppets.
"Lazgi" is a spectacular feature of Khorezm art. It captivates people with its melody and shimmery dance that will inspire you to dance without any experience. We believe that arts and crafts will be one of the main reasons to visit Khorezm.

Art and craft remains a worthy legacy from the elderly ancestors to the younger generation. Today, the artisans of Khorezm, especially in Khiva, work in several areas, such as wood carving, suzani embroidery, carpet weaving, doll making and ceramics. During the visit, tourists can also see the process of making handicrafts in the workshops.

Another important arts and crafts is "Chugirma" - a typical fur hat worn by most Khorezm people. On hot sunny days in summer and cold winters, chugirma will help you keep warm in the cold and cool in the heat.
Since arts and crafts is the most interesting thing to see in Khorezm, we hope that you will admire them with your own eyes.


Urgench is the administrative center of the Khorezm region. In the past, it was also known as "Gurgench" or "Kunya Urgench". During your visit to Khorezm, we advise you to spend one day in Urgench for a city tour, walking, shopping, gastronomic tour and more. At present, this city is becoming more modern and tourist center due to its attractive places, such as Shavat Canal, Al-Khwarizmi Square, Jaloladdin Manguberdi Park, Lake of Youth, Urgench Art Gallery, Central Bazaar, Hypermarket, Bowling, restaurants, shops, supermarkets etc. In addition, visitors are offered to stay in the Turkmen fortress, UlliKhovli - a tourist complex (on the outskirts of Urgench) to see a folklore show, as well as ram and rooster fights, see typical large Turkmen dogs and try fresh fish of Khorezm. In summer, the refreshing breeze along the canal will make your stay very enjoyable.


Currently, sustainable ecotourism is becoming popular in the region, based in the countryside and along the lakes "Kharrot", "Korakol" and the tourist complex "Kalazhik", where you can enjoy fishing, boating, water scootering, performances of folk games, camel and horse riding. In addition, on the banks of the Amudarya River, there are some places focused on the study of the flora and fauna of the Khorezm region. In the Khiva desert, saxauls are preserved in order to protect the natural areas of the region. Once you make an appointment to visit these places, you will obviously learn about rural life, about flora and fauna, about traditional dishes and about the traditional yurta camps of the region.

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