True false in the story of Makar Chudra Gorky. "Plots and heroes of early romantic prose M

A damp, cold wind was blowing from the sea, spreading across the steppe the thoughtful melody of the splashing of a wave running ashore and the rustling of coastal bushes. Occasionally his impulses brought with them shriveled, yellow leaves and threw them into the fire, fanning the flames; the darkness of the autumn night surrounding us shuddered and, timidly moving away, revealed for a moment on the left the boundless steppe, on the right the endless sea and directly opposite me the figure of Makar Chudra, the old gypsy, he guarded the horses of his camp, spread out fifty paces from us. Ignoring the fact that the cold waves of the wind, having opened his chekmen, exposed his hairy chest and mercilessly beat it, he reclined in a beautiful, strong pose, facing me, methodically sipped from his huge pipe, blew thick clouds of smoke from his mouth and nose and, fixedly fixing his eyes somewhere over my head into the deadly silent darkness of the steppe, he talked to me without stopping and without making a single movement to protect himself from the sharp blows of the wind. So you go? This is good! You have chosen a glorious fate for yourself, falcon. That's the way it should be: go and see, you've seen enough, lie down and die that's all! Life? Other people? he continued, having listened skeptically to my objection to his “this is how it should be.” Ege! And what do you care about that? Are you yourself not life? Other people live without you and will live without you. Do you think that someone needs you? You are not bread, not a stick, and no one needs you. Learn and teach, you say? Can you learn how to make people happy? No you can not. You turn gray first, and say what you need to learn. What to teach? Everyone knows what he needs. Those who are smarter take what they have, those who are dumber get nothing, and everyone learns by himself... They are funny, those people of yours. They huddle together and crush each other, and there are so many places on earth, he waved his hand wide towards the steppe. And everything works. What for? To whom? No one knows. You see how a man plows, and you think: here he is, drop by drop with sweat, exudes his strength on the ground, and then lies down in it and rots in it. Nothing will be left for him, he sees nothing from his field, and he dies as he was born, a fool. Well, he was born then, perhaps, to dig the earth, and to die, without even having time to dig out his own graves? Does he have a will? Is the expanse of the steppe understandable? Does the voice of the sea wave gladden his heart? He is a slave as soon as he was born, a slave all his life, and that's it! What can he do with himself? Only to strangle himself, if he grows a little wiser. And I, look, at fifty-eight I saw so much that if you write it all down on paper, you won’t put it in a thousand bags like yours. Come on, tell me, in what regions have I not been? And you won't say. You don't even know the places I've been. This is how you need to live: go, go and that's it. Do not stand in one place for a long time what is in it? Look how day and night run, chasing each other, around the earth, so you run away from thoughts about life, so as not to stop loving it. And if you think about it, you will fall out of love with life, it always happens like that. And it was with me. Hey! It was, falcon. I was in prison, in Galicia. "Why do I live in the world?" I thought out of boredom, boring in prison, falcon, uh, how boring! and longing for my heart took me, as I looked out of the window at the field, took it and squeezed it with tongs. Who's to say why he lives? No one will say, falcon! And you don't have to ask yourself. Live and that's it. And walk around and look around you, and that longing will never take. I almost choked myself with my belt, that's how! Heh! I spoke with one person. A strict man, one of your Russians. It is necessary, he says, to live not as you yourself want, but as it is said in God's word. Submit to God, and he will give you everything you ask of him. And he himself is full of holes, torn. I told him to ask God for new clothes. He got angry and drove me away, cursing. And before that he said that it is necessary to forgive people and love them. He would forgive me if my speech offended his grace. Also a teacher! They teach them to eat less, but they themselves eat ten times a day. He spat into the fire and fell silent, filling his pipe again. The wind howled plaintively and quietly, horses neighed in the darkness, a tender and passionate song-dumka floated from the camp. It was sung by the beautiful Nonka, Makar's daughter. I knew her voice of a thick, chesty timbre, always somehow strange, displeased and demanding sounding whether she sang a song, whether she said “hello”. On her swarthy, matte face, the arrogance of the queen died, and in her dark brown eyes, covered with some kind of shadow, a consciousness of the irresistibility of her beauty and contempt for everything that was not herself flashed. Makar gave me the phone. Smoke! Does the girl sing well? That's it! Would you like to be loved like this? Not? Good! So be it do not trust the girls and stay away from them. Kissing a girl is better and more pleasant than smoking a pipe for me, but kissed her and the will died in your heart. She will bind you to herself with something that is not visible, but it is impossible to break it, and you will give her all your soul. Right! Watch out girls! Lie always! I love you, he says, more than anything in the world, but come on, prick her with a pin, she will break your heart. I know! Hey, how much do I know! Well, falcon, do you want me to tell you one story? And you remember it and, as you remember, you will be a free bird for your life. “There was Zobar in the world, a young gypsy, Loiko Zobar. All Hungary, and the Czech Republic, and Slavonia, and everything around the sea, knew him, he was a daring fellow! There was not a village in those parts of the world in which a heel or two of the inhabitants would not have sworn an oath to God to kill Loiko, but he lived for himself, and if he liked the horse, then at least put a regiment of soldiers to guard that horse all the same, Zobar will prancing on it! Hey! who was he afraid of? Yes, if Satan came to him with all his retinue, if he didn’t put a knife into him, he would probably have a strong quarrel, and what the hell would he give a kick in the snout that’s right! And all the camps knew him or heard about him. He loved only horses and nothing else, and even then not for long - he will ride, and he will sell, but whoever wants, take the money. He didn’t have the treasured you need his heart, he himself would tear it out of his chest, and he would give it to you, if only you would feel good about it. That's what he was, a falcon! Our camp wandered around Bukovina at that time, about ten years ago. Once at a spring night we are sitting: I, Danilo the soldier who fought together with Kossuth, and the old Nur, and all the others, and Radda, Danilov's daughter. Do you know my Nonka? Queen girl! Well, Radd cannot be compared with her - a lot of honor to Nonka! About her, this Rudd, you can’t say anything in words. Perhaps her beauty could be played on a violin, and even then to someone who knows this violin as his soul. She dried a lot of brave hearts, wow, a lot! In Morava, a magnate, an old, forelock, saw her and was dumbfounded. He sits on a horse and looks, trembling, as if in a flame. He was handsome, like the devil on a holiday, a zhupan is sewn with gold, on his side a saber sparkles like lightning, a horse stomps a little with his foot, all this saber is in precious stones, and blue velvet on his hat, like a piece of the sky, important was the old ruler! I watched and watched, and said to Rudda: “Hey! Kiss, I'll give you a purse of money. And she turned away, and only! “Forgive me, if I offended you, at least look kindly,” the old magnate immediately lowered his arrogance and threw a purse at her feet a big purse, brother! And she, as if by chance, kicked him in the dirt, and that's all. Oh, girl! he groaned, and with a whip on the horse only dust rose in a cloud. And the next day he showed up again. "Who is her father?" Thunder rumbles over the camp. Danilo left. “Sell your daughter, take what you want!” And Danilo and tell him: “It’s only the pans who sell everything, from their pigs to their conscience, but I fought with Kossuth and don’t trade anything!” He roared, and even for a saber, but one of us put a lit tinder in the horse's ear, and he carried off the young man. And we took off, and went. Day we go and two, we look caught up! “You are gay, he says, my conscience is clear before God and you, give the girl to me as a wife: I will share everything with you, I am very rich!” It burns all over and, like a feather grass in the wind, sways in the saddle. We thought. Come on, daughter, speak! said Danilo into his mustache. If an eagle voluntarily entered the raven's nest, what would she become? Radda asked us. Danilo laughed, and all of us with him. Nice, daughter! Did you hear, sir? It's not working! Look for the dove those are more pliable. And we went ahead. And that ruler grabbed his hat, threw it on the ground and galloped so that the earth trembled. That's what Radda was like, the falcon! Yes! So one night we sit and hear the music floating across the steppe. Good music! The blood caught fire in her veins from her, and she called somewhere. All of us, we felt, from that music wanted something like that, after which it would no longer be necessary to live, or, if you live, so kings over the whole earth, falcon! Here a horse cut out of the darkness, and a man sits and plays on it, driving up to us. He stopped by the fire, stopped playing, smiling, looking at us. Ege, Zobar, it's you! Danilo shouted to him joyfully. So here he is, Loiko Zobar! The mustache lay on the shoulders and mingled with the curls, the eyes, like clear stars, burn, and the smile is the whole sun, by golly! It was as if he was forged from one piece of iron along with the horse. It stands all, as if in blood, in the fire of a fire and sparkles with its teeth, laughing! Damn me if I didn't love him as much as myself, before he said a word to me or just noticed that I, too, live in this world! Here, falcon, what kind of people there are! He will look into your eyes and fill your soul, and you are not at all ashamed of it, but also proud of you. With such a person, you yourself become better. Few, friend, such people! Well, okay, if not enough. There would be a lot of good things in the world, so they would not even consider it good. So that! And listen further. Radda and says: “Well, Loiko, you are playing! Who made you such a sonorous and sensitive violin? And he laughs: “I did it myself! And I made it not from wood, but from the breast of a young girl whom I loved deeply, and I twisted the strings from her heart. The violin lies a little more, well, yes, I know how to hold a bow in my hands! It is known that our brother tries to immediately cloud the eyes of the girl, so that they do not set his heart on fire, but they themselves would turn sad for you, that's Loiko too. But attacked the wrong one. Radda turned away and, yawning, said: “They also said that Zobar is smart and dexterous, people lie!” and walked away. Ege, beauty, you have sharp teeth! Loiko's eyes flashed as he dismounted. Hello, brothers! Here I am to you! We ask the guest! Danilo said in response to him. We kissed, talked and went to bed ... We slept soundly. And in the morning, we look, Zobar's head is tied with a rag. What's this? And this horse killed him with a sleepy hoof. Eh, eh, eh! We understood who this horse was, and smiled into his mustache, and Danilo smiled. Well, wasn't Loiko worth Radda? Well, I do not! No matter how good the girl is, but her soul is narrow and shallow, and even though you hang a pound of gold around her neck, all the same, it’s better than what she is, not to be her. Ah, okay! We live and live in that place, things were good for us at that time, and Zobar is with us. It was a friend! And wise, like an old man, and knowledgeable in everything, and understood Russian and Magyar letters. It used to go to say would not have slept for a century, listened to him! And it plays thunder kill me, if anyone else in the world played like that! He used to draw a bow along the strings and your heart would tremble, he would hold it again and it would freeze, listening, and he would play and smile. And I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, listening to him. Now someone is moaning bitterly for you, asking for help and cutting your chest like a knife. But the steppe tells the sky tales, sad tales. The girl is crying, seeing off the good fellow! A good fellow calls the girl to the steppe. And suddenly gay! A free, lively song rumbles like thunder, and the sun itself, just look, will dance across the sky to that song! That's it, falcon! Every vein in your body understood that song, and all of you became a slave to it. And if Loiko would have shouted then: “Knives, comrades!” then we would all go to the knives, with whom he would point. He could do anything to a man, and everyone loved him, loved him dearly, only Radda alone does not look at the guy; and all right, if only this, otherwise he also makes fun of him. She touched Zobar's heart hard, something hard! Grinding his teeth, pulling his mustache, Loiko, his eyes look darker than the abyss, and sometimes they sparkle so much that it becomes scary for the soul. Loiko will go far into the steppe at night, and his violin cries until the morning, cries, buries Zobar's will. And we lie and listen and think: what to do? And we know that if two stones roll at each other, it is impossible to stand between them - they will mutilate. And so it went. Here we sat, all in the assembly, and talked about business. It got boring. Danilo asks Loiko: “Sing, Zobar, a song, make your soul happy!” He moved his eye to Radda, who lay face up not far from him, looking at the sky, and struck the strings. So the violin spoke, as if it really was a girl's heart! And Loiko sang:

Gay gay! Fire burns in my chest
And the steppe is so wide!
Like the wind, my greyhound is fast,
My hand is strong!

She turned Rudd's head and, standing up, grinned in the eyes of the singer. It flared up like the dawn.

Hey, gop-gay! Well, my friend!
Let's jump ahead, shall we?!
The steppe is dressed in a harsh haze,
And there the dawn awaits us!
Gay gay! Let's fly and meet the day.
Rise to the top!
Yes, just do not touch the mane
Beautiful moon!

Here he sang! Nobody sings like that anymore! And Radda says, as if sipping water: You wouldn’t fly so high, Loiko, you’ll fall unevenly, yes into a puddle with your nose, you will stain your mustache, look. Loiko looked at her like a beast, but did not say anything the guy endured and sings to himself:

Gay goop! Suddenly the day will come here
And we sleep with you.
Hey gay! After all, we are with you then
We will burn in the fire of shame!

It's a song! Danilo said. Never heard of it! such a song; Let Satan make his own pipe out of me, if I'm lying! Old Nur wiggled his mustache and shrugged his shoulders, and we all liked Zobar's dashing song! Only Radda didn't like it. So once a mosquito hummed, mimicking the scream of an eagle, she said, as if throwing snow at us. Maybe you, Radda, want a whip? Danilo reached out to her, and Zobar threw his hat on the ground, and he says, all black as earth: Stop, Danilo! Hot horse steel bits! Give me your daughter in marriage! Here's a speech! Danilo grinned. Take it if you can! Welcome! Loiko said and said to Radda: Well, girl, listen to me a little, but don't boast! I saw a lot of your sister, ege, a lot! None of them touched my heart like you did. Oh, Radda, you filled my soul! Well? What will be, it will be so, and ... there is no such horse on which it would be possible to ride away from oneself! .. I take you as a wife before God, my honor, your father and all these people. But look, my will cannot be crossed I am a free man and I will live the way I want! And he approached her, clenching his teeth, his eyes sparkling. We look, he extended his hand to her, here, we think, and put a bridle on the steppe horse Rudd! Suddenly we see, he waved his hands and hit the back of his head roar! .. What a wonder? Like a bullet hit the little one in the heart. And it was Radda who swept the belt whip over his legs, and pulled him towards her, that's why Loiko fell. And again the girl lies without moving, but smiles silently. We are watching what will happen, but Loiko is sitting on the ground and clutching his head with his hands, as if he is afraid that it will burst. And then he got up quietly, and went into the steppe, not looking at anyone. Noor whispered to me, "Watch him!" And I crawled after Zobar across the steppe in the darkness of the night. That's right, falcon!" Makar knocked the ashes out of his pipe and started stuffing it again. I wrapped myself more tightly in my overcoat and, lying down, looked at his old face, black from sunburn and wind. Shaking his head severely and sternly, he whispered something to himself; his gray mustache moved, and the wind tousled his hair on his head. It looked like an old oak tree, burned by lightning, but still powerful, strong and proud of its strength. The sea whispered as before with the shore, and the wind still carried its whisper across the steppe. Nonka no longer sang, and the clouds gathered in the sky made the autumn night even darker. “Loiko walked leg by leg, hanging his head and lowering his hands like whips, and, having come to the beam to the stream, he sat down on a stone and groaned. He gasped so much that my heart bled with pity, but still he did not go up to him. Words of grief won't help right?! That's it! He sits for an hour, another sits, and the third does not stir - he sits. And I lie nearby. The night is bright, the moon flooded the entire steppe with silver, and everything is visible far away. Suddenly I see: Radda is hurrying away from the camp. I got fun! "Oh, it's important! I think daring girl Rudd! So she came up to him, he did not hear. She put her hand on his shoulder; Loiko shuddered, unclenched his hands and raised his head. And how he jumps up, yes for the knife! Wow, she will cut the girl, I see, and I was about to shout to the camp and run to them, suddenly I hear: Drop it! I'll break my head! I look: Radda has a pistol in her hand, and she aims at Zobar's forehead. That's Satan girl! Well, I think they are now equal in strength, what will happen next! Listen! Radda stuck a pistol in her belt and says to Zobar: I didn’t come to kill you, but to put up, drop the knife! He dropped it and frowningly looks into her eyes. It was amazing, brother! Two people are standing and looking at each other like animals, and both are such good, daring people. A clear month looks at them, yes I and that's it. Well, listen to me, Loiko: I love you! says Radda. He only shrugged his shoulders, as if bound hand and foot. I saw good fellows, and you are removed and more beautiful than their soul and face. Each of them would have shaved off his mustache - if I blinked his eye, they would all fall at my feet if I wanted to. But what's the point? They don't hurt too much anyway, and I would beat them all. There are few daring gypsies left in the world, few, Loiko. I have never loved anyone, Loiko, but I love you. Also, I love freedom! Will, Loiko, I love more than you. And I can't live without you, just as you can't live without me. So I want you to be mine, body and soul, do you hear? He chuckled. I hear! It's fun for the heart to listen to your speech! Come on, say more! And one more thing, Loiko: no matter how you turn around, I will overcome you, you will be mine. So don't waste your time my kisses and caresses are waiting for you... I'll kiss you hard, Loiko! Under my kiss, you will forget your daring life... and your living songs, which so delight the young gypsies, will no longer sound across the steppes you will sing love, tender songs to me, Radda... So don't waste your time, said I am this, which means that tomorrow you will submit to me as a senior comrade young man. You will bow at my feet in front of the whole camp and kiss my right hand, and then I will be your wife. That's what the damn girl wanted! This was never heard of; only in the old days it was like that among the Montenegrins, the old people said, but never among the gypsies! Come on, falcon, come up with something funnier? You’ll break your head for a year, you won’t invent it! Loiko sprang to the side and shouted to the whole steppe, as if he had been wounded in the chest. Radda trembled, but did not betray herself. Well, goodbye until tomorrow, and tomorrow you will do what I told you. Listen, Loiko! I hear! I'll do it, groaned Zobar and held out his hands to her. She didn't even look back at him, but he staggered like a tree broken by the wind and fell to the ground, weeping and laughing. That's how the damned Radda lured the young man. By force I brought him to myself. Ehe! What devil needs people to grieve? Who loves to listen to how the human heart groans, bursting with grief? Think here! I returned to the camp and told the old people about everything. We thought about it and decided to wait and see what will come of it. And there was this. When we all gathered around the fire in the evening, Loiko also came. He was confused and lost terribly weight during the night, his eyes were sunken; he lowered them and, without raising them, said to us: Here's the thing, comrades: I looked into my heart that night and did not find a place in it for my old free life. Radda lives there only and that's it! Here she is, the beautiful Radda, smiling like a queen! She loves her will more than me, and I love her more than my will, and I decided to bow at Radda's feet, so she ordered everyone to see how her beauty conquered the daring Loika Zobar, who before her played with girls, like a gyrfalcon with ducks . And then she will become my wife and will caress and kiss me, so that I won’t even want to sing songs to you, and I won’t regret my will! Is that right, Radda? He lifted his eyes and looked at her vaguely. She silently and sternly nodded her head and pointed to her feet with her hand. And we looked and did not understand anything. I even wanted to go somewhere, just not to see how Loiko Zobar falls at the feet of a girl - even if this girl and Radda. It was something ashamed, and pitiful, and sad. Well! shouted Radda to Zobar. Ege, take your time, you'll have time, you'll get bored more... he laughed. Like steel rang, laughed. So that's the whole point, comrades! What remains? All that remains is to try whether my Radda has such a strong heart as she showed it to me. I'll try, forgive me, brothers! We didn't even have time to guess what Zobar wanted to do, and Radda was already lying on the ground, and Zobar's curved knife stuck in her chest up to the hilt. We are numb. And Radda pulled out the knife, threw it aside, and, holding the wound with a strand of her black hair, smiling, said loudly and distinctly: Farewell, Loiko! I knew you would do that!.. and died... Did you understand the girl, falcon ?! That's what, damn me for all eternity, the devilish girl was! Eh! Yes, and I will bow at your feet, proud queen! Loiko barked all over the steppe, and throwing himself to the ground, pressed his lips to the feet of the dead Radda and froze. We took off our hats and stood in silence. What do you say in such a case, falcon? That's it! Nur said: "We must tie him up! .." If Loiko Zobar's hands had not risen to knit, no one would have risen, and Hyp knew this. He waved his hand and stepped aside. And Danilo picked up the knife thrown aside by Radda, and looked at him for a long time, moving his gray mustache, Radda's blood had not yet frozen on that knife, and it was so crooked and sharp. And then Danilo came up to Zobar and thrust a knife into his back, just against the heart. The old soldier Danilo was also Radda's father! That's it! Turning to Danila, Loiko said clearly and left to catch up with Radd. And we watched. Radda was lying, her hand with a lock of hair pressed to her chest, and her open eyes were in the blue sky, and at her feet lay the daring Loiko Zobar. Curls fell over his face, and his face was not visible. We stood and thought. Old Danila's mustache trembled, and his thick eyebrows scowled. He looked at the sky and was silent, and Nur, gray as a harrier, lay face down on the ground and wept so that his old man's shoulders shook. There was something to cry about, falcon! ... You go, well, go your own way, without turning aside. Go straight ahead. Maybe you won't die in vain. That's it, falcon!" Makar fell silent and, hiding his pipe in a pouch, wrapped his chekmen around his chest. It was raining, the wind became stronger, the sea rumbled muffled and angry. One by one, the horses approached the dying fire and, having examined us with large, intelligent eyes, stopped motionlessly, surrounding us in a dense ring. Hop, hop, ego! Makar called affectionately to them and, patting the neck of his beloved black horse with his palm, said, addressing me: It's time to sleep! Then he wrapped himself in a chekmen and, powerfully stretched out on the ground, fell silent. I didn't want to sleep. I looked into the darkness of the steppe, and in the air before my eyes floated the regally beautiful and proud figure of Radda. She pressed her hand with a lock of black hair to the wound on her chest, and through her swarthy, thin fingers blood oozed drop by drop, falling to the ground in fiery red stars. And behind her, the daring fellow Loyko Zobar swam on her heels; his face was covered with locks of thick black curls, and frequent, cold, large tears dripped from under them ... The rain intensified, and the sea sang a gloomy and solemn hymn to the proud pair of handsome gypsies Loika Zobar and Radda, the daughter of an old soldier Danila. And they both circled in the darkness of the night smoothly and silently, and the handsome Loiko could not catch up with the proud Radda.

The work belongs to the early work of the writer and is his first work, written in Tiflis under the influence of one of his friends.

By genre the work is a story in the style of romanticism.

Composition structure of the story is presented as a legend in the story, framed by the philosophical reasoning of the narrator, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted.

Plot. The exposition of the work is the story of a fifty-eight-year-old gypsy about the love story of two representatives of the gypsy people, represented in the form of Zobar and Radda, who are strong, freedom-loving personalities, whose fate turns out to be tragic.

Distinctive features of the story are the use by the author of a peculiar gypsy speech, which gives it a special flavor, representing an important element of the compositional structure. In addition, the story is distinguished by an unusual philosophical pathos writing style, wisdom and relationship with the common people, expressed in a surprisingly juicy, melodic and poetic language in the form of colorful expressive comparisons, personifications and metaphors, making the plot narration reminiscent of a fairy tale, legend.

Main theme The story consists in depicting freedom, internal and physical, human character and will, the limits of pride and ambition, love and its strength.

main character of the story is the old gypsy Makar Chudra, presented as a melancholy person, indifferent to the world around him, who considers his own happiness to be the goal of life. It is the hero who tells the narrator the love story of another main characters in the person of Radda and Zobar, who, being proud, freedom-loving, selfish young people, could not save their own love, resulting in the death of a girl at the hands of her lover, and then his death, which became revenge Radda's father.

Key issues The work is the author's reasoning about the need not only to live for the sake of one's own ego, but also the ability to sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, even precious freedom.

The originality of the story it seems that the writer uses natural sketches in the form of endless southern expanses, expressing the serenity and majesty of nature in the face of the insignificance of human existence and the pettiness of human problems and suffering.

The work lies in the need to preserve one's own freedom, but the ability to be happy in love, rejecting cruelty and selfishness, which are an integral part of human existence. The writer demonstrates to the reader the consequences of displaying excessive pride and selfishness, which are human dramas and tragedies.

Option 2

“Makar Chudra” is the earliest printed work of M. Gorky, who at that time still called himself by his real name - A.M. Peshkov. It was first published in the newspaper "Kavkaz" in 1892, and was signed by the author's pseudonym - M. Gorky, under which the writer soon became famous throughout the world.

The protagonist of the work is an old gypsy named Makar Chudra, whose main life value was freedom, and he would not exchange it for any wealth of the world. In his opinion, the peasant is the same as the slave, and was born in order to plow the land all his life. His unbridled desire for freedom is manifested in the characters of the main characters of the legend he told. They perceive their own love as a strong chain that binds their freedom and independence.

They confess their love to each other, but at the same time each of them tries to dominate, which ultimately leads to serious disagreements in the relationship, and then to the death of the heroes. Thus, pride and love, the manifestation of which reaches its maximum, are not able to get along with each other. For Makar Chudra, the heroes of the told legend are an example of love of freedom. If there is a choice between freedom and life, a person must choose the first one, which was done by the heroes of the legend - Loiko Zobar and Radda.

Another feature of the story is the almost imperceptible presence of the author of the work. His image can be traced between the lines, the reader guesses his presence, he sees that the author does not fully share the point of view of Makar Chudra. The author draws the reader's attention to the fact that the pride of Loiko and Radda doomed them to eternal loneliness and the impossibility of being happy. No matter how independent they may be, as a result they themselves become slaves of the freedom they cherish so much. They are unable to make a sacrifice in the name of love, for the sake of a loved one.

To express the feelings of the characters and show his own vision, the author is helped by such a technique as a landscape sketch, in the center of which is the sea, the power of the water element. At the beginning of the story, it is calm, only a small breeze runs over the surface of the water, and the bushes rustle on the shore. As the conflict between the characters matures, the weather deteriorates more and more, it starts to rain, the wind intensifies, the sea rustles and rumbles, as if singing a solemn and gloomy hymn to proud lovers.

A detailed analysis of Gorky's work Makar Chudra

In the work there is an orientation of romanticism, and the main idea of ​​romanticism is the love of heroes for freedom. Heroes reject the generally accepted way of society, they have their own views on the world and interests.

The hero is always alone; he does not find satisfaction in communicating with society. And communication takes place mainly with nature. Makar Chudra is a romantic story. The story of the relationship between Loiko Zobar and Radda helps to reveal the true character of the old gypsy.

Makar is an old gypsy and his main love in life is freedom. He tells the story of two lovers, for whom freedom is the main goal and meaning of life. Radd loves the will so much that this love for freedom overshadows even the love for Loiko.

As a result, Makar concludes that the only way out of this situation is death. After all, a gypsy cannot betray his love for freedom, and he also cannot betray his love for a loved one. And at the same time feeling love, neither Loiko nor Radd can subdue their pride and submit to each other.

And therefore, Makar fully agrees with the actions of the young couple, because this is how a person proves his love for the will. Young people loved each other so much that they could not live without a friend.

But Radda told Loiko to prove his love to her by bowing at her feet in front of the whole gypsy camp. In response, he plunged a knife into her heart, Radda's father immediately killed Loiko. Such is the love of freedom among gypsies.

Gypsies value freedom above all else, so a sedentary lifestyle and work is not for them. They are ready to travel all their lives and love freedom and nature above all material values ​​and comfort.

Gypsies recognize love, mutual and not interfering with freedom. Otherwise, it is completely abandoned. If it interferes with freedom. The author shows the reader a different way of life. And talks about him in a neutral way, and does not fully support him or call for him.

He simply shows the reader a different way of life, in which the gypsies lead a freedom-loving and independent of public opinion and position in society. It shows the reader the opportunity to be special, not like everyone else.

Makar tells a story about gypsies in love to a young listener. He is romantically inclined, loves nature, life and everything beautiful. Makar, on the other hand, gives him an example of a young couple of gypsies, in which Loiko is a kind, freedom-loving and outspoken guy.

The girl is very, beautiful, proud and wayward, and because of this misunderstanding and unwillingness to obey each other, their love ended in tragedy. Which Makar expresses as the consequences of love and talks about the fact that you need to love will and nature.

The main idea and purpose of the work is to show strong and courageous people. Makar in the story recalls his colleague and immediately says that human trafficking is not according to human laws. After all, so much has been lived, and only slave owners did these vile actions.

And therefore, he does not fully accept either slavery or people who worship and obey the will of other people.

The most important in the story are the brave and unconquered gypsies. Makar and the whole camp follow the way of life of Radda and Loiko. In the story, the gypsies are the most courageous and fearless people who, fearing nothing, are fighting for their freedom and independence.

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The work of Maxim Gorky is amazing and original, like the fate of the writer himself. His works are deep and strong in semantic and philosophical terms. An analysis of Maxim Gorky's story "Makar Chudra" will help 8th grade students prepare for literature lessons, and will also be useful when writing creative and test papers. After schoolchildren read the text “Makar Chudra”, the analysis of the work can be difficult due to the lack of specific knowledge, so a professional detailed analysis of the work according to the plan presented in our article will be very useful.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the story was written and published in Tiflis thanks to M. Gorky's friend Alexander Kalyuzhny, who made the author believe in his talent and abilities. This is the author's first published work.

Year of writing – 1892.

Topic- the meaning of life, love, will, the value of freedom, strength of character.

Genre- story.

Direction- romanticism.

History of creation

In "Makar Chudra" the analysis will be incomplete without the background of creation.

In 1891, Alexei Peshkov, writing under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky, set off on a journey "through Russia" from Nizhny Novgorod to the Crimea and the Caucasus. The impressions collected on this journey became the basis for many of Maxim Gorky's works. In 1892, in Tiflis, he wrote the story “Makar Chudra” and, with the help of his friend Alexander Kalyuzhny, published it in the local newspaper “Kavkaz”.

It was from this period that the literary pseudonym invented by the author himself was assigned to him (Maxim - in honor of his father, Gorky - a hint at the fate of the people and the writer himself, at the bitter truth of his work). The role of the revolutionary Kalyuzhny in the creative life of Gorky is special. He strongly recommended that the novice writer write down his memoirs and stories, convinced his friend of his talent and special artistic vision of the world.

Already in adulthood, Gorky wrote in a letter to Kalyuzhny that it was he who played a decisive role in the creative fate of the writer. Criticism accepted the first romantic works quite evenly, many were able to see a huge potential in a novice writer, a special style, and they turned out to be right.


Freedom, internal and physical, character and human will, the limit of pride and ambition, love and its strength - that is Problems that the author touches on in the story.

Romantic focus a work determines its content and style. The clash of two ideal characters, like a clash of two elements, is impossible without terrifying consequences. The love that overtook the main characters was legend, so all-consuming that its earthly existence is impossible - it gives the heroes a chance to unite in heaven. Lovers are too hot, wayward, freedom-loving to exchange their lives for peace and family.

love in issues story takes second place after freedom. It is perceived by the main characters more as a curse than as a gift. They recognize its strength, but do not want to put up with the heart, pride and the desire to be independent wins in each of the young people. If you do not consider the story told by the gypsy as an allegory, then the relationship of lovers resembles a rough and irreconcilable fight, a stupid game with pride and dignity than romantic feelings.

For Zobar and Radda, love is a heavy burden that they can only get rid of at the cost of their own lives. Such a unique ending is very characteristic of romantic works.


A feature of the composition of the story is its construction "story within a story"(or rather, a legend in a story). The presence of an explicit narrator enables the author to express and frame the main narrative with philosophical reflections. The exposition of the story is a discussion of 58-year-old gypsy Makar Chudra about life and its meaning, about women and love, about freedom and its understanding by people.

It is his story and the image of the sea that rings the main narrative. At the beginning of the story, we see a description of the free element, and at the end, when Chudra finishes the legend, the sea element reappears in the description as a symbol of freedom. An unthinkable love story, imbued with romanticism, from the lips of a wise character sounds true and at the same time unrealistic. The images that the narrator draws are idealized: Radda's beauty, Zobar's talent and skills, his nature and character. The legend in the gypsy's narrative is as proof of his philosophy of life. Beautiful phrases that touch the soul are empty without life confirmation, it is the most important component of the composition.

A peculiar flavor to the story is given by the speech of the gypsy, his address to the interlocutor “eagle” and the manner of speaking “from the height” of his experience. The author put wise words into the plot of the work, it is there that the main idea of ​​the story is contained: a person himself is life, he is free and free to choose. The conclusion is obvious: to be happy you need to move, do not stand still, do not teach others, do not look back at people.

main characters


The genre of the romantic story in Gorky, like in any master of the word, is special. The work lives at the expense of the story - the speech of the narrator - Makar Chudra. It undoubtedly reflects the views on the life of the author himself.

It is impossible to imagine Gorky's work without his bright philosophical pathos, wisdom and connection with the common people. The language of the story is surprisingly juicy, melodic and poetic. Colorful expressive comparisons, personifications and metaphors make the story look like a fairy tale or legend, give it a special flavor.

The speech of a gypsy is simple, concise and surprisingly large-scale in its content, you want to listen and listen to it without interrupting. The view of the life of a free people does not coincide with the worldview of the average person, but it is so romantically ideal and so attractive that it makes you listen to every word of the narrator. Gorky's early romantic works are characterized by the pathos of freedom, hyperbolization, the superiority of man over all that exists.

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History of creation

The story "Makar Chudra" was published in the Tiflis newspaper "Kavkaz" dated September 12, 1892. For the first time, the author signed under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky. This story begins a romantic period in the writer's work. The romantic works of M. Gorky also include: the story "The Old Woman Izergil", "The Song of the Falcon" and "The Song of the Petrel", the poem "The Girl and Death" and other works of the writer.

In one of the letters to A.P. Gorky wrote to Chekhov: “Really, the time has come for the need for the heroic: everyone wants exciting, bright, such, you know, that it doesn’t look like life, but is higher, better, more beautiful. It is imperative that today's literature begin to embellish life a little, and as soon as it begins to embellish life, that is, people will begin to live faster, brighter.

The title of the story is related to the name of the main character. Makar Chudra is an old gypsy, a thoughtful philosopher who knows the essence of life, whose camp roams the south of Russia.

Genus, genre, creative method

The cycle of romantic works by M. Gorky immediately attracted the attention of critics and readers with its excellent literary language, the relevance of the topic, and interesting composition (the inclusion of legends and fairy tales in the narrative). Romantic works are characterized by the opposition of the hero and reality. This is how the story "Makar Chudra" is constructed, the genre feature of which is "a story within a story". Makar Chudra acts not only as the main character, but also as a narrator. Such an artistic technique makes the narrative more poetic and original, helps to better reveal the ideas about the values ​​of life, the ideals of the author and the narrator. The action of the story takes place against the backdrop of a raging sea, a steppe wind, and a disturbing night. This is the atmosphere of freedom. The narrator assigns himself the role of a wise contemplator of life. Makar Chudra is a skeptic who is disappointed in people. Having lived and seen a lot, he appreciates only freedom. This is the only criterion by which Makar measures the human personality.


The theme of the writer's romantic works is the desire for freedom. Makar Chudra also talks about will and freedom. The work is based on the poetic love story of Loiko and Radda, told by Makar Chudra. The heroes of a beautiful legend cannot choose between pride, freedom and love. Passion for freedom determines their thoughts and actions. As a result, both die.


The short story contains ideas of freedom, beauty and joy of life. Makar Chudra's thoughts about life testify to the philosophical mindset of the old gypsy: “Are you yourself not life? Other people live without you and will live without you. Do you think that someone needs you? You are not bread, not a stick, and no one needs you ... ". Makar Chudra speaks of the desire for inner freedom, freedom without restrictions, since only a free person can be happy. Therefore, the wise old gypsy advises the interlocutor to go his own way, so as not to "perish. in vain." The only value on earth is freedom, it is worth living and dying for it, - this is what the heroes of this story think. This is what dictated the actions of Loiko and Radda. In the story, Gorky performed a hymn to a beautiful and strong man. The desire for a feat, the worship of strength, the glorification of freedom is reflected in the story "Makar Chudra".

The nature of the conflict

For the old gypsy, the most important thing in life is personal freedom, which he would never exchange for anything. His desire for freedom is also embodied by the heroes of the legend told by Makar Chudra. Young and beautiful Loiko Zobar and Radda love each other. But in both the desire for personal freedom is so strong that they even look at their own love as a chain that binds their independence. Each of them, confessing his love, sets his own conditions, trying to dominate. This leads to a tense conflict, ending in the death of the heroes. ,

Main heroes

In the story, one of the main characters is the old gypsy Makar Chudra. The gypsy's wisdom is revealed through the legend about Loiko and Radda, who are in love. He believes that pride and love are incompatible. Love makes you humble and submit to your loved one. Makar talks about man and freedom: “Does he know the will? The expanse of the steppe concept? Does the voice of the sea wave gladden his heart? He is a slave - as soon as he was born, and that's it! In his opinion, a person born a slave is not capable of performing a feat. Makar admires Loiko and Radca. He believes that this is how a real person worthy of imitation should perceive life, and that only in such a life position can one preserve one's own freedom. As a real philosopher, he understands: it is impossible to teach a person anything if he himself does not want to learn, because "everyone learns by himself." He answers a question with a question to his interlocutor: “Can you learn how to make people happy? No you can not".

Next to Makar there is an image of the listener, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted. This hero does not take up much space in the story, but for understanding the author's position, intent and creative method, his significance is great. He is a dreamer, a romantic, feeling the beauty of the world around him. His vision of the world brings a romantic beginning, joy, boldness, an abundance of colors into the story: “A damp, cold wind blew from the sea, spreading across the steppe the thoughtful melody of the splash of a wave running ashore and the rustle of coastal bushes; ... the darkness of the autumn night surrounding us trembled and, timidly moving away, opened for a moment on the left - the boundless steppe, on the right - the endless sea ... ".

Of course, the romantic beginning lies in the heroes of a beautiful legend - young gypsies, who absorbed the spirit of a free life with their mother's milk. For Loiko, freedom, frankness and kindness are the highest value: “He loved only horses and nothing else, and even then not for long - he will ride, and he will sell, and whoever wants, take the money. He didn’t have a cherished one - you need his heart, he himself would tear it out of his chest, and give it to you, if only you would feel good about it. Radda is so proud that her love for Loiko cannot break her: “I have never loved anyone, Loiko, but I love you. Also, I love freedom! Will, Loiko, I love more than you. The insoluble contradiction between Radda and Loiko - love and pride, according to Makar Chudra, can only be resolved by death. And the heroes refuse love, happiness and prefer to die in the name of will and absolute freedom.

Plot and composition

The traveler meets the old gypsy Makar Chudra on the seashore. In a conversation about freedom, the meaning of life, Makar Chudra tells a beautiful legend about the love of a young gypsy couple. Loiko Zobar and Radda love each other. But both have a desire for personal freedom above all else. This leads to a tense conflict, ending in the death of the heroes. Loiko yields to Radda, kneels before her in front of everyone, which is considered a terrible humiliation among the gypsies, and at the same moment kills her. And he himself dies at the hands of her father.

A feature of the composition of this story is its construction on the principle of "a story within a story": the author puts a romantic legend into the mouth of the protagonist. It helps to better understand his inner world and value system. For Makar, Loiko and Rudd are the ideals of love of freedom. He is sure that two wonderful feelings, pride and love, brought to their highest expression, cannot be reconciled.

Another feature of the composition of this story is the presence of the image of the narrator. It is almost imperceptible, but the author himself is easily guessed in it.

Artistic originality

In romantic works, Gorky turns to romantic poetics. First of all, it concerns the genre. Legends and fairy tales become the favorite genre of the writer during this period of creativity.

The palette of visual means used by the writer in the story is diverse. "Makar Chudra" is full of figurative comparisons that accurately convey the feelings and mood of the characters: "... a smile is a whole sun", "Loiko stands in the fire of a fire, as if in blood", "... she said that she threw snow at us" , “He looked like an old oak tree, burned by lightning ...”, “... staggered like a broken tree”, etc. A feature of the story is the unusual form of dialogue between Makar Chudra and the narrator. Only one voice is heard in it - the voice of the protagonist, and only from the replicas of this one speaker do we guess the reaction and replies of his interlocutor: “Learn and teach, you say?” This peculiar form of phrases serves the author to make his presence in the story less noticeable.

Gorky pays great attention to the speech of his heroes. So, for example, Makar Chudra, according to the gypsy tradition, interrupts his story with an appeal to the interlocutor, calling him a falcon: “- Ege! It was, a falcon ...”, “- There he was, a falcon! ..”, “- Here she is what Radda was like, a falcon! ..”, “That's right, a falcon! ..” In circulation “falcon” we see an image close to the gypsy spirit, the image of a free and bold bird. Chudra freely modifies some of the geographical names of the places where the gypsies roamed: "Galicia" - instead of Galicia, "Slavonia" - instead of Slovakia. In his story, the word “steppe” is often repeated, since the steppe was the main place of life for the gypsies: “The girl is crying, seeing off the good fellow! A good fellow calls the girl to the steppe...”, “The night is bright, the moon flooded the whole steppe with silver...”, “Loiko barked all over the steppe...”.

The author widely uses the technique of landscape sketches. The seascape is a kind of frame for the entire storyline of the story. The sea is closely connected with the state of mind of the characters: at first it is calm, only a "wet, cold wind" carries "across the steppe the thoughtful melody of the splash of a wave running ashore and the rustle of coastal bushes." But now it began to rain, the wind grew stronger, and the sea rumbles muffled and angrily and sings a gloomy and solemn hymn to the proud pair of handsome gypsies. In general, in nature, Gorky loves everything strong, impetuous, boundless: the boundless expanse of the sea and the steppe; a bottomless blue sky, now playful, now angry waves, a whirlwind, a thunderstorm with its rolling roar, with its sparkling brilliance.

A characteristic feature of this story is its musicality. Music accompanies the whole story about the fate of lovers. “You can’t say anything about her, this Rudd, in words. Perhaps her beauty could be played on a violin, and even then to someone who knows this violin as his soul.

The meaning of the work

The role of M. Gorky in the literature of the XX century. hard to overestimate. He was immediately noticed by JI.H. Tolstoy and A.P. Chekhov, V.G. Korolenko, endowing the young author with his friendly disposition. The value of the innovative artist was recognized by the new generation of writers, the general readership, and criticism. Gorky's works have always been at the center of controversy between supporters of different aesthetic trends. Gorky was loved by people whose names are included in the sacred list of the creators of Russian culture.

The origins of romantic works seem to be clear. What is absent in reality is sung in legends. Not certainly in that way. In them, the writer did not at all abandon his main sphere of observation - the contradictory human soul. The romantic hero is included in the environment of imperfect, and even cowardly, miserable people. This motive is strengthened on behalf of the storytellers whom the author listens to: the gypsy Makar Chudra, the Bessarabian Izergil, the old Tatar man, who conveys the legend "Khan and his son", the Crimean shepherd, singing "The Song of the Falcon".

The romantic hero was conceived for the first time as a savior of people from their own weakness, worthlessness, and sleepy vegetative existence. It is said about Zobar: “With such a person, you yourself become better.” That is why there are images-symbols of the "fiery heart", flight, battle. Majestic in themselves, they are further enlarged by the "participation of mother nature." She decorates the world with blue sparks in memory of Danko. The real sea listens to the "lion's roar" of the legendary waves that carry the call of the Falcon.

Meeting with an unprecedented harmony of feelings and deeds calls for the comprehension of things in some new dimensions. Such is the true influence of the legendary hero on the individual. This must be remembered and not replaced by the content of Gorky's romantic works with an unequivocal call for social protest. In the images of Danko, the Falcon, as well as in the proud lovers, the young Izergil, the spiritual impulse, the thirst for beauty are embodied.

Gorky was more concerned with reflections on what a person is and what a person should become than on the real path that lies to the future. The future was depicted as a complete overcoming of primordial spiritual contradictions. “I believe,” Gorky wrote to I.E. Repin in 1899 - into the infinity of life, and I understand life as a movement towards the improvement of the spirit. It is necessary that intellect and instinct merge in harmonious harmony ... ”Life phenomena were perceived from the height of universal ideals. Therefore, apparently, Gorky said in the same letter: “... I see that I don’t belong anywhere yet, to any of our “parties”. I am glad about this, because this is freedom.

The story "Makar Chudra" was written in 1892 and belongs to the early period of Gorky's work. Here his romantic ideals were especially clearly manifested. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator. Framing - a description of the sea and a conversation with an old gypsy. Inside the text is a legend about the love of two gypsies, which Makar Chudra recalls. Thus, we have a story within a story. Below you will find an analysis of the story "Makar Chudra" by Gorky.

Features of romanticism in the story "Makar Chudra"

The main feature of romanticism as a literary movement is duality: the division of the world into real and ideal. The story depicts an ideal world of freedom, beauty, songs and music, beautiful freedom-loving people. Already in the exposition, Makar Chudra contrasts the eternal vegetation of the townsfolk, their shameful slavery with freedom and understanding of the world. People, according to the hero, are not born in order to "dig the earth." He thinks about man: “Does he know his will? Is the expanse of the steppe understandable? Does the sound of the sea wave gladden his heart? This is the meaning and purpose of life: in the understanding of the world, the knowledge of its secrets. What else becomes clear when we analyze the story "Makar Chudra"?

In the center of attention in romanticism is an exceptional hero, free, beautiful, standing above the surrounding everyday life. Such characters in the story are Loiko Zobar and Radda. Most of all they value the ideal of freedom. Heroes are guided by feelings, passion, not reason.

The landscape in romanticism is not just a background of action, it carries a special semantic load. The love of romantics for sea and mountain views is well known. It is in the boundless expanses of the sea and mountains that the free and passionate soul of an exceptional hero can find a response. The main technique in depicting nature is personification: “the sea sang a gloomy and solemn hymn”, “the darkness of the autumn night trembled” and timidly moved away. Makar Chudra, a philosopher, a wise old gypsy, is in complete unity with the outside world, the quiet lapping of the waves, the beauty of the sea.

In the finale, the narrator seems to be immersed in an ideal world: the melody of the sea draws him to where the proud Loiko Zobar and the beautiful Radda whirl in an eternal dance.

Analysis of the story "Makar Chudra" - conflict

In a short story, Gorky touches on several serious topics. These are questions about freedom and slavery, the meaning of human life, the beauty of nature and the world as a whole, about love and pride.

The conflict is based on the antithesis of freedom - slavery. For Makar Chudra, freedom is an opportunity to enjoy life, the absence of any restrictions. Loiko and Radda value, first of all, personal freedom, independence from other people, not only external, but also internal. They put will above everything, even above love. This is the main conflict. To fall in love for the heroes means to submit to another person, but they cannot do this, it is contrary to their nature. Therefore, a vicious circle situation arises. It is no coincidence that Radda says: “Will, Loiko, I love more than you. And I can’t live without you, just as you can’t live without me.” Even a brief analysis of the story "Makar Chudra" allows us to clearly understand this idea.

A beautiful gypsy woman can only love a strong man, whom she cannot make submissive to herself, but, having fallen in love, she will not obey herself. She gives a task to her lover in order to test him, and knows in advance that Loiko will not fulfill the condition to bow to her in front of the whole camp. Therefore, when the gypsy plunges a knife into her chest, Radda, smiling, says that she knew what he would do. She smiles because the hero passed the test of strength of character and love of freedom, he turned out to be worthy of Radda's love. But the paradox lies in the fact that love and pride were incompatible, so the heroes die.

This article presented an analysis of the story "Makar Chudra". We hope you found this article helpful. Our literary blog was created with the aim of highlighting different aspects of the works of world literature and their authors. Read also

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