“True love purifies and elevates every person, completely transforming him” (N. G

Love like madness; love is crazy; love that leads to madness... Perhaps, this metaphor was embodied most vividly in their works by Russian writers of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries - Bunin and Kuprin.
Creativity A.I. Kuprin is permeated with the theme of sincere, pure, bright love - Love with a capital letter. However, this feeling, the author claims, cannot exist in the modern world where cynicism, unbelief, indifference, egoism reign. That is why in almost all of Kuprin's works, love turns out to be cast down, trampled, betrayed.
Such is the fate of the feelings of Olesya - the heroine of the story of the same name. The girl, who grew up in the forest and was accustomed to openly express her feelings, not be afraid of the opinions of others, fell in love with a man of the “civilized world”. And he, out of cowardice and selfishness, betrayed Olesya and her love, endangered the girl's life. As a result, the “panic”, who has lost his great love, can only remember his “wild woman” and regret the feeling that he has lost forever.
In search of true love, Kuprin turns to the past - to biblical times. Then, the writer claims, there lived people who were capable of a great feeling. As an example, the author tells about the love of King Solomon and the simple girl Shulamith, who became a model of true love and fidelity.
The happiness of Solomon and his beloved was so great that it aroused the envy of others who were not able to experience this. Anger and deceit did their job - Shulamith died at the hands of the conspirators. But even in the face of death, she repeated the name of her beloved, never tired of thanking him for giving her the greatest happiness in the world: “Thank you, my king, my beloved, my beautiful. Remember from time to time about your servant, about your sun-burnt Shulamith.
However, in modern times, Kuprin still sees echoes of that ancient, true, great love. The story "Garnet Bracelet" is proof of this.
Two philosophies of love collide in the work. One belongs to Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina and her entourage. Kuprin shows that the aristocracy of his day has forgotten how to truly love. Sincere love for her was replaced by habit, friendly sympathy, simply a necessity. It is this substitution that we observe in the relationship between Vera Nikolaevna and her husband.
But there is another look at love in the "Garnet Bracelet". It is embodied by a nondescript, at first glance, hero, from the category of "little people". Mr. "G.S. Zh "- a small employee at the post office. As he himself admitted, in life he was not particularly interested in anything - “neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people ...”
But suddenly this "gray" life was illuminated by a divine light - Love for Princess Sheina. Zheltkov is well aware that he can never even get close to his beloved - the difference between them is so great. But we see that the hero does not need this. He is incredibly happy with the feeling that settled in his heart. Thanks to him, the life of the “little man” Zheltkov was filled with meaning, connection with the whole world and God: “I am infinitely grateful to you only for the fact that you exist ... I say with delight: “Hallowed be thy name.”
For Zheltkov, his feeling became a gift from God, he felt great gratitude for it both to the creator and to Vera Nikolaevna. That is why the hero decided, in a fit of feelings, to give the princess the most precious thing - a garnet bracelet. This, in fact, is not a very beautiful decoration - a family heirloom of Zheltkov: “When Vera successfully turned the bracelet in front of the fire of an electric bulb with a random movement, then in them, deep under their smooth ovoid surface, lovely dense red living lights suddenly lit up.”
In the end, Zheltkov decides to die. At parting, the hero leaves his blessing to the princess - in the form of a Beethoven sonata, which is filled with love and light: “And words were composed in her mind. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that they were like couplets that ended with the words: "Hallowed be thy name."
Thus, the theme of love is one of the leading themes of the entire work of A. I. Kuprin. The writer believed that love is the true feeling for which it is worth being born and living on this earth. Only "true love purifies and elevates every person, completely transforming him." However, contemporary people, according to Kuprin's observations, were less and less able to love, to devote their lives to another person, to sacrifice something for him. And this made love even more rare and precious in this soulless and selfish world. To be able to notice it, not to miss it, to reward yourself and others with love - this is what A.I. Kuprin.

What is told in the work of Kuprin? Why, in your opinion, did the author call his story "Garnet Bracelet"?

(The story shows an exalted feeling - love. This love is ideal, unusual and pure. The author himself later said that he did not write anything more chaste. The work shows the telegraphist Zheltkov's unrequited feeling for Princess Vera Sheina.)

What is the significance of the different social status of the characters for love?

(There are social barriers and partitions of class inequality between Princess Vera and petty official Zheltkov. It is Vera’s different social status and marriage that make Zheltkov’s love unrequited and unrequited. The hero himself admits in his letter that only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion fell to his lot ".)

(Kuprin in his story does not place much emphasis on "inequality of fortune", does not openly criticize the society to which the main character belongs. The author finds another way to show the abyss that separates the main characters and which makes mutual feeling impossible. By this way is to describe the behavior of people from the environment of Princess Vera Sheina. They laugh at the letters of a young official, mock his feelings, scorn his gift. These people are ready to trample on a plebeian for an encroachment on what is not available to him, they can easily recognize an ordinary person as crazy .)

What is the significance of the first chapter of the story and the description of the autumn landscape?

(The first chapter is an introduction, the task of which fell to prepare the reader for the necessary perception of subsequent events. Thanks to the description of the autumn landscape with its deserted dachas and flower beds, you feel the inevitability of the withering of the surrounding nature, the withering of the world. This is also emphasized by the author’s words: “It’s a pity, and it was sad and disgusting to look through this muddy muslin of rain at this miserable belongings.")

What role does the landscape play in conveying the mood of Vera Sheina?

(Kuprin draws a parallel between the description of the autumn garden and the inner state of the main character. “The trees calmed down, silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.” Princess Vera is in the same calm, prudent state, she has peace in her soul: “And Vera was strictly simple, cold with everyone ... amiable, independent and regally calm.")

When does the plot of the story take place?

What does the heroine expect from the name day and what happens on this day?

(According to Kuprin, “Vera Nikolaevna Sheina always expected something happy and wonderful from her name day.” She receives a gift from her husband - earrings; a gift from her sister - a spare book; and from a person with the initials G. S. Zh - a bracelet This is Zheltkov's gift: a "golden, low-grade, very thick ... on the outside, all completely covered with ... garnets" bracelet. It looks like a tasteless trinket next to expensive elegant gifts. But its value is completely different ... After all, Zheltkov gives the most valuable thing he has is a family jewel. Looking at the thick red grenades, Vera felt anxious, she feels the approach of something unpleasant, she sees some kind of omen in this bracelet. It is no coincidence that she immediately compares these red stones with blood: " Like blood!" she exclaims. Vera Sheina's calmness was disturbed.)

What does a garnet bracelet mean for Zheltkov himself?

(The bracelet is not only for Zheltkov a symbol of reverent, endless and hopeless love, it also has some magical power, like any family jewel. A young man writes about this in a letter to Vera Sheina: “According to an old legend preserved in our family, he has the property of communicating the gift of foresight to the women wearing it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while protecting men from violent death ... "

Think about why Zheltkov gave Vera the most valuable thing for him?

Work with text

Read Zheltkov's letter to Vera. What do we learn about the young man from this letter? Based on what you have read, describe your character.

How does Vera's husband feel about Zheltkov's letters? (Ninth chapter)

Find in the text the answer to the question: “Is Prince Vasily Shein able to love deeply and strongly? (General Anosov about Vasya)

The role of General Anosov in the story "Garnet Bracelet". His thoughts on love.

Zheltkov's characterization given by General Anosov: “A madman; maybe it's just a crazy guy, a maniac, who knows? “Maybe your life path, Verochka, was crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream of and that men are no longer capable of.”

Vera's understanding of all the exclusivity of the love that passed her by and a premonition of Zheltkov's imminent death.

Main conclusions

Can Zheltkov's feelings for Vera be called insanity?

(Find in the text the words of Prince Shein, which are the answer to the question posed. “I feel that this person is not able to deceive and lie knowingly ...” (chapter ten); “... I feel that I am present at some a huge tragedy of the soul, and I can’t explain here "(eleventh chapter). And the prince's appeal to his wife:" I will say that he loved you, but was not crazy at all.

(The name George means - the victorious. Zheltkov from the victorious. Kuprin in his work painted a "small but great man.")

Farewell of Vera Sheina to the deceased Zheltkov (12th chapter).

Why do you think Vera cried? What caused the tears - "the impression of death" or something else? Maybe she realized that “a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years”? Or perhaps a reciprocal feeling awakened in her soul at least for a moment?

Beethoven's second sonata. Why did Zheltkov "force" his beloved woman to listen to this particular immortal work?

(Beethoven sonata sounds.)

What do you think is the power of love?

(Love elevates a person, transforms his soul. Love blossoms in Zheltkov’s heart and gives him “tremendous happiness.” He limited his life only to this feeling, neglecting everything else. This ideal, pure love elevates the “little man”, makes him significant in his own and in other people's eyes. It is no coincidence that Vera saw in the face of the dead Zheltkov "deep importance", which could only be seen in the masks of such great people as Pushkin and Napoleon. Lyubov Zheltkova, the one that happens "once in a thousand years", remained immortal It is this kind of love that Kuprin sang.)


Prepare for writing. Topics:

1. My thoughts about the read story by A. I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet".

2. "... What was it: love or madness?" (According to the story "Garnet Bracelet")

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(Comment to the final essay in the direction "Love")

It lives and rules on earth -

Of all the miracles, the only miracle.

Y. Ognev

Indeed, it is very difficult to explain what love is. Philosophers, composers, poets, writers and ordinary people have been searching for the answer to this question for centuries and continue to search. Never ceased to glorify this great and eternal feeling of man. This is how the famous playwright wrote about love back in the 17th centuryJ.-B. Molière:

The day would fade in the soul, and the darkness would come again,

Whenever on earth we banished love.

Only he knew bliss, who passionately did not live in his heart,

And who did not know love, he still

What did not live ...

MyselfKuprin so he spoke of love: this feeling,"which has not yet found an interpreter" .

Probably, you will also be interested in thinking about love.Christmas:

Love, love is a mysterious word

Who could fully understand him?

Always in everything Are you old or new

Anguish of the Spirit you il grace?

Irrevocable to myself loss

Or enrichment without end?

hot day , which does not have a sunset

Or the night devastated hearts?

Or maybe you're just reminder

About what inevitably awaits all of us?

with nature, with unconsciousness merging

And the eternal world cycle?


Listen to the sonnetI.L. Selvinsky.

- What do you think, what feelings does the hero experience: love or falling in love?

I was in love, but I didn't love.

Love? I don't know such a name.

I could describe her well

As Turgenev explained it to me.

Or flash a quote from Tolstoy,

Or borrow ink from Pushkin...

But why - I will only whisper this word,

And behind the shoulders the outlines of wings?

But the wings blew like a fan.

My soul languished and sighed,

But the sails did not rush through the fog.

Nothing, nothing enchanted me.

And though love is a boundless ocean,

Still my breg did not touch the pier la.


- Distinguish between these concepts: love is passion; love is pity; love is a habit; love is worship.

Is loving and being loved the same thing? What's better?

- Love without reciprocity: happiness or tragedy?

What are the qualities of a loving person?

- Does perfect love exist? What is she?

- Do you agree that love elevates a person?


Who owns the words “Where is love, then? Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said - "strong as death"? ... such love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment is not labor at all, but one joy ... Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her.” (To General Anosov.)


“Not in strength, not in dexterity, not in mind, not in talent ..., not in creativity, individuality is expressed. But in love"

A.I. Kuprin. Letter to F.D. Batyushkov (1906)

There is no love on earth that does not know suffering,

There is no love on earth that does not bring torment,

There is no love on earth that does not live in sorrow ...

Louis Aragon, French poet


- How does Kuprin solve this eternal problem of unrequited love?

(The high and unrequited love of Zheltkov became"great happiness" for him. It is with his love that he rises above other heroes, it is with his love that he destroys the royal calmness of Vera Nikolaevna. It is his own love that makes Vera Nikolaevna in tears, pain, remorse"understand life" which“I humbly and joyfully doomed myself to torment and death.” )

What do you think is the power of love?

(Love elevates a person, transforms his soul. Love gives the lover immense happiness. Sincere, pure love elevates a person not only in his own, but also in the eyes of others. It is this kind of love that is immortal!)

in the story"Garnet bracelet" Kuprin reveals "eternal" themes: high and unrequited love, the theme of inequality.



The theme of love gave Kuprin the opportunity to show more deeply the destructive effects of abnormal social relations on the human soul, to show the hostility of the world of kvashnins to everything pure and holy. But not only in this matter. The theme of love for Kuprin was opposed to everything base, mercantile, cynical, it could not but attract a great and spiritually healthy artist who believes in man, in the strength and beauty of the human spirit. Kuprin was the rightful heir of Russian literature of the 20th century in the development of this topic.


Although Bulat-Tuganovsky is still trying to bully Zheltkov and threaten him, the spiritual advantage is already completely on the side of the latter. The little official “straightens up” and speaks, as it were, from the height of a feeling that lifted him above the vanity of life, opening up to him a new, radiant world.

Actually, there is not even a conversation between Zheltkov and Shein, only Zheltkov speaks, and Shein listens, overwhelmed by the vastness of experiences that are inaccessible to him. Subsequently, he confessed to his wife: “There was no life for him without you. It seemed to me that I was present at the tremendous suffering from which people die, and I even almost realized that before me was a dead person. You see, Vera, I didn’t know how to behave, what to do.”


Bunin's love:

    Sunstroke. Unpredictability, uncontrollability, spontaneity ..

    A moment is enough to light up a life.

    "Dark alleys" - the labyrinths of the soul.

Love is the charm, the power of life ... But also doom, brevity. Love can be sudden and swift, like a sunstroke, but never strong and long. Bliss flashed - the former life stretched out, now, after happiness, doubly unbearable ...

Bunin is convinced that true love is too close to death, true passion cannot stand the test of life.

Deceived love is one of Bunin's constant themes. ("Caucasus").


Another turn of the theme is also interesting - the impossibility of love. The impossibility of happiness.

What are the similarities between the characters? (Tatyana Lenskaya, Olesya and Zheltkov)

Marina Tsvetaeva "My Pushkin". What nation still has such a heroine, in love, but proud, strong in spirit, wise!?! “The fact of the matter was that he (Onegin) did not love her (Tatiana) ... And only for that, she chose Him, and not another, in love, that she secretly knew that he would not be able to love her ... "

Essay topics...

Love for ages

Does love always make a person happy?

Love is stronger than death...

Love and War...

Love and separation...

Love is spiritual rebirth...

Faces of love...

“Who told you that there is no true, true, high love in the world?”

“From love to a woman, everything beautiful on earth was born” (A.M. Gorky)

Hypocritical love is worse than hate.

Love and death.

Maxim Gorky "Girl and Death" (fairy tale)

Quotes:Sometimes love burns faster

A thin candle in a hot temple of God.

He thinks: “How will I live in the world if people stop kissing?”

The girl is her own: “He will hug the darling - there is no more Earth or Heaven!

And the soul is full of unearthly power,

And an unearthly light burns in the soul!

More beautiful than the Sun - there is no God in the world!

There is no Fire - the Fire of Love is more wonderful!

Death is not a mother, but a woman. And in her

The heart is also stronger than the mind!

Only I will be with you

I will always be near Love! ..

Probably, there is more energy from Love than from Death. Love is a life-affirming beginning, capable of self-healing. Death only destroys and destroys. If Death from Gorky's fairy tale is comparable to the Devil of Lermontov, we will get somewhat similar images:

Devil “He sowed evil without pleasure, nowhere did he meet resistance to his art - and evil bored him ...”

Death of Gorky « it’s boring to measure time by the hour of death - I want to live more uselessly ... "

Tired of her human horror,

Tired of funerals, crypts.

Busy with a thankless task

On Earth, both dirty and sick,

She does it well...

Practical task.

Write a miniature on the topic:"To love each other is..."

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