The use of catchphrases and sayings in geography lessons. Aphorisms on the topic of geography

In the section on the question, tell me 10 statements about geography given by the author Lena Koleda the best answer is 1. Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds (Leonardo da Vinci).
2. Russian power will grow in Siberia (M. V. Lomonosov).
3. Maps of the world are changed by pioneers and bad topographers (V. Brudzinsky).
4. Every parallel is sure that it could become the equator if it had not been infringed on (M. Twain).
5. The most distant point on the globe is close to something, and the closest to something is distant (Kozma Prutkov).
6. All parts of the globe have their own, even sometimes very curious, other parts (Kozma Prutkov).
7. I will immediately know when we reach the North Pole, because as soon as we take one extra step, the north wind will immediately become south (Robert Pirie).
8. Europe is just a small cape of the Asian continent (Paul Valery).
9. Nothing helps repeat geography like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes (Don Aminado).
10. History is geography in time, and geography is history in space (Jean Jacques Elise Reclus).
11. I would not like to change anything in England, except for the weather (Oscar Wilde).

Geography is the arena in which

human life passes.

V. G. Belinsky

It's not all about geography

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings Hubbard Elbert

(short and clear, specific and logical)

 Laugh with others, not at others.

 Polygamy is an attempt to extract more from life than it contains.

 A free mind should have only one policeman - irony.

 Genius has its limits; stupidity is free from such restrictions.

 A woman brought a man out of paradise, and only a woman can bring him back to paradise.

 Don't take life too seriously. You won't get out of it alive anyway.

 True loneliness is the presence of a person who does not understand you.

 No one needs a vacation as much as a person who has just returned from vacation.

 The best service that a book can serve you is not only to tell the truth, but also to make you think about it.

 Each of us is a fool for at least five minutes a day; wisdom lies in not exceeding the limit.

 A little more perseverance, a little more effort, and what seemed like a hopeless failure can turn into a glorious success.

 The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be in constant fear of making a mistake.

 In order to avoid criticism, you need to do nothing, say nothing and be nobody.

 A friend is a person who knows everything about you and does not stop loving you.

 If you have nothing to answer your opponent, not everything is lost: you can tell him what you think of him.

 To be healthy naturally, because we are part of nature. Nature goes out of her way to keep us in good condition because she needs us to do her work.

 The goal of teaching a child is to enable him to develop further without the help of a teacher.

 A miracle is an event described by people who heard about it from those who did not see it.

 Initiative is when a person does what is needed, although no one asked him about it.

 The path to success is service to humanity; there is no other way to achieve success. This truth is so simple and accessible that even ordinary peasants understand it.

 A job well done brings great, delightful, incomparable joy

 The biggest mistake is the fear of making a mistake.

 Every day we bring something to our character, and in order for the character to become beautiful, we must be kind to other people and benefit them.

 That which does not serve others dies.

 Speak only good things about other people, if you talk about them at all.

 Character is the result of two things: an inner attitude towards the world and how we spend our time.

 In the depths of their souls, sages know this truth: the only way to help yourself is to help other people

 Grief can be endured by one person, but joy takes two.

 Man is the crown of creation; and who said it?

 Never make excuses - your friends don't need your excuses, and your enemies won't believe them anyway. - why make excuses?

 One machine can do the work of five ordinary people; no machine will do the work of one extraordinary man.

About geography
Geography is the most heroic and most poetic of all sciences, the science of the earth and the man who lives on it.
A. Kazantseva
Geography is a science that has gone from the romance of the unknown to the housekeeping of the Earth.
V. Krotov
No other science is as expensive to discover as geography. Every bit of knowledge is paid for with human lives.
S. Zabelin

Geographic map
The map is the alpha and omega of geography.
N.N. Baransky
The map is the second language of geography.
N.N. Baransky
The microscope and telescope zoom in and the map zooms out.
The degree grid is the street grid of the globe.
The meridians and parallels on the map are the streets and lanes in the city.
It is difficult to study geography without a textbook, but impossible without a map.
The map is that amazing study of the globe, which alone can give a person the gift of guidance.
Yu.M. Shokalsky

A globe is a miniature model of the Earth. M. Beheim

The map is the language of geography. Without a map, there is no geography. N.N. Baransky

About love for the motherland.

Dear bright Motherland! All our boundless sons' love is in ... you, all our thoughts are with you.
M.A. Sholokhov
I sincerely love the Russian people and consider it an honor and glory to be an insignificant grain of sand in their mass.
V.G. Belinsky
And there is something for
Russia is mighty
love you
Call mother...
I.S. Nikitin
Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without it: woe to the one who thinks this is double the one who really does without it.
I.S. Turgenev
I love Russia to the point of pain in my heart, and I can't even conceive of myself anywhere but Russia.
M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin
To love your Motherland means to know it.
V.G. Belinsky


Mountains are the wrinkles of the planet.
Volcanoes are windows into the bowels of the Earth.
Laccolith is a failed volcano.
An earthquake is the pulse of the planet.
The Darial Gorge is the gateway to the Caucasus Range.
Volcanoes are fire-breathing mountains.

About minerals.

Ilmen is a paradise for mineralogists and geologists.
Titanium is an eternal metal.
Pumice is hardened stone foam.
Asbestos - mountain flax.
Precious stones are the flowers of the earth's interior.
Salt is an edible mineral.
Khibiny is the country's main fertility shop.
Oil is the queen of minerals, and her throne is Western Siberia.
Slate is the brownish gold of Estonia.
Phosphorus is an element of life and thought.
A.E. Feremand
Of course, you will not find a place all over the world against our Ilmensky storeroom.
P.P. Bazhov

Oceans and seas - a blue field.
Sea water is a liquid ore.
The Pacific Ocean is the Mediterranean Sea of ​​the future. A. and Herzen
Gulfstream - water heating of Europe.
Kuroshio is the Japanese Gulf Stream.
Gibraltar is the gateway from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean.
Currents are the rivers of the oceans.
The ebbs and flows are the pulse of the oceans.
The Volga is the main street of "European Russia".
A river is a road, water supply and an engine.
Rivers are children of relief and climate.
Mississippi - American Volga.
The Amazon is the freshwater sea of ​​South America.
The Irtysh is the river of the Russian history of Siberia.
Angara is the daughter of Baikal.
Dnieper - Volga Ukraine.
The Danube is a river of eight states.
Hrazdan is the Transcaucasian Angara.
Kura - Transcaucasian Volga.
Issyk-Kul is a sky-high sea.
Sevan is the American Baikal.
Baskunchak - All-Union salt shaker.
Baikal is a miracle of nature in every respect. S. Berg
Water is a wonderful natural gift, living, fluid and free… A. Usachev
Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life, you are life itself. You fill us with a joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. You are the greatest wealth in the world.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Snow cover is a blanket for winter crops.
The atmosphere is the armor of the planet.

Nature. Diversity of nature.

In the tundra, not mushrooms under birches, but birches under mushrooms.
The forest is nature's pharmacy.
The forest is green gold.
Lianas are plant boas.
Ants are forest nurses.
Bamboo is a growth champion.
Eucalyptus trees are living pumps.
Monitor lizard - crocodile of the sands.
Takyrs - parquet of the desert.
Tugan - the jungle of Central Asia.
The saiga is a living fossil.
Feather - steppe silk.
All the lands before you are miserable... O desert!
Nature is the only book where every page is full of deep content.
J.W. Goethe
Forests are the lungs of the planet.

Economic regions of Russia.

The Central Black Earth region is a white spot on the map of Russia's energy resources.
Ciscaucasia is the land of living water.
The Urals is a pantry of minerals.
Sikhote-Alin - Far Eastern Urals.
The Far East is the main fish shop of the country.
Karelia is a republic of granite and lakes.
Minusinsk basin - Siberian Ukraine.
Yakutia is a republic of diamonds and gold.
The central region is a locomotive region.
Dagestan is a country of dozens of languages ​​and dialects.

Branches of the economy.

Machine tool building is the core of mechanical engineering.
Mechanical engineering of Kuzbass looks into the mines.
Plastics are irreplaceable substitutes.
Paper is the bread of culture.
Cement is the glue for stone.

Cement is the bread of construction.
Sulfuric acid is bread for chemistry.
The textile industry is a heavy industry of light industry.
Light and food industry is an industry for everyone.
The earth is the mother, the sun is the father, water is the breadwinner of the harvest.
Microfertilizers - fertility vitamins.
Erosion is the death of the soil.
Rice is the bread of Asia.
Buckwheat - northern rice.
Legumes are a piggy bank of nitrogen.
Corn is the growth record holder.
Potatoes are the second bread.
Linen is northern silk.
Wool is fluffy gold.
Karakul - desert rose.
Transport highways are the circulatory system of the organism of the national economy.
Pipelines are ground vehicles without wheels.
Ports are sea doors to other countries.
The rivers of Siberia are underground routes to the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

About foreign countries.

England is the sea crossroads of Europe.
Cuba is a sugar island.
Hokkaido is Japanese Siberia.
Ulster is the stepson of England.
Canada is American Siberia.
Crete is an unsinkable NATO aircraft carrier.
The Philippines is a country of seven thousand islands.
South Africa is a country of diamonds and gold.
The Vatican is a state within a state.
Switzerland is a banker country, a hotel country.
Norway is a country of fishermen and whalers.
Panama is a country of one channel.
Appalachians - American Ural.
California - American Crimea.
Florida is American Colchis.
Azerbaijan is a republic of black and white gold.
Moldova is a country of orchards and vineyards.
Colchis is an open-air greenhouse.
New York is the city of the yellow devil.
Great Britain is a country of fogs.
Iceland is a country of active and extinct volcanoes.
Finland is a country of swamps.
Canada is the country of the maple leaf.
Japan - Land of the Rising Sun


The earth can satisfy the need, but not the greed of everyone. Mahatma Gandhi
Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.
Y. Gagarin
Patriotism (from Greek) is the motherland, love for it.
encyclopedic Dictionary
If you plan the future for only 1 year, then this grain. If you are looking forward to 10 years, plant a tree. If you count on 100 years, educate the people.
Chinese wisdom.
Earth is our home and the home of all living organisms. The earth itself is a living being.
Earth Declaration.
It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well.
Rene Descartes
What could be sweeter than a priceless native land.
N.M. Yazykov

Thanks to Golubchikova G.V. - geography teacher, MBOU "Preobrazhenskaya OOSh"


Compiled by: A. Radyukov, G. Ridevsky

The mind of people increases as the knowledge of the world.

The usefulness of geography presupposes in the geographer also a philosopher - a man who has devoted himself to the study of the art of living, i.e. happiness.

Only great learning makes it possible to study geography.

If Columbus had known better cosmography, he would not have discovered America.
V. Hugo

Modern geographical knowledge was obtained by mankind with hard efforts and a huge expenditure of labor and energy. The history of the development of our knowledge of the Earth is a profoundly dramatic story.
N. Lebedev

It was no coincidence that the Renaissance of art coincided with the Great geographical discoveries: a person, apparently, could discover himself simultaneously with the discovery of the world, one ended - the other ended.
S. Zalygin

Without knowledge of geography, a person remains dull, narrow, limited.
I. Kant

The most distant point on the globe is close to something, and the closest to something is far away.
K. Prutkov

How much is the benefit of geography to the human race, anyone who has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bnational profits can comfortably argue. A single representation of the position of states, and especially one’s own, produces great pleasure in the heart ...
M.V. Lomonosov

Geography ... there is a science that is as useful as it is pleasant.
Court councilor Maksimovich, 18th century

Water, relief, climate - act as educators of the human race.
K. Ritter

Geography tells us of the Earth as a dwelling place, while history speaks of it as a graveyard.
N. Fedorov

Our Earth in relation to one person is almost limitless.
Elise Reclus

Science ... little by little turns our planet into a gigantic organism, tirelessly working for the benefit of mankind with its winds, currents, steam and electric current.
Elise Reclus

Progress in knowledge must be matched by progress in the moral world.
Elise Reclus

Geographical science, understood in a broad sense, must necessarily take the first place in the new system of human education, since it, more than other sciences, contributes to the development of the spirit of true humanism in man.
Elise Reclus

The true Don Quixote is the traveler Przhevalsky, who, according to rumors, gave birth to Joseph Dzhugashvili.
B. Paramonov

I was looking for a wild man in Central Asia, but I found him in my Smolensk province.
N.M. Przhevalsky

The world was left without travelers. Don Quixote does not happen on an airplane.
V. Tsybin

The earth has become small.
F. Nietzsche

A geographer is one who studies the surface of the earth superficially.
Joke of geologists of the late nineteenth century.

A person is zonal in all manifestations of his life: beauty, religion (especially in non-Christian ones), even - sexual activity, in clothes, in the whole everyday environment; zonal - livestock, the so-called cultivated vegetation, buildings, food and drink.
V.V. Dokuchaev

Victory awaits the one who has everything in order, and this is called luck.
R. Amundsen

How "delighted" was the block of the death of the "Titanic" and wrote in his diary: "There is still an ocean."
B. Lunin

The ocean is so good that it defies description.
I. Ehrenburg

Geography makes a person look at the world not through the narrow gap of his specialty, but from a bird's eye view. From the height of a high mountain, she shows him all the kingdoms of the world. Our field of vision is 360 degrees.
I.N. Gladtsin

The study of nature without man is the last tribute of modern scientists to the previous years of scholastic thinking.
P.A. Kropotkin

Science is a great thing. I knew the joys she brought, and valued them perhaps even more than my brethren.
P.A. Kropotkin

I remembered, for some reason, Prince Kropotkin (the famous anarchist). He was in Moscow. An absolutely charming old man of high society - and quite a baby, even creepy.
I. Bunin

A scientist should always be above the globe. Must see and know everything that is happening on the globe.
N,I. Vavilov

Is it possible to make ... so that the globe does not become an external object, but enters into the composition of the soul.
M.P. Prishvin

Science not only represents a self-suppressing value as a method, not only the satisfaction of the practical demands of life in the field of morality, education and hygiene of the mind, but also has an enormous aesthetic value. Science serves to purify the soul from all filth. The knowledge of truth for a real scientist is a disinterested act, and the contemplation of truth leads to the same ecstasy as the contemplation of beauty.
L.S. Berg

Geography is able to capture us to the point of self-forgetfulness and move us to the greatest creations in the field of poetic creativity.
V.P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky

Gulliver, bound hand and foot, around whom the Lilliputians fuss.
N.N. Baransky about V.P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky

If a fly crawls around the globe, this does not mean at all that it is sophisticated in geography.
B. Andreev

The girl carefully sat down on the bench. I made out a map of the USSR among the wall slogans and asked Chiklin about the features of the meridians.
- Uncle, what is it - fences from the bourgeoisie?
"Fences, my daughter, so that they don't climb over to us," Chiklin explained, wishing to give her a revolutionary mind.
A. Platonov, "Pit"

In the thirties of our century, geography, which had previously developed as a continuation of Russian and world geography, was quartered in our country, i.e. divided into four parts. The first part - local history, was liquidated in the twenty-eighth - twenty-ninth years. Cartography was sent to the NKVD, and therefore, until now, there can be no talk of any culture of cartography, it only comes out of secret cellars ... As for physical and economic geography, a wall was erected between them because of the impossibility then they said, a mixture of natural and social patterns. People who wanted to study geography and whom the "wall" saved from inevitable repressions went into physical geography.
Y. Lipets

Lying school history books. Shamelessly, brazenly, straight in the eye. Textbooks of literature lie. Geography sucks.
G. Oster

The earth helps us understand ourselves.
A. de Saint-Exupery

The task of the explorer is to discover areas.
N.N. Kolosovsky

The combination and interaction of heterogeneous phenomena in space is the soul of geography.
N.N. Baransky

Geography is "a bridge between nature and society".
N.N. Baransky

The geographer has more to learn than to teach.
N.N. Baransky

I will advise only one. Namely, to make geography a nationwide science.
N.N. Baransky

Without geographical knowledge, it is impossible to form a correct idea about the world, about life, about the purpose of man. In the matter of human self-consciousness, geography goes side by side with philosophy and history; it participates in the formation of a worldview.
A. Armand

A people that does without geography is like a people born blind, who does not understand what sight is.
B.B. Rodoman

Knowledge of world history is as necessary as knowledge of planetary geography.
L.N. Gumilyov

The center of the world is everywhere.
R. Balandin

The integrity of geographical science, its unity is the most valuable, the most important thing for solving environmental problems.
SOUTH. Saushkin

The tragedy of geography today is that the country has made demands for knowledge in the space of non-economic processes. Our... geographers literally rested only in economic geography.
L. Smirnyagin

Geography is separated from other earth sciences not only by the subject of study, but also by the main method - descriptive. This is the oldest and common method for all geographical sciences. The content of which becomes more complex with the development of science. The name "geography" (from the Greek "earth" and "describe") contains not only the subject, but also the main method of this science.
F.N. Milkov

The object of geography, of course, at all times remained one: our planet Earth, in its relation to other world bodies, and most importantly in itself, especially in its surface, which serves as an arena of various cosmic and telluric forces, as a result of which its atmosphere, hydro-, litho- and pediosphere (the sphere of soils - R.G.), and ... its bio- and anthroposphere, i.e. the forms of organic life on its surface and the stages and forms of its most perfect organic product - man.
D.N. Anuchin

A "triune" approach (a specific method of geographical research - R.G.) has developed in modern geography - territoriality (this term should be replaced by the term geotoriality), complexity, concreteness - which until recently served geographers faithfully. However, now, apparently, it should be supplemented with one more quality - globality, i.e. the requirement of mandatory correlation of local, regional, national, continental, zonal and other particular problems with the world (global) "background".
E.B. Alaev

The object of geographical research is any material formation or phenomenon (state, relation, process) on the earth's surface (in a landscape shell), which meets the three most important methodological principles of geography (territoriality or "geotoriality", complexity, specificity), is mapped (i.e. corresponds to the main methodological feature), affects the development or state of the landscape shell; its study presupposes the acquisition of new knowledge (facts, theory) about this shell (about the geoverse).
E.B. Alaev

The territory is inexhaustible in its knowledge and meaning.
V.N. Sevastyanov

I feel like a geographer for almost three decades. I continue to become a geographer, there is no and I hope there will be no end.
V. Kagansky

The most remote point on the globe is close to something, and the closest to something is far away.
Kozma Prutkov

All parts of the globe have their own, even sometimes very curious, other parts.
Kozma Prutkov

Nothing helps repeat geography like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Don Aminado

I will know immediately when we reach the North Pole, because as soon as we take one extra step, the north wind will immediately turn south.
Robert Peary

Cook, having landed on the island, looked at the cannibals as an anthropological exhibit, and those at him as if they were roast.
Karol Izhikovsky

The maps of the world are being changed by pioneers and bad typographers.
Wiesław Brudzinski

Map: A sheet of paper to help us get lost.

Europe is just a small cape of the Asian continent.
Paul Valery

The climate in Ireland is amazing, but the weather ruins it.
Tony Butler

I would not like to change anything in England, except the weather.
Oscar Wilde

Sitting on a terrace on a clear day, one cannot see the whole of Luxembourg: the trees interfere.
Alan Coren

Switzerland is what it is, to emphasize the scale of the Tyumen region.
Gennady Malkin

If you straighten Switzerland, it will be twice the size of Europe in territory.
David Samoilov

France is a country where there is no winter, no summer, no morality; other than that, it's a wonderful place.
Mark Twain

California is a wonderful place to live if you were born an orange.
Fred Allen

Los Angeles: a place where you know about the arrival of spring by the fact that the smog turns green.

Tundra is taiga without trees.
An American student

The lake is an island of water.

Cavers are the first to return to the caves.
Vladimir Goloborodko


France: a country divided by forty-three million French people. Pierre Daninos France is a country where there is no winter, no summer, no morality; other than that, it's a wonderful place. Mark Twain Every person has two homelands - his own and France. Henri de Bornier He had one illusion - France, and one

Everyone scolds the weather, but no one fights with it. Charles Warner Do not scold the weather - if it did not change, nine out of ten people would not be able to start a single conversation. Frank Hubbard Weather talk gets interesting at the first sign of the end of the world. Stanislaw Jerzy Lec Climate in Ireland

Cannibal: A person who loves his neighbor in sauce. Jean Rigaud Cannibal: A man who demands a waiter instead of a menu. Jack Benny Cook, having landed on the island, looked at the cannibals as an anthropological exhibit, and those at him as a roast. Karol Izhikovsky Cannibals eat almost exclusively

God created the first garden, and Cain created the first city. Abraham Cowley Machines spawned the suburbs and killed the city. Cyril Northcote Parkinson Cities should be built in the country, where the air is much better. Henri Mourier Solitude must be sought in big cities. Rene Descartes Paris is inhabited loneliness. Francois

Not only England, but every Englishman is an island. Novalis The English write the words "I" and "God" with a capital letter, but "I" - with a slightly larger letter than "God". Pierre Daninos The English, like no other nation in the world, have the ability to pour new wine into old wineskins. Clement Attlee The British have

Author information

Moiseeva Olga Valerievna

Place of work, position:

MOU secondary school No. 221, Zarechny

Penza region

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

Basic general education

The level of education:

Secondary (complete) general education

The target audience:


The target audience:

Learner (student)

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)







The purpose of the lesson:

Using catchphrases and sayings in geography lessons

Used methodological literature:

Ashukin N. S., Ashukina M. G., Winged words. Literary quotations. Figurative expressions, 3rd ed., M., 1996.

Babkin A. M., Shendetsov V. V. Dictionary of foreign expressions and words. M.: Nauka, 2001.

Voskoboynikov V.M. Life of remarkable people: Book. 2 ., M, 2003.

Geographic Encyclopedia. M.: Bustard, 2000.

Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M: Azbukovnik, 2002

Helge Hesse. Aphorisms and catchphrases of famous people M., Text, 2009

Short description:

Catch phrases, sayings of famous people in a geographical context.

"A thought performing a pirouette." Joris de Bruyne

Our age carries a large amount of information in which people can easily get confused. Catch phrases, sayings, proverbs, aphorisms sound short, capacious, original. If they are used in the right place, they help to better understand and remember a long text, add color to boring speech, and attract the attention of the audience. Sayings of famous people can draw attention to geographical issues and enhance the significance of geographical knowledge.

If you want to pay attention to a geographical problem, if you want to interest the audience, teach it to think creatively, develop geographical culture, then be sure to use catchphrases, sayings, aphorisms in your geographical presentations. After all, it is they who unobtrusively teach, ironically formulate, aptly, briefly explain, eloquently, but clearly argue the geographical text.

In the explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov gives the following explanation of what a “statement” and a “catch phrase” are: saying - is a phrase containing a message. catch phrases - these are figurative well-aimed expressions, sayings that have come into common use.

"The study and observation of nature gave birth to science" Cicero The ancient Greek philosopher Cicero lived a little later than Eratosthenes, with whose light hand the name "geography" appeared. Geography is an ancient science. It was precisely observations of nature, land descriptions, and attempts to measure the size of the globe that laid the foundation for it. At present, a person does not just describe nature, but also uses its riches, tries to find out how it works, according to what laws nature lives, how all its constituent parts are interconnected. The study and observation of nature led to the formation of not only geography, but also biology, physics, and many other sciences.

"Nature provides enough to satisfy natural needs." Seneca During the life of Lucius Seneca, this statement was undeniable. At present, due to the growing need of mankind for raw materials and fuel, the existence of civilization in the absence of basic types of resources and energy sources looks problematic. This can be confirmed by calculations. Explored oil reserves are 173.4 billion tons, oil production is 3.8 billion tons. Therefore, at the current level of oil production, there will be enough for only 46 years (Natural gas for 48 years, coal for 128 years). The annual population growth is 100 million people, the pressure on nature and natural resources is rapidly increasing. This statement can also be viewed from other points of view.

"There is nothing more inventive than nature." Aristotle Many interesting things happen in nature. Natural phenomena according to the place of their occurrence can be divided into: meteorological, geological, hydrological, biological. Among the meteorological there are very unusual ones. For example: rain of animals. A very curious natural phenomenon, known since ancient times. It always looks about the same. Heavy rain, wind, black sky. And suddenly all kinds of small living creatures begin to fall on the heads of the astonished citizens! Here are just a few of these cases: September 7, 1953, thousands of frogs fell from the sky on the city of Leicester in Massachusetts, USA. In 1978, it rained shrimp in New South Wales, Australia. Scientific American magazine on January 15, 1877 registered a shower of snakes that reached 18 inches in length. In 2002 it rained fish in the village of Korona (Greece). (See Appendix p.18) Giant hail and rhyometeorites, huge blocks of ice falling from the sky for no apparent reason, have been recorded since the 18th century. On August 13, 1849, a block of ice weighing more than half a ton fell on the Isle of Skye (Scotland), destroying the building. Similar cases were observed on April 2, 1973 in Manchester (England), on April 25, 1969 in Lakewood (USA), on May 8, 1970 in Yagotin (Ukraine, USSR). Over the past decade, about 50 cases of giant hail fallout have been recorded. Nature is very inventive!

“The doctor heals diseases, but nature heals.” Hippocrates And in the time of Hippocrates and at present, nature helps to relax, improve health. Recreational resources (from lat. recreatio - restoration), which are based on natural elements: sea coasts, river banks, forests, mountainous areas. Climatic recreational resources are the features of the region's weather that allow organizing various types of recreation. Water recreational resources include all water bodies located in a particular area. Forest recreational resources of this type include all forests located in the region that are considered suitable for recreation of the population and for the convenience of vacationers. Balneological resources: recreational resources include sources of unique mineral waters, as well as deposits of therapeutic mud of various origin and composition, including volcanic and sapropelic, peat and silt mud.

“Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.” Leonardo da Vinci Knowledge of the characteristics of countries: geographical location, nature, population develops the mind and geographical erudition, culture, forms the image of geographical space. The earth is huge, so a lifetime is not enough to know all the countries, all the unexplored parts of the earth. And in all corners of the globe you can find something new, curious and interesting.

“In an immoral society, all inventions that increase the power of man over nature are not only not good, but an undeniable and obvious evil.” Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy Currently, inventions that adversely affect nature have increased many times over. For example, a person came up with the idea of ​​using freons - harmless fluorine compounds in refrigerators, air conditioners, aerosol cans. Freons quickly rise up, enter into a chemical reaction with ozone. Ozone is destroyed. Ozone - traps most of the ultraviolet radiation, which is detrimental to living organisms. Large "ozone holes" are currently being formed. And in a society that is focused only on consumption, this will lead to an ecological disaster.

"Nature is the only book with great content on every page." Goethe "... the great book of nature is open to everyone, and in this great book so far ... only the first pages have been read." DI. Pisarev According to one of the hypotheses, the Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago, therefore, the development of the nature of the Earth took place for a very long time. This can be seen from the geochronological table, which contains the past of the Earth, it records what scientists have been able to find out. There is a lot we don't know yet. The duration of eras and periods is hundreds of millions of years. If we take the time of the existence of the Earth as 24 hours, then a person on Earth "exists, only 1 second." The Great Book of Nature is longer than the Book of Mankind.

“Christ walked on water. If the pollution of rivers does not stop, soon everyone will be able to walk on water.” Alexander Zhukov Thousands of chemicals enter watersheds every year, many of which are new chemical compounds. Elevated concentrations of toxic heavy metals (like cadmium, mercury, lead, chromium), pesticides, nitrates and phosphates, petroleum products, and surfactants can be found in water. As is known, up to 12 million tons of oil enters the seas and oceans every year. Nuclear power plants release radioactive waste into the water cycle. Municipal, domestic, industrial waste from settlements gets into the water. In rural areas, the problem of water quality is particularly acute - about 70% of all rural residents in the world constantly use polluted water for drinking and bathing.

"If Bigfoot existed, it would have been gone a long time ago." Alexander Zhukov According to the most conservative estimates, about 900 species of plants and animals have disappeared from the face of the Earth over the past five centuries. In the near future, more than 10,000 species of living organisms may join this list. I learned about a large number of animals that have disappeared from the face of the Earth: Quagga is a subspecies of the South African zebra. Javan tiger- a species of tiger that was found on the Indonesian island of Java. Syrian wild donkey found in the wild until the 19th century. Bubal hartebeest- This is a species of antelope that disappeared from the face of the Earth in 1923. The animal lived in North Africa. Ranking of countries by the number of endangered species of living organisms: 1. Ecuador (2,211), 2. USA (1,203), 3. Malaysia (1,166), 4. Indonesia (1,126), 5. Mexico (900), 6. China (841), 7. Australia (874), 8. Brazil (769), 9. India (687), 10. Philippines (682).

“India is a geographical term. Calling it a nation is like calling the equator a nation." Winston Churchill India is one of the oldest states in the world. True, in ancient times there was no country with the name "India", it was a generalized name for several dozen independent principalities. A single centralized state on the Hindustan Peninsula arose much later. The large size and some isolation of this territory led to the fact that it was called the Indian subcontinent. India is the most multiethnic country in the world. The concept of "Indians" unites several hundred ethnic groups - nations, nationalities that are at different stages of socio-economic development and speak different languages ​​(the total number of dialects reaches 1.6 thousand).

“There are two million gods in India, and they are all revered. In terms of religion, all other countries are poor, and only India is a millionaire. Mark Twain In India, 80% of the population is Hindu. The second widespread religion is Islam with about 13% of followers. Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated and exist in India. 2% of the population are Christians. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world after Christianity and Islam. Hinduism is practiced by more than 1 billion people, of which about 950 million live in India, the objects of worship in it are really different deities (Vishnu, Krishna, Shiva, etc.)

“A country with a constant climate cannot be especially beautiful.” Mark Twain If a country is located in the same climatic zone, for example, the equatorial one, then they have no diversity all year round hot and humid, because here the concept of weather and climate coincide. In countries located in several climatic zones, the climate changes, the weather changes, the colors of the sky change, the types of precipitation change, windy weather gives way to calm. The seasons of the year have different colors - summer is green, autumn is orange, winter is white. There is something especially beautiful in every season.

"Paris is inhabited loneliness." Francois Paris is a millionaire city, the capital of France. These words can be said not only about Paris, but also about any major city on the planet. Rural areas are characterized by community, life in plain sight, greater communication with neighbors and with nature. The city has a fast rhythm of life, heavy workload, a large number of strangers, stress. All this leads to forced urban loneliness. The city, along with the obvious good and comfort, in fact turned out to be a place of human loneliness. It would seem that scientific and technological progress contributes to the achievement of a stable and comfortable life for a modern person, and the emergence of various technical means facilitate communication in society, but for some reason a person has become less sociable, these are the results of statistical studies conducted in cities by sociologists.

“Cook, having landed on the island, looked at the cannibals as an anthropological exhibit, and those at him as a roast.” Karol Izhikovsky As you know, Cook died in the Hawaiian Islands. Contrary to popular belief, he was not eaten. Cook was killed in a duel with the leader on February 14, 1779 during the 3rd trip to the Hawaiian Islands, being attacked by the natives. The islanders, according to custom, dismembered Cook's body. According to the then Polynesian customs, great importance was attached to the remains of the enemy, because. believed that the qualities of the enemy are transferred to the winner. The aborigines did not eat Cook, his bones after the rites had to be buried in a special way. After lengthy negotiations, the British received from the Hawaiians the remains of Cook: a scalp, a head without a lower jaw, a femur, bones of the forearm and hands. On February 21, 1779, the Great Traveler was buried in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

“How much benefit comes from geography to the human race, everyone who has a concept and reason can judge about that” M.V. Lomonosov Geography carries the main idea: a person lives on the same Earth with nature, of which he himself is a particle. Geography, shows, reveals the beauty, originality of our world! Who, if not a geographer, will explain that nature is fragile and must be handled with care? No other subject in the school can sing the harmony of the unity of man with nature. Geography helps to imbue with a sense of respect, understanding for another person and other people, no matter in what corner of the Earth he lives. Geographical knowledge is becoming a daily necessity for people in their work and household activities - from choosing a place of residence (in a city, in a country, in the world), food products (produced in different parts of the globe) to the election of country leaders.

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