Irina Agibalova - unsuccessful plastic surgery, before and after photos. Irina Agibalova regrets plastic surgery Early years

Woman's Day found out how the "household" has changed while being on the perimeter of the country's most popular show.

Today you will not surprise anyone with an operation to increase the lips or breasts - a person brilliantly learned to correct the flaws of nature. Therefore, in our time, more and more people turn to plastic surgeons to get a beautiful nose, firm breasts and smooth skin. Participants in the controversial Dom-2 project are no exception.

Daria Pynzar

Aliana Gobozova

One of the most infamous participants in Doma-2, Aliana Gobozova, also decided on plastic surgery. In early March, a young mother changed the shape of her nose. Specialists from one of the capital's clinics corrected Aliana's deviated septum and removed the hump on her nose. The participant of "House-2" willingly shared pictures in the microblog that demonstrate the process of transition from the wrong nose to the ideal one.

Svetlana Ustinenko

The mother of Aliana Gobozova and also a participant in the project, Svetlana Ustinenko, rejuvenated without the help of a scalpel. Svetlana underwent a series of Botox and filler injections. With the help of injections, wrinkles between the eyebrows and around the eyes were removed for Svetlana Mikhailovna, the middle and lower thirds of the face were worked out, and the volume was restored with hyaluronic acid fillers.

Irina Agibalova

50-year-old Irina Alexandrovna performed a forehead and eyebrow lift, a mid-face lift, as well as a neck plastic surgery in the spring of 2012. Unfortunately, the operations were not entirely successful - as a result, the right eyebrow of the star dropped, and the right upper part of the face lost facial expressions.

“For salvation, I turned to the cosmetologist of the Doctor Plastic clinic, Tsygankova Olga Anatolyevna. She saved me! But before that, many doctors refused me ... "

Agibalova's next step towards beauty was gastric banding, which helped her lose 38 kg in a year. This time, Irina Alexandrovna was very pleased with the result of the surgical intervention.

“Begone, huge robes! - the ex-participant wrote in her blog. - Get away, fears to go to the beach in a bathing suit! Long live the new me!

Evgenia Feofilaktova

Evgenia was the first girl on the project who decided on breast plastic surgery and spoke openly about it.

Under the guns of the cameras, Feofilaktova went to consult a doctor, discussed her decision during the broadcasts. The videographer accompanied the participant of "House-2" literally to the operating room. The rehabilitation period has also passed online.

“Zhenya changed after the operation,” say the project participants. “She began to wear revealing blouses more often, which really suit her.”

And yet, before going under the knife, Feofilaktova was very worried.

“Already then I wanted a baby and immediately asked the doctor if silicone breasts would interfere with feeding the baby? Evgenia recalls. The doctor reassured me that this would not be a hindrance. The implant is placed under the breast and does not interfere with milk production.” Evgenia was very satisfied with the result of the operation. And the subsequent pregnancy, according to the celebrity, made her breasts even more natural.

“Before, she was like balls,” Evgenia shares. “And after giving birth, she sank, the outlines became softer.”

After breast plastic surgery, Evgenia decided to increase her lips with biogel injections. The next step was rhinoplasty.

“My wife didn’t like her nose,” recalls a friend of a celebrity. – She had rhinoplasty, which made her nose thinner and neater. Zhenya is happy!”

The ex-participant of "House-2" is sure that beautiful people are always more lucky: they are drawn to well-groomed ones, and she owes her current success, among other things, to constant work on her appearance.

“If there is a complex from a flat chest, why not? If your lips are thin and you want to give them a little plumpness - so be it. But everything is in moderation. You need to be able to stop, ”says Evgenia.

Margarita Agibalova

The birth of her son Mitya in December 2009 made Margarita decide to have a breast lift.

“After giving birth, Rita’s chest sagged a little,” says a friend of the ex-participant of Doma-2. - A slight asymmetry also appeared ... All this could not but upset Rita, because she is so young, she wanted to be a beauty! So she decided on a breast lift and small implants. Now her breasts look very natural. She didn't stop Rita from feeding her daughter Bella, who was born last June."

Nelly Ermolaeva

The host of the show “Two with Greetings” on the Ru.TV channel, and in the past, a participant in the Dom-2 project, Nelli Ermolaeva, underwent an operation to eliminate protruding ears in 2011. The only drawback of a beautiful spectacular girl more than once became the subject of controversy and ridicule over her from other participants.

So, the ex-lover of her first husband Nikita Kuznetsov, Evgenia Feofilaktova, repeatedly ridiculed Nelly's protruding ears. But even after the operation, the seemingly ideal appearance of the girl haunted the “household”.

On the sidelines of the project, they say that it was otoplasty that caused the girl to leave the project.

“During another quarrel, Nelly’s eternal opponent Mikhail Terekhin played a joke on her - they say, she sewed her ears on and sits, being clever,” recalls one of the participants in the project. “After that, Nelly freaked out, asked the organizers to give her a week’s vacation, and when she returned, she completely left the project ...”

Elena Bushina

Elena is one of the ex-participants of the project, who does not comment on the appeal to plastic surgeons. The fact that in 2011 the girl visited the surgical table was the first to be spoken by Bushina's fans - her nose became noticeably smaller and more attractive in appearance. Despite the fact that Bushina strongly denied the intervention of doctors in her appearance, her photographs spoke for themselves.

Before the operation, Bushina had a rather large nose with a hump, after rhinoplasty it became much smaller and smoother. Subscribers in Elena's social networks approved of her act.

“Her nose has become so cute, and Lena has become so feminine!” - fans praised the new image of the star.

Ksenia Borodina

The host of the project became the owner of a magnificent breast of the third size a year and a half after the birth of her daughter Marusya. For the first time, Borodina showed herself updated at the presentation of her own book on weight loss in the fall of 2011.

From direct questions whether she did plastic surgery, Borodina left or laughed it off, obviously not wanting to comment on this moment.

Rumors that the star really resorted to the help of plastic surgeons were confirmed by the ex-wife of her lover at that time, Mikhail Terekhin.

“Yes, Ksyusha really made her breasts,” said Christina. “Misha told me about it.”

Elina Kamiren

The project participant had a breast augmentation operation at the end of 2012. “I have always treated my breasts normally, my parameters suited me quite well,” Elina said. - I even liked that the chest was small: in a T-shirt on a naked body, it looked very sexy. I was often invited to shoot for various magazines, so I did not experience complexes at all. One day, my mother and I were chatting about our own, about women, and she made me think that it would be great to change my image: “Imagine you yourself are thin, and your breasts would be large, size four.” I was inspired by this idea, and I decided to have the operation. Once I lived and worked in New Zealand and promised to take my mother there. We flew to another continent, and there I turned to a doctor I knew. I had new generation anatomically shaped implants inserted under the muscle.”

Despite the good outcome of the operation, the star does not hide the fact that the rehabilitation period cannot be called the best time of her life.

“For the first two days, I jumped like a doe, because anesthesia was still in effect, then swelling and pain began, it was very uncomfortable to lie in any position,” Elina admitted. - To be honest, several times I even cried from pain, but the result was worth it. A month later, I was already sunbathing in Goa, and the views of those around me said that I had not suffered in vain, my chest looked very natural. I really like myself in T-shirts on a naked body - now I can afford it!

Elina's new breasts did an excellent job with the main test - feeding her newborn daughter Alexandra, who was born on December 18, 2014.

“During pregnancy, I did not experience any problems, the only difficult moment was that my breasts became immense in size. To my "fourth and a half" one and a half sizes were obviously added, and it was not easy to carry such a burden. After giving birth, I, as expected, started breastfeeding, I now have plenty of milk for my baby. But I want to give advice to girls who want to enlarge their breasts - trust only trusted specialists, read reviews about doctors on the forums ... It is also important not to overdo it with the size and after the operation, be sure to wear a bandage longer - I wore it for a month. The chest should not be pulled and warmed until everything falls into place. And then do with it whatever you like!”

Alena Vrazhevskaya

Alena Vrazhevskaya, a TV presenter from Yekaterinburg, underwent rhinoplasty during her stay on the project:

“As for my appearance, during my life on the project, I did rhinoplasty - now I really like my nose. And I also dream of increasing my breasts - two sizes! Now I have somewhere around 1.5, and I want my breasts to be at least the third size!”

Tatiana Okhulkova

For the first time, Tatyana Okhulkova "made" her lips four years ago. It's not painful, but quite tolerable, assures the star of the screen. Tanya came to the project already with plump lips, so the viewer has nothing to compare with.

“The first time I pricked my lips, the volume of liquid was 1.2 ml,” Okhulkova secretly says. - Then the volume changed - sometimes more, sometimes less. Now I have already achieved the desired result, and it’s enough for me to inject 0.5 ml every six months or eight months!”

As the ex-participant of “House-2” admitted, she dreamed of making plump beautiful lips from the age of 13: “I don’t fall for public opinion, this is my life and I have to live with my lips, with this form I feel comfortable! I have a positive attitude to changes in appearance, I'm bored of being the same throughout my life! Of course, there can be no talk of cardinal changes ... In general, do not be afraid to change your appearance and strive to be better!

Vlad Kadoni

The operation to increase the size of the male dignity Vlad Kadoni did in early 2010. The ex-participant was not at all shy about this and openly talked about male intimate plasticity.

According to Kadoni, it was not the lack of centimeters that made him decide on the operation, but the desire for perfection.

“I am an idealist,” says Vlad. “Size matters to me. Someone shaves baldly, someone makes a tattoo for himself, and I wanted to enlarge my penis, although I had no problems with size before the operation - the doctor even dissuaded me from surgical intervention ... ”As Kadoni says, after the operation he is more than a month old I had to wear a special design to form the correct scars. “Now they are not visible at all,” says Vlad. “Only memory reminds me of the operation.”

Rustam Solntsev

Rustam was forced to decide on a nose correction by a terrible accident in which he had more than ten years ago. As a result, her nasal septum Solntsev was completely destroyed. Rustam lay down on the surgical table for the first time at the end of 2013.

“My nose is like that of a boxer,” Rustam said. That's why I decided to have the operation. I didn’t have to prepare much - the doctor only advised to refrain from smoking so that the vessels would come into shape. ”

Unlike conventional rhinoplasty, which takes an hour and a half, Rustam's operation lasted three - the complexity of the procedure and the features of Rustam's nose affected. “He had practically no septum,” said Professor Igor Bely, doctor of medical sciences, who operated on Solntsev, from the Doctor Plastic clinic. - His nose will be in perfect condition not in six months, as is usually the case, but in a year. During this period, it is important to take care of your nose - in no case do not get involved in fights!

Julia and Ekaterina Kolesnichenko

Twin sisters cope with the imperfections of their appearance in a radical way and do not hide it. Even on the project, they became one of the first participants who periodically pump up their lips. And after the show, they moved on to more serious procedures. Julia (after Salibekov's marriage) even undertook to record video blogs, which she called "Transfiguration". This is a real live report, where the ex-participant of the Dom-2 project takes the operator to see surgeons, to operating rooms and dressing rooms. So, Julia went for correction and breast augmentation, correction of the upper arms, outer and inner thighs, liposuction. “The whole figure correction took six hours, of course, it hurts to wake up after anesthesia, but it's worth it. Three days later I could get up and walk. I am very happy - now I have a beautiful figure and beautiful breasts, ”says Yulia in a video blog.

Yulia also corrected her nose - with the help of rhinoplasty, they narrowed her and leveled the back of her nose. Recall that the girl is already growing two healthy sons (Roland is three years old, Eldar is not even a year old). After a recent birth, there is no talk of new operations yet, and Yulia is improving her figure with the help of a proven diet - she does not eat after six in the evening.

As for Katya Kolesnichenko (now she bears the surname Kapelyush), the girl also enlarged her breasts, following the example of her sister. But she still doesn't blog. But he shares the news on social networks: “I made sponges, pricked wrinkles on my forehead and mezhbrok!” Katya is in no hurry to answer sarcastic comments about where wrinkles come from at 27, and her fans defend the girl: “Mimic wrinkles at 27 already appear, and then turn from mimic into static ones. Therefore, it is better to do this in the early stages than to remove deep wrinkles later. In addition, Katya always keeps a close eye on her diet and does not miss workouts at the fitness club.

The star of the reality show "Dom-2" Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova, who is respectfully called the "grandmother" of the project, like any woman, is very scrupulous about her own appearance. It is difficult for her to refuse the presence of natural beauty and charm, but age is gradually making its own adjustments here. Therefore, at the end of 2011, 47-year-old Irina decided on a very radical plastic surgery -.

Not surprisingly, this event received appropriate coverage within the "House". Since the condition of the face of the star was very unsatisfactory, to which Agibalova turned for help, he proposed a rather radical rejuvenation option - performing several operations at the same time:

  • Endoscopic
  • Subperiosteal lifting of the middle zone of the face

Such an impressive “arsenal”, combined with the experience of the surgeon, made it possible to solve the task in the best possible way, as the photos of Irina Agibalova before and after the operation speak eloquently.

Unsuccessful plastic surgery Irina Agibalova

It is worth noting that facial plastic surgery was the first operation in Irina's life - at least that's what she told her fans. In addition, Agibalova said that she had never injected herself, but she did rejuvenating ones several times.

On the December airs of Doma-2, Irina Aleksandrovna attended a consultation, at which she and Blokhin discussed the details of the future facelift and took several photographs. The plastic surgery itself was carried out by Agibalova just before the New Year - on December 28th.

And just a week later, Irina Aleksandrovna reappeared on the TV screen, visiting the project with a short visit. The cameras recorded her "new" face in a surgical bandage and with characteristic postoperative hematomas.

It was too early to evaluate the transformations in the appearance of the star at that time - as a rule, preliminary conclusions about the results of a facelift are made 2-4 weeks after the operation. But already in mid-January, after the next broadcasts, the fans agreed that Agibalova really began to look noticeably younger than her age.

However, at the end of the month, when even postoperative edema had not subsided, and it was still very far from the final assessment of the results, a number of media outlets reported that Irina Agibalova had serious complications: her face lost its symmetry, it showed pronounced problems with facial expressions and unaesthetic scars.

Photo by Irina Agibalova before and after plastic surgery

It was at this moment that the very further participation of Irina Aleksandrovna in Dom-2 came into question. TV people simply refused to let her out on the site in this form.

The frustrated star immediately went for a consultation to another clinic (""). The result was disappointing: Agibalova was diagnosed with nerve damage, in particular, paresis of the frontal nerve, damage to the facial nerves and partial loss of ear sensitivity, as well as complex scarring with the formation of fibrous tissues.

The press, greedy for sensations, hastened to blame the incident, illustrating the event with photographs of Agibalova taken just a few days after the plastic surgery. Absolutely planned moments of the recovery period appeared as a “complication”, obvious to any specialist, but very shocking to a person unfamiliar with the features of such complex surgical interventions.

It cannot be said that this is a common practice, but such complications occur, and not so rarely - which is why Agibalova was initially recommended a set of "sparing" plastic surgeries that provide a similar effect (,). However, the choice was made in favor of a more traumatic one.

To calm the star, she was assigned a set of rehabilitation measures - and ultrasonic massage, physiotherapy, medication, etc. And at the end of February 2012, at a consultation, which included leading specialists from the clinic "", incl. her leader, as well as one of the leading European specialists in the field of plastic surgery, Professor Ulf Samuelsson, it was once again confirmed that Agibalova's plastic surgery was successful.

Of course, it was too early to talk about a full recovery at that moment, so the course of rehabilitation cosmetic procedures was continued. And after six months, the results of Irina Agibalova’s “unsuccessful” plastic surgery are better than any words to illustrate her photo.

Irina Alexandrovna after a complex of anti-aging measures: plastics,

A few years ago, Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova did not have such popularity as now. She gained fame exactly at the moment when she first appeared on the set of the famous youth television project Dom-2. A young woman allegedly came here to help her daughters, who are on the project, build relationships. Today we have prepared for you a material in which we will tell about the life of Irina Agibalova before and after the project, as well as about her being on the TV set.

By the way, this project has become very significant for the Agibalov family. It was on it that Irina's daughters - Olga and Margarita - met their halves, and the woman herself (with a very ordinary appearance) managed to turn into a real beauty, using the services of eminent plastic surgeons.


Irina Agibalova (nee Tarasenko) was born on November 1, 1964 in the Kazakh SSR, in the village. Borodulikha, Semipalatinsk region. Mom has German roots, and father is Russian. Alexander Tarasenko was the head of the UMS (Department of mechanization of construction) in Kazakhstan. Currently, Irina's father is no longer alive. For ten years, Irina studied at the educational institution named after N. Ostrovsky. After leaving school in 1981, the girl enters the Pedagogical Institute in Semipalatinsk, specializing in biology. She successfully graduated from the Institute in 1986.

From the biography of Irina Agibalova, it is known that she has an older sister, Galina, who currently lives with her mother (who, by the way, recently celebrated her 81st birthday) in the Altai Territory in the city of Rubtsovsk. Galina holds the position of head of the neurological department of the local city hospital.

Personal life of Irina Agibalova

While still living in Semipalatinsk, in 1985 the girl met Yuri Agibalov, who later became her husband. The novel proceeded very rapidly and after two weeks the young people filed an application with the registry office, and then legalized their relationship. A year and a half later, Yuri and Irina became parents: in November 1986, their daughter Olga was born. Before and after the decree, Irina Agibalova worked at a local school - she taught biology lessons. Another daughter, Margarita, was born in the late summer of 1990.

Moving to Russia

Four years after the birth of their youngest daughter, the Agibalov family decides to move from the military town of Chagan in the Semipalatinsk region to the city of Schelkovo-3 (Moscow region), where Yuri's parents lived. In a new place, Irina gets a job at school number 14, but not as a teacher, but as deputy director for educational work. Here she continues to work until 1997. A year later, the family decides to move to Reutov (Moscow region), and a year later (in 1999) - South Butovo.

Divorce from husband, career, reconciliation

In 1999, the marriage of the Agibalovs broke up. Ira immediately marries the director of the company where she worked. From this man, Irina gave birth to a son, Oleg. However, this marriage did not last long and ended in 2000.

Agibalova's career developed successfully. Having settled down in 2002 as a manager in a wholesale company that was engaged in the sale of ferrous metals, Irina ends her career in 2008 as the financial director of Pharmaservice LLC.

7 years after the divorce, Irina and Yuri decide to renew their relationship. They sell their apartments in Reutovo and Butovo, buy a house in Pavlovsky Posad. In December 2016, Yuri Agibalov adopts Ira's child from his second marriage. From that time on, Oleg bears the patronymic and surname of Yuri.

"House 2"

Irina Agibalova began to appear on the Dom-2 project when her youngest daughter Margarita became a participant in the project. In December 2009, Margarita and ex-participant of Doma-2 Evgeny Kuzin had a son. When a young couple after maternity leave (April 1, 2010) returned to the project, Irina came with them. According to the young family, they need a grandmother to help take care of the child. However, Irina takes part not only in the life of her grandson Mitya Kuzin, but also the participants. By the way, Irina Agibalova never liked Evgeny Kuzin, so she tried her best to push her daughter Margarita to divorce. Which eventually happened.

When the eldest daughter Olga appeared on the Doma-2 project, her mother began to take care of her in every possible way. She tried to promote her daughter's romances with the young people she liked. The special attention of the mother led to a nervous breakdown, because of which Olga had to resort to the services of a psychologist. Irina Agibalova has developed contradictory and rather complicated relations with the Doma-2 team. At first, young people refrained from the arrogant and haughty injections of an adult woman in the same coin, but gradually began to behave in a similar way. Agibalova sought to control her personal life, and not only her daughters, but also all members of the team.

Romance with Alexei Samsonov

At the time when Irina was on the television platform, she was credited with an affair with the heartthrob of the project, Alexei Samsonov. He did not refute the rumors about the relationship with a married woman. But after several years, in 2017, Alexey admitted that in fact there were no love relationships. It was a production by the organizers of "House-2".


During her stay on the project, ex-participant Irina Agibalova was hospitalized more than once. Many agree that the woman did plastic surgery. In addition, she regularly visited beauty salons and did anti-aging procedures. Most viewers suggest that, most likely, Irina did liposuction, although she herself denies this. She says that she had a benign tumor removed, after which she had to follow a strict diet.

"Bug of the Year"

Twice during her time on the project (in 2011 and 2012), Irina won the vote of viewers in the nomination "Mug of the Year", with which she categorically disagreed. Right after she was presented with the diploma frame for the first time, she casually threw it into the crowd of participants over her. It was only by pure chance that the glass frame did not hit Ilya Gazhienko, the future husband of Olga Agibalova.

Leaving the project

After the birth of their son, Olga Agibalova-Gazhienko and her husband left the project, this happened in mid-June 2013.

Margarita left the television set even earlier. Due to the fact that the concept of the show is based on family relationships, it was decided to refuse the further participation of Irina Agibalova in the filming. In the summer of 2013, she ceased to be a member of the TV project.

After the project

Currently, Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova can be seen on various entertainment programs and talk shows that go on TNT. She successfully maintains her Internet blog about fashion, cosmetology, beauty, and weight loss. Irina radically changed her appearance, resorting to anti-aging plastic surgery. After several plastic surgeries, she learned to take care of herself on her own. She managed to lose weight well and completely change her lifestyle. By the way, before joining the project, Irina weighed more than 100 kg, currently her weight is 72 kg. Professional stylists taught her how to choose clothes for herself in such a way as to hide all the flaws in her figure.

Irina Agibalova most often attracts peers and housewives to her profile. She often uploads cooking, likes to show the house where the family lives, talk about repairs, creating coziness and comfort.

In summer, he likes to boast of a magnificent garden and a rich harvest. Irina believes that at her age it is very important to take care of herself, so she pays great attention to her appearance.

Former member of "House-2" Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova shared her experience. While still on the project, the famous TV grandmother underwent plastic surgery, wanting to look younger. However, the surgical intervention was unsuccessful, Irina Alexandrovna had problems. Today Agibalova spoke in detail about what she had experienced then.

“Two and a half years ago, I decided to have plastic surgery for a circular facelift. What for? Don't know! Most likely, the psychological state at that time prompted me to take this rash step! Now that I have gone through all the circles of hell, I would not go for it!!! - Irina Alexandrovna assures. – Before deciding on the most complicated operation, you need to carefully study everything, re-read the forums, special sites, learn everything about the doctor, but it’s better if he is recommended by those who have already been to him!!! But what happened, what happened!

“I made up my mind and the operation was carried out exactly one week before the New Year,” continues Agibalova. “The result didn’t just upset me. I was shocked! The doctor did not tell me that there was a disorder with the right eyebrow, and forced me to bandage my forehead tightly, which immediately led to severe swelling of the lower part of the face and, as a result, to lymphostasis. Then the doctor suggested that I have a second operation 10 days after the first one to correct my right eyebrow. I agreed, what was there to do? And again unsuccessfully. The next suggestion from the doctor - to inject Botox so that he keeps his eyebrow lowered, scared me, and I just ran away from that clinic, which I am infinitely happy about!

Of course, the adventures of Irina Alexandrovna did not end there. To remedy the situation, she needed immediate advice from an experienced specialist. Fortunately, she was lucky.

“Thank you very much to my producer Mikhailovsky Alexei Nikolaevich! When he saw me, he immediately turned to specialists and gave the task to find a doctor who would help me! And found! It was the clinic "Doctor Plastic" headed by its founder and head Ilya Vyacheslavovich Sergeev. I am extremely grateful for his help! - Irina Alexandrovna notes. – The first thing the doctors of this clinic did was to send me for an examination to the best neurologist in Moscow. There I was given a disappointing diagnosis: postoperative paresis of the ear nerve and contusion of the right frontal nerve, which led to the drooping of the right eyebrow and the absence of facial expressions in the right upper part of the face. And if I let Botox inject, the nerve would simply die! I will not write about how many drugs I took! But in the clinic of Dr. Sergeev, patronage of me was transferred to the beautician Tsyganova Olga Anatolyevna, who took a great part in the rehabilitation program and became my savior angel from deformity!

The ex-participant of the popular TV project illustrated her shocking revelations with a collage, which clearly shows how she looked after an unsuccessful plastic surgery. Many admirers of Irina Aleksandrovna, her story made her feel respect for the suffering she experienced. In addition, fans noted that today Agibalova looks so young and fresh that many of her peers can envy her. In autumn, Irina Alexandrovna, mother of three children and grandmother of three grandchildren, will celebrate her 50th birthday.

As the practice of show business development in the countries of the former Soviet Union shows, after six months of constant being on the screens, the "star" has a desire to improve his appearance. We are talking about losing weight, and about the style of clothing, the manner of speaking, and of course about plastic surgery.

Watching Dom-2 fresh episodes, you can see how reality show participants change their appearance in an effort to become a pi star:

During the passage of the reality show Dom-2, more than fifteen participants upgraded their appearance using the services of plastic surgeons. This number is only those who agreed to advertise this event. And how many of those who decided to keep their "artificial" improvements a secret?...

As a rule, surgical intervention concerns breast augmentation and liposuction, but there is also a correction of certain parts of the face: ears, chin, nose, and so on. Below you can see photos "before" and "after" plastic surgery of rating participants and hosts of the Dom-2 project.

1. Daria Pynzar made a breast augmentation. After giving birth, like any nursing mother, her breasts increased by a couple of sizes, which the girl really liked and soon she decided to have plastic surgery so that her breast size remained unchanged. It is worth noting that her husband Sergei Pynzar was not against it at all.

2. Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova - complex facelift. The elder Agibalova began to look noticeably better. Reading reviews about herself on social networks, she decided that it was time for her to put herself in order.

3. Margarita Agibalova - breast lift. After pregnancy, Rita needed only a breast lift. At least, on the airs of the project, she reported that she did not increase her breast size ...

4. Evgenia Feofilaktova - breast augmentation, cheiloplasty. From the first day of her stay at Dom-2, Zhenya tried to show herself as the most beautiful girl in the project. She soon realized that in order to really live up to this title, a number of improvements needed to be made.

5. Vlad Kadoni - penis enlargement. Vlad most likely took this step in order to attract attention to himself, because on the air the organizers of Dom-2 showed how the doctor tried to dissuade him from the operation, saying that his “sizes” were more than normal.

6. Nelli Ermolaeva - otoplasty. Nelly is a very creative person. She understood that after the project she would continue her career and she needed to change the shape of her ears, which she always hid with a hairstyle.

7. Elena Bushina - rhinoplasty. During her stay on the project, Lena was very embarrassed by the shape of her nose, and after seeing the results of her colleagues, she also resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.

8. Inna Volovicheva - body shaping, breast lift. Inna is probably the most prominent member of Dom-2. She managed to change her appearance so that now she earns a lot of money on this, telling everyone about the secrets of her weight loss...

9. Alena Vodonaeva - breast augmentation. From the very beginning of her television career, Alena understood that in order to achieve results, she needed to look good. Vodonaeva's new breasts had a lot of influence on her development in show business.

10. Svetlana Davydova - lipofilling. Perhaps Sveta had the most unsuccessful trip to a plastic surgeon. The pleasant appearance of Davydova changed for the worse: huge lips and protruding cheekbones made her face rough and asymmetrical.

11. Anastasia Kovaleva - breast augmentation. Nastya was a very bright member of Dom-2, who was among the most beautiful participants in the reality show. When, on the air of Dom-2, the participants talked about the fact that the girl had enlarged her breasts, her fans were never surprised.

12. Erika Kisheva - sex change operation. Erica is an outstanding personality not only at Dom-2, but throughout Russia. The girl was once a man who was engaged in intimate services in order to earn money for all the plastic surgeries and become a girl.

14. Ksenia Borodina - breast augmentation. There was no official statement that she had a breast augmentation. But, judging by the appearance, many experts who are also her fans claim that there was plastic surgery.

15. Ksenia Sobchak - rhinoplasty, chin plastic. Ksyusha changed the shape of her nose even before the project, but she took up her chin already being the host of House-2. There is no confirmation that she did plastic surgery, since the girl turned to expensive European clinics.

There are a lot of rumors around the reality show Dom-2 all the time. The last of them say that the organizers of the project decided to ban the plastic surgery of the participants. Most likely, this is due to the fact that fans want to see on the screens of people similar to them, and not to the "ordinary" stars of show business.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...