Interests and motives for working in the FSB. Why I want to serve in the security agencies essays and term papers

The work is interesting because a seventh grade student begins to be interested in issues related to the security of his country and its population. He tries to cover this issue the way he sees it at his young age. Composition: “Why I want to serve in the FSB” we offer you to read today.

Only worthy men are capable of doing great things, which is why I sincerely wish to work in the Russian FSB. I don’t want to spend my life on low and petty work, for me only real deeds for the good of my fatherland.

I am sure that in order to work in this structure, you need to be able to do a lot. In such bodies, each employee is an excellent analyst and has psychological training. He can influence others and obtain the necessary information. Another employee of such a structure must be able to handle weapons, have excellent combat training, iron nerves and a great desire to always take risks.

The Russian FSB means intelligence, anti-terrorist and anti-criminal activities and counterintelligence. I like fighting criminals the most

and economic crimes, as well as intelligence. Such a risky and dangerous job is just for me. I am ready for it, as it is very significant and interesting for me. With such activities, I will really benefit society by saving people.

I, as an employee of the FSB, will identify drug dealers, bribe takers, smugglers, factories that produce burnt alcohol. I am always ready to stand guard over the law on a par with the police. Thanks to the FSB officers who are fighting terrorism and bandits, the citizens of our fatherland can feel completely safe. Being engaged in counterintelligence, you can conduct such exciting and complex things at the same time as the extraction of secret information and the suppression of its leaks.

I also like that working as a federal, I will have various powers. Such people have quite significant authority, they will be able to see the whole world, their power will always be in knowledge. It is also important for me that the pay for Chekist work is very high. It is pleasant and fair to receive what is deserved for such a responsible and difficult work. And my favorite job, in addition to a high salary, will also bring me pleasure.

I know that if I am an FSB officer, then you can always rely on me, because I believe that I am an honest, devoted, loyal, persistent, patient, developed, intelligent and courageous person. Namely, these are selected as scouts. Since childhood, I have been interested in learning about the activities of law enforcement organizations, their structures, types and powers. Federal authorities are doing necessary and important work to maintain security, order and peace in Russia. The organized structures of the FSB are very successfully coping with their duties. And I will definitely work in their ranks!


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The closer the graduation class, the more often each of us thinks about the future profession. I also think about it very often, because in the future I want to get not just a profession, but an interesting job that I will really like. I think I have already decided and it will be a service in the FSB of Russia. Why do I want to serve in the FSB? I'll try to answer this in my .

I want to serve in the FSB of Russia

To be honest, I went through many different professions and realized one thing, wiping my pants in the office is not my thing. I don't see myself as an office worker. Something very serious attracts me. For example, the fight against terrorist acts, corruption, activities aimed at disclosing illegal armed groups. I like this and I realized it when I began to read the first books on the topic of intelligence and law enforcement. When I read detective stories and watched films with the participation of FSB officers, even then I began to think that I was dreaming of such a profession. At the same time, I perfectly understand how dangerous and responsible work this is. It won't be the same as in the movie.

I want and will serve in the FSB, so I am already gradually preparing for my future profession. I develop in myself such qualities as endurance, courage, patience, devotion. I try to develop stamina, I develop intellectually and physically. I understand that this is one of the important qualities of the FSB officers. In addition, FSB officers are also psychologists and analysts. These are people with a sharp mind, and they perform the tasks assigned to them quickly and accurately. This is how I envision myself in the future.

Why do I want to serve in the FSB of Russia? Because it is this service that conducts such activities as the border service, intelligence and counterintelligence, the fight against terrorism, economic criminals, and drug dealers. This service is not only interesting, but also beneficial. After all, the inconspicuous work of the FSB officers makes it possible for ordinary people to live without fear. It pains me to watch on the news how houses are blown up, the metro is undermined, how terrorists take people hostage. These messages have always worried me, and today they worry even more. I want to make my contribution so that all this does not exist, or at least becomes less. That's why I want to serve in the FSB. Why am I not considering a job with the police? Because I want to protect the security of the country and citizens not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The Federal Security Service of Russia ensures the security of the Russian state and all its inhabitants. The certificate of this structure opens many doors better than a grenade, it puts people in a stupor and awe, because they don’t tell much about the FSB and it’s not clear what they do there, what they do, what kind of people work. The memory of the Cheka, the NKVD and the KGB, formidable predecessors who helped the state to exist in especially difficult times, also affects.

The dream to be in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland visits many young minds. Everyone knows how to get to a factory or a technical university, but how to get into the FSB?

Selection system

There is a strict selection system for special structures. It includes a thorough health check, compliance with parameters for height, weight, vision. Within a month, the candidate and his relatives may be checked. Indeed, to serve in the FSB of Russia, it is necessary to have only Russian citizenship, and the presence of relatives abroad can become an insurmountable obstacle.

After all the checks, psychological tests and the delivery of physical standards follow. Each department has its own standards, but from the average, a candidate in any case needs to monitor his health, run a hundred meters in 14 seconds and a kilometer in 4 minutes 25 seconds.

FSB officers are the elite among civil servants, both in terms of intellectual indicators and strength. Therefore, the presence of titles, awards in sports competitions, major olympiads will be a plus for you. It is also desirable not to have serious injuries and illnesses in the past, such as concussions or large scars. During a medical examination, everything is examined up to moles and tattoos.

There are two types of candidates for the FSB: those who have references from current employees or veterans, and those who do not. If you are from the second type, then they will look at you much more carefully, and if a candidate with a characteristic applies for the same place as you, then most likely they will choose him.

Before thinking about how to get into the FSB, it is worth deciding for yourself that later life will be connected with the service to the state. This means certain restrictions for life, restrictions on movement, on traveling abroad. In exchange, there will be a package of privileges, state security and much more, depending on the position and merit.

If you agree with this, then you need to be honest on the tests. By order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2011, each candidate must be tested for toxic, drug, alcohol addiction. It is also required to undergo a psychological examination, including a polygraph.

Required documents

Have you started thinking about how to get into the FSB? Collect documents. Here is an approximate package of documents that a candidate needs to collect:

  • An application for consideration of a candidacy with consent to the restrictions that are placed on the FSB officer, and with the consent that personal data will be carefully examined.
  • Autobiography. Everything is simple here: you do not need to write an essay, you need to correctly describe in which family you grew up, who are your parents, which school you studied at, which university, marital status.
  • Questionnaire in form No. 4.
  • Personal documents in the form of a passport, military ID, driver's license, education documents, international passport (if any).
  • Documents of direct relatives.
  • Certificate of income, existing property and material obligations (for example, a loan).
  • The set also needs photographs, as in a passport, since for each candidate, a file is opened in several copies.

FSB structure

The FSB of Russia has several departments. Each of them requires qualified personnel. You can choose according to your abilities and preferences and aim for the goal. The most famous department is the border control service. All border guards are tested and belong to this structure. The second most famous department is counterintelligence, that's where the guys dream, that's where the special forces, operational work.

One of the main opponents of the world order is terrorism. The FSB has a department for combating terrorism, interstate and within the country. Here, extremists, rioters and other unstable elements are identified and processed.

The rest of the departments are equally important, but not as well known. There is a scientific and technical center, which is responsible for communications, information protection, and is engaged in scientific developments. There is a center for ensuring the security of the country's economy, which is responsible for order in the structure of transport, industry, and the credit and financial sphere. There is also a department for international contacts, a personnel department and a department that synchronizes the work of the entire structure.

Service in the FSB is an honorable occupation, but not always an easy one. Not many choose this path.

Spetsnaz FSB

It is impossible not to mention the famous Alpha group. This is a legendary combat unit created back in the Soviet Union. Many boys dream of getting there, and when they become military men, they understand how difficult it is. The requirements for candidates here are very high, both physical and intellectual. The question of how to get into the FSB is complicated, but how to get into Alpha is a question with many unknowns for an ordinary resident of our country, but not insoluble. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

FSB Academy

This is an institution that accepts only the best young people who are ready to serve their state. Many people only know about the academy in Moscow, but there are also regional branches in which the passing score is somewhat lower. The Academy of the FSB is not an ordinary institution of higher education; it also imposes requirements on the physical preparation of the applicant. Upon graduation, people get a prestigious job that pays decently.

Many will ask why the FSB? The answer to this question is quite simple, while serving in this unit, in addition to rights and obligations, a huge number of benefits “fall” for a person.

If you are a young and promising person who is less than 25 years old, then you can go to study at any FSB academy. In a specialized university, you will receive not only a good scholarship of about 13,000 rubles, but upon graduation you will become a lieutenant. Also, there is no corruption at all in these educational institutions, our state very carefully monitors that only the best students enter and exit.

And people who have trained and are already serving in the FSB have a lot of advantages. This is not only status and respect in narrow circles (there are departments of the FSB in which the disclosure of inside information is a jurisdictional case) but also a salary for each rank.

In some departments, it takes two years to complete, meaning you'll retire twice as fast as you would in a regular job. Here we are not talking about any kind of certificates, paid business trips and various housing.

If you serve in the FSB until retirement, then you are guaranteed to have your own house or apartment, good earnings, and a bunch of useful and necessary connections.

Of course, you will not be initiated into state secrets or something like that, just work, as elsewhere, only requiring physical / mental strength. Again, depending on which department.

It is also important that you will receive medical benefits not only for yourself, but for your entire family, which is also a huge plus in the treasury of the service.
The salary is above average and the work is not very dusty.

But there are also negative sides to such a vocation, for example, one cannot travel abroad and disclose information. Therefore, you can not even get drunk, so as not to blurt out too much.

But you must admit, these are not entirely cons if you look at the fact that in Russia there are so many places where you can relax, moreover, with a salary above the average income. You can rise to the top, and there, as everyone knows, it’s also good to work.

Many go to the FSB due to good career growth, this is what helps people and motivates them.

Based on the foregoing, you can make a choice that serving in the Security Service is quite profitable, but again, when your soul “lies” for such a service. Do not forget that this is an army, and everything is done according to the charter. You may be ordered to go to work even on a day off, and then you will need to do it.

In fact, this is not so scary, but if you are not ready for constant stress and difficulties, then this job is definitely not for you.
If, nevertheless, you decide to take this step, and withstand all the loads, only a good future awaits you. After all, you will have an apartment, free treatment, and you can start a normal family.

Raise children, and live comfortably all the time after retirement. The FSB officers are not bad at all. And in some units, even reach it 2 times faster.

Also, if you quit earlier, for example, after 4 or 7 years, you can go to any security service. Seeing that you served in the FSB, you will be received with open arms.

Do not forget about paid business trips to Russian cities, a great opportunity to travel and work at the same time.

Again, repeating it is your personal choice whether you need it or not. If you are an avid traveler and want to see the whole world, then this is definitely not your job. But in any case, if everything suits you, then it’s worth at least trying, it definitely won’t get worse.

Employees are accepted for service in the Federal Security Service both in civilian personnel and in military personnel. The FSB employs people of various specialties, from plumbers to cryptographers. The main forge of officers of the FSB of Russia -.

The Academy of the FSB of Russia is one of the most respected educational institutions in Russia. Within the walls of the academy, specialists in various fields are trained. For five years of study, students are trained in classical intelligence and counterintelligence, receive a higher legal education, undergo military and physical training. Get the necessary minimum knowledge in related areas of the profession. The practice is carried out in the operating units of the FSB of the Russian Federation, the specifics of which are close to the chosen profession.

The FSB Academy teaches more than two hundred teachers. Among them are more than a hundred candidates and doctors of sciences, academicians, corresponding members of various academies. These are professional teachers and famous scientists. The best minds of the country are preparing future FSB officers. The seminars are attended by specialists from research institutes, current and retired FSB operatives.

Teachers from other leading universities of Russia are invited to the classes.

Students specialize in the following areas:

  1. Information security of telecommunication systems.
  2. Information security of automated systems.
  3. Information-analytical security systems.
  4. Computer security.
  5. Cryptography.
  6. Opposition to technical intelligence.
  7. Legal support of national security.
  8. Translation and translation studies.
The Federal Security Service of Russia carries out activities in the following areas:
  1. counterintelligence activities.
  2. Activities aimed at combating terrorism.
  3. Intelligence activities.
  4. border activity.
  5. Information Security.

The professions of employees of the Federal Security Service are diverse. All of them are aimed at protecting the country, increasing its power, defense capability and security. The increased motivation of employees attracts many people to the service, but the highest requirements for personal characteristics, requirements in work, leave the best of the best officers in the service of the FSB of Russia.

From the point of view of an attacker against the interests of the country, the existence of the FSB is in itself one big minus. The FSB of the Russian Federation was created to protect the security of the country, the pros and cons of the profession of an FSB officer are considered from the position of a citizen and patriot of the Russian Federation.

Benefits of serving in the FSB

  • The first and most important plus of service in the FSB is moral satisfaction from work. The actions of the FSB of Russia are aimed at protecting the country, and should make a feasible contribution to the common cause, designed to strengthen the country's position in the world, increase its power and defense capability, the dream of any Russian patriot.
  • Opportunity to get the best education in the country. As an organization guarding the security of the country, the FSB pays special attention to the training of personnel. Many FSB officers have several higher educations.
  • FSB officers have Opportunity for high career growth, an example of this is V.V. Putin - President of the Russian Federation.
  • FSB officers belong to the elite of law enforcement agencies. Their real deeds, which serve to strengthen the country, become known to a simple layman forever, but the veil of secrecy and the work of propaganda arouse the respect of the citizens of the country. This is a worthy reward for hard work.
  • Worthy financial reward. The country does not skimp on security and material incentives for employees are properly organized.
  • Possibility of implementing a special service officer in scientific fields. Many scientists are FSB officers. They make their discoveries in the service.
  • High responsibility b, for example, an FSB officer is a secret carrier, which increases his significance and self-esteem.

Cons of serving in the FSB

  • Federal Security Service of Russia - military organization, with all the ensuing hardships and hardships. A person does not belong to himself, he belongs to the service, and he does not have the possibility of free choice. He acts in the interests of the service and on its orders.
  • . Work in the FSB is work on the wrong side of life, with all its disgusting manifestations. Often, an FSB officer has to perform work that is unnatural for a person, which has a detrimental effect on the psyche of the employee.
  • Physical activity is also very high.. FSB officers do not work according to norms and plans, but aimed at results. Forces and means are not standardized, which requires serious physical training.
  • FSB officers are subjected to increased risk to life and health. Operating in a hostile environment, an FSB officer risks many times more than employees of other law enforcement agencies. The specifics of the FSB's actions imply increased risks.
  • High responsibility, for example, an FSB officer is a secret carrier, which significantly limits his freedom of action.


The FSB of the Russian Federation is a place of service for people with a high level of civic responsibility, physically developed, brilliantly educated. To be an FSB professional means to be among the elite who receive all possible rewards for their service. In response, the FSB officer fully devotes himself to the service, is ready for increased risks and prohibitive workloads.

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