An interesting script for children about art forms. Almaty teachers

Age of students: Target:

Tasks: Contribute to the education of the moral culture of students; ato activate the activity of students through extra-curricular activities; inidentify connoisseurs of fine and musical art; Rto develop the creative abilities of children, to instill an interest in beauty; incultivate a love for art, creativity.



Scenario of the quiz "Musical palette"

Age of students:the event is designed for middle-level children (grade 6).

Target: the development of schoolchildren's interest in artistic and creative activities, figurative and associative thinking, fantasy, visual-musical-figurative memory, emotional and aesthetic perception of reality.


Contribute to the education of the moral culture of students;

Activate students' activities through extracurricular activities;

To identify connoisseurs of fine and musical art;

To develop the creative abilities of children, to instill an interest in beauty;

Cultivate a love of art, creativity.

The form: group work, round table discussion.

Methods: conversation, discussion, competition, contests.

Equipment and accessories:projector, computer, music discs withworks by P.I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi, A4 sheets,signal cards with the number of the answer,watercolor, brushes, markers, colored paper, glue.

visual material:

On the desk: " Music and painting -

Two great beginnings

Two elements of art "V.V. Aleev

Slide presentation, reproductions of paintings by artists.

Criteria for the effectiveness of this event:

There is an emotional active participation of schoolchildren in the discussion of the topic;

The spirit of collectivism, solidarity is manifested;

Tolerance, goodwill towards each other is manifested;

The creative potential of students is revealed;

An expansion of the horizons and worldview of schoolchildren is being formed;

There is a desire to improve oneself;

Conditions contributing to the effectiveness of this event:

The event is held in accordance with the plan of the subject decade of the Moscow Region for teachers of art, technology and physical education;

The formulation of the goal is based on an analysis of the state of interests and needs of students,the formation of motivation among schoolchildren for positive and creative self-realization;


A quiz is one of the simple types of extracurricular activities in which children participate with pleasure. All that matters is desire, a little imagination.


1. "Team business card" (choice of captain, team name, emblem, song)

2. "Warm-up"

3. Competition: "Music in color"

4. "Geometric kaleidoscope"

5. “Competition of captains. Is it true that…?”

6. "Guess"

7. Summing up.

Event progress:

Teacher: Hello participants and guests! We are very glad to see you. Let's start the Musical Palette quiz. I would like to start with the words of the composer and musician VV Aleev: "Music and painting - Two great beginnings, Two elements of art."

Teacher: What do you guys think these words mean?

Students: Express their opinion about music and painting.

Teacher: Right. We are going with you to the world of music and painting. Please listen to the rules of the "Musical Kaleidoscope" quiz: for each correct answer, the team is given a chip. In the end, the team with the most chips wins. And so, we begin.

  1. Teacher: Competition "Business card of teams". (A4 sheets, watercolors, brushes, markers, felt-tip pens are on the desks). Teams within 5 minutes must choose the captain of their team, come up with a team name, draw an emblem, pick up and sing a song. Is the assignment clear? Let's get started. (Music plays in the background).

Evaluation criteria:originality of ideas, accuracy, fantasy, relevance to the theme, artistry.

Well, what? Are the teams ready? Hands out chips.

Students: All team members leave. They voice the name of the captain of their team, the name of the team, analyze the emblem (musical symbols and drawing tools can be depicted on the emblem), perform a song. Get chips for completed tasks.

  1. Teacher: Competition "Warm-up". Team captains are invited to choose a task (tickets) for their team. Each ticket contains questions from the material on music and visual arts:

What is the name of the picture that depicts nature?

What is the name of the painting that depicts the sea?

What is the name of the picture in which the person is depicted?

What is the name of the picture, which depicts things and objects?

What is the name of an ensemble consisting of two people?

What is the name of an ensemble consisting of three people?

What is the name of a group of four people?

What is the name of the ensemble, consisting of five people?

Teams within 5 minutes must remember the material studied in the lessons and answer.

Evaluation criteria:knowledge of the material, for each correct answer the team is given a chip, if the opposing team answered the question, this team receives an additional chip.

Students: They answer questions. Get chips for correct answers.

  1. Teacher: Our next contest is called “Music in Color”. I propose to listen to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky. We won't tell you the name yet. What you present to the music depict on the album sheet. Give a title to your picture and piece of music.

Evaluation criteria:accuracy, fantasy, imagination, when answering it is recommended to give an analysis of your work: for example, what did you depict, why? what colors did you use and why? what title did you give to the piece of music, why?

Students and Teacher:Have a conversation about the drawings.

  1. Teacher: Competition "Geometric Kaleidoscope". Guys, look at your desks there are geometric shapes (from colored paper). Within 10 minutes, the teams need to make some real or fantastic picture out of these figures: a landscape, a portrait, an animal, etc. At the end of the work, give the name of the application, tell about the method of implementation.

Evaluation criteria:originality of ideas, accuracy, fantasy, ingenuity.

Students: The captains protect the work of the team. Get chips for correct answers.

  1. Teacher: Captains Competition. This competition is called "The truth is that ...". Team captains choose a card with a true or false statement.

Ancient theater appeared in Greece and was called the Colosseum?

Does the silhouette tell us in detail about all the subtleties of the object and show its color?

The work "The Seasons" was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky?

Application can be made from any materials?

First people learned to draw, and then write?

Was the work “Pictures at an Exhibition” written by L.V. Beethoven?

Does green only apply to a cold palette?

Graphic materials include: gouache, watercolor?

The ballet "Petrushka" was written by B. Kustodiev?

Evaluation criteria: knowledge of the material, for each correct answer the captain is given a chip, if the captain of the opposing team answered the question, this team receives an additional chip.

Students: Captains compete in their knowledge. Get chips for correct answers.

  1. Teacher: So, our final contest is called "Guess".

You need to choose the correct answer and raise a signal card with the number of the answer.

Painters write:

1) Only paints.

2) Only with pencils.

3) Paints and pencils.

A person who draws animals is called:

1) Pessimist.

2) Animalist.

3) landscape painter.

Objects made of clay or plasticine are called:

1) Architecture.

2) Graphics.

3) Sculpture.

What does the artist depict when he paints a still life?

1) Inanimate objects

2) Nature

3) Birds and animals

Glinka is:

1) Paint bag

2) Material for modeling

3) Last name of the composer

What are the names of the pictures in the book?

1) Sketch

2) Etude

3) Illustration

Which instrument does not belong to the wind group of a symphony orchestra:

1) Oboe

2) Cello

3) Clarinet

Evaluation criteria:knowledge of the material, for each correct answer the team is given a chip.

Students: Teams compete in their knowledge. Get chips for correct answers.

  1. Teacher: Well, it's time to count your earned chips. While your chips are being counted, we will turn to a musical break and sing the song "Penguins".

Teacher: Our quiz "Musical palette" has come to an end, and now the word to our esteemed jury. We wish you creative success and inspiration. Thank you for your work! (The results of the quiz are summed up, rewarding).

Target: creation of conditions for the emergence and development of children's interest in creative activities.


  • formation and development of the creative potential of children;
  • development of communicative qualities;
  • creating conditions for children to realize belonging to a creative team, community;
  • creating a festive mood.

Targeting: for children 7-9 years old, engaged in the studios of arts and crafts and fine arts for the first year.

Technical equipment: sound equipment, seven-color flower (on an easel), palette, brush, paints, costumes of the Artist, Brush, Violet Paint, crossword puzzle (can be depicted on a sheet of A0 paper or projected onto a screen - in this case, a projection screen, a projector, a computer are needed ).


  • Painter
  • tassel
  • Purple Paint

Conditions and features of implementation:

Of great importance is the decoration of the holiday (invitation cards, hall decoration, poster), musical accompaniment, original props for creative competitions, the mastery of the hosts, their speech, and the ability to communicate with the audience.
The celebration is held in a large, festively decorated hall. The chairs are arranged in a semicircle. All the action takes place in the center of the hall. The hall is decorated with colorful balloons. On the stands - the creative work of the guys.
During the holiday, the children receive creative tasks from the Artist and successfully complete them.


(The host of the holiday comes out - the Artist)

Painter: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! Let me introduce myself - the artist, Modest Apollonovich Tretyakov, full member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Guys, this year you started studying in the studios of the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Art. Today I invited you to a holiday called "Hello, creativity!". What is creativity?

(guys answer)

Creativity is the process of creating something new and beautiful. I hope that today you will be able to complete creative tasks and show that you can create!
But where is my helper, Brush? She's probably painting and that's why she's late.

(Tassel appears)

Tassel: Hello guys! Hello Modest Apollonovich!

Painter: Tassel, but why did you linger?

Tassel: Dear Artist, I couldn't find the palette and your magic brush. They disappeared somewhere. Guys, do you know where?

(guys answer)

Painter: Mysterious phenomenon. A magic brush today is simply necessary for me. Without a magic brush, I will not be able to help the guys create beautiful things. What to do?

Tassel: Continue our holiday. I love the holidays, and I also love to draw!

Painter: Brush, what do you like to draw?

Tassel: Sun, nature, flowers, animals, people…

Painter: Tassel, we must remember with the guys what the images of nature, objects, people are called.
Guys, now I will read you a wonderful poem by the poet Alexander Kushner "What I learned." But the last word of each part of the poem is to be said to you:

If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowfield
Or a field and a hut,
It's a similar picture
It is called ... ( landscape)

If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know what it is... ( still life)

If you see what's in the picture
Someone looks at us
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a climber in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolya, your neighbor, -
Be sure the picture is called ... ( portrait)

Painter: Guys, you got everything right! Brush, what's your favorite paint?

Tassel: Orange. To get it, you need to mix red and yellow paints.

(Purple Paint appears with palette and brush in hand)

Purple Paint: Artist, Brush! I also wanted to mix colors to get purple! For this I took a palette and a brush. But I didn't succeed.


Tassel: Violet Paint, don't be upset. Look how many guys are in the hall! They will help you.

Purple Paint: Guys, can you help me?

(guys answer)

Painter: Knowing which paints to mix to get different colors requires learning and having friends who will always come to the rescue. Purple Paint, do you have a friend?

Purple Paint: Yes! Tassel!

Painter: Brush, let's ask the guys what paints you need to mix to get purple paint?

(guys answer)

Yes, right. You need to mix red and blue paints. Do you understand, Violet Dye?

Purple Paint: Let's mix red and blue paint on the palette and see what happens.

(mixes colors)

Hooray, it worked! My favorite purple color!

Painter: Wonderful! Violet Paint, stay with us on the holiday - you will learn a lot of interesting things! Let's invite two participants from each creative team. Let them also try to mix colors and get blue, pink, dark blue, gray, beige, light green.

(The guys mix paints and show what they got)

- Well done boys! You completed the task!

Purple Paint: Guys, do you know that purple is not mentioned in any song?

Tassel: None?

Purple Paint: None! There is an “Orange Song”, a song about a green grasshopper and a green light, about a blue train car, a song about a pink elephant, about the white apple of the moon and a red apple of sunset, about white snow, but not about purple.

Painter: I know how to help you. Let's announce a song contest among students, teachers and parents of the House of Children's Creativity. Everyone can participate! An indispensable condition is that the color purple must be mentioned in the song. Perhaps this song will be composed by a creative team. The competition starts!

Purple Paint: Do you guys agree? After all, it's great!

Painter: Tassel, write a contest announcement today. And our holiday continues! Dear friends, you need to guess the words in the crossword puzzle. These are the words:

  1. Outstanding abilities, a high degree of giftedness in any field (6 letters) (Talent)
  2. Without which you can’t catch a fish from a pond (4 letters) (Work)
  3. The main tool of the artist (8 letters) (Pencil)
  4. Colored pencils without rims, as well as drawings made by them. They are distinguished by soft muted tones, velvety surface (7 letters) (Pastel)
  5. The main tool of the artist (5 letters) (Brush)

The children guess the crossword:

The most difficult thing is to guess the word in the center of the crossword puzzle. You know the four letters of this word. Brush, help the guys.

(Guys guess the crossword keyword - creativity)

Well done! You guessed the crossword correctly!

Painter: And now the next creative task. Remember, please, a wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik". Remembered? Here is a magical flower from this fairy tale.

(Violet Paint pulls out an easel with a seven-flower flower)

The color of each petal is one of the colors of the rainbow. Now you have to write on each petal those qualities that will help you create. I call three participants from each creative team.

(The guys go to the center of the hall to the prepared easels)

Well, friends, let's get to work! We wish you good luck! Kitty, help the guys!

(The guys do the task)

Creative people need the following qualities: talent, patience, imagination, artistic taste, love for nature, knowledge of folk traditions, skill.
Yes, these qualities are necessary to become a real creator, a master of his craft. And with this task you coped! Well done!

Tassel: At our holiday, students of the studio will present the creative work of the fashion modeling studio "Fashionista". The collection is called "Exotic". The exoticism and mystery of the bright colors of tropical nature are reflected in these amazing things, sewn by the hands of young craftswomen.

(Demonstration of clothing models)

Painter: I want to introduce creative teams: Workshop of soft toys "Bees". The motto of this team is: “With a toy - through life!”
The motto of the art studio "Inspiration": "And skill, and inspiration, talent, patience and love!"
Ceramics studio "Way" has chosen the motto "Not gods burn pots".
The favorite time of the guys who study at the April art studio is, of course, spring.
Fine arts studio "Art-studio". The motto is “Drawing is my calling”.
Floral design studio "Fantasy". The motto of the studio: "From skill to mastery, from the Fantasy flower to the flight of fancy."
Clothing modeling studio "Fashionista".
Creative workshop "Growth". Motto "We grow, and our skills grow with us."
Design Studio.
Creative workshop "Academy of Magicians".
Laboratory of technology "Junior".
Let's welcome them, friends!

Painter: And now I want to introduce the teachers of the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Creativity.

(Introduction of educators)

Tassel: Now your attention is invited to the collection of the Studio "Fashionista" "Shawl Fantasy". A scarf is a very ancient type of clothing. A little imagination - and it will turn into an evening dress or a beach suit. Hello! Fashion Studio!
In the hands of our young fashion models are flowers made in the Fantasy studio. This composition was called "Eternally Blooming Garden".

(Demonstration of clothing models and flower arrangements)

Painter: Students of the department of arts and crafts participate in international, all-Russian, city and regional exhibitions, where they have repeatedly become winners, laureates and diploma holders. Over the past year, students of the department participated in 27 exhibitions and competitions at exhibition sites in LENEXPO, Manezh, in the Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists, in the Ethnographic Museum, in the Theater of the Young Spectator, in the Sports and Concert Complex. Here are the names of some of the exhibitions: "Christmas in St. Petersburg", "Room of my dreams", "Mosaic of talents", "School +".
I know that your House of Creativity has existed for 23 years. And in the studios there are guys who have been doing creative work for 6, 7 and even 8 years.
And today at our holiday, we want to present certificates of completion of the full course of study to graduates of the Fantazy floral design studio, the Inspiration art studio and the Put ceramics studio. Let's congratulate the graduates together!

(Presenting certificates, diplomas and gifts)

Tassel: The next collection of the Fashionista studio is called The Seasons. One season follows another. Golden autumn - snowy winter, gentle spring - green summer.

(Fashion show)

Painter: You have passed the tests and are worthy to create in the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Creativity. Guys, go to the center of the hall.

(The guys go to the center of the hall)

Repeat after me the words that will guide you in your work.

(The guys repeat the solemn promise after the Artist)

We, students of the studios of the department of arts and crafts, promise:

In the classroom - do not be lazy!
Try to work hard!
Strive to the heights of creativity!
Achieve high results!
Take part in exhibitions!
Win prizes!
Give joy to people!
Never let your teachers down!

And now I will wave my magic brush and say the word “Dedicate!”. And you will start to create and create wonderful creative works!

(The artist says “I dedicate!” and waves the brush)

A gift from the creative team of ballroom dancing! Great waltz!


After our holiday, I invite all guests to an exhibition of summer creative works by students of the department's studios in the exhibition hall of the House of Children's Creativity.
Dear friends, I wish you to dare, create and conquer all the peaks! Good luck in your work! Until we meet again!

Paintbrush and Purple Paint: Goodbye, guys!

The teacher of the theater and music department Trishin D.S.
School of Arts No. 2 - UNESCO Club

Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to Art".

Venue: Concert Hall.
Stage design: in the upper right corner of the back of the stage is the image of Zeus.
In the center is the school emblem. Before the start of the holiday, the scene is not lit, the school's emblem is highlighted with a beam of a light gun.
The first three rows are free for first grade students.
The lights in the hall suddenly go out.
Music sounds:
Behind the scenes the voice of Zeus
light gun illuminates the image of Zeus.
Oh, Muses, dear ones, tell me
Why so many beautiful maidens and young men?
Who collected them, on what occasion?
Say, O Helia, goddess of knowledge.
The light gun illuminates the leader in the form of the goddess Helia.
Helia: I'll tell you, Great Thunderer.
Today is a great day in this temple of art and science.
G: You sent me here for a reason.
Many goddesses came with me...
Tonight in this temple.
Children could be introduced to art.
Voice of Zeus from backstage.
Not in vain from the high Olympus,
I turned my gaze here.
See that you are not in vain
Friends came to the temple of arts.
But I don't see everyone here
Where are the lesser of you?
Let it come out now
The youngest, first class.
And you sitting in this room.
I ask all my friends to rise.
Applaud the kids.
Solemnly meet them I command.
Music sounds.
The light directed at the image of Zeus goes out.
The light in the hall is turned on, students of the 1st grade enter, occupy the designated places in rows 1-3.

The lights on the stage turn on.
Helia descends into the hall, bypassing the rows of first-graders
Helia: You can't count everything,
About how many wonderful discoveries
They have to do in this temple
And let it be hard at first
Only through thorns the path to knowledge lies.
They teach a lot of subjects here, and they will be able to master languages
In chemistry, all knowledge will be received
And computer science will be able to overcome
Let them love biology
Yes, physics is the science of sciences.
And I hope a little later
History will be their best friend
.Let them not quarrel with literature,
What if someone can become a poet?
Learn math and soon...

On the stage, the exit of the muse of muses from the right wings is highlighted.

The Muse of Music, interrupting Helia:
Wait sister, what about my subject?
After all, music is the pairs of art" ¬
Music inspires the world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination, gives life to everything that exists. It can be called the epitome of beauty.
At this time, while the presenters are illuminated by a light gun located at the right side stage, performers (5-6 soloists on different instruments according to the profile of the school) enter the stage from the left side stage. They are located on the stage.
M. M. Look, they came here with me
Those who have known the muse of music for a long time, Ito, what they have learned here. They will show you warmth from the bottom of their hearts.
The concert numbers of the soloists who took the stage sound.
Illuminate in turn with a beam. The last to play are students.
piano department. Lights up on the stage performers
make a bow and at the end of the next words of Helia leave the stage. The muse of muses goes backstage.
Hel. Thank you, muse of muses, to you,
Your friends are always nice
They are like a ray of sunshine
Among the beautiful lands
A smile is given to everyone living on earth.
Hel. Among the gods of sacred Olympus
Beautiful maidens, believe me, do not count.
Invitation by voice and gesture, music is turned on.
Goddess of dancing, Terpsichore, your friends are in this hall

Terpsichore: I am Terpsichore, I am the goddess of dance,
Music is always beautiful
Dance is the harmony of the muse and the body,
Watch the dance
My students dance so skillfully.
Dance Waltz.
The dancers go behind the right wings and stay there until the end of the concert.
Helia: Thank you, Terpsichore.
Terpsichore: Wait, Helia, I did not come alone
My friend came with me
Her name is Palette.

Brush, pencil and even clay
It is as if they are singing in her hands.
Music sounds.
Palette: Thank you, I tell you, friend
That you didn't forget about me
But I'm not used to talking
I make friends with my hands.
My creations are visible everywhere
They are in sculptures, on canvases.
The music of the release of goddesses and muses sounds.
Sometimes flying under the dome,
Striking with a deadly trick
The muse of illusions that she is in love with the circus
.I command, let her come out.

Muse of illusions: My bow to you, servants of art,
My bow to you, his students.
So I ask them to take the stage now
Those very young students
The ones in the circus arena
They dream of going out under the parade alle
And donate your art
For the joy, laughter and fun of all.
M.I. goes to the right side. During these words, the student of the circus variety department leaves the auditorium during these words to the right wings, at the end of the words they take out their details, show their number. At the end of the number, the performers
descend into the auditorium.
Hel. Today from Olympus
And Melpomene descended
As a patron of theatrical arts
She came to you, friends.
Melpomene emerges from the left wings:
Thank you, oh other young
It's not easy on the theater stage
Entering your image
Soar above the world
Or fall into the abyss very deep.
Live or die on stage
Be either a hero or a scoundrel.
But know that in the theater
You can't be lazy
You need to burn with a bright torch fire.
Room from the theater department.
Melpomene goes behind the left wings. At the end of Helium's number
continues to represent goddesses.
Hel. I heard. No, I know for sure
There are disciples of Orpheus in this temple,
With their songs they caress our ears,
Servants of the vocal, show yourself here.
From behind the right curtains, the girls' choir sing the song "Twice two four",
The music of the exit of the muses sounds, on the stage of Helium.
Helia: Friends, muses, help
Please bring the guys in here.
Helia: I invite students to the stage.
1.Theatrical department.
2. Art department.
3. Choreographic department.
4.Music department.
5. Variety and Circus Department.
6.Choral department.
Teachers lift students of the l-th grade onto the stage.
Helia, addressing the Muses:
Thank you my friends, you are mine
You have had a wonderful holiday.
(Turning to the children.)
But listen, my friends
To initiate you into art
Zeus must take the oath.
And if you accept it
You are a temple of art.
The door will open wide.
The image of Zeus is consecrated with a light gun. The voice of Zeus sounds:

Zeus: We swear to serve the music. .
And love her all my life.
We swear.
comprehend the choreography
Be friends with brush and canvas
We swear.
In the theater or in the circus arena
Just bring joy to people.
We swear.
Sing together in the choir,
Without falsehood, purely, do not wheeze.
We swear.
Entering the beautiful country
Sparing neither strength nor time,
Art we will serve
Appreciate the teachers
Love for the art of keeping everything.
We swear. We swear. We swear.
All participants of the concert go on stage.
Helia: Friends, please come to this stage,
Directors come up now.
Guys he wants to congratulate everyone
Say goodbye to you in a good hour.
1. Director's words
2. Gifts for first graders.

Helia: Thanks to everyone who visited,
This temple today
I think that you are not in vain
They sent their children here.
They will spend years here not in vain,
Forward to the knowledge of art and science
Come with me my friends.
I congratulate you on the holiday today
Forward to knowledge, friends.
The music turns on. First-graders descend from the stage and leave the auditorium.
Voice of Zeus behind the scenes:
I wish you happiness and luck
I command you to love art
See you soon and come back often
In this temple of arts.
On that I say goodbye.

All children love holidays. They may not always be timed to coincide with some important calendar event, and then you can spend a red holiday.

Preliminary work:

Red caps with an elastic band and rims with a red sun (according to the number of children in teams), red medals (according to the number of children, with first and second places), red chips (according to the number of competitions) are made in advance. For a Red character, the T-shirt, shorts, shoes, and hat of any type are all red. Red balls are hung in the hall, red toys are placed. The stage is decorated with large red letters P R A D N I K.

Methodological support:

1. Red square, cut into geometric shapes (2 pcs.).

2. A large glass with a drink, straws for each team member (2 pcs.).

3. A set of silhouette pictures of vegetables, fruits, berries, a basket (2 pcs.).

4. Picture - coloring, colored pencils for each team member (2 pcs.).

5. Silhouette of a vase, flower petals of different colors cut from colored paper and round yellow centers (2 pcs.).


In Russia, red has long been loved. The front porch in the house was called red, an elegant Russian sundress was also red, they said about a beautiful girl “a beautiful girl”. Yes, and in fairy tales, beautiful Helens are often found. The main square of Moscow is Red. And there is a lot of red around us, let's look for it (children name objects, clothes, etc., where they find red).

Red enters the room.


Guys, look who came to visit us. This is also red.

Red color:

Good afternoon guys,

i am red,

I'm not prettier

you will be friends with me

we don't have to bother.

Guys, do you like me? (Yes). And I liked you too. I see you are very cheerful, but do you like to play? (Yes) I invite you to play different games, but these games are all red, right? (Yes). To do this, we need to split into two teams, one team will be called "red suns", the second - "red caps".

The teacher and the Red color help the children to divide into teams and put on their heads distinctive signs (red caps and rims with red suns), and also determine three people in the jury (one adult and two children). All competitions are held by the Red Color, and the teacher helps the children cope with the tasks.

1 contest "Red Square".

The teams are given two identical red squares cut into pieces (geometric shapes). The team that quickly assembles a whole square from parts wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.

2 competition "Pumps - red noses".

Each team receives a large glass of red drink (cranberry juice) and straws according to the number of children. The team whose members drink the drink faster through straws wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.

3rd competition "Red Garden".

Teams are given baskets, and silhouette pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries are laid out on the floor. - Various vegetables, berries and fruits grow in the fairy garden. Guys, you need, in 1 minute, to collect in your baskets only those vegetables, fruits and berries that are red. The team with the most correct pictures wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.

Red color:

Oh guys, we're a little tired. Let's take a break and talk. My friends, do you know that red is used not only for beauty and good mood. He can also tell us a lot and even help us. For example, a red light is on at a traffic light, what does it tell us about? (Movement Prohibition). Correctly. And when we pick mushrooms and meet a beautiful mushroom with a red hat with white spots, can we pick it? (Not). And why? (This is a fly agaric. It is poisonous). Right. And if we pick berries, will we pick green or red ones? (Red, green - not ripe). All right guys, well, rested? Are we playing further?

4th competition "Red Artists".

Each participant receives a red pencil, and the teams are given an uncolored drawing. In 1 minute, the participants must color in everything that can be colored in red. The team that did the best in this competition wins. The winners are awarded a red chip. 5 contest "Red Flowers"

On the tables are laid out flower petals of different colors and round yellow centers for them. In vases cut out of colored cardboard, you need to collect “bouquets” of only red flowers from individual elements (fold flowers from petals and centers so that you get a bouquet). The team with the best bouquet wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.


Well, our cheerful red holiday has ended. Now our jury will count the total number of chips you have won and determine the winners. Guys, did you enjoy playing with Red? Let's thank him for coming to visit us and making us laugh so much. After summing up, both teams receive red medals for the first and second places.

Open Day Scenario:

Day 1

For grades 1 - 6

Heroes: Pinocchio

On the porch, near the entrance to the CDT (in case of bad weather in the lobby in front of the entrance)

Pinocchio: (fun)

I am a cheerful Pinocchio, my nose is sharp, my nose is long!

Look at me - I'm made of logs!

(sad) I was in a hurry, and then I stumbled ...

I lost my key while my friends ran to you! (crying)

Leading: Who is crying here? (Children: Pinocchio! or Pinocchio: Me!)

What's the reason this time? (Children or Pinocchio: Lost the key)

Oh-oh-oh, what a grief, how can you open the door now and see the world of creativity, but surprise everyone?

Pinocchio: Oh guys ... help, and you help me out, I know one task is not an easy test, my key is not simple, my key was golden. If you cope with the task, a very difficult test, the key will return by itself, only part of the gold.

Leading: And there are 3 such particles, don’t miss a single one, help the guys yourself, and complete the tasks! (leaves)

Pinocchio: For starters, guys - I suggest dancing. We watch, we repeat - we remember everything! (Competition: “Dance teacher”, Pinocchio, to cheerful music, shows the guys the movements that they must repeat)

Pinocchio: Well done boys! And here is the first piece of our golden key.

Leading: Don't stop, let's move on to the next challenge! Just listen carefully, answer in chorus and try not to get confused in the answers!

    In the New Year before overeating

He ate sweets and jam.

He lived on the roof, poor thing,

His name was...

(Cheburashka – Carlson)

    He plays a little

For passers-by on the harmonica.

Everyone knows the musician!

His name - …

(Shapoklyak - Crocodile Gena)

    From the blue stream

The river starts.

This song was sung loudly

Three fun...

(Pig - Little Raccoon)

    He was a cloud of rain

I went home with Piglet,

And of course honey loved

(Gena Crocodile - Winnie the Pooh)

Leading: Well done boys! We did a great job, and here is the second part of our key.

Pinocchio: One last task left! Guys, now I will show the movements, and you repeat after me! Well, let's try?

Leading: We were waiting for the bus (look into the distance)

They saw, they ran (they run in place)

They jumped, swayed (swing to the sides, one hand up, as if on a handrail)

Is there room for a window? (put hands up to eyes)

Who is tired, he can sit down (squat)

And the weak have not been forgotten? (no shake head)

Quickly gave way (get up)

We turned to the neighbors

And they smiled at each other. (smile - smile)

Pinocchio: Great guys, let's try it faster now.

(the game is repeated 2 more times)

Pinocchio: Well done guys, hard work!

The key is assembled and now we can open the door!

(go to the hall on the 1st floor, open the door, music plays)

Leading: Here it is, what a realm - creativity, play and dance.

Pinocchio: The guys here live the masters of dancing, games, needlework, drawing and singing. And they have been waiting for you... Do you want to meet them?

Children: YES!

Pinocchio: Well, then you have a map of exploring the mysterious routes of the world of creativity, but it's time for me to run to school, learn the alphabet! But I think ... no, no, I'm sure that we will definitely see you again! (runs away)

Leading: So guys, let's get acquainted. (KO Needlewoman)

Simple steel hook
And threads - one and two! -
Needed to arise

All patterns are subject
Hook or needle:
This is how the clothes were made
And earlier on earth.

So with a magic thread
Tied up as best I could
All our generations
Ordinary needle.

Those ties won't break
And with that thread now
They will intertwine the pattern
To please your eyes.

Leading: And we continue our fascinating journey through the magical world of creativity: (A film about cheerleading and aerobics)

Leading: Next workshop - "Sounding Voice"

The ocean murmurs and the cats purr
Insects buzz and fly across the sky,
Bells, cups and spoons are ringing,
And you can hear the singing of a lot of floors.
And a mug, and a fly, a blade of grass and an ear
They have, they have, they have their voice.

Host: (Theatre Studio)

And again we look into each other's eyes.

And again, as before, we cannot lie.

Perhaps we have discovered the main secret:

After all, there is no greater joy.

Long live the scene.

(Film about CDT)

open day script

"To the world of creativity - we open the doors"

Day 2

For 7 - 11 grades

Heroes: Presenter 1

Lead 2

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday.

Host 2: Today we will open the doors to the fascinating world of creativity, art and culture.

Presenter 1: Only we have a wonderful variety of activities, and I am sure that everyone will find something to their liking.

Host 2: Well then, let's not delay!

Presenter 1: Of course! But just like in any fairy-tale kingdom, the doors to our creative world cannot be opened just like that.

Host 2: And what to do?

Presenter 1: The most important thing is not to worry, I know how to do it! We have 2 difficult tasks to complete!

Host 2: I think that the guys will easily cope with them! Really guys? (Kids: YES!)

Presenter 1: Well then, let's get started! So the first task:

Guys, you are offered 2 words: creativity and peace, you need to come up with a new word for each letter, but the most important thing is that they be directly related to culture and art.

Host 2: Well done boys! You did a great job! And here is the second: Every hour and every day a person receives a sea of ​​necessary and unnecessary information thanks to television, telephones, radio and print media. There may be a lot of new information, not very much, and very little. Such small, short news was called "News in one line." Try to compose a short one-line news about some event that happened. In this case, you must use these 5 words in one sentence:

Newspaper, artist, photographer, news, circulation.

Decoration, ribbon, material, hands, creativity.

Stage, intermission, facial expressions, director, actor.

Presenter 1: Great guys, you did a great job. And now we can open the doors of our creative world!

Host 2: And we will do it solemnly ... (cut red ribbon)

Presenter 1: Well, let's start getting acquainted with our circle associations and masters of their craft.

To be in the thick of life events,
Don't miss big discoveries
And masterfully wield a pen,
Also in Russian
Just be honest and truthful
In their assessments, fair, a professional - Svetlana Viktorovna will teach you!

(circle association "Young.journalist")

Host 2: Oksana Vladimirovna is a professional in her field, who can teach anyone how to embroider with satin ribbons, paper plastic, decorating interior items, crafts from waste material, dough plastics, quilling, textiles and much - much more, Oksana Vladimirovna!

(circle association "DPI - Lotus")

Presenter 1: In the eternal circle they run again and again,

Knowing no peace, two clock hands.

Beginning of the concert, intermission and finale...

And again the whole hall is filled with excitement.

Guys, there is also a theatre studio, where you can learn not only acting skills, speech production techniques and plasticity, but you can also try yourself in the role of real directors.

Presenter 1: Well, in conclusion, I suggest you watch a film about all the circle associations of the CDT.

(Film about CDT)

Host 2: Until we meet again!

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