The name proud is the meaning of the name for the child. origin of the name Gordey

The meaning of the name Gordey will certainly interest those who are in search of a beautiful and unusual name for a child. Also, this information will be useful for adult Prouds who want to learn something new about themselves. The name has a significant impact on the character of a person and the key moments of his life.

origin of the name Gordey

The first information about the name is associated with Ancient Greece. It is translated as "king", "ruler". This is the name of a peasant (Gordius) who was able to tie such a knot on a wagon that no one could cut or unravel (hence the expression "Gordian knot"). Only Alexander the Great succeeded, who later became an outstanding ruler and conqueror.

Some researchers believe that the name Gordey is of Slavic origin. In this context, the name means "proud".

Name horoscope

Astrology helps to understand the meaning of the name Gordey. Here's what's good to know:

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio. This name suits people who are patronized by this constellation.
  • The ruling planet is Pluto.
  • The talisman stone is turquoise. Well, if Gordey has some kind of amulet inlaid with this stone.
  • Lucky color is blue. It is good if he is present in the interior of the home and workplace, as well as in Gordey's wardrobe.
  • The spirit animal is the horse. Good luck brings both the creature itself and its graphic images or statues. A small keychain in the shape of a horse will always bring good luck to Gordey.
  • Auspicious day - Tuesday. It is on this day that important decisions must be made.

Features of the children's period

The secret of the name Gordey begins to manifest itself in childhood. Here are the features that are characteristic of a little boy:

  • calmness and balance;
  • the ability to focus on one thing and bring it to the end;
  • high motivation in studies;
  • the ability to quickly acquire new knowledge;
  • independence from the opinion and praise of adults;
  • self-criticism;
  • adult attitude to life problems;
  • exceptional talent both in studies and in art;
  • the ability to make friends;
  • exclusive obedience in relations with parents;
  • performance and responsibility.

Character traits of an adult male

The character of the name Gordey is characterized by the following features:

  • A very responsible and correct person who is always guided by social laws and moral standards.
  • An interesting interlocutor who can present even the most ordinary information in a fascinating way.
  • Has an excellent sense of humor. It can turn into a joke even the most tense situation.
  • Very sensitive to deceit and falsehood. Recognizing insincerity, most likely, he will stop communicating with such a person.
  • Has refined manners. Moreover, this quality is not acquired, but innate.
  • Crystal honest with others and requires the same attitude from them.
  • In non-standard situations can demonstrate modesty and shyness.
  • Does not tolerate boasting. Pays more attention to the inner qualities of the interlocutor than to the external gloss.
  • Loyal to the whims and shortcomings of others, so he gets along well with them.
  • He cannot leave a person in a difficult situation, he is always ready to help.
  • Likes to work. He believes that all blessings should be given to a person through hard work.
  • Differs in perfectionism. The slightest inaccuracy or inaccuracy infuriates him (this applies to both working moments and everyday issues).

Hobbies and career

The name Gordey determines the professional orientation of its owner. He has varied hobbies. It is equally interesting for him to spend time in the gym and for musical or creative activities.

In the workplace, Gordey shows diligence and amazing performance, due to which, as a rule, he achieves success. Despite the fact that colleagues consider Gordey a serious competitor, he does not aspire to leadership positions. He likes to be an effective performer. Best of all, the owner of this name manifests itself in such areas as:

  • linguistics;
  • art;
  • choreography;
  • journalism;
  • sport;
  • advertising;
  • banking.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Gordey leaves an imprint on the relationship of a man with the opposite sex. In women, he appreciates a bright appearance, passion and self-confidence. As a rule, Gordey's first lover is a spectacular beauty who takes a long time to achieve. It is at this moment that a modest guy turns into an ardent gentleman who knows how to skillfully look after the lady of the heart.

Gordey does not tolerate short novels, so he tries to start a family as early as possible. He shows himself to be an exemplary faithful husband who devotes himself to the family. Even if during the period of marriage Gordey feels sympathy for another woman, most likely he will suppress this feeling in himself. His main dream is a strong family with many children.

Health status

Considering the name Gordey, fate and personality traits, one cannot but pay attention to health issues. The owner of this name cannot be called painful. In childhood, the main problem is weak immunity and susceptibility to colds. The problem disappears when the parents decide to send the boy to the sports section. Subject to a healthy and active lifestyle, Gordey, as an adult, maintains good health. Otherwise, it may run into problems such as:


The meaning of the name Gordey is revealed in its spelling. Each letter leaves a certain imprint on the formation of personality. The decoding is given in the table:


  • desire for self-improvement;
  • thirst for new knowledge and discoveries;
  • performance and integrity;
  • telepathic abilities;
  • selfishness and desire for profit;
  • risk appetite;
  • disgust;
  • inconstancy of beliefs;
  • unpredictability of actions
  • active life position ;
  • perseverance in achieving goals;
  • tendency to introspection;
  • insight and ability to see people through;
  • practicality;
  • kindness and responsiveness;
  • depth and sincerity of feelings
  • courage;
  • active life position;
  • insight;
  • the ability to get to the bottom of things;
  • optimistic attitude;
  • excellent mood;
  • risk appetite;
  • the ability to support those who find themselves in a difficult situation

Rational thinking;

Ability for detailed planning;


Responsibility and integrity;


obsession with appearance;

Striving for material well-being;

Propensity to boast

  • perseverance and perseverance;
  • sociability;
  • desire for self-expression;
  • the desire to rule over people and control them;
  • propensity to take decisive action;
  • desire to avoid conflicts;
  • ease of communication;
  • natural charm;
  • innate magnetism;
  • love of freedom
  • unpredictability of behavior;
  • inconstancy of beliefs;
  • impulsiveness and passion;
  • attention to details;
  • difficulties in establishing contacts with people;
  • inability to make concessions and compromises;
  • desire to help the weak and needy;
  • fixation on one's shortcomings

Name Numerology

The male name Gordey is closely related to the number "6". This number gives a person such qualities as:

  • internal energy and strength;
  • a sense of responsibility for their words and actions;
  • scrupulousness in the performance of duties and given promises;
  • honesty and justice;
  • diligence and perseverance;
  • ingenuity, due to violent fantasy;
  • the ability to make rational informed decisions;
  • the ability to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situations;
  • luck in life;
  • focus on caring for the family;
  • the desire to be the center of attention;
  • the ability to win the trust of others;
  • focus on a positive image;
  • arrogance.

The very meaning of the name Gordey originates from Russian, Slavic culture, although including Catholic roots. For the first time, the name Gordey was mentioned in ancient Greece, when it originates from the peasant Gordias, who was chosen by the king of Phrygia at the behest of the supreme god Zeus.

It was this peasant who tied such a knot on a wagon, which no one could untie and cut, and this was the basis for such a phrase as the Gordian knot. According to the seer, the one who unties the knot itself will be the ruler of the world, and it was Alexander the Great who cut it with his own sword. If we interpret the meaning itself, then it can be translated as a king, reigning, commanding.

According to another variation, the name Gordey has Slavic roots and is translated as proud. The third version of the meaning takes on Greek origins, originating from Gorgias, translated as formidable or fast.


Although the name Gordey itself is translated as a proud person, with all this he is a very positive person, peaceful and modest. Such a person has rather the appearance of a rather modest, slightly indecisive one. But in contrast to such an external manifestation, the man whose name is Gordey is very energetic and decisive, showing himself from the outside as an excellent and interesting interlocutor and narrator.

Gordey is the name, the meaning of which parents initially know and so called their own child, from birth endowed him with a lot of positive qualities. Men bearing the name Gordey are well aware of the meaning of their name, they are smart and modest, courteous and have a very peaceful character.

Such people do not like to be in the center of the company, often trying to stay in the shadows, but behind such an appearance of all men lies a very powerful nature, whose inner core is metal, which does not give in and does not bend in different directions.

Along with this, the man is very active and active, on the move, charging the people around him with his positive.

Hidden Talents

It is Gordey who can be a famous portrait painter or a talented author, showing himself as an excellent investigator. Often men are satisfied with their choice of professional path, stopping precisely at the medical field of activity.

Due to the concomitant luck, a man with such a sonorous name can achieve great heights and positions - social, material.

Quite often, Gordey, born in the winter months, is quite hot-tempered. But still, due to his own thirst for communication, he can successfully and without problems win over his surroundings and thereby smooth out such a temper.

  • The owner of this sonorous name himself is honest to his surroundings and quite well defines a lie in words - although the man himself perceives everyone as equal, it is not easy to keep his attention and location.
  • A certain temper and inability to restrain one's negativity - these are the negative qualities of a man in dealing with family, relatives and friends.

Energy and career

Energetically, this name reflects both firmness and equanimity and calmness, but this person is not without a certain amount of pride and a certain arrogance. If life itself forces them, then such men will successfully hide their own pride and independence, becoming a little gloomy and very silent.

Gordey Olegovich Gorshkov (Russian figure skater, performing in single skating, master of sports of Russia)

  • In relation to the performance of his own duties in the workplace, Gordey will show himself to be a diligent and responsible colleague and subordinate - to work hard and hard, never ceasing to amaze others with his energy.
  • A man will not allow himself to be hacked, but his employees, colleagues and subordinates, and it is due to this that he achieves excellent results, confidently moving up the career ladder.
  • He does business no worse than a diplomat, but in some cases such a person lacks some kind of openness and, as a result, a nervous breakdown.

Personal life

Gordey, whose name, according to statistics, is liked by many women on the personal front, for the most part behaves quite shy and embarrassed, and because of this, an energetic and assertive woman can easily win the hand and heart of this man. In this case, such pressure and a certain arrogance and looseness will be justified - in family life, a man will form relationships from a position of incredible fidelity.

  • Husband and father - Gordey, thanks to tenderness and love on his part, will make him proud of him.
  • For a man named Gordey, his family, his children and wife will always come first.
  • If the family for those who bear this name creates comfort and coziness at home - at work, a loving husband and the most responsible father will make an excellent career or slide down the career ladder.
  • For his chosen one, he can commit the most unrealistic and incredible act, without even receiving a mutual response from her.

If a man with this name, which speaks of some kind of his pride, fails in love, he will simply withdraw into himself and it will be almost impossible to get him out of this state.

At the same time, the monogamous man himself will not betray his chosen one, but from himself he is very demanding of the lady of the heart. If a man whose name is Gordey fell in love, he will strive to be with his lady all the time, indulging her whims and whims.

Proud - friend and comrade

The man himself with such a name, which can be made an analogue of the word friend, can always be set as an example as a faithful comrade - it is this person that you can rely on in any situation and business.

Such a friend and comrade will not boast and be arrogant, always remaining a sweet and modest person.

It inspires faith and trust in people who know the man wearing it - he will not tolerate boasting and will treat everyone who turns to him for help and support with attention.

You should not lose such a person as Gordey - this is a true treasure and a wonderful person.

Version 1. What does the name Gordey mean

Gordius is the name of the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied the knot that Alexander the Great cut with his sword.

This name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey is a truly positive person: modest, even somewhat shy.

With a accommodating peace-loving character, an optimist (not a whiner!), Moderate in drinking alcohol (and "summer" and do not drink at all). Sometimes it gives the impression of an indecisive, timid person because of his inherent desire to stay in the background, not to stand out. In fact, this is an extremely active nature, infecting others with its energy.

Gordey is an excellent interlocutor and a witty storyteller, he is indispensable in the company. He is balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to someone else's opinion (this does not apply to the "winter", which, on the contrary, are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient). Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. Successfully work in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.

Version 2. What does the name Gordey mean

GORDEY (Gordius) - the name of the Phoenician king (Greek).

Name day: January 16 - The Holy Martyr Gordius, a warrior, during the persecution of Christians, declared himself a Christian and, after suffering for the faith, was beheaded in the III century.

Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

The planet Mars.

Black color.

Auspicious tree - elm.

Cherished plant - carnation.

The patron of the name is a bumblebee.

Talisman stone - pomegranate.


Gordey is a man of action, moderate, restrained, judging people by the results of their professional skills. This is a typical "working bee", which is disbelieving in the concept of intuition, considering it "ladies' stuff." Outwardly, he is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. However, no one will ever guess about it.

3 version of the meaning of the name Gordey

4 version of the interpretation of the name Gordey

Proud - from the Greek. name of the Phrygian king, old. Gordius.

Derivatives: Gordeyka, Proud, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.

Folk omens.


For Gordey, above all else in people, their professionalism, the results of their work. After all, he himself is a hard worker who despises illusions, understatement and "something, and the distance is foggy." First of all, business. But behind simplicity and restraint, calmness and clarity lies a passionate soul, eager to escape from the familiar circle of being.

In fact, only he knows about it. Others, even his wife, do not realize that Gordey is a hero in his soul, and possibly Don Juan. Only in the soul.

Name day Gordey

January 16, June 18,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Numerology Of The Name Gordey

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and doing community work. Caring, traditional views, denial of too abrupt changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Gordey

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything to the smallest detail. The owners of the letter "G" in the name are distinguished by a fine mental organization and disgust.

O- open, cheerful and cheerful nature. Those who have the letter "O" in their names are hardworking and creative. For them, professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, will think over everything well several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are overly talkative. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. The owners of this letter are able to win people over.

They are both simple and charming at the same time. Constantly striving for a good life, which is valued more than friendship. They perform well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

Y- the owners of this letter in the name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often do not know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at other letters of the name.

Name as a phrase

  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • O- He (Oh, Oh)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • D- Welcome
  • E- Be (Is, Be, Exist)
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the value of i - Unity, One, Together, Connect, Perfection, Union, Union)

Name Gordey in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Gordey in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Gordius is the name of the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied the knot that Alexander the Great cut with his sword.

This name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey is a truly positive person: modest, even somewhat shy.

with a accommodating peace-loving character, an optimist (not a whiner!), Moderate in drinking alcohol (and "summer" and not drinking at all). Sometimes it gives the impression of an indecisive, timid person because of his inherent desire to stay in the background, not to stand out. In fact, this is an extremely active nature, infecting others with its energy.

Gordey is an excellent interlocutor and a witty storyteller, he is indispensable in the company. He is balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to someone else's opinion (this does not apply to the "winter", which, on the contrary, are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient). Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. Successfully work in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.

The meaning of the name Gordey option 2

Proud - from the Greek. name of the Phrygian king, old. Gordius.

Derivatives: Gordeyka, Proud, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.

Folk omens.


For Gordey, above all else in people, their professionalism, the results of their work. After all, he himself is a hard worker who despises illusions, understatement and "something, and the distance is foggy." First of all, business. But behind simplicity and restraint, calmness and clarity lies a passionate soul, eager to escape from the familiar circle of being.

In fact, only he knows about it. Others, even his wife, do not realize that Gordey is a hero in his soul, and possibly Don Juan. Only in the soul.

The meaning of the name Gordey option 3

GORDEY (Gordius) - the name of the Phoenician king (Greek).

Name day: January 16 - The Holy Martyr Gordius, a warrior, during the persecution of Christians, declared himself a Christian and, after suffering for the faith, was beheaded in the III century.

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Black color.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • Cherished plant - carnation.
  • The patron of the name is a bumblebee.
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate.


Gordey is a man of action, moderate, restrained, judging people by the results of their professional skills. This is a typical "working bee", which is disbelieving in the concept of intuition, considering it "ladies' stuff." Outwardly, he is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. However, no one will ever guess about it.


The name Gordey is of ancient Greek origin. It comes from the male name "Gordius" - "king" or "ruler". According to legend, that was the name of a peasant who, by the will of the god Zeus, was elected king of Phrygia. According to the second version, this name may have Slavic roots and be interpreted as "proud" or "proud".

The male name Gordey today is not as popular as it could boast during the years of the Soviet Union. But on the other hand, it promises carriers many necessary and important characteristics, and also good compatibility with many female names, both modern and rarer and outdated ...

Conversational options: Proud, Gordik

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

According to the main version, the meaning of the name Gordey has a strong influence on the fate of the baby named by him, and in the future promises him many unique qualities. Most astrologers are inclined to believe that it gives efficiency, pride, pride, hard work, friendliness, energy, purposefulness and perseverance. Also, it is the bearer of this name that can be characterized by such a quality as determination, which in turn has a good effect on the character and not only ...

True, all of the above is manifested at the same time, but gradually, as the man grows older and moves to other age stages ...

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all Gordeevs, without exception, lies in their determination. It is thanks to her that they always achieve their goals and succeed in any business. Plus hard work and perseverance...

Gordey treats badly people who throw words to the wind and do not keep their promises, who avoid responsibility all the time and live their whole lives relying on someone else's help.

There is a legend about the cart of Gordias, which he tied with an unusual knot near the temple of the deity - no one could untie it, and only many years later Alexander the Great chopped it off.

The nature of the name Gordey

It is difficult to say exactly what the character of a person named by this or that name will be, focusing only on the meaning of this name and its energy. But if we talk, especially about the bearers of the name Gordey, then it is worth first of all to note the determination and diligence, character traits inherent in all bearers of this name without exception. It is these traits that play a very important role in the life of the Gordeevs, and it is they who are responsible for success and prosperity ...

It can also be said that the Gordeys are for the most part very sensitive and sensual men, despite the fact that they diligently hide these qualities from the people around them. As soon as such a man only hints at romance, high feelings, or something like that, some kind of action will immediately come. Yes, and to injustice, grief and someone's misfortune, such a man will also experience certain feelings. That is why the Gordeys usually cannot pass by a person in need of help, and help everyone around.

And the Gordeys tend to be loyal and devoted friends. These men, if they call someone a friend, they become devoted to this person until their last breath. To have such a friend at hand is a great happiness. He will never leave in trouble, will not betray, will not deceive, and will not show selfishness in a relationship.

Early childhood

In early childhood, this name bestows on a newborn boy such characteristics as perseverance, self-sufficiency, a cheerful disposition, imagination, developed fantasy, a desire to be a leader, sociability and goodwill. But there are also disadvantages, for example, pampering, which even parents cannot get rid of, and even with a rough upbringing.

But Gordey is effective and very cheerful, always surrounded by attention, does not suffer from loneliness and is always in the spotlight. He indulges, has fun, is a ringleader, from whom continuous problems can arise.

There are troubles in relations with parents - on the one hand, he is ready to obey and respect them, but on the other hand, he always acts at his own discretion, which is what brings mom and dad down.

But with peers, in most cases, in good relations, however, excessive gullibility sometimes affects in negative colors - many use his gullibility, and it is she who becomes the reason that there are many ill-wishers, selfish and dishonest children in his environment. But things will change in the future...


Adolescence and the significance of the name will turn this prankster and fidget into a responsible and reliable boy, and all thanks to the influence of astrological symbols, including the patron planet. Already at this difficult age, honesty and justice begin to rule in him. He never lies or deceives - he believes that a lie is acceptable only to unworthy good people. He easily admits his own mistakes, in no case takes advantage of anyone's weaknesses, he is ready at any moment to admit his weakness.

Everything is excellent in studies - he never gives up at the sight of obstacles, he easily takes on even the most difficult tasks, which is respected by teachers in him, responsibility does not allow him to come to school with unfulfilled lessons. At its core, it is a good student, the pride of teachers, but it causes envy and contempt among classmates. Although he easily copes with this - the disrespect of peers and their envious attitude are overlapped by reliability, readiness to help at any moment.

Parents will not have to blush at parent meetings, however, they will need to take part in his extracurricular life, because, unlike school life, his usual existence, extracurricular, will bring a lot of trouble. Pampering and the desire to be the first, leadership, restlessness and unwillingness to live by the rules - these are the outlines of his second half of the personality, the one that breaks free at an inopportune time.

grown man

Adult Proud, this is a completely different person. The influence of the patronizing element and the talisman stone will ultimately turn him into an exemplary gentleman, a man, a father and a person. This one acts only in accordance with moral principles, never goes to lies or self-interest, does not give vent to envy or laziness, does not allow himself to lie. The only negative is that it is too pronounced straightforwardness - it can offend the interlocutor with its directness. But he cannot afford to hide his own opinion. The environment is exclusively people who have been proven over the years, those who can be trusted. Such a betrayal will not forgive, but a true friend will always help.

In other words, the meaning of the name can have an unrealistically strong influence on Gordey and turn him into an inherently unique person. And plus everything, it adds another important factor - it gives him the desire to find pure and sincere love, and at the same time unwillingness to lead a loving lifestyle. The woman with whom he builds a relationship is usually the one with whom he wants to live his whole life and start a family.

The interaction of the character of Gordey with the seasons

Spring - a boy who was born under the auspices of the spring season and received the name Gordey, this is the owner of openness, activity, goodwill and good nature, sincerity and devotion. This one will not betray, will not deceive, will not take advantage of the weakness of a comrade. And he is also a fan of fun and risk - his life is full of fun, adventure, risk and excitement.

Summer - a summer boy by the origin of his soul and nature is a complex personality at all. On the one hand, this is a kind, shy, a little timid and distrustful little boy, but on the other hand, irascibility and emotionality rule in him. This is a rebel, hiding inside the soul of a wimp and romance. But not everyone will be able to unravel his true essence - only the woman he loves can do it.

Autumn - the meaning of the autumn season endows the person thus named with responsibility, prudence, prudence, activity, activity, reliability, seriousness and diligence. There is a tendency to depression and melancholy. But it is ideal in terms of work and career growth - it is swift and always achieves the highest career heights. Has a refined nature.

Winter - and three winter months give good compatibility with the opposite sex, exactingness, reliability, diplomacy, tact and delicacy, sociability and the ability to win people over. Knows how to achieve the trust of others, easily takes root in trust and then manipulates them. But not selfish, not used to using other people's weaknesses.

The fate of the name Gordey

The fate of the name Gordey in terms of relations with the opposite sex, love and personal life in general, is very difficult and unpredictable. On the one hand, the Gordeys for the most part are very courteous and attentive gentlemen, but on the other hand, not every woman in the world can interest such a man. It is very difficult to get his attention, especially if the relationship with a woman and love are not priorities for him. And that's how it often happens...

But it can be noted that usually the bearers of this name, while still teenagers, begin to be in demand among girls. The reason is in many ways: decisiveness, courage, eloquence, sensuality, the ability to be romantic and sensitive, the willingness to show feelings by actions and actions, and not just talk about them. And in general, the Gordeys are promising - and after all, promising men are of interest to all women without exception, isn't it?

As for the search for a soul mate, Gordey will most likely look for her for a very long time, and will be wrong all the time. He will see the ideal in every second of his passions, and then he will be disappointed at the first signs of a deviation of this ideal from reality. But on the other hand, the true love of Gordey is immediately visible - he will groom and cherish a woman that meets his requirements and wishes in all possible ways, she will feel like a real queen next to him.

Love and marriage

Gordey is a well-mannered and attractive man who certainly attracts the attention of a female. He is a very gallant, skillful, original and persistent gentleman. He will undoubtedly win the heart of the girl he likes, even the most impregnable. By nature, Gordey is monogamous, so he is looking for his beloved one and for life. Gordey is very flexible, calm and supple, so a wise and strong-willed woman can become an unspoken leader in the family.

Gordey is a vivid example of a diligent family man who puts his beloved wife and children exclusively in the first, most important place in life. Gordey is so devoted to his love that it would never even occur to him to change. His fidelity is boundless, and his wife is the ideal woman for him, his inspiration and muse. Another attractive quality of Gordey is his generosity. He is able to surprise his beloved with expensive gifts and surprises, doing all this from the bottom of his heart.

If his wife manages to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for Gordy at home, provides a calm, relaxing atmosphere, then at work he will be able to turn mountains and build a very good career. Money for Gordy is not so important, but he will feel like the head of the family, only he will adequately support her. It is also extremely important for Gordey to be sure that his wife is happy next to him as well as he is with her.

proud like a father

Each person is individual, and for most people the concepts of “good” and “bad” also have their own meaning and meaning. There are so many different attitudes of people to the issue of motherhood or fatherhood. It is impossible to completely predict what kind of father a person with one name or another will become. However, having outlined the main character traits of Gordey, one can still assume that he will definitely not become a bad father.

As a highly moral and principled person, Gordey takes the issue of fatherhood seriously. He is a real source of love and care, warmth and tenderness. He loves his chosen one so much that, of course, he will love children no less. It is important for him to take an active part in their lives from birth. Children will receive so much fatherly love and tenderness, care, attention and participation in their destinies that they will certainly be proud of their dad when they grow up a little. Quite often, he spoils the kids, for example, with new toys.

Proud is a person of sincere kindness, however, he also actively participates in the process of raising children, often showing exactingness and rigor, where necessary. He actively supports creative talents and hobbies. He also supports children in any difficult situations, because they trust him even more than their mother. By his behavior, he shows the children an example of how to build a happy family life.

Compatibility with female names

The researchers came to the conclusion that the best in the name Gordey is compatibility with such female names as Alevtina, Elvira, Tatyana, Susanna, Isabella and Camilla. In their opinion, with women named at birth in this way, Gordy has every chance of building really strong, serious, and lasting relationships.

In alliance with Catherine, Sophia, Eleanor and Kapitolina, there is also every chance of creating a really happy marriage, but there is also a chance that after a while mutual understanding, love and passion will be replaced by jealousy, lack of respect and a desire to leave.

Well, with Elsa, Bronislava and Vladislav, it’s absolutely not worth building relationships at all, because their collapse will be sharp. Rapid, sudden and painful. Although, again. For all the will of chance and fate.

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