Names according to saints. church calendar

It is no secret that sometimes in the meaning of a female name, such character traits as determination, perseverance or hard work are put in the first place. Modern parents choose such names for girls, dreaming that their daughter will succeed in her career and business, gain independence, become famous. Those who prefer tenderness and gentleness in meaning want their daughter to become a good wife and mistress, focus on family and children.

But in any case, the choice of a female name must be taken very responsibly, and along with other characteristics of the name, you should definitely take into account the time of year when the baby was born. It is proved that girls with completely different characters are born at different times of the year. Therefore, knowing the natural coloring of the name and date of birth, you can correctly choose the names of girls by month. This or that meaning of the name by months can successfully develop the qualities that your child lacked from birth, or, conversely, muffle unwanted ones.

Winter children have better health than those born in the warm season. They are also distinguished by a harsh character, which allows them to achieve their goals. But excessive firmness sometimes harms relationships with loved ones, since winter natures do not tolerate someone else's superiority.

Girls born in winter often have masculine traits that help them achieve certain successes in life. The names of girls born in winter should be soft, melodic in order to soften the winter severity laid down by nature. For example, Svetlana, Natalia, Lyudmila.

Born in January
A girl named by one of the names will live in peace all her life, without encountering any special obstacles on the way, she will achieve all her desires without difficulty, her luck will always smile and go to meet her, besides, she will make an excellent wife.

Anastasia, Claudia, Agafya, Domna, Melania, Ulyana, Evgenia, Tatiana, Appolinaria, Maria, Leonidia, Felicity, Nina, Agrafena, Irina, Aglaya, Anisia, Theodora, Polina, Vasilisa.

February Born
These women are rarely beautiful. But they are very active, cheerful and cheerful. They like to wear different outfits, different styles, but with taste and fashion trends. The happiest time for them is early youth. They usually get married twice, and besides, the second marriage is happier than the first.

Agnia, Rimma, Xenia, Inna, Maria, Evdokia, Anna, Agafya, Euphrosyne, Zoya, Svetlana, Valentina, Christina Khristina, Martha, Aksinya, Pavel, Theodora, Anastasia, Veronica.

December born
This woman is attractive and pretty, with a noble character. Often followed by bouts of melancholy. But, despite the passionate nature, reluctantly obeys the advice of a loved one.

Augusta, Ekaterina, Barbara, Ulyana, Anfisa, Anna, Angelina, Marina, Zoya, Cecilia, Olga.

Born in the spring are physically vulnerable, selfish, indecisive, fastidious. Each word, deed is weighed, carefully listen to the opinion of the interlocutor. These are reinsurers who find it difficult to get used to changes. They are stubborn, selfish, cautious, pliable to flattery, not devoid of self-admiration. Girls are hard to get married. They are hindered by caution, fear of change.

Girls born in the spring are quite flexible in various life situations, but sometimes they lack self-confidence and firmness in character. Therefore, the spring names of girls should be more “hard” Victoria, Irina, Ruslana.

March born
This woman is very curious and quite envious, most often she is unlucky in marriage, but she should not be afraid of divorce. Usually brave and strong people, with a high position in society, marry her.

Marianna, Theodora, Regina, Marina, Margarita, Antonina, Evdokia, Ulyana, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Galina, Christina Khristina, Kira, Iraida, Nika.

Born in April
A happy woman, often loved and loving. She usually marries a jealous man, but her calm nature does not prevent her from taking it calmly, but in old age she changes, becomes embittered and speaks a lot of trouble about others, which makes many enemies.

Daria, Alexandra, Claudia, Praskovya, Svetlana, Ulyana, Feodosia, Lydia, Anna, Alla, Larisa, Maria, Irina, Theodora, Galina, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Tamara, Eva, Akulina, Martha, Susanna Susanna, Nika, Sofia, Matrena .

May born
This woman will passionately love her husband. She is smart enough and pretty, but she talks a lot, especially when it's out of place. She is often envied by her girlfriends and sometimes they mess with her, especially in love affairs, from the fact that she trusts her friends too much.

Alexandra, Valentina, Elizabeth, Maria, Glafira, Tamara, Zoya, Pelageya, Irina, Taisiya, Glykeria Lukerya, Muse, Claudia, Christina, Faina, Julia, Susanna, Evdokia, Efrosinya ...

Summer children are broad-minded and optimistic. They do not like trifles, hardworking, which allows them to achieve success in life. However, summer natures are very emotional, impressionable, impulsive and quick-tempered. But they are not vindictive, on the contrary, summer children are very kind to others. Most likely, your summer child will strive to help all the weak and defenseless: bring home homeless kittens, protect weak classmates, etc. In addition, children born in the summer are characterized by such character traits as pride, courage and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Summer girls are persistent, courageous, active, confidently moving towards their goal, so the names of girls born in the summer can be neutral in sound Oksana, Inna, Tatyana.

Born in June
This woman is sensitive, easily enters into friendship, pleasant in society, but does a lot of harm to others with her quick temper, which often repels many even close friends from her. She is extremely unbalanced and nervous, but in a calm state she is generous and kind.

Elena Alena, Nelly, Sophia, Theodora, Efrosinya, Theodosia, Ulyana, Claudia, Valeria, Maria, Kira, Martha, Antonina, Anna, Christina, Akulina, Thekla, Kaleria.

Born in July
This woman is making love. She is quite temperamental, passionate, ardent, men like it and she knows it and knows how to use it. She loves outfits, flirting, everything that makes her stand out and can make her husband jealous. Very bright, always in the spotlight, both in men and women.

Inna, Ulyana, Irina, Agrippina, Zhanna, Efrosinya, Angelina, Martha, Anna, Julianna, Evdokia, Elena, Olga, Maria, Sarah, Valentina, Julia, Alevtina, Marina, Margarita, Rimma, Efimiya.

Born in August
A woman with a calm personality. Her kindness draws people to her. But some take advantage of this and she needs to be more selective, especially in choosing a husband. If the first marriage breaks up, then the woman will be very distrustful of all people.

Maria, Magdalene, Svetlana, Milena, Christina Khristina, Anna, Praskovya, Seraphim, Valentina, Evdokia, Nonna, Ulyana, Susanna Susanna, Concordia, Anita, Olympiad.

In autumn, children are born with such character traits as wisdom, slowness, prudence and pedantry. Before doing anything, the autumn child will think for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons. Principle and devotion, along with diplomacy, will help them be happy in marriage. Autumn children are very diligent and diligent in completing tasks, this will be very useful to them in later life, and a balanced character and non-conflict will help to become favorites in the team.

As for the autumn names of girls, as they, as a rule, are balanced, calm and are guided by common sense in life.

Born in September
A curious woman, and even a failed first love will not change her optimism, she is not averse to experiencing another love. She is flirtatious, likes to visit crowded places where there are many men and she has to hear a lot of compliments. Subsequently, she becomes a faithful wife.

Vassa, Natalia, Anna, Martha, Rufina, Vasilisa, Elizabeth, Raisa, Theodora, Anfisa, Domna, Lyudmila, Vera, Hope, Love, Sophia.

Born in October
This woman is always under the auspices of a very happy love, and never causes trouble to both close and unfamiliar people. Her deep love will bring complete happiness to her beloved husband. Her children will be beautiful and happy.

Irina, Sophia, Efrosinya, Marianna, Anna, Veronica, Pelageya, Taisiya, Zinaida, Praskovya, Ariadne, Jonah, Thekla, Ustinya, Virineya, Evlampia, Zlata.

Born in November
This woman is persecuted by quarrels and slander on the part of her husband, and not without reason, as she loves the outfits and company of men, flirting and flirting, leading a playful and dissolute lifestyle.

Anna, Glikeria Lukerya, Elizabeth, Kapitolina, Praskovya, Anastasia, Elena Alena, Maria, Nelly, Ulyana, Efrosinya, Claudia, Theodora, Matryona, Neonila, Zinovia, Natalya, Cleopatra.

Young mothers, expecting their baby to be born, choose a name for him for a very long time. Many are guided by fashion trends, naming a child with a beautiful-sounding name that is not on the list of the Orthodox church calendar. Because of this, at baptism, the child is called differently. In this article we will tell you how to name a boy or girl according to the church calendar so that his fate is happy and successful.

Immediately after the baptism of Kievan Rus, all Orthodox people baptized on the eighth day after the birth of babies according to the same rite (in our time it is customary to do this on the 40th day after bodily birth). On this day, the kids were given the names of the martyrs of the Orthodox Church. People believed that in this way children would be protected by the patron saint from grief and adversity.

  • The clergy who performed the rite of baptism wrote down every day the name of the saint, which they had already assigned to the child.
  • So over time, the "Saints" appeared - a book of memory of the saints, which is replenished to this day. Young parents often turn to this publication (you can look through it in church) or a table (many of them are published on the Internet) to choose a name for their newborn.
  • Unfortunately, choosing a name according to the church calendar is not always a conscious act, the purpose of which is to give the baby a guardian angel.
  • Naming a child with a rare old name, young parents in this way simply want to distinguish their child from the crowd and do not delve into the true essence of the chosen name.

But in ancient times, our ancestors did not celebrate the day of bodily birth, but the day of “baptism” or name day (the day of veneration of the saint in whose honor the baby was named). Sometimes children were named not by the name of the saint on whose name day they were born, but in honor of other canonized great martyrs, whose name day fell on the next three days after the bodily birth of the crumbs.

Women's names according to the church calendar

If you have a daughter, then you can pick up a very beautiful name for the little princess according to the church calendar. It will not always have an unusual sound, which often causes surprise on the faces of people who find out what name you gave your girl. Most of the names in the Saints are of Greek or Latin origin, so they sound the same as the worldly names that we are all used to.

In this article, so that you do not have to contact a clergyman for advice and do not look for the necessary information on the Internet, we have compiled for you a list of female names according to the church calendar for each day and month of the current year.

Women's name day in January according to the church calendar

A girl born in the first winter month can be called:

  • Anastasia
  • Evgenia
  • Claudius
  • august
  • Agrippina
  • Anfisa
  • Maria
  • Agafya
  • Anna
  • Barbara
  • Matrona
  • Natalia
  • Anisya
  • Irina
  • Fedora
  • Fedosya
  • Melania
  • Emilia
  • Apollinaria
  • Tatyana
  • Eupraxia
  • Agnes
  • Elena
  • Xenia
  • Nina

In addition, if your daughter was born on the name day of the saints according to the church calendar, on which all Orthodox churches hold solemn services, then you can name her by the appropriate name in January:

  1. 4 January- Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Solver. Everything that she had at her disposal, the saint distributed to those in need. She preached the Christian faith in prisons, redeemed prisoners and treated the sick. For such a preaching activity, they first tried to starve Anastasia, then drown her, but she died a different death - she was burned alive at the stake.
  2. The 25th of January- the day of memory of the holy martyr Tatyana, who at a young age was tonsured a nun and served Christ all her life.
  3. January 27- the day of memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the Enlightener of Georgia, who, according to an old legend, saw prophetic dreams, through which she communicated with the Most Holy Theotokos.

Women's names in February according to the church calendar

Girls born in February can be called such names according to the church calendar:

  • Feodosia
  • Inna
  • Agnes
  • Evdokia
  • Catherine
  • Xenia
  • Maria
  • Olga
  • Jonah
  • Pelageya
  • Anna
  • Agafya
  • Alexandra
  • Vasilisa
  • Mafoy
  • Christina
  • Anastasia
  • Galina
  • Evgenia
  • Fedora
  • Euphrosyne
  • Sofia

If your girl was born February 6 then call her Xenia. On this day, Orthodox churches honor the memory of one of the greatest saints - Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, who deserved to be canonized by her devotion to God and her deceased husband. The saint became a widow at the age of 26. She was immersed in grief - she wore the costume of her late husband and responded only to his name. Every night she went out into the field to pray for her husband and build herself a small church not far from the Smolensk cemetery.

How to name a girl in March according to the church calendar?

Daughters born in March can be called such names according to the "Saints":

  • Maria
  • Anna
  • Elizabeth
  • Irina
  • Olga
  • Praskovya
  • Anna
  • kiroy
  • Marina
  • Antonina
  • Daria
  • Evdokia
  • Matrona
  • Hope
  • Martha
  • Iraida
  • Catherine
  • Xenia
  • Anastasia
  • Claudius
  • Natalia

If your girl was born March 14th, then the name Evdokia or Daria is best for her (they are the same name). On this day, divine services are held in churches dedicated to the venerable martyr Evdokia. This saint led a sinful life for a long period of her life, but after meeting Elder Herman, she took the veil as a nun and began to faithfully serve Christ. She became famous during the persecution of Christians, when she resurrected her dead wife with the prayer of one of the rulers of that time.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar in April?

If your baby was born in April, then you can choose the following names for her:

  • Daria
  • Matron
  • Sofia
  • Alexandra
  • Claudia
  • Maria
  • Praskovya
  • Svetlana
  • Apollinaria
  • Vasilisa
  • Taisia
  • Anastasia
  • barbarian
  • Lydia
  • Feodosia
  • Larisa
  • Zosima
  • Evdokia
  • Martha
  • Galina
  • Irina

The girl who was born 14th of April, should be called Mary in honor of the holy reverend Mary of Egypt, who lived in the desert for 47 years, eating only roots and repenting of her sinful thoughts.

How to name a girl in May according to the church calendar?

Name your daughter, if she was born in the warmest month of spring, with such church names:

  • Tamara
  • Matrona
  • Theodora
  • Alexandra
  • Elizabeth
  • Nika
  • Glafira
  • Anastasia
  • Maria
  • Anna
  • Nina
  • Mavroy
  • Pelageya
  • Irina
  • Taisiya
  • Glyceria
  • Muse
  • Evdokia
  • Euphrosyne
  • Claudius
  • Faina
  • Christina
  • Julia

If your girl was born on the name day of the saints according to the Orthodox calendar, on which solemn church services are held, then you can call them by their respective names in May:

  1. May 2- Memorial Day of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, who predicted the future for people, saving them from troubles and grief.
  2. May 14- The day of veneration of the Georgian Queen Tamara, whose reign was marked by the introduction of the Christian faith throughout the country.

Women's names in June according to the church calendar

If your baby was born in June, then according to the church calendar, she should be named from the following list:

  • Anastasia
  • Elena
  • Sofia
  • Euphrosyne
  • Maria
  • Xenia
  • Jonah
  • Fedora
  • Faina
  • Feodosia
  • Christina
  • Faith
  • Martha
  • Sussana
  • Fekla
  • Valeria
  • Zinaida
  • Antonina
  • Anna
  • Akulina
  • Alexandra
  • Pelageya

Women's names in July according to the church calendar

According to the church book, girls born in July are better called:

  • Maria
  • Inna
  • Rimma
  • Juliania
  • Agrippina
  • Theodora
  • Joanna
  • Dinara
  • Angelina
  • Cosmoy
  • Alexandra
  • Anastasia
  • Martha
  • Olga
  • Tatyana
  • Anna
  • Barbara
  • Euphemia
  • Veronica
  • Sarra
  • Alevtina
  • Valentina
  • Julia
  • margarita
  • Marina

In the church calendar, special days are such name days:

  1. July 17th- the day of memory of Alexandra, Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia - the wife and daughters of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, who were shot in St. Petersburg. One of the listed names can be called a girl born on this day.
  2. July 18- the day of memory of Elizabeth and Barbara, who had princely roots.
  3. July 24- Memorial Day of the great ruler of Kievan Rus - Princess Olga, who was baptized under the name of Elena. A girl born on this day according to the church calendar can be called both Olga and Elena.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar 2017 in August?

A girl born in August, according to the list of names in "Svyatki", is best called:

  • Anna
  • Maria
  • Foca
  • Christina
  • Christina
  • Iraida
  • Olympics
  • Praskovya
  • Anfisa
  • Anastasia
  • Antonina
  • Elena
  • Irina
  • Mavroy
  • Seraphim
  • Agnes
  • Angelina
  • Elizabeth
  • Evdokia
  • Nonna
  • margarita
  • Sussana
  • Xenia
  • Ulyana

If your daughter was born August 4, then it would be more correct to call her Mary. Indeed, on this day, a great church holiday is celebrated in honor of Mary Magdalene, who led a sinful life for a long time, but was able to take the true path and until the end of her days carried the message of Christ around the world.

How to name a girl born according to the church calendar in September?

According to the church calendar, girls who were born in the first autumn month are recommended to be called one of the following names:

  • Fekla
  • Martha
  • Ariadne
  • Maria
  • Nataliya
  • Anfisa
  • Elizabeth
  • Kseniya
  • Rufina
  • Seraphim
  • Elena
  • Iraida
  • Raisa
  • Tatiana
  • Evdokia
  • Maria
  • Ludmila
  • Alexandra
  • Love
  • Irina
  • Hope
  • Sofia

In September, there are many especially revered saints, after whom you can name your daughters if their date of birth coincides with the name day:

  1. 8 September- the day of St. Natalia, who suffered for her faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. September 14- the day of veneration of St. Elizabeth - the mother of John the Baptist.
  3. September 29- the day of memory of the holy martyr Lyudmila, who died at the hands of the pagan sister Dragomira.
  4. September 30th- Memorial Day of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia. These were great martyrs who endured severe suffering because of their deep faith in Christ.

Women's names according to the church calendar 2017 in October

According to the Orthodox calendar, girls born in October are best called by such names:

  • Ariadne
  • Euphrosyne
  • Irina
  • Sofia
  • Maria
  • Tatyana
  • Agnes
  • Jonah
  • Praskovya
  • Foca
  • Iraida
  • Akulina
  • Anna
  • Apollinaria
  • Faith
  • Feodosia
  • Veronica
  • Pelageya
  • Elizabeth
  • Hope
  • Taisiya
  • Eulampia
  • Zinaida
  • Golden

How to name a girl according to the church calendar in November?

Girls born in November, according to the church calendar, can be called:

  • Matrona
  • Pelageya
  • Anna
  • Elizabeth
  • Euphrosyne
  • Kapitolina
  • Neonila
  • Praskovya
  • Fevronia
  • Agafya
  • Anastasia
  • Maria
  • Elena
  • Agrippina
  • Yuliana
  • Evdokia
  • Svetlana
  • Evgenia
  • Fedora
  • Alexandra
  • Jonah
  • Claudius
  • Nina
  • Seraphim
  • Olga
  • Stepanida

How to name a girl in December according to the church calendar?

If your daughter was born in December, then according to the "Saints" she can be called:

  • Anna
  • Tatyana
  • Fekla
  • Praskovya
  • august
  • Anisya
  • Evgenia
  • Catherine
  • Antonina
  • Faith
  • margarita
  • Maria
  • Matrona
  • Tamara
  • Fevronia
  • Glyceria
  • Anastasia
  • Barbara
  • kiroy
  • Julia
  • Anfisa
  • Angelina
  • Eulalia
  • Jonah
  • Sussana

In December, Orthodox churches celebrate the name day of such saints with solemn services:

  1. December 7 - Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Catherine, who was distinguished by her impeccable beauty and high intelligence. She was able to convince 50 scientists that you need to believe in Jesus Christ and was beheaded for this.
  2. December 17 - Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Barbara, who was beheaded by her own father because she joined the circles of preachers of the Christian faith.

Male names according to the church calendar

There are many more male names in the church calendar than female ones. Among them you can find a very beautiful and proud name of noble origin.

We invite you to use our selection of "Saints", which will help you choose a name for your son.

Male names in January according to the church calendar

Boys born in January, according to the Orthodox calendar, can be called by such names:

  • Boniface
  • Gregory
  • Ilya
  • Timothy
  • Anton
  • Daniel
  • Ivan
  • Ignatius
  • Leonty
  • Nikita
  • Peter
  • Procopius
  • Sergey
  • Feofan
  • Dmitry
  • Fedor
  • Vasily
  • David
  • Makar
  • Naum
  • Nifont
  • Pavel
  • Feoktist
  • Innokenty
  • Nicholas
  • Alexander
  • Yefim
  • Isaac
  • Constantine
  • Leonidas
  • Nicodemus
  • Stepan
  • Tikhon
  • Joseph
  • Proud

Solemn services are held in the church on such days of veneration of saints:

  1. 1st of January- the day of the holy martyr Boniface, who suffered for his faith in God's Son.
  2. January 2- Memorial Day of John of Kronstadt. A boy born on this day can be called Ivan.
  3. January 14- the day of memory of the ascetic Great Basil.
  4. January 15- the day of veneration of Seraphim of Sarov, who died in prayer before the icon of the Mother of God.
  5. January 30- the day of veneration of the father of monks Anthony the Great.

Male names in February according to the church calendar

We present you a list of Orthodox names, how to name a boy in February according to the church calendar :

  • Anton
  • Arseniy
  • Gregory
  • Makar
  • Peter
  • savvoy
  • Yefim
  • Zakhar
  • Lawrence
  • lion
  • Maxim
  • Gabriel
  • Joseph
  • Leonty
  • Timothy
  • Makar
  • Yakov
  • Clement
  • Gennady
  • Denis
  • Vitaly
  • Anatoly
  • Boris
  • Clement
  • Philip
  • Arkady
  • Constantine
  • novel
  • Tryphon
  • Yuri

There are several special days in the church calendar when solemn services are held in honor of the veneration of some saints:

  1. February 3rd- the day of memory of Maxim the Greek, who spent many years under church supervision.
  2. February 7- the day of memory of St. Gregory the Theologian, who preached Christianity all his life.
  3. February 27- the day of memory of Cyril, who preached Christianity in Moravia in the Slavic language.

Male names in March according to the church calendar

If your son was born in March, then choose a name for him from the following list, which the church calendar offers:

  • Daniel
  • Makar
  • Nicholas
  • Paul
  • Novel
  • Victor
  • Kuzma
  • Arkhip
  • Maksim
  • David
  • Leonty
  • Sidor
  • Philip
  • Yaroslav
  • Alexei
  • Anton
  • Taras
  • Sergey
  • Stepan
  • Nestor
  • Savva
  • Michael
  • Konstantin
  • Athanasius
  • Sofron
  • Trofim
  • Julian

Several name days are especially revered by the church in March:

  1. the 5th of March- the day of memory of Yaroslav the Wise, who became famous for his good deeds for the people of Kievan Rus.
  2. March 17- the day of Prince Daniel of Moscow, who accepted the schema before his death.
  3. March 30- the day of St. Alexis, who exchanged married life with an unloved one serving God.

Male names in April according to the church calendar

According to the church calendar, boys born in the most blooming month of spring are recommended to be called:

  • Dmitry
  • Ivan
  • Innokenty
  • Vasily
  • Victor
  • Vissarion
  • Sevastyan
  • George
  • Zakhar
  • Tikhon
  • Stepan
  • Gabriel
  • Kondraty
  • Hilarion
  • Thomas
  • Polycarpus
  • Yefim
  • Nikita
  • Methodius
  • Prokhor

How to name a boy according to the church calendar in May?

The "Saints" presents the following list of names for boys born in May:

  • Anton
  • Victor
  • Felix
  • Alexander
  • Basil
  • Nicholas
  • Gregory
  • Lazarus
  • Dmitry
  • Leonty
  • Sergey
  • Fedot
  • Filimon
  • Valerian
  • Clement
  • Nikifor
  • Maksim
  • Vitaly

The Church venerates several saints with a special liturgical service:

  1. the 6th of May- the day of memory of George the Victorious, a courageous and brave warrior. He died a martyr's death, was subject to the wheel.
  2. May 24- Memorial Day of Cyril and Methodius.

How to name a boy according to the church calendar in June?

If your son was born in June, then according to the church calendar, the boy should be called:

  • Alexander
  • Anton
  • Valentine
  • Victor
  • Matvey
  • Pavel
  • Joseph
  • Makar
  • Fedor
  • Michael
  • Stepan
  • Ivan
  • Leonty
  • Philip
  • Denis
  • Julian
  • Nazar
  • Ignatius
  • Taras
  • Nikon
  • Moses

Several days according to the Orthodox calendar are especially revered:

  1. June 1st- the day of memory of Dmitry Donskoy, who united the Russian lands.
  2. June 18- the day of honoring Prince Igor of Chernigov, who was killed by an angry mob.

Male names according to the church calendar 2017 in July

Boys who are born in July should receive the following names according to the church calendar:

  • Leonty
  • Nikanor
  • Varlaam
  • Paisios
  • Andrew
  • Terenty
  • Alexander
  • Jacob
  • Nikita
  • Ambrose
  • Basil
  • Arkady
  • Konstantin
  • Sergey
  • Hermann
  • Paul
  • Leonid

July, 12 in the church calendar, a special holiday is the day of veneration of Paul and Peter. The names of these saints are recommended to be called boys born on this day.

Men's name day in August according to the church calendar

If your son was born in August, this means that according to the church calendar, one of the following names will suit him:

  • Gregory
  • Mitrofan
  • Novel
  • Cornelius
  • Alexei
  • Vitaly
  • Makar
  • Fedor
  • Basil
  • Paul
  • Julian
  • Nicholas
  • Konstantin
  • Denis
  • Emelyan
  • Savva

If your son was born August 2, then it is more correct, according to the canons of the church, to call him Elijah, since on this day the Orthodox venerate the prophet Elijah.

Male names in September according to the church calendar

Boys born in the first month of autumn should receive the following church names:

  • Nicholas
  • Andrew
  • Feofan
  • Arseniy
  • Jacob
  • Paul
  • Savva
  • Leonid
  • Victor
  • Dmitry
  • Julian
  • George
  • Daniel
  • Nicodemus
  • Fedot
  • Seraphim
  • Lukyan
  • Sergey
  • Khariton
  • Michael

How to name a boy according to the church calendar 2017 in October?

If you gave birth to a boy in October, then by looking at the Saints, you will see the following list of names:

  • Alexei
  • Boris
  • Benjamin
  • Hilarion
  • Igor
  • Sergey
  • Trofim
  • Savva
  • Konstantin
  • Issac
  • Makar
  • Anton
  • Dmitry
  • Athanasius
  • Filimon
  • Gregory
  • Matvey
  • Tryphon

If a child is born 2 October, then the name Alexander is best for him, since on this day Alexander Nevsky is revered by the church. born October 8 the name Sergey is suitable, because on this day the Orthodox commemorate the great miracle worker Sergius of Radonezh.

How to name a boy according to the church calendar in November?

Women who became mothers of sons in November can choose the following name for them according to the church calendar:

  • Dmitry
  • Yevsey
  • Leonty
  • Hermann
  • Basil
  • Paul
  • Heraclius
  • Anton
  • Konstantin
  • Arkady
  • Maximilian
  • Seraphim
  • Emelyan
  • Elisha
  • Athanasius
  • Kuzma
  • Matvey

If your child was born on the day of the Apostle Philip on November 27, then name him in honor of this saint.

How to name a boy according to the church calendar in December?

Boys born in the last month of the year are best called by such names according to the church calendar:

  • Arkhip
  • Plato
  • Valentine
  • Timothy
  • Fedor
  • Joseph
  • Alexander
  • Filimon
  • Mitrofan
  • Victor
  • Julian
  • Nikifor
  • Daniel
  • Andrew
  • Vladimir
  • Stepan
  • Hypatius
  • Tryphon

If your baby was born December 13th, call him Andrew in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called, and if 19 - then Nicholas, since on this day the Orthodox venerate the miracle worker Nicholas.

At the end of this article, I would like to note that in fact the name must be given to the child with heart and soul. Any mother, as soon as she sees her baby for the first time, will immediately, without a doubt, give him a name that will bring only happiness and joy into his life.

Video: “How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar?”

In a pleasant series of troubles while waiting for a child, the choice of a name stands apart. For some parents, this is a quickly resolved issue: a newborn baby is named after someone or simply the most beloved name of one of the family members.

Other future mothers and fathers are more scrupulous in their choice, studying male and female names, their meaning, compatibility with patronymics and surnames, the time of birth of the child, or being guided by church canons.

They also remember here the advice: do not name the baby in honor of deceased relatives (it is clear why), and a warning against naming the child in honor of living family members (supposedly this will deprive the child of individuality).

No less important is the beauty of the name itself, especially if the parents are faced with the question of how to name the girl.

How to choose the best and most suitable of the female names for your daughter? Stop at a fashionable and original version or call the child a traditional, familiar name?

Choose a beautiful Russian name or look into the list of foreign ones? Or maybe even give the baby an experimental, unique name?

Choosing a name for a child-girl by patronymic

The compatibility of the first name with the patronymic is important for several reasons:

  1. Sound harmony, including the even distribution of vowels and consonants, makes the pronunciation of the first name and patronymic convenient, and listening pleasant.
  2. The correct combination of the name and patronymic, taking into account the nationality of the child and his father, as well as emphasizing their common style (for example, "Rose" and "Fedor" have different style colors, so their combination looks ridiculous) will not give rise to your daughter's classmates and colleagues in the future joke about it behind her back. Agree, for a girl it is very important!
  3. According to the popular theory that each name carries a certain meaning and affects the character and fate, its successful combination with a patronymic (and in fact two names) will have a positive effect on a person’s life.

In order for the name of your baby to be beautifully and harmoniously combined with the patronymic, adhere to the following recommendations when choosing it:

  • it is desirable that the last sound (syllable) of the name is not identical to the first sound (syllable) of the patronymic;
  • short names look good with a long middle name, and vice versa;
  • you should not choose unusual or colorful national names for girls, if the patronymic is familiar Slavic: “Angelika Ivanovna”, “Nargiz Olegovna” - doesn’t it sound comical?

If meaning is important to you when naming, then when choosing a name for your daughter, give preference to an option with a meaning that harmoniously complements the meaning of the father's name.

So, for the middle name "Sergeevna", which endows the baby with calmness, diligence and love for art, the beautiful name "Elena" is well suited, which promises the girl a sense of beauty and success in her career.

We select a female name by date and month of birth

The choice of the name of the girl, depending on the time of her birth, can be approached from several sides.

We make a choice by date in accordance with the sign of the zodiac

Lovers of horoscopes know that each representative of the zodiac has its own temperament, its own role in society. It is believed that the child must be named according to the meaning and characteristics of his sign.

For girls born during the "reign" of one or another zodiac sign, experts in the field of astrology have already compiled a list of suitable and undesirable female names.

So, for a girl born under the sign of Capricorn, the female name Maria is well suited, along with the options Sophia, Arina, Daria. Pick a beautiful name for Little Fish from the following list: Julia, Anna, Olga, Varvara, Polina.

Call Libra luxurious unusual options: Rostislav, Kaleria, Isabella. For girls born under the sign of Scorpio, it is recommended to name: Victoria, Maria, Love. Taisiya.

There are also many beautiful options for Sagittarius: Vladislav, Inessa, Vasilisa, Maya. Aquarius girls: Alina, Natalya, Snezhana. Call your Aries daughter Svetlana, Anastasia or, for example, Kira.

Veronica, Marina, Olga, Oksana are considered good names for Taurus. Gemini: Alice, Evgenia, Xenia, Christina. For Cancers, it is recommended to choose short, but at the same time very beautiful variations: Yana, Leah, Lada.

Name the little Lionesses beautifully and majestically: Alexandra, Eleanor, Nadezhda, Regina, Diana. Well, for Virgos, of course, feminine options are suitable: Elizabeth, Irina, Tatyana, Anita.

We name the girl by the month of birth

It is noticed that people born at the same time of the year have similar character traits. Thanks to this, the idea arose to select names according to the month of birth. In accordance with the temperament that he gives to a person, a name is chosen for the baby.

  1. The winter months endow babies with a far from mild temperament, so it’s better to call a girl a feminine option: Uliana, Valentina, Svetlana - this will make the child’s character less “cold”.
  2. Girls born in the spring are true ladies: gentle, light. But what they lack is firmness in making decisions and defending their opinions, so the names of “freckles” should be given strong ones: Anastasia, Larisa, Marina.

  1. In children who were born in the summer months, absolutely any character traits can appear, therefore, you can safely name your daughter as you like.
  2. In autumn, girls are born practical and not prone to dreams. Beautiful names with a touch of romance are well suited to such babies, which will soften their mundane character - Elizabeth, Zlata, Sophia.

Numerology - the mysterious science of numbers - is gaining more and more admirers. Its adherents are sure that almost our entire life is encrypted in numbers from 1 to 9. And since a person's life actually begins with the date of birth and naming, numerologists could not ignore these important milestones.

The numerological code of the date of birth is calculated by adding all its digits until a single digit is obtained. This number is considered sacred in human life. It is good if, in accordance with it, a name for the child is also chosen.

If you already have names for girls in mind, you can calculate the numerological code of each according to the following numerological table, where each letter has its own number (in columns).

The ideal option is the coincidence of the numbers of the name and date of birth - this predicts the baby's harmonious development and a successful life path.

For example, let's calculate the numerological code of the date of birth 04/15/2016:

1 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 19,

Among the female names corresponding to this number, one can name the following: Alexandra, Vanessa, Eva, Tamara.

Checking the correspondence between the numbers of the name and date is easy. To do this, it is enough to define the name code.

Let's calculate as an example, using the table above, the code for the name Eve:

E=6; B=3; A=1.

Add up the values ​​of each letter:

Several examples for each digit of the birth code are presented in the following table:

We name the baby according to the church calendar (saints)

It's great if you decide to name the girl according to the church calendar. This is a centuries-old Orthodox tradition: from ancient times it was believed that the saint, after whom the child was named, would patronize him all his life.

Today, choosing a name according to the holy calendar is doubly popular, because old options are in fashion, which can be found in a wide variety in the church calendar.

The church canon is not allowed to choose any name for the girl. You should refer to the names of saints honored on the baby’s birthday, on the eighth day after birth, or on the fortieth day, on which, according to Orthodox tradition, the child is baptized.

If in the women's calendar there was no option that parents liked, you can look into the men's - perhaps there is a derivative variation from a male name that is suitable for the date.

How to choose a beautiful name for your daughter according to the calendar, consider the example of the same date of birth - 04/15/2016. On this day, there are no holy women honored. However, the male saints offer the following options: Edesius, Titus, Polycarp, Amphian. Therefore, unusual girlish names can be formed from them: Amphiana, Edesia.

On the eighth day, that is, April 22, there are no female options in the church calendar either, so we look again at the list of male options: Vadim, Disan, Gabriel, Avdies, Mariav. Perhaps you will stop at a name similar to the last proposed name - "Maria".

On the fortieth day after the date of birth (May 24), the saints again provide only male names, but what: Rostislav, Alexander, Sophrony! These options are great for forming beautiful names for a girl.

A name is not just a word in a person's life. At all times, people have invested in it a special meaning and believed that it will affect the fate of the child. And today no one dares to call a daughter or son a “random” name. His choice is approached responsibly and carefully.

Whatever method of choosing a name you choose: by patronymic or date of birth, by the church calendar or numerological tables - the main thing is to do it with love, and then the baby's life will be truly happy and successful!

Names for girls: rare and beautiful, Orthodox

With the advent of a baby in the family, many questions arise. It is not easy for moms and dads who have a baby. One of the most important missions of parents is what name to give the girl. It is this moment that is of fundamental importance, since in many ways it is the name that determines the fate and future of a person. If the future lady can change her surname during marriage, then with the adverb given at birth, she will have to live for many years.

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Traditional or unusual?

There are a variety of beautiful names for girls. Some of them have become familiar, others catch the ear and seem non-standard. It is very difficult for young parents to decide. Often, whole battles arise on this basis, since the mother may like the option and not be accepted at all by the father. Often, other family members enter into disputes, making their own proposals. The key criterion, which is recommended to build on, is the euphony of the adverb itself and its compatibility with the patronymic and surname of the baby. Just think how ridiculous the attempt of young parents to give a non-trivial name to their daughter sometimes looks. That is why today Stefania Petrovna and Stella Vasilyevna are “pleasing to the ear”.

Considering the names of girls, it is very important to choose an option that can emphasize the individuality, femininity and beauty of the baby. Foreign, difficult-to-perceive names are not always a good solution. It is worth remembering that a child with this name will have to go to kindergarten, study and work. From strangers, too pretentious name can cause mockery and ridicule.

Orthodox names for girls

Traditional adverbs are a little tired. Ol, Kat, Marin, Tan and Natasha became very much. It is not surprising that a certain trend has emerged today. Many parents pay tribute to traditions by choosing beautiful names for Russian girls who have been somewhat forgotten. Such options were once popular, but over time they fell out of circulation. That is why more and more often Vasilises, Glafirs, Zlata, Miroslavs are born.

Choosing a name by time of year
Interesting names of girls by month

There are other criteria for choosing a name for a little princess. So, it is important to consider that the season in which he was born leaves a certain imprint on the character of the child. That is why Orthodox names of girls are often chosen by months. So, it is important for spring babies to give more self-confidence, strength and perseverance. They are suitable for such strong options as Diana, Tatyana, Ruslana, Victoria, Irina.

Girls who were born in the winter, on the contrary, are given "soft" and affectionate names: Severina, Serafima, Snezhana. Ksenia, Anna, Ulyana, Anastasia, Maria, Polina are another category that will perfectly help soften the natural rigidity of these girls.

It is believed that for summer representatives it is necessary to select adverbs that help to focus on the courage of the baby. Olga, Julia, Valentina, Margarita, Zhanna, Alina, Varvara, Alevtina are a great solution for "summer" princesses.

There is an opinion that girls are born in autumn with a soft, calm, very restrained character. That is why it is important for them to give a very gentle, light, melodious name, in which femininity itself is embedded. Such a list of names for girls is quite wide and varied. It includes unusual and beautiful options: Eva, Milan, Sophia, Veronica, Nelly, Ariadne, Neonila, Alena, Taisiya.

foreign variations

When choosing names according to the months of girls, many parents also take into account the recommendations of the Orthodox calendar. This is an individual matter. Also, many put originality at the forefront. Cleopatra, Juliana, Evelina, Elina, Charlotte, Inessa, Juliet - this is the shortest list of versions that have tightly entered our lives. Today, these options do not seem to be something supernatural. To some extent, they can be called everyday and ordinary. Having decided to bet on the exclusivity of the name, it is worth remembering your own child. It will be very difficult for him in life. Peers, educators, teachers, classmates and neighbors will often ask the baby unnecessary questions. Often, even the most beautiful, but unusual name becomes an occasion for creating nicknames and ridicule. Perhaps, becoming an adult, the daughter will only be delighted with the opportunity to be not like everyone else. However, she will have to go through a lot.

following the church calendar

Names for girls: Russian

Thinking about how to choose a name for a girl, you can use the church calendar. However, you need to remember about the peculiarities of such a decision. In order for the name to become a real talisman for the crumbs, it is necessary to take the option with an offset of 8 days from the date of birth. Why? The reason for this approach lies in tradition. Our ancestors baptized the baby on the eighth day after his birth.

Each month is rich in a variety of options. Familiar and extraordinary names for girls by months according to the church calendar will help parents choose the right option. For example, "January" crumbs are offered versions of Aglaya, Polina, Claudius, Anisia, Irina, Domna, Evgeny. Also, these babies are suitable for the names Anastasia, Nina, Maria, Theodora, Appolinaria, Vasilisa.

In February, the key names are presented in the following list: Agnia, Anna, Svetlana, Veronica, Xenia, Maria, Anastasia. Girls born during this period can be called Pavla, Inna, Valentina, Rimma, Christina, Agafya¸ Efrosinya, Evdokia or Martha.

March church names for girls are Galina, Antonina, Marianna, Marina, Christina, Nika, Margarita, Iraida, Regina. Also here are the versions of Theodore, Cyrus, Vasilisa, Evdokia, Ulyana.

In April, it is recommended to name the baby Susanna, Larisa, Alla, Maria, Tamara, Anastasia, Svetlana, Sofia. The names of Martha, Akulina, Daria, Ulyana, Matryona, Alexander, Nika, Galina, Praskovya, Eva and Claudia are suitable for representatives of this month.

May beautiful names for girls are extremely diverse: the list of options is surprisingly wide. These are Alexandra, Julia, Evdokia, Tamara, Zoya, Glykeria, Efrosinya, Pelageya. This also includes the versions of Claudius, Irina, Taisiya, Faina, Maria, Valentina, Glafira, Christina, Susanna.

Girls born in June can be given the following names: Elena (Alena), Sophia, Nelly, Antonina, Valeria, Feodosia, Anna, Kira, Christina, Maria. For those who were born at the very beginning of summer, the adverbs of Martha, Claudius, Ulyana, Akulina, Kaleria, Thekla, Theodora, Efrosinya are suitable.

The most beautiful names of girls are suitable for July: Rimma, Angelina, Zhanna, Efimiya, Juliana, Margarita, Sarah, Marina. This also includes options: Irina, Maria, Alevtina, Valentina, Elena.

In August, the names of Milena, Seraphim, Nonna, Evdokia, Magdalene, Anita, Christina, Anna, Olympias and Susanna are chosen.

In September, girls are called Vasilisa, Martha, Anna, Domna, Vera, Anfisa, Nadezhda. Love, Martha, Lyudmila, Raisa, Rufina - other options.

In October, the names Sophia, Anna, Zinaida, Ariadna, Jonah, Evlampia, Praskovia, Pelageya, Marianna, Euphrosyne, Virineya, Zlata, Taisia, Sophia, Ustinya, Thekla, Irina, Veronica are relevant.

A girl born in November can be called Matryona, Glykeria, Elena, Neonila, Natalya, Ulyana, Kapitolina, Alena, Anna, Maria, Nelly, Anastasia.

December is the time of Marina, Anfisa, Anna, Catherine, Augusta, Olga, Ulyana, Zoe, Barbara, Angelina, Cecilia.

These are all just recommendations from the church calendar. At the same time, it is not recommended to name a daughter in honor of the heroines of movie series or novels that were popular in a certain period. Over time, they are forgotten, and the name, especially if it is not typical for our mentality, can be perceived with a smile and bewilderment. It is also worth abandoning attempts to achieve a deliberate resemblance to celebrities when the surname and patronymic are consonant. Society will constantly look for similarities, which will lead to psychological discomfort for the baby. It is not yet recommended to give the girl the name of the mother. This will deprive the baby of its individuality and provoke some kind of competition between the representatives of the older and younger generations. Psychologists are sure that the daughter and mother of the namesake cannot find a common language and are always in a state of conflict. Of course, many parents are repelled by fashion trends. Everything is individual here, and there are no general criteria.

A name for a person is, as it seems at first glance, just a few letters, but what can be hidden in their consonance? The character, temperament and further fate will depend on how the parents name their child. If you are expecting a baby and do not know what to do: choose a name for a girl by her patronymic or listen to the advice of an astrologer, wait until the baby is born - her happy eyes will tell you themselves.

Congratulations, you have a daughter!

From the first days of pregnancy, expectant mothers begin to come up with names for the child. It is impossible to determine from two strips on the test who is growing in a woman's tummy - a boy or a girl, so a young family is considering both options: how to name a daughter and a son. A few months pass, and the ultrasound machine shows that a girl will appear. Parents are looking forward to this event with joy, because the little princess will bring a lot of happiness to the house and fill it with comfort and warmth.

Very often, young mothers and fathers delay choosing a name for the child, and the child is born nameless. Such a problem arises due to prenatal stress: a woman frantically flips through the pages of magazines in search of suitable options, but the results remain unsuccessful. The fantasy of modern parents can be so rich that at least seven daughters would have to be born to implement the idea. Sometimes the picture becomes different, and mothers are completely bewildered by ignorance of current trends. Is it always worth delving into onomastics, or is it better to follow your intuition and think for yourself how to choose the right name for a girl? There is no single answer to this question, because parents must decide for themselves what is best to do.

Top 5 international female names

Today you will not surprise anyone with interethnic and interethnic marriages - this proves the true love of the spouses and their readiness to accept a new culture. The most common problem that arises immediately after a couple is about to become parents is how to choose a name for a girl or a boy if the mother is of European descent and the father is Arab or Persian.

Alexandra, or Sasha - this is how babies are called in many countries of the world. Given that the name has a male counterpart, women will inherit the strengths of the character along with the love of sports and cars. Alexandra's father will be immensely happy when the girl begins to share his interest in football or hockey.

The Hebrew name Anna is today deservedly recognized as the most popular. It is great for girls of all nationalities. The owners of this name are kind, honest, sincere and have good intuition. Annas are very artistic from birth, and they also make good doctors.

Alina is a French-German name that is often found among European and Eastern peoples. Such girls are immediately noticed in society - they are distinguished by good taste and a difficult character, but along with this, noble features are inherent in them.

The name Sabina is most often called beauties in Asian countries, although it is of Latin origin. Such girls become very independent and domineering, so they easily build their career in the future.

If you want to raise a gentle lady, but don't know how to choose a name for a girl, opt for Lily. It means "white flower" in Latin. Feminine and calm, Lilies constantly strive for self-education and never stop there.

Adelina, Angela, Christina, Eva, Diana, Maria, Sofia, Emma remain no less relevant international female names. Each of them carries a certain meaning and energy, as a result of which we can conclude that you yourself are building the fate of your daughter.

Calendar of female names for Christians

Astrologers believe that the child will get sick a little, become successful and happy if you name him in honor of the saint. In the Orthodox calendar, there are Hebrew, Greek, Slavic and Latin names. It is customary to believe that the baby, who was born on the day of commemoration of the saint and named after him, remains under the guardianship of a guardian angel all his life. Names according to the church calendar may not always coincide with the child’s birthday, and if the parents did not like any of the options, they can name the newborn as they wish.


Aglaia, Ulyana, Anastasia, Susanna, Eva, Claudia, Eugenia, Agafia, Anisia, Emilia, Appolinaria, Tatyana, Nina.


Inna, Rimma, Agnia, Xenia, Maria, Anna, Agafia, Martha, Anna, Valentina, Svetlana, Zoya, Euphrosyne.


Marianna, Marina, Kira, Evdokia, Antonina, Iraida, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Nika, Galina, Christina.


Daria, Praskovya, Matrena, Alexandra, Claudia, Svetlana, Lydia, Anna, Larisa, Alla, Maria, Akulina, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Galina, Irina, Nika.

Alexandra, Elizabeth, Glafira, Susanna, Tamara, Maria, Martha, Zoya, Mavra, Pelagia, Irina, Taisia, Lukerya, Irina, Muse, Euphrosyne, Evdokia, Faina, Julia, Alexandra, Claudia.


Elena, Euphrosinia, Ulyana, Valeria, Maria, Kaleria, Martha, Antonina, Anna.


Rimma, Inna, Uliana, Agrippina, Euphrosyne, Angelina, Martha, Anna, Evdokia, Olga, Elena, Alevtina, Valentina, Julia, Marina, Margarita.


Martha, Christina, Olympias, Anna, Praskovya, Anfisa, Seraphim, Nonna, Maria, Ulyana.


Vassa, Natalia, Anfisa, Anna, Martha, Rufina, Vasilisa, Elizabeth, Raisa, Pulcheria, Iya, Lyudmila, Sofia, Faith, Hope, Love.


Sofia, Ariadne, Irina, Polyxenia, Iraida, Euphrosinia, Anna, Virineya, Veronica, Taisia, Pelageya, Zinaida, Praskovya.


Cleopatra, Glyceria, Elizabeth, Anna, Kapitolina, Ustinya, Anna, Virineya, Veronica, Taisia, Pelageya, Matrena.


Anna, Cecilia, Ekaterina, Augusta, Ulyana, Anfisa, Angelina, Zoya.

The table shows the female names according to the church calendar in the sequence "month" and "name of the holy martyr" in ascending order from the first to the last day.

Star Choice

People in show business love to "shine" on television and the covers of glossy magazines and try to distinguish their children from the rest by giving them unusual names. Musician Sergei Shnurov attracts attention not only with his non-standard behavior on stage and screaming lyrics. The scandalous artist named his son Apollo, modestly declaring that the name was given in honor of the famous poet of the nineteenth century. And there really is no connection with the ancient Greek god of art, they say.

Sergey Zhukov and his wife Regina immediately categorically refused simple Russian names and considered only European ones. The couple is raising daughter Nicole and son Angel, assuring that they made such a choice for a reason: before the birth of their second child, they came across images of an angel everywhere, so they decided to name the boy that way. How to name the girl, the parents did not think for a long time, deciding from childhood to make her the winner, like the ancient Greek goddess Nike.

Nineteen-year-old Lera Kudryavtseva immediately decided what to name her first child. The young mother adored Jean-Claude Van Damme and was sure that her son would grow up to be as handsome as his beloved actor. The ex-husband of the TV personality, musician of the Laskovy May group, Sergey Lenyuk, was not opposed, but years later Lera changed her mind and suggested that her adult son take a more traditional name, but the guy refused.

Singer Alsou has two daughters - Safina and Mikkela. She and her husband, businessman Yan Abramov, immediately refused to consider common names. Alsou did not think for a long time how to name her daughter beautifully, because the name Safin completely coincides with the singer's maiden name.

But the Russian theater and film actor Viktor Bychkov decided not to follow Western fashion and called his son the Old Slavonic name Dobrynya. It is not known whether the actor connects his choice with one of the three heroes, but he and his wife hope that the child will bring goodness and justice to the world, as the old Russian fellows did.

Why do celebrities change their names?

Think about it, why do some people get all the best things in life, while most of us are content with the minimum benefits? Everything is simple - a riddle in the name: for some, a rare name is a gift, and for others - a curse. People with a bright pseudonym can easily prove themselves in a creative profession - the producers will fall for such a trick and become interested in the talent of a contender for a worthy title. If a woman or a man really has a great voice or external data, but there is nothing memorable in their initials, you will have to think about a bright pseudonym.

Show business stars change their names not only to attract good luck and wealth, but also to attract the attention of fans. So, Anfisa Chekhova used to be Alexandra, Tutta Larsen - Tatyana, Anzhelika Varum - Maria, Valeria - Alla. However, artists do not always look for outrageous pseudonyms and call themselves simply and consonantly, so that fans do not even have suspicions about such a little trick. Alla Ageeva became Masha Rasputina, Elena Levochkina - Alena Apina, Viktor Belan - Dima Bilan, Inessa Klimchuk - Irina Allegrova, and Maria Sadkova decided to be called briefly and simply - Masha Malinovskaya. Preparing to become parents, celebrities carefully reflect on how you can name a girl or a boy. Some try to shield their children from the press and give them simple names. Outrageous mothers draw attention to the child from the first days of his birth, which can sometimes harm the baby up to the evil eye of ill-wishers.

Closer to school age, boys and girls, having seen enough foreign cartoons, begin to protest to their parents. Masha and Dasha want to become Isolde and Teresa, and their sons ask to be named after their favorite superheroes. Psychologists claim that an unusual name can develop a complex in a child and become the subject of ridicule. Pride quickly goes away, and instead children begin to feel alienated. If in the future you are going to have a child, think carefully about what name to call a girl or a boy, and make a choice consciously. Of course, it cannot be argued that one name is bad and the other is good, because in different areas of life each of them plays a certain role. And do not forget about the spirit of the era. Perhaps now the name you have chosen is more relevant than ever, but what will happen in a couple of decades? In Soviet times, some parents were sure that by naming the baby Dazdraperma ("Long live the First of May"), they would raise a hardworking and obedient girl. The boy Spapuzas ("Thanks to Putin for Sochi") will always remember the merits of Vladimir Vladimirovich, however, there is no guarantee that closer to his mature years he will not become an ordinary Vasya or Petya.

What name to choose for a girl so that she is beautiful and happy?

In ancient times, people were very superstitious, which is associated with the belief in evil spirits. The power of the human name was known to our ancestors from time immemorial, so they deliberately named the child twice. This tradition is still traced among modern peoples. In Russia, the name of the child given to him at baptism was hidden, and in some countries, in addition to the main name, the baby was given a second name, often not quite consonant, so that the dark forces would not harm the child. Parents thought for a particularly long time about how to name the girl in order to endow the future mistress with certain qualities even at birth. Psychologists and astrologers say that the character and fate of the baby will depend on the chosen name.

Parents often name their children as they please - in honor of their favorite artist, dear relative, or by analogy with some abstract phenomena. So, Svetlana most often has a sunny character and cheerfulness, and Lilies, Roses and Asters adopt the signs of flowers - they are proud, gentle and submissive. Beautiful names for girls (Russian) can often be of non-Slavic origin. It will not be difficult for Orthodox parents to name their daughter whatever they want, and to endow her with qualities that will then be easy to bring up in a baby. Girls with long unusual names are most often distinguished by a complex character and extraordinary thinking. Others, on the contrary, go through life with a confident step due to their simplicity. And one more nuance. It is important that the name is consonant with the surname and patronymic. By choosing good-sounding initials for your baby, you can be sure that he will delight you with his successes.

What's in your name?

In astrology, each letter or number carries a specific meaning. Often people say that some aspects of the character were transferred to the child from the planet that patronizes him. If you do not know how to choose a name for a girl, refer to the stars and they will tell you the right way. In order to correctly name the child, it is necessary to add up the numbers of the date of birth and, thus, find out the number that will correspond to the planet. If the combination is harmonious, the baby will have a happy fate.

How to choose a name for a girl by patronymic and last name?

Could you pronounce, for example, the following from the first time: Razumovskaya Kapitolina Veniaminovna? Probably not. When choosing a name for your child, try to pay attention not only to the meaning that it carries in itself, but also to the consonance of the components. If the father's name is Athanasius, Voldemar, Mstislav, Emmanuel, it is better to call the girl Aglaya, Bella, Vassa, Dana. When the daughter's father is Gleb, Jan, Yegor, Lev, Klim, respectively, her name should be long and majestic. Consider this factor when combined with a surname.

Do not think too long about how to name a girl - names in their variety can be confusing. Of course, parents dream that the child grows up healthy and happy, so it is important before he is born, at least superficially, to begin to be interested in onomastics. In one of the sections of this science, anthroponymy, you can get acquainted with the origin of the name and learn about other interesting facts.

What is the most common name for girls in Russia

The fashion for names is changeable. At the end of the last century, at the time of the spread of Western films and music in the territory of the former Soviet Union, parents increasingly began to call their children Louise and Alex. Literally a few years later, adults decided to turn to the origins of their state and began to choose other beautiful names for girls - Russian and Ukrainian, such as Praskovya, Vasilisa, Lada. The fair sex wants to hear words of tenderness as often as possible. Having christened your daughter Nastenka, Annushka or Dashenka, you can be sure that she will be pleased to respond to her name, which sounds in a diminutive form.

In Russia in 2014, mothers are increasingly calling their babies Darina, Sophia, Alina, Zlata, Polina and Valeria. Anastasia remains the most popular name - its owners in the future can try themselves in creative professions. If you will become a mother very soon, but still do not know how to choose a name for a girl, wait until the baby is born, take a look at her face, and perhaps it will give you the answer to this question.

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