Ilya brusnikin little big. Who was born to Ira Smelaya and Ilyich (lead singer of Little Big)? Music in the life of Ilya

Ira Bold on her channel she released the first video after giving birth.

Bold, also known as “ TATARKA”, shoots not only conversational videos, but also releases music videos. The clip "ALTYN", released in 2016 for Samsung, brought her wide popularity in the blogging community. The video managed to gain more than 18 million views in just a few months, now there are more than 29 million.

In the second video for the track “U CAN TAKE”, Bold starred with her husband - Ilya Prusikin(soloist of the band Little Big). At the beginning of this year, information appeared that she was preparing her first album.

On November 26, a son was born to Ira Smelaya and Ilyich. Apparently, the young parents decided to be creative in choosing a name for their first child and named him “Dobrynya”. It will sound very brutal if, having matured, a young man takes his mother's surname - “Dobrynya Ilyich the Bold”.

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Video blogger Ilyich is a popular media personality on the Runet. He runs his own YouTube channel.

The real name of Ilyich is Ilya Prusikin. In addition to blogging, the showman is engaged in acting, directing, writing music and scripts.

  • "The Gaffy Gaff Show";
  • the film "Police Weekdays";
  • comedy program on YouTube called "The Great Battle of the Rappers".

Little Big is Prusikin's group, in which he takes the place of the frontman. Also, the musician is one of the creators of the popular ClickKlak channel and several times replaced Stas Davydov in the releases of the most popular show in Runet - “This is horosho”.

Ilyich's band "Little Big"

More than 280 thousand active users have subscribed to Ilya's official channel. The blogger actively cooperates with his colleagues - Ruslan Usachev, Daniil Poperechny, Ira Smela, Eldar Dzharakhov and other popular personalities.

Where does a popular blogger and stand-up artist live? You can read detailed information about Ilyich's place of residence and all his real estate below.

Blogger's main residence

Now Ilya Prusikin lives in St. Petersburg, where he is engaged in his creative activities. Until the age of 17, the frontman of a popular group lived with his parents in the same St. Petersburg.

In 2015, the blogger purchased his own living space - an apartment in a residential area of ​​St. Petersburg. The exact address of the building is unknown. The blogger himself refuses to give his exact place of residence due to the possible persecution of inadequate fans.

In 2014, the actor got into an unpleasant situation. Every apartment he rented was hunted down by fans who would not let the popular showman pass. They pursued him absolutely everywhere: under the entrance, on the floors of the house.

After this incident, the guy decided to take the problem of his own privacy more seriously. Despite this, the blogger often posted his photos on Instagram from the apartment in which he lived. You can see one of them below:

Looking at the photo, we can conclude that the interior of the apartment has a fairly consistent color scheme. No luxurious repairs - everything is simple and tasteful.

Ilya lives not alone, but with his girlfriend - Irina Smela. She is also a popular video blogger and has repeatedly appeared in Ilya's vlogs and other projects.

More than 160 thousand user profiles are subscribed to her channel. The couple announced that they were dating and living together in May last year.

Recently, there have been rumors in blogging circles that the blogger proposed to Ira. A few months later, in August 2016, they got married and moved into a new apartment.

In July 2017, they announced to everyone that Ira was pregnant.

Video from the new apartment:

Other property

It is known that Ilya has his own BMW car. According to the popular artist, he bought it with his own money.

Ilya posted a photo inside the interior of his car on his official Instagram page.

Accommodation in the capital

In view of his active work, Prusikin often had to visit Moscow. He can visit this city several times a month. According to the blogger, he has not yet purchased his own housing in Moscow, however, there are plans for this.

In Moscow, Prusikin prefers to stay with his blogger friends, rent a hotel room or rent an apartment (in the case when the trip drags on for a long time).

Ilya Prusikin is an old-timer of the large Russian portal YouTube. He is a co-founder of the well-known ClickKlak association, one of the main authors of the popular Internet series Police Weekdays, and also participates in various action-packed social shows. Close people described him as a video producer, actor, blogger, director, leader of a musical group.

Brief description of the artist

The biography of Ilya Prusikin begins with the fact that this person is the creator of really popular Internet projects that the general public managed to like. Ilyich has many fans, as this 33-year-old intellectual from a good family strives to meet modern requirements, not being afraid to touch on the most pressing social issues that society is trying to keep silent about in his work. The scandalous blogger was born in 1985 on April 8.

Ilya was born on the border of Russia with China - in Transbaikalia. A few years later he moved with his parents to St. Petersburg. Despite all the contradictions of opinions, it was this cultural capital that became a city of great opportunities for a purposeful and open young man.

In early childhood, Ilya loved to perform in public, the future musician and actor grew up as a mischievous, active child. He played popular baseball for a long time, while holding the position of an outfielder, loved football, and also took classes in aeromodelling. When the parents considered the creative potential in their child, they sent their son to a good music school, where he learned to play the piano. If you carefully study the biography of an Internet star, it becomes clear that Ilya also has a higher education behind him. The blogger managed to graduate from the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, where he studied at the psychological and pedagogical faculty.

Already in the first half of 2011, an active young man began to fruitfully cooperate with the well-known at that time company "Thank you, Eva!". A few years later, the provocative projects created by Prusikin brought the channel enormous popularity. In 2012, the Gaffy Gaff Show adapted for the children's program, as well as the then popular Great Rap Battle, saw the light of day. In fact, both programs were intended to draw people's attention to the main problems of society. Ilyich actively ridiculed the social vices of modern humanity.

In mid-2012, Prusikin became a real producer and one of the main actors of the sitcom "Police Weekdays". Some of the brightest representatives of YouTube managed to play in this film:

  • A member of a rap group known in a certain circle called "Bread".
  • Popular Ilya Maddison, who is a pioneer of streaming.
  • Experienced Sam Nickel.

The work of the musician and blogger was to the liking of Buldakov and Sparov. Despite all the abundance of idols of young people, the series could not find a real response among underage viewers. After the release of three episodes, the project simply closed. But a year later, Ilya and his friend Eldar Dzharakhov created a kind of creative association "ClickKlak". The project was designed for girls and guys who find it difficult to sit in one place, but they have a good sense of humor. Today on the channel page you can view the following show programs:

  • Demanded video "Children's trash games."
  • Funny program "Give bream."
  • "Shocking Karaoke"
  • Popular among young people show "As you say."
  • Experiment Breakers.

Music in the life of Ilya

Prusikin in mid-2002 was able to found his own professional group called Tenkorr. A team of talented people created in an unusual genre for many people, which is called "emocore". The first released music album consisted exclusively of three tracks. He bore the mysterious name "It will be late." Two years later, the group was able to present an interesting concert video for the song they wrote, "How it all began." This work received a rather high award at the regional St. Petersburg festival.

At the beginning of 2005, a truly debut album, My Last Letter, was recorded. This compilation includes 10 concept songs. But the following works received the greatest popularity:

  • "Pseudo-love".
  • "It will be late".
  • "Underground".
  • "A world without you"
  • "K.V.N."

Only after some time, two more tracks saw the light: “I Believe”, “Hatred”. After that, the Tenkorr team recorded their new album called "ROCK, baby". The guys even made a big concert tour in support of him, visiting more than 30 cities of Russia (first of all, the musicians performed in Penza and Rostov).

The well-known recording format of the LP "SEX POLICE" was released in 2008. It consisted of ten interesting songs in the "alternative rock" genre. In parallel with this, the talented Ilya managed to work with various teams.

Close people of the blogger note that active involvement in musical activities did not prevent the guy from getting a good higher education.

Ilya Prusikin did not tell the public about his relationship with girls until 2016. Many fans assumed that Ilyich's low stature was to blame - only 165 centimeters, which is why he was often compared to a dwarf. Later, everyone began to suspect that the musician had an affair with Ira Smela. The reason for such assumptions was that the girl repeatedly appeared both in commercials on the ClickKlak portal and on the man’s well-advertised personal channel.

The famous group of Ilyich "Little Big" is the ideological inspirer of a huge musical project called "TATARKA", where Ira is the main character. Despite conflicting opinions, the quick-witted rapper was credited to the ranks of talented people thanks to her abilities. Previously, the audience could meet her in the program "Fashion Trashon", blogs "Tatar Weekdays", as well as the project "M / F".

Irina Smelaya's channel has more than 600 thousand subscribers. In 2016, an active and restive brunette was already talked about on a national scale, when a clip called “Altyn” was posted on the network. Most users liked the video. In the same year, on July 6, Ira Smelaya and Ilya Prusikin signed at the local registry office. Only the closest relatives and friends of the couple were invited to the long-awaited ceremony. The newlyweds also did not forget about their loyal fans. Everyone can see the highlights of the ceremony on Ilya's channel, where the musician posted a short video.

In 2017, on November 26, their first-born was born, who received the name Dobrynya, but his parents lovingly call him simply Danya. Today, the artist has a very good relationship with his wife's uncle. Close friends call the blogger kindly "puska". It turns out that the musician is afraid of mice, rats, insects and snakes.

Embodiment of ideas through art

Thanks to his great fortitude, Prusikin united several professionals into a single team called "Little Big", which the press called an improved virus. Numerous fans often compare her to the well-publicized, out-of-the-ordinary band Die Antwoord from South Africa. That is why there was a period when the frontman was accused of brazenly copying his image from a foreign soloist. But this did not last long.

In a short period of time, the members of "Little Big" proved their originality and huge potential on the big world stage. Today the St. Petersburg team is known in many major countries. Soloists-dwarfs Anna Karst and Olympia Ivleva became a real highlight of the team. The band's first video went viral on the internet (Every day I'm Drinking).

The motive of the clip was built in such a way as to ridicule outdated stereotypes about Russia. The work pleased many users with excellent camera work. In the video, the bear sniffed cocaine with a naked girl, and the clowns grinned predatorily against the backdrop of the front door. The clip also features many Soviet interiors and an abundance of vodka.

Of course, the first bar was too high, but each subsequent video was not inferior to previous works in terms of quality and extravagance. The following clips received great popularity:

  • Creative video "Give Me Your Money".
  • A popular clip with an unusual theme "Public Enemy".
  • Extraordinary youth video "Big Dick".
  • An interesting clip with millions of views "Hateful Love".

In 2015, the band's second album, Funeral Rave, saw the light of day. The disc consists of 11 exciting songs. Only one of them was recorded in Russian - this is "Polyushko Pole".

Blogger job today

In the early days of spring 2017, during a big tour of Russian cities, frontman Prusikin published an interesting video “Rave On” on the Internet. In just 24 hours, the clip has collected more than one million views. In addition, a rather extravagant track with an additional song "For Hatters" became available to fans. In the same year, Ilya and his friend Dzharakhov launched an interesting show, ClickKlak in Prison. Eduard Holmstock is following Ilyich's progress.

After some time, the group released a video jointly with Irina Smela called "U Can Take". The text of the song is written in two languages: Tatar and English. In the first few seconds of posting on YouTube, the clip was able to collect more than two millimeters of views.

In the summer of 2017, a group of musicians took part in a large project “Concerts without a roof. Red Summer", releasing in Moscow. After some time, Ilya teamed up with the eccentric group "Eskimo Callboy" from Germany, thanks to which they presented a new song "Nightlife" to the public.

Created jointly with Eldar Dzharakhov, the extraordinary project "Team E" was presented at the Starcon festival. Famous show business stars and video makers were involved in the filming, including the leader of the Leningrad group. Last year, the third studio album "Antipositive" was released. Today, the artist is experimenting with his appearance and hairstyle.

Creating interesting videos

Prusikin himself believes that his most successful project is Little Big, but he continues to run his YouTube channel. There he shows all the moments that remained behind the scenes of filming famous clips. Fans can also see all the team members relaxing and meeting fans. The following videos are the most popular today:

  • A very informative and interesting video "How the FARADENZA clip was filmed."
  • Popular video "Catching a wave with Transverse".
  • "Setup from Buzova."

The latest video has received almost five million views as many fans found out exactly where the team of professionals was able to find such an artist who looks more like a dangerous dictator from Korea. Ilya himself said that for the successful filming of the planned video, they had to equip more than 12 different locations. 60 people were involved in the work. Even loyal fans do not always know that it is ClickKlak that specializes in the production of the Rose Wine video.

A talented guy in an interview has repeatedly said that he is happy to do what he loves, which ultimately brings an impressive income. Thanks to his efforts, he was able to create successful projects that can be monetized. Today the blogger is married to Irina, has a little son and a solid income.

Last year, on June 15, the channel announced a completely new joint musical project of popular leaders "The Hatters". Three days later, Ilyich and Yuri Muzychenko, as part of the created group, released their debut video for their first single "Single Mother".

Real earnings

It is rather difficult for an ordinary person to figure out what kind of profit Ilya Prusikin receives for his work. Experts point out that the channel created by the blogger has the following characteristics:

  • In just one month, the portal has gained more than two million views.
  • In 30 days, the channel received 28,000 brand new subscribers.
  • More than 80-125 thousand viewers watch videos daily.

If you study the statistics, the created channel brings from 600 to several thousand dollars a month. In addition, there are direct advertisers. Most often, these are providers of various applications and cashback services. Ilya Prusikin has his share in the well-known ClickKlak project, which is in great demand among an audience of different ages.

Today, this channel has more than six million subscribers. The posted video always gains more than 1 million views. Taking into account all these indicators, the team of Ilya Prusikin can count on an additional several thousand dollars. Experts have determined that the average income of a blogger is about 13 thousand dollars a month.

Ilya Prusikin (Ilyich) is an old-timer of the Russian YouTube scene, co-founder of the ClickKlak creative association, one of the authors of the idea for the web series Police Weekdays, the Constructorr project, the social show In the Order of Things and many other rating videos. Blogger, director, video producer, referee of rap battles Versus Battle, leader of the musical rave group Little Big, with the help of which Ilyich fulfills his old dream - to become a phenomenon of world musical culture and “pump the whole world”.

Childhood and youth

The future YouTube celebrity was born on April 8, 1985 on the border with China, in Transbaikalia. Soon the family moved to the Leningrad region, and later to the city on the Neva itself. According to the blogger, his family has Polish and Jewish roots.

Ilya graduated not only from general education, but also from a music school in piano. As a teenager, he was fond of football, aeromodelling, and baseball.

In 2002, Ilya founded his first band - Tenkorr. The team worked in the emocore genre. Their first mini-album consisted of three tracks and was called "It will be late." In 2004, the group presented a concert video for the song "How It All Began (K.V.N.)" and received the Grand Prix at the Leningrad Regional Festival.

A year later, their debut album “My Last Letter” was recorded, which included ten conceptual compositions, including “It will be late”, “Pseudo love”, “The world without you”, “Metro”, “K.V.N.”. Then videos were released for the tracks "Hatred" and "I Believe". In the latter, at first everything looked like a traditional emo clip: there was a hero, a girl, suffering and a friend calming the guy. But then it turned out that he was suffering not for her, but for a friend ...

In the same period, Tenkorr recorded a new album "ROCK, baby!", made a tour in support of it, visiting about three dozen cities in our country.

Ilya Prusikin and the Tenkorr group - "Sex police"

In 2008, their new LP "SEX POLICE" was released, which included 10 songs in the "alternative rock" genre.

At the same time, the musician managed to work with the bands Like A Virgin, st.Bastards, Construktorr, which were dubbed in the media as "either the brightest phenomenon in the cultural life of the country, or expressive crazy."

Biography of Ilya Prusikin

Occupation with music did not prevent the young man from getting a higher education. He graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy at the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture.

Career Development

In 2011, the musician and songwriter, who had experience in the production of video clips, began to collaborate with the creative association "Thank you, Eva!" and learn vlogging.

In partnership with Vladimir Besedin, he launched the Guffy Gaff Show project. They attracted other YouTube stars to his recording: Ilya Davydov (Madison), Ruslan Usachev, Artur Galchenko (Sam Nickel), Vasily Rudenko (Vasya Ebashilovo) and others.

The show imitated children's entertainment and educational programs: sock puppets sang funny songs, but they were by no means devoted to the study of letters and basic social concepts - Giraffe-rafik advised how to get away from the army, Cat-drug taught how to become a rapper ...

Only 2 seasons of the show saw the light, as the creators switched to more interesting projects, but many songs from The Guffy Guff Show are still stored in the memory of thousands of viewers.

No less popular was the satirical show "The Great Rap Battle" (an adaptation of the English-language project Epic Rap Battles of History), where famous historical figures fought in the format of rap fights. Discussed in their course, topical issues and acute social issues forced not only to laugh, but also to think. For example, Pussy Piot and Patriarch Kirill, Jesus Christ and Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexei Navalny and Vladimir Lenin could clash in a battle.

Great Rap Battle from Ilya Prusikin! Stalin vs Pavel Durov

In 2012, Ilyich became one of the directors of the web series "Police Weekdays", and also played the role of Sergeant Kotov in it. Many video makers from Eva again became his filming colleagues: Denis Kukoyaka, Vladimir Besedin, Sam Nickel, Ilya Maddison. The project was closed after the release of only three 12-minute episodes.

In 2013, Ilyich began to collaborate with a St. Petersburg video blogger, a member of the "Successful Group" Eldar Dzharakhov. The result of their joint work was the creation of the ClickClackBand association. As part of the project, Ilyich, Dzharakhov, Yura Muzychenko and other bloggers played jenga with a stun gun, wrestled in a Vaseline pool in skimpy swimsuits, gave each other “bream” and did many other crazy but funny things.

Ilya Prusikin and "Little Big"

In the same period, he created the Little Big rave group, which was called a super virus in the press. Listeners often compared it with the outrageous South African band Die Antwoord, the opening act for which the musicians lit up in the St. Petersburg club "A2" on July 2, 2013.

The band's frontman was even accused of copying his image from the lead singer of Die Antwoord, but the attacks did not last long. Little Big proved their originality and great potential on the world stage: Petersburgers won the hearts of listeners in Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Argentina, the USA and Brazil.

The soloists-dwarfs Olympia Ivleva and Anna Karst became the pearl of the team (later she left the group).

The very first video of this outrageous band called "Everyday I "m Drinking" instantly scattered across the Web. The clip ridiculed the "cranberry" stereotypes about Russia and pleased the eye with amazing camera work: a bear sniffing cocaine along with a naked purple-haired girl, predatory grinning clowns in the background shabby front door, Soviet interiors and a lot of vodka.

Ilya Prusikin and Little Big - Everyday I "m drinking

The bar was set high, but each new clip of Little Big was not inferior to the first in quality and extravagance of the approach: “Life in Da Trash”, popularly called the “maggot clip”, “Give Me Your Money”, “Big Dick” (winner of the Berlin festival music videos in the category "Best Thrash Video"), "With Russia From Love", "Public Enemy", "Hateful Love", which starred model Elena Sheidlina.

In 2015, the band's second album, Funeral Rave, was released. The disc includes 11 songs, of which only one (Polyushko Polye) was recorded in Russian. The album debuted on the iTunes chart at number nine.

Personal life of Ilya Prusikin

The popular vlogger and musician is married. Ilya Prusikin, a singer and blogger originally from Naberezhnye Chelny, became his chosen one. Now in the spring of 2017, during a tour of the Russian Federation, which started in September of the previous year, the Little Big frontman published a video “Rave On” on the Web, which collected more than a million views in a day. The track with an additional song "For Hatters" was available to the audience. At the same time, on the VKontakte social network, together with Dzharakhov, he launched the ClickKlak in Prison show.

Ilya Prusikin in the show "ClickKlak Behind Bars: Interrogation"

The group also released a video clip "U Can Take" jointly with Ilyich's wife Irina, where the text of the composition sounds in Tatar and English. In the first day of publication on YouTube, he collected more than two million views.

In the summer of the same year, the musicians became participants in the project “Concerts without a roof. Red Summer", performing in Moscow. Later, together with the no less hooligan group Eskimo Callboy from Germany, they presented a new track "Nightlife".

At the festival of fantasy, science and cinema "Starcon" and the vlogger presented a joint project with Eldar Dzharakhov - a space, somewhat absurd web sitcom "Team E", which was filmed by famous video makers and show business stars, including Sergey Shnurov, the leader of the group "Leningrad".

LITTLE BIG - LollyBomb

In 2018, Little Big's third studio album Antipositive was released.

I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So youtuber and musician Ilya Prusikin, better known as Ilyich, first saw the light of day on April 8, 1985. From childhood I was a creative child.
Parents, having seen the desire of their son for art, sent him to a musical educational institution in the piano class.
After receiving secondary education, Ilya studied as a psychologist-teacher.
Already from adolescence, Prusikin was in various musical groups. One of the first was Tenkorr, which gained some notoriety in Russia. The team played the rock genre and even released several records.

Also, our hero had experience with the bands Like A Virgin, St. Bastards and Construktorr, who played everything from grunge, glam rock to new rave and hardcore.

During the period of work as a musician, Ilya's groups sooner or later had to release video works for their songs. As a rule, most of the clips were made by the guys themselves, which is where the desire for video making came from. Perhaps the first known work of Ilyich on YouTube video hosting was "Guffy Gough Show", made jointly with Vladimir Besedin. The project had a social and humorous overtones and was stylized as a children's program.

The Guffy Gough Show: Season 1 / Episode 1 (2011)

Later, inspired by the foreign series of commercials "Epic Rap Battles", our hero launches the Russian analogue of the "Great Rap Battle" on the resource "Thank you, Eva!"

Prusikin was also one of the creators of the web series "Police Weekdays", which starred top Russian video makers at that time, including Denis Kukoyaka, Sam Nickel and others.

Police Weekdays: 1 episode, season 1 (2012)

In 2013, he began collaborating with the Successful Group, creating the ClickClackBand association with him, where guys rap on behalf of schoolchildren who want to appear cool.

In the same year he created the rave band "Little Big". The peculiarity of the group is the presentation in a satirical manner of how foreigners see the Russian people. "Little Big" gained fame far beyond the borders of Russia, thanks to the scandalous video clips for their songs, gaining millions of views on YouTube video hosting.

LITTLE BIG - Everyday I'm drinking (2013)

Ilyich is a real old-timer of the Russian YouTube segment. Behind him is a huge number of completed projects, let's hope that this is not the limit for a talented Petersburger.
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