Their destinies are like the history of the planets!" Evgeny Yevtushenko: "There are no uninteresting people in the world! Their fates are like the history of the planets!" There are no Yevtushenkos who are not interesting people in the world

"There are no uninteresting people in the world"

E. Yevtushenko.

There are no uninteresting people in the world.
Their fates are like the histories of the planets.
Each has everything special, its own,
and there are no planets like it.

And if someone lived unnoticed
and was friends with this invisibility,
he was interesting among people
by its very disinterest.

Everyone has their own secret private world.
There is the best moment in this world.
There is the most terrible hour in this world,
but all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies
with him his first snow dies,
and the first kiss, and the first fight...
He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain
machines and artists canvases,
yes, much is destined to stay,
but something is still missing.

Such is the law of the ruthless game.
Not people die, but worlds.
We remember people, sinful and earthly.
And what did we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,
what do we know about our only one?
And about his own father
we know everything, we know nothing.

People are leaving... They cannot be returned.
Their secret worlds cannot be revived.
And every time I want again
scream from this irrevocable.

Really beautiful poetry.

The fate of each person is purely individual and unique. It is as mysterious and interesting as the history of the most distant and mysterious planet. Yevgeny Yevtushenko speaks about this in his poem. He claims that the personality of any, even, at first glance, the most inconspicuous person, is amazing. There are no everyday destinies, the poet believes, in every life there are moments of happiness and tragic upheavals hidden from other people.

"Man is ... a living mystery," said the Russian philosopher S. N. Bulgakov. E. Yevtushenko convinces the reader of this in his poem.

Yevtushenko's lyrics are distinguished by special frankness, sharpness, lyricism.

This heartfelt confession bursts out of the poet's soul with a cry. Acute pain is filled with his awareness of the tragic doom of human life.

The poem conveys the sadness of the poet and at the same time his delight in front of the versatility, immensity of man as a person and great love for man.

This poem is one of the fine examples of Yevgeny Yevtushenko's philosophical lyrics. The poet dedicated this discussion on eternal topics to the journalist and publicist Sergei Preobrazhensky, who was also the executive editor in the famous literary and art magazine Yunost and reverently loved poetry. “Not people die, but worlds,” the poet assures in his poem, and it’s hard to disagree with him.

There are no uninteresting people in the world.
Their fates are like the histories of the planets.
Each has everything special, its own,
and there are no planets like it.

And if someone lived unnoticed
and was friends with this invisibility,
he was interesting among people
by its very lack of interest.

Everyone has their own secret private world.
There is the best moment in this world.
There is the most terrible hour in this world,
but all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies
with him his first snow dies,
and the first kiss, and the first fight...
He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain
machines and artists canvases,
yes, much is destined to stay,
but something is still missing!

Such is the law of the ruthless game.
Not people die, but worlds.
We remember people, sinful and earthly.
And what did we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,
what do we know about our only one?
And about his own father
we know everything, we know nothing.

People are leaving... They cannot be returned.
Their secret worlds cannot be revived.
And every time I want again
from this irreversibility to scream.

<Евгений Евтушенко, 1961 год>

Especially for fans of poetry, an interesting story about how one of the most famous poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko appeared

There are no uninteresting people in the world.
Their fates are like the histories of the planets.
Each has everything special, its own,
and there are no planets like it.

And if someone lived unnoticed
and was friends with this invisibility,
he was interesting among people
by its very lack of interest.

Everyone has their own secret private world.
There is the best moment in this world.
There is the most terrible hour in this world,
but all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies
with him his first snow dies,
and the first kiss, and the first fight ...
He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain
machines and artists canvases,
yes, much is destined to stay,
but something is still missing!

Such is the law of the ruthless game.
Not people die, but worlds.
We remember people, sinful and earthly.
And what did we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,
what do we know about our only one?
And about his own father
we, knowing everything, know nothing.

People are leaving... They cannot be returned.
Their secret worlds cannot be revived.
And every time I want again
from this irreversibility to scream.

Analysis of the poem "There are no uninteresting people in the world" Yevtushenko

The lyrics of E. Yevtushenko are incredibly diverse and devoted to a variety of topics. A large place in it is occupied by philosophical reflections. One of these poems is "There are no uninteresting people in the world ..." (1961), dedicated to the famous journalist S. N. Preobrazhensky. In this work, Yevtushenko reflects on the meaning of human life and its significance.

In Soviet times, the priority of society over the individual was proclaimed. An individual person deserved attention only if he acted for the benefit of the whole society or committed a socially significant act. Yevtushenko opposes such a one-sided view.

“There are no uninteresting people in the world ...” - this is how the poet’s reflection begins. He compares the fate of each person with the fate of the planet. By this he emphasizes its scale and uniqueness. Even someone who has lived unnoticed all his life, without standing out in any way and without doing anything great, deserves attention precisely for his invisibility. Even uninteresting people are strikingly different from each other.

A person with his feelings and experiences is a separate unique world that lives according to its own laws. This world is filled with events, joys and sorrows, defeats and victories. It has its solemn and mourning dates. Unlike the universal human world, all these events are unknown to others. Therefore, the death of any, even the most insignificant person, is a huge tragedy. Not only he dies, the whole world dies.

Yevtushenko does not deny the contribution of famous people. Even in the generally accepted sense, a person is obliged to leave behind a tree, a house and a son. People work and fill the world with the products of their activity. Man's intentions take on a physical form. But what can a bridge built by him or an assembled car say about a person? Even outstanding works of art can, from a certain angle, illuminate only one of the sides of a multifaceted human personality. The largest and most valuable part of a person's inner world dies with him.

Yevtushenko moves on to the philosophical question of the knowability of man. There is a certain opinion about everyone, which is very far from the truth. A “sinful and earthly” person remains in memory for his deeds and deeds. But no one knows how much they corresponded to his inner world. The poet claims that no one truly understands even the closest people, even "his own father."

Yevtushenko is driven to despair by the thought that mankind discovers space for itself, but calmly perceives the death of entire unexplored worlds on its planet. They will never be returned. The poet has only one way out: "to scream from this irreversibility."

The lyrics of E. Yevtushenko are incredibly diverse and devoted to a variety of topics. A large place in it is occupied by philosophical reflections. One of these poems is "There are no uninteresting people in the world ..." (1961), dedicated to the famous journalist S. N. Preobrazhensky. In this work, Yevtushenko reflects on the meaning of human life and its significance.

In Soviet times, the priority of society over the individual was proclaimed. An individual person deserved attention only if he acted for the benefit of the whole society or committed a socially significant act. Yevtushenko opposes such a one-sided view.

“There are no uninteresting people in the world ...” - this is how the poet's reflection begins. He compares the fate of each person with the fate of the planet. By this he emphasizes its scale and uniqueness. Even someone who has lived unnoticed all his life, without standing out in any way and without doing anything great, deserves attention precisely for his invisibility. Even uninteresting people are strikingly different from each other.

A person with his feelings and experiences is a separate unique world that lives according to its own laws. This world is filled with events, joys and sorrows, defeats and victories. It has its solemn and mourning dates. Unlike the universal human world, all these events are unknown to others. Therefore, the death of any, even the most insignificant person, is a huge tragedy. Not only he dies, the whole world dies.

Yevtushenko does not deny the contribution of famous people. Even in the generally accepted sense, a person is obliged to leave behind a tree, a house and a son. People work and fill the world with the products of their activity. Man's intentions take on a physical form. But what can a bridge built by him or an assembled car say about a person? Even outstanding works of art can, from a certain angle, illuminate only one of the sides of a multifaceted human personality. The largest and most valuable part of a person's inner world dies with him.

Yevtushenko moves on to the philosophical question of the knowability of man. There is a certain opinion about everyone, which is very far from the truth. A “sinful and earthly” person remains in memory for his deeds and deeds. But no one knows how much they corresponded to his inner world. The poet claims that no one truly understands even the closest people, even "his own father."

Yevtushenko is driven to despair by the thought that mankind discovers space for itself, but calmly perceives the death of entire unexplored worlds on its planet. They will never be returned. The poet has only one way out: "to scream from this irreversibility."

There are no uninteresting people in the world.
Their fates are like the histories of the planets.
Each has everything special, its own,
and there are no planets like it.

And if someone lived unnoticed
and was friends with this invisibility,
he was interesting among people
by its very lack of interest.

Everyone has their own secret private world.
There is the best moment in this world.
There is the most terrible hour in this world,
but all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies
with him his first snow dies,
and the first kiss, and the first fight ...
He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain
machines and artists canvases,
yes, much is destined to stay,
but something is still missing!

Such is the law of the ruthless game.
Not people die, but worlds.
We remember people, sinful and earthly.
And what did we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,
what do we know about our only one?
And about his own father
we, knowing everything, know nothing.

People are leaving... They cannot be returned.
Their secret worlds cannot be revived.
And every time I want again
from this irreversibility to scream.

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