Games for a holiday for a small company. Naughty board games for the company of adults at the table

When a holiday is approaching (New Year, Housewarming, Anniversary), the host thinks - how to entertain the guests so that they do not get bored?

Funny games for the company of adults will help diversify the traditional feast with long toasts and a dozen salads.

“We are not children, what other games!” - you try to argue.

In fact, gambling, playful, active and creative competitions will help to rally a team of unfamiliar people (in case the company has crept up a motley one), and for some people - to shake up the calories they have accumulated.

Fun board games for adults

Remember how you once spent your evenings in the family circle playing loto, backgammon, checkers and cards (especially if the electricity went out or the TV broke down).

Let's tell you a secret: many still gather in small groups to play Crocodile, Poker and Monopoly to their heart's content.

An important point: do not immediately scare guests with a two-meter assortment of board games and your impressive plans for the evening.

Let the situation develop gradually - at first, friends communicate, drink a glass, eat a salad.

And when the “worm was killed”, they cheered up a little and reached a frivolous condition, then you can already get the “Twister”.

For a company of adults of 4-6 people, board and card games such as Svintus, Scrabble, Uno, Monopoly, Poker, Elias, Tik-Tak-Bomm are suitable.

Of the active games, Twister and Darts are especially popular..

Don't forget to come up with a name, slogan, and motto for the teams!

Game competitions for a company of adults

If your friends are tired of sitting at the table and straining their brains, offer them playful competitions.

1. "Statue of Love". Two participants are selected, each is given a task - to create a statue symbolizing love from improvised material (usually from other people modestly bored at the table).

2. "The Longest Chain". Team members must remove from themselves all things that they can (within the limits of decency or beyond them - decide for yourself) and tie them together.

The resulting chain is measured, whose longer - he won. It is most convenient to compete on the street, in the country or in the entrance, so that the space allows you to identify the winner.

3. " Adult fantas». Come up with tasks for the forfeits in advance - playful, moderately vulgar, daring and exciting.

Before the game, demand from all participants a valuable deposit - a phone, a bill or jewelry.

Then everyone takes out tasks from the bag, which they must complete during the evening - otherwise the pledge will go to a good deed.

4. "Truth/Ransom". A complicated version of the Fanta game. The participant is asked what he prefers - to tell the truth or pay off?

Depending on the decision, the presenter either asks an intimate question, or offers to complete a task he has thought up. After that, the position of the leader passes to the participant.

5. "Such a surprise". The game is like a children's masquerade, only it causes a lot more laughter.

Prepare in advance a bright box filled with outfits and decor elements - bows, glasses with a long nose and mustache, wigs, hats, caps, long skirts and knickers.

If you want to be naughty, add bras, thongs and oversized "families" there. And now the rules: all participants sit in a circle, and to the music they begin to pass a magic box to each other.

The host presses “pause”: the one who has the chest in his hands takes out the first clothes without looking and pulls them on. And so on until everyone is dressed up.

6. Comic contest "Find your soul mate". First, the men are asked if they know their companions well and can they identify them blindfolded?

Of course, there is a hero right there, ready to prove that he will not confuse his missus with anyone. The presenter shows him three women (one of whom is his wife), and then blindfolds the participant and spins him well, with jokes and jokes.

At this time, two strange women are exchanged for two men, who have previously pulled on nylon tights, and all three are seated on chairs.

The player's task is to gently feel the legs of the characters (only to the knees!), to determine which of them is his betrothed.

7. "Say what you eat". It is very convenient to play the game during the meal. As soon as everyone has filled their plates with the maximum number of dishes, the host thinks of a letter.

For example, "C". Participants carefully look at the contents of the dishes and look for an ingredient that begins with this letter (“herring”, “salt”, “salad”, “currant”).

Whoever shouts the word first, he receives a prize (candy, penalty glass) and becomes the new leader.

When arranging fun games for an adult company, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of friendliness, tact and mutual assistance.

Tasks should not be humiliating, and losses should not be offensive, because the purpose of such a pastime is to have a good time with friends and recharge with positive!

There are also interesting games that you can play in a company, such as mafia.
Here I insert the rules and games in the mafia:

Professional rules for playing Mafia

Ten people participate in the game. The facilitator oversees the course of the game and regulates its stages.

To determine the roles, the facilitator distributes cards face down: one to each player. There are 10 cards in a deck: 7 red cards and 3 black cards. "Reds" are civilians, and "Blacks" are mafiosi.

One of the 7 red cards differs from the rest - this is the card of the Sheriff - the leader of the "Reds". "Blacks" also have their own leader - the Don card.

The game is divided into alternating stages of two types: day and night.
Purpose of the game: Blacks must eliminate Reds and vice versa.


Ten players are seated at the game table. The host announces "night" and all players put on masks. After that, in turn, each player removes the mask, selects a card, remembers it, the leader removes the card and the player puts on the mask.

Participants in bandages tilt their heads down so that the movements of neighbors or the play of shadows do not become a source of additional information for them.

The host announces: "The mafia is waking up." Participants who have received black cards, including the Mafia Don, remove their bandages and get to know each other and the Host. This is the first and only night when the mafiosi open their eyes all together. It was given to them in order to agree with gestures on the procedure for eliminating the "Reds". The “agreement” should be carried out quietly so that the “Red” players sitting next to them do not feel the movements. The host announces: "The mafia is falling asleep." After these words, "Black" players put on armbands.

The host announces: "Don is waking up." Don opens his eyes and the Host gets acquainted with Don. On subsequent nights, Don will wake up in order to find the Sheriff of the game. Host: "Don is falling asleep." Don puts on a bandage.

Host: "The Sheriff is waking up." The Sheriff wakes up and meets the Leader. On subsequent nights, the Sheriff will be able to wake up and look for the "Blacks". Host: "The Sheriff falls asleep."

Host: Good morning! Everyone is waking up."

First day. Everyone takes off their bandages. During the day there is discussion. According to the professional rules of the Mafia game, each player is given one minute to express their ideas, thoughts and suspicions.

The Reds must identify the Black players and take them out of the game. And the "Blacks" will provide themselves with an alibi and remove a sufficient number of "Red" players from the game. "Blacks" are in a better position, because they know "who is who."

The discussion begins with the player number one and then around the circle. During the day's discussion, players can nominate players (no more than one per player) with the aim of removing them from the game. At the end of the discussion, the candidates are voted on. The candidate with the most votes is eliminated from the game.

If only one candidate is nominated for the first round (Day), it shall not be voted. During the following circles (Days), any number of candidates are voted. The player who left the game has the right to the last word (duration - 1 minute).

The game has the term "Car Crash". This is a situation in which two or more players get the same number of votes. In this case, the voters are given the right to justify themselves within 30 seconds, convince the players of their “redness” and stay in the game. There is a vote. If someone gets more votes, he is out. If the players again gain an equal number of votes, then the question is put to the vote: “Who is in favor of all the voters leaving the game?”. If the majority votes for elimination, the players leave the game, if against - they remain, if the votes are evenly divided, the players remain in the game.

After the first round, night falls again. During this and the following nights, the mafia has the opportunity to "shoot" (a gesture specified at the beginning of the game). The “shooting” takes place as follows: the mafiosi, who agreed on the order of eliminating the “Reds” on the first night, “shoot” (with their eyes closed!) in the following nights.

The host, after the words “mafia goes hunting,” announces the numbers of the players in turn, and if all the mafiosi shoot at the same number at the same time, then the object is hit. According to the rules of the game Mafia If one of the members of the mafia “shoots” at another number, or does not “shoot” at all, the Leader fixes a miss. "Shooting" occurs by imitation of a shot with fingers. The host announces: "The mafia is falling asleep."

Then the Host announces: "Don is waking up." Don wakes up and tries to find the Sheriff of the game. He shows on the fingers of the Leader any number, behind which, in his opinion, the Sheriff is hiding. The presenter with a nod of the head either confirms his version or denies it. Don falls asleep.

The Sheriff wakes up. He is also entitled to night checks. He is looking for "Black" players. After the Leader's answer, the Sheriff falls asleep, and the Leader announces the start of the second day.

If the mafia eliminated the player at night, the Host announces this and gives the last word to the victim. If the mafia missed, the Host announces that the morning is really good, and no one was hurt at night.

The discussion of the second day begins with the next, after the player who spoke first in the previous round.

During this and the next circles, everything happens similarly to the first day. Nights and days alternate until the victory of one or another team.

The game ends with the victory of the "Reds" in the event that all the "Black" players are eliminated. "Blacks" win when there is an equal number of "Reds" and "Blacks".

The subtleties of the rules of the mafia game:

The player is obliged to draw his game number.
2. The player has no right to swear, bet, or appeal to any religion, swear, insult the players. For this, the Host removes the offending player from the game.
The player is not allowed to say the word "Honestly" or "I swear" in any form. For this violation, the player receives a warning.
The player does not have the right to deliberately peep "at night". If this violation is detected, the player is removed from the game, and is usually deprived of the opportunity to visit the Club for a long time. In case of involuntary peeping, the player is removed from the game.
The player has the right to nominate only one candidate.
The player has the right to withdraw his candidacy as part of his speech.
The player has the opportunity to vote for only one candidate.
When voting, the player must touch the table with his hand and keep it on the table until the end of the vote. The end of the voting coincides with the word of the Host "Thank you". A vote placed after the word "Thank you", or together with the word "Thank you", is not accepted. The leader counts the vote only if the hand touches the table.
If, during the voting, a player touches the table with his hand before the word “Thank you”, and then removes it, then he is immediately removed from the game.
If the player has not voted, his vote is assigned to the last voted.
The "black" player has the right to "shoot" only once. "Shot" is considered effective only in this case. In all other cases (player does not “shoot”, “shoots” twice) the Leader registers a miss. A miss is also recorded if the player "shoots" between the called Lead numbers.
The "Red" player at night has no right to show signs to the Sheriff whom to check. For this violation, the player is removed from the game.
The “black” player at night does not have the right to show signs to Don whom to check. For this violation, the player is removed from the game.
The player has no right to sing, dance, hit the table, speak and perform other actions that are not included in the "night" behavior of the players. For this violation, the player receives a warning from the Leader.
Don and Sheriff are unable to check in the first night.
Don and Sheriff have the right to check no more than one player each at night.
The player is not allowed to speak out of turn. For this violation, he receives a warning from the Host.
The player has the right to speak during the daytime discussion for no more than 1 minute. For non-compliance with the rules, the player receives a warning.
During a Car Crash, the player has the right to speak for 30 seconds. For non-compliance with the rules, the player receives a warning.
After the Leader’s phrase “Night is falling”, the player must immediately put on a bandage. In case of delay, the player receives a warning.
The host has the right to give warnings for: a) unethical behavior, b) excessive gestures that interfere with the game or distract the players, c) other violations, the degree of which is determined by the host.
If a player uses profanity, “inhumane” and “obscene” behavior of a player at the gaming table (including due to an excessively “alcohol-funny” state of the player!) or insulting another player, the player may be removed from the game by decision Leading.
According to the professional rules of the Mafia game, a player who receives three warnings loses a word for one round. If a player receives a third warning after his performance on a lap, he will be forfeited for the next lap.
The player who receives the fourth warning is removed from the game.
A player who protests before the end of the game is removed from the game.
Mafia game rules stipulate that a protest can be taken into consideration by the host only after the end of the game.
The game is annulled, its result is changed or replayed if the protesting team (in full) + one player from among the opponents votes for the protest.
The player who left the game immediately leaves the game table.
With any removal from the game, the player does not have the right to the last word.

There are other rules for playing Mafia on the cards. How to play Mafia is up to you, but the presented version of the rules of the Mafia card game is the most interesting and balanced. In any case, Mafia is an exciting psychological board game that can deliver incomparable intellectual pleasure.

Surely everyone is already tired of parties that turn into banal feast with alcohol and sour faces. There are situations when unfamiliar or generally unfamiliar people gather in a company and it becomes problematic to find a common language for conversation.

In order to get to know each other better, to loosen up, to talk, you need to come up with some kind of entertainment, or rather, find or come up with interesting company games. For example, if you have a youth company, then erotic games are suitable for you, but if you have family companies with children, then board games are more suitable.

There is a huge variety of entertainment for parties, so the team website made a selection and selected the most interesting games for the company, go!

Let's start with games for young people, or rather erotic games.

Make a hole
A pair of M-F is selected. Several pairs are possible. An ordinary sheet of paper is taken and placed between the partners' faces. Those, in turn, hold him with their foreheads. Now, on command, they try to make a hole in the sheet. And most likely they will start making a hole with tongues, the process is very exciting.

broken mechanism
There are four (M-F-M-F) who go out the door. The rest think of some part of the body, an organ. The first one comes in - they call him the place of the breakdown (he is a broken mechanism). The second one comes in. He is told that he is a mechanic, but armless, he needs to determine the place of the "breakdown of the mechanism" by touching it with his nose, lips, but not with his hands. While the mechanic determines the location of the breakdown, the mechanism "reacts", i.e. the closer to the place of failure, the more actively it “starts”. When the “mechanic” determines the location of the breakdown, he becomes the “mechanism”.

Black bag
A black bag covers an artificial penis on a stand, which can be borrowed from a girlfriend. Those who wish are invited to guess what is under the bag, but they must guess only with their nose, while they are blindfolded. Everything is very funny, if there are many people who want it, everyone guesses, but not everyone says what it is!

Fill with liquid
Any number of players. A one and a half liter bottle (empty) is placed halfway in pants or in a skirt at waist level. The meaning of the game: Use a tablespoon to fill the bottle with any liquid. 2-3 holes are made in the bottom of the bottle, which is in the pants. And laughter and sin.

A mug is placed on its side on a clean floor - this is the gate. And two balls of cotton wool or foam. And now two girls must blow their ball into the goal, and not let the opponent do it. Do you understand the hidden meaning?

The tiger is coming!!!
An alcoholic drink to taste is poured into the glasses of the participants, who, at the cry of the host, “The tiger is coming!” must quickly hide under the table. At the command “The tiger has already left,” everyone again crawls out from under the table and drinks. At the unexpected command of the leader, everyone hides again. The losers are those who can no longer crawl out from under the table and hide from the tiger!

The bear has come, the bear has gone
The essence of the game is as follows: a full glass of beer (200 ml) is poured. The player drinks exactly half, then tops up with vodka to the full. Then half is drunk again and vodka is added. And so on until there is pure vodka in the glass. This is the first stage of the game, which is called "The Bear has come." The second stage is the reverse of the first. Half a glass of vodka is drunk and topped up with beer. Further - until there is only beer in the glass. Now the bear is gone! Strictly calculate your strength, otherwise you can quickly “leave” even before the “bear comes”.

Vodka to drink, earth to wallow, sofa bed to sleep
The game is well suited for a feast. All guests are poured into glasses of alcohol. Everyone takes turns drinking the contents of a glass and quickly, distinctly and clearly pronounces the phrase: “Drink vodka, roll the earth, sleep on a sofa bed.” Then everything is repeated in a circle. The first one who cannot pronounce the cherished phrase normally is out of the game and watches everything that happens from the side. The last one left in the game wins. Great game for a fun company.

Cowboy Joe
The two stand on opposite sides of the table. A third thumps loudly on the table with his fist. On a signal, vodka is taken on the chest. The winner is the one who first manages to return the empty container back to the table. You need to return loudly.

drunk checkers
There are even quite official competitions for this game. A real checkers board is used, and stacks instead of checkers. On one side, red wine is poured into the piles, and on the other, white. Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. He cut down an enemy stack - drank it. For a change, you can play giveaway. Special maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into shot glasses. In this scenario, only masters of sports of international class can win three games in a row.

Now you know the most interesting company games. Feel free to offer them to your friends and be sure that a great mood, fun and emancipation are provided!

This group of games is creative, intellectual in nature. To participate in them, players need not only strength and dexterity, but also knowledge and ingenuity. Of course, games that require hard mental work are not suitable for a holiday, because in the end everyone gathered to relax. Therefore, we present games that are basically simple, the main thing in them is not to get confused and show your creative abilities.

"Draw a picture"

To play, you will need a landscape sheet and a pencil. Players are divided into teams. The teams need to portray the animal (the animal determines the leader and informs the first player), but not collectively, but in turn. The first team member draws the head, then closes the place that he drew, leaving only a small piece of the depicted fragment. The next participant continues to draw the animal, guided only by their guesses about who it is. And so it continues until each member of the team puts his hand to this masterpiece. The winner is the team that most closely depicts the animal that the presenter has chosen.

"Reading backwards"

The game can be played by 3 to 8 people. They are offered an excerpt from a poem, and they must read it out loud and with expression in reverse. Whoever does it best wins.

"Semantic analogies"

This game is designed for smart players with a good memory. Players need to remember a proverb or tell a joke that is similar in meaning to the one suggested by the presenter. For example: “Trouble does not go alone”, and in return you can say: “Where it is thin, it breaks there”, etc. The winner is the participant who gave more than other answers.

"Pick it right!"

The meaning of this game is as follows. Teams are given leaflets on which words from known 10 proverbs are written. They need to collect all these proverbs. The game is on time. The team with the most correct proverbs wins.


In this game, you need to write a postcard to your friends, but you need to do it according to certain rules. If the participant began to sign the postcard with a word (for example, “Hello!”), Then the next word must be written with the letter “R”, then with “I”, and so on, relying on the letters of the first word first, then the second, and so on. Whoever signs the card the fastest and without mistakes wins.


This game is played with a leader. He names the words, and the participants need to come up with rhymes for them. Only words in the singular of the nominative case are counted, for example, “sport” - “cake”, “garage” - “baggage”, etc. Whoever answers incorrectly three times is eliminated from the game.

"The words"

Each of the participants receives a piece of paper on which a table of 8x8 cells is drawn. The host, at his discretion, calls the letters in turn. The game is somewhat reminiscent of a lotto, only letters are used instead of numbers. Each participant tries to fill in his table in such a way that both horizontally and vertically it is possible to read the words in it. The winner is the participant who filled the square completely.

"Find Your Clothes"

The host lines up six participants in a row facing the audience, and invites one more player from the guests to distribute things. The chest with the costumes of fairy-tale heroes is placed in front: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Leshy and Hottabych. He takes out things one by one and asks:

- What suit?

The players standing behind answer in turn:

- From mine.

Whoever dresses correctly wins.

"More wit!"

The game is designed for two players. For her, you will need chicken eggs and a small towel. The players take turns placing the eggs in the towel, but in such a way that the eggs do not touch each other. The winner is the participant who managed to lay the last egg that is not in contact with others. At first glance, the game seems simple, but you are deeply mistaken. In order to be a winner, you need to develop a certain strategy.

"Phenomenal Memory"

The game is played by 2 to 6 players. They are given time to memorize as many items as possible on the table. Then these items are covered with a napkin. Players write down the items they remember on paper. The participant who memorized the most items will be the winner in this game.

"Collect a picture"

For the game, pictures cut into pieces are prepared in advance. These parts are placed in envelopes and distributed to the participants. The task of the participants is to collect the picture before the rest.


In this game, the poetic abilities of the participants are manifested. Words are hung in front of the players, from which it is necessary to compose a poem. Whoever writes the poem first will be the winner.


The game is played by two teams with an equal number of players. On the table in front of the teams put a bag with a wide variety of items. The players of one or the other team come to the table in turn. They take any item in the bag, but do not take it out, but try to describe it to other players. In this case, the object can be compared with something. The task of the opposing team is to guess the name of the item. The team with the most correct answers wins.


This game is designed for the knowledge of well-known couples. The game is played by 2 or more players. They must guess family (or love) couples, such as Romeo and Juliet, Napoleon and Josephine, Kirkorov and Pugacheva and other couples. You can use pairs of athletes, singers, etc. In this game, there is a transition in the event that one of the participants cannot give any answer. Whoever gives the most correct answers will be the winner.

"Remake it in a new way"

Players are asked to remember different fairy tales, and then each team needs to remake a specific fairy tale in a new way. A fairy tale can even change genre and appear in the form of a novel, detective story, comedy, etc. With the help of audience applause, the winner is determined.

"Little theatrical performance"

Players are divided into two or more teams. The task of each team is to stage a Russian folk tale. The team chooses the story itself.

She must play it in front of her rivals. Improvisation is welcome! Opponents must guess the name of the fairy tale.


This is to some extent a test of the male half of the guests for the ability to versify. Each man participating in the game is offered a set of words from which he composes a poem. Words must be connected in meaning.

"Tell me about yourself"

Everyone can take part in the game. Each player is given a blank sheet of paper and asked to divide it into four parts. Then in the first part of the sheet you need to put one of the proposed letters (P, R, L, C), and in the next part put one of the numbers you like (1, 2, 3, 4). In the third part you need to write any proverb. And in the fourth part, a favorite animal is written. After everything is written, the leader gives explanations: the meanings of the letters are bed, work, family, love; the numbers indicate in which place is what they wrote in the first part. The written proverbs mean the motto of what is written in the first part. The name of the animal is also directly related to the first part, namely: who the participant represents himself.

"Communication with Gestures"

This game is designed for two participants - a man and a woman. They stand facing each other. The leader behind the man unfolds a poster on which a small phrase is written in large letters. The woman, in turn, must show this phrase so that the man can guess it.


Pairs take part in the game. They are offered to act out dialogues by roles, for example, between people of different professions, but they come up with the content of the dialogue themselves. You can also suggest acting out a dialogue between the prosecutor (who points out the guilt of the suspect) and a woman of easy virtue (who leads attempts at seduction), and many other dialogues.


All guests take part in the game. One participant takes any thing, enters the room and holds it in front of the guests for several seconds, and then quickly removes it. The task of the guests is to remember the thing in the smallest detail. The participant who showed the thing asks the guests questions about it. Whoever gives the most correct answers will be the winner.

"Unbelievable, but it is a fact!"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams. Teams must come up with a fictional story and also prove that this story actually happened. The proof is carried out by providing answers to the opponents' questions.

"Let's make history!"

The rules of the game are as follows: the player writes two sentences on a piece of paper and folds the sheet so that only the last word is visible. The next player does the same. The writing of the story ends with the last participant. Then everyone reads the resulting opus together.


The participants are divided into two teams. Teams take turns asking each other riddles. Time is given to think about the answers. The team that gives the most correct and funny answers wins.

Let's remember the alphabet!

Participants sit in a circle and take turns saying words of congratulations, but in alphabetical order. For example, let's start with the first letter of the alphabet A: "The stork brings you his congratulations on the birth of your baby!" And so on. Which of the participants cannot come up with a congratulation is eliminated from the game.

When adults gather, it is mistakenly believed that they have nothing to do but talk and feast. This is not true! There are many fun games that will allow you to have an interesting and unusual time in the company, laugh and relax. All games are designed for a company of 6 people or more. They can be played on a camping trip, at a party or someone's birthday.

Many games for the company do not require special training and props

conversation games

  • Understand me. The company is divided into pairs of a man-woman. You can come up with a theme yourself, for example, “Maternity Hospital”. The meaning of the game: the “husband” asks questions about the child aloud, and the “wife” tries to answer them with gestures. The main thing is to ask unusual questions and see what gestures the “wife” will respond with.
  • Associations. The company sits in a circle. Someone starts: says any word in his neighbor's ear in a whisper. He, without hesitation, speaks his association to this word into the ear of the next participant. The next one - his association, and so on until the association word returns to the one who started the game. I wonder what the original word will be transformed into!
  • Who am I? A paper tape is put on the forehead of all participants, on which the name of the movie star is written. All participants see what is written on the forehead of others, but do not know what is written on theirs. You need to take turns asking others questions that will help you understand what is written on your forehead. For example: “Am I a man?”, “I starred with Tom Cruise?”, “Did I win an Oscar?”. You can write the names of animals - then the questions will be appropriate: “Do I live at the North Pole?”, “Am I a herbivore?”. Play until the last pair. The loser buys everyone a beer or ice cream.
  • Crocodile. Someone from the company says the name of a popular film in the ear of another participant, and he gestures to show it to the whole company. The task of the company is to guess this name. If the name consists of several words, then the guessed words can be written down so as not to forget. Of course, if you wish, you can think of any words, not just films.
  • "In my pants." Any headlines are cut from the press (magazines, newspapers). Their meaning is unimportant. Then they are folded into a large envelope. Each participant takes out one heading and reads it aloud after the phrase "In my pants ...". It sounds very funny - especially if it turns out something like "In my pants ... there was a competition for the largest grown cucumber."

props games


All participants are given blank sheets of paper and pens (pencils). On the sheet you need to draw a large circle, inside of which there are 4 more circles to make a target of five circles. In the middle, you need to put a dot and draw lines crosswise through it, so that the result is 4 sectors.

Participants must write: in the first circle from the center - the letters P, P, S, L, one in each sector. In the second circle - numbers from 1 to 4 in any sequence, in the third - one name each (animal, bird, fish, insect). In the fourth - 4 adjectives (funny: fat, drunk, stupid, wallowing, etc.). In the fifth - 4 any proverbs or sayings.

Playing with props is not suitable for travel, but is ideal for parties

Now we collect all the targets and read (with attribution). The letters in the center of the circle mean: R - work, P - bed, C - family, L - love. The numbers mean where each of the participants has work, family, bed and love. Animal and adjective - who the participant is in a given area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example: Sasha in the work "greedy jackal", in bed "fat arctic fox" and so on.

Proverbs are the motto of a person in work, family, bed and love. It may turn out, for example, that “In Sasha’s bed, the motto is“ There is no answer without greetings ”, and in the family the motto is“ No matter how much you feed the wolf, he looks into the forest. If the game with targets is not enough and you want to laugh more - resort to one of the following games!

  • Get an apple. The team is divided into pairs of a man-woman. A couple is selected to participate in the competition. At a level of 2 m from the floor, a rope is pulled. On it, at the level of the mouth of an adult, a large apple is suspended by the tail. His chosen pair must eat without the help of hands. Which couple ate the apple completely - that one won.
  • Transfusions. Two of the company are playing. Two bottles are taken (one of them is empty). It is necessary to collect water with a straw (you can juice, mineral water or beer) from one bottle and pour it into another. Whoever does it faster is the winner. True, there is a chance that someone will drink everything and come to terms with their defeat.
  • Floating apple. Here, two from the company are participating in the competition. Apples are thrown into a large basin of water. Participants' hands are folded behind their backs. You need to grab an apple with your teeth and get it out of the water. Whoever does it first wins.
  • Mummy. Participants are divided into two teams. One of the players in each team is a "mummy". The essence of the game: the team must wrap their "mummy" as quickly as possible. As bandages, ordinary toilet paper is used. The second part of the game: unwind the mummy by winding the paper back into a roll. Fun guaranteed!

If you do not have a twister, you can choose any other outdoor game!

Active games

  • Swamp. Cool old game. The company is divided into teams, but two people can participate. The players receive two cardboard boxes (you can take ordinary sheets of paper). Task: these cartons are “hummocks”, and you should move along them from one to another in order to move through the “swamp” (room, corridor) as quickly as possible. "Drowned in the swamp" fulfills the wish of the team.
  • Ball battle. Participants are divided into two teams of equal size. Each participant ties an inflated balloon to his leg with a thread. You can buy balls of the same color for each team. The longer the thread, the better. The balls must lie on the floor. On command, you need to destroy the opponent's balls by stepping on them with your feet, and at the same time not allow you to step on your own ball. The owner of the burst balloon is out of the game. The winner is the team whose ball will be the last survivor on the "battlefield".
  • Oh you horses, my horses! For the competition, two pairs of participants and a room where there are no breakable objects are needed. Each pair is divided into a "horse" and a "rider". The “rider” sits on the shoulders of the “horse” (usually a thin girl on the shoulders of a muscular guy). The "rider" is attached to the back of a piece of paper with a written word. Another "rider" must read what is written on the opponent's back and, at the same time, not let him read what is written on him.
  • Siamese twins. The company is divided into two teams. There are two people from each team. They are placed side by side. The left leg of one participant is tied to the right leg of the other, and the torsos are tied with straps. It turns out "Siamese twins." All actions should be performed at speed. "Siamese twins" work with two different hands (one with the right, the other with the left) without talking to each other. They should perform various tasks given by the opposing team: sharpen a pencil, tie shoelaces or open a bottle, pour and drink.
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