Igor Krutoy - biography, personal life, photo of the composer. Igor Krutoy biography, personal life, wife, children (photo and video) Where does the cool one live

Recognized Russian and Ukrainian composer, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine, producer of "New Wave", "Songs of the Year", the owner of a production company, a TV channel, and many other advantages and merits of Igor Krutoy can be listed.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

Igor Yakovlevich was born in the city of Gaivoron, Kirovograd region (Ukrainian SSR). Even as a child, student Igor Krutoy independently learned to play the button accordion, which pleased his parents and the school amateur circle, helped out school productions by accompanying the choir. At the music school, Igor managed to study for six months before the teachers found out that the boy did not know a single note. Thanks to his perfect hearing, Krutoy could reproduce any song he heard once without errors. By the middle classes, children's performances have grown into a real school ensemble.

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At the end of school, Krutoy's mother, Svetlana Semenovna, suggested that her son receive a serious musical education. It was decided to enter the Kirovograd Musical College. But Igor lacked the ability to play the piano, which the young composer did for the whole next year. Having mastered the instrument, Krutoy was enrolled in the theoretical department. After four years, with a diploma in hand, he decided to give accordion lessons and a year later entered the Nikolaev Music and Pedagogical Institute, and then graduated from the L. V. Sobinov Saratov Conservatory.

While still a student, Igor Krutoy performed in restaurants, where he met Alexander Serov and began to write for him. At the same time he was invited to the Moscow orchestra "Panorama".

Soon Igor Krutoy received an offer to play in the ensemble of Valentina Tolkunova as a pianist, but literally immediately became the leader of the orchestra. At that very time, the musician was actively working with Yevgeny Leonov, traveling on tour and gaining experience.

Career growth happened in 1987, after Krutoy wrote the composition "Madonna" for Alexander Serov. She gained popularity, and thanks to her talent, the composer soon became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival. After such success, Krutoy worked with Serov more than once, but the most significant event for his career was his debut with Irina Allegrova in the video “Unfinished Romance”. Since then, the whole country knew Igor Krutoy.

Then Krutoy began to try himself as a producer and in 1989 headed the ARS production company. For 9 years of work, he turned this firm into one of the most successful organizations in Russia. It was thanks to ARS that Jose Carreras and Michael Jackson came to Russia on tour.

In 2003, Krutoy had a serious conflict with one of the TV channels. His reasons remain unknown. After that, Krutoy literally disappeared from the TV screens. It got to the point that the artists performing his songs were denied performances. But the iron character and the ability to take a punch helped Igor to reappear on the screens and regain his popularity.

In 2010, the composer fell seriously ill, requiring a complex operation on the pancreas. Close relatives, however, like Igor himself, understood that the risks were very high. Fortunately for everyone, the operation was successful - the composer was given a second life by specialists from one of the clinics in New York.

Now Igor Krutoy continues to write music for performers of different genres, different continents. Songs on his compositions are performed by Alla Pugacheva, Anzhelika Agurbash, Leonid Agutin, Nikolai Baskov, Dima Bilan, Laima Vaikule, Valeria, Oleg Gazmanov, Iosif Kobzon, participants in the New Wave children's competition, opera singers Andrea Bocelli, Lara Fabian, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and a lot others.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

Even during his studies, the musician did not waste time and met the woman of his dreams, Elena. An adventurer, Igor made a marriage proposal to the girl already on the third date. They merried. The young family had a hard time, the constant search for rental housing and a small income did not bring the spouses together. In search of work, they had to move to Moscow. To solve the problem with housing, Elena sold an apartment in St. Petersburg, and together with Igor they bought an apartment in Moscow. But after a while, the couple still broke up. From the first marriage, Igor Krutoy had a son, Nikolai.

Divorce for the composer was a real blow. But time passed, and he returned to creativity with renewed vigor. Despite the recognition and success in his career, Igor was waiting for the lady of his heart for ten long years. But chance intervened. At one of the banquets, Igor was introduced to the bright and beautiful business lady Olga. The woman won the heart of the musician and on the third date she received a marriage proposal.

The love between them was so huge that it stretched over two continents: Russia and the USA. Olga has long lived in New York with her daughter from her first marriage, Victoria, and Igor lived and worked in Moscow. Understanding and caring spouses decided not to force each other to move and to compromise. Each of them is now doing what they love and living in their favorite city, they constantly call back and often meet to enjoy each other's company.

Olga and Victoria were the most important and beloved women in Igor's life, for their sake, as he himself said, he is ready for anything.

Two years after the operation, Olga and Igor were in for a huge surprise - the wife gave birth to the composer's daughter Sasha. A common child has become an incredible event for the Cool. Igor was happy and said that Sasha was a gift from heaven.

“You don’t have to look for happiness in yourself, it is in others: in family and friends,” are the words of Igor Krutoy, which, like nothing else, show his attitude towards family and loved ones.

Igor Krutoy is a Russian and Ukrainian composer, hitmaker, whose songs are included in the repertoire of Russian pop stars. Successful producer, organizer of the international contest of popular music "New Wave", "Children's New Wave".

Under his leadership, the projects "Song of the Year" and "Morning Mail" were carried out for a long time.

Childhood and youth

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Gayvoron, in July 1954. The birthday of the future composer fell on the zodiac sign Leo. The Krutyh family, Jews by nationality, in which, apart from Igor, Alla's daughter grew up, had nothing to do with art. Mom was a housewife, and dad worked at the local Radiodetal enterprise as a dispatcher.

Where the boy's love for music came from is unknown. But he suddenly showed a wonderful ear, and his mother took her son to a music school. At children's matinees, Igor Krutoy already well accompanied the school choir on the button accordion. Later, he also mastered the piano, and in the 6th grade, the student organized an ensemble, which he himself led. Soon, not a single dance for high school students could do without musicians.

After school, Igor Krutoy saw only one way for himself - to improve his musical abilities and play further. He became a student at the Kirovograd Musical College, enrolling in the theoretical department. After graduating from college, he taught bayan for a year at the Gayvoron Music School and worked as a music teacher in a neighboring village, but in 1975 Krutoy again became a student. This time - the Nikolaev Musical and Pedagogical Institute, where I chose the conducting department for myself.

In 1979, Krutoy was invited to the Moscow Metropolitan Concert Orchestra "Panorama", in 1980 he moved to work in the VIA "Blue Guitars". Soon, the talented pianist was taken to the ensemble of the singer Valentina Tolkunova, where after a short time he became the leader.

In 1986, Krutoy achieved his cherished dream by entering the Saratov Sobinov Conservatory at the Faculty of Composition. Igor wanted to compose music ever since he learned to play. Already in his youth, he is gradually approaching this goal.

Music and creativity

1987 was the year of the beginning of the composer's biography of Igor Krutoy. This year, his first song appeared, which became a hit - "Madonna". It was written for the singer and friend of Krutoy, Alexander Serov, whom the composer had known since Nikolaev.

It was possible to consolidate the success with the following songs for Serov - “Wedding Music”, “How to Be” and “You Love Me”, which immediately became hits on the Soviet stage. The composer's popularity grew tremendously. Now, and, and, and, and many other popular performers sang the songs of Igor Yakovlevich.

Not only composing, but also producing activities are now increasingly occupied by Igor Krutoy. In 1989, he first became the director of the ARS company, then artistic director. Already 10 years later, Krutoy became the president of the company, which, under his able leadership, became the largest concert and production organization in the country. "ARS" Krutoy collaborates with popular performers of the country, Mikhail Shufutinsky, and others. The Igor Krutoy Production Center organizes solo concerts of world and Russian pop stars at prestigious concert venues in the country and abroad.

The authority of the Krutoy-led company can be judged by the fact that it was she who organized the concerts of Jose Carreras and Michael Jackson in Moscow. ARS also acts as a producer of the popular programs Morning Mail, Song of the Year, Soundtrack and Good Morning, Country!, which are broadcast on the central TV channels RTR and ORT. In addition, "ARS" since 1994 organizes creative evenings of Igor Krutoy as a composer. At these evenings, both already “exposed” and new pop stars perform.

Now Igor Krutoy is writing instrumental music. In 2000, the composer's first album was released under the title "Music Without Words", where his best instrumental works were presented. The composition "When I Close My Eyes" became the most popular in this direction, and fans called the creation inspiring and incomparable. He also writes music for feature films, and clips with his participation are no less popular.

The song "Unfinished Romance", which Igor Krutoy performed with singer Irina Alegrova, became one of the most significant hits in his creative biography. The media even reported that Igor Krutoy's too close cooperation with Irina Allegrova could affect the composer's marriage, and allegedly the union with his wife Olga cracked, but still the press's speculation was not confirmed. In the TV show "Secret for a Million", the composer explained that he was connected with the singer by "a creative romance and high relations."

The composition "My friend" became another popular work of Krutoy. The Russians remembered this work, since the masterpiece was created with the participation of another equally famous Russian composer, Igor Nikolaev.

Working with the French-speaking singer Lara Fabian is a separate chapter in the career of Igor Krutoy. The album Mademoiselle Jivago ("Mademoiselle Zhivago"), released in 2010, became popular in certain countries of the world. The Russian composer is more and more recognized in France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland and other countries where Lara Fabian's work is loved and known.

In 2014, the composer's concert took place in honor of his anniversary, which was called "There are 60 times in life." In addition to the performance of the songs by the maestro himself, friends and colleagues Irina Allegrova, Grigory Leps, and others came to congratulate him. The festive program was broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel.

In 2016, together with singer Anzhelika Varum, composer Igor Krutoy shot a video for the song "Late Love". The new creation was on the leading positions in the music ratings of Russia. The clip was filmed by famous representatives of Russian show business in Kyiv.

A discussion immediately began in Ukrainian society regarding the legality of such an event, in which Russian stars took part.

Igor Krutoy - People's Artist of Russia. On the Square of Stars near the state concert hall "Russia" there is a nominal star of Igor Yakovlevich. The maestro's discography includes about 40 albums recorded by Russian artists.

Alla Pugacheva and Igor Krutoy - "My Guardian Angel"

In 2003, Igor Krutoy disappeared from public space for a long time. The blame for everything, according to the press, was the confrontation between his company and the current First Channel. Then the Star Factory-4 had just ended, the ratings of the project were low, which made General Director Konstantin Ernst dissatisfied. According to media reports, the TV channel allegedly stated that after the end of the project, the performers went “under the wing” of Krutoy, which does not provide for a contract with the TV channel.

During this period, the music of Krutoy did not sound on the air and the artists who performed his compositions did not appear. Both the Song of the Year program and the New Wave contest have disappeared. Today, the conflict has dried up, and the black streak in Krutoy's creative biography has ended.

Personal life

The personal life of Igor Krutoy was built for a long time. The current marriage of the composer and producer is the second. In the first marriage, Igor Yakovlevich had a son, Nikolai. The couple separated.

Olga, who is the current wife of the composer, lives in New Jersey, is engaged in business. The composer himself works in Moscow. For Olga, this is also the second marriage. From the first, she brings up her daughter Victoria. In the summer of 2014, Vika got married. The wedding was celebrated twice. It was Krutoy who led his adopted daughter down the aisle.

Igor and Olga have a common daughter, Alexandra, who was born in America in 2003. Igor Yakovlevich often appears with his daughter at public events. The famous composer loves children and tries to devote more time to his family.

During the period of the struggle for his rights on TV, Igor Yakovlevich managed to overcome a serious illness that almost brought him to the grave. The Russian public became worried when the appearance of Igor Krutoy changed a lot. Fans were surprised when they looked at the photos of the composer, which showed that he was very haggard. If earlier, with a height of 176 cm, his weight was about 80 kg, then during the illness the composer lost a lot of weight.

The producer went to the USA for treatment. American doctors managed to put Krutoy on his feet, as he underwent a series of operations in New York.

In the future, Igor Krutoy repeatedly stated that a serious illness forced him to reconsider his views on life, now he devotes more time to health. It was at this moment that he experienced a reassessment of values. It was hard for him to recover after the operation, but he knew what to do in order to get back on his feet as soon as possible.

Rumors are circulating in the media that Krutoy has cancer and the disease is in remission. The musician himself does not tell fans the true diagnosis.

Igor Krutoy now

Now Igor Krutoy continues to live in two countries - he spends most of his time with his family in the United States, periodically visiting Russia. At the beginning of 2018, the musician took a judge's place in the TV project of the NTV channel “You are super!”. His colleagues on the jury were Yuliana Karaulova,. Filming of the program stretched for 3 months. The composer commented on his participation in the competition for children left without parental care from the Instagram page.

Despite the state of health, Igor Krutoy is still faithful to his offspring - the New Wave international competition, which was held in Sochi in early autumn in 2018. There were no surprises either. Philip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov performed at the evening of the prime ministers with the outrageous song "Ibiza", which the audience asked to perform "for an encore".

In the final, the winner of the competition was determined. They became the representative of Russia Dan Rozin. The second place was shared by Gevorg Harutyunyan and Daria Antonyuk. The composer called the last performer the successor of the Diva. Krutoy plans to invite herself, the muse of the event, to the competition in 2019, the anniversary year for the artist.

In the first days of September, the composer also attended the funeral of the great artist Iosif Kobzon, where all the prominent representatives of Russian show business gathered. Article found on 24smi.org

Igor Krutoy is a well-known composer and producer, the author of many popular compositions, has come a long way to recognition. His biography is full of interesting events. The composer overcame all the difficulties and is happy today.

From accordionist to composer

The future giant of Russian show business was born in a small Ukrainian town. It was an ordinary family, where the father worked at the enterprise, and the mother was engaged in housekeeping. Igor has a sister, Alla.

Igor Krutoy in childhood

The boy's musical abilities showed up early, and his parents decided to send him to a music school. Soon, Igor mastered playing the button accordion and became a regular participant in school events. The boy did not stop there and mastered the piano. In the middle classes, Krutoy already had his own musical group, which was invited to various events, Krutoy's wards were especially in demand at school discos.

After school, Igor continued to receive a musical education in Kirovograd. After graduating from college, he returned to his hometown and worked as a teacher at a music school. But soon Krutoy leaves for Nikolaev, where he becomes a student of a musical and pedagogical university. Here he mastered the wisdom of conducting.

In the late 70s, a talented specialist Krutoy was invited to work in the capital. Here he collaborated with the Panorama orchestra, and after a while he moved to the Blue Guitars ensemble. Then there was cooperation with the ensemble of Valentina Tolkunova, where Krutoy quickly became its leader.

In the mid-80s, studies began at the Saratov Conservatory, where Krutoy mastered the profession of a composer. Thanks to her and his creative talent, he became a well-known artist in Russia and Europe.

Big show business

The first success as a composer came to Krutoy in the second half of the 80s. Hits written by Igor Yakovlevich were performed by Alexander Serov. These are the songs "Madonna", "Wedding Music", "You Love Me".

Igor Krutoy and Valery Leontiev

A few years later, Krutoy establishes the ARS production center, which today is the largest and most famous in Russia. The organization specializes in organizing concerts for domestic and foreign stars at large and prestigious venues in the country.

Igor Krutoy and Lara Fabian

In the early 2000s, the composer became interested in writing instrumental music and released the collection Music Without Words. It received critical acclaim. Igor Krutoy also writes music for feature films, starring in clips of Russian performers. The last work was the video for the song "Belated Love", where Anzhelika Varum became the composer's partner.

Igor Krutoy, Alla Pugacheva, Igor Nikolaev

Thanks to cooperation with Lara Fabian, the composer becomes recognizable in European countries. But there were also unsuccessful moments in the career of Igor Yakovlevich. This was the conflict with the leadership of Channel One. The result of the conflict of interests is the complete disappearance of the composer and the artists performing his songs from the air for several years. But the conflict has long been settled and the ether ban on the composer has been lifted.

Personal life

Igor Krutoy has two children from different marriages. The first relationship gave him a son, Nikolai, but the family broke up. The second time the composer married business lady Olga, who lives in New Jersey. The couple have a joint daughter, Alexandra, who was born in the early 2000s in the United States.

Igor Krutoy with his first wife Elena

Igor Krutoy with his son Nikolai from his first marriage

In addition, Olga has an eldest daughter, Victoria, from her first marriage. Igor Krutoy treats her with warmth, led her down the aisle at the wedding ceremony.

Igor Krutoy with his second wife Olga and daughters

The news of the serious illness of the composer was shocking. But American specialists managed to put him on his feet. According to Igor Yakovlevich himself, after this difficult period, he took a fresh look at life, changed his views on it.

Read biographies of other musicians

Composer Igor Krutoy, one of the creators of the New Wave in Jurmala and the music producer of Star Factory-4, reveals the secret of success: from a button accordion to a people's artist.

Igor Krutoy was born on July 29, 1954. He spent his childhood in the Ukrainian town of Gaivoron, the regional center of the Kirovograd region.

Alina Kabaeva:
What did you dream about as a child?

Igor Krutoy:
I wanted to be a driver. When I was two years old, they gave me some kind of harmonica, but all the same, from childhood I did not perceive music as a profession. Well, what is this profession? My dad worked at a radio factory, he died very early - at 53. Mom recently turned 75 years old, she worked as a laboratory assistant in a sanitary and epidemiological station, then worked at the same radio factory. He practically got married, like me - early. He saw his mother at the dance, took him home once and proposed. He was determined.

Igor had two favorite things in life: football and cars. All the walls in the room were plastered with football players and newspaper clippings. His younger sister followed in his footsteps. He is for her and to this day is the highest authority.

Alla Barata, sister:
We have been very friendly since childhood. He is the most dear and beloved person for me. He is my girlfriend and my friend. He did a lot for me.

Alina Kabaeva:
Did your parents have anything to do with music?

Igor Krutoy:
My father played the accordion a little. He was the first to notice that when I heard a song on the radio, I could repeat it on the button accordion. Then he bought me his own button accordion. I was about 5-6 years old when I was already playing. I was not visible because of the button accordion. I was asked to accompany the school choir. When I was in the 5th grade, we opened a dance floor. We formed an ensemble and I started playing the accordion.

Alina Kabaeva:
When did you first sit down at the piano?

Igor Krutoy:
After I began to play the accordion, at that time Ionika-10 came to the House of Culture according to the order. It was the first electric tool. I started playing this instrument, I wiped every key after every rehearsal. In the ensemble we already had a saxophone and a trumpet. After the 7th grade, my mother took me to the regional music school. My mother was told that I have absolute pitch, but I don’t know a damn thing, and if I learn to play the piano in a year, they will take me to the theoretical department. I have coped with this task. I graduated from college with honors. From the sixth grade, I managed to play the button accordion, so I brought money to the family budget.

Svetlana Semyonovna Krutaya, mother:
There was a moment when he wanted to quit music school, but I didn't let him. He earned it, but I never thought that it would become his profession.

After graduating from a music school, Igor Krutoy entered the conductor and choral department of the Nikolaev Music and Pedagogical Institute. Simultaneously with his studies, he worked part-time in a restaurant with his friend Alexander Serov - Serov sang, Krutoy played.

Alina Kabaeva:
When did you move to work in Moscow, and how did the capital meet you?

Igor Krutoy:
The capital met me not very friendly, somehow I could not find a job right away.

Alexander Serov:
It was quite difficult to catch on in such a huge city as Moscow, even in the 80s.

Igor Krutoy:
By this time, the chief administrator of the theater called them. Lenin Komsomol, they needed to put together a group to travel with Yevgeny Pavlovich Leonov. Thus, we moved to Moscow, rented an apartment at the River Station.

Alina Kabaeva:
How did you work with Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov?

Igor Krutoy:
He took me so that he had the opportunity to rest, he gave me the nickname Migul and said: “Go, Migul, play something, and I’ll rest for now!” Then I dragged Sasha Serov into this party. We, two young and unknown guys, wanted to make money, traveled with Palych and performed "Belorussky Station". He said: “I starred in the film “Belarusian Station”, and now my young colleagues (it was Serov and I) will perform a song from this film.” Then we sang some of our songs, so Leonov could rest.

In 1989, for outstanding achievements in the field of musical art, Igor Krutoy was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. In many ways, this recognition was facilitated by the album of Alexander Gray "Madonna", the composer of which was Krutoy.

Igor Krutoy:
We are equally indebted to each other. It was an unexpected success because I worked with different artists as a pianist and as an arranger. I tried myself as a composer, but it was terribly hard, because only members of the Union of Composers could be released on records and broadcast on TV. After the "Madonna" Sasha escaped, all the women of the country died for him, such letters were written ...

Alexander Serov:
This song was not for television and not for radio, but it flickered and flickered and flickered that the people simply fell in love with it. Today there are a lot of representatives, when they are nowhere, but they collect full halls.

Alina Kabaeva:
What artist do you write songs for, and who else would you like to write songs for?

Igor Krutoy:
I can't complain, because I wrote for almost all the best artists. And these songs became popular.

It is difficult even to list all Krutoy's hits, some of them can be heard by those lucky ones who manage to get to Igor Krutoy's always sold-out and creative evenings. The composer has been holding these meetings since 1994 and gathers truly super-star casts of performers.

Alina Kabaeva:
Who do you consult when in doubt?

Igor Krutoy:
Having written every song, I doubt it, until the last minute I have a feeling that this is not it. But then, when the recording ends and the song comes out, I already understand that this is not just a hit, but just a wonderful song. Lately, my songs have become hits even without promotion.

Since 1989, Igor Krutoy not only writes songs, but also produces. His company "ARS" has become one of the largest production organizations. It was thanks to Igor Krutoy that the famous "Song of the Year" was reborn.

Alina Kabaeva:
Are you more of a producer or a composer at the moment?

Igor Krutoy:
In 1991, the project “Song of the Year” was closed, but thanks to our perseverance, the USSR State Radio and Television went to restore this project, then we started producing it, but this does not mean that I was alone, other talented guys worked with me, who I worked there all the time, and I'm just a bright face. I'm more of a composer.

Igor Krutoy:
I had a youth period - this is the "Star Factory-4". Thanks to the guys I took there, Domenik Joker and Timati, maybe the direction appeared in the country - R "n" B. By the number of hits and artists that turned out, this factory was more successful. She was good on a human level too. We are still all friends.

Domenic Joker:
Right away I treated Igor Yakovlevich as a Guru, then I started treating him very seriously as a musician.

Irina Dubtsova:
At the castings for the "Star Factory" Igor Krutoy sat among the members of the jury. Out of fear, I sang worse than I could, and I also looked worse, he looked at me very sternly. Then, when they took me to the project, in some personal conversation, he told me: “I didn’t want to take you right away, and then something changed in my head, and I decided: I need to take it.” Since then, this master has been my main mentor.

A serious and successful person, Igor Krutoy has a great sense of humor. At the New Wave festival in Jurmala, an unusual rapper number was born performed by the duet Igor Krutoy and Raimonds Pauls.

Igor Krutoy:
Traditionally, we go out with Raymond, say some words, discover Jurmala, but despite the age of 73, he is a restless person. Domenic Joker wrote us poems, Timati gave us rapper clothes, and we went on stage like that.

Igor Krutoy organized the Children's New Wave music festival.

Igor Krutoy:
Everything related to children is terribly pleasant and terribly touching. I think it will be a successful and long-term project. We somehow help the guys who performed in the first “children's wave” more, we shoot them in various television projects. More talented people go to the "children's wave" than to the adult one.

Igor Krutoy:
In recent years, I did not find an artist for whom I could write, I was silent for a long time, and leaving for popular instrumental music was a way out of this situation for me, because stars of Pugacheva's size will not appear in the near future. Now I'm working on projects on the one hand and Lara Fabian on the other. She will sing my new two songs, to which she wrote poetry. And the project, which is already at the finish line, is a joint project with Dmitry Hvorostovsky. It will be uncharacteristic for me music in the style of crossover, lounge. There will be a double album of 24 songs in Italian, French, Russian.

Alina Kabaeva:
At what point in your life did you feel like a successful person?

Igor Krutoy:
I still don't feel it until now. For some, success is a material side. For me, success is just creativity. If today you wrote what is in demand and what you like - you are cool, but tomorrow you did not write - you are cool in your passport, but not in creativity.

Family for Igor Krutoy is the most important thing in life. Although Igor's wife Olga and daughter live in the USA for more than a month, they never part. For 15 years they have been living in two houses, flying across the ocean.

Alina Kabaeva:
How did you meet, and how did you understand that this is your woman?

Igor Krutoy:
We met in New York. When I saw her for the first time, she was inaccessible to me. Then we ended up in the same company and were introduced to each other. I have 2 weeks left and I said: "Let's get married", she said: "Come on."

Olga Krutaya, wife of Igor Krutoy:
Some kind of human warmth emanated from Igor, and I felt a kind human attitude. Since this all started.

The older children of Krutoy, Nikolai and Victoria, are already completely independent people, Igor continues to help them and takes part in their fate, but he pays the most attention to his youngest daughter Sasha.

Alina Kabaeva:
How do you see little Sasha in the future?

Igor Krutoy:
Now she can draw well, then she is a terrible clothes-maker, she inherited this from her mother. From what I see now, I can say that she can be realized as a designer. I don't see her as a musician yet.

Alina Kabaeva:
How are you raising her?

Igor Krutoy:
She only listens to me. When she was here and playing in the yard, she came home and said: “A girl told me that you are a composer. This is true?"

Alina Kabaeva:
What is the secret of Igor Krutoy's success?

Igor Krutoy:
That I actually walk the earth. All my troubles were from the fact that I overestimated the bar for myself.

He does not hesitate to learn, listen to advice and comments.

Having become a successful person, Igor Krutoy pays great attention to and helps talented children. Thanks to him, Russian show business rises to the level of the world music scene.

Igor Krutoy is known to the general public primarily for his successful composing activities, but besides this, he is a well-known producer and a successful businessman. Currently, music continues to be his favorite thing: Igor Yakovlevich collaborates with many celebrities and releases new discs, produces the New Wave and Children's New Wave contests, and also works with the choir of the Academy of Popular Music, where more than 100 children are engaged. But that's not all, because the composer always has many plans, which he gradually implements. No less important for Krutoy is his personal life, since children and small grandchildren now bring him great joy. Relations with his wife have been established for a long time. Despite the fact that they live in different countries and see each other infrequently, their marriage can be called happy and strong.

Igor was born in 1954 in the city of Gaivoron, Kirovograd region. His parents had nothing to do with music: his father worked as a freight forwarder at a factory, and his mother was a laboratory assistant. His sister Alla also grew up in the family. Even in his school years, the future composer sang in the school ensemble and played the button accordion, and then studied at the music school in Kirovograd. In 1979, Krutoy received a higher musical education at the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute.

In the photo, Igor Krutoy and his childhood with his mother Svetlana Semenovna and sister Alla

Already during this period, he began to write songs, the performer of which was his friend Alexander Serov. Fame came to the composer when Serov performed his song "Madonna", which was performed in 1987 on the TV show "Song of the Year". Since 1989, Igor has also been engaged in producing activities, creating a successful company "ARS". During his creative career, the musician has written songs for many famous singers, and also composed music for films.

In his personal life, Krutoy did not immediately find family happiness. In 1981, the first wife, Elena, gave birth to the composer's son Nikolai. But this marriage broke up after a few years. According to the artist himself, they did not have a warm relationship with his ex-wife, but they have a common son with whom he constantly maintains a relationship.

In the photo Igor Krutoy with his son Nikolai

In 1995, Igor married a second time. His wife Olga lives in New Jersey, where she does business. From her first marriage, her daughter Victoria grew up, who, after graduating from school, began to pursue a singing career, recently recording her first album. In 2003, the couple had a joint daughter, Alexander. Now the girl is studying well and loves to draw. Igor Yakovlevich spends a lot of time in Moscow, where he is engaged in creative work, so he manages to get together with his family only in winter in Miami and in summer in Monte Carlo. The rest of the time, spouses can afford infrequent flights to each other. Despite this lifestyle, they never give each other a reason for jealousy.

In the photo Igor Krutoy with his family: his wife Olga and daughters Alexandra (left) and Victoria

In 2014, the wedding of Olga's daughter from a previous marriage took place in Monaco. The girl married restaurateur David Berkovich. Their daughter Demi-Rose was born in 2015. Son Nikolai also married a second time, and he has two daughters growing up - Christina and Margarita. When this succeeds, the spouses get together with their children and grandchildren, whom Krutoy simply adores. The composer moved his mother to him a long time ago. At the age of 80, she mastered the computer and learned English, in addition, she dreams of getting a driver's license. Sister Alla married an American in 1992 and now lives in the USA, becoming a popular TV presenter.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 01/17/2017
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