What is the ideal lover? What are the qualities of a good lover.

12th place: Cancer Even if at the beginning of a relationship Cancer is incredibly gentle, sexy and ardent, do not console yourself with illusions: sex for Cancer is a way to reproduce. And as soon as the number of children in a couple reaches the desired, this side of life goes to the one hundred and thirty-eighth plan, obscured by a garden mower, a robot vacuum cleaner and the need to pay for a governess for children with pure French. Of course, we exaggerate a little, and from time to time Cancers have flashes of passion, but that's what sometimes. True, you will remember these flashes for a long time. We advise you to mark the calendar with a cross and celebrate anniversaries. New Year more often. Yes.

11th place: Sagittarius

Our romantic and hunter sings like a nightingale about passion, but has very remote ideas about what physical love really is. No, well, technically yes, but... In general, Sagittarius has not watched porn, has no idea about the capabilities of the body and prefers the classic missionary position, but beer is better. The bonus is that he is quite trainable, the downside is that he is terribly lazy. To maintain tone, Sagittarius needs to systematically make it clear that he has competitors, but this is a rather tedious business.

10th place: Capricorn

A Capricorn lover is just like an employee: diligent, successful, furiously boring. It seemed to us that he had notes in his diary "Tuesday, 21.30 - sex." Because otherwise he will lose his rhythm and get out of the schedule. Real sex for Capricorn is making money, all the ardor goes there. True, he is more likely to please with physical form, because on other pages of the diary we saw the entries “Monday, 19.00 - sports” and “Thursday, 7.00 - jogging”. Maybe it's not all bad.

9th place: Pisces

Here is such a thing ... The Pisces man in sex is quite sophisticated, it is worth giving him his due. But he is too dependent on the mood. They stepped on his foot - he is depressed, the weather deteriorated - we replace sex with whiskey, the cat shitted past the tray - he cannot exist in such a nervous environment. So you will have to have sex with Pisces, in the sense that if you do not offer or insist, the New Year will be more frequent. But for an enterprising person, this is not at all a problem, because if the Fish is well cooked, oh, excuse me, warmed up, then it is quite a tasty prey.

8th place: Virgo

Maybe 8th place is not the most fair verdict for Virgo, and we have a biased judging here, but you know ... Here's how lucky. Virgo learns intimate joys from a young age, starts quite early, but this is how it will turn out with “teachers”, that is, with teachers ... The Virgo man remembers once and for all what his partner likes and what not, masters both caresses and poses, but on this he considers himself a graduate of a sexual university and puts his diploma in a frame. And if he did not meet a courtesan with an additional education of a geisha, put out the light, cover yourself with a blanket. But some people are lucky.

7th place: Leo I am a woolen wolf, how powerful are my paws! Lapischi is a euphemism here, but you get the idea. Leo's narcissism leads to the fact that in bed he shows you demonstrations. By the way, it is this sign that loves mirrors in the bedroom to squint in the process and draw in the stomach in a timely manner. Having a good command of the technique of the process, Leo is too fixated on himself, and the partner is assigned the unattractive role of props. Unless your temperaments coincide by chance - and you will look in the mirror together. Hmm, what an interesting angle, but raise your leg higher? Oh perfect...

6th place: Taurus

Taurus has a congenital "bachelor party" of the brain. Sex, sex, how cute, sex, sex. Without a break ... Taurus is always ready. Everywhere. Any way and with anyone. But it seems impossible to put into this head “bachelor party” the idea that sex is not a five-minute escapade, and the speed of body movements is not an indicator of quality. That “the more the better”, however, too. But, at least in regularity and, ahem, persistence, our ball tells us a good word, you can be sure.

5th place: Scorpio

I am a lone vagabond of Casanova's love... Eternal lover and eternal heartthrob villain... We hope that the image of Valery Leontiev that has risen before your eyes at the moment has not killed your libido. But there is no better quote for a brief description of Scorpio's sexuality. He knows how to give pleasure and show the sky in diamonds, but here's the problem: natural bitchiness rarely allows Scorpio to put the partner's interests above his own. Therefore, he will do what he wants, the way he wants, and as often as he wants. If you like the same, you will be the happiest couple.

4th place: Aries

A stubborn and authoritarian sign suddenly jumps in the ranking of recognized womanizers. But how? And very simply: Aries is incredibly ambitious and wholeheartedly wants to do everything perfectly. Therefore, he will study, study and study again, and since he chooses a partner seriously and for a long time, it is important for him that everything goes well in all areas of their life. And if in general for Aries command is a middle name, then in the intimate sphere he relaxes and transfers the initiative into gentle female hands. And remembers all the movements. Rare utility quality, it is worth noting.

3rd place: Gemini

We could easily have been at the top of the rankings if we only evaluated temperament and ingenuity, but excessive coldness let us down. Not in the sense that you thought, it’s just that the Gemini man doesn’t put as much emotion into sex as we would like for the most part. He is a sensitive partner with good intuition and a liberated fantasy, but if you are not yet an established couple, it is worth remembering that for Gemini sex is just one of the pleasant processes, just like a glass of good wine or a walk along the coast at sunset.

2nd place: Aquarius

If you are looking for flight, trembling fingers and colic in the solar plexus, you are here. Aquarians are experimenters by nature. And any offer to try something new is responded with incredible enthusiasm. Role-playing games, dressing up, sex toys - Aquarius cannot be embarrassed, most likely he will embarrass you himself. And that's great, because it's hard to imagine a better partner! But the place is still second, because for Aquarius the process is more important than the result, if you understand what we are talking about, and not only our result, but also yours. So it goes.

1st place: Libra

And here he is. Lover Hero. We honestly tried to find a flaw, twisted the magic ball this way and that, but no: the Libra man is perfection. He is sensitive, attentive, unhurried, inventive, hardy, romantic and is perhaps the only sign for which his own pleasure grows in proportion to the pleasure of his partner. Candles, rose petals and champagne baths - he knows how, loves, practices. Hard practices? Easy. The only taboo for Libra is unaesthetic sex, so no “in the car” or “in the elevator” for you, but this is such nonsense. Read other funny horoscopes:

What does sex mean for zodiac signs? Which zodiac sign is the most romantic? What kind of wife are you according to your zodiac sign?

Who is the best lover according to the sign of the Zodiac, there is no definite answer to this question. And not because astrology in this topic is at a loss. It's all about women, that is, the other side during sexual relations. People, not tin soldiers, made according to one model, and even more so, women. How many women, so many temperaments, especially in sex. One likes sex to be long and tender, with obligatory foreplay and affectionate words. Another likes violent and passionate sex, and she does not need any preparation for it. Therefore, for one woman, the best lover will be the affectionate and gentle Cancer, for the other, the swift and passionate Aries. And yet, there are some general patterns by which you can determine which men of which zodiac signs will be the best lovers. But under what signs of the zodiac are born.

Let's try to figure it out together.


If you love stormy, unpredictable, passionate sex, then there is no better lover than Aries. They are very inventive in sex, his quirks and fantasies can pleasantly surprise. And Aries kiss in such a way that any sign of the Zodiac is not suitable for them. And one more very good quality the representatives of this sign have, like lovers, they are not lovers of one-time sex. That is, relations with Aries will not end on one night spent together, they will continue. Their pressure and impulsiveness in bed are simply amazing, and their unpredictability in bed exercises will pleasantly surprise you.


The sexual energy of Taurus can be safely called crazy. If a woman interests him, he will seek her very persistently, and just as persistently he will seek an intimate relationship with her. Sometimes his actions seem too straightforward, but this does not mean that Taurus is dumb and primitive. They are just very passionate natures and sex in a relationship means a lot to them. But you should not assume that apart from the bed, for them in a relationship with a woman, nothing matters. Love and feelings for them are not an empty phrase, simply, Taurus's sex is the highest manifestation of his love. Taurus does not like frills and sophistication in bed, but due to his passion and pressure, intimate relationships with Taurus are an unforgettable time.


Sensitive, gentle, romantic lover Cancer, almost every woman dreams of this. He will look after him very beautifully, shower with flowers, compliments, try to fulfill any desire of a woman. And in intimate relationships, he is the same, he will not suppress a woman in bed, put pressure on her and demand complete submission. Cancer, on the contrary, will try to satisfy all her female fantasies, explore all the erogenous zones, in a word, he will give any woman a lot of pleasure. He is a romantic in relationships and the most skilled lover in bed - this is the most beautiful lover option for a woman. But for all its softness and sensitivity, Cancer never forgives insults and betrayal. If he is deceived and betrayed in his feelings, he will not quietly step aside, but will definitely take revenge. Therefore, enjoy a relationship with a man of this sign, but beware of betraying him.

a lion

Leo, by definition, cannot be a bad lover, because he is a king, and he loves regally, that is, generously and uncontrollably. He is tireless in bed, but in addition, he will shower a woman with gifts, attention, simply amaze with his generosity and breadth of soul. With him, and not only in bed, any woman will feel like a queen. And to attract the attention of a man of this sign is very simple, you need to admire him, pay attention and flatter him. But flattery should be very subtle, natural, although Lions value attention to themselves, they are very smart, and will determine rough flattery on distant approaches. In a relationship with Leo, a woman feels adored and desired.


Representatives of this zodiac sign are considered the best lovers, since their sexuality has no boundaries. They are very difficult to seduce because they themselves are the best seducers in the world. In sex, they are very skillful, and it is simply impossible to resist their charm and sexual attractiveness. Sometimes a woman in a relationship with Scorpio may have the feeling that she is simply being manipulated, but despite this, a woman will still feel very happy in a relationship with a man of this sign.


Despite the cold-bloodedness of fish in nature, the men of this zodiac sign are very good lovers, they are romantic and sexy. Sex with them will never be monotonous, and relationships will be full of romance. It is easy to communicate with them, and relationships with Pisces will be long and happy, they do not like frequent changes. But Pisces are not hunters by nature, they are somewhat lazy, so don't expect "chase and pursuit" from them. If you want to attract the attention of such a man, you should not expect decisive action from them, you must take everything into your own hands, and the process of seduction will have to be carried out by yourself.

The rest of the zodiac signs can be just as good.

The signs of the zodiac listed above are indeed the best lovers, but this does not mean at all that the rest of the signs are not worth the attention of women. Under certain circumstances and different preferences of women, men of other signs can be wonderful lovers, you just need to understand how to properly use their sexual energy.

How much has been said by psychologists and sages about ideal relationship between man and woman. But trust, honesty and mutual understanding are only 50% of the couple's success. No matter what anyone says, intimate life is of great importance, especially for men. Representatives of the stronger sex often complain about their women that they do not satisfy them or dissolve in everyday life. But here a logical question arises: are they themselves good lovers?

Giacomo Casanova said: "Not being able to caress a woman is worse than not being able to write". Editorial "So simple!" decided to find out what he is, a good lover, according to women.

Qualities of a good lover

A happy and satisfied woman always stands out from the crowd with a sparkle in her eyes and good reviews about her man. But the unsatisfied perceives intimate relationships as a burden and "family duty." Little joy, but over the years, even that fades. But often the point is not in a woman, but in the selfishness and carelessness of her partner.


You can give a woman gifts, but if your bedding is more like pairing ciliates-shoes, then such a union will not last long (in an idyll, for sure). For a woman, all this will turn into nothing more than a routine, which is why the man will not be satisfied in the end. You can’t just receive, because it should be good for both.


The perfect lover never forgets the skillful foreplay. For a girl, foreplay is even more important than the sexual act itself. Therefore, in order to become perfect in bed, you will have to master all the kissing techniques, learn to feel a woman physically and understand her psychology.


No need to impose your experiments, rush a woman and rush to satisfy her needs. No violence or coercion! A good lover himself notices what kind of caresses a girl likes, and which ones she tries to avoid. In addition, thanks to the foreplay, you can greatly diversify your intimate life.


The main task of an ideal partner is to create the most comfortable conditions for a woman in bed. He knows how to guess her desires and study preferences. There is no need to ask about them right in the process, because women are created in such a way that it is inconvenient for them to talk about such things out loud. It is also important to communicate outside the bedroom.

So a good lover is, first of all, one who has everything in order with his head, and only then with potency. He does not enter a cold woman, but thinks of two. Otherwise, everything makes no sense. And of course, he is an attentive, caring and interesting man who you can rely on in life.

Of course, two people are having sex, and for a good result, the efforts of both parties are equally necessary. Nevertheless, a woman and a man have distinctive features of psychology, different attitudes towards sex and expectations associated with it. The quality of the love game largely depends on what each of us expects from sex in general; from the experience, emotional intelligence that a man shows in everyday life.

Selfishness and lack of sensitivity cannot contribute to harmony and satisfaction. These traits, which people often try to hide at the beginning of an acquaintance, however, can be seen in some behavioral patterns if you look closely.

6 signs that a man is a good lover

Some nuances of a man's behavior even before making love allow us to draw conclusions - can he make you happy.

1. He is good in bed if you feel comfortable in his presence. He says compliments, looks and gestures makes you feel that you are desirable for him. Thus, a good basis has been created for what will happen in the future in bed. If he, as they say, “nags” you with or without him, it’s stupid to count on an impeccable sexual relationship. For example, criticizing the appearance or your behavior. Or complain! You can be sure - complaints continue in bed!

2. He is good in bed if he is generous. This does not mean that a good lover necessarily squanders money. Not at all, because neither greed nor excessive wastefulness have ever been subtle features. But if he is ready to be useful to you and is able to spend money on your needs, then there is a high probability that he is not selfish in bed. Why? Because he is able to understand the needs of another.

3. He is good in bed if he has good manners. The man is attentive, a good listener, a reliable partner. Then you can expect that in bed he will look at you like a queen. If he does not open the door for you and does not let you go ahead, puts you in an awkward position in society, then he is one hundred percent egoist, from whom it is foolish to expect attention in the bedroom. For this, your well-being is paramount.

4. He is good in bed if he is patient. Let's imagine a situation - he falls into hysterics, is nervous and even becomes aggressive towards you with small changes in plans, not to mention serious problems. Or requires, by all means, to go there and there, although you planned something completely different. It is unlikely that such a person can be a patient lover or one who is ready to have sex for a long time. Impatient people are more often than not physically hardy in terms of sex.

5. He is good in bed if he has the capacity for empathy. At the heart of good sex is the ability to put yourself in the place of another, guess his desires and respond to his emotions. So watch a man in communication with other people and especially with you: is he a good listener? Is he able to notice your needs and anticipate your desires even before you utter them? If so, then you can be sure that he has these properties even in bed - who is not self-centered in everyday life is very likely to be an excellent lover.

For example, he instantly notices that you didn’t have a very good day or you don’t feel too good. If a man reacts to the slightest changes in your mental and physical state, is ready to show his compassion in gestures, then he is probably a good lover. He takes your hand in his, speaks gentle and encouraging words, strokes your back. This means that he subtly feels the importance of physical contact and is ready for sexual caresses. If not, look for another option for yourself!

6. He will become a good lover if he shows tolerance. Does he smoke on the balcony because you don't like the smell of smoke in the apartment? Does he admit that you only want to see him three times a week and not daily? Doesn't he try to use arguments to convince you of the benefits of a steak while you are a vegetarian? If the answer is yes, then you can expect good sex together with such a person.

But if a man insists on the benefits of his choice and then only takes care of you, then you cannot expect him to be a good lover.

Conclusion. Talk about your needs and preferences

If you are frustrated with a man's behavior because it doesn't follow the rules described above, don't despair. Even then, all is not lost if you take the initiative unobtrusively. Ultimately, two people are involved in sex. How a man will behave in life and bed also depends on your personal qualities and energy. Communicate with a man openly and talk about your needs and preferences. You have a good chance of being answered in kind.

As you can see, a passionate lover can be identified even before his hands and lips touch your body. And there…

We'll see, maybe this is the person you've been waiting for all your life.

Irina LAZUR, journalist and writer, especially for Lady Chef.Ru

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