How many meters should the emergency sign. Cases and rules for placing an emergency stop sign

Each driver of a vehicle is not insured against an unforeseen situation on the road, whether it is a car breakdown or an accident. In this case, there should always be an emergency sign in the trunk of the car, which must be displayed in front of the car until the problem is fixed.

Warning triangle requirements - what do the rules say?

The emergency stop sign, according to the traffic rules, visually represents an equilateral triangle. The outer side of this triangle is pasted over with a strip made of reflective material. This is necessary so that it is visible to other drivers from a long distance. The inner side is glued with a fluorescent strip.

The product itself is made of plastic or plastic. When buying, it is better to choose plastic, as it is more resistant to vibrations on the road and, accordingly, will last longer.. In order to install the product on the road in a vertical position, a retractable leg is attached to it from the inside.

The requirements state that the signs alarm should be of the following dimensions: the total width of the elements should be 100 mm, the sides should be 500 to 550 mm wide. Internal rounding should be a radius of 5 mm or more, but no less. And the radius of the outer rounding should be 15 millimeters.

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If an emergency stop occurred on the highway, then the distance will be 30 meters or more.

If you notice the sign " ", then if possible, try to stop the car in case of a breakdown in front of or behind the narrowing of the road. The presence of such a product in the car is considered mandatory. The fine for the absence of an emergency sign will be 1,000 rubles. The fine for a warning triangle that you simply forgot to set will be equal to the same amount.

Every driver must have this sign, in every vehicle. When choosing, it is better not to save, but to buy a product good quality. It will last you a long time and keep well. Cheap warning triangles can even injure you when installed with sharp corners and ribs. The corners of more expensive products are reliably protected by durable materials, which will protect you from accidental cuts.

The rules for filing an alarm are regulated not only by traffic rules, but also by an established driving tradition. Consider when you need to turn on the emergency gang and how not to introduce other participants traffic astray.


When the alarm is turned on, all lighting devices that are used as turn signals in normal operation begin to flash at a certain interval. These include turn signals. orange color, as well as repeaters on the front fender or rear-view mirrors, if the vehicle is equipped with such. The flashing of the bulbs is duplicated on the dashboard by the simultaneous lighting of the direction indicators.

The main purpose of the alarm is to draw attention to the car. The system may be activated when unusual road maneuvers are performed that require increased attention from other road users. Switching on can also be a click for help that the driver of the vehicle needs.

With an emergency signal, you can warn drivers of danger ahead. The car following you will understand that it is better to increase the distance and be prepared for possible danger.


When the driver must turn on the emergency flasher:


If the alarm system does not work on the car, in the event of an accident, you can limit yourself to only the sign “ Emergency stop". Similar signs are used when the vehicle is towed and the alarm cannot be turned on. The sign must be fixed in the area of ​​the rear bumper, trunk lid or on the glass.

Emergency stop

A portable red triangle with an orange insert, the front side of which is covered with reflective material, must be equipped with each car.

Chapter 7 of the SDA, in addition to regulating the use of an emergency gang, includes provisions on the emergency stop sign. When to install:

The rules of the road regulate the minimum distance at which the sign must be installed. For settlements- at least 15 m from the car, and outside settlements - at least 30 m.

It's not without reason that the minimum distance is specified in the rules. Let's consider a situation in which you are a participant in an accident. The rules force you to turn on your hazard warning lights and put up an emergency stop sign. The accident happened 40 m after a steep climb or a sharp bend in the road. If the sign is installed 30 meters away, then the driver, having overcome the rise, turn, will not be able to react to the obstacle in time. Therefore, the sign must be installed before the end of the ascent.

Driving tradition

According to unwritten driving standards, turning on the alarm is a sign of gratitude. You can use it when you were let into the next row, helped when overtaking on the highway and similar situations.

A warning triangle is one of three items (along with and ) that every car must have. or a forced stop, the driver must display this sign to warn other road users that there is an obstacle ahead.

What does the new warning triangle look like?

Modern requirements for the warning triangle were approved in 2007. As of 2015, the warning triangle is an equilateral triangle with sides 500-550 mm, made of red or orange plastic. Required condition for the new warning triangle, this is a strip of reflective material along the outer side of the triangle (band width - 50 mm). The stability of the triangle is provided by a retractable leg attached to one of the sides.

Rules for installing an emergency stop sign

When and at what distance to put an emergency stop sign? These issues are clearly regulated by the Rules of the Road. So, an emergency stop sign must be displayed (clause 7.2 of the SDA):
  • in a traffic accident,
  • when the vehicle is forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited and where the car cannot be seen in a timely manner by other road users.
  • The distance at which the warning triangle is displayed depends on where the stop occurred or the accident occurred.
  • In the locality at least 15 m from the car.
  • Outside built-up areas emergency stop sign is set at least 30 m from the car.
  • Please note that the traffic rules stipulate only the minimum distance at which an emergency stop sign can be set. The specific distance for each case is chosen by the driver himself, based on road conditions:
  • if an accident or forced situation occurred around the corner, then it is recommended to put the sign before the turn so that drivers can react in time;
  • if the accident happened behind a hillock on the descent, it is better to put an emergency stop sign on the rise so that traffic participants have time to slow down;
  • if an accident involving two cars occurred at an intersection, it is best to set BOTH signs in two directions so that the obstacle is clearly visible from both sides of the intersection.
  • Another case where the use of an emergency stop sign is mandatory is a malfunction of the emergency light signaling on the towed vehicle. In this case, an emergency stop sign must be attached to the rear of the towed vehicle (clause 7.3 of the SDA).

    Fine for warning triangle

    If an accident occurred and the participants did not put up an emergency stop sign they face fines. Responsibilities in connection with a traffic accident are regulated by Art. 12.27 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. For failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the traffic rules (including for failure to display an emergency stop sign) in 2015, a fine of 1,000 rubles.Besides, the absence of a warning triangle in a car, truck or bus included in the list of malfunctions and conditions under which operation is prohibited Vehicle. For this, Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is provided a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. At the same time, the traffic police inspector can find out about the absence of an emergency stop sign either from the driver himself, or during a full inspection in accordance with all the rules. In all other cases, you are not required to show the inspector an emergency stop sign. The presence of an emergency stop sign is also required to be checked
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