Hi fi is not given a release year. Oksana Oleshko from Hi-Fi

Speaking of them, the image of beautiful young people immediately comes to mind: two guys and a girl. That same girl in the period from 1998 to 2003 was Oksana Oleshko.

Childhood and youth

Oleshko Oksana Evgenievna was born in the city of Barnaul, then still in the USSR, on February 13, 1975. Her mother was a geological engineer, and her father was a military man. Also in the Oleshko family grew up and older brother Sergei.

Oksana was often sick, so in 1980 the family decided to change the climate and move to warmer climes. The choice fell on sunny Tbilisi. To further help strengthen the weak immunity of the youngest daughter, the parents decided to send her to the ballroom dancing section, as well as gymnastics.


In those years, Oksana first showed a love for dancing, which will become fundamental throughout the life of the artist. Already after the third grade, she goes to continue her studies at the city choreographic school as a ballet dancer. Like gymnastics, ballet involves strong physical and psychological almost daily stress.

Ballet and gymnastics largely influenced the formation of the character of the future artist. Oksana has learned to achieve her goals, to overcome difficulties. In gymnastics, she later achieved the title of candidate master of sports. The next eight years passed in the hall, at the machine.

Day after day, regardless of the weather, or the state of health and circumstances, the girl worked on herself. No excuses were made - this is how the future star was tempered. The first fruits of the work were not long in coming. Already in those years, Oksana began to receive the first invitations from employers. She performed at the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre.

After graduating from college, Oksana goes to Moscow. So far, she has not yet received invitations from eminent producers or directors. It was a commercial trip organized by the parents of fellow students, a "test of the pen" and a test by the capital. The first pancake came out lumpy, the performances were not successful, from them the girl learned only the confidence that she wanted to live and work in Moscow. Soon the girl left her father's house and went towards her dream.

Like many other novice artists, Oleshko did not have to grab the stars from the sky. And in order to gain a foothold in the new world of creative Moscow, Oksana gets a job at the Children's Musical Theater of Natalia Sats. But the problems only increased, I had to look for rented housing. In the theater, Oksana worked with her husband Elena Chesnokova, with whom they later became friends. Elena and her husband invited the young artist to live with them.

As Ms. Chesnokova herself now says, living with Oksana was easy and calm. She turned out to be a simple and open person, not demanding, it was always a pleasure to communicate with her. As for the work itself, Oksana soon realized that the theater was not her vocation, and decided to change her occupation.


Oleshko begins to perform in celebrity choreographic groups. At first it was, Oksana is friends with him, as well as with his wife. Soon, dancing with Malikov remains in the past, and the future Hi-Fi soloist leaves for the popular group of that time -. After some time, an affair with a member of the team became the reason for Oksana's dismissal.

Oksana Oleshko and group "Hi-Fi"

The career ladder of the girl continued to move up. Oksana's track record includes work for artists, and.

One of the key moments of the artist's creative biography was an invitation from Eric Chanturia to the Hi-Fi group. This was in 1998. The songwriter for the new musical group was Pavel Yesenin. For a girl, this is a new, previously unknown and therefore even more interesting activity. Timofey Pronkin also became her partners in the group. Mitya was chosen as the leader of the group and its frontman, but since his voice did not suit the creator of the group, Pavel Yesenin, the songwriter himself sang the part of the soloist.

The first joint work of the artists was the recording of the single "Not given" and a video for it. For filming, the participants gathered in St. Petersburg. The second single of the group was the song "Homeless". Both compositions were included in the group's first studio album, which was called "First Contact". The collection also included the songs "Thread", "Pioneer", "Forgive me". After 15 years, the album entered the top 30 collections of Russian pop music according to the Afisha publication.

Song "Forgive me"

The team quickly gained popularity. The songs "About Summer", "Black Raven" and "Cuba" appeared. They replenished the next album - "Reproduction". A clip in a sporty style appeared for the song "About Summer". Members of the group starred in the gym, where they repeated the movements of professional athletes. This was easy for them. The plot of the video for the song "Black Raven", on the contrary, turned out to be gloomy: the artists in black suits were filmed on the ruins of an old building.

In 2000, the musicians' hit "Stupid People" was released. At the same time, the third album of the musicians "Remember" was released with the tracks "Brother", "Network", "999". The last joint works of the first line-up of the group were the songs “Secondary School No. 7”, “I love - it means I live” and “Olle!”.

Hit "Hi-Fi" "Stupid People"

Oksana, in addition to participating in the group as a vocalist, also writes words for many songs. Two songs were written for the former frontman. Eric Chanturia was also Batyr's producer.

A popular singer in 2002 accepts an invitation from the Playboy magazine for men to shoot in a candid photo shoot, which increases the number of her fans.

Oksana Oleshko and group "Hi-Fi"

Having stayed in the group until 2003, Oksana makes an important decision. Oleshko leaves Hi-Fi and show business, deciding to devote himself to his family and children. Oksana's colleagues in the group, Mitya Fomin and Timofey Pronkin, supported her friend and remained friends with her, but they chose a former fashion model to replace her. Oksana has a good relationship with Tatyana to this day.

Oksana Oleshko participates in social life, continues to communicate with her comrades in the Hi-Fi group and starred in Mitya Fomin's videos. In 2010, the singer appeared in the video for the song "Everything will be fine", and five years later - for the musical composition "This is how I love you."

Personal life

While working with the Na-Na group, the artist's personal life begins to take shape. The dancers have the guys leads to the fact that Oksana falls in love. The soloist of the group becomes her chosen one. Love was strong, they wrote and dedicated love poems to each other.

According to the contract, which is signed by all members of the Na-Na group, they did not have the right to start a family within a large team. Therefore, the head of the group dismisses Oksana. This trouble did not prevent the lovers from continuing their relationship, Levkin and Oleshko got married.

Not everything went smoothly in the couple's personal life. Vladimir Levkin got cancer. The disease was already at the last stage. As the ex-participant of Na-Na himself said, everything was so bad that he even spent at least 40 minutes on the way from the room to the bathroom. Fortunately, the artist won, the disease still went away, just like Oksana, who fell in love with another man, left him.

In 2002, while on vacation on the Cote d'Azur in France, the girl meets a man named , who immediately managed to capture the girl's attention. Upon returning to Moscow, Oksana divorces Levkin, leaves Hi-Fi and accepts a marriage proposal from Anton. The couple's wedding was an incredibly original and lavish event. Already in 2005, Anton and Oksana had a daughter, Elizabeth. Later, they give birth to another girl, who received the name Veronica. Now the older girl is taking vocal lessons, and the younger one is interested in equestrian sports.

After some time, Oksana still breaks up with her second husband. Later, the artist's son Plato is born. According to some media reports, businessman Sergei Tsvitnenko became the boy's father. But other tabloids claim that the son was born from the singer's third husband, Alexei Petrov, with whom she found female happiness.

Oksana Oleshko shows in the photo in "Instagram" excellent physical shape. The artist spends a lot of time in the gym, relaxing on the sea coast with her children. It is possible that Oksana resorted to plastic surgery, but the artist herself does not mention operations anywhere.

Oksana Oleshko now

In 2017, the NTV channel hosted the show The Stars Came Together, in which Oksana Oleshko became a guest. Other representatives of Russian show business also appeared on the air.

In 2018, the band's concert took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, where Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and current soloist Marina Drozhdina became guest artists. Together with them, their former colleague Oksana Oleshko, who left the musical group 15 years ago, entered the stage.

The audience warmly welcomed the performance of the "golden composition" of the group "Hi-Fi". According to Mitya Fomin, the musicians are planning to resume creative cooperation. The artists have already recorded a number of new musical compositions and are preparing a video clip for release. In June, the group visited the capital of Belarus on tour.


  • 1999 - "First Contact"
  • 1999 - "Reproduction"
  • 2001 - "Remember"
  • 2001 - "New Collection 2003 D&J Remixes"
  • 2002 - "Best"

After numerous musical experiments (some of them, by the way, were very popular with the Novosibirsk, and later the Moscow public), it was decided to create a group. Initially, the Hi-Fi included Dmitry Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko, in this composition the team worked until 2003. August 2 is considered Hi-Fi's birthday, because it was on this day in 1998 that the group's debut video was filmed. The clip "Not Given" was filmed in St. Petersburg, directed by Eric Chanturia and Alisher. The plot of the video, like a mirror, reflected the real history of the team: Mitya, Ksyusha and Timofey each went their own way, and now their paths crossed in one short word - Hi-Fi. It was on the set of "Not Given" that the band members first saw each other. The first impressions of the guys were very contradictory - their characters turned out to be too different. But over time, it became clear that even such polar personalities are quite capable of getting along with each other. Since then, Hi-Fi has been considered one of the most friendly bands on the stage. The first Hi-Fi performance took place on August 23 at the Soyuz show. After that, the team began to prepare material for the debut album. The release of "First Contact" took place in February 1999, it included 11 tracks authored by Pavel Yesenin and Eric Chanturia, including a remix of the band's most famous song at that time, "Not Given". The album sold in record numbers; this is confirmed by the huge number of its pirated versions, individual copies of which can be found on the shelves today. In support of their debut album, Hi-Fi is shooting a video for the song "Homeless Child", one of their most striking works. Filming took place on the territory of a functioning chemical plant: natural scenery was selected in accordance with the nature of the song. The second video of the Hi-Fi group did not leave the first lines of the charts throughout 1999. Immediately after the release of "First Contact", the authors of Hi-Fi began to prepare material for the next album, its presentation was scheduled for the second half of 1999, and it happened. "Reproduction" (as the disc was called) included Pavel Yesenin's remixes of hits from "First Contact", as well as 3 previously unreleased songs - "Black Raven", "About Summer" and "Cuba". Two of them acquired video versions at the same time. They decided to make the video for the song “About Summer” as sporty and dynamic as possible, for which a gym was rented. Mitya, Timofey and Oksana arrived at the set to observe the exercises of professionals and try to set world records on their own. Thus, the Hi-Fi group confirmed the validity of the title of one of the most sporty and mobile musical groups in the country. For the fourth, for the song "Black Raven", a Hi-Fi video clip, the ruins of a once famous store in the center of the capital became the film set. The plot of the video is somewhat reminiscent of the film "The Matrix": black suits, a little gloomy, in the mood of the song, scenery and a lot of special effects - but appeared on the screens much earlier. The start of the musical project turned out to be so successful that Hi-Fi participants practically stopped appearing in Moscow due to constant touring. However, the authors continued to work: in the fall of 2000, Hi-Fi released a new masterpiece - the song "Stupid People". The composition received a rather original video design: a film crew led by Artur Gimpel settled in one of the Moscow courtyards, where the Hi-Fi participants had to reincarnate as angels watching the hectic earthly life. These shootings became one of the most interesting in the history of the team - they involved special machines, with the help of which Mitya, Ksyusha and Timofey were raised to a height of 5-6 floors to create the effect of flight. The song "Stupid People" became the first swallow from the upcoming new Hi-Fi album. The group's third disc, "Remember", was released in February 2001 and included seven completely new songs, three compositions already known to the public and an electronic sketch for Pavel Yesenin's favorite game "Counter Strike" called "Network". Originally planned

We wanted to put more slow songs on the disc, but at the last moment the concept was changed in favor of dance tracks. At the end of 2001, the Hi-Fi group again released an album, this time an album of remixes. It was then that the longstanding tradition of Hi-Fi was first violated - the creation of melodies for the project was not entrusted to Pavel Yesenin. The experiment in the form of creating remixes for the band's best songs was supported by such musicians as Maxim Fadeev, Yuri Usachev, Evgeny Kuritsyn and others - their original versions of proven Hi-Fi hits and compiled a new group disc called "New Collection-2002", or " D&J remixes. In April 2002, the shooting of the fifth Hi-Fi video took place. The script was chosen in accordance with the theme of the song: the band members get together and recall the bright moments of their almost four years of joint activity. The song "Secondary School" entered the golden clip of Hi-Fi hits and every summer becomes the anthem of all school graduations. Following Hi-Fi's "High School", another clip is being filmed; this time the composition with the eloquent title "I love" got a video version. The plot of this video differs from the previous shootings of the group with a bold futuristic processing and tells about the love story of a girl from the future. The clip "I love" was the last collaboration of the original composition of the project. At the end of the same 2002, the Hi-Fi group sums up four years of its existence with the release of an album with a set of the most famous songs, supplementing it with three previously unreleased tracks: "I Love", "Secondary School No. 7" and "Ole-Ole" (anthem song in support of the Russian football team at the World Cup). In parallel with the disc, the video cassette "Uninvented Stories" was released, on which they posted the complete set of the group's clips at that time: "Not Given", "Homeless Child", "About Summer", "Black Raven" and "Secondary School"; participants' revelations about five years of work in Hi-Fi and a bonus in the form of recordings of performances on "Song of the Year". In 2003, serious changes took place in the team: the soloist of the group Oksana Oleshko decided to leave the team and devote herself to her family and husband, Hi-Fi had to start looking for a new member. As a result, professional model Tatyana Tereshina was selected to replace Ksyusha in the group. The first work of the updated Hi-Fi line-up was the song "The Seventh Petal". By order of the group, St. Petersburg animators drew a fabulous clip, taking into account the theme of the song, but the Hi-Fi group did not distribute it further than the official website. In 2004, the team shoots the next, seventh, video clip. Filming of the video for the song "Trouble" (a cover version of the hit of the group "Forum") took place in a nightclub. The director and scriptwriter was Pavel Yesenin, the permanent composer of the band. About 20 actors were involved in the filming of the video, including the travesty show Birds of Paradise and the Hi-Fi ballet group. The plot is based on a complicated love story; The adornment of the video was specially staged dance numbers. Exactly at the same time, Hi-Fi was awarded an important award: the band's songs were recognized as the most rotated. According to the statistics of the portal tophit.ru, the works of the Hi-Fi group are among the most demanded by radio stations. The song "Trouble", for example, broke all records in terms of the number of hits: more than 200 radio stations downloaded it on the first day the composition was online. In 2005, personnel changes again took place in Hi-Fi: in May, Tatyana Tereshina left the team with the intention of pursuing a solo career. The group's producers began searching for a soloist. The new 2006 year began for Hi-Fi with positive changes in the line-up: on tour in St. Petersburg, the band met a girl named Katya, a student of the jazz department of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, who was subsequently approved for the role of a soloist. The acquaintance took place in a karaoke restaurant, where the artists came to have dinner after their performance, Katya worked there in the show program as a vocalist. Simultaneously with Katya, in February, the project got its own ballet, consisting of four girls

In the new line-up, the Hi-Fi group immediately recorded two songs. On one of them, the artists are shooting a colorful video in Thailand. Since March, Mitya, Katya and Timofey have been preparing material for the fourth full-length album. The history of Hi-Fi continues… Important facts: - the group's birthday is August 2, 1998 - the name of the group was invented by the well-known image maker Alisher; Hi-Fi (high fidelity) = "highest quality" - permanent authors of Hi-Fi are Pavel Yesenin (music) and Eric Chanturia (words) Awards: - "Muz-TV Award", 2005, nomination "Best dance project" - "Golden Gramophone" 1999 - "Black Raven" 2000 - "Follow Me" 2002 - "Secondary School" 2004 - "Seventh Petal" - "Stopudov Hit" 1999 - "Homeless Child"; 2000 - "Follow me"; 2004 - "Ticket" - "Bomb of the Year" ("Boom of the Year") 2000 - "Follow Me"; 2001 - "So easy"; 2003 - "Secondary School"; 2004 - "The Seventh Petal"; 2005 - "Ticket" - "Movement", 2003 - Popov Prize, 2003 - Night Life Awards, 2001, nomination "Club Group" and others ...

Remember them? The first soloists of "Hands Up!", "Brilliant" and other pop groups
We are ready to argue, as soon as you see photos of these girls, you will immediately remember them in the first clips of popular groups. But rather quickly, the artists left the bands, and even the most devoted fans of our pop music will hardly remember their names.

Oksana Oleshko, Hi Fi

Professional ballerina Oksana is the star of the debut video of the Ne Given group. Oksana worked in the group for 2 years - from 2003 to 2005. During this time, the artist managed to divorce Vladimir Levkin, a former member of the Na-Na group, and marry millionaire Anton Petrov (the one who left the pregnant MakSim in 2014). Out of a desire to become a mother, the artist left the team. Oksana and her second husband had two daughters, but later the couple broke up, and Oksana has a son from the following relationship with businessman Sergei Tsvitnenko.

Polina Iodis and Varvara Koroleva, "Brilliant"

In 1995, Polina Iodis dropped out of law school and began her stage career. Polina sang in the first part of the "Brilliant". Tours, clips, fans, fees ... But one day Polina realized that this was not for her. She was attracted by the ocean and surfing! The decision was made: a break with a past life, and a little later - moving to Bali. Polina became one of the founders of the Surfing Federation and the Russian Championship in this sport, which she herself won three years in a row. Polina organizes events, surf camps in Europe, writes articles and shoots what she loves so much and how she lives. Nicole, Polina's daughter, appeared in Bali. Barbara lasted even less in Sequins and also preferred sports to music. But instead of waves, the girl chose the mountains and became a professional rock climber.

Alena Vinnitskaya, Via Gra

"Alena, save yourself before it's too late!" - this phrase from the song "Attempt No. 5" was picked up by the whole country. Alena (whose real name is Olga), in a duet with Granovskaya, took over the leading solo parts, so Nadezhda, without a twinge of conscience, decided to improve her personal life, but returned to the group a few weeks after the birth of the baby. After that, the fickle Granovskaya left VIA Gro and returned again, so she became a real star of the team. And Vinnitskaya, having survived four more line-up changes, left VIA Gra in 2003, starting a solo career. Now Alena lives and works in her homeland - in Ukraine. For many years, Alena has been faithful to her husband, producer Sergei Alekseev, whom she married back in 1995. The couple has no children.

Maria Alalykina, "Factory"

Masha rather quickly left the group (in August 2003) to devote herself to her family. But few people know that the former artist not only got married, but converted to Islam! This was demanded by Masha's husband, lawyer Alexei Zuenko, to whom Alalykina gave birth to a daughter. True, family happiness did not last long: the man left Masha for another. Alalykina did not take off her hijab and is now raising her daughter Katya in the traditions of Islam.

Elizaveta Rodnyanskaya, "Hands Up!"

"Student", "Move your body" and, of course, "Song" from the first album "Breathe evenly" were recorded with the participation of Lisa. Together with the guys, she also starred for the insert of the debut cassette, where she was listed as a member of the team. Rodnyanskaya regularly performed with Zhukov and Potekhin, but Elizaveta no longer worked on the second disc. The singer began to develop her own project MeliSSa, where she still works.

Marina Lizorkina, SEREBRO

As part of the "factory" trio, Marina participated in Eurovision 2007 with the song Song # 1, but a couple of years later the artist decided to change the field of art. Lizorkina left the team to become an artist! Marina presented three exhibitions in Moscow, and since 2015 the former singer has been working and exhibiting in the States.

"Muz-TV Award"

  • 2008, "The most fashionable group" (World Fashion TV)
  • 2005, nomination "Best dance project"

"Golden Gramophone Award"

  • 1999 - "Black Raven"
  • 2000 - "Follow me"
  • 2002 - "Secondary School No. 7"
  • 2004 - "The Seventh Petal"

"Stop hit"

  • 1999 - "Homeless";
  • 2000 - "Follow me";
  • 2004 - "Ticket"

"Bomb of the Year" ("Boom of the Year")

  • 2000 - "Follow me";
  • 2001 - "So easy";
  • 2003 - "Secondary school No. 7";
  • 2004 - "The Seventh Petal";
  • 2005 - "Ticket"

"Movement", 2003

Popov Prize, 2003

Night Life Awards, 2001, nomination "Club group"

and others…


clip "Not given":

The debut clip "Hi-Fi" was filmed on August 2 in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. The directors were Eric Chanturia and Alisher. The plot of “Not given”, like a mirror, reflected the real history of the team: Mitya, Ksyusha and Timofey each went their own way, and now their paths crossed in one short word - “Hi-Fi”. It was on the set of "Not Given" that the band members first saw each other. The first impressions of the guys about each other were very contradictory - their characters turned out to be too different. But over time, it became clear that even such polar personalities are quite capable of getting along with each other. Since then, "Hi-Fi" has been considered one of the most friendly bands on the stage.


Clip "Homeless child"

The shooting of the clip "Homeless Child" took place on the territory of an operating chemical plant: natural scenery was selected in accordance with the nature of the song. The second video clip of the group "Hi-Fi" did not leave the first lines of the charts throughout 1999.

Debut album "First Contact"

The composition of the debut disc "Hi-Fi" included 11 tracks authored by Pavel Yesenin and Eric Chanturia, including a remix of the band's most famous song at that time, "Not Given". The album sold in record numbers; this is confirmed by the huge number of its pirated versions, individual copies of which can be found on the shelves today.

- clip "About summer"

They decided to make the video clip of the song “About Summer” as athletic and dynamic as possible, iron nerves, healthy kidneys, gymnastics, yoga, jogging ...

So "Hi-Fi" ended up in the gym. Timofey, Mitya and Oksana arrived at the set to watch the exercises of professionals and try to set world records on their own. The world charts are ahead, and the new clip "About Summer" sets records on all radio stations in the country. Russia doesn't know about Sochi 2014 yet...

- clip "Black Raven"

The ruins of a once-famous store in the center of the capital became the set for the fourth video of the Hi-Fi group. The plot of the video is somewhat reminiscent of the film "The Matrix": black suits, a little gloomy, according to the mood of the song, scenery and a lot of special effects. Keanu Reeves with a bending spoon in his hands will appear on the screens much later, but for now, cyberpunk performed by "Hi-Fi"

Album "Reproduction"

The second album "Hi-Fi" includes Pavel Yesenin's remixes for the hits released on the First Contact disc, as well as 3 previously unreleased songs - "Black Raven", "About Summer" and "Cuba".

year 2000

Filming of the video "Stupid people"

In the fall of 2000, Hi-Fi released a new song, Stupid People. The talent of Arthur Gimpel was fully revealed in the work on this work. Participants of "Hi-Fi" become angels watching the vain earthly life. These shootings became one of the most interesting in the history of the team - they involved special mechanisms with the help of which Timofey, Ksyusha and Mitya were lifted to a height of 5-6 floors to create the effect of flight. So these angels fly somewhere in the sky until now ...

year 2001

Album "Remember"

The group's third album "Hi-F" i was released in February 2001 and included seven completely new songs, three compositions already known to the public and an electronic sketch for Pavel Yesenin's favorite Counter Strike game called "Network". It was originally planned to include more slow songs on the record, but at the last moment the concept was changed in favor of dance tracks.

Remix album "New Collection-2002" or "D&J remixes"

At the end of 2001, for the first time, the long-standing Hi-Fi tradition was violated - the creation of melodies for the group was not entrusted to Pavel Yesenin. The experiment in the form of creating remixes for the best songs of the group was supported by such musicians as Maxim Fadeev, Yuri Usachev, Evgeny Kuritsyn and others - their original versions of the proven hits "Hi-F" i made up a new disc of the group called "New Collection-2002", or "D&J remixes".


- clip "Secondary School No. 7"

In April 2002, the shooting of the fifth video clip of the Hi-Fi group took place. The script was chosen in accordance with the theme of the song: the band members get together and recall the bright moments of their almost four years of joint activity.

The song "Secondary School No. 7" entered the golden clip of hits "Hi-Fi" and every summer becomes the anthem of all school graduations. 4 years remain before the opening of the Odnoklassniki website ...

clip "I love you"

Following "High School #7", "Hi-Fi" is filming another clip; this time the composition with the eloquent title "I love" got a video version. The plot of this video differs from the previous shootings of the group with a bold futuristic processing and tells about the love story of a girl from the future.

Album of the best songs "Best"

At the end of 2002, the group "Hi-Fi" sums up the four years of its existence with the release of an album with a set of the most famous songs, supplementing it with three previously unreleased tracks: "I Love", "Secondary School No. 7" and "Ole-Ole" ( song-anthem in support of the Russian football team at the 2002 World Cup).

Video bootleg "Uninvented Stories"

The video cassette contains a complete set of the group's clips at that time: "Not Given", "Homeless Child", "About Summer", "Black Raven" and "Secondary School No. 7"; participants' revelations about five years of work in Hi-Fi and a bonus in the form of recordings of performances on "Song of the Year".


Changes in the composition of the project

In March 2003, model Tatyana Tereshina joined the group. Spectacular Tatyana replaced Oksana Oleshko, who decided to devote herself to her family and husband.

- song "Seventh Petal"

The first song of the renewed line-up "Hi-Fi"; By order of the group, St. Petersburg animators drew a fabulous, taking into account the theme of the song, a video for "The Seventh Petal", but the group "Hi-Fi" did not distribute it further than the official website.


- "Hi-Fi" recognized as the most rotated group

According to the statistics of the tophit.ru portal, the works of the Hi-Fi group are among the most demanded by radio stations. The song "Trouble", for example, broke all records in terms of the number of hits: more than 200 radio stations downloaded it on the first day the composition was online.

Clip "Trouble"

Filming of the seventh clip "Hi-Fi" took place in a nightclub. The director and scriptwriter was Pavel Yesenin, the permanent composer of the band. About 20 actors were involved in the filming of the video, including the travesty show Birds of Paradise and the permanent ballet of the Hi-Fi group. The plot is based on a complicated love story; The adornment of the video was specially staged dance numbers.

The cover version of the hit by the group "Forum" performed by "Hi-Fi" hit all the possible hit parades of the country.

2005 year

Changes in the composition of the project

In May 2005, the team began searching for a new soloist. Beauty Tatyana boldly went on a big voyage along the waves of show business. Wishing Tanya good luck, the producers began to carefully watch the new faces of the capital. The hunt for a "new star" has begun.

Group "Hi-Fi" - the best dance project of the year

According to the results of voting by viewers, the Hi-Fi group was recognized as the best dance project of the year. The team received an award deserved by seven years of fruitful activity and opened an account for Muz-TV plates with plans to earn more than one element of the service.


Changes in the composition of the project

— The new year began for Hi-Fi with pleasant meetings and new discoveries. On tour in St. Petersburg, the band members met a girl named Katya, a student of the jazz department of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, who was subsequently approved for the role of a soloist. The acquaintance took place in a karaoke restaurant, where the artists came to have dinner after their performance, Katya worked there in the show program as a vocalist. Thus, the musical group completed the search for a new member, which was conducted for almost 9 months. Having taken out the "new star", the producers updated the composition of the ballet, which included four new girls. In such a "raspberry" preparations began to take new frontiers.

Clip "In the footsteps"

In the new line-up, the Hi-Fi group is recording two songs. For one of these compositions "In the footsteps" - the artists are shooting a colorful video in Thailand. The video was directed by the group's producer Eric Chanturia, who presented a dance hit in the road-movie genre, when the main character is the road, in the philosophical sense, "a certain path" that each of us goes through, gaining experience and opening up new opportunities. The positive mood didn't change the band this time either, the sun, the beaches, the joyful faces - that's the way "Hi-Fi" goes, that's the journey they take all their fans on.


The song "The Right to Happiness"

In 2007, the band starts preparing material for a new album. A new song "The Right to Happiness" is released. At the very beginning of 2008, "The Right to Happiness" enters the playlists of radio stations in Russia and the CIS.


Group "Hi-Fi" - "The most fashionable group" according to "World Fashion TV"

- On August 2, 2008, the Hi-Fi group celebrated its tenth birthday. The result: dozens of invariably hit songs, a large number of awards, prizes and prizes, performances at thousands of venues throughout Russia and abroad, a recognizable and beloved by many image.

Clip "The Seventh Petal"

In August, a new video for the remix of "The Seventh Petal", filmed by Evgeny Kuritsyn, is released.

Song and video "We are not angels"

In September 2008, a new single “We are not angels” appeared on radio stations, for which a clip was shot by a talented Ukrainian director Alan Badoev.

Collection "Best No. 1"

At the same time, "Hi-Fi" selects 17 of the group's most beloved creations for a collection of their own best songs. The selected material is sent to Sweden to the studio where the legendary Abba quartet once recorded. Arriving from Scandinavia remixed and mastered, the tracks occupy their designated positions on the record called "Best No. 1".

year 2009

Changes in the composition of the project

In January 2009, the team was renewed again. But this time the producers are looking for a bright replacement for one of the men of the team. So in the course of long searches, castings and interviews, young sexy Cyril enters the stage. Cyril's thirst for creativity, original style and open character, allow him to quickly enter the "Hi-Fi", bringing a bright positive style.

Song "It's time for us"

New soloist, new hit, new video. Maxim Rozhkov is responsible for the creative and the picture.

Song and clip "Forgotten September"

In September 2009, the air of radio stations explodes "Forgotten September", for which a video was filmed in October. The director was the constant composer of the group Pavel Yesenin, who reveals his creative potential from different angles. Pavel's openness to new knowledge and the ability to "see" the best make this clip a real event on the country's music TV channels.


The song "Status" Love "

The group releases a new hit "Status" Love ". The status of “Hi-Fi” is always positive, therefore, on the social networks “My World”, “Vkontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” and others, a new song quickly spreads and millions of fans of the band put the word “Love” in the column “Your Status”.

Changes in the composition of the project

New status - new beauty. Newspapers immediately call Olesya the Russian Angelina Jolie. Free, easy-going, loving life, Olesya quickly joins the team, without experiencing difficulties in communicating with a permanent staff.

Olesya spends her 24th spring in the studio, recording female vocals for the group's new album. It is not long to wait for her appearance on the territory of Moscow bohemia, but for now, there is time for business, an hour for fun ....

- song "Time has no power"

The group "Hi-Fi" together with 3XL PRO recorded the audio composition "Time has no power", which became the soundtrack for Timur Bekmambetov's new film "Christmas Trees", for which the video was shot.


-clip "Time is not powerful" (OST Yolki)

- song "Good Songs"

Changes in the composition of the project

At the end of April 2011 the soloist of the Hi-Fi group, Kirill Kolgushkin, made an independent decision and told the rest of the participants that he was going to leave the team, because he did not feel that he could be the leader of the group and, accordingly, did not see his future in the team. Since there was no time to resolve the issue of personnel replacement in the project, since May the team has been forced to plan their performances as a duet of Timofey and Olesya.
All members of the group remain in the memory of fans for a long time, thanks to their charisma, beauty, as well as the desire for everything refined and elegant. Timofey Pronkin remains a faithful member of the group, having experienced changes and updates together.

year 2012

In February 2012, a new member Vyacheslav Samarin appeared in the group, a talented musician, author and performer, whose voice by nature is almost identical to the voice of the creator, producer and permanent author of all hits of the Hi-Fi group Pavel Yesenin. A native of the Chelyabinsk region, from early childhood, Slava was drawn to music, but always at school, and then at the university, he treated it more as a hobby, an outlet, rather than as his main occupation. In search of the Voice and Soul, and thanks to the World Wide Web, Timofey, Olesya and Slava united into a creative trio. By the age of 32, Slava has more than 70 songs, most of which may eventually join the Hi-Fi group's repertoire.

- song "Don't Leave"

The release of the single marks a new round in the development of the group, new experience and new ideas...


In August 2016, Olesya gets married, and in December 2016 she leaves the group for family reasons (Olesya is preparing to become a mother).

A new soloist Drozhdina Marina comes to the team.

The Hi-Fi story continues...

Today, the Hi-Fi group is an established brand, a popular trademark. Both grown-up fans of the 90s and a new generation of viewers who love bright, high-quality and original music enjoy the Hi-Fi lifestyle. The inspirers and founders of the team, Eric Chanturia and Pavel Yesenin, set the vector of the team's movement in line with show business, and the guys are ready for new victories, conquering charts and, of course, for new meetings with their listeners. The best and most popular songs of all time "Hi-Fi" sound in concerts. Remembering that movement is life, the band's producers, together with the guys, are actively working on new songs in the studio.

The main thing is that the band's creative life should be fresh and full, that every minute on stage should be dedicated to the audience, and that new songs will sound in everyone's heart this spring.

Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, Western Group of Forces. (GSOVG, GSVG, ZGV). Emblem of the Armed Forces Years of existence June 10, 1945 August 31, 1994 Country ... Wikipedia

Linux user group- The Linux User Group, LUG (from the English Linux User Group) is a non-commercial, informal association of users of Linux operating systems. The main goals of a user group are most often mutual support and exchange ... ... Wikipedia

A group of Soviet military specialists in Korea- A group of Soviet military specialists in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ... Wikipedia

A group of Soviet military specialists in Cuba- (GSVSK). 200pcs Commemorative sign Years of existence 1962 1993 Country ... Wikipedia

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GROUP- set, on which the operation is defined, called. multiplication and satisfying special. conditions (group axioms): in G. there is a single element; for each element of a graph there is an inverse; the operation of multiplication is associative. The concept of G. arose ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

Group (mathematics)- Group theory ... Wikipedia

Group- uh. groupe m., German. Gruppe, it. gruppo. 1. claim. Several figures (persons, objects) that make up a compositional whole. Sl. 18. In the middle of the niches in which a group in the form of a magnificent woman with stirrups of geniuses. 1765. MAX 102. Miron worker ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Periodic table group- The group of the periodic system of chemical elements is a sequence of atoms in ascending order of the charge of the nucleus, which have the same electronic structure. The group number is determined by the number of electrons on the outer shell of the atom (valence electrons) ... Wikipedia

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