Characteristics of the puffer from the story Woe from Wit. Characterization of the puffer from the comedy "Woe from Wit"

Comedy "Woe from Wit", written by A.S. Griboyedov in 1824, denounces the morals of the nobles of the early 19th century. The play presents a situation when, after the war of 1812, at a turning point for Russia, people with progressive views on the structure of society began to appear in the noble society. The main theme of the work is the struggle between the “past century” and the “present century”, the old against the new. The camp of the "age of the past" is represented in the play by many people of different types. Of great importance for understanding the problems of the work is the characterization of Skalozub in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

This hero is highly respected among the Famus society. From the first pages of the book, we learn that Famusov considers him the most desirable contender for the hand of his daughter Sophia. In the play “Woe from Wit”, Skalozub fully corresponds to the ideals of the Moscow noble society: “And a golden bag, and aims for generals.” Sophia, as a sane girl, does not at all want to marry Skalozub. She considers him very stupid: “He won’t utter a smart word from time to time - I don’t care what for him, what’s in the water.”

If Chatsky is not suitable for the role of Sophia's husband, because he "does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in that," then Skalozub is a colonel. A high rank is the main thing that is valued in Moscow. The image of this hero is a satire on the Russian army of the Arakcheev period, when any free thought was persecuted, and thoughtless submission was required. In this regard, many young nobles retired. Dumb military drill then reigned in the army. That is why in the Famus society they are so wary of Chatsky, who “would be glad to serve”, but does not want to “serve”, because this indicates his dissent. Skalozub is "with stars and ranks", which means that everything is in order with him. In the Famus society, even rudeness is forgiven him, which is not forgiven to Chatsky.

As a typical representative of the “past century”, Skalozub serves to enrich himself, gain a solid weight in society, and not to take care of the security of his homeland. In the comedy Woe from Wit, the army rank of Skalozub is very attractive to Famus Moscow. In this regard, Chatsky gives an apt description of Skalozub: "A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas."

Ways to achieve high ranks and awards for people like Skalozub do not matter. Most often, promotion in the nobility of that time was achieved through connections. Skalozub's character helps him skillfully use these connections: "... To get ranks, there are many channels ... I just want to get into the generals."

Even Skalozub received his order not for military merit, but on the occasion of military celebrations.

In the comedy Woe from Wit, the characterization of Skalozub would be incomplete if the work did not contrast this hero with other representatives of the military class - progressive-minded nobles who respect the human person. It was these people who retired at that time. Such is Skalozub's cousin, who, despite the fact that "the rank followed him", left military service and went to live in the village, where "he began to read books." Refusing another rank is unthinkable for Skalozub. Skalozub speaks of his brother with disdain also because he is also an opponent of learning and education. It is from the lips of this hero at the ball at Famusov that information comes about the reform of educational institutions according to the barracks type: “They will only teach in our way: one or two; and the books will be kept - like this: for big occasions.


Colonel Skalozub - a type of careerist officer from the time of Arakcheev. Mentally, he is a narrow-minded person. “He didn’t utter a smart word,” Sophia notes. Lisa also agrees with this characterization of Skalozub: “Yes, sir, so to speak, he is eloquent, but not painfully cunning.” Among the officers of that era were enlightened, highly educated people. Some of them were associated with the Decembrist movement.

The puffer is not one of them. On the contrary, it is the faithful guardian of the autocratic-feudal system, the enemy of enlightenment.

A serviceman who was brought up in the barracks, Skalozub speaks with particular eagerness about what he is familiar with, and then his speech is full of such words as edging, shoulder straps, buttonholes, corps, division, distance, in line, sergeant major, etc. The tone of his speech is resolute, categorical: what a miserable rider! The distance is huge; sometimes his words sound like a command: There they will only teach in our way: one, two. He is polite to Famusov: I'm ashamed... Wherever you order... I don't know, sir, it's my fault. But in the presence of such persons as Chatsky or Repetilov, he is not shy and speaks rudely in the barracks: “Has our old man made a mistake?” “Look how he cracked, chest or side?”, “Deliver me”, “You won’t fool me with learning.”

Rocktooth's speech perfectly characterizes this "constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas."

Updated: 2011-05-07

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Wrote the comedy "Woe from Wit" in 1824. The work is intended to denounce the habits and views of the nobles of the nineteenth century. The events described in the play take place after the war with the French in 1812.

This period was difficult for Russia, as progressive ideas became popular in society. The confrontation between old and new views, traditions of the past and present is described in the work through vivid characters and images. Skalozub is a character with the help of which the author conveys the specifics of the controversy that has arisen.

Character history

The image of Colonel Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub is typical. There is documentary evidence that during the creation of the work for the hero, there were many prototypes. The names of the composer, Colonel Frolov and General Skobelev were named as persons who inspired Griboyedov.

The characterization of the character suggested that he looked like Paskevich, Arakcheev and the emperor. Skalozub is an ordinary Muscovite trying to get married. Education and upbringing is not his forte, but the hero has savings and self-confidence. After the war, Skalozub was awarded a symbolic order that allowed him to exaggerate his own importance in the eyes of others.

The meaning of the hero's name is obvious. The role of a boastful warrior and narcissistic nature assigned to him explains the origin of the surname. Skalozub enjoys the respect of other characters and preferences from Sophia's father, who is wooing his daughter for the colonel. The description of the groom's merits is primitive: he is rich and claims to be a general.

The purpose of Skalozub's life is a good position in society and the location of the powerful of this world. He opposes free thought and advocates unquestioning obedience. This position was common in the Russian army in the post-war years. The awards and position of Skalozub indicate that his attitude to the service is correct, the colonel's prospects are great.

Skalozub's quotes suggest that his attitude towards the family is based on the desire to conform to the norms accepted in society. He neglects feelings and sympathies. His judgments are based on traditional views that have not changed with the advent of the new era. Therefore, the attitude of the hero to serfdom is not distinguished by fresh ideas.

He advocates the idea of ​​disposing of the peasants. The puffer is only concerned with replenishing its resources and budget, as well as social status. The colonel skillfully appeals to existing connections, neglects work, participation in military affairs and state activities.

A typical martinet whose behavior is predictable is an inappropriate and awkward image in a society that is created by young people like. Even his attitude towards love seems outdated. The key role in the hero's worldview is played not by age, but by the social situation, which Griboyedov makes fun of.


"Woe from Wit" is included in the list of literature studied in high school. The history of the confrontation between the “current century” and the “past century” is familiar to everyone. Young Sophia is in love with a secretary. Suddenly, an acquaintance of the family appears in the house, a young man named Chatsky, who in his speeches speaks unflatteringly about Molchalin, whose positive image is to the liking of the household.

The guest asks Famusov for details about Sophia, in connection with which the latter makes an assumption: Chatsky is aiming for suitors. The only suitable candidate for the role of son-in-law Famusov considers Colonel Skalozub, whose status and position in society correspond to the preferences of the venerable father. Chatsky and Famusov do not agree in judgments and views. There is a confrontation between them.

Molchalin's fall from the horse becomes a collision, after which Chatsky thinks about Sophia's excessive worry about the secretary's health. He comes to the conclusion that the girl is in love, but the personality of Molchalin seems to Chatsky unworthy of lofty feelings. At a reception given in the evening at Famusov's house, Chatsky sneers and ridicules a competitor.

Having accidentally learned that Molchalin keeps in touch with Sophia only for the sake of the family position and is secretly in love with the maid Lisa, the hero exposes the secretary. The defamed girl kicks Molchalin out of the house. The fugitive guests, led by Famusov, witness Chatsky's sarcastic monologue, ridiculing the vices of modern society. The young man leaves the Famusovs' house.

Screen adaptations

The play, written by Griboyedov, has added to the list of classical dramatic works. She does not inspire directors for film adaptations, since the poetic style is not in demand among the television audience. But TV performances are of interest to the intelligent public.

In 1952, the artists of the Maly Theater of the USSR appeared before the audience in the image of the heroes of "Woe from Wit" on television. The role of Skalozub was played by Anatoly Rzhanov. In a TV show in 1977, the audience again watched the actors of the Maly Theater. He appeared in the form of a colonel. A television performance in 2002 made it possible to get acquainted with Skalozub in performance.


Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov described a classic situation that occurs repeatedly in society. The meaning of the play remains relevant regardless of the era, so the popular expressions and aphorisms drawn from it remain relevant from year to year. The shortcomings of the character, denounced by the author, are voiced by the lips of the hero.

“As a true philosopher, I judge: I would only get into the generals,” Skalozub says.

He does not have the opportunity to claim a good education, and his "philosophical" statements are stupid and demonstrate the narrowness of the worldview. Skalozub is far from modern trends and does not seek to get acquainted with them, because he considers learning a waste of time. In his opinion, there are prospects only in investing in fragile minds the truth dictated by the fathers:

“I will make you happy: the general rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach in our way: one, two,
And the books will be kept like this: for big occasions.

Puffer owes his position in society and in the service of connections. He does not differ in the desire to change the world, and vacancies that help in moving up the career ladder open by themselves:

“I am quite happy in my comrades,
Vacancies are just open:
Then the elders will be turned off by others,
Others, you see, are killed.

In the role of Skalozub

Colonel Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub- one of the characters in the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

It should be noted that he entered the service only in 1809, but at the same time he was not satisfied that he was "led behind the regiment for two years"; Moreover, he is already aiming for the generals: I have been serving since eight hundred and nine; // Yes, in order to get ranks, there are many channels; // About them as a true philosopher, I judge: // I just got to be a general. It is important that he did not receive his order for military merit - on the aforementioned day, August 3 (15), there were no hostilities, the parties sat down at the negotiating table. In honor of this event, many soldiers were given medals. Phrase He was given with a bow, around my neck gives reason to assume that Skalozub's brother received the Order of St. Vladimir IV wall "with a bow", and he himself, probably, the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree or the Order of St. Anna II degree "on the neck".

He is boastful, he advances in the service at the expense of his comrades: I'm pretty happy in my comrades, / Vacancies are just open; // Then others will turn off the elders, // Others, you see, are killed. The puffer is straightforward in a military way, which, however, does not harm him in society. So, for example, when in the third act Princess Tugoukhovskaya complains to him that her nephew Fyodor, who studied at the Pedagogical Institute, officials don't want to know, the colonel with frank joy informs his interlocutors: I will make you happy: the general rumor, // What is the project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums; // There they will only teach in our own way: one, two; // And the books will be saved like this: for big occasions. Famusov is even more intolerant of freethinking: Sergey Sergeyevich, no! If evil is to be stopped: // Take away all the books and burn them .


For the first time, Skalozub is mentioned already in the first act, where the maid Liza hints at him to Sophia as a profitable party: Here, for example, is Colonel Skalozub: // And the golden bag, and aims for generals. In this respect, in the eyes of Famusov, he compares favorably with Molchalin and Chatsky. And in the second act, Famusov very frankly hints at his marriage after Skalozub receives a general ( And judge nicely, God bless you // And the rank of general; and there // Why put it off further // Talk about a general?), to which he directly answers with consent ( Marry? I don't mind at all) .

In contrast to Famusov, his sister-in-law Khlestova treats Skalozub very coldly and tells Sophia about him: Wow! I definitely got rid of the noose; // After all, your half-witted father: // A daring man was given to him three fathoms, - // Introduces, without asking, is it nice for us, isn't it?

But Chatsky is also partly jealous of Sophia for Skalozub; so in act III, after talking about Molchalin, he asks her: But Skalozub? here is a feast for the eyes; // A mountain stands behind the army, // And with the straightness of the camp, // A hero in face and voice... to which she replies: Not my novel Further, the conversation is interrupted, and Chatsky remains "with my own mystery".

In act IV Skalozub accidentally meets his friend Repetilov. He calls him to another revelry to Prince Grigory: And we ask you to come with me, now without excuses: // Prince Gregory now has a crowd of people, // You'll see, there are forty of us, // Fu! how much, brother, there is mind! // They talk all night long, they won't get bored, // Firstly, they will give you champagne to drink, // And secondly, they will teach you such things, // Which, of course, we cannot invent with you., to which he replies with a sharp refusal: Deliver. You won’t fool me with learning, // Call on others, and if you want, // I’ll give you Prince Grigory and you // Sergeant major in Voltaire, // He will build you in three lines, // And peep, so he will calm you down in an instant. He clearly condemns such a riotous lifestyle, preferring a military order. Skalozub uses flattery, servility, voluptuousness to achieve the highest ranks. He believes that it is important to be at the right time in the right place.

The image of Skalozub in literature

The fourth type is no less remarkable: the stupid front-line soldier Skalozub, who understood service solely in the ability to distinguish uniform distinctions, but for all that retained some kind of his own special philosophical-liberal view of ranks, frankly admitting that he considers them as necessary channels to ensure that get into the generals, and there at least the grass does not grow for him; all other worries are nothing to him, and the circumstances of time and age are not a puzzling science for him: he is sincerely sure that the whole world can be calmed down by giving him a sergeant-major in Voltaire.

Napoleon married his warriors in the same way that our landlords marry household people - not really caring about love and inclinations. He wanted to bring the nobility of gunpowder closer to the old nobility by marriages; he wanted to fool his Puffers with their wives. Accustomed to blind obedience, they married unquestioningly, but soon abandoned their wives, finding them too stiff for barracks and bivouac parties.

Herzen wrote in his Past and Thoughts that the English Club is least of all English. In it, the dogs are shouting against liberation, and their nostrils are roaring for the natural and inalienable rights of the nobles...

Role performers

  • Bogolyubov, Nikolai I.
  • Varlamov, Konstantin Alexandrovich - Alexandrinsky Theatre, 1885
  • S. A. Golovin - Maly Theatre, 1915
  • Grigoriev, Pyotr Ivanovich (the very first performer) - Alexandrinsky Theater, January 26, 1831
  • Kiselevsky, Ivan Platonovich - Korsh Theater, 1886
  • Ershov, Vladimir Lvovich - Moscow Art Theater, 1925
  • Leonidov, Leonid Mironovich - Moscow Art Theater, 1906
  • Malyutin, Yakov Osipovich - Alexandrinsky Theatre, 1921
  • Michurin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Alexandrinsky Theatre, 1947
  • Nemchinov, Ivan Ivanovich - Maly Theater
  • Rybakov, Konstantin Nikolayevich - Maly Theatre, 1887
  • Sagal, Daniil Lvovich - Meyerhold Theater (GosTIM), 1928
  • Chekaevsky. Alexander - Alexandrinsky Theatre, 1941


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Skalozub Sergey Sergeyevich - in his image the “ideal” Moscow groom is bred - rude, uneducated, not very smart, but rich and pleased with himself. Famusov reads S. as her daughter's husband, but she considers him "not the hero of her novel." At the time of his first visit to Famusov's house, S. talks about himself. He participated in the war of 1812, but he received the order "on the neck" not for military exploits, but on the occasion of military celebrations. S. "aims at the generals." The hero despises bookish wisdom. He speaks derogatoryly of his cousin who reads books in the countryside. S. tries to embellish himself externally and internally. He dresses in army fashion, "tightening" with straps so that his chest is a wheel. Having understood nothing in Chatsky's accusatory monologues, he, nevertheless, joins his opinion, saying all sorts of nonsense and nonsense.

Skalozub - a character in the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824). If we look for classical and, through them, ancient prototypes in the characters of the play, then S. corresponds to the “boastful warrior”, a popular mask of Roman comedies, embodied in the famous “winning tower city” Pyrgopolinik, the hero of Plautus. The bully warrior was traditionally portrayed not only as a braggart, but also as a narcissistic person. S., if removed from the poetic context, is somewhat similar to his distant ancestor. It should be noted that many characters in Griboedov's work wear comedy masks, but the "mask" is only the top layer of its voluminous plot. In the course of the action, S. is transformed into an individual comedic character. Colonel Sergei Sergeevich S. is at the very center of the play's events. Already in the first act, Lisa mentions him as Sophia's almost official fiance ("and a golden bag and aims for the generals") in contrast to the "unwanted" Chatsky and the "secret" Molchalin. Perhaps, for the sake of S., in order to introduce him into the circle of relatives, Famusov starts a ball, where he represents S. Khlestova, who does not like him because of his lack of servility and too high growth. All the facts of S.'s biography in the eyes of Famusov favorably distinguish him from Chatsky. S. is rich, a military man, quickly and thoughtfully making a career, arguing little, speaking out in a straightforward and lapidary way. S.'s manner of not adjusting to the tone of secular courtesy does not harm him in the opinion of others (like Chatsky), because in the main S. is Famusovsky, his own: “You won’t fool me with learning!” What his military career is based on becomes clear pretty soon: “here the elders will be turned off by others, others, you see, are killed.” It would be a mistake to underestimate the influence of S. in the "Moscow" environment: he is recognized and supported by society. At the climax of the discussion about the harm brought by books and education, S. announces the good news for everyone that it was decided to reform lyceums, schools and gymnasiums according to the barracks model: “They will only teach in our way: one, two; And the books will be kept like this: for big occasions. (Which, however, does not quite suit Famusov, who knows a surer way to restore order: “I would take all the books and burn them.”) S. is a collective character in which Griboyedov’s contemporaries recognized many: from divisional colonel Frolov to the Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich, the future Emperor Nicholas I. In the extensive stage history of “Woe from Wit”, no such solution to this image has yet been found, which would be free from the “masque”, equally emphasized by the actors with the most different directorial decisions in style. The image of S. is based on the technique of the grotesque, but not caricature or caricature. Such an image requires an interpretation akin to the poetics of the play as a whole, which Griboyedov called "the poetics of an excellent poem."

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